31.12.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Israel of scale 1: 1000 000 By specialists of KB"Panorama" a digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Israel is prepared. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
30.12.2014In GIS "Panorama 11" the classifier of kinds of land use is implemented From December, 24th, 2014 on territory of the Russian Federation there is in force a new classifier of kinds of permitted use of land plots, approved by decree of the Ministry of economic development of Russia from September 1, 2014 No. 540. In KB "Panorama" a software realization of this classifier is made, according to which kinds of permitted use of land in Russia are defined. The classifier includes 12 groups, in which 81 kind of permitted use is presented. The order № 540 does not contain provisions which would regulate the use of the classifier in relation to land plots, which kind of permitted use is established prior to the entry of the Order No. 540 in force, and also provisions about an order of using the classifier in case town-planning regulations establish kinds of permitted use of the land plots, not appropriated to the classifier. Since December, 24th 2014 classifier will define kinds of permitted use of land plots, established after the specified date. Thus, it does not matter, in what order the kind of permitted use is established: owing to town-planning regulations, an establishment of kind of permitted use in the documentation on a lay-out of territory or otherwise. Considering the fact that the development and adoption of the rules of land use and development takes a long time, it would be prudent now to apply the classifier for developing rules of land use and development, otherwise there can be complexities with entering the information into the state cadastre of real estate regarding the description of kinds of permitted land use. Information on the types of permitted use of land is included into the digital classifiers survey.v4.rsc and terrplan.rsc. The updated classifiers are available for download in the website in Classifiers section.
30.12.2014"Panorama consulting" entered into a cooperation agreement with the company "Technologies of agriculture" (Belarus) In order to promote agrarian geoinformation systems in agricultural sector of Belarus the companies "Panorama consulting" and "Technologies of agriculture" have signed the contract on cooperation. The agreement provides for joint work on projects on building the systems of the accounting and control with the use of geoinformation technologies in agricultural enterprises. Application of assessment of heterogeneity on various indicators within each field in combination with special software for agromanagement (GIS "Panorama AGRO", "workstation of Agronomist", GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server, and others) will allow you to get the maximum profit, producing costs only on those areas where it is really needed. The company "Technologies of agriculture" provides services in exact agriculture for the agrarian enterprises of Belarus. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. Company's primary activity is delivery and implementation of geoinformation systems, diagnostics of a control systems, IT audit, developing the models of business processes, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also an outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
29.12.2014In the "Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information" the subsystem of data safety is implemented In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information" of version 6.1 is developed. The subsystem of data safety is included into the new version. It provides authorization of users of a complex, the recording the actions executed by users, the multiuser editing of data, conducting the log of transactions, cancellation and restoration of all operations over the data. In the program the multiuser access and editing of the aeronautical database with automatic updating on screens of users of the data edited by other users is supported. There are added the buttons "Cancel" and "Restore" on all forms of data input for cancellation or restoration of the executed operations. Administration tools are added by tools for work with the transaction log containing data on actions of users with a database, cancellations of any operations and restoration of data records to any previous state. Work algorithms of a subsystem of data safety, structures of service tables and tables of data are described in the operational documentation. The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information, operational documentation and video lessons are available for download on the Download page.
29.12.2014Company ESRI has limited use of its products within the scope of sanctions against the Russian Federation As informs LLC "ESRI CIS", since October, 2014 within the limits of expansion of sanctions on export and re-export of products and services for Russia a supply of software for a number of the defensive and oil and gas enterprises is limited. Export restrictions are banning the granting of licences of ArcGIS software and rendering of services in technical support (including delivery of software updates within the limits of the current Technical Support). Users of ESRI products must provide into ESRI the information about the owners of the companies - users of products, information about projects and works in which ESRI products are applied. Similar restrictions were imposed for users of products of MapInfo, Intergraph, Autodesk, Red Hat and of some other North American brands in the Russian Federation. In 2014 the volume of purchases of the client-server products of KB "Panorama" on the basis of GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator", GIS Server, GIS WebServer 4 times more than in 2013. More than one third of all purchases made for Russian OS AstraLinux SE and OSS. All deliveries are made at prices 2013. In 2014 there is increased a purchase of more complex server products, tools of processing of remote sensing data - the Complex of 3D analysis, Complex of processing the multispectral images, the specialised workstations - "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Workstation of agronomist" and others.
26.12.2014Technologies of automation of accounting the land bank in agroholdings were presented at conference of the GIS-Association of Ukraine On December, 24th, 2014 specialists of "Panorama consulting" have taken part in conference "Modern GIS. Application of modern geographic information systems for solving problems of development of investment attractiveness of Ukraine". The conference was held within GIS-Forum 2014, organized by the GIS-Association of Ukraine. Representatives of "Panorama consulting" told the forum participants about the practical aspects of management of land Bank holdings. On the basis of experience of projects on automation of accounting the land bank in the agrarian companies of Russia and Ukraine the advantages of implementing GIS technology were shown. Accounting systems are created on the basis of software products - GIS Web Server AGRO, GIS Server, GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist" and others. Introduction of geoinformation systems allows to consider the lease contract of ground areas, to conduct electronic registers of fields with a binding to exact contours of fields on a map. With their help it is possible to carry out satellite monitoring of crops status, monitoring of the performed works by agricultural machinery and other. Following the results of the meeting between the company "Panorama consulting" and participants of a meeting there is planned a number of partner negotiations.
25.12.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service carries out classification and coding of objects on a basis of "programmed semantics" In KB "Panorama" the Panorama SpatialDB Service of version 3.1.1 is developed. The new version added the ability to handle classification key of object that is stored in a separate field in the database. This "key" can be a key of object in the map classifier, and "programmed semantics". Value of "programmed semantics" is calculated dynamically on the basis of values of other object characteristics, its metrics, classification code and properties of other objects. Calculation is carried out in graphic library IML with use of MAPAPI functions dynamically connected to the classifier RSC. Use of of code KEUZ in the military-oriented GIS "Operator" may be example of using the "programmed semantics" for the classification and encoding of objects. Code KEUZ is formed according to a current set of values of object's semantic characteristics and the generalised key. In the program the tools of remote administration are expanded. Now the structure of the processed data can not only be specified by the applied scheme of data description for an exchange of topographic maps, as previously, but also be customized manually. It allows to translate onto the GIS Server the spatial database of arbitrary structure. Panorama SpatialDB Service is the utility program for the GIS Server. It provides displaying the spatial databases in the form of vector maps in the adopted conventional signs. Carries out synchronous updating of databases at editing of the vector image, and also image updating at changing the records of spatial databases. By means of Panorama SpatialDB Service the spatial databases in the form of vector maps can be published for the multiuser access. As a result, clients of the server get access to these databases and in accordance with their authority to make certain changes - to create, to edit or to delete objects. On the other hand, the information in the database may also change. Panorama SpatialDB Service traces changes of the information in the database and actions of users of the GIS Server on editing the cartographical representation of this database and carries out synchronisation of these changes. Thus, Panorama SpatialDB Service supports in an actual state the cartographical representation of the information of a relational database and provides possibility of viewing and change of this information in a database by clients of the server. In addition to desktop GIS applications, access to cartographic presentation of spatial databases can be provided through GIS WebService SE. GIS WebService SE provides access to the data from the database according to the protocols OGC WMS, OGC WMTS, OGC WFS, OGC WFS - T, OGC WCS. Cartographical data can be replicated onto other servers. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
24.12.2014GIS Server SE provides cartographical representation of thematic spatial databases In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server of version 5.7.2 is developed for operating system Astra Linux Special Edition. In the new version the tools of support of displaying the special bases of geodata in the form of vector maps are developed. Data of operational situation, engineering ensuring, stored in external databases, contact objects of a vector map according to semantics value of code KEUZ. Semantics has type the Programmed formula and contains a full code of object KEUZ according to a current set of values of object's semantic characteristics and the generalised key. Semantics is assigned and updated automatically. For the maps created earlier, semantics filling is carried out automatically at map sorting. There is supported a transfer and processing of the full code KEUZ, the abbreviated numerical code and a set of semantic characteristics for the organisation of interaction with the automated control systems. GIS Server supports collective remote access to vector maps, images, matrixes of heights, documents and spatial databases constructed by standard of OGC 06-103r4. Programs of the GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geoservices, other GIS Servers forming multilevel connection among themselves for distributed storage and a processing of the spatial data with an automatic replication, backup and protection of the data can be clients of the server. Simultaneously several queries on data updating between GIS Servers on multichannel connection via protocol TCP\IP can be carried out. The program allows you to define a list of users, list of data and their properties, which allows you to configure the server for a particular application. For each group of users the own list of available data is formed. Data access is made by user name and password, or using the account data in the domain security policy or operating system of the local computer. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
23.12.2014Project for building a comprehensive corporate geoinformation system within the program of the European Bank for reconstruction and development is completed Specialists of "GISINFO" and "Panorama Consulting" have completed the project on construction of a comprehensive corporate GIS of the company "Bershad Agroplus". The corporate geoinformation system was built on the basis of software products - GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server, GIS "Panorama AGRO" and Workstation of "Agronomist". The project took place within the program of business Advisory services - BAS the European Bank for reconstruction and development. The main objective of the consulting project was to improve the effectiveness of the management of agricultural production with the help of an automated accounting system. During performance of works the unified system of land cadastre of the company with a binding to the digital map has been constructed. Certification of fields and binding the data of agrochemical inspections of a soil have been executed. Electronic technological maps are entered, operational planning of technological operations is automated. Integration with system of GPS monitoring is carried out. Together with company of IST AGRO SERVICE an accurate measurement of fields of the agricultural enterprise was conducted. Implementation of corporate GIS has allowed to automate a control system of crop production. With its help it is possible to receive operatively the information on the rented ground areas, cultivated fields and on the performed mechanised works. To optimize the use of equipment and resources, and also to increase the efficiency of the staff due to the rapid exchange of information and creation of transparent business
22.12.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Palestine of scale 1: 1000 000 In KB "Panorama" a digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Palestine is prepared. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
19.12.2014The level of information security is increased at network data processing in GIS WebServer In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer version 8.9.4 is developed. In the new version the work with desktop applications through the GIS Server is optimised. It allows to organise teamwork of clients with different software and hardware, with different rights and possibilities. The changes made by any of clients, automatically become available to all other clients in accordance with their rights. There are supported a creation of map objects, a deleting and moving the existing ones, editing the sizes of objects, change of their characteristics, change of objects view. At displaying and editing the geodata from the GIS Server an automatic restoration of connection with the GIS Server after failures, exceeding the timeout or denial of service is provided. The interface of customizing the properties of a map through GIS WebAdministrator is updated. As a cartographical basis the data obtained from GIS WebService SE can be used. Service supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS) with which help the transfer and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program the possibility of issuing tiles by any user or local coordinate system is implemented. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
19.12.2014At the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University - MTAA the GIS-technologies of management by agriculture are presented On December, 12th, 2014 there was a meeting of student's scientific society "Farmer" of department of agriculture and methods of experimental work RTSAU-MTAA named after K.A.Timiryazev. At the meeting, specialists of KB "Panorama" presented the company's software solutions in the field of automation of management by agriculture - GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist", GIS WebServer AGRO. There were reviewed questions of use in agribusiness of the professional GIS "Panorama 11" and programs of authorized access to the cartographical information the GIS Server. During the conversation, the students and teachers showed interest in geospatial technologies. Questions of application of software solutions of KB "Panorama" in educational process were discussed. It became clear that without studying the newest systems of automation it is impossible to prepare specialists meeting the modern requirements of agribusiness. KB "Panorama" pursues a policy of popularization of geoinformation systems among educational institutions. In this connection the various presentations, master classes, courses of qualification improvement and other events are organized. Educational institutions generally operate within the constraints of the budget. Therefore the company has developed the special program of licensing the software products for educational institutions. Within this initiative the software products and technologies of KB "Panorama" for use in educational process are provided by the agreement on preferential terms. The licensing program will provide an opportunity to use at reduced prices in educational process the advanced GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama". Given the important role of geoinformation technology in education, educational institutions should use in the process of learning only the most modern software and technologies to prepare specialists able to work with the technologies of tomorrow. KB "Panorama" provides a full range of desktop and server software solutions for construction of GIS enterprise management.
18.12.2014Group of companies "Khmelnitsk Mlyn" automates the conducting of digital maps of land plots by use of agrarian GIS For improvement of accounting quality and management efficiency by land bank the group of companies "Khmelnitsk Mlyn" has concluded the contract with "GISINFO" company for the supply and implementation of agrarian geoinformation systems. During project's realisation all registers of shareholders and the cartographical information will be systematized. A single database of cadastral data with a binding to the map objects will be created. There is planned a customizing the classifier of conventional symbols for uniform requirements of the coding, classification and displaying conventional symbols of objects of the accounting. The system of accounting the plots will be built on the basis of architecture "client-server". All data it is planned to place on the central GIS Server. Workplaces of specialists will be deployed on the basis of the GIS "Panorama 11" and GIS "Panorama FARMING". Introduction of geoinformation systems will allow to automate the registration of land Bank, to carry out operative monitoring of changes of land bank, maintaining the digital maps of the ground areas and history of fields. Will raise efficiency of legal service, speed of preparation and accuracy of reports. Company "GISINFO" occupies a leading position in the field of implementation of geoinformation technologies in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. The company successfully cooperates both with the largest agricultural holdings and small companies (land Bank companies from 2,000 ha to 240000 ha). In interests of the enterprises there are created the systems of cadastral registration and certification of lands, bases of geospatial data (delivery of remote sensing data, creation of orthophotomaps and mapping of territories), systems of GPS-navigation of mobile means are implemented, there is carried out an integration with registration systems on base of 1C. Today the company's portfolio includes more than 25 completed projects.
18.12.2014At interuniversity scientific-practical conference in MIIGAiK the reports on use of GIS for military purposes "Operator" were presented At the Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK) from December, 4 till December, 5th, 2014 there was held a interuniversity scientific-practical conference "Features and problems of preparation of mobilization resource of topo-geodetic professions in civil Institution of higher education in modern conditions". One of the main priorities noted by participants is the need to use in educational process of geoinformation systems for military purposes. During plenary sessions the reports about possibilities, place and a role of geoinformation military-oriented system "Operator" in modern educational process have been presented. The conference was attended by managers and faculty of leading universities of the Ministry of defense, by commanders of the Military-topographic control of the General staff of the armed forces, by commanders of the parts of the Topographic service of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Currently, software solutions of KB "Panorama" are used in the learning process in more than 100 leading universities of the CIS, including higher military educational institutions. GIS for military purposes "Operator" is adopted for the supply of the armed forces by order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in certification system of information security by requirements of information security.
17.12.2014In Panorama Imagery Service for operating system AstraLinux Special Edition the speed of formation of tiles is increased KB "Panorama" developed the program Panorama Imagery Service x64 of version 7.1.0 for operating system AstraLinux Special Edition (release "Smolensk"). The new version of service allows to form automatically the projects of data in the absence of the filled fields, it is enough to specify only the path to the spatial data. Support of forming the tiles in local coordinate system is added. For this purpose the file crslist.xml is used in which it is possible to write down the user coordinate systems and to assign conventional EPSG codes. Possibility of transformation of the raster and matrix data on the fly is realised. Support for sitx format is added. There is increased a speed of formation of tiles on large volumes of vector, raster or matrix data at the expense of loading distribution in multiprocessor platforms. Support of formation of tiles by data from the GIS Server is improved. At loss of connection with the server after a time-out of idle time of connection and necessity to continue data reading, the data will automatically reopen. Service is intended for creation and updating of pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG. The application allows you to maintain the tiles in up-to-date state for data placed on the server. Pyramids of tiles are published under the protocol OGC WMTS by service of GIS WebService SE. In systems with heavy loading or at large amounts of data the additional copies of program Panorama Imagery Service x64 are installed on separate servers, providing scalability of the application. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
17.12.2014Agrarian GIS were presented on a practical master class for managers of agricultural enterprises December 5, 2014 in Kiev at the head office of company the Baker Tilly a four-hour comprehensive master class was devoted to questions of increasing the efficiency of agrobusiness. Artem Belenkov ("Panorama consulting") on the basis of practical examples has demonstrated the process of development and implementation of integrated management systems by agricultural complexes. Special attention was paid to the implementation of software and hardware into the control system of various agricultural processes. Questions of application of GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist", GIS "Panorama 11" and the GIS Server have been considered. At the conference the representatives of Baker Tilly and other participating companies spoke about the impact of the adoption of international financial reporting system (IFRS) for the reporting of companies, about the mechanisms of price risk management in practice, about ways to increase in cost of private agribusiness and other. This event allowed the managers of large agricultural holdings to gain practical knowledge that will help them to do the work of an agricultural enterprise the more effective. By results of the meeting there is planned a number of negotiations with the agricultural holdings about the implementation of agrarian GIS.
16.12.2014In GIS WebService SE for AstraLinux Special Edition the requests of access to the service KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServiсe SE of version 7.3.0. for operating system AstraLinux Special Edition. In the new version of service the parameters of queries REST API are expanded. They allow you to select the objects not only by their number, but also by quantity and type of object (line, polygon, point, vector). By using the service, you can perform the measurement requests and to perform special calculations on the map. Delivery of results is standardized by format GML ISO 19109:2005, ISO 19115:2003. New version improved control means of the input information. For this purpose there are used the functions of check of all input data both query parameters and XML documents on conformity to the scheme. The correctness is checked as for all XML documents necessary for the functioning of the program of the service's administrator, and for XML documents sent to service by users, in the form of operations of transactions (addition, deleting, updating the object). The composition of a web service includes a set of PHP-scripts and service of GIS Application Service which performs queries on processing and publication of data. To create pyramids of tiles you use ImageryCreator, and to update tiles - service ImageryService. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
16.12.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service operates access to databases of geodata on the basis of applied schemes of users KB "Panorama" developed Panorama SpatialDB Service of version 3.1. The new version has the administration web-interface, which make it possible to control the operation of the service not only locally, but also remotely from any workplace in the Internet/intranet. Support of work with objects of type "title" is realized. The standard of storage and processing of spatial data in the database OGC 06-103r4 ("OpenGIS® Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture") does not regulate work with titles. In Panorama SpatialDB Service there is implemented the work with such objects at the expense of conducting in the database of the additional fields and corresponding settings of the program. Into structure of the program complex two utilities are added. The first allows by the available digital classifier of a digital map to generate the applied scheme according to the specification of the data of an exchange of digital topographic maps in format BSD (Base Spatial Data). The second carries out preparation of SQL-script for creation of tables structure of a database under the applied scheme (BSD). At formation of SQL-scripts there are supported: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (and above), Oracle 11g and above, and also PostgreSQL 9.0 and above (with option PostGIS). Panorama SpatialDB Service is the utility program for the GIS Server. It provides displaying of spatial databases in the form of vector maps in the accepted conventional symbols. It performs a synchronous updating of databases at editing of the vector image, and also image updating at change of records of spatial databases. By means of service the spatial databases in the form of vector maps can be published for the multiuser access on the server. As a result clients of the GIS Server get access to these databases. They can make certain changes in accordance with their authority - to create, edit or delete objects. On the other hand, the information in the database may also change. Panorama SpatialDB Service traces changes of the information in the database and users actions on editing of cartographical representation of this database and carries out synchronisation of these changes. Thus, Panorama SpatialDB Service supports in an actual condition a cartographical representation of the information of a relational database and provides possibility of viewing and change of this information in the database by clients of the GIS Server. In addition to desktop GIS applications, access to cartographic presentation of spatial databases can be provided through GIS WebService SE. GIS WebService SE provides access to the data from the database according to the protocols OGC WMS, OGC WMTS, OGC WFS, OGC WFS - T, OGC WCS. Cartographical data can be replicated onto other servers. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
15.12.2014In the journal of The Ukrainian Farmer there is published the article about methods of managing the land bank and reduction of risks of conducting agribusiness In recent years there has been a tendency to increase the land Bank of agricultural enterprises. Therefore, the construction of the system of management of land assets is one of the most important steps for successful agribusiness in today's market realities. To issues of managing the land bank of agroholdings by use of geoinformation systems the article of specialists the "Panorama consulting" is devoted, that is published in the journal of The Ukrainian Farmer № 12. Introduction of geoinformation systems allows to cover all chain of managing an agricultural production. The using the program of GIS "Panorama 11" allows to create a single digital map of the company, which binds the base of registers under lease contracts of land plots, and also the forms for data input and templates of reports. Data are placed on the GIS Server which provides multiuser access with differentiation of the rights. It provides protection of data and considerably raises the working efficiency of specialists. Combining of this system with a digital map of fields in the GIS "Panorama AGRO" allows to conduct control over the land plots as the property's objects. Provides full analytics on land assets. To familiarise with materials about methods of managing the land bank it is possible in Article section.
14.12.2014Complex of automated quality control is refined for acceptance and certification of digital maps In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated quality control and correction of digital maps of version 5.8 is developed. The new version includes the classifier 25T98G.rsc for digital topographic maps of scale 1:25 000. The table of transition from the classifier 25T98G.rsc to the classifier 25T05G.rsc is developed. This allows you to bring digital maps made by the classifier 25T98G.rsc, to the common requirements. Digital classifiers in the format RSC and detailed reports about the content of classifiers are placed on the Classifiers page. The complex of automated quality control and correction of digital maps provides the automated stream processing of large arrays of digital maps in format SXF for the purpose to bring the digital maps to a single classifier, automatic correction of errors of topology, a report of adjacent sheets along lines of a geographical grid and a merge of digital maps into single sets of the spatial data on regions. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
13.12.2014GIS ToolKit supports the development of 64-bit geoinformation systems in the environment of Embarcadero ХЕ7 In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit of version 12.2.1 is developed for creation of GIS-applications in the environment of Delphi, C++ Builder, Embarcadero (from XE3 to XE7). The new version simplified process of installation and using more than 40 component of processing the spatial data in the latest versions of the development environment of Embarcadero XE6 and XE7. Using new possibilities of ХЕ6 and ХЕ7, the developer has full control over the source texts of 64-bit GIS-components not only in the environment of Delphi, but also in the environment of C++ Builder. GIS ToolKit is a toolkit of the developer of the geoinformation systems, allowing to process spatial databases. The toolkit consists of a set of visual components (are delivered as source codes) and API functions for direct access to base of the geodata. The base of geodata can be located both on a workplace (direct data access), and in a local network or the Internet (using the access components to the GIS Server or data exchange on international protocols WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS). The new version of the program is placed on the website in Download section.
12.12.2014Topographical service of National army of Vietnam plans to use the GIS "Operator" and GIS "Panorama 11" Given the current geopolitical situation in the world, and also tendencies of development of geoinformation systems, including the military-oriented GIS, the Topographical service of National army of Vietnam has made decision to consider and study the software of KB "Panorama". On demand of the chief of Topographical service of National army of Vietnam, KB "Panorama" through specialists of Joint-Stock Company "Geoproject" Pantsakov V. A. and Ivanov S.V. has given to Topographical service of National army of Vietnam the sets of programs - GIS "Operator" and GIS "Panorama 11". GIS "Operator" is the base software product for power departments, contains tools for creation and editing of operative situation, examples of modelling an operative situation and preparation of the basic combat documents. Supports various classifiers and libraries of conventional symbols of operative situation. Professional GIS "Panorama 11" is used for industrial production, control and processing of digital maps. Contains software packages for various purposes. For example, the use of complexes of hydrological and geological tasks allows to process the data of engineering-geological researches of district, to carry out an estimation of numerical characteristics of water filling of the specified pool at changing the water level rise. This in turn can be used for the prevention and elimination of consequences of natural and man-made disasters.
12.12.2014Complex of analysis of multispectral images allows to improve the image quality of panchromatic, color and multispectral rasters In KB "Panorama" the Complex of analysis of multispectral images of version 1.1 is developed. The complex is intended for management of displaying the channels of a multispectral image and calculating statistics on channels. In the new version the dialog "Controlling the display of channels by histogram" is added. The mode allows to improve the image quality of panchromatic, color and multispectral rasters. It is achieved by increase in contrast and fine tuning the brightness of visible channels. The contrast increase occurs at a stretching a range of the colors which are really present on a raster, onto all range of the colors displayed by the monitor. Brightness change is reached by applying a gamma correction at displaying nonlinear transformation of color's intensity. To determine what part of a range of colors can be stretched over all visible range with the minimum loss of information, the histogram of brightness distribution over visible channels is shown. For contrast increase it is necessary to set extreme sliders in a dialog window along the edges of histogram spikes. The smaller distance between the extreme sliders is, the greater will be the contrast. Changing the position of an average slider allows to change in addition to the contrast the brightness of a raster. To avoid distortion of colors the change of sliders positions for all visible channels by default occurs simultaneously. There is supposed a possibility of change of contrast and brightness for each channel separately. In this case, you can achieve even more increase of the contrast. Setting of displaying is possible both by the histogram of all raster, and by the histogram of the chosen area. Thus, the image can be optimally configured for the entire raster, and for the local area. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
11.12.2014In the GIS "Panorama 11" the new tools of processing geodata are built-in In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama 11" of version 11.12.4 is developed. In the new version there are the modified the block of geodesy tasks, tasks of Map Computer, Road net, "Navigator 3D", tools of checking the quality and updating of maps. In the Geodetic editor the modes "To save the image for a graphic part of a report" and "To keep the image of the allocated fragments of a map" provide saving of the graphic files in format JPEG with optimal compression ratio. There are optimised the procedures of attaching to XML files of the land-plan of the attached files with images of documents and applications, including filling the structure of documents for the adjacent land plot. In procedure "Import from files of geodesic gears" there is changed an algorithm of reading and data processing from Nikon devices in RAW format. Service functions of dialog "Import of geodetic measurements from devices" are improved. The mode "Edit semantics of object of cadastral works" provides the input data on the location of the object in the structure both KLADR, and OKTMO. Input of information on levels of address unit is supported: 1st level "Area"; 2nd level "Municipality - Urban settlement or a city"; 3rd level "Urban area" or "Rural village"; 4th level "Location"; 5th level "Street". In modes of formation of XML-file of the land-plan the changes are made that provide recording the element "Locality_Name". In the task of Map Computer in the mode "Inquiry on object" a selection of objects is carried out by semantics code specified in the field the layer identifier in the Classifier Editor (a road net - a road number, rivers - the name and others). It provides automatic selection of map objects without additional actions of the operator for choice of the identifier. This mode provides marking on a map of the terrain objects throughout their length and viewing the list of characteristics combinations and values with indicating the length \area where they are and a share in percentage. Into the task of "Graph of roads" the mode "Graphs union" is added. This mode is intended to merge graphs which were built onto adjacent areas. A necessary condition for the join of graphs is the presence of contact points. The new tool enables you to organize the production of digital navigation maps concurrently on different territories, with the further combining the created graphs without long-term rebuilding. The task "Navigator 3D" is modified. Possibility is added to quickly change the conventional 3D-symbols of objects by a choice of new value from the list in semantics of object. For this purpose semantics should have type "Code from classifier" and its values should correspond to the models from library of three-dimensional models in P3D file. For example, in the classifier operator.rsc to the object of type "Plane" by semantics "Авиация#P3D#Military 3D.p3d" the 3D-view can be set: "Plane F-16", "Plane An-26" and other. At changing the value of semantics the plane symbol on 3D-model will automatically change. A new type of semantics is added: Programmed formula. Value of the characteristic can be calculated dynamically on the basis of values of other object characteristics, its metrics, a classification code and properties of other objects. Calculation is carried out in dynamic library (DLL) with use of functions MAPAPI. The library is connected to classifier RSC like graphic libraries IML. Examples of use of semantics the Programmed formula are given in SDK. For more information, see the Programmer's Guide. The task of Connection of geoportals is refined. In the new version the list of geoportals layers is expanded. Layers are added: Visicom with maps of Ukraine, EATLAS with maps, photos and signatures of Moscow and Moscow region. The user's interface for dialog of choosing a folder of storage of a data cache is improved. There is modified the task "Report of adjacent sheets" that carries out check of objects coordination of map's adjacent sheets with the issuance of Protocol of errors into the LOG directory of processed area. The comprehension of messages is improved, into the report the code of object and a code of value of uncoordinated semantics is put. The modified variant of the task when viewing Protocol allows you to disable the errors repeated on adjacent sheets. Report viewing is carried out in the task "View errors" of Map Editor. To disable recurring errors you need to set the mode "Hide marked messages". The new version of the program is placed the website in the Download section.
11.12.2014At the seminar of specialists of the CIS countries at the Moscow state university of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK) GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama" have been presented At the Moscow state university of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK) in the period from November, 24th till December, 05th, 2014 the seminar of specialists of the CIS countries "Geoinformation technology of cadastre and realty estimation" was. Specialists of KB "Panorama" told about software products (GIS "Panorama 11", "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Workstation of urban-planner" and others) to solve problems of cadastral accounting and management of territories. The seminar was attended by representatives of the Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography and leading Russian companies that provide technology and services in the field of geodesy, cartography and cadastre. During the seminar listeners were familiarized with order of using the desktop and server applications of KB "Panorama" (GIS WebServer, GIS Server, GIS WebServiсe SE and others) by geodesists, land surveyors, cadastral engineers, representatives of local governments and public authorities. In detail there was considered the procedure for information interaction with the automated information system of the state cadastre of real estate (AIS GKN) in the format of electronic documents circulation using XML schema. Listeners from Belarus have shown interest to practical questions of information support of land-management activity and a land-survey within the limits of the program "Workstation of cadastral engineer". The special attention was caused by the report on formation of the network GIS for management of territories, land and real estate on the basis of server products and web technologies of KB "Panorama". On the basis of network geoinformation system there was demonstrated the geoportal deployed on servers of "Moscow state University of geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK)".
10.12.2014GIS "Panorama AGRO" calculates the area of cultivated arable land for fields of complex form In KB "Panorama" there are developed the agrarian geoinformation systems of GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama Auto" and GIS "Panorama FARMING" of version 4.3.1. The new version implemented intelligent algorithms of analyzing the relative position of the track of agricultural machines and contour of fields, taking into account uncultivated areas within the boundaries of the arable land. This innovation improves the accuracy of the calculation of the processed area for the fields of complex shape. Integration of the system with telemetry equipment and software allows to receive data about the location of monitored objects, the direction and speed of movement, fuel consumption and fuel level, the operation of the auger and mounted equipment, the readings of tachometer and various sensors. GIS "Panorama AGRO" allows to load in an automatic mode results of field measurements into the electronic book of fields history. This technology provides conducting a log book of the basic agroecological, agrophysical and agrochemical indicators regardless of presence of connection with the server. Within the limits of development of software products for agriculture there are developed the programs of obtaining the navigation data from servers Wialon, Autograph, UNDS, GLOSAV and terminals Geliks. The received information is processed and is presented to the user in a convenient textual or graphical form. One of such ways of giving the information is the mechanism of a mapping of field works. It allows to see visually degree, to estimate completeness and quality of performance of tasks by machine operators. Cloud storage, encryption, and authorized access to cartographic information of users provides the GIS Server. New versions of programs are placed on the website in the Download section.
09.12.2014System of ensuring the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by modern tools of the topo-geodetic and navigation information is created by use of geoinformation technologies On pages of magazines "Military review", "Independent military review" and "News of the military-industrial complex" there is published an article of the Chief of Military-topographical Department of the General Staff of the Russian Federation of Sergey Viktorovich Kozlov "Who directs the army and Navy in space". It is devoted to the problems solved today by Topographical service of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and prospects of its development. The article describes the range of tasks of the service for any purpose, the main directions of development and improvement of system of geodetic and navigation support of the armed forces. As the basic software used for a topo-geodetic ensuring of armies, there are mentioned the GIS "Operator" and GIS "Map 2005" developed in KB "Panorama" and adopted on the supply of the armed forces of the Russian Federations. In particular, the author writes: "In 2014 in the Armed forces there is actively implemented a new geographic information system for military purposes "Operator", adopted on supply in 2013. On the basis of this geoinformation system a planning for combat operations on the basis of digital topographic maps in all departments and levels of management of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation is carried out". At the heart of automation at all levels the Hardware-software complex of means of operative creation and updating of digital information about the area (PAK CO CIM) lies. A significant part of the software complex is built based on the software products of KB "Panorama".
09.12.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Jordan of scale 1: 1000 000 In KB "Panorama" a digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Jordan is prepared. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
08.12.2014"GISINFO" company will act as the organizer of the GIS-forum "Education. The science. Production" - 2015 Company "GISINFO" will take part in the organisation of GIS-forum "Education. The science. Production " - 2015 which will be held in Kharkov on March 18-20, 2015. Since 2012 at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University the specialists of scientific and educational institutions of Russia and Ukraine get together. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss questions of development of geoinformatics together with representatives of business. To learn about the latest advancements in the field of technologies, equipment and software for gathering and processing of geodata. Together to discuss issues of training of young specialists. In 2014 the event was attended by representatives of more than 35 organizations, including the Institute of geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Lomonosov Moscow State University. A feature of the forum is a wide variety of participation formats: presentations at meetings, specialised seminars, round tables, exhibitions of equipment, software presentation, master classes. Since this year the reports and discussions during round tables are broadcast over the Internet. Everyone can remotely monitor the progress of the forum, to ask their questions to the speakers and via video conference to participate in discussions. The graduates of Universities can assert themselves by taking part in the contest "The best ideas in the field of GIS and remote sensing". More detailed information about the upcoming event is presented on the website gis-forum.org.ua.
08.12.2014PHOTOMOD 6.0 - new possibilities, increase of volumes and speed of data processing Version 6.0 is implemented on a new platform which has allowed to accelerate many processes of data processing, to introduce unique algorithms and to implement requests of users. The updated system is not only full transition to the 64-bit version, but also a springboard for future development. Due to the full use of available computing capacity of modern computers, PHOTOMOD 6.0 is differed by significant acceleration of calculated operations, and the quantity of downloadable 3D-vectors depends now only on the amount of RAM. PHOTOMOD version 6.0 introduces a new algorithm for the construction of dense digital terrain models. The algorithm is based on the original idea - at ortophoto construction by different images the resulting ortophotos should be identical, if a relief is correct. At construction of a relief the special functions of parametrization are used for the best describing the walls of buildings and the separate high-rise objects. The algorithm also uses elements of the theory of images recognition. Product line of PHOTOMOD 6.0 is supplemented by a new tool - PHOTOMOD UAS designed for data processing UAV. PHOTOMOD UAS is an independent product of the complete photogrammetric image processing, offering a simplified interface designed for users of the UAV. To get acquainted with all the changes, see the History of changes. To download the new version here. Upgrade to version 6.0 will be made on a General basis: free if you have a valid technical support.
07.12.2014Corporate geoinformation system of "Agrikom Groups" holding will be built on the basis of agrarian GIS With the aim of preparing for introduction of corporate agrarian GIS the company "Agrikom Groups" has concluded the contract with the company "Panorama Consulting" on carrying out diagnostics and development of requirements specification. Under the agreement the analysis of structure of the company and existing business processes will be carried out. Development of documentation and schemes of the project's implementation is planned. In the course of work the tender documents for the implementation of GPS monitoring's service will be prepared. Corporate agricultural geographic information system will be deployed on the basis of software products - GIS Server, GIS WebServer AGRO, GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist". Implementation of corporate GIS will allow to automate the registration of land Bank of the company, conducting the digital maps of shares and fields. It will raise efficiency of legal service, speed of preparation and accuracy of reports. It will allow to do operational monitoring of changes in land Bank. Integration of system of operational planning the technics and registration system will be one of the project's results. This will give the ability to automatically calculate the actual work performed (the processed area, fuel consumption) and to unload the ready data into database 1C. "Agrikom Groups" is the vertically-integrated agroindustrial holding uniting the agricultural, processing and manufacturing enterprises. "Panorama consulting" specializes in projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. The main activity of the company is delivery and implementation of geographic information systems, diagnostics of control systems, IT audit, development of models of business processes, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of satellite images, topographic maps, as well as outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
05.12.2014In the GIS "Operator" SE the tools of preparation and transfer of operational situation are expanded In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.11.11 is developed for operating systems Astra Linux SE of versions 1.3 and 1.4, MSVS version 3 and 5, Zarya version 1.2. In the Map Editor the new modes of editing objects are added. At the automated creating a division of nomenclature sheets there is added the possibility of selecting an area of construction by region or by object. In the mode "Search for object" selection of data can be performed on all maps with one classifier for supporting projects of data in formats SIT and SITX. There is added a new view of a conventional symbol for displaying graphic files of a format bmp. A new type of semantics is added: Programmed formula. Value of the characteristic can be calculated dynamically based on the values of other object's characteristics, its metrics, classification code and properties of other objects. Calculation is carried out in dynamic library with application of MAPAPI functions. The library is connected to the classifier RSC like graphic libraries IML. Into objects properties of maps of operational situation the obligatory semantics 11525 Code CEUS is added. Semantics is of type the Programmed formula and contains the full code of object CEUS according to a current set of values of semantic characteristics of object and the generalised key. Semantics is assigned and updated automatically. For the maps created in earlier versions of GIS "Operator", semantics filling is carried out automatically at map sorting. There are supported a transfer and processing of the full code CEUS, an abbreviated numerical code and a set of semantic characteristics for the organisation of interaction with the automated control systems. A new version is available for download in the Download section.
05.12.2014Panorama Imagery Service automates customizing of work In KB "Panorama" developed Panorama Imagery Service version 7.1. The new version of the service allows you to automatically generate a configuration file of the service. It contains a description of the maps, rasters, matrixes necessary to update the tiles. It is enough to administrator of service to specify the host name and aliases (names) of spatial data placed on the GIS Server. All other parameters (dimensions of data, date, time of files updating and their size) theservice will fill by itself at the first start. This innovation will allow the administrator of service to reduce time for preparation of data. Panorama Imagery Service allows to form tiles by large volumes of the vector, raster or matrix data at the expense of load distribution in multiprocessing platforms. Service is intended for creation and update of pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG. The program allows you to maintain the tiles in the current state according to the data hosted on the server. Pyramids of tiles are published under protocol OGC WMTS by service GIS WebService SE. In systems with heavy load or when large amounts of data the additional copies of Panorama Imagery Service are installed on the separate servers, providing the scalability of the application. New version of the program and documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
04.12.2014In the city of Kirovograd (Ukraine) works on creation of system of a town-planning cadastre continues Company "GISINFO" has signed the contract for the execution of the next stage to create a system of urban cadastre of a city of Kirovograd. Under the agreement the classifier of objects of urban cadastre's system will be created. On the server it is planned to place the data of the urban cadastre - "General plan", "Plan of zoning the city territory" and "Historical-architectural basic plan". During works an upgrading the server and client software will be made. Additional training of specialists to the work with new versions of software products is planned. Data of the urban cadastre will be integrated into the current MGIS of city of Kirovograd, which were launched in 2012. On the basis of Management of urban planning and architecture the GIS Server is deployed. It includes basic raster-vector geo-data and thematic maps. To the server there are connected the client workstations of GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-editor" and MGIS "Land and Real estate". Company "GISINFO" occupies a leading position in Ukraine in the market of implementing software systems for creation of regional and municipal GIS. Projects are submitted in interests of municipal services of cities of Kiev, Vinnitsa, Sumy, Dnepropetrovsk, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Krivoy Rog, Gorlovka, Poltava, Zhitomir and others. To date, the Regional GIS Vinnitsa region is deployed already on 4 GIS Servers (regional state administration, MGIS of Vinnitsa and Khmelnik, PJSC "Vinnitsaoblenergo").
03.12.2014In the combined army Academy of the Russian Federation to the managing and teaching staff of leading Universities of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation the GIS "Operator" is presented In the Frunze Military Academy from November, 17 till November, 22, 2014 the training-methodical meeting was. The event was dedicated to the introduction of modern geoinformation technologies in the educational process of military educational institutions of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. The meeting was attended by managers and faculty of leading universities of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. During the meeting the geoinformation military-oriented system "Operator" was presented. By results of meeting there was carried out comprehensive two-way operational and tactical short meeting, with processing of all documents only on digital maps with use of the GIS "Operator". Materials of training-methodical meeting, teaching materials on use of the GIS "Operator", ready digital maps of operational situation are given into military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for use in educational process. Currently, the products of KB "Panorama" are used in the learning process more than 100 leading universities of the CIS, including the higher military educational institutions. GIS for military purposes "Operator" is adopted onto supply of the Russian Armed Forces by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security tools by requirements of information security.
03.12.2014Belarus developers of web platform of tracking vehicles introduce the agrarian GIS-technologies In order to promote a ruler of agrarian GIS in agricultural sector of Belarus the companies "Panorama consulting" and "Ruptela" signed a cooperation agreement. Within the limits of cooperation the companies will jointly work over projects on creation of systems of the accounting and control on the basis of GIS "Panorama AGRO" in the agricultural enterprises of Belarus. The implementation of such projects will significantly improve the quality of information support of decision-making and control over conducting the agricultural operations. Business leaders will be able to make more informed management decisions. The company "Ruptela is a supplier of high-tech solutions for agribusiness. The company's solutions allow to carry out the GPS control of equipments by means of system Trust-Track developed by them. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. Company's primary activity is delivery and implementation of geoinformation systems, diagnostics of a control systems, IT audit, developing the models of business processes, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also an outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
02.12.2014Program of creating the pyramids of tiles ImageryCreator for OS AstraLinux SE is developed KB "Panorama" developed ImageryCreator SE of version 7 for operating system AstraLinux Special Edition (release "Smolensk"). The program allows to form tiles in formats JPEG and PNG by the international standard of OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. The purpose of tiles formation is the acceleration of displaying the data in WEB-applications (geoportals) and desktop applications in the form of the tiles containing a large number of objects (more than 1 000 000). The acceleration of the display is achieved by a method of caching image. Displaying an area of a vector map, raster or matrix data is substituted onto displaying the area of pre-built tile which is stored on the client by browser tools. The program supports the following data types: vector maps in the formats sit, sitx, map; raster data in rsw format; matrixes of heights, layers, qualities in the formats mtw, mtq, mtl; files of projects. Currently ImageryCreator SE is under certifying on the second level of control on the absence of undeclared capabilities. Spatial data in tile form can be displayed in the browser in conjunction with dynamically variable vector data synchronously transmitted from GIS WebServer SE. For publication of vector maps, rasters and matrixes there can be used the GIS Server, which provides collective remote access to spatial data in accordance with established rights. The new software product is available for download on the Download page.
02.12.2014Company "GISINFO" signed the cooperation agreement in the field of creation of regional and municipal GIS with companies "BlomInfo-Ukraine" and "SINAR" Companies "GISINFO", "BlomInfo-Ukraine" and "SINAR" have signed the cooperation agreement. Joint participation in creation of regional and municipal geoinformation systems will be the main direction of cooperation between the companies. The companies will carry out coordinated actions for the implementation of software products of KB "Panorama" (GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server, GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS WebServer and others) in technological processes of creating geospatial databases. It is planned to develop thematic digital classifiers (libraries of conventional symbols and prepare methodological material on software use. Within the limits of cooperation the companies will jointly promote the projects on creation of systems of the accounting and control with the using a line of agrarian GIS in the agricultural enterprises. The main activity of the company "GISINFO" is the development and implementation of GIS-technologies and the remote sensing data of the earth. Geoinformation technologies and remote sensing data are used by state authorities (Ministry of Defence, state enterprise "UkSATSE", Basin management of water resources, State administration for environmental protection, Vinnitsa, Poltava, Kirovograd, Rovno, Sumy Regional State Administration, SSE "Chernobyl enterprise"), by municipal services (Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Vinnitsa, Sumy, Poltava, Khmelnitsky, Kirovograd, Ternopol, Zhitomir, Krivoi Rog, Gorlovka and others) and by the industrial enterprises (PJSC "Vinnitsaoblenergo", PJSC "Sumyoblenergo", Volnogorsk ore-dressing and processing enterprise). "GISINFO" company occupies a leading position on the market of Ukraine for implementation of GIS and remote sensing data in the agricultural sector. Today, together with the company "Panorama Consulting" there are implemented about 30 projects in the interests of the agricultural holdings and agricultural enterprises of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
01.12.2014Group of companies "Bison-Tech" introduces geoinformation systems for automation of agricultural production For the purpose of the exact accounting of land bank, automation of agricultural production and increase of efficiency of the personnel the group of companies "Bison-Tech" plans introduction of agrarian GIS. Within the limits of preparation for the implementation of geographic information systems the contract with the company "Panorama consulting" on carrying out diagnostics and development of requirements specification has been concluded. At consulting support of company "GISINFO" the analysis of IT-infrastructure of the company and its readiness for implementation of the project will be made. It is planned to estimate presence and quality of maps and charts (vector maps, exchange files and other data). Possibility of integration of system of GPS monitoring with the GIS "Panorama AGRO" will be considered. During works the wishes and comments from all interested parties will be collected. The document with the description of expected effects from system's introduction will be prepared. "Bison-Tech" produces and sells seeds and plant protection. The area of farmland of the company is over 17 000 hectares. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
28.11.2014In the GIS "Operator" the examples of 3D maps of operational-tactical situation with use of the enemy In the GIS "Operator" there are prepared new examples of three-dimensional maps "Demo fragment of 3D-map of operational and tactical situation of scale 1:100 000" and "Fragment of 3D-map of operational and tactical situation with use of enemy's symbols". The library of three-dimensional symbols of military equipment and weapons is updated. Maps are prepared on the basis of the standard classifier of conventional symbols of operational situation "operator.rsc", corresponding to requirements of standard CEUS-2012. In 3D maps there is demonstrated the ability to assign objects the three-dimensional view from the list in the semantics. For example, the object of type "Tank" can have a volumetric type in accordance with the existing in-service models: T-BU, T-80UD, T-90 and others. For this purpose semantics should have type "Code from classifier" and its values should correspond to models from library of three-dimensional models in file P3D. Placement on virtual terrain model of detailed models of equipment which is adopted by divisions of armies of various countries, allows for the effective planning of the use of military equipment and arms when performing the various military operations. You can download examples of 3D maps and library of three-dimensional symbols of military equipment and weapons on the Download page.
