Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2022
Articles and comments
Analysis and preparation of remote sensing data from open sources for precision agriculture systems (Rodin I.E. // KB Panorama)
Reasons on which it is necessary to choose product "Panorama"
GIS "Panorama" (GIS Review)
GIS-TOOLKIT BAIKONUR GIS ToolKit, or Successful start of "Panorama" from Russian "Baikonur" (PC Week)
Transfer of applications from Windows on Linux (Open systems)
Application of digital models at conducting the state monitoring of bowels condition (Newsletter)
Experience of application of toolkit GIS ToolKit in domestic development (Newsletter)
Development of GIS-applications in Delphi/Kylix environment (Chip)
Technique of increase of rasters transformation accuracy (Newsletter)
Operative processing of cadastral data (Automated technologies of researches and designing)
GIS "Panorama". New opportunities
GIS "Panorama". The following step (Newsletter)
Use of GIS-technologies for preservation of fish resources at fluctuations of water surface (Newsletter)
Application of GIS-technologies in management of town-planning and architecture of Vinnitsa city council (Newsletter)
GIS "Panorama", as means of accumulation and analysis of the diverse data having spatial distribution (Automated technologies of researches and designing №4-5 2002)
Opportunities of GIS "Panorama" for processing geodetic measurements (Geoprofi №1 2003)
Application of GIS "Panorama" for formation affair organisation of the use of land by results of geodetic measurements (Geoprofi №2 2003)
Decision of navigating tasks with help of GIS "Panorama" (Geoprofi №3 2003)
Creation and introduction of applied system "Road ground cadastre" - the first step on a way of complex automation of Federal road agency
Joint press-relise "ALT Linux" and KB "Panorama"
Productivity of "Panorama" system is higher in some times (both at displaying, and at processing inquiries on the data selection), than at similar systems.
At identical functionality the cost of Panorama below approximately in 2 and more times.
Panorama quickly develops due to the close contact to users.
Panorama is completely localized for Russia.
Panorama is the standard in A rmed F orces of Russian Federation, therefore it is easier for certificate for use in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Ministry of Emergency Measures, in FSB and large state corporations.
Opportunity to order directly at founders of system Panorama the specialized versions in deadlines under reasonable prices.
Presence certificated map-material which is made with application of Panorama system and which is certificated in it.
In Panorama the storage of the cartographical data is much more compact.
Conventional symbols on an electronic map correspond to paper originals by the form and by the sizes at displaying on the screen and printing.
The system is more simple in using.
Internet/Intranet GIS technologies are developed on the basis of Panorama.
Presence of specialized components for creation of GIS applications in Delphi/C ++ Builder which have wide functionality.
The nucleus of system is transferred onto various platforms (Windows, Windows CE, Linux, QNX, processors Intel, Sparc, Mips) and applied to development of applications.
Multiuser work in a local network with a multisheet, multilayered map together with the raster and matrix data is provided; building of orthophotomaps, three-dimensional models, geological matrixes (multilayered), the decision of geodetic tasks, etc.
Geoinformation systems are actively applied to the decision of scientific and practical tasks, including planning and management on city, regional and federal levels, complex multidimensional studying of natural - economic potential within regions, designing and exploitation of oil pipelines and transport highways, Ecological monitoring. Today the modern expert cannot do without a wide spectrum and efficiency of application of geoinformation systems.
Complication of infrastructure of a society, its development demands more careful and thought-out resources management, mastering by new means and methods of the information processing.
Desktop geoinformation system "Panorama" provides high obviousness of displaying of the diverse information, convenience and power of toolkit for the analysis of a reality. Thus, low requirements to means, simplicity in circulation and the maximal openness of system will allow experts of various areas to use GIS "Panorama" on any directions of the professional work.
