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  • 30.12.2022 GIS "Panorama" generates pyramids of tiles mbtiles and kmz from various types of spatial data
    KB "Panorama" has developed GIS "Panorama" version 14.5.2. The new version implements the saving a set of open spatial data, including geoportals, vector maps, images, matrices, databases into pyramids of tiles in the format Mbtiles or KMZ according to the selected scale range. The format Mbtiles is a database SQLite that stores images in png, jpg, or png8 formats. Pyramids of tiles can be published via the protocol OGC WMTS by the service GIS WebService SE or displayed in the programs GIS "Operator", GIS "Panorama", in various mobile applications. The purpose to form a set of rasters (tiles) is to accelerate the display in WEB and mobile applications of spatial data containing a large number of objects or occupying large amounts of data. The pyramid Mbtiles is formed in the coordinate system EPSG:3857 with the pyramid type GoogleMapsCompatible. It is possible to create tiles using the menu File – Export to a pyramid of tiles - Pyramid of tiles Mbtiles/Pyramid of tiles KMZ.
    The task "Report Designer" has been improved. It is added dynamic display of sash lines when drawing new insets. This lets to make mutual alignment of report elements already at the stage of their creation. It is added the ability to lock and unlock the design map of the project (report maps). After the report project has been created and configured, it is prepared for use. It consists in setting restrictions on the display and selection of objects contained on auxiliary maps. This reduces the number of mouse clicks when selecting objects of the background map, simplifies the solution of computational tasks and the usual editing of the information background map included in the project. Objects located on design and auxiliary maps during the work with the ready-made project, it is not included in the list of objects found at the cursor point when clicking on the map. The new mode of report designer "Lock Project", which is included in the group of modes "Project", it prohibits selection for objects contained on the report map, which includes report design elements (frames, insets, additional design elements). When deleting or adding additional maps to the report project, changing the properties of the added maps, It is necessary to save MPT-project (File - Save). The main properties of the map (Editing, Copying, Object select) are assigned in the dialog "Data List" ("Properties" button). If the background map included in the project, it is MPT-project itself, it is necessary to open this project separately, configure the visibility and access to the maps included in it, and resave the project. It is improved saving projects and reports to a packaged MPTZ project. If the display area restriction is set for the source data, then the data are recorded to the packaged project with cropping within the specified area. This lets to reduce the volume of reports or work maps by several times. When saving a report in MPTZ on the background map in the task "Report Designer", the data will be automatically clipped to the boundaries of the report. If the maps in the project contain references in semantics to other MPT projects or maps (for example, insets), then they will be automatically packed. This makes it possible to simplify the preparation of working maps for specified territories with the addition of inset sections for maps of different scale, images, legend of conventional symbols, tables and documents, recording all information in one compressed file. The packaged MPTZ project is supported in software products of KB "Panorama" on all platforms, including mobile devices.
    The task "Raster editor" has been improved. The new mode "Restore" has been added to the raster editor panel, and the mode "Step back" has been improved. The specified modes provide step-by-step restoration of the rasters edited in the task, both backward ("Step back") and forward ("Restore"). While drawing on a raster, auxiliary files are created with the original and edited blocks of the edited raster. Auxiliary files are generated in the temporary files folder. The modes "Step Back" and "Restore" are functioning in one session of the raster editor. After the "Raster Editor" panel is closed, the auxiliary files are deleted and restoration of the raster imagebecomes unavailable. The mode "Building the graph network" has been improved. There are recorded all the selected characteristics of the objects in the objects of the new graph (arcs), on which the graph was built. If there is no characteristic in the graph classifier, the characteristic is recorded into arcs in special semantics with a service code starting from 660001. This method lets to save not only the value, but also the name of the source map classifier semantics.
    There are improved topographic fonts designed to prepare for the publication of topographic maps of various scales. The changes have been made to the fonts P151, T132. Fixed display errors of characters, changed their width and distance between them. It is added support for the Cyrillic character set to the font D432.
    The construction of the marginal design of topographic maps has been improved. It is fixed the placement of kilometer grid captions, adjacent zone kilometer grid strokes, geodetic grid, terrain conditions, and factory code. It has been refined the metric of dashes for the kilometer grid of the adjacent zone for maps of scales from 1 : 10,000 to 1 : 200,000. It has been ensured the deletion of kilometer grid labels that intersect with the geodetic grid coordinates and with indices of the angular zones for maps of scales 1 : 500,000 and 1 : 1,000,000. When constructing a linear scale, objects with graphic design are replaced by standard objects, the appearance of which is described in the classifier. The construction parameters (FRM files) have been updated and the classifiers used to build the marginal design of topographic maps at scales from 1 : 10,000 to 1: 1,000,000. The type of fonts used for the captions of the margin design has been clarified in the classifiers, the square second points of the geodesic frame have been replaced with round ones. To build a marginal design, it is necessary to select in the main menu: Tasks - Preparation for publication - Marginal design.
    The module "Geodesic editor" has been improved. It has been added a step for changing the initial number in the dialog "Automatic completion of the semantics for selected objects". The boundary lines of each plot are formed in accordance with its points in the dialog "Designing a plot with boundary lines".
    The module "Complex of cadastral tasks" has been improved. When forming a boundary plan, there were implemented algorithms for analyzing the semantics of characteristic points: "Cadastral number" paired with "Object part number" and "Registration number in the register".
    Unloading into the boundary plan in the section "Information on the performed measurements and calculations" the information about the methods of determining coordinates (METHOD) and formulas for determining the points SCP (FORMULA) are performed in accordance with the semantics of boundary points. For generation a boundary plan in the file XML in the section "Information on changed land plots and their parts" (ChangeParcel) of the element "Contours of the multi-contour land plot, the transformation of which is carried out" (TransformationContours), it is added reading information about registered numbers (PART_NUMB) of the external contours MKU for the option cadastral work "Section ...". The composition of MCU does not need to include removed contours, only those are changing (transforming) are needed. When recording the error formula for determining the area to the report, there has been added the ability to insert a formula from the program settings with substituted values. If there is semantic value FORMALA_S, then it is inserted. If there is no semantics, a formula is inserted with values with the selection option: "formula", "formula and initial data", "formula, initial data and error value".
    The new version of the program is available for download on the page Download.

  • 29.12.2022 The converter of large-scale maps and plans to format DXF generates drawings in various units of measurement and color palettes
    KB "Panorama" has developed the Converter of large-scale plans to format DXF version 8.6.0. The program lets to generate a large-scale topographic map or plan in format DXF in standard symbols adopted for cartographic work in the Russian Federation. In the new version of the program, the functionality has been expanded in terms of obtaining a drawing in the required units of measurement. When converting data, the coordinates of the source map objects are automatically converted to the established units of measurement. This lets to set up symbol templates for conversion in various programs that work in different coordinate systems. The program supports coordinate systems with the following units: inches, feet, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, micro-inches, and so on up to light years and parsecs.
    As part of import substitution, most domestic companies - manufacturers of cartographic data that previously used AutoDesk products (for example, AutoCAD) in their work, are forced to switch to alternative software that supports the format DXF. To ensure a more accurate transfer of the color palette for objects in the output map (DXF drawing), the functionality of setting the color code by index and RGB code has been corrected in the new version of the converter. This will display map data in the specified color palette when opened with alternative software.The new version of the converter now displays more detailed information about the license. In addition to the license key number, the user has access to information about the license validity period and the end date of the program technical support. The package includes classifiers and libraries of symbols in format DXF for large-scale maps and plans of scales 1: 500, 1: 1,000, 1: 2,000, 1: 5,000.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the page Download.

  • 28.12.2022 The training video has been prepared on adding semantics to several selected objects at the same time
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared the video tutorial on the operation of the mode "Adding semantics". Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can add semantics to objects using the tasks of the complex "Geodetic editor".
    The mode "Adding semantics" is located on the subpanel "Processing the object attributes" of the geodetic editor. The task is intended to add the value of semantic characteristic to the selected objects. It is necessary to select objects on the map, activate the mode "Adding semantics", specify the name and value of the added characteristic, and click "Execute".
    The result of the mode operation is the filled in specified semantic characteristics. It is possible to be sure that the necessary semantic characteristics of the object are filled in using the mode "Request of object description" (Object selection) or the mode "Editing attributes for the object of the cadastral works" of the panel "Cadastral documents" of the complex "Geodetic editor".
    It is possible to be acquainted with the training materials in the section "Video Tutorials".

  • 27.12.2022 Bank of spatial data was supplemented with a map of the Argentine Republic
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is supplemented with a map of the Argentine Republic, formed according to data OpenStreetMap. To work with the map, it is possible to use the program GIS Panorama Mini or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map is brought to the modernized classifier of large-scale plans on a scale of 1: 5,000 (map5000m). Updates were placed in the spatial data bank using the program Data Bank of digital maps and remote sensing. The contents publication of the spatial data bank on the geoportal and access to data for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps based on data OpenStreetMap are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 26.12.2022 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" automates the cameral processing the results of cadastral works
    KB "Panorama" developed "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.5.1. In the new version during creation a cadastral map using the mode "Creating objects from XML file of the real estate cadastre" the procedure for filling in identification semantics for isolated plots as part of a single land use has been updated for their use in the dialog "Semantics of the object for cadastral works". There are added reading and writing attributes to the semantics of real estate objects: "Status of a record about the real estate object", "Copyright holder(s)", "Type, number and date of state registration of rights".
    In the mode "Reading of CPT and updating the map" there are plotted the characteristic points with taking into account the type of boundaries of the cadastral object. Drawing the point objects at the nodes of the municipalities boundaries and various zones, it is used the object "Characteristic point of boundaries" from the layer "Map-plan". Drawing points of buildings, structures and objects of unfinished construction is carried out with the conditional sign "Characteristic point of the contour OH". Loading points without Average Square Error value for land plots and their parts is carried out with the symbol "The characteristic point is existing one, the coordinates of which are determined with the error." For the characteristic points of all cadastral objects, there is added semantic "ID of the coordinate system" and the identification semantics of the cadastral object (cadastral or registry number, contour registration number). For characteristic points of land plots, it has been added semantics 1331 "Number of object part". There is added a record of the semantics for the points of the reference boundary network. There is fixed the data reading error for populating the composite semantics 1340 "Unregistered restrictions". The dialog "Semantics of the object for cadastral works" has been improved. There are added functions to automate the input of initial data from the cadastral map. If the object has semantics with the key KADNUM_K, its value is entered in the field "cadastral block number", and if it is absent there is called, the function for searching of the cadastral block and displaying in the corresponding dialog element the semantics with the cadastral block key KADNUM . For multi-contour plots, the input of the value "Area by document" for external contours and the calculation of the total area have been corrected. It is fixed rounding when calculating the area of a multi-contour plot. The areas of individual contours are first summed up and then rounded up to integer values.
    The new mode "Adding semantics" has been added to the "Geodesic editor" task. The dialog "Automatic completion of the semantics for selected objects" has been improved, there has been added the step of changing the initial number. In the dialog "Designing a plot with boundary lines", the boundary lines of each plot are formed in accordance with its points, taking into account the identification semantics of the cadastral object. In the dialog "Filling a report for the object", it has been added the filling of markers containing the calculated total area value. These markers are used in the templates "Forest Declaration". In the dialog "Signing the area and the name of the object", the length of the applied demarcation line has been corrected and it has been added the output of area measurement units.
    The dialog "Boundary plan" has been improved. When filling in the report of the position
    "Formulas used to calculate the maximum permissible error in determining the area of a land
    plot", a new procedure was implemented for using the initial data. If the object (site) has
    semantics with the key FORMALA_S, then the read value is used. If there is no semantics, the
    value from the program settings specified in the dialog "Parameters for generating cadastral
    documents" is used. When generating a printed form of the approval act for adjacent sections, the
    output of the values for the method and date of notification, the details of the document for the
    representative of the allied company, and the method of withdrawing objections have been
    added. To support these functions, the survey classifier of versions 5 and 6 has been updated, in
    which new semantics have been added: "Details of a document confirming the representative
    authority"," Method and date of notification about the coordination for the location of
    boundaries, "Method of removing objections regarding the location of boundaries." When
    generating the file XML of the boundary plan in the section Survey for the element
    TochnAreaParcels, the area value (Area element) is read for the entire multi-contour plot, and
    not for one the first external contour. It is added saving to the element
    GeopointOpredDescription of the file XML for the value from the field "Additional information
    about the method of determining the coordinates". For this, in the classifier survey.v5 and v6,
    there has been added the new semantics with the key METHOD_ADD. When forming the
    section "Information on the performed measurements and calculations" to fill in information
    about the methods for determining the coordinates and formulas for determining Average Square
    Error of points, the identification semantics for the characteristic points of the boundaries are
    used. When generating the file XML of the boundary plan, in the section ChangeParcel
    "Information on changed land plots and their parts" of the element TransformationContours
    "Contours of the multi-contour land plot, the transformation of which is being carried out", it is
    implemented the analysis of information about the registration numbers of the external contours
    MKU when performing cadastral work on the division of the plot.
    In the mode "Technical plan", it has been added processing the method of forming a real estate
    object and the output to the date of surveying the points of the geodetic base has been added to
    the report. The template has been updated, in which markers have been added to
    display the date of the survey In the text report of the technical plan of
    construction object in progress, the insert of section "Conclusion of the cadastral engineer" has been added.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the section Download.

  • 23.12.2022 GIS WebServer SE provides the geoinfographic tools of data visualization for users
    KB "Panorama" developed GIS WebServer SE version 6.10.0 for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. The new version has improved data analysis tools, map editing and printing tools. The component My Maps has been added, the Map Printing and Map Objects components have been updated, and the administration module has been improved. The component My Maps is an online tool for creating infographics, the ability to systematize information about objects according to certain characteristics. The user can search and transform the displayed data, choosing what should be visualized and in which symbols. On the geoportals of regional or corporate GIS, using the mode My Maps, it is possible graphically express data on the state of engineering systems, on planned, repair or emergency work on roads or in networks, indicate driving directions, mark tourist places and places of events. The user's map is created on the selected objects and it is automatically saved on the server. It can be re-displayed, edited, printed or deleted. Markers, complex lines, polygons are applied in their own symbols. It is improved Print map mode. Information about map objects is displayed in the print document together with the map image. In the component Map Objects, it has been added the display of detailed information about map clusters and point objects aggregated into a cluster icon.
    GIS WebServer SE is used to build closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data classified as top secret or trade secret. The program is certified for level 2 of the lack of undeclared features. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the toolkit GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools using JavaScript and TypeScript.
    On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other server products of KB "Panorama" Regional GIS of Ryazan Region (RGIS RR) is implemented. RGIS RR is a specialized multifunctional geoportal, the interactive capabilities of which provide access to reliable information about objects of various categories. RGIS RR is available to wide range of users - authorities, citizens, organizations, including potential investors and private companies. The regional GIS of Ryazan region helps in making decisions in various areas of socio-economic development. The new version of the program is posted on the website in the section Download.

  • 22.12.2022 GIS ToolKit accelerates the display of large amounts of data for a 3D terrain model
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.5.0 has been developed for creating GIS-applications. The new version has improved algorithms for displaying large amounts of data received from unmanned aerial vehicles in the component of displaying the 3D terrain model - TMap3DNavigator. The toolkit improves the speed of loading and displaying a point cloud from an MTD model created in the "Panorama Photo" program.
    The "Panorama Photo" program allows you to create high-precision digital terrain models in the form of clouds of points, matrixes of heights and orthophotomaps based on aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles. The cloud of points obtained in the "Panorama Photo" program contains point measurements sorted by blocks and by levels. Splitting into levels allows you to store points with spacing. On the first level, there are points with a step specified when creating the MTD model, on the second - with a step of 2 times more, on the third - 4 times more, and so on. In this case, points at different levels are not duplicated. This storage speeds up drawing of the 3D model by drawing blocks distant from the viewer with fewer points loaded from higher levels. The size of the cloud of points depends on the degree of the model's detail (density of points) and the area of the covered area. Displaying large MTD models requires significant hardware resources (RAM, video memory). In this case, the user can set up a filter of cloud of points to speed up drawing. Filter setting is available in the window of the TMap3DNavigator component in the menu "View" - "Filter of cloud of points". The filter determines the degree of thinning of the cloud of points during display: "Fine" - thinning by 2 times, "Average" - by 4 times, "Coarse" - by 8 times.
    In the GIS ToolKit version, it became possible to use the component of displaying 3D-model under the standard license. Previously, when distributing applications developed on the basis of GIS ToolKit and including this component, the separate licence was required for execution of the user applications.
    Technologies of KB "Panorama" allow displaying a conventional 2D map in a three-dimensional form, taking into account the characteristics of objects - number of storeys, wall material, and others. In this case, both the typical texture elements can be used - for example, all panel houses will look the same in 3D, and the individual 3D models of individual objects.
    Three-dimensional terrain model in geoinformation products of KB "Panorama" is a surface built with taking into account the terrain, on which an image of a vector, raster or matrix map can be superimposed, and three-dimensional objects located on it, corresponding to objects of a two-dimensional map. It is a full-fledged 3D map that allows you to select objects on the model in order to request information about the object, edit their external view and characteristics. On the 3D model, both surface and underground objects can be seen.
    Typical three-dimensional models are automatically created by 2D-maps: plans of cities, topographic maps or overview maps. For the three-dimensional models containing not typical 3D-objects, the view of such objects is customized individually. Creation and editing of 3D models, classifiers of conventional signs 3D, is carried out by means of the GIS "Panorama" or GIS "Operator".
    The toolkit is a set of visual components, classes and API functions of the GIS core for full-fledged work with spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data. The GIS ToolKit classes and components are intended for use in the Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 and higher programming environment (Delphi and C++ Builder) and are supplied with source codes. Components can be compared to "semi-finished products", using which you can quickly and easily develop your own geoinformation application. At the same time, the GIS core of the GIS ToolKit toolkit can be used not only in the Embarcadero environment, but in any development environment with any compiler that supports WINAPI standard function calls.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 20.12.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of Commonwealth of Australia
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of Commonwealth of Australia, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 19.12.2022 In RGIS Ryazan region the interface solutions and tools of map analysis have been updated
    The software and the information support of the Regional information system of the Ryazan region has been updated. RGIS RО is intended for placing, storage, actualization, the analysis and representation of spatial data coming into it from various sources. With a view of increase of efficiency of the RGIS RO operation processes, reduction of time for preparing interactive layers of a digital map and improvement of quality of data visualisation an updating of the interface solutions were made and a number of new geo-tools were added.
    The "My maps" component allows you to create map layers with objects of arbitrary graphical form. In the user's conventional symbols, markers, complex lines, and polygons can be placed on the map. For each type of objects (point, line, polygon) there is a set of preset views, which can be extended with the user's own conventional symbols.
    Into dialog "Map print" there is added a possibility to print the attributive information on objects together with a map, and also results of measurements (angles, distances) in a graphic form.
    When you select a cluster on the map, information about the number and type of objects included in its composition is displayed. Further, by pressing the button, the map is scaled to visualize the cluster objects and obtain detailed information on each object. Possibility to attach to the map objects of a photos has been added and to display them on the panel "Map objects" together with the attributive information.
    The updated interface is built using the progressive JavaScript framework Vue.js and modern visual controls.
    RGIS of the Ryazan region is used with a view of creation and providing the reliable official information about the Ryazan region, formation and integration of information resources about its territory, necessary for the exercise of powers and decision-making by state and municipal authorities of the Ryazan region. RGIS RO is built on the basis of the "Geoportal Region" software package. The complex provides publication of digital cartographic information and Earth's remote sensing data (ERS), visualization of thematic information from databases, and generation of documents. An open API allows you to organize interaction with automated control systems, systems for monitoring the state of the area, transport management, providing urban planning tasks, maintaining a land and real estate cadastre, and others.
    Software of the Complex of conducting a regional geoportal is included in the Register of Certified Information Security Tools and can be used to process information classified as "secret".
    On our website you can find other materials on RGIS RO:
    - In RGIS of the Ryazan region the mobile application for protection of bees from chemicals has been developed;
    - In Ryazan, the development of regional GIS was discussed at the conference "Digital region: investments, security, technologies, human resources";
    - In the Ryazan region, bees are protected with use of geoinformation technologies;
    - Geoinformation solutions of KB "Panorama" are used for legal education of the population of the Ryazan region;
    - Mobile application as part of the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region provides access to dozens of thematic layers on various smartphones;
    - GIS WebServer AGRO is presented at the webinar "Software and services in agro-industrial complex;
    - Governor of the Ryazan region has highly appreciated development of Regional geoinformation system;
    - RGIS of the Ryazan region is used in the state cadastral assessment;
    - Portal of open data of regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region works under control of OS Astra Linux SE;
    - Specialists of KB "Panorama" have held training seminar for representatives of administration of the Ryazan region on use of a modernised regional GIS.