27.11.2014In the GIS "Operator" SE data exchange of operational situation is unified KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Operator" version 11.11.10 for operating systems Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk"), MSVS 5, MSVS 3 and Zarya. In the new version the user interface is improved: the size of buttons of operating panels is increased, appearance is improved. The collective operating mode with the atlas of maps through the GIS Server is supported. The list of supported coordinate systems and types of projections of digital maps is expanded. Possibility of a calling the application tasks by pressing the appropriate keys of the keyboard is realised. The task of search and the accounting (cataloguing) digital maps, rasters and matrixes on the user's computer and construction of schemes of data presence is added. In properties of maps objects of operational situation the obligatory semantics 11525 "Code CEUZ" is added. Semantics is of type "Programmable formula". It contains a full code of object CEUZ, according to a current set of values of object's semantic characteristics and the generalised key from the classifier operator.rsc. The semantics is given and updated automatically. For the maps created in earlier versions of the GIS Operator, semantics filling is carried out automatically at map sorting. Using semantics of type "Programmable formula" is described in the Programmer's guide. The use of programmable semantics 11525 provides the unified data exchange of operational situation in various exchange formats irrespective of internal classifiers of other information systems. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
27.11.2014On the practical master class for heads of agricultural enterprises in Kiev the report on construction of system of operational planning of agricultural machinery will be presented The company "Panorama consulting" will take part in the event of "Master class: How to raise efficiency of agribusiness" which will take place December, 05th, 2014 in Kiev. The organizer of the meeting is the company Baker Tilly. Representatives of "Panorama consulting" will present the report "Building a system of registration of land bank and system of operational planning of technics". Questions will be considered of conducting a monitoring of changes of land bank and preliminary informing about the risks associated with these changes. Specialists will talk about how to improve the effectiveness of legal and land service, control over work of agronomists. Will consider ways of conducting the plan-fact of the analysis of technics work and the automated accounting of the processed area. Event participants will learn about how to get the operative information on crops from the satellites, using agrarian geoinformation systems - GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist", GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server. At conference the representatives of Baker Tilly and other participating companies will talk about the impact of the adoption of international financial reporting system (IFRS) onto the reporting of the agri-enterprises, about management mechanisms of price risks in practice, about ways of increase in cost of own agribusiness and others. The master class is aimed at owners and managers of enterprises in the agricultural sector who want to improve the efficiency of their companies. The event will allow managers of agricultural holdings to gain practical knowledge that will help them to make more informed management decisions and increase profitability by building proactive sales system.
26.11.2014Works on creation of the second stage of system of a cartographical ensuring of the cosmodrome Baikonur are finished Commissioned by the Center for Operation of Space Ground-Based Infrastructure, KB "Panorama" performed revision of system of a cartographical ensuring of the cosmodrome Baikonur. A system's retrofit by means of geodetic measurements is made. There is developed a program and information-cartographical ensuring of performance of works on development of system of geodetic control points of stable key objects of the cosmodrome Baikonur on the basis of stations GLONASS/GPS. The system includes a hardware-software system designed to perform geodetic and cartographic works in the interests of the divisions, providing cosmodrome functioning. Basis of the system's special software constitute the "Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps" and the GIS "Panorama 11".
25.11.2014In GIS WebService SE mechanisms of management and control of input data are improved In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServiсe SE version 7.3.0 is developed. In the new version of service a reliability of program's work is raised at receipt of incorrect queries and data transmission failures. All the transmitted xml data is automatically checked on conformity to the xsd-scheme, and queries are checked on conformity to the description of parameters of REST queries. In case of error, the service informs about the problem and points to the line with the incorrect data. Information about the error is written into the log of service for further analysis. Tools of control of data correctness reduce time of service's customization and accelerate search of syntactic errors. Productivity of service's work is raised by reducing the number of incorrect REST requests that reach the application processing by the core of service. GIS WebServiсe SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS) with which help the transfer and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program a possibility of issuing tiles by any user or local coordinate system is realised. Service allows to carry out measurement requests and to make special calculations on a map. Issuing of results is standardized by format GML ISO 19109:2005, ISO 19115:2003. GIS WebServiсe SE is implemented on platforms of Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-servers of Apache, IIS and ngnix. The new version of the program and the documentation is available on the website in the Download section.
20.11.2014Agrarian GIS will be used at conducting an audit of the land bank and support of M&A transactions The company "Panorama Consulting" and law firm ILF have signed a partnership agreement. The agreement is aimed at modernisation, optimisation and increase of efficiency of agrarian business. Within the limits of cooperation the companies plan the implementation of joint projects in sphere of audit of the land bank, construction of the system of control and registration of land plots, monitoring of fields and the mechanised works with use of agrarian geoinformation systems - the GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist", GIS Panorama Mini, GIS Server and others. Realisation of projects will enable clients to receive a comprehensive system of management of land bank which will include application of effective approaches to account and document circulation (contracts, registers of shareholders, regulations and other legally required documents). Separate area, which is planned to develop is a support of M&A transactions, including in interests of foreign investors. Law firm ILF is in the TOP-15 law firms of Ukraine and the TOP-5 law firms specializing in the agricultural sector (rating of Legal practice). The firm accompanies more than 10 years the projects of the agrarian companies. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. The total land bank of the company clients makes more than 2 million hectares. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
19.11.2014GIS ToolKit expands access possibilities to the spatial data on the GIS Server KB "Panorama" developed GIS ToolKit of version 12.2.0 and 11.12.0 for developing GIS applications in Delphi, C++ Builder, Embarcadero XE3, XE4, XE5. In the new version the component TMapGisServer is added which allows to operate virtual folders of the user (to create new folders in virtual folders, to copy into folders any data for the general using, to delete the out-of-date data), located on the server. Access of users to shared folders (placing of data, editing of data, viewing) is controlled by means of administration of the GIS Server. Provision of data at level of shared folders simplifies administration of a large list of data (in the project there can be thousands of maps, tens of thousands matrixes and images). The tree of available data is automatically updated for each user without intervention of the administrator at the expense of the data placed in shared folders. Program installation includes the updated libraries of the GIS-kernel in which there are expanded the tools of importing the raster data of formats TIFF, GeoTIFF, IMG, PNG, OZF2, OZF3 and others on the basis of using the library GDAL of version 1.11. Tools are updated to import raster data of formats SID, NITF, JPEG 2000 on the basis of libraries MrSID SDK version 9. Support of files of generation MG4 is added, productivity of reading the image is raised, support of multichannel images is added. New versions of programs and the source codes are available for download in the Download section.
18.11.2014Training-methodical materials are prepared for use of the GIS "Operator" for tryout of questions of management by interspecific and interdepartmental grouping of armies (forces) In KB "Panorama" the training-methodical materials are developed for the use of GIS "Operator" for preparation of command-staff documents by officials of interspecific and interdepartmental grouping of armies (forces). Examples of digital maps are developed for preparation of the plan of the commander of the United group of troops (forces) to conduct operation on defeat of forces of intrusion and their expulsion from the occupied territories. Tryout of training questions on imitating situation of of armed conflict with participation of the international forces was carried out in subarctic territory of the Ural and Siberian Federal districts of the central-Asian continental region. There was demonstrated the use of GIS Server for access differentiation to layers of a working map on development of a plan of operation and tryout of elements of the operational and tactical information by officials of joint command. There is formed a map of crucial objects onto territory of forthcoming hostilities, with a binding of crucial objects on the cartographical resource and a binding of data about physical-geographical description of territory of forthcoming hostilities. For decision-making at tactical actions of a brigade in operation of interspecific and interdepartmental grouping of armies (forces) for defeat and expulsion of formations of the international military contingent from the occupied territories there is tried-out atlas of maps of operational situation for levels: mechanized infantry brigade, mechanized infantry battalion, mechanized infantry company, mechanized infantry platoon and mechanized infantry branch.
18.11.2014Specialists of the company "Panorama consulting" develop the project on introduction of agrarian GIS in industrial corporation "Success" With the aim of improving the level of information support and safety of data, optimisation of technics use and increase of efficiency of the personnel the industrial corporation "Success" plans introduction of agrarian geoinformation systems. Within the limits of preparation for realisation of this project the corporation has concluded the contract with the company "Panorama consulting" on carrying out diagnostics and development of requirements specification. Together with company "GISINFO" the companies will analyze the legal and organizational structure of the holding, production processes within the company. There is planned an estimation of presence and quality of the necessary data, including cartographic material. Analysis of IT infrastructure of the company and its readiness for implementation of the project will be made. During performance of works the possibilities of introduction of system of GPS monitoring and its integration with the GIS "Panorama AGRO" will be considered. It is planned to collect information about the wishes and comments from all interested parties, including wishes for reports and official duties. The concept of expected effects from system's introduction will be described. Agro-industrial Corporation "Success" was founded in 2001. The main activity is cultivation of grain and olive cultures such, as wheat, barley, sunflower, rapeseed, and other. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
17.11.2014"Panorama Consulting" has signed the contract on cooperation with company "Geodetect" In order to promote the GIS "Panorama AGRO" in agricultural sector of Bulgaria the "Panorama Consulting" has concluded the contract on cooperation with the regional representative of KB "Panorama" - company "Geodetect". Within the limits of cooperation the companies will work over projects on constructing the systems of the accounting and control with application of geoinformation technology in the agricultural enterprises of Bulgaria. It is planned to develop an area of satellite monitoring of crops status together with Institute of space researches of Ukraine. Joint cooperation will allow to raise quality of information support of management of agricultural producers and control over operational activity. Owners and executives will make more informed management decisions. The company "Geodetect" deals with the analysis, digitization, management of large banks of geospatial information. Conducts a land and underground cadastre, development of specialised cadastral maps. The company has introduced and applies a quality management system complying with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001 : 2008. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
14.11.2014Service of geo-data databases Panorama SpatialDB Service SE for Astra Linux SE is developed KB "Panorama" developed Panorama SpatialDB Service SE for work on servers under control of operating system Astra Linux SE x64. Panorama SpatialDB Service SE is the utility program for the GIS of Server. It provides display of spatial databases in the form of vector maps in the adopted conventional signs. Carries out synchronous updating of databases at editing the vector image, and also image updating at change of records of spatial databases. Service allows users to connect to the GIS Server and to choose in a tree of the available data on a conditional name (alias) vector maps. Maps can be stored as relational spatial databases in accordance with standard OGC 06-103r4: "OpenGIS. Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture". Panorama SpatialDB Service SE carries out caching of spatial information from the server of a database in the form of a digital vector map. To this map clients of the GIS Server have access and can make in accordance with their authority the certain changes - to create, edit or delete objects. From clients of DBMS the information in a database can also change. Panorama SpatialDB Service traces changes of the information in a database and actions of server's users on editing of cartographical representation of this database and carries out synchronisation of these changes. The program supports cartographical representation of the information of a relational database in an actual state. It gives possibility of viewing and change of this information in a database to the clients of GIS Server, working in the GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator" or in the applications developed in GIS Constructor or GIS ToolKit. Besides desktop GIS-applications an access to cartographical representation of the information from spatial databases can be provided by means of web-services. GIS WebService SE when connecting to the server can provide access to the data from the database according to the protocols WMS, WMTS and WFS. Panorama SpatialDB Service SE is started automatically at operating system start, can function round the clock unlimited time and carry out process of synchronization of a database and its cartographical representation on the server under the schedule at the appointed time or regularly with the specified interval. Thus, service of the Panorama SpatialDB Service SE itself is simultaneously the client of relational spatial database and the client of the GIS Server. Information interface with databases is based on use of the applied scheme of the unified exchange by the spatial data. Structure and rules of filling a file of the applied scheme are in detail described in the document "Specification of data for an exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML" (document code - BSD.1.3:2011). Specification is developed on the basis of using a subset of components of the schemes specified in standard of OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard Version: 3.2.1 and requirements of standards ISO of series 19100. Panorama SpatialDB Service for Astra Linux x64 supports work with DBMS PostgreSQL 9.0 and above with the option PostGIS. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
14.11.2014Weekly satellite monitoring of crops status in the "Creative Group" will be done with use of agrarian geoinformation systems To ensure the accurate and timely information of the enterprise's management and increase a predictability of results of activity the company "Creative Group" has signed a contract with the company "Panorama consulting". Within the limits of the contract weekly satellite monitoring of crops status by index NDVI on company fields will be started. It is planned to place all maps on the GIS Server. They will be available for use in the program of GIS "Panorama AGRO" which is deployed on workplaces in the company. It will allow to combine in a single array all information necessary for decision-making - the maps of agro-chemical-inspections, maps of crop rotations, maps of crops status, maps of processed areas and made works by agricultural machinery. Realisation of this project is conducted jointly with the Institute of space researches. "Ceative Group" is engaged in processing of agricultural products, manufacture of forages for animal industries and poultry, foodstuff and biofuel production. "Panorama consulting" specialises on projects in crop production on the markets of CIS countries. The main activity of the company is delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, control system diagnostics, land audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes.
12.11.2014In the Complex of 3D-analysis the tools of creating and editing matrixes of heights of a relief are expanded In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of 3D analysis" version 3.5 is developed. In the new version the task "Editing a matrix of heights" is refined, allowing to correct contents of a matrix of heights with use of data about relief (corrections) - matrixes of heights of format MTW, MTD-models, TIN-models. There are expanded the possibilities of mode "Additional processing of a matrix", that allows you to modify contents of a matrix without presence of corrections data. In the task's new version the mode of additional processing has the option "Add a constant value of height" which allows to change level of origin of heights, that is, to raise or lower a relief onto the specified size. The task is used for updating matrixes of heights created by vector maps, and also the matrixes loaded from external formats (SRTM, GeoTIFF, XYZ and others). The task "Building a matrix of heights by a vector map" is modified. Possibilities of a mode of joint processing of objects with absolute heights and objects with depths are expanded. This mode allows you to create matrixes of a relief for transitive areas of a coastal zone of the basin (sea, lake), including horizontals and marks of heights of a land relief, and also isobaths and depths marks of the bottom topography. The new version of the task allows to use the object-border of a water surface excluding mutual influence of objects of a land relief and the bottom topography at building a resulting surface the "land-sea". Complex of 3D-analysis is installed in addition to the GIS "Panorama 11". The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the Download page.
11.11.2014Control system of land bank on the basis of agrarian GIS was presented at the III practical conference "Automation of planning process in agroholding" Specialists of "Panorama Consulting" took part in the III practical conference "Automation of planning process in agroholding" organized by company ABBYY Ukraine. The event was dedicated to the automation of accounting and planning in agricultural enterprises and holdings on the basis of system "1C: Enterprise 8". Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" spoke about the construction of control system by land bank with use of the GIS "Panorama AGRO", workstation of "Agronomist", GIS "Panorama 11" and GIS Server. Such system allows to conduct an electronic land cadastre and to create electronic passports of fields with a binding to the year of a crop. With its help it is possible to plan and to take account of technological operations and movement of agricultural machinery. To carry out a binding the maps of land to an enterprise infrastructure. During the conference, together with representatives of ABBYY Ukraine a practice of automation of the agricultural enterprise on the example of the joint project in the group of companies "Creative" was considered. Representatives of agrarian sector, among which financial and IT directors, chief accountants, leading agronomists and other specialists became participants of the conference. They were able to discuss actual problems of agribusiness and impart experience concerning automation of agricultural enterprises.
10.11.2014In GIS "Panorama 11" the new tools of exchange by geodata, quality control and 3D-modelling are added In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama 11" of version 11.12.3 is developed. In the new version in dialog of customizing parameters of connected geoportals there is added a choice of a folder for placing cached (saved on the computer) tiles. Data from geoportals are saved in the form of a pyramid of tiles. It allows to organise collective work in a network with minimizing the stored data on each workplace and exceptions of repeated request from geoportals of data which were viewed already by other user in group. Search of data for cache transfer onto other computer in needing in offline work with cached data is simplified. Tools of import of raster data of formats GeoTIFF, IMG, PNG, OZF2, OZF3 and others on the basis of using the library GDAL of version 1.11 are updated. Tools of import of raster data in formats SID, NITF, JPEG 2000 on the basis of libraries MrSID SDK of version 9 are updated. Support of files of generation MG4 is added, productivity of reading the image is improved, support of multichannel images is added. The mode "Save map into JPEG file" for increase of saved in JPEG areas up to the sizes 37000 on 37000 pixels (points) instead of 15000 on 15000 is modified. The task "Navigator 3D" is refined. Synchronization of updating the image of a two-dimensional map at editing of objects on 3D-model is added. The task "Classifier Editor" is improved. There is added an automatic resizing of 3D-template of object at resizing a window of editing a three-dimensional view of object for convenience of a choice of edited details. The task "Quality control of a vector map" is modified. Control of "dangling nodes" is refined: check of undershoots onto a sheet's border of the last point of object is added. If extreme (the first and the last) object points are going onto a border, then such nodes are not considered as dangling (the error is not shown). The task "Correction of objects metrics" from group of tasks "Check and correction of data" is refined. Procedure of unlocking (cut) of the closed linear objects is added. Performance of procedure before construction of the graph allows to get rid of the errors associated with processing of closed objects. The task "Coordination of adjacent sheets", that tests the check of the matching the objects of adjacent sheets of a vector map with the issuance of the report of errors is improved. Recording into the report of errors is carried out after check of all reply objects on adjacent sheet, instead of for each found reply object in the tolerance area. There is added a support of projection Modified Azimuthal Equidistant (EPSG:9832). Into the task of creating objects by coordinates from a text file with the extension "met" the mode of constructing an arc is added. The task of creating a rule of nomenclature sheets on a map is modified. There is added a possibility of choosing a worldwide geocentric coordinate system GSK-2011 in addition to coordinate systems CS-42/CS-95 and WGS-84/UTM. The mode of automatic constructing a map-scheme of presence of spatial data in the specified folder, including the subfolders is added. Spatial data in formats SXF, RSW, MTW, having a geospatial binding shall be subject to automatic processing. The task allows to carry out construction of general diagrams of nomenclature sheets of topographic maps of scales from 1:2 000 to 1:1 000 000. Construction is made taking into account the layout of sheets at high latitudes. The rule can be constructed onto the specified map area or the object chosen on a map, and also in accordance with the list of nomenclatures listed in a text file. There is a possibility of calculation and construction of rule of nomenclature sheets in local coordinate systems. The digital classifier (maprule.rsc) on which basis a construction of maps of a division is carried out, is developed taking into account a possibility of using the generated maps-schemes for control of carried out cartographical works. Change of semantics indicating a status of processing a map sheet, automatically leads to change of its image on a map. Realisation of the objects image on a map-scheme in the form of translucent polygons allows you to visually monitor the duplication of spatial data. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
07.11.2014In the journal "Balance of Agro" the questions of automation of accounting the works of agricultural machinery in GIS "Panorama AGRO" are considered At the Second forum of accountants of agricultural sector which was held in Kiev the questions of conducting the accounting in agrarian production were discussed. Answers to questions of participants of a forum were published in the journal "Balance of Agro" № 41 2014. Specialists of "Panorama Consulting" prepared the article devoted to possibilities of automation of accounting the works, performed by machine operators. The program of the GIS "Panorama AGRO" considered in article allows you to combine into a single information environment the systems GPS/GLONASS and 1C. On the basis of the monitoring's data it is possible to create maps of the processed area for each unit of equipment. This allows you accurately to calculate the amount of performed work, costs of fuel and lubricants, herbicides, fertilizer and others. Use of GIS-technologies gives the chance to export into 1C all obtained data, that makes accounting more accurate. By means of system it is possible to form actual registration sheets of machine operators. To read the article about possibilities of automation of accounting the works of machine operators it is possible in Article section.
06.11.2014GIS "Operator", GIS Server, GIS "Map 2005", Imagery Creator, GIS ToolKit are certified in certification system of information security of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Certification of software products of KB "Panorama" for the Windows operating system is completed. Certificates of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities according to the guidance document of Gostekhcomissia of Russia and on conformity of actual and declared in the documentation the functionality are issued by the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation on software products of the GIS "Operator" PARB.00048-01, GIS Server PARB.00049-01, formation of the maps in raster form for web applications Imagery Creator PARB.00181-01, Toolkit of developer of GIS- applications GIS ToolKit (PARB.00182-01), and also the certificate is prolonged for the 3 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities of GIS "Map 2005" PARB.00046-01. GIS "Operator" is intended for creating maps of operational situation and data exchange with other systems, managements of terrain maps, images and matrixes, displaying 3D terrain models, performance of calculations on a map, connectings to a map of databases, constructions of thematic maps, graphs and diagrammes. GIS Server provides remote access to the spatial data of users. GIS "Operator", GIS "Panorama 11" and the programs, developed in the environment of GIS ToolKit can be clients of the server. Professional GIS "Map 2005" is the universal geoinformation system, having tools for creating and editing digital maps, performance of various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, construction of 3D models, processing of the raster data, tools of preparation of graphic documents in electronic and printed form, and also tools for work with databases. ImageryCreator is intended to create a set of raster maps in format PNG, JPG by the selected scale range. The purpose of forming a set of rasters is the acceleration of displaying the maps containing a large number of objects (more than 1 000 000), in WEB- applications. The acceleration of the displaying is achieved by a caching method: displaying an area of a vector map is substituted for displaying area of pre-built raster. The developer's tools of GIS-applications the GIS ToolKit is used to develop client-server and desktop systems in which processing and visualisation of spatial data is required. The tools is used for programming in the environment of Embarcadero XE3, XE4 and requires minimal configuration. The program is based on the new set of libraries of GIS-kernel which allows to create 64 bit applications.
05.11.2014Agrarian geoinformation systems are presented at XIII forum of financial directors The company "Panorama Consulting" took part in XIII annual forum of financial directors, which was held in Kyiv on October 23-24. Specialists of the company together with representatives of ABBYY Ukraine told about creating a system of monitoring and accounting in crop production. The main topic was the implementation of a project on the basis of the Group of companies "Creative". The project is constructed on the basis of "1C:MAE for Ukraine" and a ruler of agrarian geoinformation systems - GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama AUTO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", workstation of "Agronomist", GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server and Program of monitoring of a database and map updating. Within the limits of project the system of accounting the leases in a binding to objects on a map (shares) has been created. The system of operational planning of technics and accounting of executed works is constructed. Every day specialists of department of agriculture close the trading day, form the reports for a management on the executed works and fuel consumption. The annual forum for 13 years in a row gathers leading financiers of Ukraine and CIS countries. The participants discussed a number of economic issues, have got acquainted with leading world practices and innovations in the field of financial management. The forum was attended by over 200 delegates and 40 speakers. Following the results of meeting there is planned a series of talks on the implementation of the agricultural geographic information systems.
28.10.2014Complex of automated checking the quality is improved for acceptance and certification of digital maps In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated quality control and correction of digital maps of version 5.7.2 is developed. By results of operation for an ensuring of convenience of work a designing of control types is changed. In dialogue of customizing parameters of control the bookmark "Additional" is removed, the mode "H-coordinate presence check" is transferred into the bookmark "Metrics", the mode "Remove gaps at the end of string" is transferred into the bookmark "Semantics". Control of "dangling nodes" is refined: check of undershoots onto a sheet's border of the last point of object is added. If extreme (the first and the last) object points are going onto a border, then such nodes are not considered as dangling (the error is not fixed). The complex provides the automated stream processing of large files of digital maps in format SXF for the purpose of bringing the digital maps to a single classifier, automatic correcting the errors of topology, a report of adjacent sheets along lines of a geographical grid and a merge of digital maps into single sets of spatial data on regions. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
27.10.2014Agrarian GIS are applied in management of land bank of agroholdings On October, 16th in Kharkov with support of the Ministry of agrarian policy and foodstuffs the International forum AGROPORT-2014 was held. The event was attended by experts from Poland, Germany, America. Specialists of the company "Panorama consulting" spoke about practical aspects of managing the land bank of large and medium-sized agrarian companies. Being based on experience of projects on automation of the accounting the land bank in agroholdings of Ukraine and Russia, specialists of company have demonstrated to participants of the forum the main benefits from the implementation of geoinformation technology. Comprehensive client-server solutions are created on the basis of GIS WebServer AGRO, GIS Server, GIS "Panorama AGRO", Workstation of agronomist and other products. Such systems allow for the lease contract of land plots, to conduct electronic registers of fields (a binding to exact contours of fields on a map) to carry out satellite monitoring of crops status, monitoring of the made works by agricultural machinery, and also to solve other not less important problems for the agrarian company. By a result of dialogue with participants of the forum it is planned a number of negotiations on the implementation of agrarian GIS.
24.10.2014KB "Panorama" took part in the 14-th International scientific-technical conference "From imagery to a map: digital photogrammetric technologies" KB "Panorama" took part in the 14-th International scientific-technical conference "From imagery to a map: digital photogrammetric technologies" that was held in the period from 18 to 23 October in China on Hainan island. The conference was attended by more than 120 specialists in the field of Geoinformatics from different countries of the world. There were discussed the various issues of using the digital photogrammetric methods of obtaining spatial data and technologies of their use. At conference the representative of Joint-Stock Company of KB "Panorama" has made the report "Use of software products of KB "Panorama" in an infrastructure of spatial data". The report examined various aspects of building a multi-level GIS to handle spatial data from the global network. In the report there were submitted the various aspects of using the technology of creating and applying the spatial data, uses of such software products, as: Professional GIS "Panorama 11", used for industrial production, control and processing of digital maps, and the applied program complexes supplied together with this GIS; GIS Server giving remote distributed access to vector maps, rasters and matrixes; GIS WebServer which allows to publish in the Internet/intranet whole range of geospatial data; Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data allowing to organise storages of spatial data in exchange formats. Interest in this technology was expressed by the representative of Open Society "SURGUTNEFTEGAZ", Israeli company VISIONMAP. With company PTERO which manufactures unmanned flying vehicles, the agreement on joint activity is reached.
24.10.2014The first stage of creating corporate GIS of agricultural holding "Creative Group" is completed On pilot unit which was chosen within the limits of the contract with the "Creative Group", specialists of the companies "Panorama consulting" and "GISINFO" worked out the system of accounting for lease contracts in a binding to a digital map of land plots, digital maps and passports of fields are created. Also together with company IT-Lynx the dispatching service and system of operational planning and accounting the actual works of agricultural machinery are started. At this stage there were used the such software products as GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama AUTO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", workstation of "Agronomist", GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server and the Program of monitoring a database and map updating. In the near future we are planning to launch the second stage within the scope of which this system will be scaled on other units, also together with Institute of space researches of Ukraine the satellite monitoring of crops condition will be started.
23.10.2014Company KB "Panorama" took part in exhibition GeoForm 2014 The company of KB "Panorama" took part in the 11th international exhibition of geodesy, cartography and geo-informatics which was held in October, 14-16, 2014 in Moscow on VDNH. GeoForm is a unique exhibition in the central region of Russia, representing the modern geodetic equipment and unique technologies for business development. The exhibition as a whole has made positive impressions. Near display booth of our company there were many visitors, and most of them asked concrete technical questions about the used software. At the exhibition of KB "Panorama" were presented: Professional GIS "Panorama 11", used for industrial production, control and processing of digital maps, and the applied program complexes, supplied with this GIS; GIS Server that provides remote distributed access to vector maps, rasters and matrixes; GIS WebServer which allows to publish in the Internet/intranet all spectrum of geospatial data; Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data, allowing to organise storages of spatial data in exchange formats. At the exhibition there were several important negotiations which, we hope, will lead to the signing of agreements and contracts.
22.10.2014Agrarian GIS have been presented at the forum "Transport and logistics 2014" in Minsk The forum was held within the scope of the Belarusian transport week on the Football Manege in Minsk. The forum program included business events and seminars-presentations, within the limits of one of which experts of "Panorama consulting" have presented modern technological solutions in the field of transport and logistics of agricultural enterprise. In theirs speeches, the specialists told the forum participants about the experience of integrated automation of accounting in the agricultural holdings in Ukraine and Russia. The main products which are used in such projects, are the GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama Farming"and workstation of "Agronomist", and also server solutions the GIS Server and GIS WebServer AGRO. Also there have been voiced the main features of constructing the system of registration of land Bank in Ukraine with the use of the GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama Editor" and GIS "Panorama Mini" for registration of land plots, land lease agreements, and also for import of exchange files XML and IN4. Also at the forum the representatives of one of leading enterprises of Belarus, "ZhodinoAgroPlemElita" shared with participants the experience of using the GIS "Panorama AGRO" at their enterprise. Within the scope of the Belarus transport week the specialists of "Panorama Consulting" planned a number of pilot projects in territory of Belarus in cooperation with different partners suppliers of systems of exact agriculture, GPS solutions, systems of precise positioning, and also with educational institutions.
21.10.2014In GIS "Panorama-Editor" the tools of creating of digital terrain maps according to remote sensing data are expanded In KB "Panorama" the Professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" of version 11.12.3 is developed. The task "Checking the quality of a vector map" is modified. In control of "dangling nodes" check of undershoots onto a sheet's border of the last point of object is added. If extreme (the first and the last) object points are going onto a border, then such nodes are not considered as dangling (a superfluous error is not displayed). Checking a correctness of links of objects onto titles is added. This type of control checks the objects of a map onto presence at them the links to titles and a correctness of back links from titles to objects. The mode "H-coordinate presence check" is transferred from the bookmark "Additional" to the bookmark "Metrics". The mode "Remove gaps at the end of string" is transferred from the bookmark "Additional" to the bookmark "Semantics". The task "Coordination of adjacent sheets" is refined, that performs check of the coordination of objects of adjacent sheets of a vector map with issuing the report of errors into catalog LOG of processed region. Issuing into the log of the coordination's errors and editing the metrics of objects is carried out after check of all reply objects on adjacent sheet, instead of for each found reply object in the tolerance area. The modified version of the task excludes the issuance of superfluous error messages of the coordination and incorrect editing the metrics of objects of adjacent sheets. There are updated the tools for import of raster data of formats TIFF, GeoTIFF, IMG, PNG, OZF2, OZF3 and others on the basis of using the library GDAL of version 1.11. Tools for import of raster data of formats SID, NITF, JPEG 2000 on the basis of libraries MrSID SDKf version 9 are updated. Support of files of generation MG4 is added, productivity of reading the image is raised, support of multichannel images is added. There is expanded a structure of digital classifier of RSC format for storage of a tree of maps layers in addition to the list of layers of top level. The layers entering into a tree of layers, are called classes. In the task of Classifier Editor on the Layers bookmark the Classes button is added for editing a tree of layers. In the object description the layer name of top level and the name of the bottom class are displayed. At a choice of an object class in the list all tree of classes of a current object layer is displayed. In the task of Map Sorting there is added a possibility of a choice of individual map for sorting with individual options of sorting's parameters. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the Download page.
20.10.2014In GIS "Navigator" there are expanded the construction In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Navigator" of version 11.12.3 is developed.In the new version the task of "Navigator 3D" is improved. Synchronisation of updating the image of a two-dimensional map is added at editing of objects on 3D-model. The task of "Classifier Editor" is refined. Resizing a 3D-template of object is added at resizing a window of editing a three-dimensional view of object. It adds conveniences when working with three-dimensional models. The task of "Road graph" is modified. The mode "Net deleting" is added which is intended for deleting objects of a network with identical value of semantics "Net number". The mode "Create arch of a net" is modified. At creating an arch between nets with different values of semantics the "Net number", a single value of semantics is automatically set and color of objects is changed. The mode "Control of roads graph" in the task of "Road graph" is improved. In the task the following types of control are carried out: check of links onto arcs and the presence of arcs on the map; check of links onto the nodes and the presence of nodes on the map; the control of common points at intersections and adjacencies of arcs of the graph with a tolerance of 0.001 m; control of network connectivity, definition of a number of networks with a tolerance of 0.001 m. Support of import and export of aeronautical data in format ARINC 424 is added. A route map and an area map are automatically formed when importing data from the format ARINC 424. To create maps of the departure, arrival, approach and other elements of aeronautical charts, it is recommended to apply the Complex of preparing the documents of aeronautical information. Creation of maps is carried out in accordance with the requirements of document Doc 8697 ICAO ("Guidance on aeronautical charts"). There are updated the tools for import of raster data of formats TIFF, GeoTIFF, IMG, PNG, OZF2, OZF3 and others on the basis of using the library GDAL of version 1.11. Tools for import of raster data of formats SID, NITF, JPEG 2000 on the basis of libraries MrSID SDKf version 9 are updated. Support of files of generation MG4 is added, productivity of reading the image is raised, support of multichannel images is added. In dialog of connection to the GIS Server the Folder bookmark is added for a remote data control in virtual folders of the user. The user can create new folders in virtual folders, copy any data for the general use into folders, delete the out-of-date data. Access of users to shared folders (placing of data, editing of data, viewing) is controlled by means of administration of GIS Server. Provision of data at level of shared folders facilitates administration of a large list of data (in the project there can be thousands of maps, tens of thousands of matrixes and images). The new version and the documentation are available in the Download section.
16.10.2014GIS "Operator" SE supports platforms AstraLinux SE, MSVS 5 and Zarya In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.11.8 is developed for operating systems Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk"), MSVS 3, MSVS 5 and Zarya. In the new version there are expanded the editing tools of maps of operational situation, a simular of hydrological processes and cartographical calculations, customizations of printing maps for the various output devices are expanded. There is expanded access to spatial data published by WMS/WMTS services by various proprietary protocols. Interaction with GIS WebService SE for displaying coverings of high precision onto all territory of the Earth is improved. More than 50 various layers of data are available. Data from several geoportals can be combined simultaneously with the spatial data on the client that allows to apply the GIS "Operator" to interaction with the various departmental geoportals constructed on the foreign or domestic software. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
15.10.2014In the city of Lubny of the Poltava region (Ukraine) Municipal GIS is created Company "GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", has signed the contract for performance of the second stage of creating Municipal GIS of the city of Lubny - "Creation of database on address objects onto the territory of the city". During performance of works, there will be created a vector map of location of construction's objects into semantics of which the information concerning construction's type by the basic indicators will be put: its addresses, number of floors, and other information. On the basis of constructor of forms built-in into the GIS "Panorama 11" the project for work with an external database of "Passport of accounting's objects" will be created, with possibility: viewing the data on any object of the building having own address, chosen manually on a map or by search in a database, comprising: construction's type by the basic indicators (housing, industrial, commercial, socio-cultural), address, number of floors; search of any city street by its current or previous name; search and selection of objects by the address, main purpose, personal name; output to printing or into a text file of the list of selected objects and the necessary information on them. The relevant database will be integrated into operating system of a town-planning cadastre of Lubny which began to be created during performance of the first stage in 2013. On the basis of Directorate of urban planning and architecture the GIS Server has been deployed to which the client workstations of the GIS "Panorama 11" and GIS "Panorama Mini 2011" are connected. Processing of available plan-cartographical materials was carried out, a single raster-vector base of geospatial data was created which has been loaded onto GIS Server. In the process of implementation of GIS the training of administrators and users of system also has been provided.
14.10.2014"Workstation of agronomist" imports results of field inspections into the electronic book of fields history. KB "Panorama" released "Complex of agronomical tasks" version 4.3, a part of "workstation of agronomist" version 11.12.3. In the program there is automated the data exchange between an electronic map of fields and base of soil fertility in the GIS "Panorama AGRO". Procedure of updating semantics provides synchronization of data of electronic book of fields history and characteristics of borders contours of agricultural land on a map by 82 indicators. Placing a map of fields on the GIS Server provides collective work with the enterprise data in the network environment with protection of information against illegal copying and distribution of user access in accordance with established rights. This ensures the maintenance of fields map in stationary and field conditions using desktop (GIS "Panorama 11"), mobile (Panorama Mobile) and web applications (GIS WebServer AGRO). Agronomist can fix the location of the inspection points and put into semantics of map objects the information about the state of the soil and crops in the absence of communication with the Central database. Reverse data exchange from semantics of objects into tabular parameters of the field's passport is used for loading the updated information about the fields, by results of field inspection with using the mobile devices. The received information is used for construction of thematic maps, formation of reports and acceptance of administrative decisions on planning of agricultural activities. Construction of matrixes of quality by points of field inspection allows to illustrate visually the ratio of current values of parameters of arable land and crops on different sites of agricultural land by various indicators. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
13.10.2014Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps performs automatic formation of metadata files In KB "Panorama" the Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data of version 5.5 is developed. The complex is intended for the organisation of storage of spatial data in exchange formats. On the basis of the Complex the storehouses of standards of the spatial data and temporary archives can be created as a part of technologies of creating and updating digital maps and plans. The complex provides obtaining the information on composition and status of a databank, operational selection of materials, formation, processing and implementation of demands for obtaining copies of spatial data. The software of the complex is implemented on technology the client-server and supports the work of the desktop client and the web-client. Visual representation of status of the spatial data bank and the publication of schemes of data presence in the Internet is carried out by means of GIS WebServer. The use of the Complex in interaction with software of GIS Server can greatly facilitate the organisation and control of performance of cartographical works. In version 5.5 there is implemented an automatic creation of metadata files in format XML in the process of uploading the data from storehouse. The list of metadata automatically formed at placing the data into storehouse is expanded. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the website in the "Download" section.
10.10.2014GIS "Panorama AGRO" reduces time of data processing about the mechanised field works In KB "Panorama" the agrarian GIS of version 4.3 is developed. In the new version of the program the tools for the accounting of mechanised works are improved. Within a single interface the information about job scheduling and calculation of actually executed volumes are united. Agrarian GIS includes the software "Panorama AGRO", "Panorama FARMING", "Panorama AUTO", Workstation of agronomist, GIS WebServer AGRO. One of base functions of system - planning and accounting of mechanised works. Accounting of mechanised works is carried out on the basis of daily drawing up the list of tasks and the automated filling of data upon the executed works. The actual amount of works is calculated by the program on the basis of data of monitoring the equipments. The main tasks of this subsystem: forming job to the mechanic for a day, receiving data from the monitoring's block of movement of equipment, calculation of actual parameters (the passed distance, processed area, fuel consumption), graphing the level of fuel, filling and editing the form of actually executed works, generation of reports. In the new version of GIS "Panorama AGRO" the jobs to driver are formed, indicators of actually executed mechanised works are calculated, forms of made works are filled and the corresponding cartograms are created, combined into a single dialog. Such change considerably raises level of efficiency of preparing and editing the tasks and automates procedure of calculation of actually made amounts of works. Installation packages and test data of GIS for agriculture are in the download section.
09.10.2014GIS "Operator" supports hierarchical classifiers of operational situation and special maps In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.12.3 is developed. New version expanded structure of the digital classifier of format RSC for storage of a tree of maps layers in addition to the list of layers of top level. The layers in a tree of layers are called the classes. In the task of Classifier Editor on the Layers bookmark the button Classes is added for editing a tree of layers. In the object description the layer name of top level and the name of the bottom class are displayed. At a choice of an object class in the list all classes tree of object's current layer is displayed. This possibility is necessary for maintaining the integrated hierarchical classifiers of operational situation, geological maps, schemes of territorial planning and other types of special maps. In dialogue of customizing the parameters of connected geoportals there is added a choice of a folder for placing cached (saved on the computer) tiles. It allows to organise collective work in a network with minimizing the stored data and an exception of repeated request from geoportals of the data which were viewed already by other user in group. Cache transfer onto other computer becomes simpler if necessary independently to work with cached data. There are updated the tools of import of raster data of formats TIFF, GeoTIFF, IMG, PNG, OZF2, OZF3 and others on the basis of using the library GDAL of version 1.11. There are updated the tools of import of raster data of formats SID, NITF, JPEG 2000 on the basis of libraries MrSID SDK of version 9. Support of files of generation MG4 is added, productivity of reading the image is raised, support of multichannel images is expanded. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
08.10.2014In GIS WebServer 8.9.2 the tools of editing the map objects are expanded In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer version 8.9.2 is developed. In the new version the mode of editing the objects metrics is added. It allows to edit a map in full without use of "thick clients". There is supported a creation of map objects, a deleting and moving the existing ones, an editing the sizes of objects, change of their characteristics, change of objects view. The new mode is widely used in GIS WebServer AGRO which is aimed at specialists in the field of agriculture and used for processing the information about agricultural land and objects of the accounting of agricultural enterprise. The mode of editing the metrics of objects allows remotely to conduct maps of fields, to correct borders of lands. To form maps of a phytosanitary status of crops, to build geo-zones to identify events associated with the presence in them of monitoring's objects. To create maps of an infrastructure of the enterprise and recutting of working areas. As a cartographical basis the data obtained from GIS WebService SE can be used. Service supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS) with which help the transfer and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program the possibility of issuing tiles for any user or local coordinate system is implemented. GIS WebServiсe SE is implemented on platforms of Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-servers Apache, IIS and ngnix. New version of GIS WebServer 8.9.2 and the documentation are available for download in the Download section.
07.10.2014In the Federal Institute of Industrial Property of Rospatent 100 software products of KB "Panorama" are registered On September, 3rd, 2014 at Federal Institute of Industrial Property of Rospatent the new computer program developed in Joint-Stock Company of KB "Panorama" is registered: "Panorama AGRO Service" (certificate № 2014615239). Structure of GIS WebServer AGRO includes the task "Agrocontrol". To perform the functions of this task, such as monitoring of equipment and statistics on the volume of monitoring, you must have additional services of Panorama AGRO Service. For entering into a database of the information from operators of satellite systems and from sensors of monitoring's objects, services of relaying the navigation and diagnostic data of agricultural transport are used. For processing of statistical data there is used the service for collecting and processing the statistical information the Agro Statistics Service. All these services are parts of the Panorama AGRO Service. Today the line of the proposed KB "Panorama" software already contains 100 items. All programs are registered at Federal Institute of Industrial Property of Rospatent.
07.10.2014In State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow region (SUE MR) "Scientific Research and Design Institute of urban development" the workstation of urban-planner for use in municipal administration is tested Specialists of SUE MR "SR&DI of urban development" have held deployment and pilot operation of the software package for construction of municipal GIS on the basis of software products of KB "Panorama". Data of a topographical base, map of zones of protection of objects of a cultural heritage, data about the ground areas and objects of real estate onto territory of urban settlement Pushkino of Moscow Region have been loaded into the GIS Server of system. Data of the state cadastre of real estate in the format of XML-files have been processed with the help of "Complex of geodesy calculations" and issued in the form of a cadastral map. During testing the software complex the special attention was paid to systematization of the information, needed to make informed decisions about development of territories in the context of conducting the ISCAS. "Complex of urban-planning tasks" has provided the automated loading the documents of territorial planning and the permitting town-planning documentation into a database. The built-in means of a geo-binding the documents have provided a binding of data ISCAS to objects of a map. It allows to find and display quickly on a map a place or territory on which there is conducted an accounting in the context of sections, subsections and books of ISCAS. According to the test results, the software of Professional GIS "Panorama 11" with a complex of urban-planning tasks and a complex of geodesy calculations is recommended to be used by departments of State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow region "Scientific Research and Design Institute of urban development", by bodies of state and municipal authority for works on creation of documents of territorial planning, the procedure of their registration, systematization and an exchange. For the further development of municipal GIS there is planned a deployment and testing the following software products: GISWebServerx64, GIS WebServiceSE and ImageryCreatorx64 - the program of forming a map in a raster's form for WEB-applications.