From all variety of the software offered in the GIS market, none variant frequently does arrange completely the end user. It cannot be lack of concrete systems, this is natural phenomenon - it is difficult to satisfy all requirements to GIS: firstly, them are too much, and secondly, they can contradict one to another. Here plays not last role also convenience at work with tool means of system, formats of the data, and also compatibility of various GIS. Moving in the fairway of decision of many problems, system "Panorama" gives an opportunity and to beginners, and to professionals, to carry out tasks of any complexity and various directions. Group of developers has managed to collect together powerful and flexible means of work with the diverse entrance information, processing and use of it as high-quality raw material or ready, certificated production. Basis of GIS "Panorama" is the specialized control system of databases of electronic maps which allows to create on a basis of practically any source materials the vector electronic maps, raster electronic maps, raster background maps (up to 16 million colors), matrix electronic maps (matrixes of heights of relief, matrixes of heights of district volumes, matrixes of properties of district parts). The opportunity of development of additional applied tasks in 32 digit capacity operating systems is one of advantages of system. During existence since 1991 Panorama has well recommended itself in DOS environment, and on present ranges of various operating systems. Without exaggeration it is possible to declare, that it is one of the most high-speed GIS.
Vector electronic map can contain some thousand sheets of electronic maps. The size of a separate sheet - the area of shown territory, can corresponds or to a standard map sheet (for example 1:200000, 1:5000, etc.) or to be determined by user in each case separately,i.e. the size of a sheet is unlimited. All objects on a sheet have the localization (linear, polygon, title, etc.), also all of them are divided onto layers - "HYDROGRAPHY", " ROAD CONSTRUCTIONS ", "RELIEF", etc. 256 kinds of layers are allowable, and in view of objects localization them can be more than 1000. Only one sheet of electronic map can contain up to 4 billion objects. "Panorama" system allows quickly and rather flexibly to manage contents of displaying by layers, localizations (types), or by separate characteristics of map objects. The volume of a raster or matrix map can amount to 4 gigabytes, and volume of a vector electronic map - up to several tera-bytes (Tbyte). "Panorama" system allows to store the user data - weather data, data on moving of vehicles, the data on conditions of radio visibility and so on, separately from maps of district using a subset of structure of vector maps. Such approach has the following advantages:
Creation, updating and spread of district maps and the user maps can be carried out by independently different services from different sources. Graphic representation of object can be stored in record of object that facilitates converting the data from formats DXF, MIF/MID, etc. Attributive data can be stored in an external relational database. Connexion with a database is carried out by unique number of object on a map. Due to the thought-out approach to structure of data, the system has an opportunity of fast and flexible search of objects on a map - by number, by type, by name, and also by combination in the certain relation of any characteristics of objects.
Base exchange format is SXF format in binary and text kinds. Formats of Roscartorgafy, TS AF RF (topographical service of armed forces of Russian Federation ), and also DXF and MIF/MID are supported.
Visualization of database contents of electronic maps is made in the conventional symbols accepted for topographical, geographic , cadastral and other kinds of maps. Large powers are given for creation (addition) of the user conventional symbols describing district or objects of map depending on certain specificity of the owner of the information or factors of external influence. Thus the system supports various systems of coordinates and initial projections without any additional expenses on time. Editing of the information of an electronic map is carried out with help of service functions of system. Creation, moving, deleting, copying, change of objects of an electronic map is not full list of opportunities of system. All these and other functions can be executed, using the graphic interface of the user.
For work with a vector map in system "Panorama" the whole set of service functions is stipulated. Creation and editing of objects of an electronic map, execution of calculated operations (calculation of the areas, lengths, directions of heights, section of district, building of zones around objects, building of displaying crossings of results of processing on an electronic map - here not full list of these opportunities. Joint processing of the vector, raster and matrix data, and also their any displacement from each other, allows not only to create an electronic map, but also to make operative changes depending on occuring events on district. There is an opportunity to print out the image of an electronic map in various combinations onto external printing devices.
The program is realized as a set of dynamic libraries (DLL) with the documentary interface ("MAPAPI"), that allows to use separate libraries in the environment C ++, Delphi , Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro and others. For creation of applications in Delphi/C ++ Builder environment the special components (Gis Tool Kit) are developed.
Objects of a vector electronic map can be logically connected to external relational base. Various formats of databases by means of BDE, ODBC are supported. Records of database (DB) are linked with objects through the unique 4 byte identifier within the limits of a sheet of electronic map. The identifier does not change during processing object and cannot be given to other object, even after removal of object.
The same data are accessible to processing on a network to any number of users. At editing a map by one of users, the data are automatically updated at all users working with the given map, including, and on the screen. At editing the same object simultaneously by several users, the object will be in that state which it has received as a result of last operation of editing.