  • 16.12.2022 GIS "Panorama" supports integration of spatial data with databases from "1C: Enterprise" and other information systems
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.5.1 has been developed. In the new version the possibility of requesting the information from databases of external information systems through web-protocols has been implemented, in the the "Report Designer" task the tools of creating digital reports have been realised, tools for managing the palette of images and geoportals have been expanded. Import and export of DXF format and import DGN have been improved, the list of basic Python scripts has been supplemented, the "Complex of cadastral tasks" and "Geodesy editor" have been improved.
    Connecting to external information systems - "1C: Enterprise" and others, allows you to use data from these systems as additional attributive information for the displayed territory. For example, the information database "1C: Enterprise" contains information on accounting objects - land plots and buildings, their lease payments, terms of lease, types of permitted use and other indicators which can be displayed in the GIS "Panorama" in logic connection with objects of a vector map and/or a spatial database.
    Access to external information systems is carried out using the HTTP protocol. The response from the system is a data set in XML format, which is provided to the user of the GIS "Panorama" in the form of a table in a separate dialog box. The dialog provides various interactive modes of operation: search on the map for an object corresponding to the current record, and vice versa - search for a record in the table for the current map object; setting filters for displaying data in the table with the ability to select objects on the map that meet the filter conditions; filtering records in the table by selected map objects; viewing the selected table record in a separate dialog box; export of the table into a file *.csv and others.
    Link of records of a data set from an external source with objects of a map is carried out on conformity of value of a key field and predetermined semantics of object that is specified in the settings. For example, information on real estate objects in the 1C database can be associated with map objects by cadastral number.
    On a web service, the data from the "1C:Enterprise" information database can be published in two ways: publishing a data set using a programmed HTTP-request handler and publishing regular resources of information database using the OData protocol. In the second case, a programming on the "1C:Enterprise" side is not required; data publication is enabled by a simple setting in the configuration of information database.
    A map of land plots and buildings and a configuration of the "1C:Enterprise" information database containing information on these land plots and buildings have been added into the demo data included in the GIS "Panorama" installation. In a configuration of information base the publication by the OData protocol of directories has been prepared and the example of programed formation of the XML-response to a request to HTTP-service is contained.
    The problem "Report Designer" is finished. Possibility of creation of the project with a background map instead of insert is added. The background map can be the project of the data or a separate vector map. For it restriction of area of display is established, and documents, illustrations, a legend of a map, insert of other maps from above are added. The background map in the report project allows to create the digital report, instead of paper. Unlike the maps placed in inserts, the background map is accessible to execution of queries, the decision of settlement problems, supports display of co-ordinates.
    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. Added the ability to create a project with a background map instead of an inset. The background map can be a data project or a standalone vector map. For it, a limitation of the display area is set, and documents, illustrations, a map legend, insets of other maps are added on top. A background map in a report project allows you to create a digital report rather than a paper one. Unlike maps placed in insets, the background map is available for performing information requests, solving computational problems, and supports displaying coordinates.
    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. Ability has been added to create a project with a background map instead of an inset. The background map can be a data project or a standalone vector map. For it, a limitation of the displaying area is set, and documents, illustrations, a map legend, insets of other maps are added on top of it. A background map in a report project allows you to create a digital report rather than a paper one. Unlike maps placed into insets, the background map is available for performing information requests, solving computational tasks, and supports a displaying coordinates.
    The task "Select object" has been improved. "Close contour" mode has been modified on "Metric" tab. If the first and last points of contour are located at a distance of more than 1 dm between each other, then one more point is added to close the contour of the object, otherwise coordinates of the first point are written to coordinates of the last point.
    For the palette of raster images and geoportals, the "Saturation" parameter has been added with a range of values from -16 to 16. The initial state of the palette is set to 0. When the value increases, the color of the image (the degree of difference from gray) increases. Increasing the color of the image improves the quality of visual interpretation. Decreasing the value reduces the color of the image. At the minimum value, the bitmap image becomes gray grayscale. Lowering the color of an image allows you to prepare it as a background image. The background image can be used for drawing applied objects of the user map.
    In the tasks of export and import of data into DXF format a saving and reading the colors of the conventional symbols of objects in the RGB format has been implemented. The RGB color model covers a larger range of colors and provides maximum color accuracy compared to the previously used indexed color of the AutoCAD palette. Into the "Export a map to DXF file" dialog, the ability to customize the processing of all open maps has been added when the "Process all maps" option is enabled, that allows you to automatically export the data of each map to a separate DXF file. In the "Load from DGN format" task, the possibility of creating objects that are described in the source file as a complex chain is implemented. As a result, the elements of each chain are transformed into a single object. The dialog interface has been updated in order to automatically process a set of selected data and create a separate user map for each DGN file.
    There is added a support for service semantics 31013 "Background color of polygon or signature" for labels. When adding to object of title type of semantics 31013 a color of a background of the title will be displayed according to the value specified in semantics in RGB format. Semantics can be added in object through the "Select Object" dialog, through the semantics editing modes of selected objects in the "Map Editor" task or in other tasks.
    The script "Calculate the distance to an object and write into its semantics" has been added into the list of basic python scripts. To execute the script, it is necessary to select objects on the map, specify the object to which the distances from the selected objects will be calculated, and call the script through the menu Tools\Run Application, Scripts tab. In the dialog, you need to select the semantics into which the distance to the specified object will be recorded for each selected object, and click the Run button. For general information on writing and debugging scripts, see Help.
    In the "Geodesy editor" task, the formation of the "Forest declaration" has been improved. For the correct filling of Annex 5 to the forest declaration, the procedure for displaying the total area of the object (cutting area) and the area according to documents has been corrected. Forced conversion of PDF file to EMF has been added.
    In the "Complex of cadastral tasks" in the "Create objects from an XML file of the cadastre" mode, a new procedure for filling in identification semantics for isolated plots as part of the EZP - single land use has been implemented. In the "Semantics of the object of cadastral works" dialog, functions have been added to automate the input of initial data. If the object has the KADNUM_K semantics, its value is displayed into the field "cadastral number of quarter", and if it is absent, the function of searching for the cadastral quarter and displaying the cadastral quarter into the corresponding element of the KADNUM semantics dialog is called. The rounding is corrected at calculation of the area of a multicontour plot. The areas of individual contours are first summed up and then rounded up to integer values. When generating a printed form of the approval act for adjacent sections, the output of the values of the method and date of notification, the details of the document of the representative of the allied company, and the method of removing objections have been added. To support these functions, the survey classifier versions 5 and 6 have been updated, in which the new semantics have been added: "Details of the document confirming the authority of the representative - DOCTRASTED", "Method and date of notification of the coordination of the location of boundaries - NOTIFICATION", "Method of removing objections regarding the location of boundaries - OBJECTION". For the correct filling of the Act, the semantics "Copyright holder" (LANDHOLDER), "Type of right" (PRAVO) and "Document of the copyright holder" (DOCHOLDER) must be filled by using the "Semantics of the object of cadastral works" dialog, on the "Additional information" page. In the "Technical plan" dialog, processing of the mode of forming a real estate object has been added and the output of the date of inspection of geodetic base points has been added into the report. The template has been updated, in which markers have been added to display the date of the inspection.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 14.12.2022 A training video on union of objects has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on working the "Union of objects" mode. Users of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can unite the polygonal objects using the tasks of the "Geodesy editor" complex.
    The mode "Union of objects" is intended for uniting the areal objects at which semantic values coincide. For example, to automate the process of uniting the forest inventory allotments into forest blocks. The mode provides stream processing of map objects that have adjacent boundaries and the same attribute values. In this case, only areal objects of the type specified in the dialog, located on one map sheet, are processed. The result of the work are newly created objects.
    Before using the "Union of objects" mode, you need to make sure that the data is correct. To do this, users of the GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can check the structural integrity of digital data, the completeness and quality of the metric and semantic description of objects and perform automatic correction of detected errors. The task "Check of vector map quality" can work in two modes: checking the data and editing the data. In more details the mode work is considered in a training video on checking the quality of a vector map in the GIS "Panorama".
    Creation and editing of objects on the map is carried out with the help of the applied task "Map Editor". The editor of a vector map is controlled with the help of the control panel placed when starting in the left part of the main program window. The control panel of the vector map editor can have a standard view (users of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer") or a professional view (users of the GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor"). The standard panel of the map editor includes the minimum set of modes of creation and editing of objects of a digital vector map. The professional panel of the map editor represents the expanded variant of the standard panel and includes a number of modes providing additional service for creating digital vector maps "from zero".
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 12.12.2022 Maps of the Vologda and Murmansk regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and posted on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" maps of the Vologda and Murmansk regions. Maps have been formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and saved to a packaged project (MPTZ). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 09.12.2022 In GIS "Panorama" for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" and OS "Alt 8 SP" tools of preparation of reporting documents on the basis of terrain images and digital models of heights have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.4 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (release "Smolensk") and OS "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). In the new version, the possibilities for obtaining cartographic data for the preparation of reporting documents have been refined, the interface for managing the selection of open digital maps has been improved, new tools have been added for specifying the dimensions of the created map objects, the display of sea maps has been refined, and the quality of the displaying the graphic symbols on the map has been improved.
    In the program the possibilities of saving the data of digital maps into vector PDF format have been improved. The data of vector maps is saved into a PDF file along with rasters and matrixes of heights loaded into them. Customization of displaying map layers by means of the "Over Map" parameter allows to operate a moving of the required layers onto the foreground both at map visualisation on the screen, and at formation of the saved image for vector PDF file. Customization of a choosing a fragment of displayed area allows you to display an image of the all area of works or the fragment of a map limited by a rectangular area, the selected map object or the size of a current map window displayed on the screen. The vector PDF format preserves the quality of the map image at any specified display scale, which expands the user's ability to choose the scale of the formed PDF file. The mode of saving the map to PDF vector format can be used when preparing reporting documents.
    Display of the list of open maps in the main menu in the "Window" section has been added. The list of open maps in the main menu provides more flexible settings for selecting the current active map when several digital maps are open at the same time. The menu clearly shows the names of the maps loaded into the program. In the list of maps, the currently installed active map is marked. Clicking on another item in the list of open maps switches the active map displayed on the screen.
    The mode for creating an object with the selected mode "Horizontal rectangle" has been improved. When performing an interactive selection of a rectangle on the map through the context menu of the mode, you can call the dialog for setting the rectangle size by specifying numerical values for the width, height and area of the selected area. The lengths of the sides of the rectangle can be set in meters or kilometers on the ground, or in millimeters on the map. The area can be specified in square meters, square kilometers or hectares on the ground, or in square millimeters on the map. It is supported to specify the dimensions of the rectangle to create a new map object, taking into account the standard dimensions of the page printed on the device by selecting from the list of page format.
    Displaying sea maps according to the S52 standard has been improved. The implementation of the procedures has been refined: Depval - formation of depth values based on attribute values for underwater obstacles, taking into account underlying objects, Udwhaz - requesting the code of the displayed symbol and display flag with taking into account the depth of the obstacle, or requesting the code of an isolated underwater hazard with a depth less than the safety contour, Wrecks - displaying the remains of a shipwreck.
    The quality of displaying graphical symbols on the map and in the symbol preview windows of the properties' dialogs of the selected map object and the Classifier Editor has been improved. For graphical symbols, the image of which is stored in files, an anti-aliasing algorithm is applied during display, which allows you to get rid of the "pixelation" effect when the symbol size is changed in the classifier. The use of anti-aliasing when displaying graphic symbols expands the user's options for customizing the view of symbols in the classifier and improves the visibility of the map when displayed on the screen.
    GIS "Panorama" - universal domestic geoinformation system. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, the automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Panorama" contains tools of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, forecasting of consequences of emergencies at hazardous objects, monitoring of aircraft movement, conducting of geodetic and topographic work, processing the data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 07.12.2022 Training video on working the modes of objects occurrence has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on working the modes the Calculation of occurrence of objects, Viewing of occurrence of objects and Control of occurrence of objects. Users of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can calculate, view and execute control of occurrence of objects using the tasks of the Geodetic Editor complex. The tasks the Calculation of occurrence of objects and Viewing of occurrence of objects carry out overlay operation of multiple imposing of objects of two classes using the intersection method. Objects of the source classes are defined by two lists: the first list is the objects of the overlay and the second list is the objects to be analyzed. Lists of objects of source classes must be prepared in advance by means of a mode the Lists of objects.
    Results of working the modes are the calculated values of the areas of occurrence of objects of one list (analyzed objects) onto objects of other list (objects of overlay). The program detects multiple occurrences of list objects and calculates the area of each occurrence in absolute units and as a percentage of the overlay object. The task of Control of occurrence of objects performs the operation of control of the mutual arrangement of objects of two classes. Objects of initial classes are defined by two lists: the first list - objects of overlay and the second list - the objects for control. The control requirement is that an object from one list is completely contained in one of the objects of another list. In this case, the objects can have common metric points along the border. The result of the mode operation is a list of objects of one list that do not satisfy the control requirement.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 06.12.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of displaying high-precision digital terrain models according to data of UAV aerial photography have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.5.0 has been developed. In the new version, the tools for using terrain data received from unmanned aerial vehicles have been expanded, tools for report design and editing the vector maps have been updated, data import from formats DXF and S57 sea maps has been improved.
    In the "Navigator 3D" task, the loading and displaying clouds of points from MTD models created in the "Panorama Photo" program has been accelerated. The "Panorama Photo" program allows you to create high-precision digital terrain models in the form clouds of points, matrixes of heights and orthophotomaps based on aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles. The cloud of points obtained in the "Panorama Photo" program contains point measurements sorted by blocks and by levels. Splitting into levels allows you to store points with spacing. On the first level, there are points with a step specified when creating the MTD model, on the second - with a step of 2 times more, on the third - 4 times more, and so on. In this case, points at different levels are not duplicated. This storage speeds up drawing of the 3D model by drawing blocks distant from the viewer with fewer points loaded from higher levels. The size of the cloud of points depends on the degree of the model's detail (density of points) and the area of the covered area. Displaying large MTD models requires significant hardware resources (RAM, video memory). In this case, the user can set up a filter of cloud of points to speed up drawing. Filter setting is available in the main menu of the "3D Navigator" task: "View" - "Filter of cloud of points". The filter determines the degree of thinning of the cloud of points during display: "Fine" - thinning by 2 times, "Average" - by 4 times, "Coarse" - by 8 times.
    To use aerial photography data obtained from UAVs, the GIS also includes a "Complex of tasks for support of drones" and a set of tasks "Demonstration of photo and video materials with geolocation". "Complex of tasks for support of drones"performs a processing of photo and videos coming from the UAV, mapping of trajectories of their movement and preparation of reports based on the received data. The complex allows you to scroll through the video file recorded during the flight with a synchronous display of the location of the UAV on the map. The "Demonstration of photo and video materials with geolocation" complex is intended for display of photos of the area and video materials containing a coordinate binding to a place of shooting. Geographic images in JPEG format store a coordinate mark in an EXIF tag. The track of a video file (AVI, MP4) can be contained in the subtitles of the video file, or in the GPX, KML or NMEA-0183 format file of the same name. Also the GIS supports work with the remote video cameras connected to the Internet. The functions of viewing the video image, controlling the video camera and obtaining the results of the video analytics built into the camera are available.
    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. Ability has been added to build a legend based on the maps contained in the inserts without opening them additionally. To do this, a list of data sources has been added in the Legend Formation dialog, which includes the main open project, as well as a list of maps contained in all the inserts available on the main project. Ability has been added to rotate the map in the insert. Map rotation is implemented in the form of menu items of the same name, as well as using "hot" keys. Each pressing of a "hot" key carries out rotating a map concerning the center of a displayed fragment by one degree to the left or to the right. The angle of rotation is stored in service semantics 31017 ROTATION ANGLE OF POINT ORIENTED SIGN (INSERT) and contains the value of the rotation angle counterclockwise.
    The display of objects of the "Map Insert" type, implemented in the library of programmable signs shape.iml64, has been improved. The new algorithm allows cutting the map image according to the metric of polygons and multipolygons of arbitrary shape. Objects of type "Map inset" contain a link to the map file in the service semantics "Graphic file or map" (32769). Cutting the map image is performed according to the metric of the "Map Inset" object. Examples of objects of the "Map inset" type are contained in the map included in the GIS Panorama: File - Example data - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\Panorama14\data\shape\shape.sitx.
    Displaying sea maps according to the S52 standard has been improved. The implementation of the procedures has been refined: Depval - formation of depth values based on attribute values for underwater obstacles, taking into account underlying objects, Udwhaz - requesting the code of the displayed symbol and display flag, taking into account the depth of the obstacle, or requesting the code of an isolated underwater hazard with a depth less than the safety contour.
    When importing S57 sea maps, support has been added for datasets with updates of sea maps (ER profile), which are located in files with extensions 001, 002, 003, and so on. The update files must be placed with the source data set with extension 000 in the same folder or according to the folder structure according to IHO S57/S63 standards. The names of the source dataset and update files must match.
    The task "Import files from DXF format" has been improved. "Create a set of maps" mode has been added into the dialog, which is designed for automatic processing of a set of selected data and creating a separate user map for each DXF file. As a result of the task execution, the list of generated maps is saved into the MPT project. There is added a recalculation of coordinates and sizes of characters from storage units specified in DXF: inches, feet, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, and so on. The formation of graphic primitives from the parameters of symbols specified in DXF has been improved, which allows you to reproduce the view of the original drawing without setting the conventional symbols.
    In the "Data List" and "Map Legend" dialogs, on the Maps tab in the pop-up menu, the "Change X and Y" item has been added. When this item is selected on the current map, for all objects, the X and Y coordinates are changed between themselves. The menu item is available only for maps without a sign in the map passport "Limit the map territory by a frame". To cancel the flip of the map, you can perform a Β«UndoΒ» or re-select the menu item.
    The task "Highlight any area" has been improved. Changing the conditions for selecting objects selected by area has been simplified. The selection of objects by area is performed using the "Select inside the object" and "Select by any area" modes (polygon, rectangular fragment, lasso). At the end of drawing the area on the map, objects located inside the selected area are highlighted. To change the selection conditions, press the right mouse button and select one of the modes in the context menu: Highlight inside (delete intersection), Highlight with intersection (and inside), Highlight outside (delete intersection).
    Marking of objects on the map according to various search conditions has been improved. If clusters are displayed on the map (generalized signs of closely spaced objects specified in the classifier), then the corresponding signs of clusters are displayed and marked, taking into account the number of signs and their location on the map.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 05.12.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of Hungary
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of Hungary, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data.
    Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data in MPTZ and SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 04.12.2022 In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the possibilities of database of cadastral works have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.5 has been developed. In the new version, in the dialogs for the formation of land survey and technical plans, the database of cadastral works of the SQLite format is used to account for the information necessary for filling the sections "General information about cadastral works" and "Initial data". The dialog "Database of cadastral works" has been improved in the program, bookmarks have been added onto the main form, corresponding to groups of information about cadastral engineers, customers, contracts for cadastral works and measuring instruments. The binding of addresses and documents to their owners has been changed through the use of a new field the "owner type".
    The "Land Survey plan" mode has been improved. In mode dialog a support of formation of the electronic document of the land survey plan under version 6 XML-schemes, 8 and 9 is built in. Number of the formed version is displayed in dialog heading. To create XML documents according to different versions of schemes, different sets of attributes and values of directories are used, which are implemented as classifier semantics. To form an electronic XML-document of the land survey plan version 6, a cadastral map created according to the survey.v5 classifier is used. To form a land survey plan according to the version's XML schema, a map created by the survey.v6 classifier is used. The program automatically controls the version and date of the classifier and determines the version of the XML document.
    A new mode "Land Survey plan version 6" has been added for forced formation of the XML document of the land survey plan according to the XML scheme version 6. If the map does not match the survey.v5 classifier, a warning message is issued and the formation is not performed. All the necessary classifiers are included in the delivery set of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer". The procedure for changing the classifier is described in the electronic help for the program in the section "Versions of XML-document the land survey plan".
    When forming a text report of the land survey plan, the search for initial contours, land plots that do not intersect with the refined contour has been added. The search radius is 500 meters. The initial contour is used to fill in the column the initial coordinates when specifying the location of the land plot.
    The modes of the "Map Editor" task have been improved: cutting the map objects inside and outside the selected contour. In order to improve the quality of cutting map objects, the accuracy of processing has been increased. At the end of processing, the coordinates of the cut contours are rounded. In this case, the coordinates of the metric are reduced to the accuracy indicated in the map passport (centimeters, millimeters). In the "Point editing" mode, the "End points in alignment" auxiliary mode has been added, designed to cut or extend the first or last segment of a linear object. In the "Create object" dialog, when using search by name, the ability to configure the filter for localization by pressing CTRL+letter (CTRL+L - linear, CTRL+E - vector, and so on) has been added. The use of filtering is expedient if the list window contains objects with different localizations. Setting the filter provides output into the list of found objects corresponding to the specified type.
    In the "Data list" and "Map Legend" dialogs, on the Maps tab in the pop-up menu, the "Change X and Y" item has been added. When this item is selected on the current map, for all objects, the X and Y coordinates are changed between themselves. The menu item is available only for maps without a sign in the map passport "Limit the map territory by a frame". To cancel the flip of the map, you can perform the Undo or re-select the menu item.
    Import from DXF format has been improved. There is added a recalculation of coordinates and sizes of characters from storage units specified in DXF: inches, feet, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, and so on. Formation of graphic primitives from the parameters of conventional symbols specified in DXF has been improved, which allows you to reproduce the view of the original drawing without setting the conventional symbols.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 02.12.2022 Complex for documents preparation of aeronautical information provides maintaining the database of places of basing the aircrafts in accordance with the requirements of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
    In KB "Panorama" the Complex for documents preparation of aeronautical information version 8 under the control of GIS "Panorama" 14 has been developed. The new version has been refined in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November, 05th, 2020 β„–449. The list of parameters for maintaining the database of aerodromes (heliports, landing sites) includes new parameters: transition level, annual changes in magnetic declination, coverage, value of the longest runway (the length is calculated automatically based on the aerodrome runway data in the database) and others.
    Dialogs "Input aerodrome infrastructure", "Input of lighting equipment" have been improved. The list of runway lighting system types has been expanded, new parameters have been added: luminous intensity of lights, airstrip size, clearway size, emergency braking system, available take-off distance, available landing distance.
    In the "Output en-routes" dialog, the ability to form a list of routes for drawing onto a map has been added, taking into account the values of the heights of the lower minimum level and the upper maximum level of route sections, route codes and valid dates.
    In the "Input of obstacles" dialog, the mode of saving obstacles into the database from the "Map of signatures" (maps of minimum heights) has been added. The "Map of signatures" is preliminarily created using the task "Construction of a map of minimum heights" from the group of applications "Air navigation" (according to the dfc.rsc classifier).
    The task "Creating a map of minimum heights" is intended for automatic forming a map of the minimum heights that are allowed for aviation flights based on elevation matrixes, maps of marks of heights and maps of artificial obstacles. Calculations are performed in accordance with Doc 8168 ICAO Rules - Aircraft Operations - Volume II. The map of minimum heights is a matrix of signatures for the values of minimally allowable heights of flight in established conventional signs with a given size of the analyzed cells on the ground. Heights labels are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Manual for Aeronautical Charts.
    The complex for preparing documents of aeronautical information is a set of tools for maintaining an aeronautical data base, a modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical maps and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight procedures design" is used to design the routes of departure, approach and landing and to analyze the safety of flights on them. The task "Assessment of compliance for aerodromes with the requirements FAR" is intended for the analysis of the aerodrome and the aerodrome environs for the suitability for operation and aircraft flights in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
    The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents, operational documentation, video lessons and presentations are available for download on the Download page.

  • 01.12.2022 Training material has been prepared on the possibilities of organizing video surveillance in the GIS "Panorama"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on how to manage polling and viewing events in real time from remote cameras using the "List of photo and video data" task in the GIS "Panorama". The video lesson clearly demonstrates the pairing of the possibilities of using remote cameras with the functions of video analytics and event handler scripts in the Python language.
    The Python programming language has a large set of plug-ins and provides the user with an easy-to-use and extensive toolkit (including mathematical calculations, text and graphic data processing, networking, databases, and more).
    Examples of Python scripts for processing events from a video camera are located in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\panorama\py_base14\ folder. In the training material, using the example of working with video data, the distribution of event notifications from a video camera to e-mail was configured using a Python script. A complete description of the possibilities of organizing video surveillance on the basis of the GIS "Panorama" is given in the presentation "Possibilities of GIS "Panorama" for organizing video surveillance".
    You can get acquainted with educational materials in the section "Video lessons" and "Presentations".

  • 30.11.2022 In GIS "Panorama" a support of 3D models created in "Panorama Photo" has been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.5.0 has been developed. The new version includes tasks for processing 3D models from "Panorama Photo", tools for editing vector maps and designing the reports have been added, data import from DXF and Excel formats has been improved, support has been added for forming an electronic document of a land survey plan using XML schemes version 6, 8 or 9, topographic fonts for map printing have been updated.
    In the "Navigator 3D" task, the loading and displaying clouds of points from MTD models created in the "Panorama Photo" program has been accelerated. The "Panorama Photo" program allows you to create high-precision digital terrain models in the form clouds of points, matrixes of heights and orthophotomaps based on aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles. The cloud of points obtained in the "Panorama Photo" program contains point measurements sorted by blocks and by levels. Splitting into levels allows you to store points with spacing. On the first level, there are points with a step specified when creating the MTD model, on the second - with a step of 2 times more, on the third - 4 times more, and so on. In this case, points at different levels are not duplicated. This storage speeds up drawing of the 3D model by drawing blocks distant from the viewer with fewer points loaded from higher levels. The size of the cloud of points depends on the degree of the model's detail (density of points) and the area of the covered area. Displaying large MTD models requires significant hardware resources (RAM, video memory). In this case, the user can set up a filter of cloud of points to speed up drawing. Filter setting is available in the main menu of the "3D Navigator" task: "View" - "Filter of cloud of points". The filter determines the degree of thinning of the cloud of points during display: "Fine" - thinning by 2 times, "Average" - by 4 times, "Coarse" - by 8 times.
    The modes of the "Map Editor" task have been improved: cutting the map objects inside and outside the selected contour. In order to improve the quality of cutting map objects, the accuracy of processing has been increased. At the end of processing, the coordinates of the cut contours are rounded. In this case, the coordinates of the metric are reduced to the accuracy indicated in the map passport (centimeters, millimeters). In the "Point editing" mode, the "End points in alignment" auxiliary mode has been added, designed to cut or extend the first or last segment of a linear object. In the "Create object" dialog, when using search by name, the ability to configure the filter for localization by pressing CTRL+letter (CTRL+L - linear, CTRL+E - areal, and so on) has been added. The use of filtering is expedient if the list window contains objects with different localizations. Setting the filter provides output into the list of found objects corresponding to the specified type.
    In the "Data list" and "Map Legend" dialogs, on the Maps tab in the pop-up menu, the "Change X and Y" item has been added. When this item is selected on the current map, for all objects, the X and Y coordinates are changed between themselves. The menu item is available only for maps without a sign in the map passport "Limit the map territory by a frame". To cancel the flip of the map, you can perform the Undo or re-select the menu item.
    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. Ability has been added to build a legend based on the maps contained in the inserts without opening them additionally. To do this, a list of data sources has been added in the Legend Formation dialog, which includes the main open project, as well as a list of maps contained in all the inserts available on the main project. Ability has been added to rotate the map in the insert. Map rotation is implemented in the form of menu items that pop up by pressing the right mouse button, and is duplicated by responses to pressing "hot" keys. Each pressing of a "hot" key carries out rotating a map concerning the centre of a displayed fragment by one degree to the left or to the right. The angle of rotation is stored in service semantics 31017 ROTATION ANGLE OF POINT ORIENTED SIGN (INSERT) and contains the value of the angle of rotation counterclockwise.
    In the "Legend Formation" mode, the ability to save the structure and parameters of formed legend has been added. Including: layout of columns, composition of individual blocks, intervals and sizes of elements, font parameters of signatures and other parameters for configuring the appearance of the legend being formed. This allows you to quickly re-create the legend if you need to make minor changes to the previously formed legend. Examples of insert on the map via the File menu - Example data - data\shape\shape.sitx.
    The display of cross polygons and the dialog for editing the view of a hatched polygon have been improved. Ability to select hatched and typeset lines has been added. The set of available angles of inclination of hatching lines has been expanded (from 0 to 165 with a step of 15 degrees). Examples of cross polygons on the map via the File menu - Example data - data\shape\shape.sitx.
    Import from DXF format has been improved. There is added a recalculation of coordinates and sizes of characters from storage units specified in DXF: inches, feet, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, and so on. Formation of graphic primitives from the parameters of conventional symbols specified in DXF has been improved, which allows you to reproduce the view of the original drawing without setting the conventional symbols.
    The application task "Loading data from Excel" has been developed for transfer values from Excel file cells (xls, xlsx) into object semantics, as well as converting the Excel files to DBF files. The program links lines from the list of processed files with map objects according to the column and semantics of the object specified for each file. The task is started from the "Data Import and Export" group of the Run applications dialog.
    Block of geodesy and cadastral tasks has been improved. In the "Land Survey plan" mode, a support for the formation of an electronic document of the land plan according to XML-schemes versions 6,8 and 9 is built-in. The number of the formed version is displayed in the dialog title. To create XML documents according to different versions of schemes, different sets of attributes and values of directories are used, which are implemented as classifier semantics. For version 6, the survey.v5 classifier is used. For version 8 - classifier survey.v6 with the date of relevance before 2022.03.10. For version 9, the classifier survey.v6 is used with the date of relevance older than 2022.03.10. The program automatically controls the version and date of the classifier and determines the version of the XML document.
    A new mode "Land Survey plan version 6" has been added for forced formation of the XML document of the land survey plan according to the XML scheme version 6. If the map does not match the survey.v5 classifier, a warning message is issued and the formation is not performed. When forming a text report of the land survey plan, the search for initial contours, land plots that do not intersect with the refined contour has been added. The search radius is 500 meters. The initial contour is used to fill in the column the initial coordinates when specifying the location of the land plot.
    "Base of cadastral works" has been improved. The binding of documents to their owners has been changed by adding a new field with the owner type. When the database version is upgraded, this field is automatically filled. The binding of addresses to their owners has been changed by changing the assignment of existing fields. When the database version is upgraded, the fields values are automatically changed.
    In the form of maintaining a database of cadastral works, lists of customers, cadastral engineers and measuring instruments are placed on separate tabs for the convenience of adding them into the database.
    Obsolete mode "Inquiries to the Real Estate Cadastre" has been deleted from the "Cadastral Documents" panel.
    Topographic fonts designed to prepare for printing the topographic maps of various scales have been improved. The sizes of auxiliary characters have been refined, support for the Cyrillic character set has been added into the Ch131, Ch132 and Bo2 fonts. When making changes, the general rules for constructing fonts were observed: maintaining the accepted width of letters, maintaining the height of characters, the rule of gaps between letters, preserving the rounding pattern, and the order in which letters are drawn.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 29.11.2022 The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides a comprehensive representation of the terrain in digital and analog form
    In KB "Panorama" the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 8 has been developed. Various types of documents, such as digital catalogs of coordinates, technical reports, regulatory and accompanying documents, can serve as storage objects for the Bank of cartographical data. They can be stored in a digital form (files of various formats) and as non-digital data carriers (analogue documents).
    The new version implements the maintenance of a register of regulatory documents and geodetic materials in an analog form. The database stores only their metadata and a description of the physical storage location. For each kind of documents the separate list of attributes is provided by which their search and selection is carried out. Documents can be divided into subsections (data layers) by date, storage format, document type, coordinate systems, and other attributes. The number and kinds of subsections are easily adjusted to the requirements of specific departments of geodesy and cartography enterprises, or enterprises that use spatial data in their activities. The differentiation of rights makes it possible to organize separate and protected access to information.
    There is added the mode of monitoring the points of the plan-height base (PVO) - loading of survey protocols. Processing of the classified information for PVO points is added. If the processing of classified information is disabled in the application settings, then classified data (coordinates in the state system and heights) for a certain type of points are not displayed and are not uploaded.
    The speed of searching for information has been increased with a large amount of data in the storage. The list of metadata for analog maps has been extended. The list of diagnostic messages and error messages has been expanded.
    Control of the status of data availability schemes is accelerated. Analysis of loaded metadata has been improved. Support of editing maps through connection to a chain of GIS Servers in the distributed system of data storage has been improved during long-term intensive multi-user work with shared data sources.
    Data security is ensured by the differentiation of access rights based on the security tools that are part of the operating system. Basic authentication, digest authentication, system authentication (web server tools), and domain authentication (Kerberos or ActiveDirectory) are supported. Additional security is provided by the use of pass-through authentication when working with the database. Connection to the database occurs with the rights of the user working with the system. The complex is adapted to work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, MS Windows and others) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, Baikal). The program is registered in the register of domestic software under the number 1862.
    The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data is the basis for building infrastructure of spatial data of federal, regional and municipal levels, in corporate information systems. Within the framework of a single geoinformation space, the Data Bank of digital maps and remote sensing data realises gathering, storage, quality control, search and delivery of the spatial data in exchange formats. The spatial data selected by means of the program can be placed for the multiuser access on the GIS Server and be published according to the international standards OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS on application server the GIS WebService SE. Users can access data from both a thin client (by means of GIS WebServer SE) and from desktop applications (GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator"). The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides construction of cloud warehouse of spatial data, provision of access to these data, the automated formation and updating of geocovers.
    The current state of spatial data is displayed by means of maps-schemes that are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrixes and terrain models. It provides remote placing the sets of spatial data into file warehouse, keeping versions of stored sets, updating maps-schemes of data availability, the automated collection and formation of metadata, and the formation and updating of geocovers. Automated collection and formation of metadata is performed according to the standards of ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information - Metadata and ISO/TS 19139, Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation. The reduced copies of data images are automatically formed, checksum of files and completeness of data sets are checked. Placement of spatial data into file storage is performed with integrity check, control of data structure and content. The results of the work are recorded and are entered into the metadata base. Automatic backup of metadata and spatial data storage with integrity control and data recovery has been provided. Multilingual interface is supported.
    The "Bank of spatial data" portal demonstrates the possibilities of organizing storage, accounting and and issuance of vector maps, remote sensing data, matrixes of heights and the terrain models. The portal contains vector maps in SXF format, generated on the basis of data from open sources (OpenStreetMap, VMap0). The spatial data includes maps of: subjects of the Russian Federation, countries and cities of the near and far abroad. In total, over 300 vector maps and 6700 matrix data with a total volume of 70 GB. Specialists of KB "Panorama" weekly update and refresh the content of the information on the portal. All published data is distributed free of charge under a free license.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 28.11.2022 KB "Panorama" took part in the scientific-practical conference "Problems of countering technogenic, biogenic, sociocultural threats and the ways of their solving"
    On November 24, the "All-Russia Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" (VNII GOChS) hosted a scientific-practical conference "Problems of countering technogenic, biogenic, sociocultural threats and the ways of their solving". The event is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the institute being awarded the status of the Federal Center for Science and High Technologies (FTsNVT) on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 619 dated August 20, 2002.
    The conference discussed the creation of competitive high-tech products, innovative equipment and technologies in the field of civil defense, the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies under the conditions of import substitution.
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" presented a report on the topic "Geoinformation technologies of KB "Panorama ": application in the field of civil defence, forecasting, preventions and elimination of emergencies. Current state and development prospects". The covered issues in it aroused keen interest of the conference participants, most of whom are members of the FTSNVT cooperation. KB "Panorama" has also been a member organization of the FTSNVT since 2012 and during this time, together with the All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergency, has taken an active part in a number of projects.
    One of the products of such cooperation was the Automated system for planning and carrying out civil defense activities (ASP-SD), built on the geoinformation platform "Panorama" using client-server technology. The server is working under control of domestic certified operating system Astra Linux SE, and clients get access to the system using the "thin client" technology using a regular web browser on any OS. The system allows to automate process of developing Civil Defense Plans, and also to estimate scenarios of development of possible situation in the event of a natural and man-made emergency and to plan civil defense activities. This development was separately noted at the forum "Arm-2022". Last year, the participation of KB "Panorama" in the FTSNVT was prolonged, however, due to the current anti-COVID restrictions, the certificate of participation was solemnly awarded only a year later.
    Photo materials provided by the organizers of the event.

  • 27.11.2022 In professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" the tools of editing and checking the quality of vector maps have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" version 14.4.2 has been developed. In the new version the tools have been expanded for checking the quality and editing of topographical and special maps, cadastral documents, tools for the design of vector maps, aeronautical documents, formations of land survey plans and forest declarations have been improved.
    The task "Map Editor" has been improved. In the group of modes "Creating an object", the mode "Create clone" has been added. A clone is an object that has a link to the metric of the cloned object and its symbol. Typically, such objects create objects of map design, for example, centerlines of roads. This allows you to reduce the amount of stored data and synchronize the editing of the metrics of objects and their design elements. Separating design objects into separate clone objects allows you to display them after the display of all designed objects is completed and improve the image quality (for example, clean the intersections of all roads). The tasks of sorting, importing and exporting maps in SXF and TXF formats have been improved to support clone objects.
    The task "Editing semantics of objects list" has been improved. To process a large number of selected objects, it is provided to fill the table of semantics in portions. Ranges of displayed data are formed depending on the total number of source objects (each section contains no more than 60 000 positions). When a range is selected, the next batch of selected objects is dynamically loaded into the table. The output of information about objects into Excel tables is also carried out in portions.
    To control the admissibility of semantic values, the cells of the table of semantics are colored: yellow color - when the semantics value deviates from the allowable range specified in the RSC classifier, pink color - when the value does not match the semantics type (for example, a character string instead of a number, date, angular value, or an arbitrary string instead of the value from the list for semantics -list).

    In the classifier editor, in the "Semantics" bookmark on the panel of properties, the "Round up" field has been added. When requesting a value of numeric semantics when displaying labels and values in various dialogs, the value is rounded to the number of digits specified in the Decimal point field in the Classifier Editor.
    Into "Select object" dialog onto the toolbar the "All object in window" button has been added. This tool allows you to display the currently viewed object in the map window by analogy to the combination of keys Ctrl+Alt+W for the selected object. To control the admissibility of semantic values, the cells of semantic values are colored yellow or pink if the range or type of the value is violated.
    In the classifier editor in the "Objects" bookmark on the properties panel in the "Others" bookmark, the "Design object" field has been added. This property is set for auxiliary design objects on the map, which improve the readability of the map, but are not terrain objects (shading of road intersections, filling signs for polygons during publication, etc.). When viewing information in the "Request of the map object description" dialog, design objects are automatically skipped. When selecting objects at a point, design objects are skipped if the "Skip design objects" property is not disabled in the Options menu. This allows the operator to immediately turn to the description of the required terrain object, reducing the number of manual operations.
    The classifier of aeronautical maps dfc.rsc has been improved. To all semantics containing the values of heights of obstacles and marks of heights the property "Round up" is set.

    The task of connection of geoportals has been improved. For the geoportal of Rosreestr "Land plots", the range of data display scales has been expanded to 1:1 - 1:50 000. For possibility of viewing an overview view, data from larger scales with image compression is requested.
    Displaying sea maps according to the S52 standard has been improved. The implementation of the procedures has been refined: Depval - formation of depth values based on attribute values for underwater obstacles, taking into account underlying objects, Udwhaz - requesting the code of the displayed symbol and display flag, taking into account the depth of the obstacle, or requesting the code of an isolated underwater hazard with a depth less than the safety contour.
    Checking a vector map has been improved. Identification of errors of self-crossing of contours has been improved, the number of duplicate error messages is reduced. Search and correction of degenerate and double contours have been added. Deleting fragments of the contours containing repeated duplication of points has been accelerated. Correction of object metrics is performed in the application "Check of vector map quality" in the "Editing" mode when the topology control "Control of self-intersections and location of subobjects" is selected.
    The block of geodesy and cadastral tasks has been improved. The mode "Land survey plan" has been modified for formation of an XML-document according to the version 9 xml-scheme. Formation of the electronic document is carried out in accordance with the Rosreestr Order No. P/0341 dated 09/16/2022. In accordance with the version 9 xml-scheme, the survey.v6 classifier has been improved, the semantics "Type of land use by order N 540" and "Encumbrances (restrictions) (list)" have been updated, and a new semantics "Additional information about formation of a land plot" has been added. The XML-document of the land survey plan of any version, can be generated only on a map created on the basis of the classifier survey. The program automatically checks date of updating the classifier and decides on the schema version of the XML document. If the classifier update date is younger than 2022/10/03, the XML document is generated according to version 8. If the classifier update date is older than 2022/10/03, the XML document is generated according to version 9.
    Report templates for the Forest Declaration have been developed that meet the requirements of Order No. 303 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2021.
    The digital classifier forestry.v2.rsc, intended for the state inventory of forests, planning of economic activities, organisation of the protection of forests from fires and forest violations and other problems in the field of forestry conducting has been improved.
    New semantics have been added into the classifier for the object a forest plot, used at filling of applications to the forest declaration. The mode "To print summary report on selected objects" has been improved. An element has been added in the dialog that includes a list of attachments to the forest declaration form.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 24.11.2022 GIS WebService SE interacts with client applications according to the international specification OpenAPI 3.0
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 15.0.0 has been developed.The new version adds support for the international specification OpenAPI 3.0 (Swagger Specification). OpenAPI is considered as a universal interface for users (clients) to interact with services (servers). On its basis it is possible to generate source code for client application libraries, text documentation for users, variants of testing. For these actions, there is a large set of tools for various programming languages and platforms (PHP, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, C#, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift). With the help of available tools, the generation of a client code for a request is carried out in one click. Based on the specification, all the possibilities of the service for communicating with client applications are standardized and described. Files describing the capabilities of the service in JSON and YAML formats have been created. On their basis, online documentation for working with the service or was generated. Thanks to support OpenAPI - client applications are easily integrated with service and all time are synchronised with it. An example of such application is GIS WebServer SE.
    In the new version, the protocol for passing the parameters to the service and the response protocol have been changed and reduced. Older protocols are supported while maintaining full compatibility with previous versions. Restrictions on the number of request parametres, layers, lists of users have been removed. Speed of processing of request parametres has been increased. Support of PHP version 8 and above is added.

    GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), which are used to transfer and display spatial data. The program implements the ability to issue tiles according to any user or local coordinate system. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with Apache, IIS and nginx web servers.
    The new version of the program and documentation are posted on the website in the Download section.

  • 23.11.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of Mexico
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of Mexico, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data.
    Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 22.11.2022 Training video on numbering of objects in rows has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on execution of automatic numbering of objects in rows. Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can create numbering of objects from the west to east, in rows, from north to south by using the task of the complex the Geodesy editor. Before execution of automatic creation of numbering, it is necessary first to mark objects on a map which should be available for editing. For creating the numbering it is necessary to activate the Numbering objects mode. This mode provides formation of registration number of object in accordance with its location on the map and is designed to fill in the numbers of forest blocks in rows. For the convenience of using the mode when numbering other types of accounting objects, the Β«Curvilinear numberingΒ» element provides counter-numbering of even and odd rows.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 18.11.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Saarland, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia (Germany)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Saarland, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia (Germany) formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m).

    Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data.

    Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data in MPTZ and SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 16.11.2022 Training video has been prepared on obtaining information from the state cadastre of real estate
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of loading of the information from the state cadastre of real estate (GKN). Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can obtain the attributive data about cadastral objects by connecting the geoportal of Rosreestra or by means of the task of the "Geodesy editor" complex.

    To request information from the state cadastre of real estate it is necessary to activate one of modes the Information from the state cadastre of real estate or Viewing the information about the object, to specify a point on the map and to press the left mouse button. The system will automatically make a request to the database of the state real estate cadastre, parse the received information package and display the information in the dialog. When the dialog is running, the received information is cached to reduce the load on the Internet and reduce the number of requests to the GKN database.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 15.11.2022 The article "About a state and prospects of development of Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region" has been published
    The journal "Geoprofi" (No. 5, 2022) published an article "About a state and prospects of development of Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region". The published material is devoted to the issues of the current state and prospects for the development of the RGIS RО. In the presented work the short explanations on the most interesting data layers are listed and given: a social and transport infrastructure, financial organisations, telecommunication facilities. The possibility of displaying spatial data in the form of a 3D model and the presence of a mobile application are noted. The prospects for expanding the functionality of the system are outlined. Much attention is planned to be paid to the processing of Earth's remote sensing data in order to increase situational awareness for decision-making in the field of land management in the Ryazan region, including agricultural land. Also, prospective lines of development of RGIS RO include actualization and expanding of industry and departmental spatial data, optimisation of gathering geodata, development of services for the public and the state departments, the analysis of nonsimultaneous data.
    The regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region is built on the basis of the "Geoportal region" software package. Its server part includes GIS Server, GIS WebServer SE, GIS WebService SE and Imagery Creator, the client part consists of a Web interface on the GIS Web ToolKit SE and GIS "Panorama".
    The regional geographic information system of the Ryazan region is a full-fledged state platform of the region, which allows to make the collection, processing, storage and continuous updating of spatial information on the state and dynamics of the development of objects and territories. The resource creates conditions for interdepartmental and interlevel information exchange, provides an increase in the efficiency and quality of decisions made in various areas of socio-economic development and investment attractiveness of the Ryazan region.
    You can get acquainted with materials about development of Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region in Article section.

  • 11.11.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 has been supplemented with map of the Federative Republic of Brazil
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of the the Federative Republic of Brazil has been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The map contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.

    The map was led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 10.11.2022 In GIS "Panorama" the tools of preparation for printing of topographical and special maps and aeronautical documents have been added
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.4.2 has been developed. In the new version the tasks have been included for preparation of topographic maps, aeronautical documents, geological and forest maps, tools of checking quality of vector maps and cadastral documents have been updated.
    A new group "Air navigation" has been formed in the list of applications. The task "Building a map of minimum heights" was added into it, as well as a new task "Formation of the mathematical basis of aeronautical charts". Procedure is intended for automatic formation of elements of the mathematical basis and out-of-frame design of aeronautical charts in accordance with the established rules and accepted conventional symbols. Building the mathematical basis and out-of-frame design is carried out for the contours selected on the map. At the same time, design frames, a grid of geodetic coordinates and out-of-frame labels for the ticks of geodetic grid lines are applied onto the design map. It is possible to customize the completeness and visual parameters of the design elements. The design map is created according to the classifier of the source map, however, all design elements are created in the form of graphic objects. Therefore, they can be transferred without distortion onto a map created using any classifier. The frame of the fragment being designed can have any shape and contain an arbitrary number of points (vertices).
    The applied task "Numbering of point objects" has been added to the group of applied tasks "Geological tasks". The procedure is designed for automatic numbering of point objects highlighted on the map and can be used, for example, in the process of inventory of infrastructure objects. Numbering consists in assigning an ordinal number to the map object and placing this number in the semantic characteristic of the object with the specified code. Numbering can be started with an arbitrary number.
    The task of connection of geoportals has been improved. For the geoportal of Rosreestr "Land plots", the range of data display scales has been expanded to 1:1 - 1:50 000. For possibility of viewing an overview view, data from larger scales with image compression is requested.
    The task "Map Editor" has been improved. In the group of modes "Creating an object", the mode "Create clone" has been added. A clone is an object that has a link to the metric of the cloned object and its symbol. Typically, such objects create map design objects, for example, centerlines of roads. This allows you to reduce the amount of stored data and synchronize the editing of the metrics of objects and their design elements. Separating design objects into separate clone objects allows you to display them after the display of all designed objects is completed and improve the image quality (for example, clean the intersections of all roads).
    The task "Import of vector maps from OSM format" has been improved. Linear design objects of map are created as clones of designed objects with a common metric for improvement of the image and reduction of data volume.
    The program of checking a vector map has been improved. Identification of errors of self-crossing of contours has been improved, the number of duplicate error messages is reduced. Search and correction of degenerate and double contours have been added. Deleting fragments of the contours containing repeated duplication of points has been accelerated. Correction of object metrics is performed in the application "Check of vector map quality" in the "Editing" mode when the topology control "Control of self-intersections and location of subobjects" is selected.
    In the "Correction of registry errors" mode from the "Cadastral documents" task, the ability to generate an XML file according to the ReportRegistryError_v01.xsd scheme has been added. The scheme is designed to generate an electronic document - a report on the results of determining the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries and the area of land plots, the contours of buildings, structures, objects under construction, boundaries (parts of boundaries) of municipalities, settlements, territorial zones, forestries. The XML file is created according to the prepared cadastral map, onto which the existing and corrected objects from the "Correction of registry errors" layer of the survey.v6.rsc classifier should be put.
    For automation of control and correction of errors in data an interception of failures of visualisation of objects of vector maps with automatic control and correction of structure of object on which a failure was detected has been added. If errors are found and corrected in the object (for example, an error in the coordinates data format after a disk crash), then a pop-up message about the corrected error with the object number will appear in the map window and a record will be added in the events log.
    The topographical fonts intended for preparation for printing the topographic maps of various scales have been improved. The sizes of auxiliary symbols have been refined.
    The digital classifier forestry.v2.rsc, intended for the state inventory of forests, planning of economic activities, organisation of the protection of forests from fires and forest violations and other problems in the field of forestry conducting has been improved. Changes have been made for formation of a XML-file of the forest declaration approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation from 04/29/2021 N 303. New semantics have been added into the classifier for the object a forest plot, used at filling of applications to the forest declaration.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 07.11.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Bavaria, Baden-W?rttemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Bavaria, Baden-W?rttemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data in MPTZ and SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 03.11.2022 GIS "MapView" supports automatic updating of spatial data from cloud storage
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "MapView" version 1.3 has been developed for Android OS. In the new version automatic updating the data from the GIS Server has been implemented, support of WMS format and recording the route of movement has been added when the screen of the mobile device is turned off.
    Within the limits of expansion of GIS Server support a possibility of using the dynamic updating of spatial data has been added. GIS Server provides remote access to vector maps, remote sensing data, matrixes, documents and spatial data bases for users of GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator", GIS WebService SE and others. Users of desktop and web applications on different platforms can edit data simultaneously. GIS MapView automatically updates the image on the device according to the current state of the data. Update period setting allows you to choose a convenient time of updating the data for the purpose of optimum use of network resources.
    In GIS "MapView" a support of opening WMS layers of geoportals has been added. As a result users of the mobile application receive additional possibility of displaying sources of dynamically changing spatial data. One of the means of implementing geoportals is GIS WebService SE, which transfers data according to the international standard OGC WMS. GIS WebService SE supports many data formats: vector, raster, matrix, project files, tiles (for example, MAP, RSW, MTW, MPT, PNG, JPEG, and others).
    Ability has been added to record the route in the background. The new version of the GIS "MapView" makes it possible to minimize the application or turn off the screen of the mobile device after the start of recording the route. This allows you to continue using your mobile device or continue driving without being distracted by the route recording status. Also, recording when the smartphone screen is off allows you to save battery power. Route recording is accompanied by a reminder in the operating system for indicating the current background recording process of the route. At any time, you can open the application to check the current progress of the recording process and, if necessary, complete the construction of the route.
    GIS "MapView" allows you to open the main formats of digital maps of the GIS "Panorama" on Android-based mobile devices and process the information from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. The user can prepare in advance a necessary set of the spatial data in one of desktop products (GIS "Panorama", "Panorama-editor", GIS Panorama Mini), pack them into archive of ZIP format by standard tools and to transfer into mobile GIS "MapView". The process of working with data is carried out offline, without connecting to the Internet. When the user moves, his current position is dynamically displayed according to the coordinates received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver. For ease of use, it is possible to synchronize the position of the map with the current location. To save the coordinates obtained during the movement, a track recording mode is provided, which creates a separate map and puts the trajectory of movement onto it. For all objects of a map during the work the basic information is provided.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 02.11.2022 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" supports formation of XML file of the report on correction of registry errors
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" versions 14.4.1 has been developed. In the new version, in the dialog of the mode "Correction of registry errors", the possibility of generating an XML file according to the scheme ReportRegistryError_v01.xsd has been added. Procedure for changing in the Unified State Register of Real Estate of information about location of the boundaries when correcting a registry error was approved by order of Rosreestr dated 01.06.2021 No. P/0241. The form and content of the Report on the results of determining the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries and the area of cadastral objects in order to correct registry errors are given in Appendix 4 to the order.
    A report in XML format includes a package of information, source data, a boundary scheme, and other information necessary to correct registry errors. The information package includes the following elements: SpecifyParcels - Information about the location of the boundaries and area of land plots, parts of land plots; AdditionalParcels - Information about land plots, the location of which is determined additionally; RealtyRegistryError - Information about the location of buildings, constructions, objects of under construction and BoundariesRegistryError - Information about the location of the boundaries (parts of the boundaries) of municipalities, settlements, territorial zones, forestries.
    The XML file is created according to the prepared cadastral map, onto which the existing and corrected objects should be applied using the survey.v6.rsc classifier, the "Correction of registry errors" layer. When written in XML, multiplanimetric objects can be represented as multipolygons or sets of objects. Establishing a correspondence between the existing and corrected contours of cadastral objects is carried out using the cadastral and registry numbers of objects and registration numbers of contours. The assignment of a cadastral object into the required section of an electronic document is performed by the type of object and with semantics use. For land plots - "Sign of correction". For the boundaries of a municipality, settlement, territorial zone, forestry - "Type of object of the registry of boundaries" and "Type of description of the boundary".
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 01.11.2022 In GIS Panorama Mini for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" and OS "Alt 8 SP" the tools of preparing reporting documents on the basis of vector spatial data have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.2.3 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk") and OS "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). In the new version a saving the digital maps in vector PDF format has been implemented, tools for displaying maps and terrain images have been improved, new possibilities for importing files of exchange formats SHP, MIF, KML, GML are added, tools for setting up the display of map objects in the classifier of conventional symbol have been improved.
    In the program the saving of digital maps into a file of vector format PDF has been added. Due to the fact that the vector PDF format preserves the display quality at any display scale, the new mode can be used in the process of preparing reporting documents. For example, a user can combine a set of open maps, save them in vector PDF format, and transfer the resulting file for viewing in original quality at any scale using standard operating system tools. The new mode allows you to save the entire map or only the required fragment according to a rectangular fragment, object, or the size of the current window. Printing is performed at an arbitrary scale: for example, the user can select a map fragment at a small scale, and output it to a file at a larger one.
    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. At increasing the image of a raster more than in two times from the initial size in pixels the smoothing is carried out. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: "View" - "Raster smoothing".
    Abilities of displaying titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics, temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
    In the "Classifier editor" task, tools for the description of clusters, formations of XSD-scheme by the classifier and editing of a layer's external view have been added. When grouping more than one object of a given type in a virtual cell of a cluster, their conventional symbols will be automatically replaced by a symbol of the cluster, the center of which will have the average coordinate of the objects included into it. When you change the scale, the configuration of the clusters automatically changes. The conventional sign of the cluster can be programmable, which allows you to select the type of cluster in various ways and change the properties of the sign depending on the number of objects in the cluster (signature of the number, size of the sign, brightness). In this case, the cluster icon can contain only the number of objects or other complementary elements of the conventional symbol. When drawing an object, various semantics can be taken into account, including links to graphic files, which makes the generalized sign more complex and informative. Maps with clusters customized in the RSC classifier are automatically supported in all desktop and web applications, as well as in applications developed in the GIS ToolKit and GIS Constructor.
    Possibility of editing primitives "Table", "Line-colorglass" and "Cross polygon" has been added. The "Table" display type can be assigned to a point object that has a reference to CSV file in its semantics. Each column of the table can contain textual and numerical data, pictures (in PNG, JPG, BMP format), colored shapes and percentage scales. A table can have multiple pages. The map with the created tables will have one view in desktop, mobile, web-applications on any platforms, with local placement or on the GIS Server and at printing. For the"Line - colored glass" and "Hatched polygon" views, the user can customize in addition to the color and thickness of the displayed lines, additionally the brightness, contrast and transparency. Arbitrary thickness and shift of ordinary lines or lines - colorglass are set as polygon hatching parameters.
    GIS Panorama Mini is the universal geoinformation system intended for a collecting the spatial data, a conducting the spatial database, creation and updating of digital maps and plans, creation of information systems of various purposes. The program implements the following main functions: import and viewing of vector maps, raster data, matrixes of heights, matrixes of qualities, geological matrixes of layers, TIN-models, laser scanning data, user maps and work regions; creation of new maps with automatic filling of parameters using the EPSG code or from the list of parameters in XML format; export of maps to SXF, DXF, OGC GML formats; multi-user work with data with access control through a connection to the GIS Server; combining and editing vector maps of different projections in one document; support for popular geoportals, which allows displaying user maps over images received from sites; printing to various output devices with customization of print parameters.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 31.10.2022 Maps of the Leningrad and Arkhangelsk regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and posted on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" maps of the Leningrad and Arkhangelsk regions. Maps have been formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and saved to a packaged project (MPTZ). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 28.10.2022 A new product has been developed for automatic processing of UAV images - "Panorama Photo"
    In KB "Panorama" the program "Panorama Photo" has been developed for creating high-precision digital terrain models in the form of a cloud of points, matrixes of heights and orthophotomaps based on aerial photography from unmanned aerial vehicles. The processing process is fully automatic. The optional stage of measurement of support points on photos allows to increase the accuracy of orientation. Calculations are parallelized on a multi-core processor and video card, so an increase in the number of processor cores and video memory significantly speeds up the data processing process. On a computer with a modern video card and 128 GB of RAM for 1 sq. km of aerial photography with a dot size of about 2 cm, obtaining a three-dimensional model, a matrix of heights and orthophotomap takes within 1 hour.
    "Panorama Photo" allows you to solve problems in the field of urban planning and cadastral activities, national defense, mapping, ecology, forestry and municipal services, and others. The data generated in "Panorama Photo" are used as a reliable and visual control tool in the construction and reconstruction of various types of municipal property and transport infrastructure. On the basis of data prepared by the complex, the three-dimensional terrain models are created, construction and analysis of mathematical models of emergency situations in the GIS "Panorama" is carried out.
    Orthophotomaps created in "Panorama Photo" are the basis for identifying and monitoring the places of storage of various types of waste, conducting an inventory of forests to assess damage from fires, air pollution and illegal logging.
    "Panorama Photo" is an independent software package and does not require installation of additional components. Ease of learning and a convenient graphical interface will allow the user to quickly start working in the program.
    To evaluate the product, you can use the program for free for 30 days. You can get acquainted with the "Panorama Photo" complex on the website in the Download section.

  • 27.10.2022 In GIS "Operator" SE the tools of automated analysis of spatial data have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.2.3 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk") and OS "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). In the new version the possibility of creation, updating and analysis of digital terrain models by including scripts in Python language into the software has been implemented. The tools for editing the classifier of conventional symbols have been improved, saving the digital maps in vector PDF format has been implemented, tools for displaying maps and terrain images, tools for importing files of exchange formats S57, SHP, MIF, KML, GML have been improved.
    To solve diverse tasks of processing spatial data, the start of Python scripts has been added into the "Run application" mode. The mode initially contains a basic set of scripts for demonstrating the execution of various procedures for processing the coordinates and attributes of objects of vector maps, solving computational problems, converting data and other tasks. To connect his own tasks, the user can create his own themes and fill them with the necessary set of scripts. For the convenience of the user, the creation of a new script and its editing can be performed directly from the dialog. When writing scripts, several thousand GIS core functions (MAPAPI) are available. Function prototypes are declared as imported Python scripts from the folder /var/Panorama/Panorama14/py_mapapi14. The function called from the script performs some autonomous action or uses the selected objects on the map. To enter additional data processing parameters, both GIS dialogs and dialogs written on the basis of a standard Tkinter component can be called. Scripts indicate the progress of data processing by indicating the name of the processing stage and the percentage of completion in the main application window. By results of the analysis and processing the objects of a vector map can be selected and used for the further processing in a chain of executed scripts or interactive application tools. Scripts can be preliminarily prepared in a text editor, which is part of the operating system, and then be started by means of the task from the GIS "Operator". Because the Python scripting programming language has a large set of connected modules, the user receives an easy-to-use and extensive auxiliary toolkit (mathematical calculations, processing of text and graphic data, work with a network and another).
    Saving of digital maps into a file of vector format PDF has been added. Due to the fact that the vector PDF format preserves the display quality at any display scale, the new mode can be used in the process of preparing reporting documents. For example, a user can combine a set of open maps, save them in vector PDF format, and transfer the resulting file for viewing in original quality at any scale using standard operating system tools. The new mode allows you to save the entire map or only the required fragment according to a rectangular fragment, object, or the size of the current window. Printing is performed at an arbitrary scale: for example, the user can select a map fragment at a small scale, and output it to a file at a larger one. Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. At increasing the image of a raster more than in two times from the initial size in pixels the smoothing is carried out. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: "View" - "Raster smoothing".
    In the "Classifier editor" task, tools for the description of clusters, formations of XSD-scheme by the classifier and editing of a layer's external view have been added. When grouping more than one object of a given type in a virtual cell of a cluster, their conventional symbols will be automatically replaced by a symbol of the cluster, the center of which will have the average coordinate of the objects included into it. When you change the scale, the configuration of the clusters automatically changes. The conventional sign of the cluster can be programmable, which allows you to select the type of cluster in various ways and change the properties of the sign depending on the number of objects in the cluster (signature of the number, size of the sign, brightness). In this case, the cluster icon can contain only the number of objects or other complementary elements of the conventional symbol. When drawing an object, various semantics can be taken into account, including links to graphic files, which makes the generalized sign more complex and informative. Maps with clusters customized in the RSC classifier are automatically supported in all desktop and web applications, as well as in applications developed in the GIS ToolKit and GIS Constructor.
    Possibility of editing primitives "Table", "Line-colorglass" and "Cross polygon" has been added. The "Table" display type can be assigned to a point object that has a reference to CSV file in its semantics. Each column of the table can contain textual and numerical data, pictures (in PNG, JPG, BMP format), colored shapes and percentage scales. A table can have multiple pages.
    The map with the created tables will have one view in desktop, mobile, web-applications on any platforms, with local placement or on the GIS Server and at printing. For the"Line - colored glass" and "Hatched polygon" views, the user can customize in addition to the color and thickness of the displayed lines, additionally the brightness, contrast and transparency.
    Abilities of displaying titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics, temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
    Support of XML files having the size more than 4 GB has been added. Processing of XML format is used in a wide range of applications (for example, importing data in GML format). The digital classifier of sea maps S57navy.rsc and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.
    GIS "Operator" SE - universal domestic geoinformation system for power structures. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, the automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Operator" contains tools of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, forecasting of consequences of emergencies at hazardous objects, monitoring of aircraft movement, conducting of geodetic and topographic work, processing the data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 26.10.2022 IS "Panorama" provides control of versions of digital maps when organizing field works
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.4.1 has been developed. The new version includes tools for managing the versions of digital maps when performing field work or processing remote sensing data, group designing of reports on selected areas of maps, group editing and control of object attribute values, displaying sea maps, generating land survey plans and forest declarations.
    A new task "Map comparing" has been developed for control of versions of digital vector maps, dispatching of updating the digital data about the area by employees when performing field work or processing remote sensing data. If there is a stable connection of employees with the server of spatial data, the update can be performed based on the connection to the base map through the GIS Server. In the absence of necessary connection or necessity to organise updating with preliminary check of the executed operations it is possible to apply a new task. The task ensures the issuance and acceptance of a work map (a fragment of a common base map) for the same territory for several operators. This possibility allows you to perform parallel tasks on updating of the map data. For example, one operator can specify the coordinates of cadastral plots, the second one can update the power grid facilities, the third one can update the gas facilities. When data is received, a consistency check is made between the changed work map data and the current state of the base map. At the first stage of working the task, a fragment of a digital map is selected and the standard of the given fragment is memorized. Upon completion of the map update, the receiving of a map from the operator is carried out. At this stage, a table of changes in the work map is formed in comparison with the standard and the current state of the base map. The table contains records about changing the composition of objects, updating the metrics and semantics of objects.
    To fill in the table, the analysis of changes by the operator of the work map and the analysis of changes in the corresponding fragment of the base map by other operators from the moment the work map was issued are carried out. Two sets of maps changes are compared against each other on absence of contradictions. If there are no conflicts, the lines of the change table contain green checkmarks and the corresponding changes can be accepted automatically. If there are contradictions, the lines contain question marks that require the intervention of the administrator who accepts the updated work map. The administrator must decide whether to accept or reject the current change. If the change is rejected, a red cross will appear in the selected cell of the table; otherwise, a green checkmark will appear. The status bar contains the number of decisions that were not made. Before accepting changes of the work map, it is recommended to resolve all contradictions. Such approach allows to minimise possible losses or information distortions when updating the map.
    A new application "Slicing and bordering selected fragments" has been added into the group of applications "Map sheets processing and generalization". The task is intended for automatic preparation for printing of a set of map fragments designed in accordance with the accepted conventional symbols. To prepare for printing, the map is sliced along the contours selected on the map and the standard marginal design is formed for them, as for the nomenclature sheets of a topographic map. The design map is created according to the classifier of the source map, however, all design elements are created in the form of graphic objects. Therefore, they can be transferred without distortion to a map created using any classifier. The frame of a designed fragment can have any form and contain an arbitrary number of points (vertices).
    In the classifier editor, in the "Semantics" bookmark on the panel of properties, the "Round up" field has been added. When requesting a value of numeric semantics when displaying labels and values in various dialogs, the value is rounded to the number of digits specified in the Decimal point field in the Classifier Editor. For example, if the semantics stores the value 17.132, then 17.13 would be displayed for a precision of 2 digits. If the property "Round up" is enabled, then 17.14 will be displayed. The classifier of aeronautical maps dfc.rsc has been improved. To all semantics containing the values of heights of obstacles and marks of heights the property "Round up" is set.
    In the classifier editor in the "Objects" bookmark on the properties panel in the "Others" bookmark, the "Design object" field has been added. This property is set for auxiliary design objects on the map, which improve the readability of the map, but are not terrain objects (shading of road intersections, filling signs for polygons during publication, etc.). When viewing information in the "Request of the map object description" dialog (button on the main panel), design objects are automatically skipped.
    When selecting objects at a point, design objects are skipped if the "Skip design objects" property is not disabled in the Options menu. This allows the operator to immediately turn to the description of the required terrain object, reducing the number of manual operations. The classifier for maintaining a unified digital cartographic basis (EEKO) for federal, regional, municipal purposes map5000m.rsc has been improved.
    The task "Editing semantics of objects list" has been improved. To process a large number of selected objects, it is provided to fill the table of semantics in portions. Ranges of displayed data are formed depending on the total number of source objects (each section contains no more than 60 000 positions). When a range is selected, the next batch of selected objects is dynamically loaded into the table. The output of information about objects into Excel tables is also carried out in portions. To control the admissibility of semantic values, the cells of the table of semantics are colored: yellow color - when the semantics value deviates from the allowable range specified in the RSC classifier, pink color - when the value does not match the semantics type (for example, a character string instead of a number, date, angular value, or an arbitrary string instead of the value from the list for semantics -list).
    Into "Select object" dialog onto the toolbar the "All object in window" button has been added. This tool allows you to display the currently viewed object in the map window by analogy to the combination of keys Ctrl+Alt+W for the selected object. To control the admissibility of semantic values, the cells of semantic values are colored yellow or pink if the range or type of the value is violated.
    Displaying sea maps according to the S52 standard has been improved. The implementation of the procedures has been refined: Depval - formation of depth values based on attribute values for underwater obstacles, taking into account underlying objects, Udwhaz - requesting the code of the displayed symbol and display flag, taking into account the depth of the obstacle, or requesting the code of an isolated underwater hazard with a depth less than the safety contour.
    The block of geodesy and cadastral tasks has been improved. The mode "Land survey plan" has been modified for formation of an XML-document according to the version 9 xml-scheme. Formation of the electronic document is carried out in accordance with the Rosreestr Order No. P/0341 dated 09/16/2022. In accordance with the version 9 xml-scheme, the survey.v6 classifier has been improved, the semantics "Type of land use by order N 540" and "Encumbrances (restrictions) (list)" have been updated, and a new semantics "Additional information about formation of a land plot" has been added. The XML-document of the land survey plan of any version, can be generated only on a map created on the basis of the classifier survey. The program automatically checks date of updating the classifier and decides on the schema version of the XML document. If the classifier update date is younger than 2022/10/03, the XML document is generated according to version 8. If the classifier update date is older than 2022/10/03, the XML document is generated according to version 9.
    Report templates for the Forest Declaration have been developed that meet the requirements of Order No. 303 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2021. The mode "To print summary report on selected objects" has been improved. An element has been added in the dialog that includes a list of attachments to the forest declaration form.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 25.10.2022 In GIS WebServer SE the tools for analysis of socio-economic indexes in the specified territories have been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.9.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. The new version has improved data visualization tools and tools for their analysis. Components the Cartogram, Map Legend, Map contents are updated, the administration module has been improved.
    The Cartogram component supports interactive charts. The chart is created from various sources: according to the data when importing a csv file or according to the semantics of map objects. Interactive statistical chart elements help to analyze information online, view a list of map objects for a chart element, see the dynamics of indicator changes and reduce decision-making time.
    Possibility to look through or edit a map has been added, using arbitrary user images of point objects. It allows to create new images of a map with the minimum efforts and time expenses. The required marker images are selected from the collection of application's images or can be uploaded to the server for use in the map.
    GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. The program is certified by the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript and TypeScript.
    On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other server products of KB "Panorama" the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region (RGIS RО) has been implemented. This is a specialized multifunctional geoportal, the interactive capabilities of which provide access to reliable information about objects of various categories. RGIS RO is available to a wide range of users - to the authorities, citizens, organizations, including potential investors and private companies. The regional GIS of the Ryazan region helps in making decisions in various areas of socio-economic development.
    New version of the program is posted on the website in the Download section.