06.10.2014A series of teaching materials on work in the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is developed Specialists of KB "Panorama" have developed training materials on work in the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information. Teaching materials included 8 video lessons and 8 presentations, to each video lesson the presentation on the topic with the same name corresponds. In teaching and presentation materials there is presented full cycle of processing all types of aeronautical information, analysis and publication by means of the complex. The material is aimed at operators of aeronautical databases, designers of schemes, system programmers and specialists on installation and adjustment of databases. Questions of creating a new database and its restoration from a backup copy, adjustment of workplaces and DBMS are considered. There is described the order of conducting a database and output onto a map of the basic categories of aeronautical data - airdromes, main points, routes, obstacles, zones and control areas. There are demonstrated a mapping of airport infrastructure and base of standard routes of departure, approach and landing. Exchange of information in the format ARINC, an order of preparing and publishing the collection of aeronautical information and aeronautical charts is shown. There are considered the questions of designing the routes of departure, approach and landing, their saving in a database and analysis of influence on them of land objects. New training and presentation materials are available for download on the pages of "Video lessons" and "Presentations".
03.10.2014GIS "Ecological monitoring and analytics" expanded structure of observed indicators to estimate a state of environment In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Ecological monitoring and analytics" version 2.3 is developed. In the new version there is improved the interface of displaying a legend of matrixes of indicators and information on maximum permissible concentration of indicators of ecological situation of environment. There is improved the functionality of constructing the time series of matrixes on indicators of measurements. GIS "Ecological monitoring and analytics" allows to automate the processing of primary measurements of parameters of ecological situation. On the basis of the received results there is carried out a predictive, spatial and statistical analysis of environment's state. The list of observed indicators includes levels of pollution of areas by various chemical elements and substances. This list can be expanded according to solved tasks. As the geoinformation software for preparation of the cartographical data the GIS "Panorama 11" can be used. It has a complete set of tools for creation and editing of digital maps, performance of various measurements and calculations, processing of raster data, means of preparing the graphic documents in an electronic and printing form, and also tool means for work with databases. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
02.10.2014At the second forum of accountants of agricultural sector the integrated end-to-end accounting system in the plant was considered The forum was held on September 29, 2014 at the Congress hall of the hotel "Cosmopolite Hotel Kiev. The forum was attended by more than 70 specialists, among whom were the accountants of the leading agricultural companies of Ukraine, representatives of government agencies and suppliers the modern solutions for automation of accounting. This Forum for the second year becomes a platform for consolidation of the main ideas and the best solutions for automation. Specialists of "Panorama Consulting" together with partners, specialists of company ABBYY Ukraine, have made the report on building a comprehensive end-to-end accounting systems in plant breeding. The report has been made on the basis of the project implemented by the companies for industrial group "Creative" which is one of the largest agricultural holdings of Ukraine. To participants has been presented a client-server agrarian GIS, which consists of modules of cadastral registration, electronic register of fields and electronic technological maps, system of operational planning and monitoring the equipments, and it is completely integrated with 1С at level of directories, cards of fields, planned targets for equipments and actually performed works. Agrarian GIS includes the GIS "Panorama AGRO", Workstation of agronomist, GIS Server, GIS "Panorama AUTO" and other products which allow to do the accounting and analysis of all information chain from planning of a crop rotation and technological maps up to direct control of their execution and analysis of results.
02.10.2014GIS "Server" supports the management of virtual data storehouses In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server version 6 is developed. New version supports remote data control in virtual folders of the user. The user can create new directories in virtual folders, copy into folders any data for the general use, delete the obsolete data. Access of users to shared folders (data location, data editing, viewing) is controlled by means of administration of the GIS Server. Provision of data at level of shared folders facilitates administration of a large data list (in the project there can be thousands of maps, ten of thousands matrixes and images). The tree of available data is automatically updated for each user without intervention of the administrator at the expense of data placed in shared folders. Tools for work with virtual folders in the Folder bookmark (in dialog of connecting to the GIS Server) are displayed only at those users who have the right to control the placement of data. At placing the new data there are automatically created the backup copies if the administrator of the GIS Server has included this tool. The installation included a new GIS Administrator (web) for remote administration of the GIS Server. For work of the GIS Administrator on the server the web-server with support of work of PHP-scripts should be installed. Support for aliases of maps, rasters and matrixes in national languages is added. GIS Server supports collective remote access to vector maps, images, matrixes of heights, documents and spatial databases constructed by standard of OGC 06-103r4. Programs of the GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geoservices, other GIS Servers forming multilevel connection among themselves for distributed storage and processing the spatial data with an automatic replication, backup and protection of the data can be clients of the server. Simultaneously several queries on data updating between GIS Servers on multichannel connection via protocol TCP\IP can be carried out. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
01.10.2014In Belarus at enterprise "HodinoAgroPlemElita" a pilot project on introduction of agrarian GIS is implemented Republican subsidiary unitary enterprise "HodinoAgroPlemElita" of the Republican unitary enterprise "Scientific-practical center NAS of Belarus on animal husbandry" of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are working on creation and implementation of integrated system of information support of management by crop production. The purpose of creating this system is to increase the operationability and effectiveness of management decisions in the sphere of agro-industrial complex. Specialists of the Belarus State University, Belarusian National Technical University, a branch "of "Vocational College" of "Republican Institute for Vocational Education", the enterprises of KB "Panorama", "SKB Kamerton", "GeoSistemsPro", "NTC", "Rejnbou Inzheniring", "Tekinsoft", "Brendkom", "Technologies of agriculture" take part in work on system's creation. For the functioning of the integrated information system ("GIS-AGRO") there is created the cartographical and navigation software and system of precision farming. Maps of a topographical base and agriculture (contours of fields reclamation device, agrochemical structure, types and characteristics of soils, relief, weather, climatic and hydrological conditions) are created by specialists of enterprise "Geosystems" and the Belarusian National Technical University. For actualization of maps the data of remote sensing of the Earth is used. Methods of processing the materials of data of remote sensing of the Earth are developed by specialists of the Belarus State University. All technologies are created with use of the software of KB "Panorama" on the basis of a complex of programs: GIS Server, GIS "Panorama 11" and GIS "Panorama AGRO". In accordance with the calendar plan of execution of work, the system must reach a level of permanent operation under production conditions in 2015. More detailed information about the current state and further implementation of the pilot project can be found here.
01.10.2014Complex of automated checking the quality is improved for acceptance and digital‘s maps certification In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated quality control and correction of digital maps of version 5.7.1 is developed. In the new version there are updated the schemes of control for classifiers of digital topographic maps of scales 1: 25 000 (25t05g.rsc), 1: 50 000 (50t05g.rsc), 1: 100 000 (100t05g.rsc), 1: 200 000 (200t05g.rsc), 1: 500 000 (500t05g.rsc) and 1: 1 000 000 (1M05G.rsc). The list of controllable objects and control values of parameters for search of errors is updated. For automation of processes of acceptance and certification of digital maps there is expanded the list of characteristics included in the final report on performance of implementation of quality control of DTM. The complex provides the automated stream processing of large files of digital maps in format SXF for the purpose of bringing the digital maps to a single classifier, automatic correcting the errors of topology, a report of adjacent sheets along lines of a geographical grid and a merge of digital maps into single sets of spatial data on regions. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
30.09.2014"Workstation of urban-planner" is integrated c municipal GIS "Land and real estate" In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 11.12.2 is developed. In the new version an integration of a database and functional modes of data processing "Workstation of urban-planner" and MGIS "Land and real estate" is executed. It will allow to usea single database at information processing in each of programs. Conducting a single register of land enables to form operatively the town-planning plan of the ground area and to receive accounting documents for tax authorities in accordance with the regulations. Use of one address database will allow to find quickly the address on a map and to get the full information about objects of the account that are located at this address. Maintaining a common list of entities facilitates the collection of information about the owners of objects of accounting. Along with the problems solved in MGIS "Land and real estate", the "Workstation of urban-planner" includes functionality to solve urban planning problems in the bodies of architecture and urban planning. One of the key areas of the complex is the systematization of ISCAS documents in accordance with the requirements of the town planning code of the Russian Federation. The flexible system of data storage about objects of building provides getting the full information about object, including regulations of building the territory. GIS Server can be applied to storage of graphic, textual and presentation documents of town-planning activity which provides the differentiated remote access to the spatial data and documents. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
29.09.2014GIS Constructor for Linux expanded possibilities of editing special maps for the Russian Federation Armed Forces In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor of version 11.6.0 is developed for operating system Astra Linux Special Edition, release "Smolensk". New version improved editing tools of special maps for CBRN, Air Forces, Navy. GIS Constructor provides access to spatial data published by WMS-services on various proprietary protocols, including the international standards OGC WMS, WMTS, TMS, using preset settings for popular geoportals: Yandex Probki, Yandex National map, Yandex Hybrid, Yandex Satellite, Google traffic, Google Hybrid, Google Signature, Mail Map, Mail Stoppers, Mail Satellite, Navitel Map, Navitel Tube, Rosreestr Cadastral map, WIKIMAPIA Map, YR Weather information, MAPSFORFREE Relief and others. There are available more than 50 different data layers. There are supported more than 5 standards of tiles pyramids, more than 5 000 coordinate systems, more than 45 kinds of spheroids. Data from geoportals are combined with the spatial data on the client. All coordinate and attribute information is stored only in encrypted form. GIS Constructor includes more than 30 components and classes for work with digital maps. A large set of examples and documentation helps to develop GIS applications that implement tasks put before the developer. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
26.09.2014"Workstation of cadastral engineer" automated processing of the adjacent ground areas KB "Panorama" developed "Workstation of Cadastral engineer" version 11.12.2. In "Complex of geodesy calculations" there are added the modes of automatic processing of adjacent land plots completely located inside of created (specified, changed) ground area. Processing of adjacencies, in so-called "holes", significantly reduces time for preparation of land-plan concerning large ground areas in which territory there are located the long linear objects on support (for example, power lines). The program automatically finds all plots describing supports, and forms for each adjacency the section SpecifyRelatedParcel in XML-file of the land-plan. According to the wishes of users additions are made to modes of formation of cadastral documentation, allowing to duplicate earlier entered information for new land and technical plans. There is implemented a transfer of information entered in dialog "Land-plan", into elements of dialog "Print Land-plan". There is eliminated a number of commentary at a choosing and saving the files attached to the XML-document. The list of valid types of files is in compliance with current regulatory requirements. The mode "Technical plan" is improved. There is implemented the saving the values entered in all elements of the form, into the file of data project (*.MPP) for a reuse. It allows to use file *.MPP for duplication of repeating data in reports of technical plan for different objects of real estate. Breadboards of created objects are developed for designing a graphic part of land and technical plans. Application of breadboards allows to prepare schemes, drawings and other graphic documents. Documents are formed according to requirements on filling the forms of land and technical plans directly on a map, without use of office packages. Images of the issued schemes and drawings can be saved in graphic files of formats JPEG and PDF for the subsequent inclusion into structure of XML-document of land or technical plans. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
25.09.2014In GIS "Panorama 11" the management of virtual storehouses of data on the GIS Server is implemented KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Panorama 11" version 11.12.2. In the new version in dialog of connection to the GIS Server the bookmark of the Folder for a remote data control in user's virtual folders is added. The user can create new directories in virtual folders, copy into folders any data for the general use, delete the obsolete data. Access of users to shared folders (data location, data editing, viewing) is controlled by means of administration of the GIS Server. Provision of data at level of shared folders facilitates administration of a large data list (in the project there can be thousands of maps, ten of thousands matrixes and images). The tree of available data is automatically updated for each user without intervention of the administrator at the expense of data placed in shared folders. Folder bookmark is displayed only at those users, who has the right to control the placement of data. GIS Server of version 6.0.2 and above is necessary for a remote data control in folders. Into the task "Graph of roads" the mode "Net deleting" is added. This mode is intended for deleting the objects of a net for which the value of semantics "Net number" has the same reset number. The mode "Create arch of a net" is modified. At creating an arch between nets with different values of semantics the "Net number" a single value of semantics is automatically set and color of objects is changed. The mode "Control of roads graph" is modified. Results of control are placed into the report which is formed in the form of MS Word document by the template graph.dot. The report contains information about the map and statistics for each type of control. In the task the following types of control are carried out: check of links onto arcs and the presence of arcs on the map; check of links onto the nodes and the presence of nodes on the map; the control of common points at intersections and adjacencies of arcs of the graph with a tolerance of 0.001 m; control of network connectivity, definition of a number of networks with a tolerance of 0.001 m. In the menu the File\Import navigation data from...\ and File\Export to... there is added the item Files ARINC 424 (Aeronautical data). ARINC 424 is the international standard for exchange of data which can be used for creation of aeronautical databases and formation of aeronautical maps. There is expanded the list of commands for performance of functions in Lua language for objects to which the current object (doScriptForObjectKey) refers. For example, for the coordination of the text of titles onto which there are references in semantics of objects. "The complex of geodesy calculations" is refined. Modes of automatic search of the adjacent ground areas completely located inside of created (specified, changed) the ground area are developed. Dialogue "Land-plan" is improved. The transfering the information of the title page (plots number, address, cadastral numbers, customer of cadastral works) is implemented into dialogue "Print the land-plan". There is implemented the transfer of information of the section "Source data" (documents and points of geodetic basis) from dialogue "Land-plan" into the dialogue "Print the land-plan". The mode "Technical plan" is improved. The classifier survey.v4.rsc is modified. Breadboards of objects creation are developed for designing the sections of a graphic part of land and technical plans. Breadboards provide the automated mapping of designing a printed sheet, in accordance with the requirements of the form of land and technical plans. The resulting image can be saved in a graphics file of format JPEG or PDF. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
25.09.2014Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" have taken part in conference "Efficient management of agro-companies" Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" took part in the conference "Effective management of agricultural companies, which took place on 18 September in Kyiv. The conference was attended by over 300 participants, among whom there were clients and partners. At a forum there were discussed the practice of implementing the innovation technologies and decrease of industrial expenses, ways of increase of motivation of workers of agroholdings and increase of crop. Questions of using the agrarian GIS in management of agricultural enterprises have been raised, participants of the event have paid the attention to geoinformation system "Panorama AGRO". The program allows to carry out the analysis of all information chain of the enterprise: from planning a crop rotation and flow sheets, up to directly control of performance and analysis of results. During a meeting between representatives of the company "Panorama Consulting and other participants of the conference there are scheduled the negotiations on the joint implementation of agricultural GIS and the development of partnership areas.
24.09.2014GIS Webservice SE is optimised for integration into server systems on the basis of virtual machine In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServiсe SE version 7.2.1 is developed. The new version of service added the possibility of displaying tiles, vector and matrix data located on various network drives and storehouses. This innovation will simplify the integration of services on the servers which architecture is built with the help of virtual machines. GIS WebServiсe SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), with the aid of which the transfer and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program the possibility of issuing tiles for any user or local coordinate system is realised. GIS WebServise SE is implemented on Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-server Apache, IIS and ngnix. As clients of service it can be GIS "Panorama 11", GIS WebServer, GIS "Operator" and other geoinformation systems. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
23.09.2014In MGIS "Land and Real estate" the tools of preparing reported-statistical materials are expanded KB "Panorama" developed MGIS "Land and Real estate" version 5.7. New version of the program added the possibility of preparing a detailed list of landholders. There are synchronised types АТЕ of the address register with types of KLADR, in accordance with updates KLADR from 09.11.2014. Municipal Geographic Information System is designed to maintain a cadastral database. The program is used for accounting the land and the operational management of land resources. It allows to conduct the help information on land users, land plots (LP), objects of real estate (ORE), the operations conducted with LP and ORE. By means of MGIS "Land and Real estate" it is possible to bind the LP and ORE to digital maps and to perform computational tasks with the issuance of reported materials. To work with attributive and cartographical databases there are used the DBMS Microsoft SQL Server and GIS "Panorama 11". For an ensuring of remote access to the cartographical data from client workstations (GIS "Panorama 11", Panorama-Editor, GIS "Navigator 2011", GIS Panorama Mini) the GIS Server can be used. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
22.09.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Saudi Arabia of scale 1: 1000 000 Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Saudi Arabia. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
19.09.2014GIS Server for Linux improved support of large data sets In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server of version 5.7.1 is developed for operating systems Astra Linux Special Edition, MSVS. The new version has improved support for large data sets. GIS Server supports remote access to the collective vector maps, imagery, matrixes of heights, documents and databases of spatial data built by standard OGC OGC 06-103r4. As the clients there can be programs of GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geo-services, other GIS Servers forming multilevel connectivity between themselves for distributed storage and processing of spatial data with an automatic replication, backup and protection of data. Simultaneously several queries onto updating the data between servers in multichannel connection via the protocol TCP/IP can be carried out. The program allows to specify a list of users, a list of data and their properties, which allows you to configure the server for a particular application. For each group of users their own list of available data is formed. Access of the user to data is made by the user name and the password, or with using the data of accounts in the domain security policy or an operating system of the local computer. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
18.09.2014New version of GIS Panorama Mini is developed with the interface in French In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 11.12.2 is developed for users from the French-speaking countries. The operational documentation, help system and the user interface of dialogues and messages are localized. For correct work it is necessary to install the GIS in localised version of MS Windows. The program supports import and export of several tens of formats of vector maps, images, matrixes. It allows to connect to geo-services by protocols OGC WMS, WMTS, TMS, WFS-T, WCS. It provides simultaneous connection to various sources of data through several servers on the basis of GIS Server for the multiuser work with access control to data. New maps can be created with automatic filling of parameters by code EPSG or from the list of parameters in format XML. There is supported a work with databases of various formats with displaying the data in the forms designed by the user. Connection to GPS/GLONASS receiver for solving the navigation tasks is carried out. Print of cartographical data is possible onto the various output devices and with support of the output into PostScript. There is provided a preview of the document prepared for printing, adjustment of print parameters of small runs of maps. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section
17.09.2014Techniques of forecasting the crop yields on the basis of biomass index (NDVI) are approved at level of the UN program the "UN-SPIDER" Space Research Institute of Ukraine, a partner of the company "Panorama Consulting", has developed model of forecasting the yield on the basis of biomass index (NDVI). This model was included into the recommended list of practices for the application of satellite images. The list is presented on the website of the UN program the "UN-SPIDER" - platforms for use of the space information for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and emergency response. "Panorama Consulting" together with Institute of Space Researches of Ukraine conduct satellite monitoring of crops, carry out construction of historical maps of fields productive and models of yield prediction for agricultural enterprises. Weekly the information about state of crops of arable lands by a total area more than 200 000 hectares is given to agricultural holdings. This information is used at construction of agrarian geoinformation systems, including the "exact agriculture". "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama", diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, business process modeling, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
16.09.2014GIS "Operator" provides a full set of electronic conventional symbols of operational situation for the Navy of the Russian Federation Armed Forces In KB "Panorama" the complete set of training-methodical materials is prepared on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of combat documents in the headquarters of Navy of the Russian Federation Armed Forces. The documents are developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Navy. Part 16-1 (actions of combat ships and boats) and part 16_2 (activities of supply vessels)". There are prepared "Albums of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of the Navy Armed Forces". New examples of digital maps for units, formations and associations of the Navy Armed Forces are issued: "Map of the dislocation of ships in points of basing and parking", "Plan of deployment of forces", "Plan of antiship defence", "Estimation of the enemy", "Organization of fire damage", "Distributions of forces and tools", "Solution to defeat the landing force". Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 148 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. GIS "Operator" was adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has the certificate of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities.
15.09.2014In GIS ToolKit Active the functions of managing the spatial data at the multiuser access are expanded KB "Panorama" developed toolkit GIS ToolKit Active of version 11.3.8. In the new version the access functions to the spatial data at the multiuser access are enhanced. Components of work with a spatial database in encrypted form are updated. Control mode by quality of displaying titles is added. Control mode by transformation of spatial data on the fly at the moment of their displaying is realised. GIS ToolKit Active is a set of COM objects and ActiveX components, designed to develop GIS applications in any programming environment that supports ActiveX technology. The toolkit contains a set of visual and non-visual components, allowing to use spatial data for displaying and performing special calculations. The application allows to process the vector, raster and matrix spatial data in various formats. Supports the work with format SITX which allows to store data onto an arbitrary territory in one file with support of data encryption. Placing of all map data in a single file simplifies data exchange, accounting and backup. The volume of a vector map in storehouse of format SITX is not limited. For protection of data the encryption by 256-bit key formed on the basis of the password, set by the user is supported. Use of the updated GIS-kernel expands the list of connected geoportals by protocols WMS/WMTS/TMS. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
12.09.2014GIS "Operator" for Linux extends possibilities of editing of special maps for CBRN, Air Forces, Navy KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Operator" of version 11.11.6 for operating system Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk"). The new version improved the editing tools of special maps for CBRN, Air Forces, Navy. Software Environment of GIS operator is adapted to run applications implemented with using Qt4. There are refined the means of access to spatial data published by WMS-services by various proprietary protocols, including international standards of OGC WMS, WMTS, TMS. More than 50 various layers of data are available. There are supported more than 5 standards of pyramids of tiles, more than 5 000 coordinate systems, more than 45 kinds of spheroids. Data from geoportals can be combined with the spatial data on the client. Possibility to use geoportals even in the absence of access to the Internet is realised. Any data from geoportals and from GIS Servers that appear at least once on the client computer will be available in offline mode automatically. All coordinate and attributive information is stored only in encrypted form. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
12.09.2014In journal The Ukrainian Farmer the article about application of agrarian GIS in precision agriculture is published Precision farming technology to date have a significant influence on the development of agriculture. Article of specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting", published in the journal The Ukrainian Farmer is devoted problems of application of technology for precision farming. Having vast experience of implementing agrarian GIS in agroholdings which totally process more than 1 million hectares, specialists of the company mark the information support, as a basis for precision farming. As the geoinformation software the GIS "Panorama AGRO" and "Workstation of agronomist" can be used. They completely provide management of agricultural enterprises by tools for conducting the account, control and monitoring all agricultural industrial cycle. Doing corded history books of fields, the account of fuel consumption and thematic mapping, operational planning and calculation of actually done works, an information exchange with 1C and access to open sources of spatial information, technological planning and analysis of applied agrotechnologies, formation of reports and schedules - it is far not a complete list of tasks automated by means of GIS for agriculture. Familiarise themselves with materials about use of precision farming technologies in Article section.
11.09.2014A series of video lessons about the analysis of data and calculations on vector maps in GIS "Panorama 11" is prepared Specialists of company "GISINFO" prepared teaching materials on work in professional and desktop GIS "Panorama 11". In section "Analysis of the data and calculations on vector maps" are placed 4 video lessons. They demonstrated the operation modes which are a part of auxiliary panels "Work with selected objects" and "Crossing of objects". Operations of analysing the data of a vector map are considered: creation of objects-emptiness, statistics viewing on objects of a map and statistics on semantics of objects, viewing a value of semantics in a map point, saving the list of objects into the report, selection of objects by name. There are shown the operations of analysis of crossing and occurrence of map's objects, on creation of new objects by results of such analysis. It is told how you can get information about area of object of a vector map, of group of marked objects or a site of arbitrary shape. Mechanism of creating zones around objects of a map is shown. The section "Work with objects of a map" is added by a video lesson "Addition and deleting of objects semantics". It shows the work's modes with semantics, located on the panel "Map Editor". There are demonstrated such operations as addition and removal of objects semantics, as well as changing the value of the semantics of objects group. New video tutorials are available on the page "Video lessons".
11.09.2014Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" have taken part in conference "Precision farming - 2014" Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" have taken part in conference "Precision farming - 2014" which was held in Khmelnitskiy (Ukraine) on September, 4-5th, 2014. The forum was attended by more than 150 participating companies. At conference there were discussed the practice of using the precision agriculture in the leading companies of Ukraine, the trend of the world market for precision farming, results of European and domestic laboratories for performing an agrochemical research of a soil and other problems. Representatives of the company "Panorama Consulting" have discussed with other participants of a forum questions of using the agrarian GIS in precision farming. Attention was drawn to such software products, as GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist" and GIS WebServer AGRO. The use of these software solutions enables you to record and analyze all the information chain for precision farming. Measurement of exact contours of fields and conducting their passports, optimum division of fields onto elementary areas for soil sampling, a binding of laboratory analyses and satellite images of biomass, creation of inhomogeneities maps, maps of application of fertilizers and their unloading in onboard terminals - this is not the full functionality of these software products. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama", diagnostics of a
10.09.2014Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information performs analysis of flights safety on planned and projected routes KB "Panorama" developed Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information version 6.0. The new version allows you to perform analysis of flights safety on planned and projected routes, to make an estimation of influence of high objects of an infrastructure onto aircrafts flights at various stages of a route. The task "Preparing documents of ANI" is added by possibility of processing and mapping the objects of air navigation with the status "planned". Into the task "Designing the routes of flights" there is included the possibility of search, processing and saving the results of designing into a database with the further possibility of using the information for performing the analysis. The interface of creating templates of a departure is added by departure's templates on a straight line with the displaced and parallel line of a way. The interface of creating templates of routes of landing is added by the landing's schemes "U" and "S". Documentation of designer of flights routes is added by section "Checking the task" which describes an order of designing, storage and the analysis of created routes for the safety of flights. Training-presentation materials on work with the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information are updated. Materials are available on the "Presentation" page. The complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is intended for creation and conducting a database of the aeronavigation information, formation of aeronautical charts, designing the routes of flights of aircrafts and data exchange with other information systems. Information exchange is carried out in format ARINC. Source of aeronautical information is the relational database of aeronautical data constructed on model of AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model). The model is recommended by the international organization of planning and coordination of air traffic "Eurocontrol". The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and the documentations are available for download on the Download page.
09.09.2014GIS WebServer AGRO is integrated with systems of the cadastral registration of Russia and Ukraine In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer AGRO version 4.2 is developed. The the program has tools of conducting the cadastral data with taking into account structure of cadastral data of the various states. GIS WebServer AGRO is developed on the basis of GIS WebServer. Geoinformation system is aimed at specialists in the field of agriculture and is an expansion of GIS "Panorama AGRO" for work with structure of sown areas and an infrastructure of the agricultural enterprise with application of WEB-technologies. For conducting the intraeconomic cadastral account the GIS "Land and real estate" can be used. Thus, the structure of cadastral data can be generated by the user himself. In GIS WebServer AGRO there is implemented a dynamic management of visualising the task "State cadastre" in which connection of the data in structure of cadastral information of Russia and Ukraine is provided. Configuring the connection is made in the configuration file. For the primary formation of a cadastral map and filling the database by cadastral data there can be used the procedures of importing data from XML-files, included into GIS "Panorama 11". GIS WebServer AGRO gives possibility of creation and conducting the own map of contours of agricultural land on the basis of public data displayed on the Agroportal of KB "Panorama" to any user, independently registered in system. For a vectoring the contours of fields or other terrain objects the user can use the various background data connected from various external sources. It may be satellite images, weather data or cadastral information. For optimisation of the network traffic and increase of productivity the GIS WebServer AGRO uses technologies of information interaction by protocols OGC WMS and WMTS through GIS WebService SE. In this case, the spatial data (topographic, cadastral, agricultural) are placed on the GIS Server, providing remote access to information with the differentiation of the users rights. For support of protocol OGC WMTS there is used the Panorama Imagery Service - the service intended for creating and updating the pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG by vector and raster maps. To find a location and a positioning into a proper place on the map the GIS WebServer AGRO has tools of address search in address database from open sources and from FIAS. It is enough to set the name of an address element in the search line. GIS WebServer AGRO support functions of monitoring the equipments, providing the owner of agricultural enterprises with reliable information about the location and mode of operation of agricultural machinery, motor vehicles and special units, the formation of statistical data related to the movement of vehicles and equipment, such as mileage, fuel consumption, an operating time, time in motion and others. The new version and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
08.09.2014Integrated corporate GIS GC"Veres" will be based on agrarian geoinformation systems For automation of operational activity and increases of information support of acceptance of administrative decisions the Group of companies "Veres" has concluded an agreement with the company "Panorama Consulting". Under the agreement, with consulting support of "GISINFO" company the Integrated corporate GIS will be deployed. The corporate geoinformation system will be built on the basis of software products: GIS "Server", GIS "Panorama Editor", GIS "Panorama Mini", GIS "Panorama AGRO". Construction of a unified system of land cadastre of companies group is planned. The binding of registers of lease contracts will be made and preparation of documents to the concrete shares on a map will be implemented. During performance of works there will be carried out a digitizing the contours of fields, their certification, a binding of data of agrochemical inspections of soil, and also thematic maps (crop rotation, crop yield, agrochemical composition of the soil, etc.) will be created. Together with Institute of Space Researches there will be started a weekly monitoring of crops state on the basis of satellite images of biomass. Further there are planned an introduction of electronic technological maps, automation of operational planning of technological operations, and also integration with system GPS monitoring of technics. "Veres" company manages land bank of over 20,000 hectares in the Kirovograd and Rivne Oblast (Ukraine), has its own elevator capacity, and also a seed-growing area. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production. Company "GISINFO" is working on the creation and implementation of geographic information technologies. The company occupies a leading position in the market of introduction of GIS and remote sensing data in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.
05.09.2014Web-server with open source GIS WebServer SE is constructed on the basis of toolkit of developing the web-applications of GIS WebToolKit SE KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServer SE version 1.2. The application with open source GIS WebServer SE allows you to display the cartographical data, to obtain the information about characteristics of map's objects, to do measurements on a map, to operate content of displayed data. Servers on the basis of Windows, Linux, Unix, OS X and other systems with support PHP can be a server platform. At application's run a cartographical toolkit of GIS WebToolKit SE is used. GIS WebToolKit SE is a library in language JavaScript for access to the spatial data, performance of special calculations and display of the digital terrain information. As a source of data the GIS WebToolKit SE uses multiplatform cartographical service of GIS WebService SE. Data exchange with service is carried out by the international open standards OGC: WMTS 1.0.0 and WMS 1.3.0. GIS Server can be a data source for service the GIS WebService SE that allows to synchronise work of desktop applications, services and mobile clients. Structure of GIS WebServer SE includes the program of administration to configure the parameters of application's work. Administration is performed through the Web-interface. Use of various platforms considerably expands the scope of using the GIS WebServer SE. Support of open systems on the basis of Linux allows you to apply GIS WebServer SE in the information systems requiring certification for information security, and also in regional and corporate control systems. The program and the documentation are available for download in the Download section. The installer version for Windows and Linux is available.
04.09.2014Corporate GIS of the company "Bershad Agroplus" is created by with support of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development As part of the Business Advisory Services - BAS of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development the Company "Bershad Agroplus" entered into an agreement with the company "GISINFO" for creation of corporate geographic information system. The project on creation of the corporate GIS will be implemented jointly with the company "Panorama consulting" on the basis of software the GIS "Server", "Panorama Editor", GIS Panorama Mini, GIS "Panorama AGRO", "Workstation of agronomist". During performance of works the uniform system of land cadastre of the company in a binding to a digital map will be constructed. Certification of fields and binding the data of agrochemical inspections of soil will be done. Electronic technological maps will be introduced, operational planning of technological operations will be automated and integration with GPS monitoring system will be done. Together with company IST AGRO SERVICE exact measurement of the companies fields will be held. "Bershad Agroplus" is a regional leader in the distribution of agricultural chemicals, seeds and fertilizers. The company owns its own farmland area of 3000 hectares. Company "GISINFO" is a qualified consultant for the Program of Business Advisory Services - BAS of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In a portfolio of the company there are tens of completed projects in such sectors, as agriculture, town-planning and housing and communal services, law enforcement agencies, emergency situations, ecology, energy, aviation and others. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
03.09.2014New version of GIS Panorama Mini with the English interface is developed KB "Panorama" developed the GIS Panorama Mini version 11.12.1 with English interface. The program supports import and export of several tens of formats for vector maps, images, matrixes. It allows to connect to geo-services under protocols OGC WMS, WMTS, TMS, WFS-T, WCS. Simultaneous connection to various sources of data through several servers on the basis of GIS Server for the multiuser work with access control to the data is provided. New maps can be created with automatic filling of parametres by code EPSG or from the list of parametres in format XML. Work with databases of various formats with displaying the data in the forms designed by the user is supported. Connection to GPS/GLONASS-receiver is carried out for solving the navigation tasks. Print of cartographical data is possible on the various output devices and with the support of the output into PostScript. There are provided a preview of the document prepared for printing, a customizing the print parametres of small runs of maps. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
02.09.2014Use of GIS in agroholdings allowed to reduce time of harvesting To date, agricultural producers in Russia and Ukraine to manage agriculture use more than 350 copies of the license of GIS "Panorama". More than 60 sold in 2014. Agrarian GIS "Panorama" is a client of server technology providing collective access to information about the structure of sown areas, their characteristics and technologies of processing of arable land. Agrarian GIS include software products of various functionality: GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", GIS "Panorama AUTO", "Workstation of agronomist", GIS WebServer AGRO. Specialists of KB "Panorama" provide users of agrarian GIS a technical support, hold seminars and distance training. As a result of regular contacts there are formed the proposals on improving the software, and their modernization is performed. One of the latest improvements of the program is the implementation of a unique mechanism for mapping the operational accounting field work. By results of automatically processed navigation and diagnostic data received from agricultural machinery the special map is created. On the map by different colors there are put the polygons corresponding to the treated area - for each unit of equipment its own color. Into semantics of objects-polygons there are written an information about a vehicle, a unit, width of equipment capture, made operation, date and time of the beginning and the completion of works. This makes it possible to visually assess the quality of performed works and the sizes of processed area, to compare it with field's contours, and also to conduct history of maps of the mechanised operations and to print maps for reports to a management. According to the monthly corporate edition "Our business" of a group of companies "Agro-Belogore", on August, 2nd the very first user of agrarian GIS of KB "Panorama" the "Borisov grain company" has finished peas cleaning. Harvest in this season was 30.4 centner/ha. According to our estimates the total land bank of companies in Russia and Ukraine using the agricultural GIS "Panorama" is two million hectares. Among them a group of companies "Agro-Belogorie", "PRODIMEKS-Holding", management company APX "Raduga", "Astarta", "Drujba Nova" and many others. Training of qualified personnel is not possible without the use in the educational process of advanced technologies. KB "Panorama" has developed the special program of licensing own software products for educational institutions - delivery of products at a discount up to 90 %. 86 workplaces of agricultural GIS are introduced into educational process of two dozen Russian and Ukrainian educational institutions, including "National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine", "Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy", "Bryansk State Agricultural Academy"", "Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy", "Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy", "Moscow State Agro-Engineering University named after V.P.Gorjachkin" and others.
01.09.2014KB "Panorama" has delivered more than 2 000 sets of GIS "Operator" and GIS "Panorama 11" into Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation According to the results of open electronic auctions for supplying geoinformation systems the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has purchased GIS "Operator" and GIS "Panorama 11" developed by KB "Panorama". By request of the industrial enterprises in addition there are supplied more than 100 sets of GIS Server and dozens of workstations of tools of development of the GIS Constructor for Qt Designer. All products are certified in system of certification of information security by requirements of information safety for compliance with the 3 level of control of absence of undeclared possibilities and conformity of real functionality to the possibilities declared in the documentation. Technical acceptance of products is made by military acceptance of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation. Geoinformation system "Operator" was adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation № 598 of August, 15th, 2013. GIS "Operator" contains tools for editing the operational situation, it supports various classifiers and libraries of conventional symbols of operational situation. For creating digital maps of situation about emergencies there is supported the classifier created in accordance with the requirements of GOST Р 22.0.10-96. This standard is mandatory for the management bodies of the Unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, regional and local governments on affairs of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, organizations and institutions engaged in the planning, organization and implementation of measures for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations.
26.08.2014In GIS WebService SE the requests of access to the service In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServiсe SE version 7.2.0 is developed. The new version of service expanded the parameters of queries via the protocol REST API. It will allow to select objects not only by their number, but also by quantity and object type (linear, polygon, point, vector). Service performs measurement requests and produces special calculations on the map. In the new version of service a delivery of results is standardised on format GML ISO 19109:2005, ISO 19115:2003. GIS WebServiсe SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), with help of which the transfer and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program the possibility of issuing tiles by any user or local coordinate system is realised. GIS WebServiсe SE is implemented on platforms of Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-servers of Apache, IIS and ngnix. The new version of the program and the documentation is available on the website in the Download section.
25.08.2014Integrated corporate GIS GC "Arnica" will be built on the basis of agrarian geoinformation systems For automation of operational activity in crop production and increases of information support of acceptance of administrative decisions the Group of companies "Arnica" has concluded an agreement with the company "Panorama Consulting". Under the agreement, together with company "GISINFO" there will be deployed an Integrated Corporate GIS on the basis of the software the GIS"Server", the GIS "Panorama-Editor", GIS "Panorama Mini", GIS " Panorama AGRO","Workstation of agronomist". Construction of a unified system of land cadastre of companies group is planned. The binding of registers of lease contracts will be made and preparation of documents to the concrete shares on a map will be implemented. During works there are planned a making a digitizing of contours of farmland under control of GC "Arnica", issuing the passport system of fields and a binding the data of agrochemical inspections of a soil. Electronic flow-sheets will be introduced, operational planning of technological operations will be automated. Together with company IT-Lynx there is planned a constructing a system of GPS monitoring the technics. In cooperation with Institute of Space Researches the historical map of fields productivity on the basis of NDVI index will be created, a weekly monitoring of crops condition on the basis of satellite images of a biomass will be started. In the future, we plan to develop a system of GPS monitoring - introduction of control of work of towed units, automation of obtaining and grain delivery on an elevator, introduction of systems of exact agriculture. Group of companies "Arnika" manages land bank of over 18,000 hectares in the Poltava region. Has a large fleet of imported equipment, as well as its own elevator capacity. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production. Company "GISINFO" is working on the creation and implementation of geographic information technologies. In a portfolio of the company there are tens of completed projects in such sectors, as agriculture, town-planning and housing and communal services, law enforcement agencies, emergency situations, ecology, energy, aviation and others.
22.08.2014Training-methodical materials on using the GIS "Operator" in units, formations, associations of Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation Armed Forces are prepared KB "Panorama" developed new educational materials on using the GIS "Operator" for preparation of command-staff documents by officers of the Strategic Missile Forces. The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Part 14. "Strategic Missile Forces". There is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of Strategic Missile Forces". New examples of digital maps for units, formations and associations of the Strategic Missile Forces are issued: "Worksheet example of RP official", "Worksheet example of RD official", "Worksheet example of RA official". The developed materials can be applied as a part of GIS "Operator" in operating systems Astra Linux SE, MSVS 5.0, MSVS 3.0 and Zarya. GIS "Operator" was adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has the certificate of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities.
21.08.2014At constructing a system of satellite monitoring of crops agrarian GIS will be used For ensuring the accurate and timely information of company's management and increasing the predictability of activity results the company "Anama-Agro" has concluded the contract with the company "Panorama Consulting". Within the limits of the contract the realisation of tasks is planned: weekly satellite monitoring of crops condition by NDVI index on fields of the company of a total area more than 70 000 hectares; construction of model of forecasting of yield on three basic crops of production; conducting digital maps of crops condition. All cartographical data will be included in the spatial database of GIS "Panorama AGRO" which is deployed in the company "Anama-Agro". It will allow to combine into one file all information necessary for decision-making - maps of agro-chemical inspections, maps of crop rotations, maps of treated areas and performed works, maps of crops condition and others. Models of yields forecasting will be developed jointly with the Institute of Space Researches. Company "Anama-Agro" is a group of companies "Santimir", which brings together more than two dozen companies and specializes in crop and livestock production, has elevator power and feed mills. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. The main activities of the company is the delivery and implementation of agricultural GIS, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, creation of high-precision digital maps of fields, soil sampling, satellite monitoring of crops, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
20.08.2014In "Workstation of urban-planner" the tools of geo-binding city-planning documentation are built-in In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 11.11.5 is developed. In the new version "Complex of urban tasks" is supplemented by functions of geo-binding city-planning documents and the automated choice of documents ISOGD in the specified map point. For all ISOGD sections the functions of a spatial binding the documents of territorial planning and permitting city-planning documentation to objects of a map are added: real estate, ground areas, territorial zones, objects of planning and development, border of municipal formations and subjects of the Russian Federation. It allows quickly to find and to display territory on which ISOGD is conducted from the viewpoint of sections, subsections, books and volumes. In the course of specifying the spatially-logic links there is carried out automatic monitoring a compliance of the type of selected map's object to the directory of objects of city-planning activity depending on section of ISOGD. Thus, there are thus used the codes of objects from digital classifiers terplan.rsc (conformity to the Order of Ministry of Regional Development of Russia from January, 30th, 2012 № 19) and survey.rsc (conformity to XML-schemes of Rosreestr). Possibilities of mode "Search of city-planning documents in a specified point of a map" are expanded. For the specified point of a map the list of documents on the ground area (section "Dossiers about the developed ground areas and subject to building") is supplemented by information about documents from other sections of ISOGD. New functionality allows you to view all documents ISOGD which books are related with objects of a map. In the special part of a registration card of ISOGD document there is added automatic formation of the identifier of cartographical data for specifying spatially-logic links. The synchronised transition between ISOGD registers and a tree of ISOGD documents is implemented. Work both with local maps, and with the maps placed on the GIS Server is supported. The user has the ability to self-build contents of digital map's layers: cadastral map - objects of real estate, ground areas, territorial zones; map of borders - subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal formations; maps of urban zoning - functional and territorial zones; maps of a lay-out and territory development - projects of planning and development and others. The new version of the program is available on the web-site in Download section.
19.08.2014"Workstation of agronomist" visualises maps of operational accounting of mechanised works In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 11.11.5 is developed. The new version implemented integration of "Complex of agronomical tasks" with the program GIS "Panorama AGRO". The application provides display and analysis of a map of the operational accounting of actually performed mechanised works, created in the GIS "Panorama AGRO". On the basis of data on moving of vehicles, sensors indications of work of agricultural units, width of equipment capture, borders of fields contours, time of start and completion of works the program forms the polygonal objects corresponding to borders of the processed area. Objects are formed with a binding to the equipment which was carrying out specified technological operation. For each unit of equipment Downloadthe processed area is put by its own colour. The received objects allow the agronomist visually to estimate the general borders of the processed areas, to detect gaps in arable land processing (subobjects - "holes"), to compare the received area with reports of machine operators and jointly to analyse the areas processed by several machines units in borders of one field contour. At assessing a map of the operational account of the mechanised works the agronomist can use the additional sources of the data placed on the GIS Server (for example, a map of borders of fields contours or a cadastral map) or connected by protocols of remote access from external resources (for example, weather data of web service "Vega" or data on agrochemical indicators of soil of web service "Atlas of agricultural land"). The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
18.08.2014In ImageryCreator a speed of tiles formation according to remote sensing data through load distribution in multiprocessor platforms is increased In KB "Panorama" ImageryCreator of version 7.5.5 is developed. The program forms tiles in formats JPEG and PNG under the international standard OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. In the new version a speed of processing the big projects of data and creating tiles by them is increased. Data can contain tens of thousand rasters, matrixes or vector maps. Acceleration is achieved at the expense of load distribution in multiprocessor platforms. The tile data formed by ImageryCreator are used by software products the GIS WebServer, GIS WebService SE. They provide high speed of performing the queries for display of spatial data to extensive territories at the simultaneous reference of a great number of users. For publication of vector maps, rasters and matrixes the GIS Server can be applied. The program provides a collective remote access to spatial data in accordance with established rights. The new version of the program is available on the website in Download section.
15.08.2014GIS "Panorama AGRO" will be integrated with systems of "1C-MAE for Ukraine" of innovation centre ABBY The company "Panorama Consulting" and innovation center ABBYY Ukraine have signed a partner agreement on long-term cooperation. Main objective of this partnership is joint work on creation of effective and modern IT system in agricultural holdings of Ukraine. Within the limits of the agreement there are conducted works on integration of systems "1C: Management of agricultural enterprise for Ukraine" and the GIS "Panorama AGRO". GIS "Panorama AGRO" will provide synchronisation of the information from directories and documents on structure of sown areas, equipment park, passports of fields, shares, actually made works, the list of employees and others. Such approach will allow the agricultural enterprises and holding companies to obtain a comprehensive system of the account, control and monitoring of the entire production cycle. The system will provide the automated processing of the enterprise's technological data, performance of calculations and the analysis of the received information. There will be implemented an interaction of hardware of GPS of navigation, sensors of fuel consumption and other objects with the geoinformation system providing data gathering and visualisation of equipments on as much as possible exact map of fields, and corporate information system 1C, providing the administrative, accounting and tax accounting of the company. Innovation center ABBYY Ukraine - provides services in automation of business activities of enterprises and organizations on the basis of product family "1C:Enterprise". Consultation and training of users of software products is provided in its own training center. The company "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. Company's primary activity is agroconsulting, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, delivery and introduction of GIS, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, soil sampling, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, satellite monitoring of crops and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
13.08.2014GIS WebToolkit SE allows to embed the components of access control to the spatial data and to display the information about areas in Web-applications In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebToolkit SE version 1.3 is developed. In the new version the possibilities of components of access to the spatial data are expanded. Management by a structure of map layers is added that allows to receive the image of a map with change of the data contents (maps, images, schemes, matrixes). Displaying data about properties of map objects in the specified location is performed, functions of scaling and map moving are supported. Displaying the current location coordinates and scale of displaying a map expand the user interface of toolkit. Queries of the spatial data are carried out via protocol of REST API to the service GIS WebService SE. GIS WebToolKit SE is library in language JavaScript for access to the spatial data, displaying the digital terrain information in the Internet in the form of maps images, obtaining the information about objects of a map. The toolkit supports a cross-browser compatibility, can be used in a variety of development environments. As a source of data GIS WebToolKit SE uses cartographical service GIS WebService SE. Data exchange with service is carried out by the international open standards OGC: WMTS, WMS, WFS. GIS WebServise SE is implemented on Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-server of Apache, IIS and ngnix. Support for open systems based on Linux allows you to apply GIS WebService SE in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in other departments of the municipal, regional and federal levels. Demonstration example of GIS WebToolKit SE is presented on the web-site. The new version of the program is available in the Download section.