Execution of the program can be interrupted at any moment without loss of integrity of the data. The object which was edited at the moment of occurrence of failure or refusal, remain in that state in which it was prior to the beginning of editing. Objects which were edited or created before occurrence of failure of program or technical means, will be successfully saved on the magnetic carrier. During editing objects of a map all their intermediate conditions are saved in reserve files. Any erroneous action of the operator at editing, creation or deleting of objects can be cancelled in the same session of the program's work or in any next session, but before execution of procedure of sorting and compression of the vector map's data. At loading data from erroneous file in exchange format SXF the data located before and after of erroneous part will be correctly processed. At occurrence of failure on the magnetic carrier containing data in an internal format of system, the data can be transferred onto other part of the carrier by execution of procedure of sorting and compression of the data or by unloading into format of exchange by data and by the repeated loading onto other carrier.
The program is carried out in Windows 95 environment and Windows NT. The nucleus of system and means of applications creation are transferred onto various hardware-software platforms (LINUX, QNX, Sparc, Mips).
GIS "Panorama" is applied to the decision of informational-reference, calculated, navigating and other tasks in establishments and organizations of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Military-space Forces, Frontier Troops, STATE COMMITTEE ON LAND RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT (ROSCOMZEM), GOSKOMSANEPIDNADZOR, Russian Open Society " GAZPROM ", Space-rocket complex "ENERGY", "MOGES " and others. The system is provided with great volumes of the digital information on district which can be delivered on compact discs.
Kinds of processed data.
Vector electronic maps, raster electronic maps (up to 256 colors), raster background maps (up to 16 million colors), matrix electronic maps (matrixes of heights of relief, matrixes of heights of district volumes, matrixes of properties of district parts.
Structure of vector map.
Vector electronic map can contain some thousand sheets of electronic maps. One sheet can contain up to 4 billion objects. 65 thousand views of objects can be on a map. Objects can be united into 256 kinds of layers, with taking into account of objects type there can be more than 1000 layers. The size of a separate sheet (the area of covered territory) is not limited.
Volume of processed data.
The volume of a vector map can amount to several tera-bytes (Tbyte).
The volume of a raster or matrix map can be up to 4 Tbyte.
Support of external control systems by databases.
Objects of a vector electronic map can be logically connected to any external relational base. Each object has the unique 4 byte identifier within the limits of a sheet of electronic map. The identifier does not change during processing object and cannot be given to other object, even after deleting of object.
Processing of failures, refusals and erroneous operator actions.
Execution of the program can be interrupted at any moment without loss of integrity of the data. The object which was edited at the moment of occurrence of failure or refusal, remain in that state in which it was prior to the beginning of editing. Objects which were edited or created before occurrence of failure of program or technical means, will be successfully saved on the magnetic carrier. During editing objects of a map all their intermediate conditions are saved in reserve files. Any erroneous action of the operator at editing, creation or deleting of objects can be cancelled in the same session of the program's work or in any next session, but before execution of procedure of sorting and compression of the vector map's data. At loading data from erroneous file in exchange format SXF the data located before and after of erroneous part will be correctly processed. At occurrence of failure on the magnetic carrier containing data in an internal format of system, the data can be transferred onto other part of the carrier by execution of procedure of sorting and compression of the data or by unloading into format of exchange by data and by the repeated loading onto other carrier.
Work in the network environment.
The same data are accessible to processing on a network to any number of users. At editing a map by one of users, the data are automatically updated at all users working with the given map, including, and on the screen. At editing the same object simultaneously by several users, the object will be in that state which it has received as a result of last operation of editing.
Support of means of applications development.
The program is realized as a set of dynamic libraries (DLL) with the documentary interface ("MAPAPI"), that allows to use separate libraries in the environment C ++, Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual Foxpro and so on. For development of applications in Delphi environment the special component (the developer - firm "Epsilon" Moscow) is developed. Means of creation of Intranet GIS-applications in OLE GIS-component are at the moment developed.
Support of operational systems and platforms.
The program is carried out in Windows 95 environment and Windows NT. The nucleus of system and means of applications creation are transferred onto various hardware-software platforms, including OS Linux, VxWorks, QNX, processors Sparc and Mips.