  • 24.10.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Berlin (Germany)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Berlin (Germany) formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 21.10.2022 In the GIS "Panorama" for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" and OS "Alt 8 SP" tools for preparing terrain maps and reports have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.3 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk") and OS "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). In the new version, the tools for editing the classifier of conventional symbols have been improved, saving the digital maps in vector PDF format has been implemented, tools for displaying maps and terrain images, tools for importing files of exchange formats SHP, MIF, KML, GML have been improved.
    In the "Classifier editor" task the tools of clusters description have been added. The description includes: views of objects related to each type of cluster, cell sizes vertically and horizontally, semantics code for indicating the current number of objects in the cluster, view of cluster symbol, the maximum percentage of increase in the size of the cluster symbol and the limit number of objects corresponding to the maximum size of the cluster symbol. The conventional sign of the cluster can be programmable, which allows you to select the type of cluster in various ways and change the properties of the sign depending on the number of objects in the cluster (signature of the number, size of the sign, brightness). When grouping more than one object of a given type in a virtual cell of a cluster, their conventional symbols will be automatically replaced by a symbol of the cluster, the center of which will have the average coordinate of the objects included into it. When you change the scale, the configuration of the clusters automatically changes. When you set the property "Display the first character in the cluster", the first object in the cluster will be displayed at first, and then the cluster icon. In this case, the cluster icon can contain only the number of objects or other complementary elements of the conventional symbol. When drawing an object, various semantics can be taken into account, including links to graphic files, which makes the generalized sign more complex and informative. Maps with clusters customized in the RSC classifier are automatically supported in all desktop and web applications, as well as in applications developed in the GIS ToolKit and GIS Constructor.
    In the "Classifier editor" task, the ability to generate an XSD-scheme by a classifier has been added. The new functionality is intended for the formation of an applied scheme according to the specification of data exchange by digital topographic maps in the BSD (Base Spatial Data) format. The applied scheme is used to transfer object attributes, codes and keys of objects, classifier layers when exporting/importing data in GML and GEOJson formats, in geoportals, as well as when transferring data through GIS WebService SE according to OGC WFS standards. In the course of XSD-scheme creation a possibility is accessible for filtration of used layers of the classifier by means of a file of XML format which is created in a text editor. At use of an option of formation of a legend in the output catalog the images of classifier object samples will be additionally generated.
    In the "Classifier editor" task, the functionality of editing the appearance of the layer has been added. In the new dialog, the user is given the opportunity to more accurately sort the objects in the layer when displayed on the screen. The order of display of object is defined by the convenient way by means of numerical value. Customizing an order of display can be customized separately for each localization.
    Possibility of editing primitives "Table" has been added. The "Table" display type can be assigned to a point object that has a reference to CSV file in its semantics. Each column of the table can contain text and numerical data, pictures (in PNG, JPG, BMP format), colored figures and the percentage scales.
    The table can consist of several pages. The map with the created tables will have one view in desktop, mobile, web-applications on any platforms, with local placement or on the GIS Server and at printing. A layer with tables can be opened on top of any other data - spatial databases, geoportals, remote sensing data. The map, together with CSV files and background data, can be packed into one file of SITZ/MAPZ/MPTZ formats. With the help of objects of the new "Table" image the various statistical data on financial, environmental, economic, medical, tax, meteorological, demographic topics can be presented, which can be obtained on the websites of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical data can be displayed both for Russia as a whole, and for various indicators for municipalities in the Database of indicators of municipalities.Different layers of the map can contain tables for different themes and years. Tables, like other objects, can have visibility scale ranges. At updating the table the data will change accordingly on a map.
    Dialogs have been developed for editing of external views the "Line-colorglass" and "Cross polygon". For each of the views, the user can adjust, in addition to the color and thickness of the displayed lines, additionally the brightness, contrast and transparency. As parametres of shading of polygon an arbitrary thickness and shift of usual lines or a line-colorglass are set. When setting up a shaded areal object the effect of imposing of two or more kinds with different shifts of shading can be used as a result of which the shading turns out double, multi-colour or other more complex views. Customization of objects views is carried out in the map classifier editor or in the object selection dialog (on the "View" tab).
    Saving of digital maps into a vector PDF file has been added. Due to the fact that the vector PDF format preserves the display quality at any display scale, the new mode can be used in the process of preparing reporting documents. For example, a user can combine a set of open maps, save them in vector PDF format, and transfer the resulting file for viewing in original quality at any scale using standard operating system tools. The new mode allows you to save the entire map or only the required fragment according to a rectangular fragment, object, or the size of the current window. Printing is performed at an arbitrary scale: for example, the user can select a map fragment at a small scale, and output it to a file at a larger one.
    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. At increasing the image of a raster more than in two times from the initial size in pixels the smoothing is carried out. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: View - Raster smoothing.
    Abilities of displaying titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics, temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
    Support of XML files having the size more than 4 GB has been added. Processing of XML format is used in a wide range of applications (for example, importing data in GML format).
    GIS "Panorama" - universal domestic geoinformation system. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, the automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Panorama contains tools of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, forecasting of consequences of emergencies at hazardous objects, monitoring of aircraft movement, conducting of geodetic and topographic work, processing the data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 19.10.2022 GIS Constructor provides tools for import of sea maps of S57/S63 standard in update mode
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Construct for Qt Designer SE version 14.2.2 has been developed. In the new version the possibilities of display of titles have been expanded, import of sea maps of the S57/S63 standard has been implemented in the update mode, display of rasters with smoothing is added.
    When importing S57/S63 sea maps, support has been added for datasets with updates of sea maps (ER profile), which are located in files with extensions 001, 002, 003, and so on. The update files must be placed with the source data set with extension 000 in the same folder or according to the folder structure according to IHO S57/S63 standards. The names of the source dataset and update files must match.
    Possibilities for display of titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. When the raster image is enlarged by more than 2 times from the original size in pixels, smoothing is performed. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements).
    GIS Constructor is a set of components for use in the visual programming environment of Qt Designer, which allows you to develop your own GIS applications. The visualization of the contents of digital maps is made in conventional symbols adopted for topographic, geographical and various special maps. Geoinformation system has ample opportunities for performing calculations, for providing display of spatial data on various graphic devices in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The main functions can be executed in multithreaded mode. It supports automatic optimization of used memory for processing large amounts of data (tens of gigabytes) on limited resources (hundreds of megabytes).
    The toolkit is adapted for work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, QNX) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, PowerPC, SPARC, ARM). The toolkit includes components of visual designing the GIS applications and library of a multiplatform multithreaded GIS core. GIS Constructor provides a cross-platform MAPAPI interface that allows a programmer to implement development in an operating system convenient for it. The developer can release GIS applications for a set of operating systems by simple assembly with minimal changes to the program source code.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 19.10.2022 In "Workstation of urban planner" the tools of formation of urban planning extracts have been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of the urban planner" versions 14.4.0 has been developed. In the new version the tools for formation of templates of urban planning extract have been improved, possibility of obtaining the information from the Rosreestr portal by SchemaParcels scheme has been implemented. In the program the tools of importing data in DXF formats, display and highlighting of titles on a map have been updated. The supported volume of data of XML format (more than 4 Gbytes) has been increased.
    In the "Workstation of urban planner" the mode "Creating an extract by semantics of object" has been improved. The urban planning extract is formed according to the report template and filled in with information about the object of the land-property complex. The mode provides processing of objects selected using the filter in the dialog and objects selected by the user on the map.
    In the "Reading CPT and map updating" mode, the function of importing information from XML files according to the SchemaParcels schema has been added. When drawing characteristic points of the boundaries of parts of land plots, the formation of the semantics "Number of the object part" and "Account number" has been added. Import of data of multi-contour cadastral object has been improved. The program forms separate areal, linear and dot objects and unites them into a set.
    The list of attributes of accounting objects in the database, presented on the cadastral map, has been updated in accordance with the changed composition of the semantics of cadastral objects. To work with a cadastral map containing land plots, real estate objects, functional and territorial zones, utility networks, the possibilities for applying and displaying titles have been improved. New tools not only allow you to highlight the title with a shadow, outline, background, frame, and also to format the text taking into account the signs of the selected case and insert of spaces between characters (spacing). Tools for searching and selecting objects by a given area have been improved.
    There is added a support for files larger than 4 GB when importing spatial planning data in GML format, reading cadastral data from XML files, and in other tasks. Algorithms for loading data in DXF and XML formats have been optimized, tools of metadata management have been expanded.
    The dialog "Import data from DXF format" has been improved, stream loading of several DXF files has been implemented. When importing in the "Create a set of maps" mode, automatic processing of design urban planning documents prepared in CAD systems and creation of a separate vector map for each DXF file is provided. The list of generated maps is saved in one MPT project, which can be used to quickly analyze a large number of projects for related urban development objects.
    "Workstation of urban planner" is used in the daily work of specialists of regional executive authorities and local self-government, as well as individuals and legal entities engaged in activities in the field of urban planning, territorial zoning, development of territories and settlements, monitoring the implementation of land use and development rules, determining types of using the land plots, design, construction and reconstruction of real estate objects. The new version of the program has expanded the means of processing and analyzing cartographic materials as part of documents of territorial planning, urban zoning, territory planning, landscaping and land management. The software product ensures the maintenance of an on-duty cadastral map, address plan, accounting of objects of the land and property complex and management of urban-planning activities.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 17.10.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is supplemented with maps of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. The source data was obtained from the Geofabrik website. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 11.10.2022 In "Panorama-editor" the tools of designing special maps and processing remote sensing data have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" version 14.4.0 has been developed. In the new version the tools of displaying vector maps, terrain images and matrix data about the area have been improved, the tools of search and selecting of objects by a given area on the ground have been refined, tools of processing of files of format DXF, S57, XML and graphic files were refined, tools for checking the quality of maps, preparations of reports and processing of the metadata have been expanded.

    Abilities of displaying titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). Examples of titles are given on the map included into the installation: menu File - Example data - data\shape\shape.sitx. There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).The display of objects of the "Map Insert" type, implemented in the library of programmable signs shape.iml64, has been improved. The new algorithm allows cutting the map image according to the metric of polygons and multipolygons of arbitrary shape. Examples of objects of the "Map inset" type are contained in the map included in the GIS Panorama: File - Example data - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\Panorama14\data\shape\shape.sitx.
    Objects of type "Map inset" contain a link to the map file in the service semantics "Graphic file or map" (32769). Cutting the map image is performed according to the metric of the "Map Inset" object.

    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. A new mode "Additional design" has been added, which allows you to apply onto the report layout the auxiliary design elements: icons of linear scales and a direction onto the north, as well as design frames of various types.

    The task "Highlight any area" has been improved. Automatic detection of the highlighting mode for objects inside the area has been added. When drawing an area from left to right, objects that are completely inside the selected area will be highlighted (the color of the area is blue), and from right to left, objects that intersect it (the color of the area is green). At the end of drawing the area on the map the objects located inside the selected area are highlighted. To change the selection conditions, press the right mouse button and select one of the modes in the context menu: Highlight inside (delete intersection), Highlight with intersection (and inside), Highlight outside (delete intersection). Marking of objects on the map according to various search conditions has been improved. If clusters are displayed on the map (generalized signs of closely spaced objects specified in the classifier), then the corresponding signs of clusters are displayed and marked, taking into account the number of signs and their location on the map.

    The task "Select object" has been improved. On the "Metric" bookmark, the ability to delete the selected coordinates of an object by the list has been added. When coordinates are selected in the table, the selected area is synchronously highlighted on the scheme.

    For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the valid characters in value of a string or the sample of a string of a special purpose, for example, GUID, cadastral number and others. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the Select Object dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template. The general control of the vector map has been improved: when performing the control of self-intersections, a correction of adjunction of the points of the linear object's contour to its own contour has been added. When performing control in the "Edit" mode, the contour is cut into two or more separate objects.

    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. At increasing the image of a raster more than in 2 times from the initial size in pixels the smoothing is carried out. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: View - Raster smoothing.

    The task "Import files from DXF format" has been improved. "Create a set of maps" mode has been added into the dialog, which is designed for automatic processing of a set of selected data and creating a separate user map for each DXF file. As a result of the task execution, the list of generated maps is saved into the MPT project.

    When importing S57 sea maps, support has been added for datasets with updates of sea maps (ER profile), which are located in files with extensions 001, 002, 003, and so on. The update files must be placed with the source data set with extension 000 in the same folder or according to the folder structure according to IHO S57/S63 standards. The names of the source dataset and update files must match.

    Support for XML files larger than 4 GB has been added. It is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.

    The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. There is added a use of ZRS placing files from Zulu for automatic positioning of imported rasters. In dialog "Import of raster data" for an automatic binding of the raster image in the work region the binding's files the WORLD FILE, TAB and MAP are also supported. To use a binding file when importing rasters, in the dialog it is enough to select the type of binding file or the name of the product that generated the file from the list.

    The algorithm of data compression of a matrix of heights has been improved. Functions of optimisation of a matrix of heights were improved: compression of 16-bit data has been added. This algorithm is used at loading a matrix of heights in the following modes: File - Import rasters or matrixes from... - Matrix (SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG), GDAL matrix (IMG, DEM...). To compress previously loaded 16-bit matrixes, select the matrix in the list of data and select the "Optimization" item in the context menu (select the "Optimization of packed matrixes" mode in the dialog). Typically, a compressed matrix occupies a volume 5-7 times less than the original volume and contains 3-4 overview matrixes (reduced copies). Reducing the volume and using reduced copies greatly accelerates the visualization of the matrix.

    Formation of PostScript CMYK file has been improved: accounting for palette colors of all open maps has been added, processing of gradient fillings has been added. Creating PostScript files is performed in the map printing dialog, which is called through the main menu: File - Print. To print a map in PostScript, you must select a PostScript compatible print device and output type: PostScript RGB or PostScript CMYK. The detailed description of the procedure for formation of PostScrip files is contained in the document "Applied tasks. Preparation for publication".

    In the "View Passport" task on the "Sheet metadata" page, information about the date and time of creation and updating of map sheets has been added. Date and time information is displayed in local time and stored in the worldwide UTC system.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 10.10.2022 Maps of Lubuskie, Mazowieckie, Lesser Poland, Lower Silesia and Opolskie Voivodeships (Poland) have been updated
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is supplemented with maps of the Lubuskie, Mazowieckie, Lesser Poland, Lower Silesia and Opolskie Voivodeshipss (Poland), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. The source data was obtained from the Geofabrik website. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 08.10.2022 GIS "MapView" implements access of mobile clients to a single geoinformation space
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "MapView" version 1.2 for Android OS has been developed. In the new version a connection to the server of the spatial data the GIS Server has been implemented, support of the compressed terrain images and display of objects with primitives the "Graphic sign" and "Graphic file" have been added.
    New dialog of opening the data from the GIS Server provides to the user a possibility of obtaining the geospatial data in the GIS "Panorama" formats, placed on the GIS Server (topographical, operational situation, sea, aeronautical maps, spatial data bases, and also the matrix data and the data of remote sensing of the Earth). The data can be previously prepared and placed on the GIS Server by means of desktop applications (GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator"). From the set of placed data the user can combine a necessary dataset for work on the mobile device. Dialog allows to save options of connections to necessary GIS Servers and in the process of work to share data from various servers. To ensure the security of the connection, the user can provide a password himself when connecting to the GIS Server, without using the "Save password" option.
    As part of the support of a single geoinformation space, the GIS "MapView" implements the connection of mobile clients to data hosted for multi-user access on a GIS server. Users can also access shared geospatial data from a thin client using GIS WebServer SE (by publishing according to international standards OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS on the GIS WebService SE application server) and from desktop applications (GIS Panorama, GIS Operator). GIS Server supports a control of change of raster and matrix data opened on the server and their synchronous updating on the client. Access to new versions of orthophotomaps, matrixes of heights and vector maps is provided automatically without manual operations from the server administrator or clients. GIS Server supports work with spatial databases under the control of PostgreSQL DBMS and provides access in the form of vector maps in the given conventional signs, allows to edit coordinates and attributes of objects, to solve applied tasks.
    In the new version of the program, vector maps with point objects with the primitive "Graphic symbol" or "Graphic file" are supported. Use of such conventional signs allows to improve visual perception of spatial data. The required images can be created in the graphic editor in BMP, PNG or JPEG formats and placed next to the map ("Graphic file") or loaded directly into the classifier ("Graphic sign") by means of desktop applications.
    Processing of the compressed raster and matrix data with use of compression methods JPEG and LZW has been implemented. The use of compressed raster and matrix data makes it possible to effectively use the disk space and data transmission channel of mobile devices. Preliminary preparation of the raster and matrix data before downloading onto the mobile device can be executed by means of the tasks "Optimization of raster" and "Optimization of matrix" in desktop products for Windows OS (GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator", Panorama-editor, GIS Panorama Mini).
    GIS "MapView" allows you to open the main formats of digital maps of the GIS "Panorama" on Android-based mobile devices and process the information from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. The user can prepare in advance a necessary set of the spatial data in one of desktop products (GIS "Panorama", Panorama-Editor, GIS Panorama Mini), pack them into archive of ZIP format by standard tools and to transfer into mobile GIS "MapView". The process of working with data is carried out offline, without connecting to the Internet. When the user moves, his current position is dynamically displayed according to the coordinates received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver. For ease of use, it is possible to synchronize the position of the map with the current location. To save the coordinates obtained during the movement, a track recording mode is provided, which creates a separate map and puts the trajectory of movement onto it. For all objects of a map during the work the basic information is provided.
    The source code of the GIS "MapView" for Android OS is included in the software product the GIS Constructor for Android and can be taken as a basis for creating your own mobile application in the Kotlin programming language. GIS "MapView" uses the MAPAPI programming interface, which implements ample opportunities for performing calculations, providing display of spatial data in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The MAPAPI programming interface is accessed via the Java Native Interface (JNI) programming interface. The JNI programming interface allows accessing MAPAPI libraries implemented in C/C++ from the Java/Kotlin language. An example of the implementation of this interface is included into composition of GIS Constructor for Android.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 07.10.2022 In RGIS of Ryazan region a mobile application for protection of bees from chemicals has been developed
    As part of the development of the state information system "Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region", the specialists of KB "Panorama" adjusted the functionality of its mobile application in terms of informing beekeepers about the cultivation of land with plant protection products.
    A serious problem for agriculture is the death of bees, which occurs, among other things, due to poisoning of insects with agrochemicals. But the effective commercial production of agricultural crops without the use of modern preparations for the protection against weeds and pests is not possible. Nevertheless, there are ways to find a golden mean - when the use of modern solutions in the field of plant protection does not go to the detriment of beekeeping.
    Through a mobile application, plant growers registered in the system are provided with access to geospatial data on agricultural land and the ability to enter information about planned treatments with plant protection products (PPP). This information includes the name of the PPP from a single reference book in accordance with the State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals permitted for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, the date of start and end of processing, the method of application: ground or from the air.
    For beekeepers, the tools are provided allowing independently to indicate on the map the current locations of nomadic apiaries, as well as their descriptions, including the name of the apiary, the number of the veterinary passport, the date of installation and the number of bee colonies. The beekeeper can indicate the position of the apiary both directly on the map and automatically with use of the built-in navigation system of the mobile device.
    Based on the information received from growers and beekeepers, a special hazard map for bees is automatically updated several times a day. The green color on the map shows the contours of fields not affected by PPP processing and apiaries that are not threatened by the use of chemicals. By yellow color the fields and apiaries are shown for which PPP processing is expected within the next one to three days. Red colour of a field and an apiary means that processing of fields by pesticides and to herbicides is doing in current date, and there is also a restriction on the flying of bees.
    Determining whether an apiary enters the zone of application of plant protection products is carried out taking into account the radius of bee flight. The time of restriction of bees flying is calculated depending on the hazard class for bees of the active ingredient of the PPP. So for the first class of danger, the restriction of flying is recommended within six days after date of processing. The second class implies a restriction for three days after the application of the PPP. Restrictions for the third class is only on the day of application of chemicals.
    In addition to access to the thematic map of dangers, the beekeeper receives push-notifications about the planned introduction of PPP with indication of the active substance, apiary and the recommended time for limiting the flying of bees on the mobile device.

    On our website other news on development of the Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region have been published also:

    - In Ryazan, the development of regional GIS was discussed at the conference "Digital region: investments, security, technologies, human resources";
    - In the Ryazan region, bees are protected with use of geoinformation technologies;
    - Geoinformation solutions of KB "Panorama" are used for legal education of the population of the Ryazan region;
    - Mobile application as part of the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region provides access to dozens of thematic layers on various smartphones;
    - GIS WebServer AGRO is presented at the webinar "Software and services in agro-industrial complex;
    - Governor of the Ryazan region has highly appreciated development of Regional geoinformation system;
    - RGIS of the Ryazan region is used in the state cadastral assessment;
    - Portal of open data of regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region works under control of OS Astra Linux SE;
    - Specialists of KB "Panorama" have held training seminar for representatives of administration of the Ryazan region on use of a modernised regional GIS.

  • 06.10.2022 GIS "Panorama" supports data processing from video cameras with functions of video analytics and event handlers in Python language
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.4.0 has been developed. The new version has improved tools for using the functions of video analytics when processing data from remote video cameras, processing events by means of Python scripts, searching and selecting objects on the map, designing maps using an inset inside an arbitrary contour, topology control, importing SXF and S57 data with ER update profile support.
    In the task "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting", the ability to assign Python scripts for processing events received from remote video cameras connected to the Internet has been added. The assigned scripts are started onto execution automatically when the corresponding notifications about the occurrence of events are received from the video camera. Events include: movement of people, cars and other objects in the video camera's visibility field, crossing the perimeter of a closed zone, appearance or disappearance of objects in the frame, detection of facts of vandalism and sabotage. To receive event notifications, the camera must support appropriate video analytics and the ONVIF standard for Internet communication. The user can select the types of events that interest him and assign scripts to them for processing in the "Setting up an event filter" dialog, which is called in the "List of photo and video data" mode of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. The dialog displays a list of event types supported by a particular video camera. To assign a script, the user needs to select one or more events from the list and click the Β«Assign/Edit ScriptΒ» button. After entering the script parameters (its name, path to the script file, called function and arguments), you need to apply the settings. After that, the script will be automatically run every time the corresponding notifications are received from the video camera. Due to the fact that the Python programming language has a large set of plug-ins, the user gets an easy-to-use and extensive functionality toolkit (including mathematical calculations, processing text and graphic data, working with the network, databases, and more). Python scripts can perform a wide range of tasks, for example, saving information about video analytics events into a user database, receiving and saving a snapshot from a video camera when an event occurs, sending event notifications by email. Examples of Python scripts with a description of their purpose and order of calling are given in the corresponding Help section.
    The task "Highlight any area" has been improved. Changing the conditions for selecting objects selected by area has been simplified. The selection of objects by area is performed using the "Select inside the object" and "Select by any area" modes (polygon, rectangular fragment, lasso). At the end of drawing the area on the map, objects located inside the selected area are highlighted. To change the selection conditions, press the right mouse button and select one of the modes in the context menu: Highlight inside (delete intersection), Highlight with intersection (and inside), Highlight outside (delete intersection).
    Marking of objects on the map according to various search conditions has been improved. If clusters are displayed on the map (generalized signs of closely spaced objects specified in the classifier), then the corresponding signs of clusters are displayed and marked, taking into account the number of signs and their location on the map.
    The display of objects of the "Map Insert" type, implemented in the library of programmable signs shape.iml64, has been improved. The new algorithm allows cutting the map image according to the metric of polygons and multipolygons of arbitrary shape. Objects of type "Map inset" contain a link to the map file in the service semantics "Graphic file or map" (32769). Cutting the map image is performed according to the metric of the "Map Inset" object. Examples of objects of the "Map inset" type are contained in the map included in the GIS Panorama: File - Example data - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\Panorama14\data\shape\shape.sitx.
    The general control of the vector map has been improved: when performing the control of self-intersections, a correction of adjunction of the points of the linear object's contour to its own contour has been added. When performing control in the "Edit" mode, the contour is cut into two or more separate objects.
    The task "Import files from DXF format" has been improved. "Create a set of maps" mode has been added into the dialog, which is designed for automatic processing of a set of selected data and creating a separate user map for each DXF file. As a result of the task execution, the list of generated maps is saved into the MPT project.
    When importing S57 sea maps, support has been added for datasets with updates of sea maps (ER profile), which are located in files with extensions 001, 002, 003, and so on. The update files must be placed with the source data set with extension 000 in the same folder or according to the folder structure according to IHO S57/S63 standards. The names of the source dataset and update files must match.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 05.10.2022 GIS ToolKit supports import of updates of sea maps of S57/S63 standard
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.4.0 has been developed for creating GIS applications. The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data.
    The new version allows you to import sea maps of the S57 standard in update mode (ER profile). Maps for updating are located in files with extensions 001, 002, 003, and so on, and must be placed together with the source data set with extension 000 in the same folder or in accordance with the folders structure according to S57/S63 standards. The names of the source dataset and updates files must coincide.
    Possibilities for display of titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the valid characters in value of a string or the sample of a string of a special purpose, for example, GUID, cadastral number and others. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the "Select Object" dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template.
    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. When the raster image is enlarged by more than 2 times from the original size in pixels, smoothing is performed. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements).
    The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. There is added a use of ZRS placing files from Zulu for automatic positioning of imported rasters. In dialog "Import of raster data" for an automatic binding of the raster image in the work region the binding's files the WORLD FILE, TAB (MapInfo) and MAP (OziExplorer) are also supported. To use a binding file when importing rasters, in the dialog it is enough to select the type of binding file or the name of the product that generated the file from the list.
    The algorithm of data compression of a matrix of heights has been improved. Functions of optimisation of a matrix of heights were improved - compression of 16-bit data has been added. To compress previously loaded 16-bit matrixes, select the "Optimization of packed matrixes" mode in the dialog. Typically, a compressed matrix occupies a volume 5-7 times less than the original volume and contains 3-4 overview matrixes (reduced copies). Reducing the volume and using reduced copies greatly accelerates the visualization of the matrix.
    Support of XML files having the size more than 4 GB has been added. Processing of XML format is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 04.10.2022 GIS Constructor provides an interface for developing GIS-applications in Python language
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor for Qt Designer SE version 14.2.1 has been developed. In the new version a support of API in Python language for developing GIS-applications has been implemented, the composition of demo examples has been expanded by GIS-applications for working with scripts and displaying a 3D-model of spatial data. A creation of arbitrary user attributes of objects of digital maps, the description of which is not contained in the classifier has been added. The supported size of data of XML format (more than 4 Gbytes) for MAPAPI interface functions has been increased.
    API in Python language is included into GIS Constructor that provides access to several thousand functions of the MAPAPI-interface for spatial data analysis, automation of processes of creating and updating digital terrain models. There are several options for using scripts as part of a GIS application: a visual component of designing, a program interface of a call from the C/C++ language, direct writing and execution of Python scripts. Due to the fact that the Python scripting programming language has a large set of connected modules, the user receives an easy-to-use and extensive auxiliary toolkit (mathematical calculations, processing of text and graphic data, work with a network and another) when creating a GIS application.
    To run Python scripts from dialogs, a visual component of designing and an example of its use have been added into the GIS Constructor. The dialog is designed for user-friendly maintenance of a set of scripts to be run: the list of executable files is organized in the form of a tree, the user can create his own themes and fill them with the necessary set of scripts, creation of a new script and its editing can be done directly from the dialog. The source code of the visual design component is included into the GIS Constructor. GIS application developer can use it as a basis for developing their own specialised solution.
    MAPAPI-interface functions can be used directly from the Python environment. Prototypes of functions are declared in the form of imported Python scripts. The function called from the script performs some autonomous action or uses the selected objects on the map.
    To enter additional data processing parameters, dialogs written on the basis of a standard Tkinter component can be called. The GIS Constructor includes a basic set of scripts for demonstrating the execution of various procedures for processing coordinates and attributes of objects of a vector map, solution of computational tasks, converting of data and other tasks. An example of using the MAPAPI-interface functions from the Python environment is included in the GIS Constructor.
    The list of examples has been expanded with a GIS application that demonstrates the display of a 3D model of spatial data. The example implements a moving, turn, scaling and movement along an arbitrary trajectory specified by the user. This application can be taken as a basis for embedding functionality of 3D modeling.
    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics, temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
    Support of XML files having the size more than 4 GB has been added. Processing of XML format is used in a wide range of tasks in the development of GIS applications (for example, importing data in GML format).
    GIS Constructor is a set of geoinformation components for use in the visual programming environment of Qt Designer, which allows you to develop your own GIS applications. The visualization of the contents of digital maps is made in conventional symbols adopted for topographic, geographical and various special maps. Geoinformation system has ample opportunities for performing calculations, for providing display of spatial data on various graphic devices in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The main functions can be executed in multithreaded mode. It supports automatic optimization of used memory for processing large amounts of data (tens of gigabytes) on limited resources (hundreds of megabytes).
    The toolkit is adapted for work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, QNX) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, PowerPC, SPARC, ARM). The toolkit includes components of visual designing the GIS applications and library of a multiplatform multithreaded GIS core. GIS Constructor provides a cross-platform MAPAPI interface that allows a programmer to implement development in an operating system convenient for it. The developer can release GIS applications for a set of operating systems by simple assembly with minimal changes to the program source code.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 03.10.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 has been supplemented with map of the Republic of Croatia
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of the Republic of Croatia has been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The map contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.