12.08.2014Panorama Imagery Service automates process of updating the pyramids of tiles on the basis of remote sensing data In KB "Panorama" the Panorama Imagery Service of version 7.0.4 is developed. The new version of service allows you to form tiles by large volumes of vector, raster or matrix data by distribution of the load in multiprocessor platforms. Service is intended for creating and updating the pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG. The program allows you to keep the tiles up-to-date according to data placed on the GIS Server. Service carries out monitoring the change of data - by the transactions log for the vector data, by time of updating the raster and matrix data, and automatically updates those tiles on which there were changes. Pyramids of tiles are published by protocol OGC WMTS by service GIS WebService SE. In systems with a heavy load or when large amounts of data the additional copies of service are installed on separate servers, providing scalability of the application. The new version of the program is available on the website in Download section.
11.08.2014Training-methodical materials on using the GIS "Operator" in headquarters of Navy of the Russian Federation Armed Forces are prepared In KB "Panorama" new educational materials are developed on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of combat documents at the headquarters of Navy Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Navy. Part 16-1 (actions of combat ships and boats)." There is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of the Navy Armed Forces". New examples of digital maps for units, formations and associations of the Navy Armed Forces are issued: "Map of the dislocation of ships in points of basing and parking", "Plan of deployment of forces", "Plan of antiship defence". Breadboard (a set) of conventional operational-tactical signs from the classifier are developed for branch (department, office) of the Navy Armed Forces which provide rapid mapping of typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various kinds of combat (operation) and daily activity of armies. Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 144 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. The developed materials can be applied as a part of GIS "Operator" in operating systems Astra Linux SE, MSVS 5.0, MSVS 3.0 and Zarya. GIS "Operator" was adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has the certificate of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities.
08.08.2014In GIS WebServer AGRO the tools of monitoring of agricultural machinery and motor transport are built-in In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer AGRO of version 4.2 is developed. The new version of the program provides loading the navigation data into the base of system, visualisation of a current location and tracks of objects on a map, processing the indicators of the sensors measured during vehicles use and fixation of events of monitoring. On the basis of the navigation and diagnostic information there is carried out a formation of statistical data related to the movement of vehicles and equipment, such as mileage, fuel consumption, an operating time, time in movement and others. For maintenance of a list existing and additions of new objects of monitoring there is implemented a creation and maintenance of directories and classifiers. The registered user, except the rights to creation and conducting a WEB-map of fields, can register now his own objects of monitoring. The owner of agricultural machinery or motor transport has possibility to see on a digital map a location of objects, a direction and speed of their movement, to receive the statistical information for any period of time. Thus accuracy of these data depends on the type of navigation equipment: an error of specifying a location of object from several meters to several centimeters. Access to all information is protected by the personal password entered by the user at registration in system. GIS WebServer AGRO program is developed on the basis of GIS WebServer. It is aimed at professionals in the field of agriculture and is an extension of the GIS "Panorama AGRO" for work with structure of sown areas and infrastructure of the agricultural enterprise with application of WEB-technologies. GIS WebServer AGRO uses possibility of the publishing the spatial data by protocols OGC WMS and OGC WMTS through web services GIS WebService or GIS WebService Special Edition (SE). Allows you to work with Panorama Imagery Service which is intended for creation and updating the pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG by the spatial data managed by the GIS Server. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
07.08.2014Training-methodical materials are developed on the use of geoinformation technology for solving the tasks of territorial administration Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared training-methodical materials on use of an integrated server (GIS Server, GIS WebServer, Panorama SpatialDB Service) and desktop software products (GIS "Panorama 11", Complex of urban tasks, MGIS "Land and real estate") to solve problems of territorial administration. In the process of territorial administration it is necessary to use an integrated approach an implementation of which is helped by geoinformation technology. The basic advantages of using the GIS-technologies and digital space images in territorial administration are: possibility of constant actualization of digital maps and semantic databases; scientific validity of the project proposals at the expense of the more reliable information base; ability of modelling a large number of variants of territories development; using the materials of the project for the organization of urban and ecological monitoring; creation of cartographic and semantic core of multifunctional territorial GIS; integration of information resources of geoinformation systems of federal, regional and municipal levels. Use of GIS-technologies can significantly reduce the cost of the software operating the cadastral activity and the town-planning information database. Currently geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama" are used in the Moscow, Leningrad, Vologda, Irkutsk, Smolensk regions, Krasnodar territory, Altay Republic, Dagestan, Tatarstan, Yakutia and other regions of the Russian Federation. Be acquainted with presentation materials on the website in "Presentation" section.
06.08.2014Into the GIS Constructor for Linux the tools of obtaining the actual information from geoportals are added In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor of version 11.5.0 is developed for operating system Astra Linux Special Edition, release "Smolensk". The new version provides access to the spatial data published by WMS-services under various proprietary protocols, including the international standards OGC WMS, WMTS, TMS, by means of the preset options for popular geoportals: Yandex Stoppers, Yandex People's Map, Yandex Hybrid, Yandex Satellite, Google Stoppers, Google Hybrid, Google Signatures, Mail Map, Mail Stoppers, Mail Satellite, Navitel map, Navitel Stoppers, Rosreestr cadastral map, WIKIMAPIA Map, YR Meteodata, MAPSFORFREE Relief and other. More than 50 different data layers are available. There are supported more than 5 standards of tiles pyramids, more than 5 000 coordinate systems, more than 45 kinds of spheroids. Data from geoportals is combined with the spatial data on the client. All coordinate and attributive information is stored only in encrypted form. GIS Constructor includes more than 30 components and classes for work with digital maps. Large set of examples and documentation help to develop operatively the GIS-application, that implements the tasks assigned to a developer. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
05.08.2014Training-methodical materials are prepared for use of GIS "Operator" in offices and departments of communication of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces In KB "Panorama" there are developed new educational materials on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of command-staff documents in branches, departments and communication's management. The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Part 13."Office, department and management of communications". There is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of office (department, management) of communications". New examples of maps for combined arms formations, units of Ground forces are issued: "Plan of communication of Motorised Brigade", "Plan of communication of combined army", "Plan of communication OSK". The structure of operational and tactical signs is expanded. The developed materials can be applied as a part of the GIS "Operator" in operating systems Astra Linux SE, MSVS 5.0, MSVS 3.0, Zarya and others.
04.08.2014Into GIS Server for Linux the tools of remote administration from the web-browser are included In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server of version 5.7.0 is developed for operating systems Astra Linux Special Edition and MSVS. In the new version the possibilities on remote administration of access to the geospatial data using a web-browser are expanded. Web-application the GIS Administrator is developed, intended to customize work's parameters of GIS Server for any platform. The administrator can specify a list of users, a list of data and their properties, which allows you to configure the server for a particular application. For each group of users their own list of available data is formed. Access to geodata is made by the user name and the password, or with using the data of accounts in the domain security policy or an operating system of the local computer. GIS Server supports remote access to the collective vector maps, imagery, matrixes of heights, documents and databases of spatial data built by standard OGC OGC 06-103r4. As the clients there can be programs of GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geoservices, other servers forming multilevel connectivity between themselves for distributed storage and processing of spatial data with an automatic replication, backup and protection of data. Simultaneously several queries onto updating the data between servers in multichannel connection via the protocol TCP/IP can be carried out. New version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
01.08.2014Presentation materials on use of geoinformation systems for accounting land and real estate are prepared Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared a presentation on using an integrated server (GIS WebServer, GIS Server) and desktop (GIS "Panorama 11", MGIS "Land and real estate", workstation of "Cadastral engineer") software for solving the tasks of registration of land plots and objects of capital construction. In it there is presented a general scheme of using the geoinformation systems for cadastral engineers, local authorities, bodies of the state cadastre and public authorities. GIS-technologies allow visually to process the geodata, received from various sources, to systematise and accumulate the information in banks of spatial data, including DBMS format. Automation of analytical tasks of land-property complex (control of mutual position of cadastral objects, identifying of overlaps, intersections, empty places, calculation of cadastral cost (CC), control of conformity CC by the form of permitted using the land plots and other.) and the publication of contents of banks of spatial data in the Internet under the unified protocols considerably simplifies work of specialists of land management. To familiarise with presentation it is possible on the website in "Presentation" section.
18.07.2014In "Workstation of city-planner" the tools of stream loading of ISOGD data are built-in In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of city-planner" version 11.11.5 is developed. New version adds the new mode "Import of urban-planning data", providing stream loading of data about land plots, objects of real estate and related urban planning documents. During the import process, the program reads data from DBF-tables associated with the cadastral map of the hierarchical file storage in the form of structured file folders, which include electronic copies of city planning documents. The cadastral map containing the coordinate description of the land plots and objects of real estate, may be located locally or on the GIS Server. The basic identification information are the cadastral numbers of the land plots and objects of real estate. During the stream processing of data from DBF-tables the registers of land plots, objects of capital construction and legal owners are automatically filled. Document files from the specified storage are placed in section "Built-up and be a land development land plots" of ISOGD with simultaneous filling of descriptive data about documents. Thus, connections between imported ISOGD documents, registers of objects of the account and a cadastral map are established automatically. In "Complex of urban tasks" the section "Objects of account" is added by tools of establishing a link of the ground area and the object of the account located on it. By the specified links it is possible to display visually correctness of a binding of the account to a map. In section "Ground areas" the mode "Objects of the account" is added for displaying the list of objects of the account located on the current ground area. In section "ISOGD" there is added a transition from the book "Case about land plot" into the register of accounting objects. Speed of forming the list of ISOGD documents in the form of a hierarchical tree with division on the main and auxiliary sections is essentially increased. Algorithms of search and sampling the information for databases containing large numbers of urban planning documents are optimized. Types АТЕ of the address register are synchronised with types of KLADR in accordance with updates of KLADR from 02.06.2014. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
17.07.2014Training-methodical materials on using GIS "Operator" in rear KB "Panorama" developed new teaching materials on use of the GIS "Operator" for the formation of combat graphic documents - "Logistics Plan of Brigade (mibr), army, groups of troops (OSK)," "Working maps of service chiefs of food, clothing, fuel and lubricants of brigade, army, groups of troops (OSK)". The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of tactical situation in the GIS "Operator". Part 14. Branch (department, office) of rear". There is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials in departments and offices of of the rear of general staffs of the Russian Federation Armed Forces". New examples of maps for combined arms formations, units of Ground forces are issued: "Worksheet of lubricant's chief ", "Worksheet of chief of clothing's service", "Worksheet of food service's chief", "Logistics plan of rear" - for motorized brigade and general army, "Plan of logistics" - for general army and united strategic command. Breadboard (sets) of conventional operational-tactical signs from the classifier are developed for branch (department, office) of rear which provide rapid mapping of typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various kinds of combat (operation) and daily activity of armies. Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 140 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. The developed materials can be applied as a part of GIS "Operator" in operating systems Astra Linux SE, MSVS 5.0, MSVS 3.0 and Zarya. GIS "Operator" was adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has the certificate of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities. Supply of teaching materials to the troops will be performed under contracts between the Russian Defense Ministry and Joint-Stock Company of KB "Panorama" to supply software and information systems according to the results of public auctions.
16.07.2014GIS Panorama Mini supports import and export of aeronautical data in format ARINC 424 KB "Panorama" developed GIS Panorama Mini version 11.11.5. The new version includes support for import and export of aeronautical data in ARINC 424 format. ARINC 424 is the international standard for the exchange of data that can be used for creation of aeronautical databases and formation of aeronautical charts. Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical documents is applied to conducting an aeronautical database of model AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model). At importing data from format ARINC 424 the GIS Panorama Mini automatically forms a route map and map of the area. It is recommended to apply the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical documents to creation of charts for departure, arrival, approach and other elements of aeronautical charts. Creating charts is performed in accordance with the requirements of document the Doc 8697 ICAO ("Manual on Aeronautical Charts"). The formed information and special conventional symbols are based on the aeronautical classifier dfc.rsc. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
15.07.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Oman of scale 1: 1000 000 Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Oman. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
14.07.2014GIS "Panorama 11" is used for forecasting consequences of catastrophic rise of a water level in the rivers Specialists of KB "Panorama" by request of LLC "VED" performed creating a kit of thematic maps of flood zones zones and zones of erosion of parts banks of the river Kolyma within the settlements located on it. Maps are prepared with use of the standard tools included into Professional GIS "Panorama11". During the work there were formed predicted zones of flooding with the gradation in depth specified by the customer. It provides the analysis of expansion dynamics of flooded areas at gradual increase of a water level. Have been simulated summer low-water levels and zones of bank erosion. During making the works the consulting lessons with specialists of company "VED" were conducted, that will allow them to solve further similar problems on their own. Possibilities of GIS "Panorama 11" in the analysis of a terrain relief can be expanded due to "Complex of 3D analysis". The program complex allows to build models of surfaces and to solve problems of spatial analysis with use of the constructed models. Models of surfaces can be used for construction of isolines, formation of coordinates H (height) of map objects, at construction of flood zones and for modelling of emergencies. Complex of 3D analysis also includes problems of predicting the oil spill disaster zone and calculating the bulks of earth works.
11.07.2014"Workstation of agronomist" visualises thematic maps of movement of motor transport and agricultural machinery as a part of fields maps KB "Panorama" developed "Workstation of agronomist" version 11.11.5. The new version of the program integrates in a single graphic window an information from various data sources. In addition to maps of fields there can be visualized thematic maps of agrophysical conditions and agrochemical parameters of soil, information on meteorological data and tracks of movement history of vehicles and agricultural machines. Distinctive feature of a product line of agrarian products "Panorama" is their integration into a single infrastructure of spatial data of agricultural land, constructed on the basis of various software: GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server, GIS WebServer AGRO. Maps of movements of technics and events, automatically created in GIS "Panorama AGRO", can be visualised in the environment "Workstation of agronomist". Thus, maps updating made in GIS "Panorama AGRO" or in GIS WebServer AGRO automatically, is displayed in a map window "Workstation of agronomist" due to built-in data synchronization. Cartographical layers formed on the basis of processing the navigation data GLONASS / GPS-signals and measurement from installed sensors, are integrated both with layers of fields map, and with thematic layers of data from web services, for example "Atlas of agricultural land". Besides the data collected in an automatic mode the system allows you to map results of import of information from external carriers of autopilots or data of manual input from log-books and registration. On the basis of received points, tracks and polygons the program allows you to create buffer zones. These zones are formed taking into account width of capture of the hinged equipment for the analysis of the processed area, including overlap (intersection) of results of the mechanised works performed by several various units of agricultural machinery. The new version of the program is placed on the website in Download section.
10.07.2014"Workstation of cadastral engineer" provides formation of reports according to the updated requirements of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of Cadastral engineer" version 11.11.5 is developed. In the new version the "Complex of geodesy calculations" provides formation of cadastral reporting according to requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on 30 June 2014. Land-plan is finalized in accordance with the requirements of order of the Ministry of Economic Development №89 from February, 25th 2014г. "On Amendments to the Order of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from November 24, 2008 № 412". Changes are made in the dialog elements for input parameters in accordance with the updated requirements. Filling the report by the changed templates of the land-plan is implemented. Tools of search and giving into the report of information on the ground areas, adjacent with the created ground area are developed. The technical building plan is finalized in accordance with the requirements of order of the Ministry of Economic Development №86 from February, 25th 2014г. "On Amendments to the Order of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from September, 1st, 2010 № 403". Changes are made in the dialog elements for input parameters in accordance with the updated requirements. There is implemented an input of information about cadastral works with a choice of one of the options and the subsequent editing the automatically generated text. Filling the report by the changed templates of the technical building plan is realised. The technical plan of a construction is finalized in accordance with the requirements of order of the Ministry of Economic Development №88 from February, 25th 2014г. "On Amendments to the Order of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from November, 23rd, 2011 № 693". Changes are made in the dialog elements for input parameters in accordance with the updated requirements. Elements for input of data on construction's parts are added. Filling the report by the changed templates of the technical plan of a construction is realised. The technical plan of object of under construction is finalized in accordance with the requirements of order of the Ministry of Economic Development № 85 from February, 25th 2014г. "On Amendments to the Order of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from February, 10th, 2012 № 52". Changes are made in the dialog elements for input parameters in accordance with the updated requirements. Filling the report by the changed templates of the technical plan of object of under construction is implemented. The technical plan of premises is finalized in accordance with the requirements of order of the Ministry of Economic Development №87 from February, 25th 2014г. "On Amendments to the Order of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from November, 29th, 2010 № 583". Changes are made in the dialog elements for input parameters in accordance with the updated requirements. Filling the report by the changed templates of the technical plan of premises is realised. In accordance with the changes introduced by the orders of Russian Ministry of Economic Development, there are updated the templates of land-plan, technical plan of building, technical plan of construction, technical plan of the object under construction and technical plan of premises. Formation of reports is made on the basis of a cadastral map created on the basis of the information received from the state real estate cadastre and actualized by the cadastral engineer by results of cadastral works. Placing a cadastral map on the GIS Server provides collective access to the spatial data that allows to organise the multiuser work with the cadastral information according to the established rights. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
09.07.2014Training-presentation materials on work with the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information are updated Specialists of KB "Panorama" updated training and presentation materials on work with the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical documents. The presentation is added by the description of work stages with the application "Calculation of airport routes". The task is intended for designing, simulation, construction and analysis of routes of departure, approach and landing. By results of work of the application task it is possible to make decisions to change a structure of a route and elements configuration of air space. The complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is intended for creation and conducting a database of the aeronavigation information, formation of aeronautical charts, designing the routes of flights of aircrafts and data exchange with other information systems. Information exchange is carried out in format ARINC. Source of aeronautical information is the relational database of aeronautical data constructed on model of AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model). The model is recommended by the international organization of planning and coordination of air traffic "Eurocontrol". See the presentation materials on work with the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information in the "Presentation" section.
08.07.2014In China an international conference "From an image to a map: digital photogrammetric technologies" will take place In the period from October, 18 till October, 24th, 2014 in China on island Hainan there will be the 14th International scientific and technical conference "From an image to a map: digital photogrammetric technologies". "Racurs" company will be the event organizer. Annually the conference becomes a meeting place of branch specialists from the different countries of the world. The main theme of the international forum is remote sensing of the Earth and photogrammetric technologies. Participants of the event are provided by unique opportunities to share their own technologies and to get acquainted with colleagues' achievements, to get a large amount of interesting and useful information. Scientific and Technical Congress - is a platform for establishing new relations and mutually beneficial contracts between companies. All stages of the conference will be widely covered in the Russian and foreign media. 13 years of experience in an international conference shows that the interest to the event is growing year by year. In 2013, the scientific and technical forum was attended by 120 companies from 20 countries. Were presented 40 papers and presentations. Ways to solving the the problems facing the Russian and world cartography were considered.
07.07.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Yemen of scale 1: 1000 000 Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Yemen. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
03.07.2014System of accounting the lands of agricultural holding "RoAgro" (Ukraine) is constructed on the basis of GIS "Panorama 11" In order to improve the quality of accounting and management efficiency by land bank the second agroholding of financial and industrial group TAS - "RoAgro" introduces agrarian geoinformation systems. The project was implemented by specialists of company "GISINFO" on the basis of GIS "Panorama 11". During project's realization there are systematised all registers of shareholders, cartographical information and the exchange files. A single database with a binding to the objects on a map is created. A customizing the classifier of conventional symbols under uniform requirements of coding, classification and displaying the conventional symbols of accounting's objects is done. The system of accounting the lands in agroholding "RoAgro" is constructed on the basis of architecture "client-server". All data are placed on the central GIS Server of the company. During project's realization for land surveyors and lawyers of agroholding the presentation of work of the program complex was made. By means of the Program of monitoring a database and updating the maps, data of accounting system 1C and geospatial materials the system of monitoring (synchronization) of accounting databases will be created. Additional delivery of workplaces of the client software is planned. The main activity of "GISINFO" company is the development and implementation of geographic information technologies. The company occupies a leading position in the market of GIS introduction in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Today, together with Panorama-consulting (Ukraine), on the basis of GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama" 20 projects for the benefit of the agricultural companies in Russia and Ukraine (with land bank from 5 000 hectares up to 240 000 hectares) are implemented. During performance of works the problems were solved: creations of systems of cadastral account and land classification, supply of remote sensing data, creations of orthophotomaps and a mapping of territories, creation of systems of GPS-navigation of mobile means, creation of automation systems of management by agriculture system (creation of digital maps of fields, conducting passports of fields, data processing of monitoring the fields) and others.
02.07.2014GIS Constructor for Linux accelerated process of representation of multilayered sets of maps In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor of version 11.4.0 is developed for operating system Astra Linux Special Edition, release "Smolensk" version 1.3, certified by requirements of information security. In the new version a process of representation of multilayered maps sets with large amounts of information is considerably accelerated. Possibility of displaying matrixes and rasters by turning the base map is added. The program fully supports the updated formats of spatial data, classifiers, new projections and coordinate system with which the GIS "Panorama 11" works. The structure of geoinformation system includes various components: creating and displaying three-dimensional terrain models, "Road net", search of digital map's objects, displaying a digital map, converting the data of format SXF, access to data through the GIS Server and others. The same spatial data can be displayed and edited in different projections and coordinate systems simultaneously from any number of workplaces. Performance of overlay operations between maps in various projections is provided. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
01.07.2014Training video data on import of vector data into GIS "Panorama of Mini" are prepared Specialists of company "GISINFO" have prepared two new video lessons for users of GIS "Panorama of Mini", GIS "Panorama 11" and "Panorama-editor". Video lessons explain the procedures for import of vector data from formats Shape and MID/MIF into the GIS "Panorama Mini". Technology of adjustment of attributive data at objects and external view, according to the map classifier is shown. Result of work is the formation of digital vector maps in the SIT format on the basis of downloaded data. To date, the site of KB "Panorama" presents more than 70 training videos and over 90 presentations. In the spring of this year specialists of training center conducted an online seminar "Formation of technical plan of premises by means of Workstation of "Cadastral engineer" in which listeners from various subjects of the Russian Federation took part. Basically these are the cadastral engineers using geoinformation systems in their daily activity. On July, 16th 2014 a new webinar "Formation of technical building plan by means of Workstation of "Cadastral engineer" is planned. To familiarise with training video data it is possible on page of Video lessons.
30.06.2014Specialists of company "GISINFO" demonstrated the work of the project "Web-portal of complex scheme of placing the temporary constructions in Kiev" Specialists of company "GISINFO" on the basis of the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Kiev City Council made a presentation and practical display of work "the Web portal of complex scheme of placing of temporary constructions in Kiev" which was launched in a test mode. By results of the period of test work the additional works on elimination of errors and completion of functional will be done. Geoportal will be integrated into a single Urban information-analytical system of an ensuring the urban activity (UIAS EUA). Web portal is based on software of KB "Panorama". All software products are implemented on a 64-bit platform. Preparation of geospatial data (download from exchange formats, transformation of the raster data, processing of vector maps) was made in GIS "Panorama 11". All geographic data were placed on the GIS Server х64. Creation and updating of tiles pyramids by spatial data was carried out by means of Imagery Service х64. For the publication in networks the Internet/intranet of all spectrum of geospatial data (digital maps, remote sensing data and information from databases) the GIS WebServer x64 was deployed. Finalization of functional, customization of pages of a web portal and the user interface was performed with using the toolkit for development of geoportals the GIS WebToolKit x64. For the purpose of an ensuring the further integration into UIAS EUA on the server were deployed the Panorama SpatialDB Service and GIS WebService Special Edition. Services provide the data exchange with databases of spatial data storing the information in accordance with standard OGC 06-103r4: "OpenGIS Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture" and the publication of geodata by protocols OGC WMS, OGC WMTS, OGC WFS, OGC WFS-T, OGC WCS.
27.06.2014GIS "Panorama AGRO" is integrated with system of remote accounting the works of agricultural machinery In KB "Panorama" the complex of agrarian geoinformation systems is developed: GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama AUTO" and GIS "Panorama FARMING" version 4.1. In the new version the means of conducting the operational accounting of agricultural works and fuel consumption are improved. Gathering the information for system's functioning is carried out in the automated mode. Hardware of monitoring provide reception of GLONASS / GPS-signals, collecting the measurements from the installed sensors and transmission of measurements packet by the specified parameters to the database server. Besides the data collected in the automatic mode, the system allows you to import data from external media or manual input from logbooks and registration. Machine-tractor park - one of the main divisions of the agricultural enterprise, which does most of the work in plant breeding. On how the accounting of work of machinery is organized, correctness of costs showing and calculation of the cost price of finished products depends. Reducing the cost for producers is a crucial factor in revenue growth and increase of profitability. Using the means of automation of economic accounting in crop's production allows significantly to improve labour productivity of workers, and also to strengthen control function of the accounting. That, in turn, directly influences decrease in the cost price of production. Distinctive feature of a line of agrarian GIS is their integration into a single infrastructure of spatial data of agricultural land, constructed on the basis of other products of KB "Panorama": GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server, Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data, GIS WebServer AGRO and "workstation of agronomist". Agricultural development of geographic information systems is conducted in collaboration with producers and integrators. Such interaction allows to react most operatively to changes of business processes and to improve system in accordance with user needs. New versions of programs are available for download in the Download section.
26.06.2014State monitoring of subsoil Specialists of training-consultation centre of KB "Panorama" held training for work with geoinformation systems for engineers of the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology (VSEGINGEO). Training took place on the basis of GIS "Panorama 11" with connecting of complexes of hydrological and geological tasks. Application of these complexes allows to process data of engineering-geological researches of terrain. To solve tasks of assessing the numerical characteristics of water filling of the specified pool at change of level of water rising. To form graphic documents with results of modelling. During training there were discussed the questions of using the GIS "Ecological monitoring and analytics" which is used by engineers of VSEGINGEO in their work. Geoinformation system automates the processing and analysis of data obtaining as a result of monitoring measurements in points of observation of the state of the physical field (phenomenon, event and others). It is intended for rapid assessment and forecast of developing the observed events using GIS-technologies of the spatial and time analysis of data. All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology provides a solution to the following major tasks: substantiation of accepting strategic decisions on assessment of resources state and storage of underground waters, and also actions for protection against dangerous and catastrophic geological processes; engineering-geological and hydro-geological ensuring of needs of civil engineering and the needs of the army in time of war; realization of control and special (nuclear-physical, isotope, geodynamic) works for prevention and liquidation of consequences of natural and manmade disasters. Upon completion of training, trainees were awarded certificates of the established sample.
25.06.2014GIS "Operator" for Linux improved support of maps atlases and large data sets KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Operator" of version 11.11.4 for operating system MSVS 3.0 change 4. In the new version of the program a support of maps atlases and large data sets is improved. Tasks are added: converter from DXF, "Map manager", "Navigator". GIS "Operator" is implemented for platforms x32 and x64, is adopted for supplying the Armed forces of the Russian Federation by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security by 2 level of undeclared possibilities. For program the training-methodical materials are developed to use it at all levels of control by armies. The program structure includes libraries of conventional symbols for designing 3D-terrain models. GIS "Operator" is applied at carrying out the international command and staff exercises and trainings in the Armed Forces of the CIS countries. Together with the GIS Server, a set of the service programs and external devices, GIS "Operator" provides functioning in a network-centric control system and data exchange. The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
24.06.2014Courses of advanced training in Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include studying the military-oriented GIS "Operator" In the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from May, 16th till June, 17th, 2014 courses of advanced training "Application of geoinformation technologies in educational process" were under the program of additional vocational training. The curriculum of courses included studying of geoinformation system for military purposes "Operator". The program of courses of advanced training has been made on the basis of the training-methodical materials developed in KB "Panorama". Training on courses were made for the faculty of the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces (Moscow) and the Military Academy of Logistics named after army general A.V.Hrulev (St.-Petersburg). GIS "Operator" is intended for studying and an estimating the characteristics of district, information provision of exercises and command-staff trainings, conducting of duty and operational maps and schemes, automation of managerial processes by armies, creation of virtual 3D-breadboard models of district, information support of combat use of high-precision weapons, navigation support of vehicles and other tasks. Geoinformation system is adopted onto supply of the Russian Armed Forces by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security tools by requirements of information security. This spring the GIS "Operator" was presented at the international exhibition "KADEX-2014" in Kazakhstan. Program features were highly appreciated by military experts from different countries. Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded KB "Panorama" by the diploma and a medal.
23.06.2014Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information allows to design routes of aircrafts flights KB "Panorama" developed Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information version 5.6. The new version of the program is added by an applied by the task "Calculation of airfield routes" which is focused on designers of flights schemes. Preparation of the designer of schemes is carried out according to program ICAO described in the document "Guide for quality assurance at designing schemes of flights Volume 2. Preparing designers of flights schemes". The task "Calculation of airfield routes" allows to create templates of routes areas of departure, approach and landing, and also surface of the analysis of obstacles around airdrome. By results of work of the application task it is possible to make decisions on changing a structure of a route and a configuration of airspace elements. Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is intended for creation and conducting a database of aeronautical information, formation of aeronautical maps, designing of aircrafts flights routes and data exchange with other information systems. Information interchange is carried out in format ARINC. Source of the aeronautical information is the relational database of aeronautical data constructed by model of AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model). The model is recommended by the International Organization of planning and coordination of air traffic "Eurocontrol". The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and documentation are available for download on the Download page.
20.06.2014In the city of Ternopol (Ukraine) works on expansion of a client part of Municipal GIS continue Company "GISINFO" has signed a contract for additional delivery of Professional GIS "Panorama 11" for client workstations of municipal geoinformation system of the city of Ternopol (Ukraine). Since 2013, in the Ternopol city council the works on creation of MGIS on the basis of software systems of KB "Panorama" are conducted. During performance of works the GIS Server has been deployed and client workstations of system's operators were connected. Onto server the bases of geospatial and thematic data have been loaded, the training introduction course on work with the software was conducted. In the spring of 2014 the teachers and employees of department of computer ecological-economic monitoring and engineering graphics of Vinnitsa national technical university for specialists of management of town-planning, architecture and cadastre (sectors of "hardware and software of a cadastre system" and "processing and issue of the cadastral information"), for representatives of the municipal enterprises of the Ternopol city council conducted courses of advanced training on a theme "Bases of work with GIS"Panorama". During the training, the trainees visited Geoinformation Department of Information Technology Department and the Department of Urban Planning, Architecture and inventory. There they learned about the work of the Municipal GIS in Vinnitsa city council, which today occupies a leading position in Ukraine.
19.06.2014Complex of quality control of maps performs automatic selection of classifiers for vector maps in databanks In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated quality control and correction of maps of version 5.7 is developed. The new version of the complex includes the program of analysing the conformity of map objects composition and classifiers. The program is intended for automatic selection of classifiers and libraries of conventional symbols for sets of maps in format SXF. From one folder with thousands of files of SXF format and dozens of classifiers RSC there are automatically generated several folders containing one classifier and a set of files SXF, the most relevant to this classifier. Currently, data banks of digital maps of various organizations and agencies contain from tens of thousands to several hundred thousand sets of data in a format SXF, which were created at different times and with different classifiers. The new version of the complex provides automation of process of selecting the data onto arbitrary territories. Degree of a map conformity to the classifier is defined by the number of different values of classification codes of map objects which are present in SXF-file and are absent in the classifier. The program consistently performs processing of SXF files. For each SXF file there is consistently carried out import of data with each of classifiers. In the course of processing there is counted the number of classification codes which are available for objects in SXF file and thus are absent in the classifier. Then the classifier with the least number of absent classification codes is defined. Results of the analysis are written into text protocol. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download in the Download section.
18.06.2014GIS ToolKit provides processing the terabytes of images and matrixes of elevations KB "Panorama" developed GIS ToolKit of version 12.1.1 for creating GIS-applications in the environment of Embarcadero XE3, XE4, XE5. In the new version the TMapHint component is refined that provides displaying the tooltips when you hover over a certain area of the map image. Now the developer can change a transparency of a tooltip background, control the size and type of font. The new version of toolkit includes the updated libraries of GIS-kernel which provide support of rasters (photos) and matrixes in the size up to 1 Tbyte. There are supported all operations - import; export; editing; compression; change of brightness, contrast, transparency and palette. Support for large volumes of data and pyramid of images inside a file of raster and matrix allows to unite the initial data in one big raster or a matrix without loss of productivity. TMap3DNavigator component is improved. Together with detailed 3D-model of the nearest displayed terrain part all chosen terrain part less in detail displayed. It allows to see model as a whole, better to be orientated on it and to do a quick transition into the desired point for detailed displaying of 3D-model. For components of access to spatial data there are updated the parameters of connection to popular web-services by protocols WMS/WMTS/TMS. GIS-kernel provides access to data for editing in a mode of transactions by international protocol WFS and request of coverings for building 3D models via WCS. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
17.06.2014GIS WebService SE version 7 authenticates users by API key In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServiсe SE version 7 is developed. In the new version of service the authentication of users by API key is added. This key can be specified by the administrator to restrict access of users to the layers of service. Into the administration program there is added a page of management by lists of the users having access to the data of service. Service supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), with the aid of which the transmission and display of spatial data is carried out. In the program the possibility of issuing tiles by any user or local coordinate system is realised. Use of local coordinate systems will simplify process of preparation of data for the further publication in regional and municipal GIS and on subpolar territories which are not displayed in the most popular projections (Spherical Mercator, Pseudo Mercator). Input of new coordinate system can be performed by means of the program of service's administration in file CrcRegister.xml. In order to simplify the process of data publication by standards of OGC WFS, WFS-T into the service there is added a support of the new query GetLayers, allowing to receive the list of available data layers. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
16.06.2014Work on issuing passports system of archaeological objects of the Sumy region (Ukraine) are made by using GIS "Panorama 11" Company "GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", has signed a contract with the Department of Culture and Tourism, nationalities and religions of the Sumy regional state administration for supplying the software the GIS "Panorama 11". With using the geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama" in the region territory the works on certification of archaeological objects are doing. On the server of management the cartographical array of information will be placed to which databases of attributive data will be connected. During the implementation of GIS a training of users will be carried out. Company "GISINFO" has extensive experience in the implementation of projects on the basis of GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama" in interests of the various organisations of the Sumy region. The geoinformation system on the basis of software of KB "Panorama" has been developed for the Sumy regional management of water resources of Vinnitsa National Technical University. GIS contains basic data on waterworks and water resources, and also results of water quality monitoring and water use in the region. In interests of municipal enterprise "Sumyzhile" the digital map of scale 1:500 has been developed for conducting a cadastre of around-the-houses territories of the Sumy city. In the Sumy State University the curriculum of specialists training includes training for work with geoinformation products of KB "Panorama".
11.06.2014In GIS "Operator" for Linux the editing tools of an operational situation are extended In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.10.4 is developed for operating systems Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk" version 1.3). In the new version the editor of operational situation is added by following modes: creation of object by combined method, installation of a mode of displaying metrics, enabling/disabling of processing sets, fast editing of objects, a turn of flags, group of modes for work with compound texts, group of modes of editing semantics of marked objects, group of modes for work with a set of objects. GIS "Operator" is implemented for platforms x32 and x64. It is adopted for supplying the Armed forces of the Russian Federation by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security by requirements of information safety by 2 level of undeclared possibilities. The program at the expense of advantages of architecture x64 allows to increase speed of data processing, reliability and fault tolerance of process of information exchange. For geoinformation system the training-methodical materials are developed to use it at all levels of control by armies. The program structure includes libraries of conventional symbols for designing 3D-terrain models. GIS "Operator" is applied at carrying out the international command and staff exercises and trainings in the Armed Forces of the CIS countries. Together with the GIS Server, a set of the service programs and external devices, GIS "Operator" provides functioning in a network-centric control system and data exchange. The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
10.06.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service supports bidirectional communication of clients of GIS Server with spatial databases KB "Panorama" developed Panorama SpatialDB Service version 3.0. In the new version for users of spatial databases Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL the possibility is implemented not only to see cartographical representation of these databases, but also to carry out editing the information in them. For this purpose it is possible to use programs of GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-editor", GIS "Navigator 2011", GIS "Operator", GIS Panorama Mini, and also the applications developed on the basis of GIS ToolKit. Panorama SpatialDB Service is the program complex intended for organizing the representation of information of relational spatial databases in the form of vector maps, published for the multiuser access on the GIS Server. The program complex carries out caching the spatial information from the server of a database in the form of digital map. Access to a map have those server clients, who in accordance with theirs powers can make changes to the database: create, edit, or delete objects. Panorama SpatialDB Service monitors and synchronizes all changes in a spatial data file that allows to provide clients of the server with the actual cartographical information. Spatial information is located in these databases in accordance with standard OGC 06-103r4: "OpenGIS ® Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture". This standard of Open GIS Consortium defines rules for posting the information about the spatial description of objects in relational databases, regulates structure of this information and base principles on work with it. Structure of Panorama SpatialDB Service includes service of Windows Service which is started automatically when you start the operating system. It can function around the clock unlimited time and carry out process of synchronization of a database and its cartographical representation on the server under the schedule at the specified time, or regularly with a specified interval. Thus, service Panorama SpatialDB Service itself is simultaneously both a client of relational spatial database, and a client of GIS Server. Besides desktop GIS-applications, access to cartographical representation of the information from spatial databases can be provided by means of web-services. GIS WebService and GIS WebFeatureService provide access to data from database under protocols WMS, WMTS and WFS. Information interface with databases is based on use of the applied scheme of the unified exchange by spatial data. Structure and rules of filling a file of the applied scheme are in detail described in the document "Specification of data for exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML". This specification is developed on the basis of using a subset of components of schemes specified in standard OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard Version: 3.2.1 and requirements of standards ISO of series 19100. Panorama SpatialDB Service supports work with DBMS Oracle 11g and above, PostgreSQL 9.0 and above with the option PostGIS and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and above. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
10.06.2014At a seminar in Kiev the specialists of company "GISINFO" have told about creating the information-analytical system of an ensuring of urban-planning activity Specialists of company "GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", took part in a scientific-practical seminar "Urban-planning cadastre and municipal GIS". The seminar was held June 4, 2014 in Kiev on the basis of National Aviation University (Department of Land Management and Cadastre), with support of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine and GIS Association of Ukraine. At the seminar reports have been presented: "Experience of designing, creation and introduction of the program complex of information-analytical system of ensuring an urban-planning activity on the basis of geoinformation system "Panorama" and "Creating a geoportal of urban cadastre on the example of development "Web portal of the complex scheme of placing of temporary constructions in Kiev". During the event there was discussed a wide range of topics: development and creation of information system of urban cadastre; experience of implementation and results of functioning an information system of urban cadastre of Kiev; topographic and geodetic ensuring of municipal geoinformation systems and others. Company "GISINFO" occupies a leading position in Ukraine in the market of implementing software systems for creation of regional and municipal GIS. Projects are submitted in interests of municipal services of cities of Kiev, Vinnitsa, Sumy, Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Krivoy Rog, Gorlovka, Poltava, Zhitomir and others. Regional GIS Vinnitsa region is deployed already on 4 GIS Servers (regional state administration, MGIS of Vinnitsa and Khmelnik, PJSC "Vinnitsaoblenergo"). The project of Technology of monitoring the materials of geofund of Dnepropetrovsk on VI International competition of urban practices of cities of the CIS and EurAzEC "The city where I want to live" was awarded the diploma.
09.06.2014Specialists of KB "Panorama" will hold an online seminar on the theme "Formation of technical building plan by means of workstation "Cadastral engineer" For 8 years of activity of consultation center of KB "Panorama" there were trained more than 2000 specialists of GIS from various subjects of the Russian Federation and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus), more than 80 educational video data were developed, more than 500 methodical guides and presentation materials were prepared, more than 300 scientific articles were published. GIS Panorama channel on the YouTube website has more than 100 regular subscribers and about 45 000 views. The consultation center of KB "Panorama" carries out training to the base and professional knowledge for work with geoinformation technologies developed by the company. Duration and specialisation of courses can change by Customer's request. Be acquainted with the schedule of training courses and their duration in the Education section. Specialised webinars on preparation of the land-management documentation are becoming increasingly popular. Specialists of KB "Panorama" have already held a webinar on the theme "Formation of technical plan of premises by use of workstation of Cadastral engineer". To familiarise with webinar materials it is possible on the website in section of Video lessons. On July, 16th, 2014 the webinar on the theme "Formation of technical building plan by means of workstation "Cadastral engineer" will take place. For registration onto the webinar it is necessary to send onto e-mail panorama@gisinfo.ru the letter with the theme "Registration for the webinar" and provide the following information: Name of the organization; Name of the listener; Contact your mobile phone; E-mail address; ID of the product key which is used.
09.06.2014At the international conference Startup Village in Skolkovo the possibilities of GIS "Operator" on creation of ground control complexes by UAVs are presented On June, 2nd and 3, 2014 (Moscow) in innovative centre "Skolkovo" All-Russian startup-conference Startup Village was held. At conference the report "Use of geoinformation systems to improve efficiency of application of unmanned aerial vehicles" was made by Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of Academy of Military Sciences Langeman I.P. (MESC GF "CAA AF RF"). In the report the issues of creating the ground control complexes by UAV on the basis of the military-oriented GIS "Operator" were discussed. Geoinformation system is intended for studying and an estimating the characteristics of district, information provision of exercises and command-staff trainings, conducting of duty and operational maps and schemes, automation of managerial processes by armies, creation of virtual 3D-breadboard models of district, information support of combat use of high-precision weapons, navigation support of vehicles and other tasks. GIS "Operator" is adopted onto supply of the Russian Armed Forces by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security tools by requirements of information security. Startup Village International Conference attracted over 9000 participants from 10 countries. During the event, scientists, entrepreneurs and investors discussed problems of energy, nuclear, medical and digital technologies.
06.06.2014"Workstation of urban-planner" integrates ISOGD with data of the state real estate cadastre In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 11.11.4 is developed. In the new version "Complex of urban-planning problems" is added by functions of the automated loading the data of the state real estate cadastre (SREC). The program provides reading the data of SREC in format of XML-files under actual schemes of Rosreestr and creation (updating) of a cadastral map. On the basis of semantics of objects of a cadastral map, local or placed on the GIS Server, there is carried out an updating the information of the register of the ground areas and the relevant sections of ISOGD. At updating of data about the ground areas an updating the addresses of objects of real estate is automatically made. To unify similar geonims of addressable points (for example, "home" and "household", "building" and "structure") within one level of the address register the reference "Type address point" is added. To provide timely obtaining and viewing the list of urban-planning documents the mode "Search of urban-planning documents in a map point" is implemented. The program automatically defines in the map point specified by the user a presence of object of urban development activities (object of real estate, ground area, municipal unit and other) and requests data about it in database of ISOGD. Further, on the basis of hierarchical links and database connections, documents of territorial planning and urban-planning activity automatically are selected from all sections of ISOGD. The received list of documents is displayed in the dialog providing the viewing of contents and transition into the appropriate section or book of ISOGD. Dialog "Urban-planning regulations" is finalized regarding conducting the parameters of building a territorial zone. The list of indicators of a territorial zone is expanded and elements of automation of data input of similar data about structure of various urban-planning regulations are added. Function "Addition of new regulations with copying" is realised. The print of parameters of urban-planning regulations is added. For preview of documents (maps, graphic representations and other), a special part of "ISOGD" sections the visualization of digital maps (vector, raster and matrix) in a window of fast view is implemented. This function is available at the analysis of contents of basic and special part of a card of ISOGD document. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
06.06.2014At the conference on cartography and GIS in Bulgaria the tools of conducting banks of spatial data will be demonstrated From 15 to 21 June 2014 in the resort town of Riviera (Bulgaria) the 5-th jubilee conference on cartography and GIS will be held. Specialists of company "Geodetekt", the Bulgarian partner of KB "Panorama" will take part in it. Reports on formation ISD of Bulgaria will be presented: "Tools to manage banks of spatial information" (Yana Angelova); "Display of Bulgaria with A3 EDGE" (Yury Rajzman (Israel) and Angel Angelov). To build an infrastructure of spatial data in accordance with the regulatory base of the European Union (Directive 2007/2/EU, program INSPIRE and standards ISO 19100) the company "Geodetekt" uses software products of KB "Panorama". The bank of spatial data generated by means of "Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps", is integrated with a geoportal created on the basis of GIS WebServer. The publication of layers of spatial data in the form of geoservices is carried out with use of GIS Web Service SE which provides support of protocols of Open GIS Consortium: WMS, WMTS, WFC and WCS. Company "Geodetekt" - the leader in the market of processing the spatial data of Bulgaria, possesses considerable experience in area of processing the terrain information by materials of remote sensing the Earth, topographical survey, geodetic and georadar researches. For implementation of extensive problems the company's staff has the following departments: "Geodesy", "Cartography", "Topography" and "Geoinformatics". On May, 19th, 2014 the company has completed works on certification of management system of quality control in accordance with the requirements of standard BDS EN ISO 9001:2008.