    The map was led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 30.09.2022 In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools for formation of a forest declaration in accordance with the federal legislation have been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version the templates of forest declaration have been updated in accordance with the requirements of the Order No. 303 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation dated 04/29/2021. Modes "Filling the report for object", "Print the summary report on selected objects" and "Creating scheme of object and report filling" have been improved. To fill in the reports, the metrics and semantics of the map's objects "Forest area" are used. Before performing the operation for filling the report form it is necessary to fill semantics of all map objects, information about which must be included into the forest declaration.
    The forest declaration reflects information about the person who filed the forest declaration; on a lease agreement for a forest area or other document in accordance with which the use of forests is carried out; about the location of the forest area; on the volume of forest use; on the types of use of forests, which are provided for by the forest lease agreement, or other document in accordance with which the use of forests is carried out, the project of forest development for the declared period. Support for XML files larger than 4 GB has been implemented. It is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.
    For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the order of entering values, for example, a cadastral number with a six-digit or seven-digit quarter number. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the "Select Object" dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 29.09.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of studying the terrain and processing of spatial data have been added
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version there are improved the tools of reports designing, search of objects by their location on the ground, editing of attributes, processing and display of remote sensing data and displaying the sea maps S57/S52. Python scripts have been added for multi-threaded calculations by a road graph, diagnostic tools have been supplemented when executing scripts in python and other tools.
    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. A new mode "Additional design" has been added, which allows you to apply onto the report layout the auxiliary design elements: icons of linear scales and a direction onto the north, as well as design frames of various types. Possibilities for display of titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). Examples of titles are given on the map included into the GIS "Panorama" installation: menu File - Example data - data\shape\shape.sitx. There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    The task "Highlight any area" has been improved. Automatic detection of the highlighting mode for objects inside the area has been added. When drawing an area from left to right, objects that are completely inside the selected area will be highlighted (the color of the area is blue), and from right to left, objects that intersect it (the color of the area is green).
    The task "Select Object" has been improved. On the "Metrics" tab, the ability to delete the selected coordinates of an object by the list has been added. When coordinates are selected in the table, the selected area is synchronously highlighted on the scheme. For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor""Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the valid characters in value of a string or the sample of a string of a special purpose, for example, GUID, cadastral number and others. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the Select Object dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template.
    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. When the image of terrain images is enlarged by more than 2 times from the original size in pixels, smoothing is performed. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: View - Raster smoothing. The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. There is added a use of ZRS placing files from Zulu for automatic positioning of imported rasters. In dialog "Import of raster data" for an automatic binding of the raster image in the work region the binding's files the WORLD FILE, TAB and MAP are also supported. To use a binding file when importing rasters, in the dialog it is enough to select the type of binding file or the name of the product that generated the file from the list.
    The algorithm of data compression of a matrix of heights has been improved. Functions of optimisation of a matrix of heights were improved: compression of 16-bit data has been added. This algorithm is used at loading a matrix of heights in the following modes: File - Import rasters or matrixes from... - Matrix (SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG), GDAL matrix (IMG, DEM...). To compress previously loaded 16-bit matrixes, select the matrix in the list of data and select the "Optimization" item in the context menu (select the "Optimization of packed matrixes" mode in the dialog). Typically, a compressed matrix occupies a volume 5-7 times less than the original volume and contains 3-4 overview matrixes (reduced copies). Reducing the volume and using reduced copies greatly accelerates the visualization of the matrix. Support for XML files larger than 4 GB has been added. It is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.
    Tools have been enhanced for diagnosing and debugging python scripts executed from the "Run applications" dialog on the "Scripts" bookmark. In debug mode, you can execute a script one line at a time, view the values of local and global variables, enter or bypass functions, set breakpoints, make changes to the script code, and re-execute it. Into the list of basic scripts, section the "Calculations by road graph" has been added with the script "Search for minimum distances between map objects". The new script demonstrates the ability to calculate the shortest distances between two sets of objects recorded on different maps and generate a report in a CSV file. The selected semantics - object identifiers (cadastral number, address or other property) and the shortest distance for each pair of objects are written into the file. The script demonstrates writing of multi-threaded tasks, which can speed up the execution of scripts by an order of magnitude by loading all the processor cores on the computer.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. When connecting the Cadastral quarters layer, Rosreestr's geoportal requests data from a more accurate level, taking into account the presence of tiles. On the layer of Cadastral plots a possibility has been added for viewing information about plots by means of the button on the main panel the "Viewing the information on object". When connecting geoportals with a slow speed of issuing tiles, the periodic drawing of data on the screen in a background mode is carried out to improve image perception. For accurate alignment of the contours of terrain objects on images of pictures, vector maps and geoportals with an accuracy up to mm, a dialog for setting the geoportal offset has been added. The dialog is called by the right mouse button in the list of geoportals. To ensure the readability of tiles from geoportals on smartphones and tablets with high resolution, the image is automatically scaled to the standard resolution of the original tiles (96 dpi) with the adjustment of the image scale and the determined coordinates of points.
    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF, DXF, WFS, GML, JSON, and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics in various tasks ("Map Editor", "Map Computer", "Search for objects" and others), temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. This provides work with user-defined semantics and semantics from RSC in a common list in various tasks. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
    Ability has been added to save several open matrixes of heights into one matrix (MTW file) with the specified parameters. The program allows you to save matrixes of different accuracy, that are opened locally or through the GIS Server. Mandatory execution condition: matrixes of heights must be of the same type (absolute heights, relative heights or total heights). For the stored matrix, the scale, precision, and height units can be specified that are different from the characteristics of the initial data. Reducing the size of the element allows you to increase the accuracy of the matrix in plan coordinates, but increases the size of the resulting matrix. The choice of height measurement units (mm, cm, dm, m) affects the accuracy of height storage: if "mm" is selected, the accuracy of height storage is maximum, if "m" is selected, it is minimal. The choice of the unit "m" (meters), for example, makes sense when processing matrixes of heights with an accuracy of 30 meters per element or more. When choosing the unit "m", the size of the resulting matrix can be reduced by two or more times (compared to "mm"). The task is called via the menu: File - Export to... - Matrix (TXT, TIFF, KMZ, MTW) - in the file selection dialog, select the "MTW file" file type.
    The digital classifier of sea maps S57navy.rsc and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 27.09.2022 "Workstation of urban planner" increases the speed of processing large volumes of urban planning documentation stored in the database
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban planner" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version, the tools of accessing the registries of urban planning documentation are optimized, the possibilities of the mode of autofilling the land plot development regulations are expanded, and the check for the presence of the PostgreSQL driver in the ODBC system has been implemented.
    "Workstation of urban planner" allows you to accumulate in the database the information about land plots, capital construction objects, engineering communications, as well as store urban planning documentation in specialized sections of ISOGD. In the new version, to improve work efficiency and increase the speed of information processing, the processes of accessing data stored in the system metadata have been optimized. At execution of long processes, the information window has been added and the exit from uncompleted process without loss of data is provided.
    Between registers of the "Workstation of urban planner" an information interaction and spatially-logic communications with digital map's objects are established. The formation and maintenance of a database of urban planning regulations established by the rules of land use and development is supported. Using the map of territorial zoning, it is possible to automatically establish the rules for building a land plot.
    "Workstation of urban planner" supports work with PostgreSQL DBMS. In the new version a check of presence of the PostgreSQL driver in the ODBC system on the user's computer is added. Without the installed driver, the functionality of the program is limited, only modes for working with a digital map are available.
    The new version of the program and the updated documentation are placed the website in the Download section.

  • 26.09.2022 Maps of the Ryazan and Tambov regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed the maps of the Ryazan and Tambov regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data were obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 23.09.2022 GIS WebService SE increases the degree of data protection of regional geoportals with use of local coordinate system
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 14.5.9 has been developed. In the new version a support of files in MPTZ format has been implemented, the list of supported requests has been expanded, work with maps in local coordinate systems has been improved, tools of check of connection to remote servers have been refined, support of user semantics has been added.
    GIS WebService SE works with maps in local coordinate systems and maps with undefined projections (large-scale plan). The use of such maps will increase the degree of data protection, the accuracy of calculations and information processing. For specialists of municipal and regional geoportals constructed on the basis of GIS WebService SE, it will be easier and more convenient to use data they already have. GIS WebService SE together with GIS WebServer SE, GIS WebToolKit SE provide indispensable tools and capabilities for using and publishing data. In order to improve support for local coordinate systems, in addition to existing requests, calculations for calculating azimuth, direction angle and distance have been added.
    In GIS WebService SE, a request for the intersection of objects of several maps has been implemented. Result of request is the user layer containing objects of intersections and their semantics. For the received layer all operations available to a usual layer are supported. The request supports the user filters by semantics, metrics, spatial characteristics.
    Support of files in format MPTZ is added. Support of user semantics for writing arbitrary object properties which has been not described in the semantics list of RSC classifier has been added. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF, WFS and others) when names of fields (keys) of objects attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. Output of styles for point objects in JSON format has been added. For request of obtaining the description of object semantics a support of layers consisting from MPT projects has been added. Obtaining the presence of semantics for objects on the map is significantly accelerated.
    Periodic check of connection to the remote server has been added when republishing data, if when opening the layer the remote server did not respond. It will allow to restore connection and to relay necessary requests. Speed of displaying data is increased when republishing geoportals. Support of groups in symbols in a national language has been added.
    GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), which are used to transfer and display spatial data. The program implements the ability to issue tiles according to any user or local coordinate system. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with Apache, IIS and nginx web servers.
    The new version of the program is placed on the website in the Download section.

  • 22.09.2022 Training video material on automatic creation of labels has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of execution of automatic creation of titles with use of value of the attributive data at objects on a vector map by means of the task "Creation of titles by objects semantics". This task is available to users in the GIS "Panorama", "Panorama-editor" and GIS "Operator".
    In the training material, using the free map OpenStreetMap as an example, automatic creation of labels for objects of a point character of localization was performed. Before performing automatic creation of labels, you should first select objects on the map, which must be available for editing. When performing the task, the types of values of semantic characteristics, the location of the label relative to the binding point of the object, the choice of the type of generated label (conventional classifier or graphic sign), as well as the formation of mutual links between the object and the label for automatic data updating are taken into account.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 21.09.2022 Maps of Lodz, Pomeranian, Sventokshisky and Silesian Voivodeships (Poland) have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is supplemented with maps of the Lodz, Pomeranian, ?wi?tokrzyskie and Silesian Voivodeships (Poland), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. The source data was obtained from the Geofabrik website. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 19.09.2022 Data bank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides dispatching of conflict situations during intensive processing of large volumes of spatial data
    In KB "Panorama" the Data bank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 7.4.0 has been developed. In the new version the mechanism of control of the started processes of loading and updating of the data has been implemented, modes of updating maps-schemes were improved, speed of work has been increased at simultaneous editing of a large number of records, the program interface has been improved.
    In the Data Bank of Digital Maps and remote sensing data, the ability to dispatch conflict situations when performing the main processes in spatial data funds has been added. In the program the procedures of loading data and procedure of updating maps-schemes of metadata are controled. Simultaneous execution of conflicting processes is excluded. When you try to run them, a corresponding warning will be issued with information about the state of an already running process.
    Visualization of displaying spatial data at the expense of new modes of updating maps-schemes is improved. An update mode has been added with a complete re-creation of objects on the map and with drawing a frame from the map file. On a map-scheme the filtered and marked data sets are separately displayed. Small objects are combined into groups (clusters). The legend for maps-schemes has been updated. There is added an automatic updating of the map-scheme after editing the metadata, if the fields that affect the view of object were edited.
    Speed of multiple editing of metadata has been optimised when selecting a large number of records (more than 100 thousand). Deleting and export of data sets have been accelerated. Work with lists in case of selecting all available data sets has been optimised.
    Access to the basic functions is duplicated in the upper part of the application, a button for minimizing the metadata panel has been added. Possibility of starting with display of a map in full screen is implemented. Work is optimised with small browser window sizes. In the administrator of the complex, management of the printing of diagnostic messages has been added and their list has been expanded. Support of editing maps through connection to a chain of GIS Servers in the distributed system of data storage has been improved.
    Data security is ensured by the differentiation of access rights based on the security tools that are part of the operating system. Basic authentication, digest authentication, system authentication (web server tools), and domain authentication (Kerberos or ActiveDirectory) are supported. Additional security is provided by the use of pass-through authentication when working with the database. Connection to the database occurs with the rights of the user working with the system. The complex is adapted to work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, MS Windows and others) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, Baikal). The program is registered in the register of domestic software under the number 1862.
    The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data is the basis for building infrastructure of spatial data of federal, regional and municipal levels, in corporate information systems. Within the framework of a single geoinformation space, the Data Bank of digital maps and remote sensing data realises gathering, storage, quality control, search and delivery of the spatial data in exchange formats. The spatial data selected by means of the program can be placed for the multiuser access on the GIS Server and be published according to the international standards OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS on application server the GIS WebService SE.
    Users can access data from both a thin client (by means of GIS WebServer SE) and from desktop applications (GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator"). The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides construction of cloud warehouse of spatial data, provision of access to these data, the automated formation and updating of geocovers.
    The current state of spatial data is displayed by means of maps-schemes that are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrixes and terrain models. It provides remote placing the sets of spatial data into file warehouse, keeping versions of stored sets, updating maps-schemes of data availability, the automated collection and formation of metadata, and the formation and updating of geocovers. Automated collection and formation of metadata is performed according to the standards of ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information - Metadata and ISO/TS 19139, Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation. The reduced copies of data images are automatically formed, checksum of files and completeness of data sets are checked. Placement of spatial data into file storage is performed with integrity check, control of data structure and content. The results of the work are recorded and are entered into the metadata base. Automatic backup of metadata and spatial data storage with integrity control and data recovery has been provided. Multilingual interface is supported.
    The "Bank of spatial data" portal demonstrates the possibilities of organizing storage, accounting and and issuance of vector maps, remote sensing data, matrixes of heights and the terrain models. The portal contains vector maps in SXF format, generated on the basis of data from open sources (OpenStreetMap, VMap0). The spatial data includes maps of: subjects of the Russian Federation, countries and cities of the near and far abroad. In total, over 250 vector maps and 6700 matrix data with a total volume of 60 GB. Specialists of KB "Panorama" weekly update and refresh the content of the information on the portal. All published data is distributed free of charge under a free license.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 16.09.2022 Maps of the Moscow and Tver regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed the maps of the Moscow and Tver regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data were obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 14.09.2022 In GIS "Panorama" the tools for design of terrain maps and photo documents of various purposes have been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.3.4 has been developed. The new version has improved tools for designing reports, displaying and highlighting labels on the map, searching for objects by their location on the ground, editing object attributes, display of rasters and matrixes with compression, formations of a PostScript CMYK file, preparing aeronautical data and other tools.
    Possibilities for display of titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). Examples of titles are given on the map included into the GIS "Panorama" installation: menu File - Example data - data\shape\shape.sitx. There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
    The "Report Designer" task has been improved. A new mode "Additional design" has been added, which allows you to apply onto the report layout the auxiliary design elements: icons of linear scales and a direction onto the north, as well as design frames of various types.
    The task "Highlight any area" has been improved. Automatic detection of the highlighting mode for objects inside the area has been added. When drawing an area from left to right, objects that are completely inside the selected area will be highlighted (the color of the area is blue), and from right to left, objects that intersect it (the color of the area is green).
    For automatic control of entered values of character semantics in "Classifier Editor" the possibility has been added for assigning to one semantics at once the several templates of a string defining the valid characters in value of a string or the sample of a string of a special purpose, for example, GUID, cadastral number and others. For strings that have value templates, when you enter a value in the Select Object dialog, it checks if it matches one of the specified templates. If there is a mismatch, the message indicates to the user the character number from which the input string does not match the template.
    Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. At increasing the image of a raster more than in 2 times from the initial size in pixels the smoothing is carried out. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: View - Raster smoothing.
    The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. There is added a use of ZRS placing files from Zulu for automatic positioning of imported rasters. In dialog "Import of raster data" for an automatic binding of the raster image in the work region the binding's files the WORLD FILE, TAB and MAP are also supported. To use a binding file when importing rasters, in the dialog it is enough to select the type of binding file or the name of the product that generated the file from the list.
    The algorithm of data compression of a matrix of heights has been improved. Functions of optimisation of a matrix of heights were improved: compression of 16-bit data has been added. This algorithm is used at loading a matrix of heights in the following modes: File - Import rasters or matrixes from... - Matrix (SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG), GDAL matrix (IMG, DEM...). To compress previously loaded 16-bit matrixes, select the matrix in the list of data and select the "Optimization" item in the context menu (select the "Optimization of packed matrixes" mode in the dialog). Typically, a compressed matrix occupies a volume 5-7 times less than the original volume and contains 3-4 overview matrixes (reduced copies). Reducing the volume and using reduced copies greatly accelerates the visualization of the matrix. Support for XML files larger than 4 GB has been added. It is used when importing GML data, reading cadastral data from XML format files, and in other tasks.
    Formation of PostScript CMYK file has been improved: accounting for palette colors of all open maps has been added, processing of gradient fillings has been added. Creating PostScript files is performed in the map printing dialog, which is called through the main menu: File - Print. To print a map in PostScript, you must select a PostScript compatible print device and output type: PostScript RGB or PostScript CMYK. The detailed description of the procedure for formation of PostScrip files is contained in the document "Applied tasks. Preparation for publication".
    In the "View Passport" task on the "Sheet metadata" page, information about the date and time of creation and updating of map sheets has been added. Date and time information is displayed in local time and stored in the worldwide UTC system.
    The applied task "Creating a map of minimum heights", included into group of applications "Automatic creation of objects" has been improved. The procedure serves as an addition to the Complex for AI documents preparation and is designed to automatically generate a map of the minimum allowable heights for aviation flights based on elevation matrixes, a map of elevation points and a map of artificial obstacles. The map of minimum heights is a matrix of signatures for the values of the minimum allowable flight altitudes in the established conventional symbols with a given size of the analyzed cells. In the new version, the technology for processing height data has been changed. The possibility of stage-by-stage processing of matrixes of heights and additional maps has been implemented, which allows you to quickly update the map of minimum heights according to the changed map of artificial obstacles without re-processing matrixes of heights. There is added the ability to calculate AMA (Area Minimum Altitude) and MORA (Minimum of Route Altitude) altitudes.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 13.09.2022 Training video material on formation of schemes of geodesy constructions has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of formation of a graphic file of the scheme of geodesy constructions for a graphic part of the land survey plan. Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can make schemes of geodetic constructions with the subsequent formation of graphic files of schemes using the tools of the complex of geodesy calculations.
    The training material demonstrates the procedure for forming the scheme of geodetic constructions for the graphic part of the land survey plan issued in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December, 8th, 2015 No. 921. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of symbols survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz have been developed. In classifiers there are implemented the general list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents.
    The scheme of geodetic constructions contains a schematic representation of the object of cadastral work and geodetic constructions, depending on the method of measuring the object. Preparing a scheme of land plots layout is an obligatory stage in the production of cadastral works on formation of land survey plan of the land plot.
    You can get acquainted with training materials in the section "Video lessons".

  • 12.09.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 has been supplemented with map of the Italian Republic
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of the Italian Republic has been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The map contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.

    The map was led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 08.09.2022 Mobile application VideoGPS supports work with modern versions of Android OS
    KB "Panorama" has developed a mobile application for recording video tracks based on data from the GPS/GLONASS receiver VideoGPS version 1.0 for Android OS. In the program a support of new versions of Android OS (11 and higher) is implemented. The updated version of the application supports the embedded in Android OS the mechanism of protection of the user data, regulating access to the user's shared files, such as video files, audio recordings and documents. The user is given the opportunity to select a directory for recording video tracks when the first accessing the video recording. After recording, the user can view and select files using standard operating system tools (file viewer and video player). The program allows to execute loading of the recorded tracks onto the GIS Server. Support of modern versions of Android OS expands the set of compatible devices for preparation of geodata by means of the mobile application.
    VideoGPS allows you to record a video track together with a motion trace file. The recorded data from a mobile device, as well as data received from a car DVR or a video camera of unmanned aerial vehicle, can be imposed onto the map in the "The movement of the track (video)" task from the GIS "Panorama". This dialog allows you to download and view video synchronized with the GPS track. When viewing video, a marker is displayed on the map indicating the position of the camera corresponding to the current frame of the video file. When the mouse pointer approaches a track on the map, an additional window opens with a frame corresponding to the selected track point. Dialog supports the video files containing coordinates of a track in subtitles of a video file, or in a separate file of GPX, NMEA-0183, KML formats. When loading a video file containing coordinates, into a map the track is automatically added in the form of linear object with the four-dimensional metric. Each point contains coordinates, date and time of of GPS-coordinates recording. To link an object to a video file, a link onto the video file is written into the object. Loading tracks in GPX or NMEA-0183 format is performed using the "Loading tracks from directory" mode.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 07.09.2022 Maps of Wielkopolska, West Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeships (Poland) have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is supplemented with maps of the Wielkopolska, West Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeships (Poland), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. The source data was obtained from the Geofabrik website. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 05.09.2022 GIS WebServer SE expands possibilities of interactive access to data of geoportals of various purposes
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.8.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version the modes of obtaining additional information about map objects are improved. The administration module has been improved and the components have been updated: Cartogram, Spatial database, Lists of objects, Selection of objects by conventional symbol.
    The program implements support for tooltips to the map objects. This is an additional interactive way to get information about objects on the map. Tooltips appear when you move the mouse cursor over the image of the object. The tooltips contains brief information about object: an object name, a name of a map layer, individual attributes of object. Work of tooltips is supported for layers of the maps published on service the GIS WebService SE. The updated GIS WebServer SE administration module allows you to select map layers for displaying tooltips and configure the information content for them. In the new version into the Cartogram component the possibility has been added for import and export of parameters of creating thematic maps into files of JSON format.
    GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. The program is certified by the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript and TypeScript.
    On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other server products of KB "Panorama" the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region (RGIS RО) has been implemented. This is a specialized multifunctional geoportal, the interactive capabilities of which provide access to reliable information about objects of various categories. RGIS RO is available to a wide range of users - to the authorities, citizens, organizations, including potential investors and private companies. The regional GIS of the Ryazan region helps in making decisions in various areas of socio-economic development.
    New versions of the program are posted on the website in the Download section.

  • 02.09.2022 In the "Workstation of a cadastral engineer" the possibilities of conducting a cadastral map and creation of cadastral documents have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.3.3 has been developed. In the new version, the modes "Reading of the cadastral plan of the territory and updating the map" and "Create objects from an XML file of the cadastre" have been improved. The ability to import information from XML files according to the SchemaParcels scheme has been added and the algorithm for creating multi-contour land plots and real estate objects has been corrected.
    Work with layers of service the "Public cadastral map"of Rosreestr is optimised. When connecting the "Cadastral quarters" layer, data are requested from a more accurate level, taking into account the presence of tiles. On the layer "Cadastral plots" a possibility has been added for viewing information about plots by means of the button on the main panel the "Viewing the information on object".
    Possibility of access to archival data of geoportals has been implemented. For example, to connect fire maps provided by the Information System for Remote Monitoring of Rosleskhoz. Access to information is carried out taking into account the specified time interval of observations.
    For the mode "Land survey plan", the insertion and filling of section the "4. Information about the characteristics of the formed land plot" has been added when processing several selected objects. There is added a processing of repeated values for the cadastral numbers of the initial land plot, as well as the numbers of real estate objects located on the plot. The numbering of points in the section "1. Information about the characteristic points of the boundaries of the formed land plot" has been corrected. When forming an XML document when combining and redistributing land plots, in the absence of the value of the semantics "area according to the document", the area according to the map is inserted into XML. When forming the boundary plan, the following parameters were added: OGRNIP, TIN, number and date in the SRO register, the name of the Agreement. The templates for the form of the land survey plan have been updated in accordance with the Order of Rosreestr No. P/0592/ 0592. At formation of the Act of approval there is added a processing the table "3. Information about removal of objections concerning a location of boundaries:". In the table "1. Information about the results of matching the location of boundaries:" and in table 3, the filling of the document details from the semantics of the object is implemented.
    For the text report of the technical plan, the date from the "Validity period" field has been added to the details of the verification certificate into the "Information on the used measuring instruments" section. Processing of multi-contour objects of real estate was corrected. There is added an insertion into the report of the cadastral number of another object of real estate, within which the processed object is located, of the type of permitted use of the object of real estate. Filling in information about the customer of cadastral work, which is a legal entity has been corrected. Templates of the form of the technical plan have been updated in accordance with Rosreestr Order No. P/0082.
    For the "Map (plan) of object of land management" mode a recording and saving information about the representative's power of attorney has been corrected, and the ability to select from the "Base of cadastral works" information about the contract, cadastral engineer and customer has been added. When maintaining a catalog of coordinates, the "Coordinate system" field has been added to synchronize with information about the geodetic base for land survey and technical plans.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 01.09.2022 Specialists of KB "Panorama" took part in the international conference "State monitoring of the state of the subsoil"
    On August, 30-31, 2022 the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use together with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Gidrospetsgeologiya" have held an international conference "State monitoring of the state of the subsoil". The main goal of the conference is the exchange of experience and the development of promising directions of the development of monitoring the state of the subsoil, improving the methodology for monitoring endogenous and exogenous geological processes on the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring states.
    At the conference, the specialists of KB "Panorama" made the report "Application of geoinformation products "Panorama" in monitoring systems". The participants of the event were shown the possibilities of the geoinformation platform "Panorama" for a collecting, processing and analyzing of spatial data coming from various sources. The report reflects the software technologies used in various monitoring systems for creation of digital maps, automatic updating the current situation, control of monitoring's indicators and formation of reports.
    For geologists, hydrogeologists and surveyors, in addition to the Professional GIS "Panorama", special modules are installed that provide solutions to industry-specific problems. The program uses matrix models, methods of mathematical modeling, inclinometry calculations, linear coordinate systems, a profiling of a relief and geological layers. To maintain digital maps and plans in the field of geology, industry classifiers have been developed, including the necessary conventional symbols according to GOST and OST.
    The results of measurements and observations on the monitoring's network are used to maintain a database of strong points of observation represented by wellhead coordinates or points of survey tours. Groundwater study points and matrix of heights of a relief are used to create a matrix of layersmatrix of layers that characterizes the hydrogeological conditions of the area. Matrixes of qualities are used to build various surfaces of geological, hydrological, hydrogeological conditions and evaluation factors or physical fields, including those based on hydrogeodeformational monitoring data.
    Geoinformation platform "Panorama" provides the publication of digital maps, images, matrixes and object-oriented databases from a relational DBMS in the form of geoservices by means of GIS WebService SE. Layers of geoservices can be embedded in any GIS-application (desktop, web or mobile) by use of the GIS WebToolKit SE developer tools. Development tools allow you to create interoperable GIS-applications that display digital maps by combining a hybrid of spatial data's layers from various network information resources.

  • 31.08.2022 GIS Constructor provides a working with protected digital sea navigation maps according to the S63 standard
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor for Qt Designer SE version 14.2.0 has been developed. In the new version a support of digital sea maps of the IHO S63 standard is implemented. An application system developer can add support for the standard into his application and register the application in the prescribed manner for obtaining a developer key (M_KEY). When calling a MAPAPI interface function from an application, a folder with data according to the S63 standard is specified, containing the PERMIT.TXT file, the developer key (M_KEY) and user permission (USERPERMIT). Data files of the sea map will be transformed into the project of maps (MPT) containing the list of SITX files encoded with the record's key from the user permission (hw_id6). More detailed information is given in the document "Programmer's guide". Testing of the S63 data access functions was performed using the test data of the S64 standard. Error messages in S63 data are written into the text log specified when calling the MAPAPI interface function.
    Data exchange protocols with the GIS Server have been optimized. Due to the optimization, the stability of the connection has been improved, process of addition of objects to data has been accelerated, and the amount of transmitted data has been reduced.
    Support of the classifier of maps of agricultural purpose agro10t.rsc has been implemented. It is intended for creation of multilayered digital maps in agriculture and their applications in management of the agricultural enterprise. The classifier can be used to create map-schemes of agricultural land, maintain passports of fields, operational agrochemical monitoring of fields, thematic mapping for various categories and indicators, generate maps for managing transport and agricultural machinery of an enterprise, and solve transport logistics problems.
    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts. The S57navy digital classifier of sea maps and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.
    GIS Constructor is a set of geoinformation components for use in the visual programming environment of Qt Designer, which allows you to develop your own GIS applications. The visualization of the contents of digital maps is made in conventional symbols adopted for topographic, geographical and various special maps. Geoinformation system has ample opportunities for performing calculations, for providing display of spatial data on various graphic devices in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The main functions can be executed in multithreaded mode. It supports automatic optimization of used memory for processing large amounts of data (tens of gigabytes) on limited resources (hundreds of megabytes).
    The toolkit is adapted for work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, QNX) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, PowerPC, SPARC, ARM). The toolkit includes components of visual designing the GIS applications and library of a multiplatform multithreaded GIS core. GIS Constructor provides a cross-platform MAPAPI interface that allows a programmer to implement development in an operating system convenient for it. The developer can release GIS applications for a set of operating systems by simple assembly with minimal changes to the program source code.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 29.08.2022 Training video on formation of documents for FSIS TP has been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have updated a video lesson on export of data of territorial planning into GML format for the subsequent transfer onto the FSIS TP portal. Users of the GIS "Panorama" and "Panorama-editor" can generate documents for territorial planning of municipalities using the task "Export territorial planned data in GML" from the "Run applications" complex, users of "Workstation of urban-planner" can form documents by means of the complex of urban-planning tasks.
    The training material demonstrates the features of data preparation, filling in mandatory characteristics and generating GML files in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2018 No. 10. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifier of conventional symbols terrplan.v5.rscz has been developed. The classifier implements a general list of layers, objects and attributive characteristics of objects of territorial planning and urban planning.
    The task "Export territorial planned data in GML" provides reading of map objects and uploading them into a GML file. Maps of documents of territorial planning are made in accordance with the level of management: territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation, territorial planning scheme of a subject of the Russian Federation, territorial planning scheme of a municipal district, master plan of an urban district and master plan of an urban settlement.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 26.08.2022 Maps of the Lipetsk and Oryol regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed the maps of the Lipetsk and Oryol regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data were obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 24.08.2022 GIS ToolKit provides a working with protected digital sea navigation maps by the S63 standard
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.3.3 has been developed for creating GIS applications. In the new version a support of digital sea maps of the IHO S63 standard is implemented. An application system developer can add support for the standard into his application and register the application in the prescribed manner for obtaining a developer key (M_KEY). When calling a MAPAPI interface function from an application, a folder with data according to the S63 standard is specified, containing the PERMIT.TXT file, the developer key (M_KEY) and user permission (USERPERMIT). Data files of the sea map will be transformed into the project of maps (MPT) containing the list of SITX files encoded with the developer's key (M_KEY). More detailed information is given in the document "Applied tasks. Development of new modules". Testing of the S63 data access functions was performed using the test data of the S64 standard. Error messages in S63 data are written onto the text log specified when calling the MAPAPI interface function.
    The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 22.08.2022 Training video has been prepared on the transfer of attributive characteristics into territorially dependent objects
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson for execution of the task of transferring the value of a semantic characteristic from one group of objects into another one by means of procedure "Transfer the semantics of the incoming objects". It is designed to transfer the values of the specified semantic characteristics of reference objects-polygons into semantics of territorially dependent selected objects of a digital map.
    In the educational material, using the example of maps of administrative-territorial division, an algorithm for transferring attributive characteristics (semantics) for objects located on different maps is shown. When executing the task, the parameters of partial occurrence of objects into the polygon (% of occurrence), determination of the occurrence of the object by the coordinates of the center and the possibility of replacing the values of semantic characteristics can be additionally taken into account.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 21.08.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 has been supplemented with map of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic map of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The map contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.
    The map was led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.
    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 17.08.2022 Mobile GIS "MapView" provides work with popular geoportals on Android OS
    In KB the Panorama the GIS "MapView" version 1.1 for Android OS has been developed. In the new version a connection to popular geoportals of spatial data (OpenStreetMap, Yandex, KB "Panorama" and others) is implemented. This provides the user with the ability to use a wide range of cartographic substrates when working with the mobile application. To the selected geoportals any geospatial data in the GIS "Panorama" format (multisheet and user maps, rasters and matrixes) can be added. Connecting geoportals allows you to receive cartographic information anywhere in the world when determining the current location and record of the route from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. The list of supported geoportals corresponds to the desktop version of GIS "Panorama", which makes it possible to prepare a set of spatial data for display in desktop versions of products (GIS "Panorama", "Panorama-Editor", GIS Panorama Mini), and to use it when working in a mobile GIS " Mapview".
    In the new version of the application a supporting for the classifier of maps of agricultural purpose agro10t.rsc has been implemented. It is intended for creation of multilayered digital maps in agriculture and their applications in management of the agricultural enterprise. The classifier can be used to create map-schemes of agricultural land, maintain passports of fields, operational agrochemical monitoring of fields, thematic mapping for various categories and indicators, generate maps for managing transport and agricultural machinery of an enterprise, and solve transport logistics problems.
    The structure of the user interface has been redesigned for the convenience of working with the application. To increase usable space when working with the map, the main menu of the application is implemented as a hidden component. For operational work, the main controls by the application are placed on top of the map displaying (main menu, data list, zoom, geolocation). The process of displaying data has been optimized by using background threads of the operating system. This increases the responsiveness of the application when the user performs typical operations when working with a mobile application.
    The toolkit for developing your own applications the GIS Constructor for Android has been updated. For the convenience of developing and debugging GIS applications, MAPAPI libraries for the x86-64 architecture have been added. A developer can write his application using an emulator, check its operability and then transfer the already developed application to a full-fledged Android device with a minimum of changes in the source code of the program.
    GIS "MapView" allows you to open the main formats of digital maps of the GIS "Panorama" on Android-based mobile devices and process the information from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. The user can prepare in advance a necessary set of the spatial data in one of desktop products (GIS "Panorama", Panorama-Editor, GIS Panorama Mini), pack them into archive of ZIP format by standard tools and to transfer into mobile GIS "MapView". The process of working with data is carried out offline, without connecting to the Internet. When the user moves, his current position is dynamically displayed according to the coordinates received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver. For ease of use, it is possible to synchronize the position of the map with the current location. To save the coordinates obtained during the movement, a track recording mode is provided, which creates a separate map and puts the trajectory of movement onto it. For all objects of a map during the work the basic information is provided.
    The source code of the GIS "MapView" for Android OS is included in the software product the GIS Constructor for Android and can be taken as a basis for creating your own mobile application in the Kotlin programming language. GIS "MapView" uses the MAPAPI programming interface, which implements ample opportunities for performing calculations, providing display of spatial data in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The MAPAPI programming interface is accessed via the Java Native Interface (JNI) programming interface. The JNI programming interface allows accessing MAPAPI libraries implemented in C/C++ from the Java/Kotlin language. An example of the implementation of this interface is included into composition of GIS Constructor for Android.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 15.08.2022 In the GIS "Panorama" for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" and OS "Alt 8 SP" the tools of analyzing the spatial data in Python language have been implemented
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.2 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk") and OS "Alto 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). The new version expands the possibilities for creating, updating and analyzing digital terrain models by including Python scripts into the software. Scripts can be preliminary prepared in a text editor which is a part of an operating system, and then are started by using the task from the GIS "Panorama" Because the Python scripting programming language has a large set of connected modules, the user receives an easy-to-use and extensive auxiliary toolkit (mathematical calculations, processing of text and graphic data, work with a network and another).
    Start of Python scripts is accessible from separate tab of the "Run application" dialog. The script tree initially contains a basic set of scripts for demonstrating the execution of various procedures for processing coordinates and attributes of vector map objects, solving the computational problems, converting data and other tasks. To connect his own tasks, the user can create his own themes and fill them with the necessary set of scripts. For the convenience of the user, the creation of a new script and its editing can be performed directly from the dialog.
    When writing scripts, several thousand GIS core functions (MAPAPI) are available. Function prototypes are declared as imported Python scripts from the folder /var/Panorama/Panorama14/py_mapapi14. The function called from the script performs some autonomous action or uses the selected objects on the map. To enter additional data processing parameters, both GIS dialogs and dialogs written on the basis of a standard Tkinter component can be called. Scripts indicate the progress of data processing by indicating the name of the processing stage and the percentage of completion in the main application window. By results of the analysis and processing the objects of a vector map can be selected and used for the further processing in a chain of executed scripts or interactive application tools.
    Support of the classifier of maps of agricultural purpose agro10t.rsc has been implemented. It is intended for creation of multilayered digital maps in agriculture and their applications in management of the agricultural enterprise. The classifier can be used to create map-schemes of agricultural land, maintain passports of fields, operational agrochemical monitoring of fields, thematic mapping for various categories and indicators, generate maps for managing transport and agricultural machinery of an enterprise, and solve transport logistics problems.
    The S57navy digital classifier of sea maps and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard. Data exchange protocols with the GIS Server have been optimized. Due to the optimization, the stability of the connection was improved, the process of addition of objects to data was accelerated, and the amount of transmitted data was reduced.
    GIS "Panorama" - universal domestic geoinformation system for power structures. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, the automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Panorama contains tools of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, forecasting of consequences of emergencies at hazardous objects, monitoring of aircraft movement, conducting of geodetic and topographic work, processing the data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 10.08.2022 In GIS ToolKit the possibilities of applying the user data for description of object properties have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.3.2 has been developed for creating GIS-applications. In the new version the possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier.
    User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics, temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of field in the source vector data. This provides work with user-defined semantics and semantics from RSC in a common list in various tasks. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.

    The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data. Spatial data can be located both at the workplace (direct access to data), and in a local network or the Internet (access components to the GIS Server or data exchange using international protocols are used).
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 08.08.2022 GIS Panorama Mini provides access to the detailed information about object of real estate on the domestic geoportal of Rosreestr
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.3.3 has been developed. In the new version, the possibilities of the GIS for providing a request of information about areas from the Rosreestr geoportal are expanded, the use of arbitrary user attributes of objects of vector maps is improved, and the tools for displaying S57/S52 sea maps are refined.

    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. When connecting the Cadastral quarters layer, Rosreestr's geoportal requests data from a more accurate level, taking into account the presence of tiles. On the layer of Cadastral plots a possibility has been added for viewing information about plots by means of the button on the main panel the "Viewing the information on object". When connecting geoportals with a slow speed of issuing tiles, the periodic drawing of data on the screen in a background mode is carried out to improve image perception. For accurate alignment of the contours of terrain objects on images of pictures, vector maps and geoportals with an accuracy up to mm, a dialog for setting the geoportal offset has been added. The dialog is called by the right mouse button in the list of geoportals. To ensure the readability of tiles from geoportals on smartphones and tablets with high resolution, the image is automatically scaled to the standard resolution of the original tiles (96 dpi) with the adjustment of the image scale and the determined coordinates of points.

    The task "Map Legend" has been improved. On the "Maps", "Rasters", "Matrixes", "Models" bookmarks, an information sign "(!)" is set if the coordinate system of the added data does not match the current coordinate system of the main document. On the "Maps" bookmark, an updating the content of the classifier tree has been improved when changing the contents of vector map objects. For example, if the filter "Objects available on the map" is set in the "Map legend", when an object is placed onto the map that is not part of the tree, the legend will be automatically rebuilt. In the "Map Legend" and "Data List" tasks, the updating of visibility of maps, rasters, matrixes and geoportals is synchronized.

    For rasters imported in the "Do not copy the input image to RSW file" mode, support for channel color depth of 32 and 64 bits has been added. To convert the color to 8 bits, the minimum and maximum values determined by the reduced image are used during display. Single-channel rasters with real pixel encoding, which are usually used to store matrix height data, are displayed in grayscale.

    The "Latest commands" item has been added into the context menu, which contains a list of the latest executed commands in various tasks. For immediately calling a list of latest commands, use the combination of the Shift key and the right mouse button.

    The "Selection by an arbitrary area" mode has been improved. There is added an automatic starting the mode with the following combinations: drawing points in the form of a polygon by pressing the middle mouse button (MMB); pressing Shift and MMB - in the form of a rectangular area; outline the selected area by holding down MMB.

    The S57navy.rsc digital classifier of sea maps and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 05.08.2022 Maps of Warmia-Mazury and Lublin voivodeships (Poland) have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data"
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" is supplemented with maps of the Warmian-Masurian and Lubelskie voivodeships (Poland), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. The source data was obtained from the Geofabrik website. To work with maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 03.08.2022 In professional vectorizer "Panorama-Editor" the tools of automated correction of data imported from open sources have been improved when updating topographical and special maps
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-Editor" version 14.3.3 has been developed.

    In the new version, the GIS possibilities for processing vector data downloaded from open sources have been expanded, the use of arbitrary user attributes of vector map objects has been refined, the tools for displaying S57/S52 sea maps have been improved, python scripts have been added for multi-threaded calculations using a road graph, diagnostic tools have been supplemented when executing scripts in python, the request of the information about sites from the Rosreestr geoportal was provided.

    The program for correcting the metrics of objects has been improved. Processing of emissions (peaks) and junctions of contours has been improved. Processing of complex peaks (such as "antenna") was added. If it is impossible to correct the metric, for uncorrected objects, the output of a list of errors into the protocol has been added. At the end of the program, information on the number of corrected and uncorrected errors is entered into the protocol. This task is recommended when processing vector data loaded from sources that do not have advanced control tools (for example, OpenStreetMap). The task is called through the main menu: Tasks - Map processing by the scenario - Correction of objects metrics.

    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF, DXF, WFS, GML, JSON, and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics in various tasks ("Map Editor", "Map Computer", "Search for objects" and others), temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. This provides work with user-defined semantics and semantics from RSC in a common list in various tasks. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.

    The S57navy.rsc digital classifier of sea maps and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.

    Tools have been enhanced for diagnosing and debugging python scripts executed from the "Run applications" dialog on the "Scripts" bookmark. In debug mode, you can execute a script one line at a time, view the values of local and global variables, enter or bypass functions, set breakpoints, make changes to the script code, and re-execute it. Into the list of basic scripts, section the "Calculations by road graph" has been added with the script "Search for minimum distances between map objects". The new script demonstrates the ability to calculate the shortest distances between two sets of objects recorded on different maps and generate a report in a CSV file. The selected semantics - object identifiers (cadastral number, address or other property) and the shortest distance for each pair of objects are written into the file. The script demonstrates writing of multi-threaded tasks, which can speed up the execution of scripts by an order of magnitude by loading all the processor cores on the computer.

    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. When connecting the Cadastral quarters layer, Rosreestr's geoportal requests data from a more accurate level, taking into account the presence of tiles. On the layer of Cadastral plots a possibility has been added for viewing information about plots by means of the button on the main panel the "Viewing the information on object". When connecting geoportals with a slow speed of issuing tiles, the periodic drawing of data on the screen in a background mode is carried out to improve image perception. For accurate alignment of the contours of terrain objects on images of pictures, vector maps and geoportals with an accuracy up to mm, a dialog for setting the geoportal offset has been added. The dialog is called by the right mouse button in the list of geoportals. To ensure the readability of tiles from geoportals on smartphones and tablets with high resolution, the image is automatically scaled to the standard resolution of the original tiles (96 dpi) with the adjustment of the image scale and the determined coordinates of points.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 01.08.2022 Maps of the Kaluga and Kostroma regions have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of Spatial Data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Kaluga and Kostroma regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data were obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 29.07.2022 The development of regional GIS was discussed in Ryazan at the conference "Digital region: investments, security, technologies, human resources"
    On Wednesday, on July, 27th, 2022, an interregional conference "Digital region: investments, security, technologies, human resources" was held in Ryazan. The event was held for an exchange of experience of the Ryazan region with representatives of IT-sphere from other regions of Russia on key issues of digitalization. The conference was organized by ANO "Digital Region" and the Corporation for the Development of the Ryazan Region with the support of PJSC "Rostelecom".
    Within the framework of the conference, a number of panel discussions were held on various issues of digital governance in the region. In a welcoming speech to the participants of the panel discussion "Geoinformation technologies in regional management", the Minister of Digital Development, Information Technologies and Communications of the Ryazan Region Andrey Yuryevich Ulyanov noted the key role of the regional geoinformation system in the formation of a digital environment for monitoring activities and managing the region.
    Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region is built on the serial software of KB "Panorama" "Geoportal Region". The complex of programs includes server products - GIS Server, GIS WebServer SE, GIS WebService SE and GIS "Panorama" desktop application. To solve special industry tasks, RGIS RO includes specialized products - "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Workstation of agronomist". With the help of RGIS geoinformation technologies, interactive layers of an electronic map are developed, which allow in a real-time mode to monitor the development of territories and on the basis of this data to make management decisions. In addition, a mobile application was developed for the RGIS of the Ryazan region, which provides access to public geoinformation layers.
    In their speech, representatives of the RGIS RO operator indicated that the main direction of RGIS RO development is not only the expansion of the composition of geoinformation layers, but the consistent introduction of services of processing and analysing the spatial data. A service for accounting the agricultural land has already been introduced. Work is underway on a service of informing the beekeepers about the use of plant protection products to prevent the death of bees.
    Works on the use of space monitoring services are planned.
    Besides representatives of the operator of RGIS РО and KB "Panorama", offers on development of services regional a GIS have sounded in reports of participants of discussion: In addition to representatives of the RGIS operator RO and KB "Panorama", proposals for the development of regional GIS services were made in the reports of the participants in the discussion: the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth JSC "Russian Space Systems", the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, GBU NSO "Geofond NSO" and others.
    Photo materials provided by the organizers of the event.

  • 27.07.2022 In GIS "Panorama" the tools of remote control by video cameras and processing of events recorded by cameras have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.3.3 has been developed. In the new version the possibilities of the GIS have been improved for remote management of video cameras and processing of events from video cameras, scripts on python for multi-threaded calculations by a road graph were added, diagnostic tools have been supplemented at execution of scripts on python, the request of the information about sites from the Rosreestr geoportal was provided, application of arbitrary user attributes of objects of vector maps have been improved, tools of processing of matrixes of heights and display of sea maps S57/S52 were expanded.
    In the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task, the ability to control video cameras that support remote change of viewing direction and image scale (Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras) has been added. The PTZ camera is a PTZ camera with a magnifying lens. Video camera control is available in the "Viewing a photo- and video data" window. Positioning is carried out by the modes: turn to the left or right, tilt up or down, zoom in or out of the video image. At a choice of one of modes there is a movement of a video camera lens in the chosen direction with the preset speed. You can stop the movement by pressing the button of the selected mode again, otherwise the movement will stop itself when the specified angle of turn/tilt is reached. The PTZ camera must support the ONVIF standard for interacting with it over the Internet.
    The ability to maintain and view a log of notifications about events received from remote video cameras connected to the Internet has been added. Now notifications from video cameras are automatically saved in the SQLite format log, which provides quick information search. Viewing archived messages from the video camera is available in the "Event notification log" dialog mode, which is called in the "Viewing a photo- and video data" window. Immediately after opening the dialog, a list of all notifications received in the last week is displayed. The most important messages, for example, about crossing the perimeter, the disappearance of objects from the frame, are highlighted in orange and red. The user can choose for display the events of interest to him by setting the time interval and type of events. It is possible to sort events by the time of their occurrence.
    You can set up receiving the notifications from video cameras located on the map of the area in the "List of photo and video data" of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. To subscribe to events, the video camera must support the ONVIF standard for interaction with it over the Internet.
    Tools have been enhanced for diagnosing and debugging python scripts executed from the "Run applications" dialog on the "Scripts" bookmark. In debug mode, you can execute a script one line at a time, view the values of local and global variables, enter or bypass functions, set breakpoints, make changes to the script code, and re-execute it. Into the list of basic scripts, section the "Calculations by road graph" has been added with the script "Search for minimum distances between map objects". The new script demonstrates the ability to calculate the shortest distances between two sets of objects recorded on different maps and generate a report in a CSV file. The selected semantics - object identifiers (cadastral number, address or other property) and the shortest distance for each pair of objects are written into the file. The script demonstrates writing of multi-threaded tasks, which can speed up the execution of scripts by an order of magnitude by loading all the processor cores on the computer.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. When connecting the Cadastral quarters layer, Rosreestr's geoportal requests data from a more accurate level, taking into account the presence of tiles. On the layer of Cadastral plots a possibility has been added for viewing information about plots by means of the button on the main panel the "Viewing the information on object". When connecting geoportals with a slow speed of issuing tiles, the periodic drawing of data on the screen in a background mode is carried out to improve image perception. For accurate alignment of the contours of terrain objects on images of pictures, vector maps and geoportals with an accuracy up to mm, a dialog for setting the geoportal offset has been added. The dialog is called by the right mouse button in the list of geoportals. To ensure the readability of tiles from geoportals on smartphones and tablets with high resolution, the image is automatically scaled to the standard resolution of the original tiles (96 dpi) with the adjustment of the image scale and the determined coordinates of points.
    Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF, DXF, WFS, GML, JSON, and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics in various tasks ("Map Editor", "Map Computer", "Search for objects" and others), temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. This provides work with user-defined semantics and semantics from RSC in a common list in various tasks. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
    Ability has been added to save several open matrixes of heights into one matrix (MTW file) with the specified parameters. The program allows you to save matrixes of different accuracy, that are opened locally or through the GIS Server. Mandatory execution condition: matrixes of heights must be of the same type (absolute heights, relative heights or total heights). For the stored matrix, the scale, precision, and height units can be specified that are different from the characteristics of the initial data. Reducing the size of the element allows you to increase the accuracy of the matrix in plan coordinates, but increases the size of the resulting matrix. The choice of height measurement units (mm, cm, dm, m) affects the accuracy of height storage: if "mm" is selected, the accuracy of height storage is maximum, if "m" is selected, it is minimal. The choice of the unit "m" (meters), for example, makes sense when processing matrixes of heights with an accuracy of 30 meters per element or more. When choosing the unit "m", the size of the resulting matrix can be reduced by two or more times (compared to "mm"). The task is called via the menu: File - Export to... - Matrix (TXT, TIFF, KMZ, MTW) - in the file selection dialog, select the "MTW file" file type.
    The program for correcting the metrics of objects has been improved. Processing of emissions (peaks) and junctions of contours has been improved. Processing of complex peaks (such as "antenna") was added. If it is impossible to correct the metric, for uncorrected objects, the output of a list of errors into the protocol has been added. At the end of the program, information on the number of corrected and uncorrected errors is entered into the protocol. This task is recommended when processing vector data loaded from sources that do not have advanced control tools (for example, OpenStreetMap). The task is called through the main menu: Tasks - Map processing by the scenario - Correction of objects metrics.
    The digital classifier of sea maps S57navy.rsc and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 25.07.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 have been supplemented with maps of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Moldova
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Moldova have been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The maps contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.
    The maps were led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.
    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 22.07.2022 Testing of the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 7.3 was successfully completed when organizing large storages of collections of spatial data of the federal and regional levels
    In KB "Panorama" the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 7.3.0 has been developed. The new version provides more convenient processing of large volumes of vector and raster data, analog maps and images, geodetic data, documents and accompanying materials. Version control is supported when storing and issuing data. When issuing data for different dates of the area's state, each data set is placed in a separate folder indicating the date of the state. When viewing the presence of spatial data on a map-scheme, the data can be combined into groups (clusters) so as not to clutter the scheme with many small objects. Distribution of client data processing services is provided for separate servers that are connected to the parent server that stores spatial data standards. Editing tools of metadata have been improved. Multiple editing is supported, including fields with different values. When displaying data on a map-scheme, the year of the area's state, the initial scale, and the type of product are taken into account. All these parameters are filled in automatically when the data is loaded.

    Control at filling and editing of directories has been improved. When a directory is approved, its use is analyzed. Attempts to delete the used directory are blocked. There is added a warning when trying to close the application's page, during the execution of long-term operations - data loading, uploading, import, export, control procedures. The percentage completed, the elapsed time, and the estimated end time of the operation are displayed.

    Formation of an extract for geodetic points has been improved. Report design when exporting metadata into DOC format was updated. Processing of metadata when loading data by folders and work in the absence of activity in the application have been optimised. Reading of the Databank parameters at the start of the application and opening the sections via a direct link were optimised. The list of logged error messages when reading parameters, loading data, control procedures, exporting and importing metadata has been expanded. There is added a recording into the events log of the information about the client's browser and authentication type, the list of recorded system information has been extended.

    Data security is ensured by the differentiation of access rights based on security tools included in the operating system. Basic authentication, digest authentication, system authentication (via web server), and domain authentication (Kerberos or ActiveDirectory) are supported. Additional security is provided by the use of pass-through authentication when working with the database. Connection to the database occurs with the rights of the user working with the system. The complex is adapted to work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, MS Windows and others) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, Baikal). The program is registered in the register of domestic software under the number 1862.
    The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data is the basis for building infrastructure of spatial data of federal, regional and municipal levels, in corporate information systems. Within the framework of a single geoinformation space, the Data Bank of digital maps and remote sensing data realises gathering, storage, quality control, search and delivery of the spatial data in exchange formats. The spatial data selected by means of the program can be placed for the multiuser access on the GIS Server and be published according to the international standards OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS on application server the GIS WebService SE. Users can access data from both a thin client (by means of GIS WebServer SE) and from desktop applications (GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator"). The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides construction of cloud warehouse of spatial data, provision of access to these data, the automated formation and updating of geocovers.
    The current state of spatial data is displayed by means of maps-schemes that are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrixes and terrain models. It provides remote placing the sets of spatial data into file warehouse, keeping versions of stored sets, updating maps-schemes of data availability, the automated collection and formation of metadata, and the formation and updating of geocovers. Automated collection and formation of metadata is performed according to the standards of ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information - Metadata and ISO/TS 19139, Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation. The reduced copies of data images are automatically formed, checksum of files and completeness of data sets are checked. Placement of spatial data into file storage is performed with integrity check, control of structure and content of data. The results of the work are recorded and are entered into the metadata base. Automatic backup of metadata and spatial data storage with integrity control and data recovery has been provided. Multilingual interface is supported.

    The "Bank of spatial data" portal demonstrates the possibilities of organizing storage, accounting and and issuance of vector maps, remote sensing data, matrixes of heights and the terrain models. The portal contains vector maps in SXF format, generated on the basis of data from open sources (OpenStreetMap, VMap0). The spatial data includes maps of: subjects of the Russian Federation, countries and cities of the near and far abroad. In total, over 250 vector maps and 6700 matrix data with a total volume of 60 GB. Specialists of KB "Panorama" weekly update and refresh the content of the information on the portal. All published data is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 20.07.2022 GIS Server optimizes the multi-level connection of servers to each other for automated distributed storage and processing of spatial data
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server version 10.3 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux SE, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 8, CentOS 7 and MS Windows. The new version of the program has improved support for client services that generate an automatic flow of commands at multilevel connection of servers to each other for distributed storage and processing of spatial data with automatic replication, backup and data protection.
    When building information systems that process terabytes of spatial data in an automated mode, client services of data processing can be distributed among separate servers that are connected to the parent server that stores spatial data standards. Such an architecture reduces the load on the data transmission network by dozens of times, speeds up data access and increases the reliability of operation.
    Control of the state of data availability schemes in the Databank and their automatic updating have been accelerated. The analysis of metadata uploaded to the Databank for vector maps, remote sensing data, geopoints and analog materials has been improved.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 18.07.2022 Maps of Podkarpackie and Podlaskie voivodeships (Poland) have been updated on the geoportal "Bank of Spatial Data"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of Podkarpackie and Podlaskie Voivodships (Poland) on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data were obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 15.07.2022 GIS WebServer SE edits cadastral plans, engineering schemes and other data in meters of local coordinate systems
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.7. has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version a support of local and arbitrary user coordinate systems has been added when publishing large-scale maps, plans of cities, floor plans and other detailed data. In the projections of local coordinate systems (LCS) all functions of of the application are available: output of map images, search and editing of objects, computations and calculations. The units of measurement are meters in the projection of the selected coordinate system. This improves the accuracy of calculations when working with geospatial data.

    Support for local coordinate systems allows the Map Editor to perform operations in meters. This eliminates the conversion from geodetic coordinates to meters and allows you to create and update cadastral plans and engineering schemes that require increased accuracy in storing coordinates. Work in LCS is supported for map layers published on GIS Web Service SE. The setting of work parameters in local coordinate systems has been added into the administration module.

    In the new version the toolkit for developing Web applications the GIS WebToolKit SE has been improved, which expands the possibilities of GIS WebServer SE and can be integrated into other information systems. Access to data (images, vector maps and information about the terrain) is provided by Web services according to the generally accepted OGC protocols and ISO standards. Various types of elevation data are used as a digital elevation model: matrixes (in SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG, MTW formats), TIN models, point clouds, and others.

    Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data can be as a source of spatial data. It provides collection, storage, search and issuance of spatial data in exchange formats, a displaying the state of the data bank in the form of maps-schemes, automated generation and updating of geo-covers.

    GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. GIS WebServer SE certified by the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The new version of the program expands the possibilities of the application when solving problems of analysis, management and long-term planning of the development of territories. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript and TypeScript.

    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 12.07.2022 In GIS ToolKit the tools of automating processes of creating terrain models in Python language have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.3.0 has been developed for creating GIS-applications. The new version expands the possibilities for formation, updating and analysis of digital terrain models by including into the software of scripts in Python language which can be written in any text editor.
    A new function (RunPyApplication) has been added that calls the "Run applications" dialog with the "Scripts" bookmark for executing scripts in the Python language. In a tree of scripts, node the Basic set of scripts is initially set which contains the scripts supplied together with GIS ToolKit. To connect user scripts, you can create your own nodes (themes) for their grouping. The basic set of scripts demonstrates the execution of various procedures for processing the coordinates and attributes of vector map objects, solving the computational problems, converting data and other tasks.
    When writing scripts, several thousand API function are available. Function prototypes are declared as imported Python scripts from the folder \\GisTool14\Dll\X64\py_mapapi14. For proper processing of script strings containing national characters (Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and so on), the scripts must be encoded in UTF-8.
    The function called from the script can perform some action on the selected object or on selected objects if the user has selected some objects on the map. To enter additional data processing parameters, both GIS dialogs and dialogs written on the basis of the standard tkinter component can be called. Scripts can indicate the progress of data processing by indicating the name of the processing stage, the percentage of execution, the number of processed and selected objects, the elapsed and remaining processing time. Based on the results of the analysis and processing of vector map objects, some objects can be selected that can be marked on the map as a result of working the script and/or for further processing in the chain of executed scripts or by interactive GIS tools.
    To execute scripts, you must first download and install the Python interpreter. The basic set of scripts has been developed and tested based on Python version 3.7.9 on MS Windows 7 and higher, and version 3.10.5 on MS Windows 10. The base scripts are located in a shared folder like: \\GisTool14\Dll\X64\py_base14. A demonstration of working the RunPyApplication function is provided in the MapEdit application included into examples of the GIS ToolKit.
    The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data. Spatial data can be located both at the workplace (direct access to data), and in a local network or the Internet (access components to the GIS Server or data exchange using international protocols are used).
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 11.07.2022 Maps of Kursk and Smolensk regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of Kursk and Smolensk regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 08.07.2022 The range of desktop GIS applications for the domestic public system "Alt 8 SP" has been expanded
    KB "Panorama" has prepared new versions of desktop GIS-applications for the operating system "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). The line of software products for OS "Alt 8 SP" includes universal geoinformation systems the GIS "Panorama", GIS Panorama Mini and GIS "Operator" SE. They provide users with tools for accumulation, the storages, the automated processing and display of the data, results of calculations and the forecasts having a geospatial binding. Systems allow to create vector, raster and matrix maps, and also quickly to update the various information about the area.
    GIS "Panorama" is the universal geographic information system that has tools for creating and editing digital maps and city plans, processing remote sensing data, performing various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data, tools of preparing graphic documents in digital and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases. GIS is used for mapping, land management and cadastre, geodetic surveys, and the creation of geoportals. The GIS is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.4227 dated March 29, 2018).
    GIS "Operator" SE - universal domestic geoinformation system for power structures. The application provides users by tools for solving specialized tasks of modelling the movement of special objects on the background of 3D-model, aircraft movement monitoring, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed data onto various output devices, and many others. The map editor included into the software product, is equipped by the expanded set of modes for drawing of operative situations with use of a view of the objects specified by the user. GIS Operator SE is certified according to the 2nd level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.10628 of 05/27/2021).
    GIS "Panorama Mini" is the universal geoinformation system designed to collect spatial data, maintain a database of spatial data, create and update digital maps and plans, and create information systems for various purposes. The GIS is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.7226 dated 11/03/2020).
    OS "Alt 8 SP" is a domestic operating system of general purpose. This operating system is highly appreciated not only by government agencies and corporations, whose exactingness in the quality of IT solutions is a clear marker of their high level of reliability, but also by ordinary users, because of the convenience and compatibility with most products of domestic and foreign software and hardware manufacturers. The use of OS "Alt 8 SP" allows you to create a trusted digital environment for working with confidential information and personal data. On the basis of OS "Alt 8 SP" you can create a full-fledged workstation for solving almost all everyday tasks: working on the Internet, with office or multimedia tools, as well as with applications that require maximum use of the capabilities of graphic video cards, including geographic information systems.
    New versions of the program for OS "Alt 8 SP" are available for download in the Download section.

  • 05.07.2022 Maps of the Voronezh and Ivanovo regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Voronezh and Ivanovo regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 01.07.2022 In professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" the tools of checking the quality of topographical and special maps have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-Editor" version 14.3.2 has been developed. In the new version, the tools for creating and checking the quality of digital terrain maps, building reports and processing multispectral images have been improved. GIS capabilities for creating, updating and analyzing digital terrain models have been expanded by including into the software of scripts in Python language that can be written in any text editor.

    In the new version, the control of absolute heights has been improved. Support for national maps and classifiers was added that have contour lines of different types with the same external code. This allows you to control the correctness of the formation of contour lines, both for classifiers containing separate series of objects for different types of contour lines: Thick horizontals, Thick horizontals on glaciers, Thick horizontals on rocks; Main contours and so on, and classifiers with one code (series) for all types of contour lines - in this case, control of contour heights is customized and performed by object keys. The GIS also includes the "Check of vector map quality" task, which is designed to check the structural integrity of digital data, the completeness and quality of the metric and semantic description of objects, and to automatically correct detected errors.

    The task "Correction of object metrics" has been improved. In the "Break down objects onto component parts" mode, the ability to process multipoint objects with subobjects has been added. This allows you to break the point objects onto a group of independent objects, consisting of sub-objects, each of which, in turn, contains several points.

    The task "Map Legend" has been improved. On the "Maps", "Rasters", "Matrixes", "Models" bookmarks, an information sign "(!)" is set if the coordinate system of the added data does not match the current coordinate system of the main document. On the "Maps" bookmark, an updating the content of the classifier tree has been improved when changing the contents of vector map objects. For example, if the filter "Objects available on the map" is set in the "Map legend", when an object is placed onto the map that is not part of the tree, the legend will be automatically rebuilt. In the "Map Legend" and "Data List" tasks, the updating of visibility of maps, rasters, matrixes and geoportals is synchronized.

    The "Reports designer" task has been improved. In the object geometry editing mode, the functions of deleting objects, interactively changing the height of the signature font, adding and deleting borders for insets have been added. There are added a display of the background grid and setting its parameters: display, color, view, position on the map, the ability to disable when exporting a report to graphic files, permission to stick the cursor to grid nodes when creating and editing objects. In the insertion mode, the ability to stick the cursor to grid nodes has been added, the ability to interrupt an unfinished operation has been added. In the object geometry editing mode, the function of binding all points of object to grid nodes has been added. Grouping of buttons has been made. Rarely used modes are designed into group buttons with the ability to select a specific mode through the menu. When saving stamps, the ability to decode objects (from an object with a classifier code into a graphic object) has been added, which allows you later to load this stamp into a map with any classifier. In interactive modes the hints in the info line have been added.