05.06.2014Pandroid Mini is supplemented by navigation tools of determining a location and recording a route of movement KB "Panorama" developed GIS Pandroid Mini version 1.2 for operating system Android. In the new version the application functional is added by following possibilities: obtaining data on current location, recording a route of movement, navigation. The program processes the data from satellites (GPS and GLONASS), and also can use the data of cellular network operator, network Wi-Fi. At using the mode "recording a route" a separate map sheet is created, onto which route points are added. The user can define time intervals through which the route points and the minimum distance between them will be obtained. In the mode "Navigation" the current location is displayed by a sign concerning which the map is automatically centered. The program is installed on the mobile device with processor of type ARMv7a with OS Android 4.1.2 and above. GIS Pandroid Mini is implemented with the help of ported for OS Android proper framework Qt 5.3. The correctness of functioning the application is tested on smart phones Samsung Galaxy S4 and tablet Samsung Tab Pro 10.1 with the resolution of 2560x1600. Installation package and documentation are available for review in the Download section.
04.06.2014List of remote methods of training to work in geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama" is added by a format of online seminar (webinar) Specialists of KB "Panorama" held a webinar on the theme "Formation of technical plan of premises by means of "Workstation of cadastral engineer". The purpose of online seminar was to demonstrate the functionality of software product "Workstation of cadastral engineer" for preparation of the cadastral documentation in electronic form in format XML. Use of modern information technologies has allowed listeners distantly to study subtleties of preparation of the technical plan of premises, to get answers to the accumulated questions and to write down web conference. 10 listeners have taken part in the webinar from various subjects of the Russian Federation. Basically these are the cadastral engineers using geoinformation systems in the daily activity. For them and other users of software products of KB "Panorama" new video data for self-development of GIS-technologies are prepared: "Formation of the drawing of land and their parts", "Formation of the layout of the land plot", "Formation of scheme of geodetic constructions". The webinar became a new form of study to an operating procedure with software products of KB "Panorama" in addition to traditional courses and methodical materials. Next Webinar "Formation of technical building plan" is scheduled for 16.07.2014. To check out the new video tutorials and webinar materials, please visit "Video lessons" page.
04.06.2014Complex of automated quality control and correction of maps implemented the possibility to process old maps with lowered precision In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated quality control and correction of maps of version 5.6.4 is developed. In the new version there are refined the schemes for ensuring of control and function of processing old maps with reduced precision. Checking the metadata of sheet of a digital topographic map (DTM) is updated and possibility of automatic editing a framework of sheet according to theoretical values is provided. Complex of automated quality control and correction of maps is intended for obtaining a single digital map by initial digital maps in format SXF, created by different classifiers. The complex consists of a set of programs: code conversion and quality control of DTM with editing; checking the coordination of adjacent sheets of DTM; merge of adjacent DTM sheets. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
03.06.2014For conducting a map of fields the "Workstation of Agronomist" integrates data from various sources In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 11.11.4 is developed. New version implements an integration of information about farmland from various sources in a single graphic window. For a vectoring the borders of fields contours there can be used the images of space photos from Roscosmos portal. Estimation of weather conditions is based on the thematic data provided by Hydrometcentre. Information about the composition of soils in borders of specified farmland and crops grown on them are consolidated on servers of the Ministry of Agriculture. Data about cadastral borders and registration data of the ground areas is presented on the portal of Rosreestr. Most of these data is publicly available and thanks to built-in protocols of information interaction into software products of KB "Panorama" is connected to the map of fields by one mouse click. New version of "Workstation of agronomist" realised connection of thematic layers of data from the service "Atlas of agricultural land". On the basis of data from open sources the program allows to form own base of soil fertility in a format of electronic corded book of fields history. Composition of soil fertility indicators is completely integrated with databases of the agrochemical centers. Example of using the base of "Panorama АГРО" for monitoring of soil fertility is the development of FSUE "Center of agrochemical service "Belgorod". For loading the data of soil inspection the "Workstation of agronomist" includes data reading means in exchange formats. For fast search of a necessary location the program is integrated with the address database. The mode "Search by address" provides search in database of the address by conditions specified by users and map positioning into the found address point. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
02.06.2014GIS "Operator" for Linux optimized functionality of work with GIS Server for acceleration of editing an operational stop In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.10.3 is developed for operating systems Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk" version 1.3), MS VS 3.0 (change 4), MSVS 5.0. In the program the means of drawing conventional symbols of operational and tactical situation are expanded, performance of operations of editing the spatial data placed on the GIS Server is accelerated. The new version includes the ability to work with data files whose names contain Cyrillic characters. GIS "Operator" is implemented for platforms x32 and x64, is adopted for supplying the Armed forces of the Russian Federation by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security by requirements of information safety by 2 level of undeclared possibilities. At the expense of advantages of architecture x64 geographic information system allows to increase speed of data processing, reliability and fault tolerance of process of information exchange. Training-methodical materials are developed for the program to use it at all levels of control by armies. The structure of the GIS includes libraries of conventional symbols for designing the terrain 3D-models. GIS "Operator" is applied at carrying out the international command and staff exercises and trainings in the Armed Forces of the CIS countries. New versions of programs are placed on the web-site in Download section.
30.05.2014GIS WebServer SE displays 3D-model of the Earth by means of tools GIS WebToolKit SE In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 1.1 is developed. The new version adds the ability of transition to a three-dimensional model of the Earth. GIS WebServer SE allows to display the cartographical data, to obtain information about characteristics of map objects, to make measurements on a map, to operate the data contents. The application works under control of server Apache in the environment of interpreter PHP. As a server platform it may be servers on the basis of Windows, Linux, Unix, OS X and other systems. For displaying 3D-model there is used the new possibility of toolkit GIS WebToolKit SE - support of protocol OGC Web Coverage Service (OGC WCS). Protocol provides obtaining the spatial information of terrain. GIS WebToolKit SE is the library in JavaScript language for access to spatial data, performance of special calculations and display of the digital terrain information. As a source of data the GIS WebToolKit SE uses cartographical service of GIS WebService SE. Data exchange with service is carried out by the international open standards OGC: WMTS 1.0.0 and WMS 1.3.0. GIS WebService SE provides the situational and dispatching centers with cartographical support of decision-making. Use of various platforms considerably expands the scope of using the GIS WebService SE. Support for open systems based on Linux allows to apply GIS WebService SE in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in other departments of the municipal, regional and federal levels. The program and the documentation are available for download in the Download section.
30.05.2014At the conference GEO-UA 2014, specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" have presented possibilities of GIS WebServer AGRO for Agroportal creation Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", participated in the conference GEO-UA 2014 which was held in Kiev on 27-28 May 2014. Particular attention on conferences was paid to use of the data of the Earth observations from space for solving the actual problems in agriculture. Company representatives spoke at the conference on the theme "Agroportal creation". The report highlighted the joint work with the Space Research Institute for creation of agroportal on the basis of GIS WebServer AGRO. Association agreement between "Panorama Consulting" and the Space Research Institute was signed earlier this year. Geoinformation portal will solve problems: accounting fields and land areas, planning of agrotechnological operations, monitoring of agricultural machinery. It will provide market participants with the actual information about the state of crops, anomalies of their development, a weather forecast, a map of elevators, price tendencies, insurance calculations and others. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. Company's primary activity is delivery and implementation of geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama", diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, business process modeling, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
29.05.2014Use of GIS "Panorama AGRO" software for monitoring agricultural equipment reduces the cost of fuels and lubricants materials In KB "Panorama" the complex of agrarian geoinformation systems is developed: GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama AUTO" and GIS "Panorama FARMING" version 4. In the new version the report "Need in equipment by technological maps of fields" is expanded by the information on the processed area of fields, operations and quantity of working hours over a specified period of time. Detailed data about processed areas is added: planned operations, dates, number of working hours and the used equipment. Algorithms of monitoring the equipment in modes of history and real time are improved. These changes allow to receive fuller information for planning the use of agricultural machinery. Together with the technical means for monitoring vehicles and agricultural machines agricultural geographic information systems allow the company to create an automated control system in agriculture. Doing corded history books of fields and equipment monitoring, the account of fuel consumption and thematic mapping, operational planning and calculation of actually done works, an information exchange with 1C and access to open sources of spatial information, technological planning and analysis of applied agrotechnologies, formation of reports and schedules - it is far not a complete list of tasks automated by means of GIS for agriculture. Individual incentive to move to the automation system is a significant savings of fuel and lubricants. Processing of indications of fuel sensors coupled with navigational information allows to detect unauthorized equipment use and fuel theft. Modern software and hardware based on line of agrarian GIS, GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server and GIS Web Server AGRO are used for integrated management of agriculture in many farms in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Implementation of geographic information technologies can not only greatly simplify the administration of databases and reduce the likelihood of errors, but also to develop new methods of support of acceptance of management decisions based on analysis of the obtained data. New versions of programs are available for download on the website in the Download section.
28.05.2014Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation switch over to training of network-centric model of control by armies Command of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Federation Armed Forces has made the decision to transfer teaching-methodical materials of tactical and operational problems onto platform of GIS "Operator" and GIS Server. The decision is accepted by results of trial operation of software products developed in KB "Panorama" in daily activity, at carrying out the scientific researches and command-staff games. Curriculums for a new set of listeners includes teaching materials of KB "Panorama" onto application of GIS "Operator" for Armed forces of the Russian Federation. GIS "Operator" is intended for studying and an estimating the characteristics of district, information provision of exercises and command-staff trainings, conducting of duty and operational maps and schemes, automation of managerial processes by armies, creation of virtual 3D-breadboard models of district, information support of combat use of high-precision weapons, navigation support of vehicles and other tasks. To organize interaction of control points in a network environment the GIS "Operator" is used in conjunction with GIS Server product. Educational materials on this task were presented in May to the faculty of the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. In April in the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" the command-staff war game (CSWG) has taken place, cipher: "Arctic". During CSWG the elements of network-centric control by armies have been successfully implemented. At present, the products of KB "Panorama" are used in the learning process of more than 100 leading universities of the CIS, including higher military educational institutions. The military-oriented GIS "Operator" is adopted onto supply of the Russian Armed Forces by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of certification of information security tools by requirements of information security.
27.05.2014Agroholding "Kusto Agro" automates the cadastral registration of land by means of GIS "Panorama 11" For improving quality the accounting and management efficiency by land bank agroholding "Kusto Agro" introduces agrarian GIS. The project will be realised by specialists of companies "Panorama Consulting" and "GISINFO" on the basis of GIS "Panorama 11". Within the performance of works the GIS Server will be developed, all registers of shareholders, cartographical information and exchange files will be systematized. A single database with a binding to objects on a map will be created. The next stage of automation plans introduction of "Fields certification" on the basis of GIS "Panorama FARMING". With its help it is possible to conduct the intraeconomic accounting the lands of agricultural purpose, to automate management by system of agriculture of agribusinesses, to create thematic maps of working areas and others. Company "Kusto Agro" is a part of international holding Kusto Group. The company was founded in conjunction with the Ukrainian group Krayzh in 2011. Business "Kusto Agro" - is the production and sale of crop products with high added value through innovative business concepts. Company "GISINFO" - the general distributor of products of KB "Panorama" in Ukraine. The mainstream of the company's activity is the development and implementation of geographic information technologies. The company occupies a leading position in the market of introduction of GIS and remote sensing data in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. Company's primary activity is delivery and implementation of geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama", diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, business process modeling, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
27.05.2014GIS Server for Linux is unified for domestic secure operating systems In KB "Panorama" there are developed the GIS Server of version 5.6.3 for operating systems Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk" version 1.3), MSVS 3.0 (update 4), MS VS 5.0. In the new version the tools of remote monitoring a condition of clients connections to the spatial data are expanded. The administrator of the server can grant users the right to remote viewing: the list of the connected clients; information on duration of their work; the list of open data; information on completed operations on data updating. It expands possibilities of heads of works on remote control over functioning of the server of the spatial data. The program improved protection of data opened from the server. All data that are stored on the client computer in a cache for work acceleration always are encrypted by 256-bit key formed from the server key and the client's key. The new algorithm of digest-authorisation of the data is applied to prevent interception of the user's password at connection to the GIS Server. GIS Server supports collective remote access to vector maps, images, matrixes of heights, documents and spatial data bases constructed under standard OGC OGC 06-103r4. As the clients it can be the programs the GIS "PANORAMA 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geo-services and other servers forming multilevel connection among themselves for distributed storage and processing the spatial data with automatic replication, backup and data protection. Simultaneously several queries for updating the data between servers by multichannel connection through the protocol TCP\IP can be carried out. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
26.05.2014Complex of engineering tasks is added by tools of the automated assessment of road network and passableness of district KB "Panorama" developed the new version of "Complex of engineering tasks", a part of GIS "Operator". The complex is added by the new modes providing the automated assessment of the road network and passableness of district outside roads. At assessment of road network on the area part automatically there are defined the total length of roads, lengths of roads with various types of surface, density of roads, uniformity of development of the road network, prevailing longitudinal gradients of the road sections, average throughput of roads, and also presence of bridges, their length, load capacity and a material of road surface. An assessment is made in accordance with applicable regulations as by topographic maps, as well as by special military engineering maps. For assessment of passableness of district outside roads the main source of input data is the relief. Presence of ascents and descents, and also steepness of slopes influence speed of movement of staff and technics. "The complex of engineering tasks" provides the automated assessment of the terrain, its classification in accordance with the specified parameters and construction of homogeneous zones by speed of movement. Zoning is carried out by categories: for personnel on foot, for wheeled vehicles, for off-road vehicles, for tracked tractors with trailers and tanks. Result of mode's work is the set of maps on which by different colors there are designated the zones characterising speeds of movement of divisions depending on steepness of terrain inclines. Data for the automated assessment of the road network and passableness of district can be local or in remote access on the GIS Server. Results of the automated assessment of district can be issued in the form of the text document, on the basis of beforehand prepared template. Use of the the tools of Microsoft Word and Open Office Writer is accessible. The new version of the GIS "Operator" is available for download in the Download section.
26.05.2014In GIS "Operator" the displaying of 3D-model of terrain to the large territories is accelerated In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.11.4 is developed. In the new version the task "Navigator 3D" is improved. Dynamic displaying of opening the three-dimensional terrain model allows already in the loading process to see the phased willingness to work of relief parts of terrain with three-dimensional objects. Together with detailed 3D-model of the nearest displayed terrain part all chosen terrain part less in detail displayed. It allows to see model as a whole, better to be orientated on it and to do a quick transition into the desired point for detailed displaying of 3D-model. Installation of the GIS "Panorama 11" includes 3D-map of Noginsk of scale 1: 200 000. Three-dimensional views of objects are developed with taking into account their displaying for a small-scale map. The main feature of library of three-dimensional signs for this map is a new possibility to construct a template of polygonal objects by the view "Sign by area" with sign placing "Along the longest side" of object. Displayed by such template the object "Quarters densely built-up..." is a typical view of quarter with virtual houses which were not really mapped because of its small scale. Data for formation of 3D-model of any territory can be received from the distributed bank of the spatial data operating under the control of interacting GIS Servers and GIS WebService SE. The GIS "Operator" has been presented at the international exhibition "KADEX-2014" which took place from 22 to 25 May 2014 in the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana, on Air-base of Military-air Forces of Kazakhstan. Program possibilities on preparation of main combat documents and three-dimensional modelling of operational situation have been demonstrated to visitors of the exhibition. The new version of the program is placed on the website in Download section.
23.05.2014In the program "Territory of discoveries" (Kazakhstan) have reported about using the GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama" during phytosanitary monitoring In the spring of this year there was the meeting of specialists of training department of KB "Panorama" with research assistants of the Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine (KazRIPPQ). The meeting was held at production-and-training base of the institute in the city of Almaty. Before scientific-teaching staff of the institute there are the target of reducing crop losses from pests in agricultural production, for reducing the amount of use of pesticides and assistance in an ensuring of food, ecological and national safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At a joint meeting the specialists of KB "Panorama" have imparted experience of using the GIS-technologies on development of protective measures against especially dangerous pests of agriculture and the quarantine facilities. Training on the use of GIS "Panorama 11" has been carried out at solving the problems of phytosanitary monitoring. There were considered the questions on using the program of the complex of auto-decryption and vectoring according to remote sensing data, intended for an automatic vectoring of linear and polygon objects by color raster images of the earth's surface. The training event was attended by journalists from the program "Territory of discoveries" which in the reporting have covered the course of the meeting of specialists of KB "Panorama" and scientific staff of the institute.
22.05.2014At III International exhibition of arms and military-technical equipment "KADEX-2014" the possibilities of GIS "Operator" will be shown Specialists of KB "Panorama" take part in III International exhibition of arms and military-technical equipment "KADEX-2014" which now is being held in the city of Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan) on Air-base of Military-air Forces of Kazakhstan. At the stand of KB "Panorama" (№ 316, pavilion № 3) information-presentation materials about software development and GIS-technologies are presented. To visitors of the exhibition there will be shown solutions on network and cloud technologies for the organization of geoinformation support of command points and the crisis centers. Particular attention will be paid to GIS for military purposes "Operator". Possibilities of geoinformation system for creation of a single information space, preparation of the basic combat documents and three-dimensional modelling of operational situation will be considered. Application of GIS "Operator" in conjunction with server applications (GIS WebServer, GIS Server), service programs (GIS WebService SE) and external devices ensures functioning in a network-centric control system and data exchange. The exhibition is organized by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC "National Company" Kazakhstan Engineering". During the exhibition there will be discussed actual problems of modern military-technical industry, offers on improving the weapons and military equipment will be considered. "KADEX-2014" is an international platform for the conclusion of mutually advantageous contracts between producers and consumers of production of the defense industry, an exchange of experience in questions of technological modernization of Armed Forces.
22.05.2014Company "Agriland" (Ukraine) integrate GIS "Panorama AGRO" into program complexes for conducting "precision agriculture" The companies "Panorama Consulting" and "Agriland" have signed the partner agreement. The agreement is aimed on use of advanced systems and geoinformation technologies in agroindustrial sector. The main accent in cooperation will be aimed onto application of new approaches to conducting precision agriculture. Through joint projects of the company plan to do integration of all production process - from import of results of field measurements, sampling and soil scanning in GIS "Panorama AGRO", constructions in system of thematic cartograms and making the calculation of doses of fertilizers use, up to loading the ready maps into autopilots and systems of precision farming. Realization of such projects will enable customers to get an integrated management system by crop, which will include the use of effective approaches to agriculture, including precision farming, and also modern information system of accounting and control. Company "Agriland" - the innovative company which specialises on performance of individual orders in the field of precision agriculture. The company provides services for measurement of the fields area, soil sampling, application of fertilizers, delivers systems of GPS monitoring and precision agriculture. "Panorama Consulting" company is created to promote modern GIS technologies on the basis of software solutions of KB "Panorama" in agriculture in the market of CIS and other countries.
21.05.2014At engineering of a system for modelling the military operations (SMMO) in Belarus the geoinformation technologies of KB "Panorama" are applied Order of the Minister of Defence of of the Republic of Belarus on August 19, 2009 № 664 approves the concept of creation of system for modelling the military operations (SMMO). Part of SMVD structure is the subsystem of work with the spatial data in format SXF. Preparation of data occurs by using a complex of the software including the GIS "Operator". The geoinformation military-oriented system is adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has the certificate of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities. For the program the training-methodical materials are developed for use at all levels of command and control By the results of IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Advanced systems and management problems" it is offered to use the GIS "Operator" as the basic geoinformation platform in the development of complexes of management by modern robotic means. Works on SMMO creation are conducted by employees of the research-and-development center of modelling of military operations (RDC MMO formed on base of "the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus". The purpose of creation SMMO it is the ensuring of support of decision-making in the field of military safety, preparation and application of the Armed Forces in the conditions of strategic, operational and combat situation. To familiarise with presentation materials about the development of system for modelling the military operations it is possible in "Presentations" section.
20.05.2014At conference "GLONASS- to regions, 2014" the software of KB "Panorama" on the monitoring of mobile objects will be presente Representatives of KB "Panorama" will participate in work of the IV International scientific-practical conference "GLONASS - to regions, 2014", which will be held in the city of Orel in the conference hall of business center "GRENN" on 20 and 21 May 2014. Specialists of the company will make the report "Information-technical support of navigation GLONASS-systems". Conference participants will learn about the software capabilities of the GIS "Panorama 11" on monitoring of moving objects on which the navigation equipment GLONASS/GPS are installed. To monitor these objects it is possible both on the flat image of a map, and on 3D model in the task "Navigator 3D". There will be presented the new toolkit for creation of geoinformation web applications the GIS WebToolKit SE which is intended to develop web sites with access to the spatial data, performance of special calculations and display of the digital terrain information. To visitors of conference it is planned to tell about web application the GIS WebServer SE created with use of tools the GIS WebToolKit SE. GIS WebServer SE is intended for display in the Internet environment of the spatial information, and also for providing the semantic information of objects in the preset point. Scientific-practical conference will be held with support of the Government of the Oryol region, the Presidential Administration, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Federal Space Aency (ROSCOSMOS) and other organizations. The Conference will bring together in one place the representatives of the leading manufacturers of navigation equipment, independent experts and scientists. The total of participants will be more than 400 persons of Russia, CIS countries and the near abroad.
20.05.2014Agrarian GIS will be used at construction of control systems of land bank in agroholdings of Ukraine The company "Panorama Consulting" and law firm "OMP" have concluded the partner agreement. The agreement is aimed at efficient use of the advanced geoinformation technologies and approaches at construction of systems of cadastral accounting of land bank in agroholdings of Ukraine. Within this cooperation the companies will develop the use of geoinformation technologies in the land cadastre, and also will carry out joint projects in agroindustrial sector. Realization of such projects will enable customers to get an integrated management system by land bank, which will include the use of effective approaches to accounting and document management, including legislatively necessary templates of contracts, registers of shareholders, and also modern information system of accounting and control. Under the agreement it is planned that specialists of company "OMP" will take part in development of the agrarian software (GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", GIS "Panorama AUTO" and others), giving the ideas and recommendations about improvement of software products. Law firm "OMP" was founded in 2007 and is one of the leading companies which most dynamically develop in the legal market of Ukraine. To date, the firm is represented by 45 qualified lawyers who have deep professional knowledge and considerable experience in the Ukrainian market. "Panorama Consulting" company is created to promote modern GIS technologies on the basis of software solutions of KB "Panorama" in agriculture in the market of CIS and other countries.
19.05.2014Possibility of GIS "Operator" are presented to the professional and teaching staff of of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces At the request of leaders of Military academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Armed Forces the specialists of KB "Panorama" talked the lecture "Organization of interaction of control points in the network environment using the GIS"Operator" for the faculty of military educational institution. The military-oriented GIS "Operator" is adopted onto supply of the Russian Armed Forces by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation. Geoinformation system is intended for studying and an estimating the characteristics of district, information provision of exercises and command-staff trainings, conducting of duty and operational maps and schemes, automation of managerial processes by armies, creation of virtual 3D-breadboard models of district, information support of combat use of high-precision weapons, navigation support of vehicles and other tasks. Presence of SDK tools and software toolkit of the developer provides integration of the GIS "Operator" functionality with the automated control systems of armies and weapons. During lecture in detail there is presented the order of forming a network GIS with remote connection of workplaces to the distributed bank of spatial data, functioning under control of interacting GIS Servers. Special attention is given to questions of drawing the conventional signs of operational and tactical situation in the GIS network environment at various levels of management. The built-in classifier of operational and tactical signs and tools of special map editor provide fast mapping the typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various types of combat and daily activity of armies. To the Faculty the new application tasks for an estimating the tactical properties of district, the destruction caused by influence of the opponent's weapon and consequences of emergency situations have been presented.
16.05.2014GIS WebServer SE uses toolkit of developing the web-applications the GIS WebToolKit SE In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 1.0.1 is developed. The new product is created with using the toolkit of GIS WebToolKit SE. GIS WebServer SE allows to display the cartographical data, to obtain information about characteristics of map objects, to make measurements on a map, to operate the data contents. For formation of the map image the mechanism of tile data is used. The application is placed on the Web-server, is run under control of Apache server in the environment of interpreter PHP. As a server platform it can serve Windows, Linux, Unix, OS X and any others with support of execution of interpreter PHP. For access to the tile data the GIS WebServer SE application uses tools of developing the geoinformation web-applications the GIS WebToolKit SE. GIS WebToolKit SE is the library in JavaScript language for access to spatial data, performance of special calculations and display of the digital terrain information in the Web. As a source of data the GIS WebToolKit SE uses cartographical service of GIS WebService SE. Data exchange with service is carried out by the international open standards OGC: WMTS 1.0.0 and WMS 1.3.0. GIS WebService SE provides the situational and dispatching centers with cartographical support of decision-making. Use of various platforms considerably expands the scope of using the GIS WebService SE. Support for open systems based on Linux allows to apply GIS WebService SE in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in other departments of the municipal, regional and federal levels. The program and the documentation are available for download in the Download section.
15.05.2014ImageryCreator x64 forms pyramids of tiles by projects of data from tens of thousand maps, rasters and matrixes In KB "Panorama" the ImageryCreator version 7.5.1 is developed. The program allows to form tiles in formats JPEG and PNG under the international standard OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. The new version of the program allows to process with high speed the big projects of data, containing tens of thousand rasters, matrixes or vector maps. This innovation will reduce data preparation time by operator for the further publication. Use of ImageryCreator will simplify process of forming and using the project of data consisting of tens of thousand of tablets, often used in regional and municipal GIS. High speed of processing projects of data is important because of constant updating of tablets and frequent use of the program for the purpose of cutting the data onto tiles. Tile data formed by ImageryCreator, can be used by the cloudy technologies, allowing to deploy the own geoportal at the enterprise. The example of using such technologies is presented on the site www.gisserver.info. For the server there were prepared over 1 200 000 000 tiles by maps of Russia and the World in total amount of 16 Gb, the size of tiles has made 2,5 Tb. Formation of a tile basis took one day. For the publication of data there were used the software products of GIS WebServer, GIS WebService SE. For the publication of the data the software products of GIS WebServer, GIS WebService SE have been used. They provide high speed of performing the queries for display of spatial data to extensive territories at the simultaneous reference of a great number of users. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
14.05.2014In GIS ToolKit the components of user interface for creation of interactive maps are refined In KB "Panorama" the toolset of GIS ToolKit of version 12.1.0 is developed for creation of GIS-applications in the environment of Embarcadero XE3, XE4, XE5. The new version added the TMapHint component that provides displaying the tooltips when you hover over a certain area of the map image. The help text can be formed by various criteria on the basis of information from a spatial database. It is enough to developer to create an instance of a component at runtime of the program and to connect it with a visual component in which the information from a spatial database is displayed. TMapHint component gives you full control over the text, place and time of the tooltips appearing. GIS ToolKit provides creation of the client-server applications processing the geospatial data. Visual components provide display of spatial data which can be located both on a workplace (direct access to the data), and in a local network or in the Internet with use an access component to the GIS Server and an access component to popular web-services by protocols WMS/WMTS/TMS. GIS-kernel provides access to the data for editing in a mode of transactions by international protocol WFS and request of coverings for building 3D models by protocol WCS. Toolkit allows you to organize conducting the history of changes of spatial data, to take into account differences in the display of terrain objects depending on the current display scale. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
13.05.2014Toolset the GIS WebToolKit SE provides development of geoinformation web applications in JavaScript language In KB "Panorama" the toolkit is developed for creating geoinformation web applications of GIS WebToolKit SE. GIS WebToolKit SE is designed to develop Web sites with access to spatial data, to perform special calculations and to display digital terrain information. It allows web application developers to display on the website the maps, photographs, digital terrain models. It simplifies performance of queries for exchange of spatial data under standards of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): Web Map Tile Service (OGC WMTS), Web Map Service (OGC WMS), Web Feature Service (OGC WFS) also provides additional queries for performance of special calculations. Toolset of GIS WebToolKit SE is the library in JavaScript language and does not depend on use platform. It can be applied in open systems on the basis of Linux in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and also in other departments of municipal, regional and federal value. For obtaining graphic representations of a map, geometry of objects, the help information about objects of a map and metadata the cartographical service of GIS WebService SE is applied. Service allows to carry out operations for creation, update or deletion of map objects, to give the spatial data in GML format. Service is intended for granting the coverings in the form of the spatial information about the terrain, modelling and construction of three-dimensional models of data. Service is developed in accordance with the specification of OGC (Open GIS Consortium) and implemented on Windows and Linux platforms, compatible with web servers Apache, IIS and ngnix. The structure of toolkit GIS WebToolKit SE includes the web application for the publication of spatial data the GIS WebServer SE. It is intended for display in the Internet environment of the spatial information, and also for providing the semantic information of objects in the preset point. The application works under protocols OGC WMS and OGC WMTS on platforms Linux and Windows. Software and documentation are available for download in the Download section.
12.05.2014In Pandroid Mini a support for secure format of digital maps is added KB "Panorama" developed GIS Pandroid Mini version 1.1 for Android operating system. In the new version a support of user maps of SITX format is added. The program allows to open maps of this format both in opened, and in the encrypted form. In the latter case the dialogue of password input is provided to the user. GIS Pandroid Mini provides map displaying, provides issuing the information about the selected object, issuing the coordinates of the chosen point on the map in various coordinate systems,a saving the session. The user interface implements the usual actions for sensor devices. The program is installed onto mobile devices with the processor of type ARMv7a with OS Android 4.0 and above. Installation package and documentation are available for review in the Download section.
08.05.2014Agrofirm "Kuteynikovsky Agroproduct" introduces agrarian geoinformation systems Agricultural firm "Kuteynikovsky Agroproduct" (Donetsk region, Ukraine) signed a contract with the company " Panorama Consulting" for the supply of geographic information software of KB "Panorama". During performance of the first stage of works it is planned to provide automation of conducting land cadastre, conducting of fields certification on the basis of the GIS "Panorama AGRO" and integration of the laboratory data on agrochemical structure of processed soils. It will allow the company to raise efficiency of management by land bank, to conduct analytics on fields (more than 50 indicators), to introduce system of calculating doses of fertilizers application and to develop a direction of precision agriculture. Further, an introduction of system of GPS monitoring on the basis of GIS "Panorama AUTO" is planned. This will significantly reduce fuel consumption of agricultural machinery and vehicles. Agricultural firm "Kuteynikovsky Agroproduct" processes more than 5 thousand hectare, has its own elevator capacities on 28 thousand tons of grain. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. Company's primary activity is agroconsulting, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, business process modeling, delivery and introduction of GIS, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
07.05.2014Intersectoral meeting concerning application of space observations in agrarian-industrial complex was held Company "GISINFO" took part in inter-sectoral meeting concerning application of space researches in agriculture sector of Ukraine. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the State Agency of Land Resources, Ukrainian hydrometeorological center, the State Inspectorate of Agriculture, the State Statistics Service, the National Space Agency, Space Research Institute, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences, and also other organisations. Within the of meeting there were affected global initiatives of agricultural monitoring, and also there were raised the questions of creating regional system of monitoring a state of crops and soils, control of a crop rotation and target land use. Specialists of the company made the report on creation of geoinformation system of agromonitoring on the basis of GIS WebServerAGRO jointly with Institute of Space Researches. GIS WebServer AGRO is focused on specialists in the field of agriculture. It is used for processing the information on farmland and is expansion of for work with data of the agricultural enterprise on the basis of WEB-technologies. In geoinformation system FGBU "CAC" Belgorod"which provides access to a database of agrochemical service at level of the agricultural enterprise, municipality, a subject of federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation a large number of the various cartographical information is used. The system of visualization of web-application of the center of agrochemical service implemented on GIS WebServer AGRO, operates with tile data obtained automatically as a result of work of web-service GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) on base of spatial data of GIS "Panorama AGRO" under management of DBMS MS SQL Server. Company "GISINFO" - the general distributor of products "Panorama" to Ukraine. The mainstream of the company is the development and introduction of geoinformation technology. The company occupies a leading position in the market of introduction of the GIS and remote sensing data in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.
07.05.2014Of KB "Panorama" has made delivery of a complex of agrarian GIS into rural school of Tambov region KB "Panorama", within the program of licensing for educational institutions, delivered a complex of agrarian geoinformation systems into MBOU Izberdeevsk secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union of V.V.Korablin. The complex includes GIS "Panorama AGRO", professional GIS "Panorama 11" and the Complex of agronomical tasks. Transferred number of licences is enough to equip two classrooms. Given that the school has an agrarian profile where pupils not only receive notion about the agricultural specialties claimed today, but also master them, without interrupting the educational process. Application of the software of exact agriculture will allow to prepare them for use of modern geospatial technologies in this branch. MBOU Izberdeevsk secondary school named after the Hero of the Soviet Union of V.V.Korablin is located in village Petrovskoe, Petrovsky district, Tambov region. Agrotechnological profile in the school will be implemented through the all system of secondary education. Pupils will be able to master such popular profession as a gardener, laboratory ecologist, tractor-driver of agricultural production, dealer, cashier, master of digital information processing, and others.
06.05.2014New computer complexes apply modern domestic hardware and software The companies of Joint-Stock Company "MCST" and Joint-Stock Company of KB "Panorama" have conducted comprehensive tests of the perspective computer complex on a hardware-software platform "Elbrus" for the purpose of checking the functioning of GIS "Operator". As the test stand a prototype of the four-processor computer complex on the basis of microprocessors "Elbrus-4C" has been used. As an operating system OS "Elbrus" was used, which includes normal development tools, including the compiler of languages in C/C ++ for platform "Elbrus". "Elbrus-4C" is a new development of Joint-Stock Company "MCST", 64-bit universal microprocessor. It contains 4 cores running at 800 MHz, its computing power is 50 gigaflops. The processor is made by technology of 65 nanometers, average power consumption is 45 Watt. To transfer the GIS "Operator" onto a new platform a recompilation of source texts of the software in an automatic mode was held. Result of tests has shown full functionality of GIS "Operator" at work on a hardware-software platform "Elbrus", and also high speed of system's work, sufficient for comfortable work of the personnel. By results of work the joint press release of companies is issued.
05.05.2014Software 1C " IN- AGRO" and GIS "Panorama AGRO" will be merged into a comprehensive system of control and monitoring of all agricultural industrial cycle Company "GISINFO" together with "the Panorama consulting" and private enterprise "IN-AGRO" will conduct software integration of 1С "IN-AGRO: Management of agricultural holding. Corporate solution" and GIS "Panorama AGRO". Interaction of products will be organized by integration of directories, technological maps, planned targets to drivers and machine operators, and also the accounting of actually executed works that will allow agroholdings to get a comprehensive system of accounting, control and monitoring of all production cycle. The system will provide the automated processing the technological data of the enterprise, performance of calculations and the analysis of the received information. There will be implemented the interaction of GPS hardware of navigation, sensors of fuel consumption and other objects with the geoinformation system providing data gathering and visualization of equipments on as much as possible exact map of fields, and corporate information system 1С, providing the administrative, accounting and tax accounting of the company. GIS will provide preprocessing of the information on the executed works, comparison of this information to the planned targets loaded from 1С, transfer of the ready operational data into 1C. Between geoinformation system and 1С there will be provided a synchronisation of data about structure of sown areas, passports of fields, equipments park, the list of employees and other. Long-term strategic cooperation of the companies is aimed on creation of modern end-to-end IT system for agricultural holdings. Company PE "IN-AGRO" works in the market of administrative IT consulting since 2003 and specialises on complex automation of processes of planning, accounting, control, management in the agroindustrial enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of software products "1С:Enterprise". The company is a renowned developer of specialized systems for agricultural enterprises in Ukraine. Company "GISINFO" is the general distributor of products of KB "Panorama" in Ukraine. The mainstream of the company's activity is the development and implementation of geographic information technologies. The company occupies a leading position in the market of introduction of GIS and remote sensing data in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. Company's primary activity is agroconsulting, diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, business process modeling, delivery and introduction of GIS, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
02.05.2014Of KB "Panorama" participated in XXI Belarus congress on technologies of information society By the invitation of the Belarusian State University and the State Military-Industrial Committee of Belarus, KB "Panorama" participated in the XXI Belarus congress on technologies of an information society, which was held in Minsk on April, 25th, 2014. Representatives of KB "Panorama" have taken active part in congress work. Speeches at the VIII scientific-practical conference "Geoinformation and navigation systems and technologies" and at the scientific-practical seminar "Municipal GIS" have been highly appreciated by the guests and organizers of the event. Congress audience were representatives of companies operating navigational information and geographic information systems and interested in their implementation the developers of navigation and information and geographic information systems, representatives of state and local government. During the congress, employees of KB "Panorama" have held a number of meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Defence, Military-Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus, representatives of science and local government.
01.05.2014An open viewer of digital maps is developed for Android operating system In KB "Panorama" the program Pandroid Mini of version 1.0 is developed. The software product is intended to view maps of format of GIS "Panorama 11" and GIS "Operator". The program provides map displaying, the release of information about the selected object, the issuance of coordinates of the selected point on the map in various coordinate systems, saving the session. The interface of the user implements actions usual for sensor devices. The program is installed on a mobile device with the processor of type ARMv7a with OS Android 4.0 and above. Pandroid Mini is implemented with the help of ported for OS Android the framework Qt 5.2. The correctness of the application's functioning is checked up on the smart phone Samsung Galaxy S4 and tablet Samsung Tab Pro 10.1 with resolution of the display 2560x1600. Installation package and documentation are available for review in the Download section.
30.04.2014ImageryCreator forms tiles in any user or local coordinate system KB "Panorama" developed ImageryCreator version 7.5. The program allows to form tiles in formats JPEG and PNG under the international standard OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. The new version includes the possibility to prepare tiles by any user or local coordinate system on the basis of file XML with the description of systems parameters. Use of local coordinate systems will simplify process of preparing the data for further publication in regional and municipal GIS and onto subpolar territories which are not displayed in the most popular projections (Spherical Mercator, Pseudo Mercator). Input of new coordinate system can be made in the GIS "Panorama 11" by means of the task "Map Passport". Parameters of new coordinate system and its conditional code EPSG are saved in the file crslist.xml. In ImageryCreator the speed of loading and saving of large volumes of input data consisting of tens thousand of rasters, matrixes or the vector data is increased. Tile data formed by the program are used in GIS WebServer, GIS WebService SE to ensure high speed of performance of queries for displaying the spatial data to extensive territories at the simultaneous handling a large number of users. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
30.04.2014Specialists of KB "Panorama" will hold a webinar on the theme "Formation of technical plan of premises in the form of XML-document by means of "Workstation of cadastral engineer" On May, 21st, 2014 at 10:00 (Moscow time) will take place a webinar on the theme of "Formation of technical plan of premises in the form of XML-document by means of "Workstation of cadastral engineer ". Duration of display will be 3 hours without a break. The number of free places are limited - 15. The webinar is free and will be conducted using the software product TeamViewer 9. For registration it is necessary to send onto e-mail panorama@gisinfo.ru the letter with a theme "Registration for the webinar" and to provide the following information: Name of the organisation; Name of the listener; Contact mobile phone; E-mail address; ID key of the product which is used. On a webinar the following questions will be considered: Map creation and loading of the cadastral information, import of results of geodetic works, preparation of graphics for XML, filling the description of object, formation of XML and check onto correctness, signature of files by digital signature, creation of a package of the land-management documentation and sending through the portal of Rosreestr.
29.04.2014Accounting Systems 1C of corporation "Santimir" will be integrated with GIS "Panorama AGRO" "Panorama Consulting" company (Ukraine) has signed the contract with corporation "Santimir" (Nizhni Novgorod) onto implementation of geoinformation software products of KB "Panorama". Within the limits of the contract the introduction of the GIS "Panorama AGRO", Workstation of Agronomist, "Panorama Editor" will be carried out. Specialists of "Panorama Consulting" will train employees to work with the software. Will consult concerning an integration of a range of agrarian GIS with systems of GPS-monitoring and 1С. Application of geoinformation systems will allow to create passports of fields, to keep the accounting of technological operations, monitoring of crops condition, to bind the fact sheet from sensors of GPS monitoring to planned targets and technological maps. It will allow to raise quality of control over use of resources of the company, and also to raise efficiency of spent technological operations. Corporation "Santimir" brings together more than two dozen companies and specializes in crop and livestock production, has elevator power and feed mills. The company handles the lands in Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk regions, land bank makes more than 100 hectares. "Panorama Consulting" specializes in projects in crop production in the CIS markets. Company's primary activity is delivery and introduction of geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama", diagnostics of a control system, IT audit, business process modeling, measurement of fields and creation of digital maps, delivery and processing of space images, topographic maps, and also outsourcing of processes of control and accounting in crop production.
29.04.2014In GIS WebService SE a support of standard OGC WCS for secure operating system Zarya is added KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) version 6.0 for an operating system Zarya. In the new version of service there is added a support of international standard OGC WCS with specification OGC 09-110r4 version 2.0.1. OGC WCS service is intended for providing in the Internet environment of the spatial information on surfaces (for example, about a land relief) in a format convenient for the analysis, modelling and construction of three-dimensional models of data in web-applications and various geoinformation systems - GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator" and others. GIS WebServiсe SE supports standards OGC WFS, OGC WFS-T v. 2.0.0 and ISO/DIS 19142, OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0 and OGC WMS 03-109r1 version 1.3.0. In the new version of service there is added a support of three types of operations for standard WCS: obtaining the metadata about available three-dimensional raster terrain models and server possibilities, obtaining a complete description by one or several models of district and obtaining the data in the common format (well-known coverage format). As the initial data the data sets of matrixes of heights in format MTW or the data received from the GIS Server can be. Volume of one matrix can be up to 1TB. Number of simultaneously processed matrixes is not limited by software. Information which is given by the service, allows to create 3D terrain models in territory of any size up to the surface of all Globe, and also can be used at modelling the operational situation on a land, at the sea and in the air. Service allows to calculate in a predetermined point of absolute height the matrixes with using the functions of heights interpolation. Height sampling is carried out by more exact matrix with the smallest size of an element. This mechanism allows to obtain a more realistic and accurate picture of the terrain. For example, the mountains and hills will have a smooth transition. GIS WebServiсe SE completely replaces functionality of services GIS WebService, GIS WebFeatureService, GIS WebCoverageService and thus is implemented on platforms of Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-servers Apache, IIS and ngnix, has higher efficiency. Updating to a new version of service during the term of technical support is free of cost. The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
28.04.2014Systems of GPS-monitoring of agroholding "Kusto Agro" (Vinnitsa) will be integrated with agrarian geoinformation systems Company "GISINFO" has signed the contract with company "Kusto Agro" (Vinnitsa, Ukraine) to supply software products of KB "Panorama". At the first stage it is planned to provide the account of fields which are in zones of the company's elevator capacities. It will allow the company to conduct base of current and potential clients in the binding to specific fields, to carry out monitoring of grown cultures and to plan loading of elevators. Within the limits of the contract, specialists of "GISINFO" will train employees of the company to filling the database, creation and editing of fields maps, loading of photoreports. Currently the negotiations are carried on for complex introduction of a line of agrarian geoinformation systems - GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", GIS "Panorama AUTO" and Workstation of agronomist. By means of software there will be implemented the automation of conducting a land cadastre and conducting the issuing passports of fields. Integration will be carried out with existing systems of GPS-monitoring and 1C, which will allow the company to significantly improve business efficiency. Company "Kusto Agro" is part of the international holding Kusto Group, which produces and sells crop products with high added value through innovative business concepts. Company "GISINFO" - the general distributor of products of KB "Panorama" in Ukraine. The mainstream of the company's activity is the development and implementation of geographic information technologies. The company occupies a leading position in the market of introduction of GIS and remote sensing data in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.
28.04.2014Projects of winners of "International competition of the best works on environmental monitoring a state of Ukraine" are based on the GIS "Panorama 11" There is finished the first round of "International competition of the best works on environmental monitoring a state of Ukraine" among pupils, students and young scientists which was held on the basis of Vinnitsa National Technical University (VNTU) on April, 22nd, 2014. Competition consists of three stages: the qualifying round, I round (Vinnitsa, VNTU, on April, 22nd), ІІ round (Zhitomir, on May, 22nd, 2014). The main organizers of the competition were the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine and Vinnitsa National Technical University. Company "GISINFO" has sponsored this event. On the competition for participation in the qualifying round there was served 61 work from more than 100 participants from Ukraine, Ecuador and Turkmenistan. Works are devoted to integrated environmental monitoring, development of thematic maps on a state of environment, to the analysis of biological variety, influence of environment on a state of health of the population, alternative energy, research of laws of change in the state of water quality in the rivers and lakes, waste management, to a state of well water, modelling and mapping of distribution of pollution from emissions of the enterprises. All works have a geographical binding of data to databases of geodata, there are a lot of original researches, ideas and suggestions, concerning improving a state of environment of regions of Ukraine. Many works will be interesting to use by specialists in ecology and environmental protection. From 6 works of winners of the I round in five of them the software of GIS "Panorama 11" was used. In these works the geoinformation system was applied for solution of various problems: the analysis of data of ecological monitoring a quality of a surface water; storages, processing and visualization of data about a status of ground waters; mapping areas of distribution of quarantine plants; creations of Workstation of Geoinformation system of ecological monitoring the city of Krivoi Rog; visualization of the data of water cadastre.
25.04.2014Presentation materials on formation of infrastructure of spatial data by "Panorama" tools are developed Specialists of KB"Panorama" have prepared the presentation on creation and use of spatial data using the server and desktop products of KB "Panorama". It describes a construction of distributed spatial data bank and formation of the network GIS on the basis of a product the GIS Server and technologies of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data with use in thick and thin clients. The joint technology of creating and updating digital maps on the basis of the GIS "Panorama 11" and "PHOTOMOD" is demonstrated. There is presented the information on operational formation of an information component of the GIS on the basis of the data obtained from various sources (loading data from public resources, connection of web layers of the open data, converting of files from other geoinformation systems). There is described the system of creation and conducting a database of aeronautical information, formation of various aeronautical maps and data exchange with other information systems in format ARINC. There is demonstrated the technologies of automated formation of land-plan and technical plans, documents of town-planning activity and territorial land management. Possibilities of electronic interdepartmental interaction with bodies of the state cadastral registration within the GIS "Panorama 11" are shown. The presentation is made in Russian and English languages. The presentation material is available for download on the "Presentations" page.
24.04.2014By the results of the scientific congress "Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2014" KB "Panorama" awarded by diplomas for presentation of their own developments of GIS Specialists of KB "Panorama" took part in X International scientific forum - International exhibition and scientific congress "Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2014" which was held on April, 16-18th, 2014 in the city of Novosibirsk. Work of the company specialists was awarded by diplomas of organizers for professional presentation of their own developments of GIS and for reliable partnership, long-term cooperation, support and active participation. At the last seminar there have been presented such achievements of the company, as technologies of integrated management by territories, software of exact agriculture, complex of preparation and industrial production of digital maps. KB "Panorama" is a regular participant of scientific congresses and forums "Interexpo GEO-Siberia". Annually specialists of the company meet with participants of the exhibition and represent information-presentation materials about software development and GIS-technologies. International Scientific Forum - International Exhibition and Scientific Congress "Interexpo GEO-Siberia" is a significant annual event for professionals, companies and organizations working with geospatial information in the Russian Federation and worldwide.
23.04.2014Application of navigation technologies in computing subsystems SVP-24 has allowed to improve the precision characteristics of planes Su-24M As it became known from news on ITAR-TASS news agency site, aircraft designers were able to improve the accuracy characteristics of planes Su-24M in three times. It became possible at the expense of installation of new specialized computing subsystems (SVP-24) "Gefest". This was reported in the press service of the Central Military District (CVO) , thanks to the "Gefest" also it became possible more than on 15 % to reduce annual operating costs. Pilots estimated work of SVP-24 on polygons of various climatic zones, in difficult weather conditions and at the low visibility. "Gefest" was introduced one year ago. During this time repeatedly it was possible to work and bring to perfection the bombing from free maneuver, without entering into the affected area of means of air defense of the imaginary enemy. Accuracy of hit the target actually was equal to indicators of operated means, - have explained in the press-service - SVP-24 unites devices of an aiming, navigation and management which extend the capabilities of the crew to search, enter the target, for an aiming and striking a blow, raise the survival of aircrafts. At modernization of the ground and airborne navigation equipment of aircraft the multiplatform core of the GIS "Panorama" was applied for desktop systems and real-time systems. Works were carried out by joint efforts of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the Air Forces and Joint-Stock Company "Gefest and Т" with the participation of specialists of Joint-Stock Company "KB Panorama". The upgraded aircraft has had an opportunity to strike the ground and sea targets from free maneuver in low-altitude flight mode. On April, 12th, 2014 the plane of the Russian Air Forces, СУ-24, flew over the American destroyer "Donald Cook" equipped with modern American naval multifunctional combat information and control system "Aegis", and also armed, among other, by cruise missiles "Tomahawks".
23.04.2014Agrarian GIS will be integrated with the banking software of the International finance corporation (IFC) Specialists of the company "Panorama Consulting" have taken part in V Investment agrobusiness forum which took place in Kiev on April, 17th, 2014. During the meeting between representatives of the company "Panorama Consulting" and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) the agreement on talks is reached. The main theme of forthcoming talks is devoted to questions of integration of banking software products with a ruler of agrarian GIS - GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", Workstation of "Agronomist", GIS WebServer AGRO and others. The forum was attended by over 170 participants, including representatives of the leading agricultural companies and holdings, resource companies, government agencies, audit, legal and consulting firms, and media representatives. At the forum there were discussed the possibilities of attracting foreign investments for the Ukrainian agricultural companies, alternative forms of financing and other important issues, including use of modern information technologies for increase of efficiency of investments into agrobusiness. Elena Voloshina, head of IFC in Ukraine, in her speech announced plans of introduction in two leading banks of the software, that allows to predict the yield on the basis of information about crop rotation and agro-technological operations on specific fields, and also to model the cash flow of the enterprises and to allocate appropriate financing.
22.04.2014Complex of preparing the documents of aeronautical information are provided with conducting base of meteorological services of airdrome In KB "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information of version 5.5 is developed. The new version added the possibility to form sheets of the collection of aeronautical information of the general section (GEN) and section ENR (ATS Space). The new document "Technique of preparation for publishing the collection of aeronautical information" is created. It describes the order of preparation, a filling and checking the information in a database before forming the sheets of ANI collection and aeronautical maps. Into the program interface the form of conducting base of special navigation systems is added. The input form of the airports infrastructure is complemented by a bookmark of conducting database of meteorological services of the airport and types of the meteorological information. Converter for import of format ARINC is improved. Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is intended for creation and conducting a database of aeronautical information, formation of aeronautical maps and information exchange with other information systems by means of an exchange of aeronautical data in format ARINC. Source of the aeronavigation information is the relational database of aeronautical data constructed by model of AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model). The model is recommended by the International Organization of planning and coordination of air traffic "Eurocontrol". The structure allows to store and process all elements of aviation activity, to form aeronautical charts in accordance with ICAO Annex 4. The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
21.04.2014GIS Server x64 enhanced possibilities of remote monitoring with using the information protection means of operating system Astra Linux SE In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server of version 5.6.3 is developed for operating system Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk" version 1.3). In the new version the possibilities of remote monitoring a condition of clients connections to the spatial data are expanded. The administrator of the server can grant users the right to remote viewing the list of connected clients, duration of their work, list of open data, information on completed operations on data updating. It expands possibilities of works heads on remote monitoring over functioning the server of spatial data. Installation of this product is made in the DEB format and signed by the digital signature that allows to use it in closed software environment Astra Linux Special Edition. GIS Server supports collective remote access to vector maps, imagery, matrixes of heights, documents and databases of spatial data constructed by standard OGC OGC 06-103r4. As the clients it can be the programs the GIS "PANORAMA 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geo-services, other GIS Servers forming multilevel connection among themselves for distributed storage and processing the spatial data with automatic replication, backup and data protection. Simultaneously several queries for updating the data between GIS Servers by multichannel connection through the protocol TCP\IP can be carried out. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
18.04.2014GIS "Operator" is integrated with information protection means of operating system Astra Linux SE In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" of version 11.10.2 is developed for operating system AstraLinux Special Edition (release "Smolensk" version 1.3), certified by requirements of information security, providing protection of information constituting a state secret with a stamp the "top secret". Installation of this product is made in the DEB format and signed by the digital signature that allows to use it in closed software environment Astra Linux Special Edition. GIS "Operator" is implemented for platforms x32 and x64, is adopted for supplying the Armed forces of the Russian Federation by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation and is certified in system of information security on level 2. GIS "Operator" at the expense of advantages of architecture x64 allows to increase speed of data processing, reliability and fault tolerance of process of information exchange. Training-methodical materials are developed for the program to use it at all levels of control by armies. The structure of the GIS includes libraries of conventional symbols for designing the special maps and terrain 3D-models. GIS "Operator" is applied at carrying out the international command and staff exercises and trainings in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine and other countries. Together with the GIS Server program, a complete set of service programs and external devices the GIS "Operator" provides work in a network-centric control system and data exchange. For operating system MSVS of version 3.0 the GIS "Operator" of version 11.10.2 is developed. This version supports in full the updated formats of the spatial data, the classifiers, new projections and systems of coordinates with which the GIS "Panorama 11" for Windows works. The same spatial data can be displayed and edited in different projections and coordinate systems simultaneously from any quantity of workplaces. There is increased speed of transfer of raster data from the GIS Servers with possibility of simultaneous opening of several thousand images, each of which can have the size up to 8 GB. Transferred data can be cached on the client, as at work in the browser. Memory allocation is optimised at opening a few thousand rasters and matrixes simultaneously without decreasing the speed of display. There is added support of a new format of the vector maps SITX containing all data in one storehouse (file). It simplifies data exchange, the account and reserve copying. The volume of a vector map in storehouse of SITX format is not limited. For protection of the data there is supported the encryption by a 256-bit key formed on the basis of the password, specified by the user. At loss of the password the data cannot be restored. At simultaneous opening in one document of multitude of the encrypted maps it is enough to enter the password only at opening the first map. If opened maps have different passwords then the re-enter the password will be automatically requested. New versions of programs are available on the website in the Download section.
18.04.2014At the international forum "Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2014" the software of integrated management by territories are presented KB "Panorama" takes part in X International scientific forum - International exhibition and scientific congress "Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2014" held in Novosibirsk in the expocenter "Novosibirsk Expocentre". Specialists of the company had prepared information-presentation materials on all spectrum of geoinformation technology of KB "Panorama". Particular attention was paid to the technology for integrated management by territories which is implemented on the basis of the Complex of conducting a regional geoportal "Geoportal Region". Participants of an exhibition were acquainted with possibilities of software that make up the complex - GIS "Panorama 11", GIS WebServer, GIS WebService SE, GIS Server and others. Have visited the stand and have talked with specialists of KB "Panorama" the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Tolokonskiy V. A and Acting Governor of Novosibirsk region Gorodetskiy V. F. "Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2014" - is an international center of meetings of scientists and specialists from Russia and abroad. Here discuss the problems of development of geoinformation branch, impart experience, offer solutions ways on many pressing issues in geodesy, geology, geophysics, cartography and other fields. You can be familiarized with the photoreport on the international scientific forum on our website.
17.04.2014Training-methodical materials on using GIS "Operator" in departments and offices of air defense of general staffs of the Russian Federation Armed Forces are developed On the website of KB "Panorama" there are posted new teaching materials on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of documents in department (office) of air defence of the army staff (district). The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Part 12. Branch (department, office) of air defence". There is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials in departments and offices of air defense of general staffs of the Russian Federation Armed Forces". New examples of maps for combined arms formations, units of Ground forces are issued: "Working map of the chief of air defence of motorized infantry brigade", "Working map of the chief of air defence of combined army", "Working map of the chief of air defence OSK", "Plan of air defence of motorized infantry brigade", "Air defence Plan of combined army", "Plan of air defence OSK". Breadboard (sets) of conventional operational-tactical signs from the classifier are developed for branch (department, office) of air defence which provide rapid mapping of typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various kinds of combat (operation) and daily activity of armies. Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 119 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. The developed materials can be applied as a part of GIS "Operator" in operating systems Astra Linux SE, MSVS 5.0, MSVS 3.0 and Zarya. GIS "Operator" was adopted to supply the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and has the certificate of conformity by 2 level of control on absence of undeclared possibilities. It is possible to familiarise with examples of maps and the documentation in the Download section.
16.04.2014Complex of the automated decryption and vectoring by remote sensing data is implemented on the platform x64 In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated decryption and vectoring of version 4.1 is developed for 64-bit OS Windows. Use of 64 bit addressing allows to use all available random-access memory on your computer. In this connection now you have a possibility to perform an automatic vectoring by rasters in the size more than 4 GB. Complex of the automated decryption and vectoring by remote sensing data performs an automatic vectoring of the road network, hydrography and vegetation by images of air and space photographing with a resolution of up to three meters. The automatic vectoring is performed on the basis of recognition of raster areas belonging to object with use of the templates digitized by user. Process of an automatic vectoring consists of preliminary processing of a raster, classification, processing of a classification raster , conversion of a raster to a vector and vector processing. Differentiated approach to shadow areas in the image improves quality of a contouring on areas border of different classes. The program uses parallel computing, which significantly increases speed of processing at performance on computers with multiprocessor (multinucore) architecture. For processing a raster of classification there are used the morphological operations - changing a binary state of pixel on the basis of analysis of the state of its neighbours. Such operations include: erosion, dilating, deleting of small regions and filling of small regions. Recognized raster areas are filtered, smoothed and converted into segments linear and polygon vector objects. With contours of objects the operations of union, filtration and smoothing are carried out. The vector map of recognition results is exported into formats SXF and SHP. Processing of colour images of an optical range, panchromatic (grayscale) images and multispectral images is supported. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
15.04.2014Control complexes by modern robotic means will be created on the base of GIS "Operator" Work of the IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Advanced systems and management problems", which was held in Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi) from 7.04 to 04.12.2014 was completed. At conference the questions of application in Armed Forces and in a civil industry of technologies of robotics of land, sea and air basing, navigation and communication systems have been considered. By results of conference work there were developed the proposals for the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on the prospects of development and application of robotic means. The main solution for the effective use of robotic tools is the creation of ground-based control complexes. Complexes will be created on the base of geoinformation military-oriented systems with the further integration into the automated control systems by armies. It is offered to use the GIS "Operator" as the basic geoinformation platform for Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
15.04.2014GIS "Panorama 11" version 11.11.4 provides processing of terabytes images and matrixes of heights In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama 11"of version 11.11.4 is developed. In the new version there are enhanced the tools of creating and updating digital terrain maps, construction of 3D models, designing of the land-management documentation are enhanced. The application "Transformation of a vector map" is improved. There is added a possibility to process maps displayed not in its own coordinate system that allows to measure points on maps with different coordinate systems in one window. For example, it is possible to open simultaneously maps in CS42, CS95, LCS together with geoportals and to execute transformation of any open vector map into coordinate system of other map or a geoportal by the same measurements. At transformation the reprojection is carried out automatically, and minor distortions are eliminated by the type of transformation chosen by the user. Calculation of the mean-square deviations (MSD) by the measured points without use of modelling is added, that allows you to assess the accuracy of a map for decision-making about necessity of transformation. There is added a mode of stream transformation of all open maps or maps from MPT project. Similarly to the task "Transformation of raster maps" an automatic loading of points in the output coordinate system from the chosen objects is implemented. There is added a support of rasters (images) and matrixes in the size up to 1 Tbytes. All operations are supported: import, export, editing, compression, change of brightness, contrast, transparency, palette. Support of large volumes of data and a pyramid of images inside a file of raster and matrix allows to unite the initial data into one large raster or a matrix without prejudice to productivity. In the Map Editor on the panel of Graphic's objects there are added the modes for change of a display order of object in a map - Show object over all, Show object under all, Reset show state (back to the default order). New modes can be applied to any objects of a map for preparation of maps for publication (for example, to hide a horizontal under a building) or for designing any thematic maps. The specified attribute is stored in formats SXF and TXF and at map sorting, until canceled in the Reset mode. The attribute can be set or canceled for a group of marked objects. Reset command returns position of objects to the previous state. At creation of object in the mode of a semi-automatic vectoring it is possible to change a trace step (interval between points) in dialog of Editor Options. At display on a map's background of a rectangular grid the possibility to specify initial displacement of a grid in the coordinate system of the open document is added. It allows to combine a grid with elements of matrixes, rasters and other data and to carry out digitizing on grid nodes. Possibilities of the task "Map Passport" are expanded at work with a list of maps. At enabling option "Modify parameters of coordinate system for all maps" it is possible to set map type, projection, spheroid, vertical datum, projection constants, Datum, code EPSG, the identifier of coordinate system single for all maps from the list. The task of "Navigator 3D" is improved. Together with detailed 3D-model of the nearest displayed terrain part all chosen terrain part less in detail displayed. It allows to see model as a whole, better to be orientated on it and to do a quick transition into the desired point for detailed displaying of 3D-model. Installation of the GIS "Panorama 11" includes 3D-map of scale 1: 200 000. Three-dimensional views of objects are developed with taking into account their displaying for a small-scale map. The main feature of library 200t05g.p3d is a new possibility to construct a template of polygonal objects by the view "Sign by area" with sign placing "Along the longest side" of object. Displayed by such template the object "Quarters densely built-up..." is a typical view of quarter with virtual houses which were not really mapped because of its small scale. Block "Survey" is improved. Dialog "Reading data from XML" is updated, there is added a control of sizes of values read from a file and semantic characteristics corresponding to them. Data files are brought into accord with actual XSD-schemes.The mode "Technical plan" is improved, there is added the possibility to import the list of documents from section "Input data" into "Application" section and on the contrary. Changes are made to dialogues of filling a location (address) for modes "Land-plan" and "Technical plan" with taking into account updating of service "Address database". The module of conducting an address database is updated, procedures of import of settlements, streets and address points from KLADR are automated. The address database on KLADR from 3/17/2014 is updated. The new version of the program is available for download on the website in the Download section.
14.04.2014GIS WebService SE version 6.0 integrates the most popular protocols OGC KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServiсe SE version 6 for platform x64. The new version of the service adds support for international standard OGC WCS with specification OGC 09 -110r4 version 2.0.1. OGC WCS service is intended for providing in Internet environment of the spatial information about surfaces (for example, a land relief) in a format convenient for the analysis, modelling and construction of three-dimensional models of the data used in various GIS - GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Operator" and others. GIS WebServiсe SE supports standards of OGC WFS, OGC WFS-T v. 2.0.0 and ISO/DIS 19142, OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0 and OGC WMS 03-109r1 version 1.3.0. In the new version of service there is added a support of three types of operations for standard WCS: obtaining the metadata about available three-dimensional raster terrain models and server possibilities, obtaining a complete description by one or several models of district and obtaining the data in the common format (well-known coverage format). As the initial data the data sets of matrixes of heights in format MTW or the data received from the GIS Server can be. Volume of one matrix can be up to 1TB. Number of simultaneously processed matrixes is not limited by software. Information which is given by the service, allows to create 3D terrain models in territory of any size up to the surface of all Globe, and also can be used at modelling the operational situation on a land, at the sea and in the air. Service allows to calculate in a predetermined point of absolute height the matrixes with using the functions of heights interpolation. Height sampling is carried out by more exact matrix with the smallest size of an element. This mechanism allows to obtain a more realistic and accurate picture of the terrain. For example, the mountains and hills will have a smooth transition. GIS WebServiсe SE completely replaces functionality of services GIS WebService, GIS WebFeatureService, GIS WebCoverageService and thus is implemented on platforms of Windows and Linux, is compatible with web-servers Apache, IIS and ngnix, has higher efficiency. Updating to a new version of service during the term of technical support is free of cost. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
11.04.2014In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of automated conducting a cadastral map are updated In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" of version 11.11.4 is developed, optimising the operations of creating and using the digital cadastral map used at a survey and inventory. Creation of a cadastral map by loading data from XML-files of Rosreestr is supplemented by functions of control of dimension of values read from a file and semantic characteristics corresponding to them. Data files are resulted in conformity to actual XML-schemes. Procedure "Reading data from XML" is added by functions of calculating the overall dimensions of work region. The obtained information is used for drawing conventional (not having coordinate description) objects on a map. Previously conventional objects were placed in a point with coordinates X=0 and Y=0 that complicated the subsequent analysis of data. Now conventional objects are placed in a point of the lower left corner of the general dimensions of real cadastral objects, data about which are presented in XML file. At placing a cadastral map on the GIS Server there is provided a shared access to the spatial data, that allows to organize the multiuser work with cadastral data according to the established rights. A number of functions is implemented reducing the time for preparation of the source information for formation of surveying and technical plans. The mode "Technical plan" is improved, there is added the possibility to import the list of documents from section "Input data" into "Application" section and on the contrary. Changes are made to dialogues of filling a location (address) for modes "Land-plan" and "Technical plan" with taking into account updating of service "Address database". The module of conducting an address database is updated, procedures of import of settlements, streets and address points from KLADR are automated. The address database on KLADR from 3/17/2014 is updated. The new version of the program is available for download on the website in the Download section.
11.04.2014Specialists of KB "Panorama" company have presented new web technologies at 69th scientific practical conference of MIIGAiK Specialists of KB "Panorama" spoke at 69th scientific practical conference of students, post-graduate students and the young scientists MIIGAiK, dedicated to the 235 - anniversary of MIIGAiK. The theme of the conference were the main directions of development of the field of geographic information systems and technologies. Particular attention was paid to geoportals and geoservis developed by specialists of KB "Panorama", and also to the complex of conducting a regional geoportal "Geoportal Region". The composition of this complex includes GIS WebServer x64 (the program of publication of maps, images and databases on the Internet "), GIS WebService SE x64 (web-service for standards OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS on the basis of Apache, IIS, ngnix, for a platform "х64"), GIS Server x64, Panorama SpatialDB Service (the program of displaying the information from databases of standard OGC 06-103r4). Participants of conference in their reports have emphasized that the implementation and application of new methods of rapid updating the digital maps of large volume used in such areas as geoinformatics, geodesy, cadastre and land monitoring, is possible only on the basis of the developed bank of spatial data and modern geoinformation systems.
10.04.2014Advanced robotic means for control points of the Russian Federation Armed Forces are developed on modern GIS platform At the IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Advanced systems and management problems", held in Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi) from 7.04 to 04.12.2014, there are discussed the questions of application in Armed Forces and in a civil industry of technologies of robotics of land, sea and air basing, navigation and communication systems. As it follows from reports of conference participants - the implementation of existing and future robotic means, acting autonomously for a long time, is possible only on the basis of high-precision spatial data and modern geographic information systems. A number of reports have presented ready information systems for robotic control points of various purposes implemented on the GIS platform of KB "Panorama" (JSC "RPCB" Ramenskoye, LLC «AEROB» of Skolkovo and others).
10.04.2014In GIS "Navigator 2011" the means of automated formation of 3D models onto arbitrary territories by topographic maps are expanded KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Navigator 2011" version 11.11.4. In the new version the task of three-dimensional displaying a map for fast displaying the large territories is refined. Together with detailed 3D-model of the nearest displayed terrain part all chosen terrain part less in detail displayed. It allows to see model as a whole, better to be orientated on it and to do a quick transition into the desired point for detailed displaying of 3D-model. Installation of the GIS "Navigator 2011" includes the demonstration 3D-map of terrain of scale 1: 200 000 with the updated library of three-dimensional symbols for the standard classifier of topographic maps 200t05g.rsc. Three-dimensional views of objects are developed with taking into account their displaying for a small-scale map. For creating new views of three-dimensional objects there are supported the templates of polygonal objects with the view "Sign by area" with sign placing "Along the longest side" of object. Displayed by such template the object "Quarters densely built-up..." is a typical view of quarter with virtual houses which were not really mapped because of its small scale. In the new version there is added a support of rasters (images) and matrixes in the size up to 1 Tbyte. All operations are supported: import, export, editing, compression, change of brightness, contrast, transparency, palette. Support of large volumes of data and a pyramid of images inside a file of raster and matrix allows to unite the initial data into one large raster or a matrix without prejudice to productivity. In aggregate with using a new format of vector maps SITX, containing all data in one storehouse, it simplifies management, data exchange and reserve copying. The new version of the program is available for download on the website in the Download section.
09.04.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service allows you to download maps in Oracle Spatial KB "Panorama" developed Panorama SpatialDB Service of version 2.5. The new version has the ability to download digital maps into spatial databases Oracle. Panorama SpatialDB Service allows to organize access of clients of GIS Server to the spatial information placed on platforms of DBMS Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server in accordance with standard of Open GIS Consortium (OGC 06-103r4). This standard defines rules for posting the information about the spatial description of objects in relational databases, regulates structure of this information and base principles on work with it. Result of work of service is that the users connected to the GIS to the Server via desktop applications (GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-editor", GIS "Operator" and others) or web-services, can view contents of databases in the form of cartographical representation. GIS WebService and GIS WebFeatureService, connected to the server, can provide access to the data from database by protocols WMS, WMTS and WFS. Service can work simultaneously with several GIS Servers and servers of databases which can be placed on platforms Windows or Linux. Service Windows Service which is a part of a complex, allows in an automatic mode without intervention of the operator to monitor changes in spatial databases and to perform actualization of digital maps placed on the GIS Server. Information interface with databases of Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server is based on use of the applied scheme of unified exchange by spatial data. Structure and rules of filling a file of the applied scheme are in detail described in the document "Specification of data for exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML" (document code - BSD.1.3:2011). This specification is developed on the basis of using a subset of components of schemes specified in standard OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard Version: 3.2.1 and requirements of standards ISO of series 19100. New version of software and documentation are available for download on the Download page.
08.04.201464-bit GIS "Operator" for the protected domestic operating system Zarya is developed KB "Panorama" developed the GIS "Operator" of version 11.10.2 for the operating system Zarya of version 1.1. The program at the expense of advantages of architecture x64 allows to increase speed of data processing, reliability and fault tolerance of process of information exchange. Geoinformation system fully supports the updated formats of spatial data, the classifiers, new projections and systems of coordinates with which the GIS "Panorama 11" for Windows works. The same spatial data can be displayed and edited in different projections and coordinate systems simultaneously from any quantity of workplaces. There is increased the speed of transfer of raster data from the GIS Servers with possibility of simultaneous opening of several thousand images, each of which can be up to 1 TB. Transferred data can be cached on the client, as at work in the browser. Memory allocation is optimized at opening a few thousand rasters and matrixes simultaneously without decreasing the speed of display. There is added support of a new format of the vector maps SITX containing all data in one storehouse (file). It simplifies data exchange, the account and reserve copying. The volume of a vector map in storehouse of SITX format is not limited. For protection of the data there is supported the encryption by a 256-bit key formed on the basis of the password, specified by the user. At loss of the password the data cannot be restored. At simultaneous opening in one document of multitude of the encrypted maps it is enough to enter the password only at opening the first map. If opened maps have different passwords then the re-enter the password will be automatically requested. The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
07.04.2014In Ternopol city council (Ukraine) the works on creation of municipal GIS are conducted Since 2013 in the Ternopol city council (Ukraine) the works on creation of municipal geoinformation system on the basis of the GIS-technology of KB "Panorama" are conducted. During performance of works the GIS Server was deployed and client workplaces of system's operators were connected. Onto the server the databases of geospatial and thematic data have been loaded. The training introduction course on work with the software was conducted. Between 01 and April 03, 2014, the teachers and employees of department of computer ecological-economic monitoring and engineering graphics of Vinnitsa national technical university for specialists of management of town-planning, architecture and cadastre of the Ternopol city council conducted courses of advanced training on a theme "Bases of work with GIS"Panorama". For training the specialists of Sector of hardware and software of a cadastre system and Sector of processing and issue of the cadastral information also were involved. The main purpose of the course there were the mastering of base principles and obtaining the skills of work for creation and editing of digital maps and databases of different degree of complexity, the solution of typical applied town-planning problems by means of toolkit of GIS "Panorama 11". Training was conducted in the form of lectures and laboratory exercises. Upon completion of training, all students have successfully completed the test items and received certificates. During training the listeners and representatives of the municipal enterprises of a city have got acquainted with work of Municipal GIS in Vinnitsa city council which today occupies a leading position in Ukraine. Participants of the training course attended Geoinformation Department of Information Technology Department and the Department of Urban Planning, Architecture and inventory. There they were told about the order of administration and operation of the GIS Server, were demonstrated the possibilities of obtaining information from an internal Geoportal City Council deployed on the basis of GIS WebServer.
07.04.2014System of GPS monitoring "Inspector" will be integrated with GIS "Panorama AGRO" The companies "IT - Lynks" and "Panorama Consulting" have signed the partner cooperation agreement. The agreement is aimed at efficient use of advanced geoinformation technologies, and also implementation of joint projects in agroindustrial sector. Within the limits of cooperation the companies will carry out technical integration between systems of the GIS "Panorama AGRO" and GPS monitoring "Inspector" that will give the ability to receive a modern integrated control system of Horticulture. Exchange between systems will include information on the whereabouts of vehicles, fuel consumption, driver/machine operators and the connected unit. It is planned to customize the data exchange on accounting the fuel at gas stations and in fuel tankers. The company "IT - Lynks" exists and dynamically develops in the market of Ukraine since 2005 year. Since its inception it is engaged in developing the web-based systems and in automation of enterprises activity. Since 2007 year the company is one of leaders in sphere of development and integration of the equipment and systems of GPS monitoring, scheduling and fuel consumption control. During this time, there were developed the large software and hardware - "Inspector" and a number of solutions for ensuring the technical side of his work. The company "Panorama Consulting" is created for promotion of modern GIS technologies on the basis of software solutions of KB "Panorama" in agriculture in the market of the CIS and other countries.
04.04.2014At the seminar "Practical problems of land improvement in agriculture and a way of their solving" the report "Application of GIS in agriculture" was presented On March, 27-28, 2014 FGNU VNII "RADUGA", together with FGOU DPO "Kolomna institute of retraining and advanced training of the managerial personnel and specialists" and with support of Department of land improvement of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, held a seminar "Practical problems of land improvement in agriculture and a way of their solving". The event was dedicated to the application of modern technologies and equipment in land reclamation at design stages, construction, modernization and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems, and also to principles and measures of state and regional support of meliorative actions in peasant farms, agro-cooperatives and agroholdings. At the seminar, specialists of KB "Panorama" presented the report "Application of GIS in agriculture", which was preceded the speech of laboratory chief of VNIIGiM on the theme "Technology and hardware and software of monitoring of the pump equipment and sprinkler techniques with use of geoinformation systems". Speakers on an example of software products of the GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server, GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", "Workstation of agronomist" told about the general principles of application of geoinformation systems in agriculture in general and land improvements in particular. Speeches were marked by the note of thanks of director of FBGNU "VNII RADUGA", doctor of agricultural sciences, professor G.V.Olgarenko.
03.04.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Lebanon of scale 1: 1000 000 KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Lebanon. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
03.04.2014In Krasnodar the seminar concerning application of GIS for increasing the efficiency of crop production was held 1 and 2 April 2014 in the city of Krasnodar with support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar Krai on the basis of the Kuban State Agrarian University was held a seminar - practical work for agricultural producers concerning application of the GIS for increasing the production efficiency of agricultural crops. The seminar was organized by Kuban Agrotechnopark, KB "Panorama", NGO "Center for Agriculture and modern technology." Before listeners the vice-governor and the Minister of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar Krai Sergey Garkusha spoke. In his speech he stressed the need of using the modern technologies for effective use of regions possibilities for increase of agricultural production. The seminar was attended by heads of agricultural offices of almost all districts of the Krasnodar Krai and the heads of a number of farms. Experts KB "Panorama" told about the technology inventory of agricultural land application of precision farming systems, systems design adaptive landscape agriculture using GIS "Map 2011" GIS "Panorama AGRO" GIS WebServer Agro. Specialists of KB "Panorama" have told about technologies of inventory of agricultural land, application of systems of exact agriculture, designing of systems of adaptive-landscape agriculture with use of GIS "Panorama 11", GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS WebServer Agro. Application of geoinformation technologies allows to create a multilayered map of fields, to conduct passports of fields, to carry out calculation of doses of mineral fertilizers, to carry out monitoring of technics and the accounting of field works.
02.04.2014Phytosanitary monitoring on territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be conducted using GIS "Panorama 11" The Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine (KazRIPPQ) conducts fundamental and applied researches in development of protective measures against especially dangerous pests of agriculture and quarantine objects of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For automating a process of manufacturing of special maps of phytosanitary monitoring the products of KB "Panorama" are chosen. From March, 25 till March, 27th, 2014 on production-and-training base of the institute (the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty) representatives of KB "Panorama" have conducted lessons with specialists of KazRIPPQ in application of the GIS "Panorama 11" at the solving problems of phytosanitary monitoring. The basic mission of KazRIPPQ - to promote decrease in losses of a crop from pests in agricultural production, to reducing the amount of use of pesticides and the scientific contribution into ensuring of food, ecological and national safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan. KazRIPPQ is the only one in republic the specialised scientific institution in the field of plants protection and quarantine. During the lessons the listeners have studied the basic techniques for working with "GIS Panorama 11", and also technologies of an estimation of a phytosanitary state of farmland by means of GLONASS/NAVSTAR equipments. New possibilities of the GIS "Panorama 11" on processing of various data (coordinate, photos, attributes and another) have been considered. Particular attention was paid to the construction of digital maps according remote sensing data. Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine has two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAV application can significantly reduce the costs for production of aerial survey. Specialists of KazRIPPQ plan to use the complex of auto-decryption and vectoring according to remote sensing data, intended for an automatic vectoring of linear and polygon objects by color raster images of the earth's surface. Practical use of the GIS "Panorama 11" will allow specialists of KazRIPPQ to automate technology of monitoring the intensity of development and the harm of the organisms based on systematized registration of indicators to monitor the changes of the functional status of plants and conditions of their habitat. Upon completion of training, trainees were awarded certificates of the established sample.
01.04.2014In the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the command-staff war game "Arctic" with using the GIS "Operator" was held In the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" the command-staff war game (CSWG) has taken place, cipher: "Arctic". During CSWG the elements of network-centric control by armies have been successfully implemented. On exercises as the main software there were used the software products developed in KB "Panorama": GIS Server, GIS "Operator", GIS "Panorama 11". Into a single network managed by GIS Server, simultaneously were included more than 100 workstations of officials of operational and tactical levels of management on which the GIS "Operator" were installed. Preparation of 3D terrain models was performed by means of the GIS "Panorama 11". The software showed high results of work, allowed to work simultaneously with one combat graphic document to a large number of operators, provided the access control and safety of the information. As a whole, the objectives of CSWG with use of the above software products have been solved successfully.
01.04.2014New version of GIS Constructor is developed for operating system OpenSUSE In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor of version 11.2.0 is developed for operating system OpenSUSE 11.3. The new version of the program supports in full the updated formats of spatial data, classifiers, new projections and coordinate systems with which GIS "Panorama 11" can work. The structure of geoinformation system includes various components: building and displaying three-dimensional terrain models, "Graph of roads", search for objects of digital map, display of a digital map, converting the data of format SXF, access to the data through the GIS Server and others. The same spatial data can be displayed and edited in different projections and coordinate systems simultaneously from any number of workplaces. Performance of overlay operations between maps in various projections is provided. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
31.03.2014GIS "Operator", GIS Server, GIS Constructor for Linux are certified in system of certification of information security of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence Certification of software products of KB "Panorama" for operating systems Astra Linux SE, MSVS 5.0, MSVC 3.0 is finished. Certificates of conformity 2 level of control on the absence of undeclared possibilities according to the guidance document of Technical Commission of Russia on conformity of real and declared in the documentation the functionality are issued by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for program products the GIS Constructor for Qt Designer PARB.00008-02, GIS "Operator" for power structures PARB.00048-02, GIS Server PARB.00049-02. GIS "Operator" is intended for management of terrain maps, images and matrixes, for creation of maps of operational situation and data exchange with other systems, displaying 3D terrain models, performance of calculations on a map, connection to a map of databases, construction of thematic maps, schedules and diagrammes. GIS Constructor is a set of components for use in the environment of visual programming Qt-Designer (PS Constructor), allowing to develop GIS applications. GIS Server is the program intended for an ensuring of remote access to spatial data of users of programs the GIS Operator, GIS "Panorama 11" and the programs developed in the environment of GIS Constructor.
31.03.2014Space Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine introduces geoinformation technologies The companies "Panorama Consulting" and "GISINFO" have signed an agreement on strategic cooperation with Space Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine. The partnership is aimed at designing, development and implementation of geographic information systems and remote sensing data of the Earth in agrarian sector. At the first stage of cooperation the conducting of satellite monitoring of crops state and crop rotation control, forecasting of crop yield, creation of digital maps of risks in agriculture, introduction of technologies of "exact agriculture" and development of thematic geoportals will become the basic services for clients. Implementation will take place in the interests of the central and regional authorities, insurance companies, grain traders, large and medium-sized agricultural holdings, and farms. Within the limits of cooperation there is planned a using the GIS-technology of KB "Panorama" on the basis of software products: GIS WebServer, GIS "Panorama 11", Complex of 3D analysis, Complex of analysis of multispectral images, GIS WebServer AGRO and others. Companies "GISINFO" and "Panorama Consulting" will support the use of specialized Web-technologies by specialists of Space Research Institute through the consultation and training. Research assistants of the Institute will participate in software development, providing the ideas and recommendations for product improvement. Agroportal contents will be expanded by the information provided by the Space Research Institute. Joint work is planned within the limits of development of information products line, implementation of sales and marketing, participation in specialized thematic events (conferences, seminars, exhibitions, presentations and another.). Space Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine was founded in 1996 on the basis of the Division of Management Systems Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Glushkov of Ukrainian NAS. Specialists of the Institute represent Ukraine in the global innovative projects aimed at the implementation of agricultural monitoring under the aegis of intergovernmental Group of Earth's Observation GEO, in particular GEO-GLAM and JECAM, and also take part in work of international working group WGISS (Working Group ion Information Systems and Services) of committee CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites). Space Research Institute cooperates with the European Research Centre JRC (Jointed Research Center) and participates in the implementation of European projects within the limits of program FP7. Company "GISINFO" is the general distributor of "Panorama" products in Ukraine. The company's portfolio includes dozens of completed projects in such sectors as agriculture, urban development and housing, power structures, emergencies, environment, energy, aviation and others. The company "Panorama Consulting" is created for advancement of modern GIS technologies on the basis of software solutions of KB "Panorama" in agriculture in the market of the CIS countries and other countries.
28.03.2014GIS "Panorama AGRO" automates calculation of needs of the enterprise in technical equipments In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama AGRO" version 3.9.1 is developed. Important tasks of the agricultural producers are minimization of costs for implementation of agrotechnical actions, optimization of intraeconomic logistics, reduction of equipments downtime, automation of processes of control and accounting of industrial activity. Embeded into the GIS "Panorama AGRO" means of technological planning provide automation of preparing the technological maps of cultivation of agricultural crops with separation of data on contours of fields. On their basis the system performs scheduling the use of agricultural equipment and vehicles and calculates the need for equipments and aggregates. By results of feedback with integrators and end users there are developed the reports on needs for plant protection products, fertilizers, seeds, ameliorants and fuels and lubricants. In conjunction with the block of monitoring the agricultural machinery the plan-fact analysis of agricultural technologies is provided. GIS "Panorama AGRO" implements the principle of integrated automation of management by agriculture: conducting electronic corded books of fields history, creation of technological maps of fields contours, monitoring the mobile objects of the enterprise, operational planning and accounting of agricultural works on the basis of equipping the technics of enterprise by GLONASS/GPS devices. The modular structure of the program provides information support of integrated production management of agricultural production on the basis of various technologies, including adaptive-landscape and exact agriculture, and also organic agriculture. The program is an integral part of a subsystem of gathering and accumulating the information in an infrastructure of spatial data of the agricultural enterprise. The new version of the program is available for downloading on the website in the Download section.
27.03.2014New versions of programs from "Credo-dialogue" automate data exchange with software products of KB "Panorama" in the field of designing and geoinformation ensuring In March, 2014 company "Credo-dialogue" has released a new version of the software package CREDO III with CREDO CONVERTER 1.2. This product has been developed within the limits of the agreement concluded in 2012 between companies "Credo-Dialogue" and KB "Panorama". CREDO CONVERTER serves for the automated data exchange between systems on platform of CREDO III and geoinformation systems of KB "Panorama" in the field of designing and geoinformation ensuring. Functional of CREDO CONVERTER is available in applications TOPOPLAN, LINEAR RESEARCHES, GENERAL PLAN, ROADS, GEOLOGY, VOLUMES. The modern domestic geoinformation system the professional GIS "Panorama 11" allows to perform joint displaying, estimation and application of heterogeneous geospatial data received after export by means of CREDO CONVERTER. Company "Credo-Dialogue" develops, distributes and introduces software products of CREDO for processing the materials of researches, designing the objects of industrial, civil and transport construction, exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas, creation and conducting large-scale digital plans of cities and industrial enterprises, preparations of the data for land management and geoinformation systems, solution of many other engineering tasks.
26.03.2014GIS WebServer AGRO provides creation of own WEB-maps of fields KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServer AGRO version 3.9. In the new version the functions of self-creation of fields maps are implemented. Except use of a common electronic map of fields each registered user has an opportunity for creation and conducting his own WEB-map. For a vectoring the contours of fields or other objects of district the user can use the various background data connected from various external sources. It can be satellite images, weather data or the cadastral information. For access to new functions it is enough to register in the system. The new version of the program provides independent registration of any interested user. At correct registration the system automatically creates a personal map of fields for the user and provides conducting the database of soil fertility by the entered contours of farmland. The program is developed on the basis of GIS WebServer, is focused on specialists in the field of agriculture and is an expansion of GIS "Panorama AGRO" for work with structure of sown areas with use of WEB-technologies. In the updated version of the product there are added new operating modes with the register of farmland, such as link of a database record and object of a map, a print of reports by marked records. For increasing a convenience of work with the cartographical information there is added a possibility of address search on the basis of address databases from public sources. Possibilities of publishing the spatial data by protocols OGC WMS and OGC WMTS are expanded. In parallel with used web-services of GIS WebService or GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) work there is possible a work of Panorama Imagery Service - the service intended for creating and updating the pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG by spatial data, operated by the GIS Server. The service works with all maps used in GIS WebServer AGRO. The new version of the program and the documentation are placed on the website in the Download section.
25.03.2014At the regional seminar in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan) new possibilities of GIS "Panorama 11" will be presented KB "Panorama" will take part in the regional seminar "Modern photogrammetric technologies of processing remote sensing data. CFS PHOTOMOD" which will pass in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan) on March, 28th, 2014. Specialists of the company will deliver a report "New possibilities of GIS "Panorama 11". You will learn about changes which were included into new versions of software products of KB "Panorama" within the limits of development of technology of infrastructure of spatial data. During the seminar there will be demonstrated the possibilities of building the distributed banks of spatial data and formation of the network GIS on the basis of resources located on various servers and integration of the information from various data sources. The organizers of the seminar will be the companies "Racurs" and Open Company RAM Trade company (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The main topics of the seminar: a current status and tendencies of development of a digital photogrammetry; remote sensing data and digital photogrammetric technologies as the tool for creation of spatial data; new possibilities of CFS PHOTOMOD; experience of practical application of digital photogrammetric technologies on the basis of CFS PHOTOMOD.