    In "Run applications" dialog the "Scripts" bookmark for executing scripts in the Python language has been added. The "Basic set of scripts" node is initially installed in the script tree, which contains scripts supplied with the GIS. To connect user scripts, you can create your own nodes (themes) for their grouping. The basic set of scripts demonstrates the execution of various procedures for processing the coordinates and attributes of vector map objects, solving the computational problems, converting data and other tasks. The basic scripts are located in a shared folder like: \Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\py_base14 .

    For multispectral rasters imported in the "Do not copy the input image to RSW file" mode, support for channel color depth of 32 and 64 bits has been added. To convert the color to 8 bits, the minimum and maximum values determined by the reduced image are used during display. Single-channel rasters with real pixel encoding, which are usually used to store matrix height data, are displayed in grayscale.

    The "Latest commands" item has been added into the context menu, which contains a list of the latest executed commands in various tasks and the executed applications from the "Run applications" dialog.
    For immediately calling a list of latest commands, use the combination of the Shift key and the right mouse button.

    The new version of the program is available for downloads in the Download section.

  • 29.06.2022 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented in Kursk at the inter-regional forum devoted to transition to domestic services in digital economy
    KB "Panorama" together with JSC Megaphone have presented GIS WebServer AGRO on a round table "Import substitution. Transition to domestic services in digital economy",which took place on June, 25th, 2022 as part of the Kursk Korenskaya fair.
    The event was chaired by the Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus K.K. Shulgan and Deputy Governor of the Kursk region O.A. Krutko. Representatives of the regional administration and leading enterprises of the Russian IT industry discussed the introduction of digital services for agricultural producers and issues of their import substitution.
    GIS WebServer AGRO consists of a number of software modules that together allow you to build complex distributed and scalable information systems at the level of regional government that ensure the maintenance of the land bank of the region. The cartographic database operates under the control of the GIS Server, the publication of spatial information on the web is carried out using GIS WebService SE.
    The application is designed to process information about agricultural lands and accounting objects of agricultural enterprises, including arable land characteristics, crop rotation information, cadastral data, data of vehicle monitoring, agrochemical calculations of mineral fertilizer doses, and others.
    Among other things, it has been reported about successful application of GIS WebServer AGRO as the basic component of the module of accounting the agricultural land of the regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region.
    You can get acquainted with an example of the work of GIS WebServer AGRO on the page of the "Agroportal" demonstration project.

  • 28.06.2022 "Complex of geodesy calculations" forms a land-survey and technical plans according to new forms of 2022
    In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of geodesy calculations" has been developed, providing formation of reports of a land-survey and technical plans according to updated forms. The updated complex is a part of GIS "Panorama", "Panorama-editor" and "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version
    The current form of the land survey plan was approved by the order of Rosreestr No. P/0592 "On approval of the form and composition of the information of the land survey plan, requirements for its preparation" (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 31st, 2022 No. 68008). The new requirements for the preparation of a land survey plan have changed the composition of the report sections of the information contained in it. The program provides formation in an automatic mode of a printed form and an electronic XML document. The land survey plan in the form of an electronic document is formed according to the XML scheme MP_V06.
    The current form of the technical plan was approved by the order of Rosreestr No. P/0082 "On establishing the form of the technical plan, the requirements for its preparation and the composition of the information contained in it" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 04.04.2022 N 68051). The new requirements for the preparation of the technical plan have changed the composition of the report sections of the information contained in it. The program provides formation in an automatic mode of a printed form and an electronic XML document. The technical plan in the form of an electronic document is formed according to the XML scheme TP_V06.
    For the formation of land survey and technical plans, a digital cadastral map containing objects of cadastral work is used. To implement the updated requirements, the digital map classifier survey.v6.rscz has been improved and the templates for printed forms of documents have been updated.
    The new version is available on the site in the Download section.

  • 27.06.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 have been supplemented with maps of Hellenic Republic and the Republic of North Macedonia
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format onto territory of Hellenic Republic and the Republic of North Macedonia have been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The maps contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.

    The maps were led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 23.06.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of creating a model "Units on the march" on a three-dimensional map have been developed
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.2 has been developed. In the new version the tools of three-dimensional modelling, construction of reports and processing of multispectral images are improved. Possibilities of the GIS on creating, updating and analyzing digital terrain models have been expanded due to including in the software of scripts in Python language which can be written in any text editor.

    In the "Navigator 3D" task, the "Scenario of moving objects" mode has been improved. When displaying a scenario, it is possible to display a given movement trajectory and inversion trace or the passed trajectory of individual objects. In the "Scenario setup" dialog, the ability to set a three-dimensional view for the trajectory and trace is added, not only by default, but also with a choice from the scenario classifier. The user can create his own special linear objects of trajectories in the classifier and set the required three-dimensional view for them. This approach improves the view of the displayed scenario and the recognition of moving objects when modeling movements.

    The "Reports designer" task has been improved. In the object geometry editing mode, the functions of deleting objects, interactively changing the height of the signature font, adding and deleting borders for insets have been added. There are added a display of the background grid and setting its parameters: display, color, view, position on the map, the ability to disable when exporting a report to graphic files, permission to stick the cursor to grid nodes when creating and editing objects. In the insertion mode, the ability to stick the cursor to grid nodes has been added, the ability to interrupt an unfinished operation has been added. In the object geometry editing mode, the function of binding all points of object to grid nodes has been added. Grouping of buttons has been made. Rarely used modes are designed into group buttons with the ability to select a specific mode through the menu. When saving stamps, the ability to decode objects (from an object with a classifier code into a graphic object) has been added, which allows you later to load this stamp into a map with any classifier. In interactive modes the hints in the info line have been added.

    For multispectral rasters imported in the "Do not copy the input image to RSW file" mode, support for channel color depth of 32 and 64 bits has been added. To convert the color to 8 bits, the minimum and maximum values determined by the reduced image are used during display. Single-channel rasters with real pixel encoding, which are usually used to store matrix height data, are displayed in grayscale.

    The task "Map Legend" has been improved. On the "Maps", "Rasters", "Matrixes", "Models" bookmarks, an information sign "(!)" is set if the coordinate system of the added data does not match the current coordinate system of the main document. On the "Maps" bookmark, an updating the content of the classifier tree has been improved when changing the contents of vector map objects. For example, if the filter "Objects available on the map" is set in the "Map legend", when an object is placed onto the map that is not part of the tree, the legend will be automatically rebuilt. In the "Map Legend" and "Data List" tasks, the updating of visibility of maps, rasters, matrixes and geoportals is synchronized.

    In the "Run applications" dialog, the "Scripts" bookmark has been added for executing scripts in the Python language. Node the Base set of scripts is initially installed in the script tree, which contains scripts supplied with the GIS. To connect user scripts, you can create your own nodes (themes) for their grouping. The base set of scripts demonstrates the execution of various procedures for processing the coordinates and attributes of vector map objects, solving computational problems, converting data, etc. The base scripts are located in a shared folder like: \Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\py_base14 .

    The "Latest commands" item has been added into the the context menu, which contains a list of the latest executed commands in various tasks and the executed applications from the "Run applications" dialog. A combination of the Shift key and the right mouse button is used for immediately calling a list of latest commands.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 22.06.2022 Maps of the Bryansk and Vladimir regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Bryansk and Vladimir regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 20.06.2022 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" forms reports on correction of a registry error
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.3.2 has been developed. The new version provides creation of a report on the correction of a registry error based on the results of determining the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries and the area of land plots, the contours of buildings, constructions, objects under construction, the boundaries of municipalities, settlements, territorial zones, forestries.
    The report is formed in accordance with the Procedure for changing in the Unified State Register of Real Estate of information about location of the boundaries of the land plot when correcting a registry error, approved by order of Rosreestr dated 01.06.2021 No. P/0241. According to paragraph 9, based on the results of determining the coordinates, the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" (its branches) prepare a Report in electronic form.
    For forming the Report, a new mode "Correction of registry errors" has been developed. It provides in an automatic mode the Report creation by a template and filling of fields with the data. The program reads from the cadastral map the coordinates of the characteristic points of the boundaries of cadastral objects contained in the EGRN and new coordinates determined by the authorized organization and proposed for correction of a registry error. According to the coordinates offered for correction of a registry error, the area of land plots is calculated. The value of the calculated area is compared with the area of the object specified in the EGRN. The percent of discrepancy between the values and the size of the error in determining the area are inserted into the Report. Also, when forming the Report, information about the method of determining the coordinates and the root mean square error is entered simultaneously in relation to all points of the object boundary.
    At automatic filling the Report the cadastral map is used created according to the digital classifier survey.v6.rscz, with using the objects of layer "Correction of registry errors". Onto a map the boundaries of cadastral objects should be put according to the coordinates contained in the EGRN and the new boundaries of cadastral objects,determined by an authorized organization and offered for correction of a registry error. For identification of cadastral objects and an establishing a conformity of boundaries of the objects recorded in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and defined for correction of a registry error, cadastral numbers of objects of real estate and registry numbers of objects boundaries of the registry of boundaries are used. The procedure for preparing a cadastral map is described in the documentation and electronic help for the program.
    The current version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 17.06.2022 Training video has been prepared about possibilities of the software package "Workstation of cadastral engineer"
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on the description of the functionality of the software package "Workstation of cadastral engineer". The product is supplied in two versions: "Workstation of cadastral engineer" or "Workstation of cadastral engineer Pro". From the training material, users learn about the distinctive features of each of the variants of the software product.
    Automated workstation of a cadastral engineer (ARM CI) is a software package for performing the entire cycle of cadastral work: from requesting information from the Unified State Real Estate Register to generating a package of documents for state cadastral registration. The program supports the creation of both electronic and printed versions of land survey, technical plans, a map (plan) of a land management object, scheme of arrangement of a land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory and other documents necessary for cadastral registration and land management.
    "Workstation of cadastral engineer Pro" includes all the functionality of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", as well as tasks for creating and printing floor plans, office processing of the results of field geodetic measurements, solving direct and return geodetic tasks and the task of automatically creating objects by information already available on a map.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 14.06.2022 Maps of the Belgorod and Rostov regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Belgorod and Rostov regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 10.06.2022 In GIS "Panorama" the tools of spatial data analysis, automation of processes of creating terrain models in the Python language have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.3.2 has been developed. The new version expands the GIS capabilities for the creating, updating and analyzing digital terrain models by including into the software of scripts in Python language that can be written in any text editor. The tools for building reports, three-dimensional modeling, creating and controlling the quality of digital terrain maps, and processing multispectral images have been improved.
    In "Run applications" dialog the "Scripts" bookmark for executing scripts in the Python language has been added. The "Basic set of scripts" node is initially installed in the script tree, which contains scripts supplied with the GIS. To connect user scripts, you can create your own nodes (themes) for their grouping. The basic set of scripts demonstrates the execution of various procedures for processing the coordinates and attributes of vector map objects, solving the computational problems, converting data and other tasks.
    When writing scripts, several thousand GIS core functions (MAPAPI) are available. Function prototypes are declared as imported Python scripts from the Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\py_mapi14 folder. The procedure for applying MAPAPI functions described in the document "Application tasks. Development of new modules" will also be valid for Python scripts. For proper processing of script strings containing national characters (Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and so on), scripts must be UTF-8 encoded.
    The function called from the script can perform some action on the selected object or on selected objects if the user has selected some objects on the map. To enter additional data processing parameters, both GIS dialogs and dialogs written on the basis of the standard tkinter component can be called. Scripts can indicate the progress of data processing by indicating the name of the processing stage, the percentage of execution, the number of processed and selected objects, the elapsed and remaining processing time. Based on the results of the analysis and processing of vector map objects, some objects can be selected that can be marked on the map as a result of working the script and/or for further processing in the chain of executed scripts or by interactive GIS tools.
    In the Run applications dialog, you can select a program from the user's existing ones (from a text editor to a professional script editor) to create, view and edit Python scripts from the script tree. To execute scripts, you must first download and install the Python interpreter. The basic set of scripts has been developed and tested based on Python version 3.7.9 on MS Windows 7 and higher, and version 3.10.5 on MS Windows 10. The base scripts are located in a shared folder like: \Users\Public\Documents\Panorama\py_base14 .
    The "Reports designer" task has been improved. In the object geometry editing mode, the functions of deleting objects, interactively changing the height of the signature font, adding and deleting borders for insets have been added. There are added a display of the background grid and setting its parameters: display, color, view, position on the map, the ability to disable when exporting a report to graphic files, permission to stick the cursor to grid nodes when creating and editing objects. In the insertion mode, the ability to stick the cursor to grid nodes has been added, the ability to interrupt an unfinished operation has been added. In the object geometry editing mode, the function of binding all points of object to grid nodes has been added. Grouping of buttons has been made. Rarely used modes are designed into group buttons with the ability to select a specific mode through the menu. When saving stamps, the ability to decode objects (from an object with a classifier code into a graphic object) has been added, which allows you later to load this stamp into a map with any classifier. In interactive modes the hints in the info line have been added.
    In the "Complex of urban tasks", the dialog "Building the areas of acceptable placement of objects" has been updated. The mode provides automated construction of the minimum offset line from the boundaries of the land plot, within which the construction of capital construction objects and the zone of the planned placement of the capital construction object is permitted. The constructions are carried out in accordance with the requirements for the town-planning plan of the land plot established by the "Town-planning code of the Russian Federation" dated 29.12.2004 N 190-FZ as amended on 01.05.2022. Information about restrictions on the use of the land plot is used for construction, including if the land plot is fully or partially located within the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories, has public easements and intersects with red lines.
    In the "Navigator 3D" task, the "Scenario of moving objects" mode has been improved. When displaying a scenario, it is possible to display a given movement trajectory and inversion trace or the passed trajectory of individual objects. In the "Scenario setup" dialog, the ability to set a three-dimensional view for the trajectory and trace is added, not only by default, but also with a choice from the scenario classifier. The user can create his own special linear objects of trajectories in the classifier and set the required three-dimensional view for them. This approach improves the view of the displayed scenario and the recognition of moving objects when modeling movements.
    Into the group of applications "Automatic creation of objects" a new application "Creating a map of minimum heights" has been added. The procedure serves as an addition to the Complex of documents preparation of aeronautical information and is intended for automatic creating a map of minimum heights (AMA) based on of matrixes of heights of a relief and maps of obstacles. Calculations are performed in accordance with Doc 8168 ICAO Rules - Aircraft Operations - Volume II. The map of minimum heights is a matrix of signatures for the values of minimally allowable heights of flight in established conventional signs with a given size of the analyzed cells on the ground. Heights labels are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Manual for Aeronautical Charts.
    The task "Correction of object metrics" has been improved. In the "Break down objects onto component parts" mode, the ability to process multipoint objects with subobjects has been added. This allows you to break the point objects onto a group of independent objects, consisting of sub-objects, each of which, in turn, contains several points.
    The task "Map Legend" has been improved. On the "Maps", "Rasters", "Matrixes", "Models" bookmarks, an information sign "(!)" is set if the coordinate system of the added data does not match the current coordinate system of the main document. On the "Maps" bookmark, an updating the content of the classifier tree has been improved when changing the contents of vector map objects. For example, if the filter "Objects available on the map" is set in the "Map legend", when an object is placed onto the map that is not part of the tree, the legend will be automatically rebuilt. In the "Map Legend" and "Data List" tasks, the updating of visibility of maps, rasters, matrixes and geoportals is synchronized.
    Control of absolute heights has been improved. Support for national maps and classifiers was added that have contour lines of different types with the same external code. This allows you to control the correctness of the formation of contour lines, both for classifiers containing separate series of objects for different types of contour lines: Thick horizontals, Thick horizontals on glaciers, Thick horizontals on rocks; Main contours and so on, and classifiers with one code (series) for all types of contour lines - in this case, control of contour heights is customized and performed by object keys.
    For multispectral rasters imported in the "Do not copy the input image to RSW file" mode, support for channel color depth of 32 and 64 bits has been added. To convert the color to 8 bits, the minimum and maximum values determined by the reduced image are used during display. Single-channel rasters with real pixel encoding, which are usually used to store matrix height data, are displayed in grayscale.
    The "Latest commands" item has been added into the right-click menu, which contains a list of the latest executed commands in various tasks and the executed applications from the "Run applications" dialog. A combination of the Shift key and the right mouse button is used for immediately calling a list of latest commands.

    The "Selection by an arbitrary area" mode has been improved. Added automatic launch of the mode with the following combinations: drawing points in the form of a polygon by pressing the middle mouse button (MBM); pressing Shift and MMB - in the form of a rectangular area; outline the selected area by holding down MMB.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 09.06.2022 Tests of software solutions of KB "Panorama" onto compatibility with a general purpose operating system (OSON) "OSnova" have been completed
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have tested for compatibility of the software the Geoinformation system "Operator" for power structures (GIS Operator SE), Geoinformation system "Panorama Ρ…64", GIS Panorama Mini with OSON "OSnova". During tests, there were confirmed the compatibility and correctness of working the software the GIS Operator SE, GIS "Panorama", GIS "Panorama Mini" and OSON "OSnova".
    GIS Operator SE - universal domestic geoinformation system for power structures. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, the automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS Operator SE contains tools of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, forecasting of consequences of emergencies at hazardous objects, monitoring of aircraft movement, conducting of geodetic and topographic work, processing the data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
    GIS Operator SE is certified according to the 2nd level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.10628 of 05/27/2021).
    GIS "Panorama" is the universal geographic information system that has tools for creating and editing digital maps and city plans, processing remote sensing data, performing various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data, tools of preparing graphic documents in digital and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases. GIS is used for mapping, land management and cadastre, geodetic surveys, and the creation of geoportals. The GIS is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.4227 dated March 29, 2018).
    GIS "Panorama Mini" is the universal geoinformation system designed to collect spatial data, maintain a database of spatial data, create and update digital maps and plans, and create information systems for various purposes. The GIS is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.7226 dated 11/03/2020).
    OSON "OSnova" is a general-purpose Operating system designed to build secure automated systems that process confidential information and personal data. Developer JSC "NPPKT". OSON "OSnova": Certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2018616118 dated 05/23/2018. It is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No. 5913 dated November 19, 2019). Certificate of Conformity of the FSTEC of Russia No. 4381 for compliance with the information security requirements established in the documents "Information security requirements that establish levels of trust in technical information security tools and information technology security tools" (FSTEC of Russia, 2020) - for the 4th level of trust, "Information security requirements for operating systems" (FSTEC of Russia, 2016), "Profile of protection of operating systems type A of the fourth protection class IT.OS.A4.PZ" (FSTEC of Russia, 2017).

  • 08.06.2022 Mobile GIS "MapView" provides working with offline maps of GIS "Panorama" on Android OS
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "MapView" has been developed for Android OS. The program allows you to open the main formats of digital maps of the GIS "Panorama" on Android-based mobile devices and process the information from the built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver. The user can prepare in advance a necessary set of the spatial data in one of desktop products (GIS "Panorama", Panorama-Editor, GIS Panorama Mini), pack them into archive of ZIP format by standard tools and to transfer into mobile GIS "MapView". The process of working with data is carried out offline, without connecting to the Internet. When the user moves, his current position is dynamically displayed according to the coordinates received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver. For ease of use, it is possible to synchronize the position of the map with the current location. To save the coordinates obtained during the movement, a track recording mode is provided, which creates a separate map and puts the trajectory of movement onto it. For all objects of a map during the work the basic information is provided.
    Users can jointly display vector maps (topographic, operational situation, marine navigation, aeronautical), matrix and raster data (Earth remote sensing data). Modern packed formats of vector maps SITZ, MAPZ, MPTZ are supported, which are decompressed in RAM on the fly. The program has been developed on the basis of toolkit the GIS Constructor for Android, which provides components for creation of mobile applications for work with digital maps in the Kotlin programming language.
    The source code of the GIS "MapView" for Android OS is included in the software product the GIS Constructor for Android and can be taken as a basis for creating your own mobile application in the Kotlin programming language. GIS "MapView" uses the MAPAPI programming interface, which implements ample opportunities for performing calculations, providing display of spatial data in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The MAPAPI programming interface is accessed via the Java Native Interface (JNI) programming interface. The JNI programming interface allows accessing MAPAPI libraries implemented in C/C++ from the Java/Kotlin language. An example of the implementation of this interface is included into composition of GIS Constructor for Android.
    The cross-platform nature of the MAPAPI interface allows the programmer to develop and test GIS applications on a desktop operating system using the GIS Constructor available for a set of Linux systems. After debugging on the desktop system, a developer can build an Android application with minimal changes to the source code of the program.
    GIS Constructor for Qt Designer SE and GIS "MapView for Android OS" are available for download in the Download section.

  • 04.06.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of France the Upper Normandy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Pays-de-la-Loire
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of France the Upper Normandy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Pays-de-la-Loire formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 30.05.2022 GIS ToolKit allows to create GIS-applications in Python language
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.2.0 has been developed for creating GIS applications. The new version includes an API in the Python language that allows using the 64-bit GIS-core "Panorama" to access spatial data in exclusive and multi-user modes.
    Python is an actively developing scripting language that is used to solve a large number of the most diverse problems and tasks. For functioning API in Python language the installed Python 3.7 Ρ…64 is required.
    The new version includes an example in a Python language which is the desktop application developed with use of the Tkinter GUI framework. The example provides: opening a map, displaying and moving the map image in the application window, searching for map objects at the mouse click point, displaying detailed information about the selected map object in the form of a standard dialog from the GIS-core, calculating the statistics for all available map objects.
    The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data. Spatial data can be located both at the workplace (direct access to data), and in a local network or the Internet (access components to the GIS Server or data exchange using international protocols are used).
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 27.05.2022 GIS WebService SE publishes urban planning documents in local coordinate systems
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 14.5.2 has been developed. The new version adds the ability to publish in local coordinate systems the information from general and urban plans, technical projects of industrial and mining enterprises, plans for seaports and shipyards, communication plans and other data. Service allows to display, perform search, to make calculations and to edit the information contained in in the published data.
    In the new version a support of any user and local coordinate systems has been added. All calculations and work with data in the service is performed in the projections installed in these systems. This improves the accuracy of all calculations when working with geospatial data.
    Requests of building a legend have been improved. Support of the point objects created at thematic mapping is added. The request of copying objects has been refined. Possibility of use of arbitrary filters at copying is implemented. The output of information about errors has been expanded when answering the user.
    GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), which are used to transfer and display spatial data. The program implements the ability to issue tiles according to any user or local coordinate system. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with Apache, IIS and nginx web servers.
    The new version of the program and documentation are posted on the website in the Download section.

  • 26.05.2022 Training video has been prepared on forming the schemes of an arrangement of land plots on the cadastral plan of territory
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of creating the scheme of an arrangement of a land plot or land plots on the cadastral plan of territory. Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can generate schemes of an arrangement of a land plot or land plots on the cadastral plan of territory by means of the complex of geodesy calculations.
    The training material demonstrates the features of data preparation, filling the mandatory characteristics and a forming a scheme of an arrangement of a land plot or land plots on the cadastral plan of the territory in the form of an electronic document in accordance with the requirements of the Order of Rosreestr dated March 27, 2017 β„–P/0152/17. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of conventional symbols the survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz have been developed. The classifiers implement a common list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents.
    The scheme of an arrangement of the land plot determines the projected location of the boundaries and the area of the land plot or land plots that are supposed to be formed. The scheme of an arrangement of the land plot is formed on the basis of information from the State Real Estate Cadastre onto a certain territory (CPT - cadastral plan of territories).
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 25.05.2022 Maps of the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Kalmykia on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Kalmykia on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 23.05.2022 Digital classifier for maintaining cadastral maps has been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have refined the survey.v6.rscz classifier, which ensures the creation of the Scheme of boundaries in accordance with the requirements of the Order of Rosreestr dated June, 1st, 2021 β„– P/0241. According to the procedure of change in the Unified State Register of Real Estate of information about the location of the boundaries of a land plot, when correcting a registry error, approved by order of Rosreestr dated 01.06.2021 β„– P/0241, it is necessary to define coordinates of characteristic points of boundaries and the area of the land plots, and also coordinates of characteristic points of contours of buildings, constructions, objects under construction, coordinates of characteristic points of boundaries (parts of boundaries) of municipalities, settlements, territorial zones, forestries, in order to ensure the correction of registry errors. The results of the correction are drawn up in the form of a Report, a mandatory annex to it is the Scheme of the boundaries of land plots, boundaries (parts of boundaries) of municipalities, settlements, territorial zones, forestries, in the description of the location of which a register error has been identified.
    Works on correction of cadastral errors are carried out by the FGBU "FKP Rosreestr" with using the tools of the GIS "Panorama". The survey.v6.rscz classifier allows you to mark the location of the boundaries of cadastral objects contained in the EGRN and the location of the boundaries of cadastral objects proposed for correcting a registry error onto the Scheme of boundaries using various conventional symbols. The scheme is drawn up by signatures of cadastral numbers of the land plots, buildings, constructions, objects under construction, and signatures of register numbers of objects of the boundaries register, the location of the boundaries of which is established with a view of correcting a register error.
    The scheme of boundaries is drawn up on a scale that allows displaying the mutual location of the boundaries of land plots, parts of land plots, contours of buildings, constructions, objects under construction, boundaries (parts of boundaries) of objects of the register of boundaries and ensures the quality (readability) of the image. The necessary objects are arranged in one layer "Correction of registry errors". At the moment, our specialists are working on the implementation of the task for the formation of the Report.
    The current version of the survey.v6.rscz classifier is available for download in the Classifiers section.

  • 20.05.2022 GIS WebServer SE provides tools for the analysis of a social and economic state of territories by various indicators
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.6.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version the possibilities of a component the Cartogram have been expanded. Support of creation of cartograms by several thematic attributes is added. This innovation allows to create a complex graphical view of cartogram objects for visualisation of the attributive data. Quantitative values of an indicator for spatial objects are grouped into ranges, and each range of classification has a customizable view. Setting of conventional symbols for point, line and areal objects of the thematic map is performed interactively. It is possible to set color, marker size for point objects; color, thickness, type of a contour and to combine them for linear objects; to set for polygons a color of filling, type of shading and its color, to combine color of a background, type and color of shading. As analysis indicators the data from a CSV file or value of attributes (semantics) of map layer objects are used. Created thematic maps can be located in the selected virtual folder of the server. Folder selection is made from a preconfigured list of server folders. The pie chart is used with thematic maps to show the proportions of analyzed data as a summary statistic. The constructed thematic maps can be used to analyze various indicators in healthcare, geology, statistics and other areas. Customizing the operation parameters of the Cartogram component has been added into the administration module. The user interface of the Map Computer component has been updated.
    In the new version the toolkit for developing Web applications the GIS WebToolKit SE has been improved, which expands the possibilities of GIS WebServer SE and can be integrated into other information systems. Access to data (images, vector maps and information about the terrain) is provided by Web services according to the generally accepted OGC protocols and ISO standards. Various types of elevation data are used as a digital elevation model: matrixes (in SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG, MTW formats), TIN models, point clouds, and others.
    Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data can be as a source of spatial data. It provides collection, storage, search and issuance of spatial data in exchange formats, a displaying the state of the data bank in the form of maps-schemes, automated generation and updating of geo-covers.
    GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. GIS WebServer SE complies with the information security requirements on the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The new version of the program expands the possibilities of the application when solving problems of analysis, management and long-term planning of the development of territories. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript and TypeScript.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 19.05.2022 GIS Panorama Mini expands a range of applied geoportals of domestic companies
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.3.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools for connecting geoportals, designing aeronautical maps and diagrams have been improved.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. Ability to access archived data from geoportals has been added. The archives may contain data on the state of the area for a certain period of time or other geospatial information. Examples of such data can be remote sensing data, electronic field maps, thematic maps, weather maps, geological, geographic, geophysical, engineering and other data. For example, using this task, you can connect fire maps provided by the Information System for Remote Monitoring of the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz). This system provides data from aviation and ground observations, from satellite monitoring of forest fires, from a lightning direction finding system. Access to information is carried out taking into account the specified time interval of observations. There is added a support for arbitrary user matrixes in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary axes direction. It will allow to connect any data in BIR and GeoPackage format. Support of seamless coverings from Bank of base products of the Russian space systems (RSS) has been added. Access is based on the api-key obtained in the user's personal account. The bank contains data from various spacecraft, such as BKA, KANOPUS-B, KANOPUS-V-IK, METEOR-M, RESURS-P and others. Seamless coverings are presented in the form of a tile substrate for various territories of the Russian Federation in separate regions.
    Support of direct connection of geoportals by the TMS standard has been added. Two types of algorithms are supported: {z}/{x}/{y} and {z}/{y}/{x}. To connect, just enter the connection string and api key. This will allow you to dynamically add and view layers through the dialog Open map on WMS/WMTS service without the need to edit the wmslist_en.xml settings file.
    Support of OpenStreetMap geoportal has been improved. New layers of data were added: bicycle map, map of airports, humanitarian map, map of transport.
    New type of programmable signs has been added for displaying bar charts according to the semantics of objects with display in a legend of semantics values (in addition to a sign displaying values in percentage). The description of diagram includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to sectors of the diagram. For each semantics the own parameters of displaying a sector are set. For all diagram the maximum width and the maximum height of the diagram are set. To the right of the diagram its legend is displayed. Texts of lines for signing of sectors are taken from semantics names, excepting repeating part of names. For example, if the semantics are called Number of inhabitants under 20 years old, Number of inhabitants from 20 to 40 years old, then the legend will contain the following lines: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 40 years old, and so on. The conventional symbol the "Bar chart" is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.
    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
    There is significantly accelerated the opening of the "Map Legend" containing a tree of types of objects with conventional signs. The "Map Legend" is opened by pressing the F11 key or via the Tools\Map Legend menu.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 18.05.2022 Maps of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 17.05.2022 In GIS WebServer AGRO the State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation is built-in
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer AGRO version 3.1 has been developed. The new version adds the ability to keep records of the processing the fields with plant protection products (PPP) with use of the information from the unified directory of pesticides and agrochemicals. For each field, a list of plant protection products is formed, taking into account the order of application, date and type of processing (ground or from air) of plants.
    The unified reference book is filled with information from the State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and contains the name of the active substance, the hazard class for humans, and the hazard class for bees in the field conditions. One of the main reasons for the death of bees in many countries of the world, including Russia, is the steady increase in the use of pesticides in agriculture. According to the appraisal of management of the Russian Union of Producers of Chemical Plant Protection Products (PPPs), recently the volume of pesticide use in Russia has increased annually by 6-8% and this trend will continue for a long time. The list of pesticides and agrochemicals registered in Russia includes more than a thousand items. However, today no one knows exactly what preparations and in what quantities are applied by agricultural producers. The use of a unified directory of pesticides and agrochemicals makes it possible to unify the calculation of the danger of using plant protection products for people and bees.
    In new version of GIS WebServer AGRO the possibility of work with projects has been expanded that allows to set automatically project's settings (current organization and crop year). There are added a loading and selection of multipoint objects in the map, the ability to create and edit objects of the "Polygon with a point" type. "Map Editor" and administration module have been updated.
    Synchronisation of the cartographical information described in base "Panorama ΠΠ“Π Πž" and the information published in GIS WebService SE, is carried out automatically.
    For collective work with the data the digital maps of farmland and an enterprise infrastructure are placed on the GIS Server. Its application allows you to synchronize the work of the desktop "Panorama AGRO", web applications and mobile clients. Desktop applications such as GIS "Panorama", "Workstation of agronomist" and others can be connected to the GIS Server. It allows the mobile clients working through web, to process the same data together with desktop clients. You can get acquainted with an example of the work of GIS WebServer AGRO on the page of the "Agroportal" demonstration project.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 16.05.2022 Training video has been prepared on forming a certificate of inspection about the termination of existence of real estate object
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of forming a certificate of inspection about the termination of existence of a building, construction, object under construction, premises, parking spaces. Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can form inspection's certificates of real estate objects by means of a complex of geodesy calculations.
    The training material demonstrates the features of data preparation, a filling the mandatory characteristics and the formation of an XML document the Certificate of inspection confirming the termination of existence of object of real estate according to requirements of Order of Rosreestr β„– P/456 of September 30, 2014 of year and the printed version in accordance with the requirements of the Order of Rosreestr β„– P/0217 of May 24,2021. On the basis of these orders in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of conventional symbols survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz have been developed. In classifiers there are implemented the general list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents. A source of data for formation of the certificate of inspection of real estate object is a map object, which can be put schematically, but provides formation of a database in the form of a cadastral map.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 13.05.2022 In GIS "Operator" the possibilities on using the means of objective control and gathering the information about area have been expanded
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools for selecting and analyzing events from remote video cameras, connecting geoportals, editing maps of the area and designing aeronautical maps have been improved.
    Options for working with remote video cameras connected to the Internet have been expanded. Now the user can select the types of events for which he wants to receive notifications from the video camera. Events include: movement of people, cars and other objects in the video camera's visibility field, crossing the perimeter of a closed zone, appearance or disappearance of objects in the frame, detection of facts of vandalism and sabotage. To receive event notifications, the video camera must support appropriate video analytics and the ONVIF standard for Internet communication.
    New features provide filtering of event notifications from the video camera. The operator can select the types of events that interest him in the dialog "Setting up an event filter", which is called in the "List of photo and video data" mode of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. The dialog displays a list of event types supported by a particular video camera. Events are grouped by topics. At the top level of the hierarchy, the groups correspond to the main video camera services. These include: a video analytics service, a media service, a service of camera status monitoring, etc. At the lower levels, events are grouped according to clarifying features. For example, events from the video analytics service are divided into events related to motion detection in the frame, field detection (perimeter intrusion, the appearance or disappearance of objects), object detection (person, car), etc. If authorization is required when connecting to a camera, and it has not been saved earlier, then its parameters will be requested from the user before opening the "Setting up an event filter" dialog. After the user has marked all the events of interest to him, the subscription to receive events is activated. Viewing event notifications will be available in the camera video view window.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. Ability to access archived data from geoportals has been added. The archives may contain data on the state of the area for a certain period of time or other geospatial information. Examples of such data can be remote sensing data, electronic field maps, thematic maps, weather maps, geological, geographic, geophysical, engineering and other data. For example, using this task, you can connect fire maps provided by the Information System for Remote Monitoring of the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz). This system provides data from aviation and ground observations, from satellite monitoring of forest fires, from a lightning direction finding system. Access to information is carried out taking into account the specified time interval of observations.
    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 12.05.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 have been supplemented with maps of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SITZ onto territory of Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia have been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The maps contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.