24.03.2014KB "Panorama" delivered software into Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy KB "Panorama" delivered the software of professional GIS "Panorama 11" with the Complex of analysis of multispectral images into the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy" (FSBI HPE "Yakutsk SAA") under the educational licence. Application of professional GIS "Panorama 11" in educational process will allow the academy to prepare specialists of agriculture who at high professional level will be able to work with geospatial data, to perform their complex processing, to use advanced technologies of exact agriculture, to determine by using the Complex of analysis of multispectral images a vegetation condition. GIS "Panorama 11" is the modern domestic geoinformation system in its capabilities equal or superior to the most common in the Russian Federation foreign analogs, but it is essentially cheaper than these analogues. The main purpose of the program - a joint mapping, assessment and use of heterogeneous geographical spatial data in various sectors of the economy and the security agencies for acceptance of operational and well-founded decisions. FSBI HPE "Yakutsk SAA" is located in the biggest region of the Russian Federation, in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) having both areas under crops and pastures and hunting grounds in various climatic zones. This is the basic institution of higher education of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for training of the specialists for agriculture in the north- east of the country. The academy has five faculties: agrotechnological, veterinary medicine, economics, law and engineering, branches are in the city of Olekminsk and village of Oktemtsy of Khangalassky ulus. The structure of university includes scientifical-educational center "Sitim", Institute for Advanced Training of workers of agrarian and industrial complex, research institute of veterinary ecology and experimental reserve "Tabsylyn", on base of which there are conducted the scientific researches in northern reindeer breeding, horse breeding, cattle breeding, processing of agricultural production and mechanisation.
24.03.2014In GIS WebService SE support of standards OGC WFS and OGC WFS-T for secure operating system Zarya is added KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) version 5.0 for operating system Zarya. In the new version of service there is added a support of international standards OGC WFS and OGC WFS-T with specification OGC 09-025r1 and ISO/DIS 19142 Open GIS Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard. OGC WFS service is intended for providing in the Internet environment the spatial information about objects of a map as a set of the attributive, descriptive and vector information, description of conditions of obtaining geodata and description of characteristics of the server on providing this data. GIS WebService SE allows you to perform a transaction to create new objects, update, or delete existing objects in the data sets of the service. Service GIS WebService SE corresponds to class Transactional WFS OGC (WFS-T). Spatial information returned by service, is formed on the basis xsd scheme in accordance with the specification of data for an exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML. Geometrical properties and characteristics of spatial objects returned by service can be used by the client in the geospatial analysis. For increasing speed of displaying tiles the possibility of caching the data on the client side is added. As clients of service the GIS "Panorama 11", GIS WebServer, GIS "Operator" may be. This service provides publication of spatial data under control of web-server Apache. The web-service structure includes a set of PHP-scripts and service GIS Application Service which carries out queries about processing and the publication of the data. The new version of the program and documentation are available for download on the Download page.
21.03.2014In GIS "Panorama 11" the automated creation of collection of aeronautical data of section AD2 (Airdromes) is implemented In KB "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information of version 5.4 is developed. New version is added by possibility to form sheets of collection of aeronautical data for section AD2 (Airdromes). Into complex there is added the possibility of creating marginal representation of aeronautical maps, standard departure (SID) and arrivals (STAR), instrumental and visual landing, a map of airdrome and of land aerodrome traffic and parking places. Maps "Aerodrome obstacles of type A" and "Areas at a landing approach phase" are formed completely in an automatic mode. Interfaces of input of infrastructure of airports and organizations are added by new fields, there is added a dialog of editing services within the organization. There is improved import from format ARINC for support of the text files generated on different platforms (Windows, Linux). Library of conventional symbols of classifier ANI is added by a new symbol "sectors of minimally safe heights". On the basis of new conventional symbol there is refined the classifier for preparing documents of aeronautical information dfc.rsc. New version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and documentation are available for download on the Download page.
21.03.2014Company "GISINFO" has opened page "GIS Panorama AGRO" in social network Facebook Specialists of company "GISINFO" in social network Facebook prepared the thematic page devoted to questions of development and advancement of GIS technologies in agrarian sector. On this home page the company's customers and all interested persons can get the latest news, information on the portfolio of current projects and a direction of development of software products of agrarian line. The page in the social network has been created in addition to the Internet site www.gisagro.com, which in turn has been developed due to the increased interest from clients and users of agrarian GIS. In today's world the agribusiness has many tasks (optimization of expenditure on agriculture, improving the management's efficiency of technical means, accounting and control of resources, decrease of production costs, etc.) and their solution is impossible without the use of geographic information systems and technologies. The site www.gisagro.com provides the information about software solutions of KB "Panorama" for agriculture: GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama AUTO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", GIS WebServer AGRO, "Workstation of agronomist" and others. On the information resource the users can always receive actual versions of these programs and their documentation, to familiarise with educational video data on use of geoinformation systems.
20.03.2014In the city of Sumy (Ukraine) the geoinformation system of objects of electric-power industry is created Company "GISINFO", the general representative of KB "Panorama" in Ukraine, has concluded the contract on delivery of the software for creation of "Geoinformation system of objects of electric-power industry" PAO "Sumyoblenergo". As required by regulations of the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in energy sector (NCRE), the geoinformation system of objects of electric-power industry should be created on the standardized software on the principles of building the State Geodetic System of Ukraine using modern satellite navigation systems (GPS), computer technologies and traditional geodetic methods. The software of the GIS must implement the function for creating for the preset moment of time of a technological map of object of electric power industry in which, the information is displayed that is to be published on the geoportal of the electro-transmission organization on the Internet. During performance of works on creation of geoinformation system a delivery and customizing the program of GIS Server will be carried out. In divisions of the main office the client workstations will be deployed on the basis of GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Panorama Mini. There is planned a creation of a specialised geoportal where it will be presented the information on objects of electric-power industry (codification of substations and power lines). Consumers can use various informational, analytical and interactive services for ensuring of decision-making concerning possibility of joining of electrical installations to electric networks. At creation of geoinformation system of objects of electric-power industry there will be used the company experience on "Development of geoinformation system of electrical supply of the city of Vinnitsa" which has been created in interests of PAO "Vinnitsaoblenergo" in 2011.
20.03.2014KB "Panorama" delivered the software into "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University" KB "Panorama" has carried out delivery of professional GIS "Panorama 11" into the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University" (TyuSOGU) under the educational licence. Professional GIS "Panorama 11" is the modern domestic geoinformation system in its capabilities equal or superior to the most common in the Russian Federation foreign analogs, but it is essentially cheaper than these analogues. The main purpose of the program - a joint mapping, assessment and use of heterogeneous geographical spatial data in various sectors of the economy and the security agencies for acceptance of operational and well-founded decisions. Geoinformation system allows to create, process and control the quality of digital maps. Application of GIS "Panorama 11" in educational process will allow TyuSOGU to prepare high quality specialists of oil and gas industry who at high professional level will be able to work with geospatial data. TyuSOGU - one of the largest scientifical-educational complexes of Russia, including all educational levels from the general education, primary, secondary and higher vocational training (specialty, undergraduate, graduate) up to postgraduate study and doctoral candidacy, the program of improvement of professional skill and retraining of personnel, programs of elite business education. TyuSOGUУ - unique university from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean, carrying out a professional training of all levels on all spectrum of professions of strategically important for the country of oil and gas industry.
19.03.2014"Workstation of agronomist" optimises management of structure of sown areas In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 11.11.4 is developed. In the new version the functions of forming reports on the basis of data from the e-book of fields history are added. The report "Structure of areas under crops with grouping by cultures" is expanded by new parameters. Sample of data for reports is made in accordance with the established crop rotations, indicators of fertility of arable land and cartographical representation of farmland contours. Structure of sown areas is basic and integral part of the farming system defining its role in increasing productivity and maintaining soil fertility, energy savings, efficient use of the growing season. "Workstation of agronomist" uses a single database in a format of the book of fields history with GIS "Panorama AGRO" that provides complex use of functionally various software products to solve the important problem of increasing productivity while maintaining the fertility of arable land. Insufficiently thoughtful selection of crops in the rotation - a common cause of loss of productivity and fertility of the land. In these conditions, the use of the GIS to develop structure of sown areas of a crop rotation significantly increases the efficiency of this process. Thus, it should be borne in mind that in the conditions of market relations, a private property on the land the previously adopted structures of sown areas need significant changes. In the program it is possible to prepare several variants of a crop rotation, for each of them to prepare technological maps, to estimate effectiveness and to select the optimal rotation. For increasing efficiency of complex using the "Workstation of agronomist", GIS "Panorama AGRO" and GIS WebServer AGRO in the new version of the program the authentication's order of system's users is changed. The two-level authentication of the user is realised: at physical and logic level. At physical level the authentication of the application is made for connection with a database. At logic level for logon it is necessary to authorize the user registered in the program. Physical level is provided by means of DBMS, the logic level of user's access to system resources is controlled by the software package "Panorama AGRO". The made changes allow to form agrarian GIS of the enterprise, ensuring the work with a database of soil fertility and spatial information about contours of fields with use of remote access on various devices, including tablets and smartphones. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
18.03.2014In GIS WebService SE support of standards OGC WFS and OGC WFS-T is added KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServiсe SE version 5.0. In the new version of service there is added a support of international standards OGC WFS and OGC WFS-T with specification OGC 09-025r1 and ISO/DIS 19142 Open GIS Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard. Service also supports standards OGC WMS and OGC WMTS, the use of which provides a single access for search, exchange and delivery of geospatial data in the form of graphic images or tiles. OGC WFS service is intended for providing in the Internet environment the spatial information about objects of a map as a set of the attributive, descriptive and vector information, description of conditions of obtaining geodata and description of characteristics of the server on providing this data. GIS WebService SE allows you to perform a transaction to create new objects, update, or delete existing objects in the data sets of the service. Service GIS WebService SE corresponds to class Transactional WFS OGC (WFS-T). Spatial information returned by service, is formed on the basis xsd scheme in accordance with the specification of data for an exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML. Geometrical properties and characteristics of spatial objects returned by service can be used by the client in the geospatial analysis. For increasing speed of displaying tiles the possibility of caching the data on the client side is added. As clients of service the GIS "Panorama 11", GIS WebServer, GIS "Operator" may be. Web-service runs in the environment of interpreter PHP on platforms Windows and Linux under control of web-servers Apache, ngnix or MS IIS. New version of the program and the documentation is placed on the website in the Download section.
17.03.2014New cartographical server onto entire territory of Russia by maps OpenStreetMap is deployed Specialists of KB "Panorama" deployed a new server with maps OpenStreetMap to the entire territory of Russia - gisserver.info. On the server there are placed the following layers of data - World map, map of Russia with OSM, three-dimensional model of Globe with images. Construction of three-dimensional model of the Earth occurs with use of GIS WebServer. The program can integrate the data from the matrix of heights placed on the working server of KB "Panorama", with the data of vector maps, pictures (tiles) incoming by protocols OGC WMS, WMTS, TMS. For server creation the following software was used: GIS WebServer, GIS WebService SE, ImageryCreator x64. For the server there were prepared over 1 200 000 000 tiles by maps of Russia and the World in total amount of 16 Gb consisting of 88 maps, 5 matrixes for the whole world with various accuracy and 8 million objects. Data were prepared on the serial computer with processor Intel Core i7-3770K with 16 Gb of RAM, integrated graphics memory in 256 Mb expanded up to 1 Gb by BIOS settings and hard disks (4 HDD in 1 TB). The total amount of the cut data has made 2,5 TB. Creation of all tile base in ImageryCreator x64 7.0 has occupied less than 2 days. Server of spatial data GIS WebServer functions on the basis of high-speed service the GIS WebService SE. Average speed of issuing by service the GIS WebService SE of 1 tile is 30 ms. Application of server program solutions from KB "Panorama" allows to deploy a high-tech, productive and failure-safe cartographical services processing any volumes of data.
14.03.2014Training-methodical materials on using GIS "Operator" in services, departments and offices of the Air Forces are prepared On the website of KB "Panorama" there are posted new teaching materials on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of combat (educational) documents of Air Forces. The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of operational and tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Part 11. Group of combat control (branch, department, office) of army aviation". There is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of group of combat control (GCC) (branch, department, office) of army aviation". Examples of maps of the chief of aviation are issued: "Working map of chief GCC of motorized infantry brigade", "Plan of implementing Aviation in motorized infantry brigade", "Working map of the chief of aviation OA", "Plan of implementing АА in ОА", "Working map of the chief of aviation OSK", "Plan of implementing Air Forces OSK". Breadboard (sets) of conventional operational-tactical signs from the classifier are developed for combat control (department, office) of army aviation which provide rapid mapping of typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various kinds of combat (operation) and daily activity of armies. Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 113 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. It is possible to familiarise with examples of maps and documentation in the Download section.
13.03.2014In GIS ToolKit Active there is added the example of building a profile of a surface with using a matrix of heights by a specified line KB "Panorama" developed toolkit GIS ToolKit Active version 11.3.5. GIS ToolKit Active is a set of COM objects and ActiveX components. Toolkit is designed to develop GIS applications in any programming environment that supports ActiveX technology. GIS ToolKit Active contains a set of visual and non-visual components, allowing to use spatial data for displaying and performing special calculations. Toolkit allows to process vector, raster and matrix data in various formats. Into toolkit structure there is added the example demonstrating the possibility of axMapSections component for building a profile of a surface with using a matrix of heights by the specified trace (broken line). The result of construction can be received in the form of values of heights or be displayed in a window in the form of a graph, where the vertical axis marks absolute height in meters, and horizontal - length of a line in meters. At calculating a profile of a surface the curvature of the earth can be taken into account. Before building a profile of a surface it is necessary to set a trace (broken line). In the example there is offered two variants of building a line: with use of axMapEditMetric component, by means of WIndows GDI. AxMapEditMetric component significantly reduces the effort required to write the code for the interactive creation and editing of spatial descriptions of objects of various configurations (linear, polygonal, point, titles). The program and source codes of components are available on the Download page.
12.03.2014GIS WebService SE implements protocols OGC WMS and WMTS in secure operating system Zarya KB "Panorama" developed web-service GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) for operating system Zarya. This service provides the publication of spatial data under control of Apache web-server. Service is developed in accordance with the specification OGC (Open GIS Consortium) for service Web Map Service (OGC WMS) - OGC 03-109r1 version 1.3.0 and specification OGC for service Web Map Tile Service (OGC WMTS) - OGC 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. GIS WebService SE supposes performing two types of operations: obtaining metadata about available maps and the server capabilities, the second - obtaining a graphic representation of a map in format PNG or JPEG by the specified geographical coordinates. The web-service structure includes a set of PHP-scripts and service GIS Application Service which carries out requests for processing and publication of data. Use of standard OGC WMS and standard OGC WMTS provides uniform access for search, exchange and delivery of geospatial data in the form of a graphic representation or tiles, creates possibilities for interaction of GIS-applications and web services. For creation of tiles there can be used the program of forming a map in a raster kind for Web-appendices ImageryCreator, and for updating of tiles the service ImageryService. The program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
11.03.2014Video data on use of GIS "Panorama of Mini" are added by two video lessons Specialists of company GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", have prepared two new video lessons for novice users of software products of KB "Panorama" - the GIS "Panorama Mini", GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-editor", GIS "Operator". In the video lesson "Search and selection of objects" there are in detail considered the basic ways of searching and marking objects of a vector map by their type, view, relation to a certain layer, by value of semantics and by a set of conditions. Video lesson "Search by name, by area" demonstrates the possibilities and the order of search and mark of objects with taking into account the values of text semantics and location of objects. Into archive of each video lesson the text description of work of demonstrated functions is added. Educational video data are available for acquaintance on the page of Video lessons.
07.03.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service works with Oracle spatial databases KB "Panorama" developed Panorama SpatialDB Service of version 2.4. The new version adds support for working with spatial databases Oracle. The program allows to organise access of clients of GIS Server to spatial databases, hosted on platforms of DBMS Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. Panorama SpatialDB Service works with the DBMS in accordance with standard of Open GIS Consortium (OGC 06-103r4). This standard defines rules for posting the information about the spatial description of objects in relational databases, regulates structure of this information and base principles on work with it. The users connected to the GIS Server via desktop applications or web-services, can view contents of databases in the form of cartographical representation. Service can work simultaneously with several GIS Servers and servers of databases which can be placed on platforms Windows or Linux. Service of Windows Service which is a part of the complex, allows in an automatic mode without intervention of the operator to monitor changes in spatial databases and to perform actualization of digital maps. GIS WebService and GIS WebFeatureService, connected to the server, can provide access to the data from database by protocols WMS, WMTS and WFS. Description of structure of a spatial database can be set as manually by administrator of service, and to be defined by the applied scheme of the unified exchange of spatial data. Structure and rules of filling a file of the applied scheme are in detail described in the document "Specification of data for exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML" (document code - BSD.1.3:2011). This specification is developed on the basis of using a subset of components of schemes specified in standard OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard Version: 3.2.1 and requirements of standards ISO of series 19100. Use of the applied scheme allows to expand service possibilities on processing the spatial objects stored in a database. In particular, if earlier there was a possibility to assign to one table of database only one kind of objects on a map, then at use of applied scheme the conformity is set the plural. The scheme defines sets of classification codes of map objects, grouping them into logic layers of spatial data. Layer is characterized by a common set of attributes (semantics) for all of its constituent objects. Thus, scheme application makes it possible to set the conformity "DB table = Logic layer of the map data", rather than as previously "DB table = one conventional symbol on a map". Now you can store in one table the objects of different type. For example, objects of type "river" can be both linear, and polygonal. As they have the same set of attributive characteristics (semantics), it is more expedient to store them in one database table. Product's installation includes scripts for creation of databases in DBMS of Oracle, PostgeSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. Structure of created databases corresponds to the typical applied scheme. In the program additionally the possibility of conducting classification codes of cartographical objects directly in database tables is provided. Such approach allows to predetermine at level of a database the appearance of object on a map. New version of software and documentation are available for download on the Download page.
06.03.2014Forecasting of earthquakes by hydro-geo-deformation field of the Earth with using the GIS The system of gathering and analysis hydro-geo-deformation (HGD) information for rapid estimation of situation in seismic regions, introduced in the Center of state monitoring of subsoil's state FSUE Gidrospetsgeologiya is adapted for use in VSEGINGEO. Software of information-analytical system (IAS) HGD of monitoring, developed in KB "Panorama", provides automation of processes of data processing of HGD monitoring and visualization of distribution of the is stressedly-deformed state of rocks by studied regions in real time. In the most seismically active parts of North Caucasian, Altai-Sayan and Far East regions on the basis of existing wells of HGD observations and geophysical polygons there are organised the points of gathering the information and its transfer onto regional servers of data. In addition to indicators of HGD monitoring in system there is accumulated the information about the natural electromagnetic field pulse (EMP) of the Earth, seismic and gas-hydro-chemical observations. It increases reliability for estimation of a seismic-geo-dynamic state of the geological environment and degree of seismic hazard of region. The obtained information is consolidated in GMSN center and on server of VSEGINGEO. Specialists of KB "Panorama" have performed completion of software of IAS HGD monitoring for the purpose of its integration with software products of VSEGINGEO. Information data exchange of primary monitoring and results of their mathematical processing is implemented. On the basis of the presented data and studying a mode of hydro-geo-deformation field of the Earth by means of the retrospective analysis of time data series, specialists of VSEGINGEO perform forecasting of earthquakes. Order of the Minister of Natural Resources from 19.02.2002, № 406-p for VSEGINGEO ordered the creation of forecasting and analytical center of geo-ecological natural and manmade disasters. According to the words of director of institute VSEGINGEO Krupoderov Vladimir Stepanovich, the centre purpose should be scientific-methodical and information support of activities for protection of population from endogenous processes. However, for many years all remained on paper. The situation has slightly changed with the implementation of the project "Winter Olympic Games in Sochi". Caucasus is characterized by high seismicity, moreover, the presence of recent tectonic movements. The axial part of Caucasus rises with a speed of 20-22 mm per year, and the coast of the Black Sea, on the contrary, lowers on 5-7 mm a year. Currently the works on creation in the North Caucasus geodynamic polygon are performed. VSEGINGEO plans to expand the use of software of IAS HGD monitoring for estimating and forecasting manifestations of dangerous geological processes - earthquakes, landslips, mudslides, karst and others.
05.03.2014GIS WebServer increased the speed of processing queries of tiles and improved support of mobile devices (Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, webOS) KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServer version 8.8. The new version has improved support for mobile clients of families Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, webOS. Use of devices memory in mode of work with tile maps is optimized, speed of processing queries of tiles through built-in service WMTS is increased. Control of network connection at work with GIS Server is added. In case of loss of communication with the GIS Server the program automatically connects to it for data obtaining. Innovations allow to use slower communication channels, for example cellular networks, for building geoportals of municipal services, situational and control centers. For embedding possibilities of GIS WebServer into existing information systems and adaptations to new tasks there is used the toolkit of developer GIS WebToolKit. For visual analysis of information from databases on standard OGC OGC 06-103r4 there are applied the GIS Server and customer service of Panorama SpatialDB Service. On the basis of GIS WebServer the program GIS WebServer AGRO is developed, which is orientated at specialists in the field of agriculture. It is applied to processing of the information on agricultural lands and objects of the accounting of agricultural enterprises. Currently company GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", is working on creation of system of a urban cadastre of the city of Zhitomir (Ukraine). This system will be deployed on the basis of GIS WebServer and other software products of KB "Panorama" - GIS "Panoarama 11", GIS Server, Program of monitoring a database and map updating. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download in the Download section.
03.03.2014"Workstation of cadastral engineer" is integrated with address databases from open sources KB "Panorama" developed "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 11.11.3. In "Complex of geodesy calculations" a number of modes and functions providing an integration with external address databases is implemented. At preparation of land and technical plans there is provided an obtaining the structured address, including codes OKATO and KLADR from a database of KB "Panorama". The new mode "Search of address point" is added, that provides geocoding of address line with using the open sources of data and move of a map to the specified point. The mode "Load of cadastral data from file XML" is improved. Reading of multiple elements containing information on legal land owners is implemented. Recording several legal owners (right's type, the right's contents, legal owner) is organised into repeating semantics of object of cadastral works. At drawing objects from file XML onto an existing map there is performed a placing into semantics of object "cadastral quarter" the information about the certificate of electronic XML document (cadastral extract, cadastral passport or cadastral plan of territory). At specification of borders of the ground area there implemented the possibility of searching the parts of parcels and rotary points with taking into account visibility of objects on a map. Errors are fixed at forming the XML document "Technical plan". Initialization of element's value Num_Geopoint at filling the section Spatial_Element and Geopoint_Opred is synchronised. Element Su_Nmb is formed with taking into account the closing of the metrics of real estate object, last point is equal to the first one. The mode "Map (plan)" is improved: possibility is added to form the section "3. Data about matching a map (plan) of object of land management" for several coordinate bodies (organisations). Changes are made to template MapTitul_2.dot. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
28.02.2014GIS "Panorama 11" supports the new national coordinate system SCS-2011 and PZ-90.11 KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Panorama 11" version 11.11.3. Support of coordinate systems SCS-2011 and PZ-90.11 is added. Creation of maps in system SCS-2011, transformation of projections and coordinate systems of maps, matrixes and rasters is provided. New national coordinate systems are adopted by the Government Resolution of the Russian Federation from December, 28th, 2012 N 1463 "About unified state coordinate systems". By the mentioned resolution the systems CS-95 and CS-42 can be used only until January, 1, 2017 in respect of materials (documents) created with their use. At customizing the user panel it is possible to choose any tasks of the GIS (DLL files), connected via menu Tools\Run application. The same tasks can be carried out now from the user panels started via menu the Tools\Custom panels. Map Editor is improved. There is added a possibility of a binding to a grid displayed in the menu of View\Grid view, in modes of creation of horizontal and inclined rectangles, circles of fixed and arbitrary radiuses. In modes of move and copy of objects at specifying a vector of movement a possibility to take a line outside existing points is added. Task of importing the data from SHP format is improved. The algorithm of processing complex-compound polygonal objects (relation) is changed. During the course of loading a partition of relations into separate objects is made, including, having their own subobjects. Since initially the source data can contain the polygons having subobjects outside a contour of the main object, absence of such analysis led to occurrence of reentrance's errors. The new algorithm allows to process correctly objects with a multilevel nesting ("a bagel in a bagel"). The task of Import of vector data from format KML (GoogleEarth) is refined. The new version of the task allows you to handle more complex in its structure kml files with multiple nesting of nodes Document. In the task of "Geodesy editor" there is added a new mode "Search of address point" with using open sources of data. The mode "Load of cadastral data from file XML" is improved. Reading of multiple elements containing information on legal land owners is implemented. Recording several legal owners (right's type, the right's contents, legal owner) is organised into repeating semantics of object of cadastral works. At drawing objects from file XML onto an existing map there is performed a placing into semantics of object "cadastral quarter" of the information about the certificate of document. The mode "Land-plan" is improved: into dialog "Editing of registration data" there is added a search of address point with using open sources of data. At specification of borders of the ground area there implemented the possibility of searching the parts of parcels and rotary points with taking into account visibility of objects on a map. The mode "Technical plan" is improved: there is realised a choice of address from address base of KB "Panorama" and search of address point using the Yandex service. The mode "Map (plan)" is improved: possibility is added to form the section "3. Data about matching a map (plan) of object of land management" for several coordinate bodies (organisations). Tasks "Classifier Editor" and "Navigator 3D" are refined. There is added a possibility of assignment for one view of two-dimensional object of several 3D-views. For this purpose there is used the special semantics - List of 3D-view which is created and edited only from dialog "Editing 3D view". If such semantics will be assigned to the object, then 3D view of object will be defined by values of the classifier of this semantics. In the absence of such semantics at object the three-dimensional view of object, specified by default, is displayed. Means of geoportals connection are refined. Support of a transparency for tiles in format png with the resolution of 8,4,1 bits per pixel is added. In the new version in the absence of connection with the Internet the data is automatically requested from a cache without additional customizing a file of parameters. There is added a new geoportal the State geodetic network of Ukraine, consisting of the following data layers: Topographic map, Administrative-territorial borders, Geodetic points, Levelling points, Linearly-angular constructions, leveling lines, Division and nomenclature of topographic maps. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
28.02.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of United Arab Emirates of scale 1: 1000 000 Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of United Arab Emirates. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
27.02.2014International journal "Software and Systems" published materials on 3D modeling in GIS "Panorama 11" At use of modern geoinformation systems quite often there is a necessity to obtain three-dimensional models of flat objects on a map such, as terrain, green planting, buildings, technical constructions and others. Three-dimensional technologists are applied in various fields of human activity - town-planning, cadastral, engineering, transport and many other fields. Use of three-dimensional maps in territory where there is planned new construction or reconstruction of existing objects allows to visualise new object with detailed accuracy. Illustrative visualization helps in the analysis of the situation, enables rapid decision-making for change. Allows to accelerate process of directly designing and coordination of the project. In the international journal "Software and Systems" the article is published where the technology of building 3D-model of territory with a traffic interchange in the GIS "Panorama 11" is considered. Employees of the Tver State Technical University Stepanova L.A. and Smirnova I.I. have prepared the article. To familiarise with materials of building 3D-model of territory with a traffic interchange it is possible on our website in Article section.
26.02.2014Company "GISINFO" was awarded a diploma on VI International competition of urban practices of cities of the CIS and EurAzEC "The city where I want to live" There are summed up of VI International competition of urban practices of cities of the CIS and EurAzEC "The city where I want to live", which was initiated by the International Assembly of Capitals and Cities (MAC), and is conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the CIS Executive Committee, the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC), the All-Russian Council of Local Government (CLG). Following the results of session of the Competitive commission, for the implementation of Technology of monitoring materials of city's geofund consolidation of information resources of a town-planning cadastre on a geospatial basis in a single data repository, the city of Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) is awarded by the diploma. According to competition conditions "GISINFO" company, the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama"was awarded a "small" diploma. As base of tools the technologies of monitoring materials of geofund of a city there are used the software solutions of KB "Panorama": GIS "Panorama 11", GIS WebServer, GIS Server. For today, on the basis of GIS-technologies "Panorama", the company "GISINFO" has executed projects in interests of municipal services of cities of Kiev, Vinnitsa, Sumy, Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Krivoy Rog, Gorlovka, Poltava and other cities of Ukraine.
26.02.2014KB "Panorama" will take part in III International exhibition of arms and military-technical equipment "KADEX-2014" KB "Panorama" will take part in the III International exhibition of arms and military-technical equipment "KADEX-2014" which will be held May 22-25, 2014 in capital of Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana, on Air-base of Military-air Forces of Kazakhstan. On the stand № 316, in pavilion № 3 there will be showcased advanced software products, technologies, information support. The basic attention will be given to the base product for power departments the GIS "Operator", to its possibilities on creation of a single geoinformation space and to the examples of modelling the operational situation and preparation of the main combat documents. There will be presented professional GIS "Panorama 11" for industrial production, control and processing of digital maps, and also the applied program complexes delivered together with this this GIS. There is planned a demonstration of software solutions on network and cloudy technologies, such as: GIS Server giving remote distributed access to vector maps, rasters and matrixes; GIS WebServer which allows to publish in networks the Internet/intranet all spectrum of geospatial data; Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data, allowing to organise storages of the spatial data in exchange formats. International exhibition of arms and military-technical equipment "KADEX" is the largest platform for demonstration of latest achievements in military sphere and exchange of experience among specialists of the leading world companies of the defense industry.
25.02.2014GIS "Panorama FARMING" realized the summary report about planned requirement in products of plants protection KB "Panorama" developed the GIS "Panorama FARMING" version 3.9. The program is intended for the intraeconomic accounting the lands of agricultural purpose and automation of management by system of agriculture of the agricultural enterprise. Geoinformation system provides conducting of fields passports with a binding to a map, creation and editing of farmland borders, planning the agrotechnical activities, the automated registration of agrotechnical activities, preparation of tasks to drivers/machine operators, automatic calculation of indicators of actually performed works, thematic mapping of fields and information interchange with external programs. The user receives the most part of the information about sown areas and crop cultivation as printed forms. GIS allows to create more than fifty predetermined reports and also realises the mechanism of customizable user reports. In the new version the subsystem of forming printed forms is added by the summary report on planned requirement for plant protection products, and the report "Structure of areas under crops with grouping by cultures" is expanded by new parameters. Particular attention of developers is given to intersystem interaction. The program automates data exchange with 1C for configurations "Agroholding" and "Management of the agricultural enterprise". The software has all the necessary tools to protect information from unauthorized access: authorization of users, access permissions, password encryption. GIS WebServer AGRO is used for publication in the Internet of the cartographical and attributive data. The example of its use is presented on the demonstration agroportal. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
24.02.2014GIS " Panorama AGRO" automates data exchange with 1C: Management by agricultural enterprise In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama AGRO" version 3.9 is developed. The system is intended to solve a wide range of tasks in the field of crop management. Monitoring of the enterprise vehicles, conducting of corded book of fields history, technological planning, plan-fact analysis of agro-technologies - this is not a complete list of its features. One of the most important functions of the program is the exchange of data with other enterprise information systems. GIS "Panorama AGRO" support information exchange with 1C programs for configurations "Agro-holding" and "Management by agricultural enterprise". GIS provides intersystem interaction by open schemes in format xml. In the new version of the program the information's exchange with system 1C: Management by agricultural enterprise of business of Open Company "Chernozemie INTEKO" is expanded by information about scheduled tasks to drivers and machine operators. The system allows to import tasks from 1С and to send back information on actually made works and fuel consumption for further accounting. Subsystem of reports formation is supplemented by the summary report on planned needs for means of plants protection, and the report "Structure of crops areas with a grouping on cultures " is extended by new parameters. For protection of the information from unauthorized modification or deleting the program supports work with differentiation of the rights and protection against unauthorized access to the database. The new version of GIS increased reliability to prevent unauthorized access to data. Integration of programs with other products of KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer AGRO, GIS Server, GIS WebServer, GIS WebService and GIS WebFeatureService allows to construct corporate GIS of agro-holding integrated with ERP-system. In particular, GIS WebServer AGRO allows you to organize web access to cartographical and attribute data of GIS "Panorama AGRO" and "Panorama FARMING". Example of using a complex of programs is presented on a demonstration agro-portal. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
24.02.2014GIS Server x64 for the new protected operating system is developed In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server x64 version 5.1 is developed for operating system Zarya. In the new version the protection of data opened from the GIS Server is improved. All data that are stored on the client computer in a cache for work acceleration always are encrypted by 256-bit key formed from the server key and the client's key. The new algorithm of digest-authorisation of the data is applied to prevent interception of the user's password at connection to the GIS Server. For the client there is added the ability to work off-line with data from the cache at loss of connection with GIS Server. At absence (short-term loss) of connection with the GIS Server the data access automatically goes into the mode "Read only, Prevent printing, Prevent copying". In parameters of backuping it is possible to specify the device for automatic creation of backups, periodicity of copies creation in days, the number of transactions after which it is necessary to create a backup, time in which it is necessary to carry out reserve copying. Placing data on the server provides data protection against illegal copying and modification. GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-Editor", GIS Navigator 2011, GIS-viewer and other programs developed in the environment of GIS ToolKit of version 11 and later may be clients. Connection with the server is established by TCP/IP protocol. The server provides remote access to vector maps, rasters and matrixes. Support of work with maps, matrixes and rasters (images) through multilevel connection with unstable connection is realised. GIS Server allows to work with the cartographical information to clients under different platforms - Windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris. Installation includes a program Panorama Imagery Service x64 for Linux. Panorama Imagery Service x64 is developed as an extension of the GIS Server x64 for Linux for creating and updating the pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG. The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
21.02.2014In the Complex of preparing the documents of aeronautical information the control of aeronautical data is improved In КБ "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information of version 5.3 is developed. The new version allows you to work with the installed PostgresSQL DBMS versions 9.1 , 9.2 and 9.3. Input of information into the address classifier is improved, object's selection is carried out via standard dialog of GIS "Panorama 11 ". Check of file's structure of format ARINC in converter ARINC is added. The complex is complemented by the possibility of entering information with predefined units of measurement , as well as with established hemisphere. The user can enter information both in metric and English systems of units. All database objects are presented and are entered in a single coordinate system WGS- 84. Transformation of input metrics from coordinate systems of PZ-90.02, CS-95 and CS-42 is performed by means of GIS "Panorama 11". Automated formation of graphic documents of the aeronautical information is performed by the standards of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), with full support of a format of exchange by aeronautical data ARINC 424 (Navigation System Data Base Standard). The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and documentation are available for download on the Download page.
21.02.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Qatar of scale 1: 1000 000 KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Qatar. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
20.02.2014In GIS WebService SE x64 speed of tiles creation is increased by loading distribution on processors In KB "Panorama" the service GIS WebServiсe SE x64 of version 4.0 is developed. At the expense of using 64-bit architecture raise speed of data processing, reliability and fault tolerance of process of information exchange. In the new version of service the speed of tiles creation is increased. Acceleration is achieved by distributing the load across processors. At a heavy loading on the server the service creates requests queue. In order to increase the productivity of service the requests are uniformly distributed over the requested data and system processors. The queue size can be specified by the administrator of service depending on the hardware capabilities. The more powerful hardware, the faster the requests will be processed. For increase in speed of processing the request GetTile by standard of OGC WMTS, the service has the built-in function for requesting the data only from a cache. In GIS WebService SE x64 for standards of OGC WMS and OGC WMTS there is added a processing of GetFeature request. This query allows to receive the metadata about objects of vector maps in the given point. For the purpose of increase in speed of creating tiles for standards OGC WMS and OGC WMTS there is added a possibility of issue of the data from different layers in one tile. This makes it possible to combine the tiles in one query. Data can be combined from various vector maps or raster and matrix data. Possibility of issuing tiles in format jpg is added. Interface of the user is improved. The program of remote administration of service is updated. New version of the program and the documentation is available on the website in the Download section.
20.02.2014In the city of Zhytomyr (Ukraine) urban-planning cadastral system is created Company "GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", has signed a contract for the supply of software for conducting system of urban-planning cadastre of Zhytomyr city (Ukraine). The software of system of urban cadastre represents a line of agreed server, desktop and web-components which can form systems of a different configuration and a different functional orientation. The system will be constructed on the basis of software solutions of KB "Panorama": GIS WebServer, GIS "Panorama 11" with Complex of geodesy calculations, ImageryCreator, Program of monitoring a database and map updating. During performance of works a processing of geospatial data and their loading onto the GIS Server will be carried out, connection of attributive databases will be done. System administrators and users will be trained to use the software. The system of urban-planning cadastre should become a basis for deployment of full-functional municipal geoinformation system of Zhytomyr. Municipal GIS will be an integrated automated system of gathering, accumulation and data processing about a current state of affairs in the city territory. Application of geoinformation system will allow to solve tasks: automation of processes of reaction to emergencies on objects of an engineering infrastructure, increase of control over activity of officials and departments of city council concerning reaction to emergencies, increase of manageability of processes of a social and economic development of the city, assistance to wide mobilization of investment into building and bringing to gradual transformation of the social environment into an information society, an ensuring a transparency of decisions of officials for townsmen. At creation of system of urban cadastre of Zhytomyr there will be used the experience of the company's works in interests of municipal services of cities of Kiev, Vinnitsa, Sumy, Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Krivoy Rog, Gorlovka, Poltava and others where GIS-technologies "Panorama" are applied.
19.02.2014Russian military topography applies modern geoinformation technology (NTV reportage Currently, geo-information systems are used in many fields: economics, ecology, municipal administration, defense and other areas. NTV correspondent Andrey Grigoriev has told in his reportage about application of the GIS technologies in Topographical service of the Russian Armed Forces. Military topographers provide armies with the geospatial information necessary for studying and an estimation of terrain, planning and conduct of combat operations, the organizations of interaction and control by armies, for effective use of weapons and military equipment. In the modern world the volume and complexity of the problems facing the Topographical service is constantly growing, but the importance of this service is difficult for overestimating, and as it is noted by Evgeni Zozulyak, the deputy chief of the centre of geospatial information of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: "All modern arms, all modern systems without cartography simply do not work …". For preparation of geospatial information and its operational updates in Topographical service modern samples of software and hardware are created and adopted for supplying. A part of these complexes are the software solutions of KB "Panorama": GIS "Operator", GIS "Panorama 11", GIS Server and others. ( see 0:01:15 from the reportage beginning)
18.02.2014GIS ToolKit allows to create systems of processing the geospatial data in the development environment Emarcadero XE5 In KB "Panorama" there is developed a toolkit GIS ToolKit of version 12.0.4 for the development of GIS-applications in Embarcadero XE5. GIS ToolKit provides creation of client - server applications processing the geospatial data. Visual components provide display of geospatial data which can be located as on a local workplace (direct access to the data), and in a local network or the Internet with using a component of access to the GIS Server and a component of access to popular web-services under protocols WMS/WMTS/TMS. GIS-kernel provides access to data for editing in a mode of transactions under the international protocol WFS and request of coatings for building 3D models under WCS protocol. Toolkit allows to organize conducting a history of changes of spatial data, to take into account differences in the display of terrain objects depending on current scale of displaying. New version of software and documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
17.02.2014"Complex of urban tasks" is integrated with address databases from public sources In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 11.11.3 is developed. Into "Complex of urban tasks" the task "Search by address" is added. The new mode is developed, which provides contextual search of the address, geocoding and shifting a map to the found address point. Structure of the address register is modified according to updates of Federal information address system. There are synchronised the types of address territorial units with types KLADR, in accordance with updates from 02/03/2014. Into address register there is added a new type of address point - homeownership. For search and geocoding of the address there are used the data from the intrasystem address register and data from public sources. Except address register the complex of urban-planning tasks provides conducting the town-planning regulations, registers of objects of town-planning activity, register of engineering communications, register of land plots and objects of real estate. Data in all registers have an address and spatial binding. In the new version of the program the interface of conducting records of the land plots is changed. There is implemented a synchronous moving of records in the list of land plots and in blank form of editing of data on the ground area, with the possibility of moving into the appropriate section of ISCAS. For storage of graphic, textual and presentation documents of town-planning activity it is recommended to use the GIS Server providing differentiated remote access to the spatial data and documents. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
14.02.2014Training video materials on use of GIS "Panorama Mini" are prepared Specialists of company "GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", have started creation of a series of video lessons intended for the novice users of software products of KB "Panorama". There are prepared 4 new video lessons describing basic elements of the interface of the program the GIS "Panorama Mini". From video data the users will learn how to operate map display, to carry out navigation on a map, to browse characteristics of map objects, to change structure of map documents, and also to carry out search and output of the necessary data. Lessons of this series will be useful to those who start to work for the first time with programs of the GIS "Panorama Mini", professional and desktop GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-editor" or GIS "Operator". In video films the maps from Bank of open spatial data are used, that allows users to load and to open on theirs computers the similar data and to repeat the actions shown during a video lesson. Into archive of each video lesson the text document with the reference for the shown operations is added. Educational video data are available for the acquaintance on page of Video lessons.
13.02.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Bahrain of scale 1: 1000 000 Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Bahrain. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
12.02.2014Training-methodical materials on using GIS "Operator" in troops of radiological, chemical and biological protection are prepared On the website of KB "Panorama" there are posted new teaching materials on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of combat (training) documents of RCBP service. The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of operational and tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Part 10. Service (section, department, management) of RCBP", there is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of service (section, department, management) of RCBP". Examples of maps for combined arms formations, units and formations of Ground forces are issued: "Working map of the chief of service RCBP of motorized infantry brigade», "Plan of RCBP of motorized infantry brigade in operation", "Working map of the chief of service RCBP of army", "Plan of RCBP of army in operation". "Working map of chief of service RCBP OSK", "Plan of RCBP OSK in operation". Breadboard (sets) of conventional operational-tactical signs from the classifier are developed for service (department, office) of RCBP which provide rapid mapping of typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various kinds of combat (operation) and daily activity of armies. Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 107 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. It is possible to familiarise with examples of maps and the documentation in the Download section.
11.02.2014In Panorama Imagery Service the speed of tiles formation is increased In KB "Panorama" the program Panorama Imagery Service of version 6.3.0 is developed. The new version of the service increased rate of tiles formation through load sharing in multiprocessor platforms. Service is intended for creating and updating the pyramids of tiles in format PNG or JPEG by spatial data operated by the GIS Server. Pyramids of tiles are published by protocol OGC WMTS by services of GIS WebService SE or GIS WebService. The program carries out monitoring of data change by transaction log for vector data, by time of updating for raster and matrix data, and automatically updates those tiles on which there were changes. Panorama Imagery Service is implemented as a multi-threaded application. Each thread processes its own series of tiles. Program installation on the a multi-processor server significantly will increase speed of the application and will reduce time of updating the tiles after editing of vector maps or updating of rasters and matrixes. In systems with a heavy load or at large amounts of data additional copies of the program are installed onto separate servers, providing scalability of the application. The new version of the program and the documentation are placed on the website in Download section.
10.02.2014For users of agrarian geoinformation systems the thematic information resource www.gisagro.com is developed Lately considerably has been increased interest from users to the questions of using the GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama" in agriculture. This confirms the large number of problems and issues that were discussed at the agricultural scientific and technical conferences and seminars held in Belgorod, Voronezh, Orenburg, Kiev and other cities. Due to increased interest, especially for the customers and users of a line of agrarian GIS the Internet site www.gisagro.com has been developed and launched. For site creation a team of professional designers and developers has been involved. On the site the information on program decisions of KB "Panorama" for agriculture is presented: GIS "Panorama AGRO", GIS "Panorama AUTO", GIS "Panorama FARMING", GIS WebServer AGRO, "Workstation of agronomist" and others. On the information resource the users can always receive actual versions of these programs and their documentation, become familiar with educational video data on use of geoinformation systems. For any questions related to the use of GIS-technologies of KB "Panorama", it is possible to address through the Forum or by e-mail to the specialists of the companies of KB "Panorama", "GISINFO", "Panorama Consulting", having extensive experience in the development and implementation of integrated geoinformation systems for agroholdings of Russia (Joint-Stock Company " Yasenskie-zori", Open Society "Lipetskmyaso", Open Company "PRODIMEKS-holding", Joint-Stock Company "Agrofirm ANK" and others) and Ukraine (Open Company firm "Astarta-Kiev", Open Company "Agro-Alpha", Open Company "Sintal-Agro", Open Company "Druzhba-Nova", Corporation "Svarog Vest Grup", Open Company "Agrikor-holding" and others).
07.02.2014"Complex of geodesy calculations" is adapted for performance of geodetic works at maintenance of airdromes In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of geodesy calculations" is updated. The complex is delivered as the additional module to the GIS "Panorama 11", "Panorama-editor" and is a part of "Workstation of Cadastral engineer". Definition of coordinates and heights of objects in areas of takeoff and approach in radius 50 (or 12,5) km from airdrome and geodetic survey of aeronavigation reference points is one of the main objectives of airport services which are responsible for maintenance of airdrome and provide safety of flights. The updated complex of geodesy calculations provides calculation of coordinates of high-rise obstacles on around-aerodrome territory by methods of geodetic resections and equalization of multiple measurements. The complex includes a new mode "Solution of Hansen task". There is provided a joint determination of coordinates of two defined points by coordinates of two starting points and the measured angles at defined points (decision by a method of conditional basis). In the task of "Direct resection (Jung)" the calculation of the mean square error of determining the coordinates of points is executed. The new mode "Inverse multiple resection by angles" is developed. There is provided a calculation and adjustment of coordinates of the defined point, which measurements are performed multiple times from various starting points. Calculation is made by a method of the least squares by parametric method. Among the works connected with high-precision geodetic measurements, also it is necessary to note preparation of legal documents on the ground areas of the airport and their registration on the cadastral accounting, creation of the electronic plan of the airport for scheduling of aircrafts and vehicles, development of three-dimensional model of around-aerodrome territory for air traffic control, ecological estimation of influence of aircraft on the environment, creation of geoinformation system. Thus, GIS integrates not only static information on objects of real estate, but also the information on movable means on airdrome territory. Modes of processing of cadastral data, that are the parts of the complex of geodesy calculations provide the automated formation of the land-management documentation and support of information interaction with bodies of the state real estate cadastre. Information about geodetic substantiation, high-rise obstacles, ground areas, objects of real estate, elements of an infrastructure and information on movable means on airdrome territory are integrated into relational database of aeronautical data which is created in accordance with the model AICM (Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model). "Complex of preparing the documents of aeronautical information" is intended for database conducting. The software and documentation of the complex are available on the website in the Download section.
06.02.2014Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data processes the demands presented in the form of maps with contours of territories In KB "Panorama" the Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data of version 5.4 is developed. The complex is intended to organize the storage of spatial data in exchange formats. On the basis of the program the storehouses of standards of spatial data and time archives can be created as a part of technologies of creating and updating digital maps and plans. The complex provides obtaining an information about structure and a status of the databank, on-line selection of materials, forming, processing and implementation of requests for copies of spatial data. Software of the complex is implemented on the client-server technology and supports a work of the desktop client and the web-client. Visual representation of a status of the spatial data bank and the publishing the schemes of data presence in the Internet is carried out by means of GIS WebServer. Use of the complex in conjunction with the GIS Server software can essentially facilitate the organization and control of performing the cartographical works. The new version includes the addition to the project of the user SIT-maps for automatic selection of data for the objects containing on these maps. It gives a possibility of preliminary zoning a zone of interests, its designing in the form of the user map with the further transfer to a complex for automatic selection of the data available in storehouse onto the area of interest. Operational documentation is updated. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the website in the Download section.
05.02.2014Complex of engineering tasks automates procedures of an estimation of terrain passability In KB "Panorama" there is developed the new version of "Complex of engineering problems", a part of GIS "Operator". The complex includes a new mode "Passableness on a relief" intended for estimation of the terrain's relief and constructing the zones of speed of movement of staff and technics. On the basis of a matrix of relief's heights procedure defines areas with homogeneous values of slopes. Criteria of classification of area are set by a set of boundary values for various modes of movement: on foot, on cars of various classes, for caterpillar tractors with trailers and tanks. Procedure is fully automated. As a result of work there is created a set of vector data on each category on which there are put objects - zones displayed by different colors and characterizing the speeds of unit's movement depending on steepness of the areas slopes. Types of troop movements, boundary criteria, factors of decrease in speed and other conditions of the task's performing are given by specialists of Office of the Chief of engineering armies of Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the wishes of the users changed the appearance of the main panel of the task, on which there are the call buttons of basic modes for areas assessment: "Building a matrix of heights", "Building a matrix of qualities", "Building a surface of slopes", "Contouring of homogeneous zones", "Building of zones by conditions". For area's estimation there can be used both topographical, and special maps developed within the limits of special geological works. GIS Server is intended for remote access to digital fund of topographical and special maps and formations of the distributed storehouse of data in a networked environment. The data placed on the GIS Server are protected from unauthorized reading, editing, copying, printing and substitution. For work with the classified information the possibility of encrypting the transferred data is supported. It prevents interception of data and their substitution during transmission over open communication channels. Data are encrypted by 256-bit key established onto a concrete communication session. Updated program and documentation are available for download in the Download section.
04.02.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Kuwait of scale 1: 1000 000 KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto Kuwait territory. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the website www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
03.02.2014In Lviv on scientific and technical seminar "V January GIS" there were discussed the use of GIS-technologies in military sphere Employees of Kharkov division "GISINFO" participated in the seminar "Geoinformation systems and information technology in military and special problems" - "V January GIS" which took place January, 28, 2014 in Lviv in Academy of land forces named hetman Peter Sagajdachniy. At the event there was presented the report "Use of GIS "Operator" to train specialists of power structures". During the seminar there was a discussion of questions of using the various software products of KB "Panorama" to solve problems of operational and tactical level of Land forces and training of specialists. The discussion was attended by specialists in the field of communication and automated control, military topography and artillery intelligence of Academy departments, employees of Scientific Centre of the Land Forces, and also representatives of Zhitomir military institute named after S.P. Korolev and of Center of aeronavigation ensuring of Aviation Armed Forces of Ukraine. During the seminar the specialists of the company have told about features of solving the problems of terrain estimation and creation of maps of operational and tactical situation using the GIS "Operator" and GIS "Panorama 11". The representative of the Center of aeronavigation ensuring of Aviation Armed Forces of Ukraine has told to participants of a seminar about the importance and technology of three-dimensional modelling of territories and tactical situation (already more than 10 years in the Center of aeronavigation ensuring of Aviation Armed Forces of Ukraine there are used the products and technologies of KB "Panorama"). Particular attention was paid to questions of using the GIS Server for the organization of teamwork of commanders of various levels and to questions of building system of network-centric management by armies. By means of server applications of KB "Panorama" there was demonstrated the example of the organization of information interaction between intelligence and commanders of units at a stage of preparing an army operation.
03.02.2014GIS "Panorama 11" of version 11.11.2 with English interface is developed KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Panorama"version 11.11.2 with interface and documentation in English. In the new version into the task "Map Editor" the mode "Editing of contours" is added which allows to edit an object contour on the selected parts, distributing a vector of moving of separate points along all length of the part. Not to break topological links between objects at shifting the nodes the matching of objects having the common points and borders is carried out. Tools of remote monitoring a state of clients connections to the GIS Server are expanded. The task "Navigator 3D" is refined. Mode of synchronizing a movement of 3D-model by GPS is added. It provides tracking the group of mobile objects, onto which the program of GIS is installed (on a tablet or the laptop) with navigation device GLONASS/GPS. Recording a current position of object is provided by means of the task "GPS-device connect" through a remote connection to the GIS Server onto a map of monitoring the objects. Thus, all connected users of the GIS can see on a map their own position and position of other users, both on the flat image of a map, and on 3D models in the task "Navigator 3D". The task "Loading of MTD-models from LAS files" is improved. Possibility is added for stream loading of laser survey's data in the form of the files list of format LAS from the chosen catalog. Task "Loading of matrixes from TXT format" is improved. Possibility is added to set nonregular diapasons of a loaded matrix's palette. The nonregular palette of a matrix of qualities allows to do more flexible adjustment of displaying a matrix depending on physical sense of quality's characteristic. At import of raster images into format TIF there is added an accounting of coefficients of turn from a world file of a binding for automatic turn of the image of a raster onto the specified angle. The layers list of geoportals of Ukraine is expanded. Layers are added: the Base Ukraine map of scale 1: 100 000 and ATU (administrative-territorial unit). The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
31.01.2014ImageryCreator 7 provides scaling of loading and forms tiles ten times faster In KB "Panorama" ImageryCreator of version 7.0 is developed. The new version of the program forms tiles 10 times faster than the previous version. For example, speed of formation more than 1 000 000 000 tiles in volume of 2.5 TB onto territory of Russia according to maps of OpenStreetMap in total amount of 8.6 Gb containing 16 500 000 objects in scale 1:20 000 is 3 days on the serial 4-processor server with a video map of 2 Gb. Mechanism of the further increase in speed of creating tiles is built-in into the program depending on the capabilities of the graphics card (up to simultaneous formation of 10 000 tiles). Block size of formed tiles can be chosen manually by the user. Into the interface there is added the function of a speed control of creating tiles with loading the distribution by cores of system. In new version ImageryCreator there is implemented a saving and restoration of a color palette of matrixes and rasters, automatic clearing the cache at updating the data on the server, a specifying the scale of maps visibility, support of 8-bit rasters with a transparency. Work of the program with data located on the GIS Server is improved. The program allows you quickly to update the tile base onto the territory of the entire globe. ImageryCreator forms tiles in formats JPEG and PNG under the international standard OGC WMTS 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. Tile data are used by programs GIS WebServer, GIS WebService, Open GIS WebService, GIS WebService SE for an ensuring a high speed of performance of queries on displaying the spatial data onto extensive territories at the simultaneous reference of a great number of users. The new version of the program is placed on the web-site in the Download section.
31.01.2014Geography of bank of the open spatial data of KB "Panorama" is expanded KB "Panorama" continues works on formation of maps onto foreign territories by data from public sources. On the geoinformation portal of KB "Panorama" in free access there is placed a map of Austria in SXF format. OpenStreetMap data obtained from the website download.geofabrik.de have served as basis at map creation. Linear description of a relief (formation of horizontals) is performed by matrixes of heights (SRTM). The map contains more than two and a half millions objects, the volume of data for downloading is 646 MB. Works on loading and data processing are executed by means of professional GIS "Panorama 11". Earlier on the portal there were placed the maps of regions of Russian Federations and CIS countries, obtained by processing the data sets from the project "OpenStreetMap data in Shape format" of communities GIS-Lab (www.gis-lab.info). All maps placed on a portal are free under a free license.
30.01.2014GIS WebServer AGRO implements a flexible mechanism for publication of fields maps with use of architecture "large data" In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer AGRO version 3.8 is developed. The program is developed on the basis of system GIS WebServer, is aimed at specialists in the field of agriculture and is an extension of the GIS "Panorama AGRO" for work with data of the agricultural enterprise on the basis of WEB-technologies. In the new version there are implemented new approaches to the publication of the spatial data by protocols OGC WMS and OGC WMTS on the basis of applying the web-service GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) under control of web-servers Apache, ngnix or MS IIS. Service of GIS Application Service works to support the work of web-service GIS WebService SE. The service is implemented as the multithreaded application. Each thread processes a separate request. Program installation onto the multiprocessor server significantly raises speed of application GIS WebServer AGRO and reduces time for performance of queries and creation of tiles. For improving the convenience and presentation there is added the possibility to control the order of displaying layers of a multilayered tile map. The user can move the layers relative to each other and to indicate which layer should always appear on top. In the "Map contents" component the last layer included onto visibility is displayed now on the top of all others. In geoinformation system of federal state budgetary institution "Center of agrochemical service "Belgorod", which provides access to a database of agrochemical service at level of the agricultural enterprise, municipality, subject of federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation the great number of the various cartographical information is used. The system of visualizing the web-application of the center of agrochemical service implemented on GIS WebServer AGRO, operates with the tile data obtained automatically as a result of work of web-service GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) on base of spatial data of GIS "Panorama AGRO" under management of DBMS MS SQL Server. For managing large amounts of spatial data (maps of fields, images, matrixes of qualitative characteristics of district) GIS WebServer AGRO is connected to a network of the GIS Servers that provides unlimited scalability of a management system. The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
29.01.2014Training-methodical materials on using GIS "Operator" in services, departments and offices of electronic warfare (EW) of Army Staffs of Russian Ground forces are prepared On the website of KB "Panorama" there are posted new teaching materials on use of the GIS "Operator" for preparation of combat (educational) documents of EW service. The document is developed "Rules of drawing of conventional symbols of operational and tactical situation in the GIS"Operator". Part 9. Service (department, management) of EW", there is prepared "Album of conditional operational and tactical symbols and templates for drawing the operational (tactical) situation onto the basic combat documents by officials of service (department, management) of EW". New examples of maps for combined arms formations, units and formations of Ground forces are issued: "Working map of the chief of EW service of motorized infantry brigade", "Plan of EW of motorized infantry brigade in operation", "Working map of the chief of service EW OSK", "Plan of EW OSK in operation". Breadboard (sets) of conventional operational-tactical signs from the classifier are developed for service (department, office) of EW which provide rapid mapping of typical configurations of sets of conventional signs for various kinds of combat (operation) and daily activity of armies. Composition of operational-tactical signs in the classifier operator.rsc is expanded. In total, 101 samples of maps of operational and tactical situation are prepared. The new version of the program is placed on the website in Download section.
29.01.2014Bank of open spatial data is added by a map of Iran of scale 1: 1 000 000 KB "Panorama" prepared digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto Iran territory. VMap0 data obtained according to information from the site www.gis-lab.info has served as source for map's preparation. The map contains information about the quantity of inhabitants for cities and the names of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World Map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and data of OpenStreetMap were used. The map is led to the classifier of geographical maps of scale from 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for the general estimation of district and studying of an environment, an ensuring of educational process, as a basis for creation of geographical maps of smaller scale, thematic and special maps and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free according to the free licence. Digital geographical map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF is available for downloading on page "Digital maps and photos" and on geoinformation portal Bank of spatial data.
28.01.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service provides access to spatial databases for desktop and web application In KB "Panorama" the Panorama SpatialDB Service of version 2.3 is developed. New version has a possibility to use the applied scheme of the unified exchange of spatial data as at performance of primary loading the vector maps into spatial databases PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server, and at the subsequent monitoring of changes in these databases and their actualization on a map. Structure and rules of filling a file of applied scheme are described in detail in the document "Specification of data for an exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML" (document code - BSD.1.3:2011). The specified specification is developed on the basis of using a subset of schemes components specified in standard OpenGIS Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard Version: 3.2.1 and requirements of standards of ISO a series 19100. Use of the applied scheme allows to expand service possibilities on processing of spatial objects stored in a database. In particular, if earlier there was a possibility to assign to one database table only one view of objects on a map, then at use of the applied scheme the plural conformity is set. Scheme defines sets of classification codes of map objects, grouping them into logic layers of spatial data. The layer is characterised by a common set of attributes (semantics) for all objects belonging to it. Thus, the use of scheme gives the possibility to set conformity "Database table = Logic layer of map data", rather than as previously "Database table = one conventional symbol on a map". Now it is possible to store in one table the objects of different type. For example, objects of type "river" can be both linear, and polygonal. As they have the same set of attributive characteristics (semantics), it is more expedient to store them in one database table. The new version of Panorama SpatialDB Service provides an opportunity to conduct classification codes of cartographical objects directly in the database tables. This approach allows us to predetermine the database-level the view of object on a map. Installation of the product includes scripts to create databases in the DBMS PostgeSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. The structure of created databases corresponds to the typical applied scheme. In the Guide of administrator the separate section is added in detail describing process of preparing the database for subsequent loading into it of a digital map and creation in database of log of change tracking. After that the map can be accessible to the users of GIS Server and all changes occurring in a database will be displayed on it at the expense of working the service Panorama SpatialDB Service. Panorama SpatialDB Service is intended to expand possibility of the GIS Server for cartographical displaying the information from databases Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. Service can work simultaneously with several GIS Servers and servers of databases which can be placed on platforms Windows or Linux. Service Windows Service which is a part of the complex, allows in an automatic mode without intervention of the operator to monitor changes in spatial databases and to carry out actualization of digital maps placed on the server. It allows, for example, not only to load a database by a vector map from the GIS "Panorama", but also to execute the coordination of several various DBMS that store spatial data. The users connected to the GIS Server through desktop applications or web-services, can view the contents of databases in the form of cartographical representation. GIS WebService and GIS WebFeatureService, connected to the GIS Server, can provide access to the data from database by protocols WMS, WMTS and WFS. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
27.01.2014At the seminar "Geoinformation systems and information technologies in military and special problems" the results of works on three-dimensional modelling of territory and air space will be considered January 28-29, 2014 in Lviv (Ukraine) there will take place an annual scientific and technical seminar "Geoinformation systems and information technologies in military and special problems". At the invitation of the leadership of Academy of land forces named hetman Peter Sagajdachniy in this event the company "GISINFO", general representative of KB "Panorama" in Ukraine, will take part. During a seminar by the specialists of the company there will be represented two reports - "Basic directions of application of geoinformation technologies in the armed forces of Ukraine"and"3D-modelling of terrain and operational situation by means of the GIS"Operator". There will be discussion of issues connected with experience of introduction of GIS technologies and remote sensing data of the Earth in Armed forces of Ukraine, in particular for an aeronavigation support of the state aviation of Ukraine, for the topographic-geodesic support of armies, for carrying out command-staff exercises and solution of other problems. Results of cooperation with universities of Ukraine will be represented, which prepare specialists for law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on civil defence. There is planned a master class by employees of company "GISINFO" and by representatives of the Center of aeronavigation ensuring of aviation of Ukraine armed forces in which since 2003 the software of KB "Panorama" for the solving the tasks of aeronavigation ensuring of the state aviation of Ukraine is actively used. During the trainings a work of software products line of KB "Panorama" will be shown: GIS Server, GIS "Panorama 11" and GIS "Operator". The following tasks will be worked out: creation and conducting the spatial databases onto territory of interests; authorization and collective work with databases of spatial data; creating the maps of operational and tactical situation; creation and editing the libraries of conventional symbols, automation of drawing an operational situation; performing of various calculations on a map; 3D-modelling of territory, operational situation and structure of air space.
24.01.2014"Workstation of urban-planner" automates procedures of a choice of a place for placing an object of real estate In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" of version 11.11.2 is developed. In the new version in the "Complex of urban tasks" the mode "Interactive services" is added. The new mode is intended for construction on a map of area of admissible placing the objects of real estate and temporary structures, taking into account existing restrictions. The existing buildings, structures, sanitary both guard zones and other objects of a city infrastructure are considered as the objects-limiters. On the basis of quantitative indicators of width of a zone of departure from objects-limiters the area free from restrictions is formed. The received information can be used at a choice of a place of putting an object of trade, a temporary structure of outdoor advertising or a choice of the ground area for building. Initial indicators of objects-limiters can be obtained from a database including town-planning regulations, parameters of building, address data and information on the existing ground areas. In the new version of the program into the address register the new attributes of the address are added: OKATO code, KLADR code, number of address affair. Authorized users of municipal system in the environment of GIS "Panorama 11" or GIS Panorama Mini can enter and edit data of the address register, including addition of electronic copies of the documents relating to the address. The interface of recordkeeping of address units is changed. The print of the detailed information about the address is added. Types of administrative and territorial units of the address register are synchronised with KLADR types, in accordance with the updates of Federal information address system. The algorithm of display of data ISOGD is changed, sorting of affairs about the ground areas with taking into account cadastral number is added. Fast transition between sections of ISOGD, documents and cartographic materials corresponding to them is implemented. Thus, maps can be both local, and placed on the GIS Server. There are included the modes of viewing and editing the files containing documents images of ISOGD. Removal of unregistered document is added. Functions of viewing and editing of files of documents images are supplemented by a processing of types pdf and txt. The new version the program and the documentation are available on the website in the Download section.
23.01.2014In the Orenburg region a regional agro-geoinformation system is developed Scientists of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev develop a regional GIS of an agroecological land estimation and designing agricultural landscapes on an example of the Orenburg region. GIS "Panorama AGRO" and GIS "Panorama 11" are used for creation of geoinformation system. By means of the program of the GIS Server the storehouse of the spatial data will be deployed and the authorized access to information resources will be organized. Development of agro-geoinformation system is essential for formation of a regional agro-technological policy by a management of area, for agricultural production planning, for the solving the problems of optimum placing of agricultural crops and technologies of their cultivation. The existing experience of farming by large agricultural enterprises in a variety of natural and agricultural areas demonstrates the need for the design of adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture (ALSA). The main goal of such systems are not record high yields, but stable economically rational levels of productivity at the low self-cost. In modern conditions when designing ALSA not do without the use of geographic information systems. By means of the AgroGIS it will be possible to do estimation of potential productivity and quality of production, calculations of the need for production resources and efficiency of investments on the different lands. In detail to familiarise with materials about development of regional agro-geoinformation system it is possible in article "Experience of an agroecological land estimation for designing an adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture in the AgroGIS".
23.01.2014GIS ToolKit Free allows to create 32x and 64х-bit applications under a free licence in the development environment Embarcadero XE3, XE4 In KB "Panorama" the toolkit is developed for development of GIS-applications GIS ToolKit Free of version 12.0.2. GIS ToolKit Free allows you to create geographic information systems of various complexity. GIS-components that are a part of such application do not require further licensing at their use. Visual components of GIS ToolKit simplify using the functions of access to spatial data. TMapScreen component allows to organize displaying a large number of mobile objects on the background of a vector map at the expense of double buffering of the map image, and with use of TMapWms component the popular services providing the spatial data under international WMS protocol will be accessible to you. In addition to access to the data via WMS protocol the GIS kernel provides access to data on international protocols WFS, WCS. Distinctive feature of GIS ToolKit from analogues is presence of the TMapAtlas component which specialises on work with maps of different scales onto one territory with customizing of preferences by choice of a current map in the process of scaling the image by the user. Visual navigation on extensive territory will be simplified by TMapMini component which possesses convenient user interface for navigation on a map. For the programmer tools are available for constructing routes (with using the graph of roads) on the basis of various criteria at the expense of using the TMapNet component. The new version simplifies the process to install components for creating 64-bit applications in Embarcadero C + + Builder XE3, XE4. The package includes 37 examples for the environment C + + Builder and Delphi and the test data demonstrating the variants of using the toolkit. The delivery package includes the updated library of GIS core for platforms x32 and x64.
22.01.2014Complex of preparing the documents of aeronautical information processes weather data for airports and aircrafts In KB "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information of version 5.2 is developed. New version includes the possibility of maintaining a database of meteorological minimum of airports and aircraft and formation in the description of the airport infrastructure of the data table of weather-minimum. The database is added by the address classifier of settlements. The complex can store and process the operational, planned and help information on the activities in air space in national and international languages. It allows to form the aeronautical documentation for exchange with the international structures of management of air transport. In the complex there is realized possibility of input, storage, processing and display of route, adopted in the Russian Federation. There is added possibility of conducting external sources of information for the basic types of objects, calculation of metric characteristics of a flight's track by the main points with use of an open map. Structure of complex is added by a matrix of the magnetic declinations allowing to calculate magnetic path angles and courses of landing in any point. Automated formation of graphic documents of the aeronautical information is performed by standards of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), with full supporting a format of exchange by aeronautical data ARINC 424 (Navigation System Data Base Standard). The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
21.01.2014In Complex of 3D analysis the tools of editing, import and export of matrixes and relief In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of 3D analysis" of version 3.4 is developed. In the new version the task "Editing a matrix of heights" is refined, allowing to correct contents of a matrix of heights with use of data about (correction) relief - matrixes of heights of format MTW, MTD-models and TIN-models. Corrections data can be received by results of a vectoring the objects with relative heights or depths. There is added the mode of entering the heights of correction with transformation, allowing to add to the relief's heights the relative heights or to subtract depths. Possibility is added for increasing or decreasing the values of heights of the given area onto the specified size. The task is used for updating the matrixes of heights created by vector maps, and also the matrixes loaded from external formats (SRTM, GeoTIFF, XYZ and others). The task "Export of qualities matrixes into TXT-files" is refined, allowing to carry out a stream unloading the matrixes of qualities (MTQ) or matrixes of heights (MTW) into textual files. The mode for output of values in nodes of a grid with the specified step is added. The new mode can be applied to an unloading of heights with a discharge at processing the matrixes constructed according to data of laser scanning. The task "Loading of MTD-models from LAS files" is improved. Possibility is added for stream loading of laser survey's data in the form of the files list of format LAS from the chosen catalog. Task "Loading of matrixes from TXT format" is improved. Possibility is added to set nonregular diapasons of a loaded matrix's palette. The nonregular palette of a matrix of qualities allows to do more flexible adjustment of displaying a matrix depending on physical sense of quality's characteristic. Complex of 3D analysis is installed in addition to the GIS "Panorama 11". The new version of the program and the documentation are available on the Download page.
21.01.2014MGIS "Land and Real estate" supports work with storehouse of spatial data In KB "Panorama" MGIS "Land and Real estate" of version 5.6 is developed. In the new version of the program there is added a support of storehouse of spatial data of SITX format containing all data in one file with support of data encryption. Placing of all data of a map in a single file simplifies data exchange, account and backup. The volume of a vector map in storehouse of SITX format is not limited. For protection of the data the encryption by 256-bit key is supported. Municipal Geographic Information System is intended for database maintenance about objects of real estate, ground areas on which objects are located, and entities (individual entrepreneurs), carrying out activity on these objects and/or having property rights on them. The program contains means for conducting lease agreements, monitoring the objects of real estate and the organizations carrying out activity on these objects and/or having property rights on them. For work with attributive and cartographical databases there are used the DBMS Microsoft SQL Server and GIS "Panorama 11". For an ensuring of remote access to the cartographical data from client workplaces (GIS "Panorama 11", Panorama-Editor, GIS Navigator 2011, GIS Panorama Mini) the GIS Server can be used. The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
20.01.2014Maps set of subjects of the Russian Federation and countries of the near abroad on a geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is updated Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" updated maps of subjects of the Russian Federation (83) and the CIS countries (14) formed according to OpenStreetMap. Initial data as of January, 2014 were obtained from the website GIS-Lab. There are added early absent maps of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Data update is performed using the program Osmloader intended for automatic downloading and processing the maps from the project "Data of OpenStreetMap in Shape format", supported by community of GIS-Lab. The program downloads the data under the list of the user by means of the FTP-protocol, unpacks, imports the downloaded maps and makes their consistent automatic processing (puts titles of streets and buildings, decodes the points of POI, designs the crossroads, saves a map copy into format SXF and packs into ZIP format). For work with the received map it is possible to use the program of GIS Panorama Mini or other software products of KB "Panorama". Program Osmloader is available for downloading on the Download page. Placement of updated data into bank of spatial data is made by means of the program the Complex of maintaining a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing the contents of the spatial data bank on the geoportal and a data access for downloading is implemented by means of GIS WebServer. Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page of "Digital maps and images".
20.01.2014Training film is developed about formation of the land-plan at formation of a land plot by the uniting Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared an educational film on formation of the land-plan in electronic form in XML format. In a video film the order of using the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" is shown at formation of the ground area by association. There are treated the details of creating a cadastral map in local coordinate system for the post-processing of the results of cadastral measurements. Actions on loading the XML-extract from body of the state realty cadastre are described. Process of preparing and designing a cadastral map with classifier survey.v4.rsc is shown. Actions in "Map Editor" are shown for creation of a new parcel by the uniting with copying the metrics of initial plots. There is shown the operations procedure in dialog "Land-plan" on input of the initial data on object of cadastral works and editing the attributive data of the ground areas. Process of an attaching the documents-bases to XML-file is described. Entering information about cadastral engineer, the customer of cadastral works, about graphic files and appendixes to the land-plan is considered. There is shown a sequence of actions on formation of XML-file, electronic digital signature and a ZIP-package for sending into body of cadastral registration. You can familiarise with a video data on the page of Video lessons.
17.01.2014In GIS "Panorama 11" the means of topological editing the vector maps and construction of 3D models are expanded In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama 11" of version 11.11.2 is developed. In the task "Map Editor" the mode "Editing of contours" is added which allows to edit an object contour on the selected parts, distributing a vector of moving of separate points along all length of the part. Not to break topological links between objects at shifting the nodes the matching of objects having the common points and borders is carried out. Tools of remote monitoring a state of clients connections to the GIS Server are expanded. The server administrator can provide to users the rights to remote viewing the list of connected clients, durations of their work, a list of open data, information about completed operations on updating the data. Information about a state of the GIS Server are displayed in the Monitoring bookmark of dialog of connection to the GIS Server. It expands possibilities of works heads on remote control over functioning the server of spatial data. Possibilities of the task "Map Legend" are expanded at work with a group of maps. There is added the ability to enable/disable the displaying all maps in one group by a check box, which is shown in front of the group name. Ability is added to set contents of displayed objects at once for all maps with one classifier. On the legend panel the button is added "Apply for cards with the same classifier" to set displaying the objects. In the task of Creation of a standard (international) rule of topographic maps there is added construction of a rule under the list of nomenclatures or by list of nomenclatures code numbers for the specified spheroid. The task "Navigator 3D" is refined. Mode of synchronizing a movement of 3D-model by GPS is added. It provides tracking the group of mobile objects, onto which the program of GIS is installed (on a tablet or the laptop) with navigation device GLONASS/GPS. Recording a current position of object is provided by means of the task "GPS-device connect" through a remote connection to the GIS Server onto a map of monitoring the objects. Thus, all connected users of the GIS can see on a map their own position and position of other users, both on the flat image of a map, and on 3D models in the task "Navigator 3D". The task "Loading of MTD-models from LAS files" is improved. Possibility is added for stream loading of laser survey's data in the form of the files list of format LAS from the chosen catalog. Task "Loading of matrixes from TXT format" is improved. Possibility is added to set nonregular diapasons of a loaded matrix's palette. The nonregular palette of a matrix of qualities allows to do more flexible adjustment of displaying a matrix depending on physical sense of quality's characteristic. At import of raster images into format TIF there is added an accounting of coefficients of turn from a world file of a binding for automatic turn of the image of a raster onto the specified angle. The layers list of geoportals of Ukraine is expanded. Layers are added: the Base Ukraine map of scale 1: 100 000 and ATU (administrative-territorial unit). Block "Survey" is improved. Subsystem "Address database" is implemented that provides selection of the structured address on the basis of information from database KLADR. The database is deployed on the server of KB "Panorama" in DBMS Microsoft SQL Server. For mode use, on a workplace of the user an access to the Internet is necessary. The address choice is possible from dialog "Editing of semantics of object of cadastral works", clicking on the button "Get address". In the dialog "Land-plan" the elements are added for entering details of the document on the basis of which an encumbrance arises at processing the parts of the ground area. Filling the section "RelatedParcels" for the element "ParcelNeihbours" provides formation of several elements "ParcelNeihbour", by the number of legal owners. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
16.01.2014Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data allows to carry out group editing of metadata In KB "Panorama" the Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data of version 5.3 is developed. The new version implements a grouped editing the records of metadata tables, that significantly reduces time of input and editing of the metadata for the maps already placed into storehouse. The complex is intended to organize the storage of spatial data in exchange formats. On the basis of a complex the storehouses of standards of spatial data and time archives can be created as a part of technologies of creating and updating digital maps and plans. The program complex provides obtaining an information about structure and a status of the databank, on-line selection of materials, forming, processing and implementation of requests for copies of spatial data. Software of the complex is implemented on the client-server technology and supports a work of the desktop client and the web-client. Visual representation of a status of the spatial data bank and the publishing the schemes of data presence in the Internet is carried out by means of GIS WebServer. Use of the complex in conjunction with the GIS Server software can essentially facilitate the organization and control of performing the cartographical works. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the website in the Download section.
15.01.2014Panorama SpatialDB Service downloads vector maps into databases PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server by OGC standard In KB "Panorama" the Panorama SpatialDB Service of version 2.2 is developed. The new version allows you to download digital maps placed both on the GIS Server, and locally, in spatial databases PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. For downloading digital topographic maps there is used an application scheme, example of which is described in the document "Specification of data for exchange of digital topographic maps in format GML". Formation of a database is performed in accordance with the requirements of standard OGC 06-103r4: "OpenGIS Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture". Installation of the product includes scripts for creation of database in DBMS of PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. The structure of created databases corresponds to the example of the typical application scheme. In the Administrator's Guide there is added a separate section in detail describing process of preparing the database for subsequent loading into it of digital map and creation in database of the log of tracking the changes. After that the map can be accessible to users of the GIS Server and all changes occurring in the database, will be displayed on it at the expense of working the service of Panorama SpatialDB Service. There is supported a work with DBMS Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and above (including versions Express), and also DBMS PostgreSQL 9.1 and above with the option PostGIS. These databases have the ability to store, process spatial data and provide access to them in accordance with standard of Open GIS Consortium (OGC 06 -103r4). This standard defines rules of posting the information on the spatial description of objects in relational databases, regulates structure of this information and base principles of working with her. Panorama SpatialDB Service is intended to expand possibilities of the GIS Server for cartographical displaying the information from databases Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. Service can work simultaneously with several GIS Servers and servers of databases which can be placed on platforms Windows or Linux. Service of Windows Service which is a part of the complex, allows in an automatic mode without intervention of the operator to trace changes in spatial databases and to perform updating of digital maps placed on the server. It allows, for example, not only to load a database by a vector map from the GIS "Panorama", but also to execute the coordination of several various DBMS, that store the spatial data. The users connected to the GIS Server through desktop applications or web-services, can view the contents of databases in the form of cartographical representation. GIS WebService and GIS WebFeatureService, connected to the GIS Server, can provide access to the data from the database by protocols WMS, WMTS and WFS. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
14.01.2014"Workstation of cadastral engineer" is integrated with the address database In KB "Panorama" the "workstation of cadastral engineer" of version 11.11.2 is developed. In the new version of the program the subsystem "the Address database" is implemented that provides a conducting the structured address information in accordance with the Russian classifiers KLADR and ОКАТО. The database is deployed on the server of KB "Panorama" in format of DBMS Microsoft SQL Server and is available for remote use. The database structure corresponds to software products MGIS "Land and real estate" and "the Complex of urban-planning tasks". For filling the database there are used the information of the addresses classifier of Russia, entered into force on 12/1/2005 by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia from 11/17/2005 № SAE-3-13/594. Into "Workstation of cadastral engineer" there are embedded the functions of a choosing the address of object of land tenure from a remote database. Access to an address database is implemented in the software environment of formation of the land-plan from dialog "Edit semantics of object of cadastral works" on page "Location description". But a possibility of manual input and editing of the address data is kept. For matching the names of subjects of the Russian Federation in KLADR and classifier V038_STD_Address of the XML-scheme used for formation of the XML-document - land- plan of the ground area there is finalized the digital map classifier survey.v4.rsc. At formation of the report "Land-plan" for the multiplanimetric ground area there is changed the algorithm of filling the details "General data about formed ground areas" of section "Data about formed lands and their parts". In "Land-plan" dialog the elements are added for entering details of the document on the basis of which an encumbrance arises at processing the parts of the ground area. There are added the tools to copy information about documents from group "Appendix" into group "Initial data" and back. The structural analysis of contents of semantics "INITIAL CADASTRAL NUMBERS" is implemented at recording into XML-file of element Inner_CadastralNumbers. If the structure of a string corresponds to cadastral number, element CadastralNumber is formed, otherwise - element Number. Filling the section "RelatedParcels" for the element "ParcelNeihbours" provides formation of several elements "ParcelNeihbour" by the number of legal owners. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
13.01.2014In the city of Krivoy Rog (Ukraine) the urban cadastral system is created Company "GISINFO", the Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama", has completed the first stage of works on creation of urban cadastre system of Krivoy Rog (Ukraine). During performance of works into the management of town-planning and architecture of executive committee of the Krivoy Rog City Council the software of KB "Panorama" have been delivered: GIS WebServer, GIS "Panorama 11", ImageryCreator, Program of monitoring a database and updating a map and others. Processing of geo-spatial data and their loading onto the GIS Server have been made. Connection of attributive databases was carried out. Administrators and users were trained to operate the system. To date, in management of ecology of Krivoy Rog City Council on the basis of software solutions of KB "Panorama" the GIS of Monitoring of environment is implemented and functioned. The geoinformation system is developed by specialists of company "GISINFO" together with Vinnitsa National Technical University. At creation of system of urban cadastre of Krivoy Rog there is used the experience of the company's works in interests of municipal services of cities of Kiev, Vinnitsa, Sumy, Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Gorlovka, Alexandria, Poltava and others where GIS-technologies "Panorama" are applied.
10.01.2014Complex of preparing the documents of aeronautical information supports data exchange with international structures of air traffic control In KB "Panorama" there is developed Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information of version 5.1, intended for the automated formation of graphic documents of the aeronautical information by standards of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), conducting database and data exchange in format ARINC 424 (Navigation System Data Base Standard). In the new version of the complex there is provided a storage and processing of the operative, planned and help information about activity in air space in national and international languages. It allows to form the aeronautical documentation for exchange with the international structures of management of air transport. In the complex there is realized possibility of input, storage, processing and display of route's portion structure, adopted in the Russian Federation. There is added possibility of conducting external sources of information for the basic types of objects, calculation of metric characteristics of a flight's track by the main points with use of an open map. Structure of complex is added by a matrix of the magnetic declinations allowing to calculate magnetic path angles and courses of landing in any point. For the organization of collective preparing the documents of aeronautical information the spatial data can be placed on the GIS Server, it provides the multiuser access with differentiation of the rights. The new version of the program, examples of documents of aeronautical information and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
10.01.2014Complex of automated checking the quality is improved for acceptance and certification of digital maps In KB "Panorama" the Complex of automated quality control and correction of digital maps of version 5.7.1 is developed. In the new version there are updated the schemes of control for classifiers of digital topographic maps of scales 1: 25 000 (25t05g.rsc), 1: 50 000 (50t05g.rsc), 1: 100 000 (100t05g.rsc), 1: 200 000 (200t05g.rsc), 1: 500 000 (500t05g.rsc) and 1: 1 000 000 (1M05G.rsc). The list of controllable objects and control values of parameters for search of errors is updated. For automation of processes of acceptance and certification of digital maps there is expanded the list of characteristics included in the final report on performance of implementation of quality control of DTM. The complex provides the automated stream processing of large files of digital maps in format SXF for the purpose of bringing the digital maps to a single classifier, automatic correcting the errors of topology, a report of adjacent sheets along lines of a geographical grid and a merge of digital maps into single sets of spatial data on regions. The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.
09.01.2014GIS technologies of "Panorama" are introduced into practical activities on monitoring a subsoil status Throughout many years KB "Panorama" cooperates with FSUE "Gidrospetsgeologiya" in a field of geoinformation technologies for creation of special maps and realization of the state monitoring of underground waters, exogenous and hydro- geo- dynamic processes at federal level. In 2011 there were completed works on creation of information-analytical system as a part of the automated complex of gathering and analysis of the hydro- geo- deformation information for rapid estimation of geo-dynamic situation of seismo-dangerous regions. Throughout two next years IAS HGD of monitoring was in operation in HGD-monitoring centers of Far East, Altai-Sayansk and Caucasus. In the end of 2013, KB "Panorama" and FSUE "VSEGINGEO" have signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of introduction of geoinformation technologies for hydro-geological mapping and monitoring of territory of the Russian Federation with a view of rational nature management and an ensuring of ecological safety. One of the areas of cooperation is the development of the programmed technology of data processing of monitoring a status of geological environment and forecasting its changes by results of measurements on a network of observation wells on the Olympic objects. To achieve these goals the situational center VSEGINGEO will be equipped with software products of KB "Panorama", and IAS HGD of monitoring will be adapted for processing new types of indicators of dangerous geological processes and integration of mathematical models with software products of VSEGINGEO.
08.01.2014"Workstation of agronomist" automates classification of farmlands by the content of nutrien In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 11.11.2 is developed. The new version of the program added the functions providing construction of homogeneous zones of arable land and formation of help documents in composition of indicators specified by the user. Content in soil of nutrients is set on the basis of agrochemical analysis of farmlands contours. The order of processing the results of dot measurements and formation of matrixes of qualities characterising distribution of individual indicators of soil fertility, is described in the document "Map-schemes of selection of soil samples. Technology of creation and use". The new version of the program is added by functions of constructing homogeneous zones by matrixes, according to the user-defined criteria. Application of this mode provides classification of an arable land by uniformity of nutrients content and the automated formation of a farm's soil map. In dialog "Field passport" that provide conducting an electronic corded book of farm's fields, the list of indicators of monitoring the crops is expanded. As indicators it is possible to use not only the textual and numerical values, but also an information from a directory or classifier, the links to documents and URL-addresses. The entered data are saved into database in structure of GIS "Panorama AGRO". Thus, the digital map of fields of a farm and documents can be placed on the GIS Server, that provides the orderly data storage with a spatial binding. It is enough to click on the map object - a contour of an arable land for obtaining a list of all previously saved documents. Possibilities to form operative reports are expanded. New service the "Report of agronomist" gives possibility of independent adjustment of groups structure and individual indicators placed into the report. Into the report there may be included an administrative information, data about a crop rotation, indicators of fertility and ecological condition of soil, availability of trace elements, photos and descriptive data fixed by agronomist during inspection of fields. The new version of the program and the documentation is available on the website in the Download section.
07.01.2014In GIS "Operator" an example of 3D-scenario of operation for elimination of incursion of imaginary enemy is developed In GIS "Operator" there is prepared the 3D-scenario of operation to eliminate the imaginary enemy incursion with use of three-dimensional symbols on mobile objects from the classifier and library of 3D-models of arms and military equipment. Combat operations are developed on the example of 3D model of Dzhubga map consisting of a topographic map in format SXF, matrixes of heights of terrain's relief, data of space surveying and library of three-dimensional templates of OSM-classifier. Into library of three-dimensional signs of moving objects there are added the models of container complexes of rocket weapon Club-K of concern "Morinformsistem-agate". In the example the ample opportunities of customizing and playing the scenarios of moving of mobile objects of the task "Navigator 3D" of GIS "Operator" are considered: the movement of ground-based objects on the predetermined trajectories with taking into account a relief, with certain speed, in a definite time, the movement of aerial objects along a predetermined trajectory, taking into account above-ground heights, sequential movement of some objects relative to others on time, examples of pseudo-animation and others. On the basis of scenario the video film is created "Example of three-dimensional model of the scenario of operation to eliminate the imaginary enemy incursion". The archive "Example of 3D model of Dzhubga map and scenario to eliminate the imaginary enemy incursion" is available for download on the Download page.
05.01.2014Web-service GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) is developed for Linux platform KB "Panorama" developed web-service the GIS WebService Special Edition (SE) for Linux platform. This service provides the publication of the spatial data on Linux platforms under control of web-server Apache of version 2.2.14 or higher or ngnix version 1.5.7 and above. GIS WebService SE is developed for operating systems AstraLinux Special Edition, MSVS 5.0 and other versions of Linux with version of a kernel 2.6.30 and above. Service is developed in accordance with the specification OGC (Open GIS Consortium) for service Web Map Service (OGC WMS) - OGC 03-109r1 version 1.3.0 and specification OGC for service Web Map Tile Service (OGC WMTS) - OGC 07-057r7 version 1.0.0. GIS WebService SE supposes performance of two types of operations: obtaining metadata about available maps and server possibilities; obtaining a graphic representation of a map in format PNG or JPEG by specified geographical co-ordinates. The composition of web-service includes a set of PHP-scripts and service GIS Application Service, which carries out requests for processing and publication of data. Use of standard OGC WMS and standard OGC WMTS provides uniform access for search, exchange and delivery of the geo-spatial data in the form of a graphic image or tiles, creates possibilities for interaction of GIS-applications and web services. For creation of tiles there can be used the program of forming a map in a raster form for Web-appendices the ImageryCreator, and for updating of tiles the service ImageryService. The program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.
03.01.2014GIS Constructor x64 is integrated with information protection means of operating system Astra Linux SE In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor x64 is developed for operating system Astra Linux Special Edition, release "Smolensk" version 1.3, certified by requirements of information security. Installation of this product is made in format DEB and signed by the digital signature that allows to use it in closed software environment Astra Linux Special Edition. The new version supports in full the updated formats of spatial data, classifiers, new projections and systems of coordinates with which the GIS "Panorama 11" operates. GIS Constructor includes various components: "Graph of roads", search of map objects, creation and displaying of three-dimensional terrain model, display of a digital map, a converting the data of format SXF, access to data through the GIS Server, a choice of conditions of search/display of digital map, a choice of a map area in the specified coordinate system and others. The same spatial data can be displayed and edited in different projections and coordinate systems simultaneously from any number of workplaces. Performance of overlay operations between maps in various projections is provided. The new version of the program is posted on the website in the Download section.
01.01.2014In GIS Server the tools of remote monitoring a server condition are expanded In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server version 5.6.1 is developed. In the new version the tools of remote monitoring a condition of clients connections to the spatial data are expanded. The administrator of the server can grant users the right to remote viewing the list of connected clients, duration of their work, list of open data, information on completed operations on data updating. It expands possibilities of works heads on remote monitoring over functioning the server of spatial data. GIS Server supports collective remote access to vector maps, imagery, matrixes of heights, documents and databases of spatial data constructed by standard OGC OGC 06-103r4. As the clients it can be the programs the GIS "PANORAMA 11", GIS "Operator", desktop applications, geo-services, other GIS Servers forming multilevel connection among themselves for distributed storage and processing the spatial data with automatic replication, backup and data protection. Simultaneously several queries for updating the data between GIS Servers by multichannel connection through the protocol TCP\IP can be carried out. The new version of the program and the documentation are available for download on the Download page.