    The maps were led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SITZ format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 11.05.2022 In GIS "Panorama" for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" and OS "Alt 8 SP" the interface of the editor of topographical and special maps has been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.0 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk") and OS "Alt 8 SP" (architecture "Elbrus"). In the "Map Editor" task, the image of typical elements: edited and auxiliary objects and vertices is reduced to a general view. Flickering of map elements during various editing operations is excluded. This allows you to more effectively perform typical actions when preparing various types of vector maps. Each concrete user can perform personalization of options of data editing (color and thickness of lines of objects, contours and nodes) by means of dialog "Editor options".

    Tools for connecting geoportals has been improved. There is added a support for arbitrary user matrixes in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary axes direction. It will allow to connect any data in BIR and GeoPackage format. Support of seamless coverings from Bank of base products of the Russian space systems (RSS) has been added. Access is based on the api-key obtained in the user's personal account. The bank contains data from various spacecraft, such as BKA, KANOPUS-B, KANOPUS-V-IK, METEOR-M, RESURS-P and others. Seamless coverings are presented in the form of a tile substrate for various territories of the Russian Federation in separate regions. Support of OpenStreetMap geoportal has been improved. New layers of data were added: map of airports, humanitarian map, map of transport.

    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.

    The structure of storing arrays of colors for primitives of 3D-models of the DB3D format has been improved. Import of a cloud of points from MTD format into format DB3D has been changed. Display of DB3D-models with use of new possibilities of a format was improved.

    Geographic information system GIS "Panorama" is the universal geographic information system that has tools for creating and editing digital maps and city plans, processing remote sensing data, performing various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data, tools of preparing graphic documents in digital and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases. Geographic information system GIS "Panorama" is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Computer Programs and Databases (β„–4227).

    Certified operating system "Astra Linux Special Edition" "Smolensk" release version 1.7 has built-in verified information security tools. This is a fault-tolerant platform for secure IT infrastructures of any scale and work with data of any degree of confidentiality. This operating system is highly appreciated not only by government agencies and corporations, whose exactingness in the quality of IT solutions is a clear marker of their high level of reliability, but also by ordinary users, because of the convenience and compatibility with most products of domestic and foreign software and hardware manufacturers. On the basis of the "Smolensk" release, you can create a full-fledged workstation for solving almost all everyday tasks: working on the Internet, with office or multimedia tools, as well as with applications that require maximum use of the capabilities of graphic video cards, including geographic information systems.

    Certified operating system "Alt 8 SP" "Workstation" is a universal distribution kit that includes an operating system and a set of applications for full-fledged work that supports various equipment. The OS is designed for everyday work on personal computers. Convenient graphical interface, rich set of applications, resistance to malicious attacks. It is based on MATE desktop environment. Includes an office suite, applications for working on the Internet, applications for working with graphics and music files, as well as many other necessary programs.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 09.05.2022 Training video on the formation of objects by means of modes of loading coordinates from text files has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on creation of point, linear, areal objects by means of modes of loading coordinates from text files of .txt.csv, *.xyh formats. Starting the modes is available in the Geodesy editor in programs the GIS "Panorama", "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Panorama-editor".
    The video lesson shows the loading of coordinates that can be obtained in the field conditions on geodetic instruments equipped with electronic processing tools in the format of a text file with delimiters. Source files can have different extensions (TXT, CSV, XYH), the main condition is the the delimiters between the fields in the line. The file structure is defined so that one line corresponds to one spatial object. So, for the results of field measurements, one line containing the direct coordinates of the points (X,Y,H) corresponds to the picket point. As a result, each line contains several fields with coordinates. Result of working the program is the map in MAP, SIT, SITX format, containing point, linear or areal objects for structure of fields X Y H.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 06.05.2022 Complex for documents preparation of aeronautical information has been supplemented with the procedure of automatic creating a map of minimum heights (AMA)
    In KB "Panorama" the Complex for documents preparation of aeronautical information version 7.7.8 has been developed under control of the GIS "Panorama" 14. In the "Preparation of AI documents" task, the method of creating the obstacle signature metric (text on the word balloons) has been changed to bind the signature text to the obstacle when the map is scaled. There is added the ability to select the type of obstacle label: standard label (height/absolute height), label of object height (feet/meters), label of absolute height (feet/meters).
    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. New layers and signs have been added: TOPOGRAPHIC SIGNS AND TOPOGRAPHIC SIGNS AD for designing Route maps (color signs) and AD documents (halftone signs). The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
    The PostgreSQL DBMS data filtering modes have been improved in the forms for displaying airfields, restricted areas, and control areas. To form a list of objects, special fields are provided for manual and automatic input of selection criteria.
    In the dialogs for output of infrastructure and lighting equipment, a mode for creating a list of objects has been added, which makes it possible to speed up the process of drawing objects on a map.
    Into the group of applications "Automatic creation of objects" of the GIS "Panorama" a new application "Creating a map of minimum heights" has been added. The procedure serves as an addition to the Complex of documents preparation of aeronautical information and is intended for automatic creating a map of minimum heights (AMA) based on of matrixes of heights of a relief and maps of obstacles. Calculations are performed in accordance with Doc 8168 ICAO Rules - Aircraft Operations - Volume II. The map of minimum heights is a matrix of signatures for the values of minimally allowable heights of flight in established conventional signs with a given size of the analyzed cells on the ground. Heights labels are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Manual for Aeronautical Charts.
    The task of preparing documents of aeronautical information is a set of tools for maintaining an aeronautical data base, a modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical maps and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight procedures design" is used to design the routes of departure, approach and landing and to analyze the safety of flights on them. The task "Assessment of compliance for aerodromes with the requirements FAR" is intended for the analysis of the aerodrome and the aerodrome environs for the suitability for operation and aircraft flights in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
    The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents, operational documentation, video lessons and presentations are available for download on the Download page.

  • 04.05.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of regions of Guiana and Guadeloupe (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Guiana and Guadeloupe (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 02.05.2022 In professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" the tools for editing and checking the quality of topographical and special maps have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" version 14.3.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools for editing and control of vector terrain maps, connecting geoportals and designing aeronautical maps have been improved.

    Vector map checking has been improved. When performing topology checking of "Mismatch of objects" with editing, the matching of the metrics of point objects, vector objects (buildings) with areal objects (blocks) has been added. The new algorithm takes into account the presence of several objects adjacent at one point. Errors corrected during the checking process are not displayed into the log. Duplicate error messages have been reduced.
    In the "Clones killer" mode of the "Correction of objects metrics" application, the "Check semantic values" option has been added. This allows you to exclude from processing the objects that match in spatial coordinate description, but have differences in the description of attributes.
    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
    There is significantly accelerated the opening of the "Map Legend" containing a tree of types of objects with conventional signs. The "Map Legend" is opened by pressing the F11 key or via the Tools\Map Legend menu.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. Ability to access archived data from geoportals has been added. The archives may contain data on the state of the area for a certain period of time or other geospatial information. Examples of such data can be remote sensing data, electronic field maps, thematic maps, weather maps, geological, geographic, geophysical, engineering and other data. For example, using this task, you can connect fire maps provided by the Information System for Remote Monitoring of the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz). This system provides data from aviation and ground observations, from satellite monitoring of forest fires, from a lightning direction finding system. Access to information is carried out taking into account the specified time interval of observations.
    A dialog for viewing the diagnostic log containing service information about the program's operation has been developed. The diagnostic log file can be large. In order to speed up work with the log, a reading and displaying the file are performed block-to-block from the end of the file. Initially, the last block of the diagnostic log is displayed. Within the current block, it is possible to search for the message text in the forward and backward directions.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 29.04.2022 "Workstation of urban planner" uses PostgreSQL DBMS to store documents and information about urban planning activities
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban planner" version 14.3.1 has been developed. "Workstation of urban planner" implements the automated workstation of urban planner on base of GIS Panorama Mini and the additional module "Complex of urban planning tasks". The new version of the program uses the PostgreSQL object-relational database management system to store urban planning documents, information about land plots, real estate, networks of engineering communications and other territorial infrastructure facilities.
    PostgreSQL is free and completely open source software. PostgreSQL has most of the features presented in large commercial DBMSs such as transactions, subqueries, triggers, representations, external keys, integrity constraints, and miscellaneous locks. In addition, it has new features: user-defined types, inheritance mechanism, the rules and concurrent multiversion control for working with the contents of locks. The performance of PostgreSQL is similar to other commercial DBMS and open source DBMS.
    Installing PostgreSQL together with the GIS Server onto hardware running the Astra Linux Special Edition operating system in combination with the use of the information system "Workstation of urban planner" as a client, allows you to create ISOGD of various levels on domestic software. In the course of work, the "Workstation of urban planner" uses attributive and spatial data about objects of urban planning activities. Information about land plots, objects of capital construction, territorial zones and restricted zones is maintained in the form of a duty cadastral map (DCM) of the territory. "Workstation of urban planner" provides automated updating of DCM according to information from XML-files of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN). The coordinates of objects on the DCM are presented in the local coordinate system (LCS). Placement of the DCM on the GIS Server allows using the LCS parameters that are hidden from users. When displaying the DCM as part of the "Workstation of urban planner", coordinate transformation "on the fly" is supported, which ensures the combination of DCM with images of public geoportals of Rosreestr, Roscosmos and commercial organizations.
    In the new version of the program, the task of connecting geoportals has been improved. There is added a support for seamless coverages in the form of a tiled substrate for various territories of the Russian Federation in certain areas from the Bank of Basic Products of Russian Space Systems (RCS). Support has been implemented for arbitrary user-defined data matrices in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary axes direction. This allows you to connect any data in BIR and GeoPackage format.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 28.04.2022 Training video material on formation of schemes of the land plots layout has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of formation of a graphic file of the scheme of land plots layout for a graphic part of the land survey plan. Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can make schemes of land plots layout with the subsequent formation of graphic files of schemes using the tools of the complex of geodesy calculations.
    The training material demonstrates the procedure for forming the scheme of a land plots layout for the graphic part of the land survey plan, drawn up in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December, 8th, 2015 β„– 921. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of symbols survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz have been developed. In classifiers there are implemented the general list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents.
    The scheme of land plots layout is intended for displaying a location of land plots relative to adjacent land plots, borders of cadastral division, natural objects and (or) objects of an artificial origin, lands of the general using, land plots of the general using, territories of the general using.
    Preparing a scheme of land plots layout is an obligatory stage in the production of cadastral works on formation of land survey plan of the land plot.

    You can get acquainted with training materials in the section "Video lessons".

  • 27.04.2022 Maps of the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 25.04.2022 In GIS "Panorama" the tools for selection and analysis of events from remote video cameras and processing of archival data of geoportals have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.3.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools for selecting and analyzing events from remote video cameras, connecting geoportals, editing and control of vector terrain maps and designing aeronautical maps have been improved.
    Options for working with remote video cameras connected to the Internet have been expanded. Now the user can select the types of events for which he wants to receive notifications from the video camera. Events include: movement of people, cars and other objects in the video camera's visibility field, crossing the perimeter of a closed zone, appearance or disappearance of objects in the frame, detection of facts of vandalism and sabotage. To receive event notifications, the video camera must support appropriate video analytics and the ONVIF standard for Internet communication.
    New features provide filtering of event notifications from the video camera. The user can select the types of events that interest him in the dialog "Setting up an event filter", which is called in the "List of photo and video data" mode of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. The dialog displays a list of event types supported by a particular video camera. Events are grouped by topics. At the top level of the hierarchy, the groups correspond to the main video camera services. These include: a video analytics service, a media service, a service of camera status monitoring, etc. At the lower levels, events are grouped according to clarifying features. For example, events from the video analytics service are divided into events related to motion detection in the frame, field detection (perimeter intrusion, the appearance or disappearance of objects), object detection (person, car), etc. If authorization is required when connecting to a camera, and it has not been saved earlier, then its parameters will be requested from the user before opening the "Setting up an event filter" dialog. After the user has marked all the events of interest to him, the subscription to receive events is activated. Viewing event notifications will be available in the camera video view window.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. Ability to access archived data from geoportals has been added. The archives may contain data on the state of the area for a certain period of time or other geospatial information. Examples of such data can be remote sensing data, electronic field maps, thematic maps, weather maps, geological, geographic, geophysical, engineering and other data. For example, using this task, you can connect fire maps provided by the Information System for Remote Monitoring of the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz). This system provides data from aviation and ground observations, from satellite monitoring of forest fires, from a lightning direction finding system. Access to information is carried out taking into account the specified time interval of observations.
    Vector map checking has been improved. When performing topology checking of "Mismatch of objects" with editing, the matching of the metrics of point objects, vector objects (buildings) with areal objects (blocks) has been added. The new algorithm takes into account the presence of several objects adjacent at one point. Errors corrected during the checking process are not displayed into the log. Duplicate error messages have been reduced.
    There is significantly accelerated the opening of the "Map Legend" containing a tree of types of objects with conventional signs. The Map Legend is opened by pressing the F11 key or via the Tools\Map Legend menu.
    In the "Clones killer" mode of the "Correction of objects metrics" application, the "Check semantic values" option has been added. This allows you to exclude from processing the objects that match in spatial coordinate description, but have differences in the description of attributes.
    A dialog for viewing the diagnostic log containing service information about the program's operation has been developed. The diagnostic log file can be large. To speed up work with the log, reading and displaying the file is performed block-to-block from the end of the file. Initially, the last block of the diagnostic log is displayed. Within the current block, it is possible to search for the message text in the forward and backward directions.
    Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 21.04.2022 Seamless coverages from the "Bank of basic products" of Roscosmos are available in the GIS "Panorama"
    In the GIS "Panorama" a support has been implemented for seamless coverages from composition of geoinformation service "Basic Products Bank" (BBP) of Roscosmos. The service, which provides services for the search, formation and dissemination of information products of remote sensing data, was developed by specialists of joint-stock company "Russian space systems". To connect to the service, you need to register on the BBP website BBP in the personal account of the service user and conclude an agreement to receive data on the selected territory.
    The BBP contains data from various spacecraft, such as BKA, KANOPUS-V, KANOPUS-V-IK, METEOR-M, RESURS-P and others. Seamless coverages are provided in the form of a tile substrate according to the TMS standard for various territories of the Russian Federation in separate regions. To support seamless BBP coverages in the GIS "Panorama", a direct connection of geoportals according to the TMS standard has been added. The storage of tiles of the TMS service is presented as a set of files ordered by directories, the so-called tile pyramid. To quickly find the required tiles, the coordinates of the tile pyramid (Z/X/Y) corresponding to the level of the pyramid, the column number and the row number of the tile are used. The GIS "Panorama" supports two search algorithms Z/X/Y and Z/Y/X, which allow you to generate a request for providing data, get tiles from the storage and draw the extracted data.
    The composition of seamless coverages is constantly updated, to dynamically add layers to the composition of the displayed map, you must use the "Open map in WMS/WMTS service" dialog. To connect to BBP, it is enough to enter the connection string and api-key received in your personal account on the BBP website. In the task of connecting geoportals, a support has been added for arbitrary user matrixes of tiled pyramids in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary direction of axes. This allows you to include BIR and GeoPackage format data.
    BBP integration with GIS "Panorama" provides information independence from foreign remote sensing data providers and creates a geoinformation ecosystem based entirely on domestic software technologies and information resources. For users of state and municipal authorities of various levels, the BBP is a tool for accessing information products generated according to the remote sensing data of Russian Space Systems. Embedding BBP products into the GIS "Panorama" ensures their application for solving various applied problems of global and regional monitoring.

  • 19.04.2022 GIS technologies of KB "Panorama" will be presented at the All-Russian meeting on the development of the State geological mapping
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" will take part in the All-Russian meeting "State and prospects for the development of the State geological mapping of the territory of the Russian Federation and its continental shelf". The event will be held in a format of a video conferencing from April, 19 till April, 22nd, 2022. The event is organized by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and FSBI "A.P.Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute" (FSBI "VSEGEI").
    The meeting's purpose is discussion of a current state and development of the State geological mapping for the period up to 2025 with a perspective up to 2035. The company's specialists will make a report "Possibility of the "Panorama" software package for providing the State geological mapping", which is scheduled to be presented at 13:05 on April 20, 2022. The report will consider the possibilities of the GIS "Panorama" for creating a geoinformation platform for state geological mapping and the experience of solving similar problems in the interests of state structures of the Russian Federation. The report also includes issues of using such software products as: GIS Server, GIS WebService SE, GIS WebServer SE, the Databank of Digital Maps and Remote Sensing Data, Imagery Creator and others.
    The meeting is broadcast live on YouTube and VKontakte.

  • 19.04.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Picardy and Poitou-Charentes (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Picardy and Poitou-Charentes (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 17.04.2022 Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides a quick search and display of large volume of spatial data
    In KB "Panorama" the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 7.2.0 has been developed. In the new version a search and display on a map-scheme of large volume of geodata are optimised. Acceleration is achieved through improved protocols of data exchange with service the GIS WebService SE and use of unique algorithms of search. Users are provided with the ability to search by a rectangular area, circle, polygon and object boundaries. The program quickly processes and displays the results of search queries containing more than 100000 data sets. All selected data is displayed on a map-scheme and automatically scaled for obtaining a clear picture.
    Visual presentation of data on a map-scheme has been improved due to change of a view of displaying the geodetic points. Each point is displayed with a certain sign, depending on its class. The sign view is set automatically when importing metadata. The search for geodetic points using selected documents, lines of the state leveling network, geodetic networks for special purposes has been implemented. Possibility has been added to recalculate the coordinates of the points of the planned-altitude base from state coordinate systems into local ones and vice versa. The results of the recalculated values are stored in the database and in an Excel file.
    All user actions related to editing metadata are logged. The program provides the ability to view archived records. In the Databank a search of duplicating values for directories, including archival ones is provided.
    Data security is ensured by the differentiation of access rights based on security tools included in the operating system. Basic authentication, digest authentication, system authentication (via web server), and domain authentication (Kerberos or ActiveDirectory) are supported. Additional security is provided by the use of pass-through authentication when working with the database. Connection to the database occurs with the rights of the user working with the system. The complex is adapted to work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, MS Windows and others) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, Baikal). The program is registered in the register of domestic software under the number 1862.
    The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data is the basis for building infrastructure of spatial data of federal, regional and municipal levels, in corporate information systems. Within the framework of a single geoinformation space, the Data Bank of digital maps and remote sensing data realises gathering, storage, quality control, search and delivery of the spatial data in exchange formats. The spatial data selected by means of the program can be placed for the multiuser access on the GIS Server and be published according to the international standards OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS on application server the GIS WebService SE. Users can access data from both a thin client (by means of GIS WebServer SE) and from desktop applications (GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator"). The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides construction of cloud warehouse of spatial data, provision of access to these data, the automated formation and updating of geocovers.
    The current state of spatial data is displayed by means of maps-schemes that are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrixes and terrain models. It provides remote placing the sets of spatial data into file warehouse, keeping versions of stored sets, updating maps-schemes of data availability, the automated collection and formation of metadata, and the formation and updating of geocovers. Automated collection and formation of metadata is performed according to the standards of ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information - Metadata and ISO/TS 19139, Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation. The reduced copies of data images are automatically formed, checksum of files and completeness of data sets are checked. Placement of spatial data into file storage is performed with integrity check, control of data structure and content. The results of the work are recorded and are entered into the metadata base. Automatic backup of metadata and spatial data storage with integrity control and data recovery has been provided. Multilingual interface is supported.
    The "Bank of spatial data" portal demonstrates the possibilities of organizing storage, accounting and and issuance of vector maps, remote sensing data, matrixes of heights and the terrain models. The portal contains vector maps in SXF format, generated on the basis of data from open sources (OpenStreetMap, VMap0). The spatial data includes maps of: subjects of the Russian Federation, countries and cities of the near and far abroad. In total, over 250 vector maps and 6700 matrix data with a total volume of 60 GB. Specialists of KB "Panorama" weekly update and refresh the content of the information on the portal. All published data is distributed free of charge under a free license.
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 14.04.2022 In the Ryazan region, bees are protected using geoinformation technologies
    As part of the development of the state information system "Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region", the module "Accounting for agricultural land" was adapted in terms of performing the work of the first stage of creating a service for informing about land cultivation with plant protection products. Work is being done to prevent the death of bees.
    One of the main reasons for the death of bees in many countries of the world, including Russia, is the steady increase in the use of pesticides in agriculture. According to the appraisal of management of the Russian Union of Producers of Chemical Plant Protection Products (PPPs), recently the volume of pesticide use in Russia has increased annually by 6-8% and this trend will continue for a long time. The list of pesticides and agrochemicals registered in Russia includes more than a thousand items. However, today no one knows exactly what preparations and in what quantities are applied by agricultural producers.
    The RGIS RO has implemented a unified directory of plant protection products in accordance with the current State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, containing: the name of the active substance, the hazard class for humans, the hazard class for bees in the field. The UZSHN module has built-in tools for accessing of crop growers in the Ryazan region to geospatial data on agricultural land with the ability to enter data on the current use of PPPs on the fields of their farm, including the date of start and end of processing, the name of PPPs with a choice from a single directory of PPPs.
    The beekeepers registered in the system are provided with tools that allow them to independently indicate on the map the current location of the apiary and the description of the apiary, including: the name of the apiary, the name of the owner, the status of the beekeeper (LPH, IP, KFH, SHO), the number of the veterinary passport for the apiary, the address of the apiary, the date of installation and the number of bees.
    Based on the entered information, the system automatically calculates and color-codes the dangers for bees at each apiary in connection with the use of plant protection products. As part of the UZSHN RGIS RO module, the thematic map of processing PPPs is daily updated, displaying in system a traffic light of the land contour. Fields that are not planned to be processed are displayed in green. Fields that are planned to be processed within the next 1-3 calendar days are displayed in yellow. Those fields are displayed in red, the PPP processing of which is carried out on the current date, and during the period of the restriction of the bees flying. The calculation of the time of limitation of bees flying is carried out depending on the hazard class for bees of the active substance of PPP. For PPP of the 1st hazard class, restrictions on the bees flying are valid on the dates of processing and 6 calendar days after its completion. For plant protection products of the 2nd hazard class - the dates of processing and 3 calendar days after its completion. For plant protection products of the 3rd hazard class - the date of processing.
    Other news on the development of the Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region has been published on our website:

    - Geoinformation solutions of KB "Panorama" are used for legal education of the population of the Ryazan region;

    - "Mobile application as part of the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region provides access to dozens of thematic layers on various smartphones";

    - "GIS WebServer AGRO is presented at the webinar "Software and services in agro-industrial complex ";

    - Governor of the Ryazan region has highly appreciated development of Regional geoinformation system;

    - RGIS of the Ryazan region is used in the state cadastral assessment;

    - Portal of open data of regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region works under control of OS Astra Linux SE;

    - Specialists of KB "Panorama" have held training seminar for representatives of administration of the Ryazan region on use of a modernised regional GIS.

  • 13.04.2022 Digital transformation of processes of territorial planning in a railway transport goes with using software products of KB "Panorama"
    JSC "Institute of economics and development of transport" (JSC "IERT") is carrying out full-scale work on digitalization of the circulation of documents of territorial planning of railway transport. All work is performed using domestic software. The geoinformation web-application created on the basis of GIS WebServer SE provides access for employees of the institution to documents and information of territorial planning for viewing, comparative analysis and printing images of graphic and text documents. With the participation of specialists of KB "Panorama", web services were introduced to automatically create and update map layers that reflect the existing infrastructure, promising and implemented measures for the development of railway transport in the context of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation.
    A feature of the architecture of the automated system "Territory" is the embedding of the usual means of entering and editing information used by the specialists of JSC "IERT" to maintain a digital database of promising and implemented measures for the development of the railway transport infrastructure. At the same time, the developed means of information interaction of geoinformation modules with the above databases automatically provide request and receipt of information, creation and updating of cartograms by methods of thematic mapping, web-publication of maps and documents for viewing and analysis in the form of a single information resource of the institution. When generating cartograms, there is used the OKTMO of borders of objects of administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation, including federal districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal districts, urban districts, urban and rural settlements.
    In the course of its activities, JSC "IERT" conducts an examination of documents of territorial planning, socio-economic development in conjunction with information on promising and implemented measures for development of the infrastructure of railway transport. The computer-aided system "Territory", which was created, automates the processes of distributing information and documents for constituent entities and municipalities of the Russian Federation. Creation of thematic cartograms reflecting the territorial distribution of activities for the development of existing and planned facilities of railway transport infrastructure is carried out on the scheme of the railway network, with reference to the Centralized Regulatory and Reference Information (CNSI). Works on preparation of railway transport schemes and cartograms of actions for infrastructure development are carried out in the GIS "Panorama" environment with use of additional module developed on the basis of MAPAPI.

  • 12.04.2022 GIS Constructor for Astra Linux SE expands the tools of processing, analysis and representation of geodata
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor version 14.1.0 has been developed for the operating system "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk"). In the new version the display of clusters used for grouping the point conventional symbols on a map has been improved. Into the cluster description the property "Display the first character in the cluster" has been added. When it is set, in the position of the cluster sign the first object in the cluster will be displayed first, and then the cluster sign. In this case, the cluster sign can contain only the number of objects or other complementary elements of the conventional symbol. When drawing an object, various semantics can be taken into account, including links to graphic files, which makes the generalized sign more complex and informative. The initial opening and display of large sets of vector maps and spatial databases containing several million objects and more, has been accelerated. Construction of the objects tree when opening the datasets has been accelerated. The new version of the program is adapted to work in the OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" release "Smolensk" version 1.7.
    To display various tabular information on the map, a new graphic symbol "Table" has been developed. To display the table in the desired position, a point object is created that has a link to the CSV file in the semantics and a conventional symbol of the "Table" type. A CSV file is a set of lines containing the values of one or more table fields (columns) separated by symbols - comma, semicolon, tab. The name of the CSV file is specified in the object semantics the "Text file". The table can contain from 1 to 256 columns. Each column allows you to place data of the selected type: text and numerical data, pictures in PNG, JPG, BMP format, colored figures and percentage scales. The table can consist of one or more pages. The number of pages is set in semantics "Number of table pages". The table width is calculated automatically based on the column widths, taking into account the number of pages and the distance between the pages. To display a part of the data of the CSV file in the table, the semantics "First table row" and "End table row" are specified.
    The map with the created tables will have one view in desktop, mobile, web-applications on any platforms, with local placement or on the GIS Server and at printing. A layer with tables can be opened on top of any other data - spatial databases, geoportals, remote sensing data. The map, together with CSV files and background data, can be packed into one file of SITZ/MAPZ/MPTZ formats. With the help of objects of the new "Table" image the various statistical data on financial, environmental, economic, medical, tax, meteorological, demographic topics can be presented, which can be obtained on the websites of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical data can be displayed both for Russia as a whole, and for various indicators for municipalities in the Database of indicators of municipalities.Different layers of the map can contain tables for different themes and years. Tables, like other objects, can have visibility scale ranges. At updating the table the data will change accordingly on a map.
    The user interface of the program has been improved for use in operating systems with a high density of displaying images on the screen. This expands the range of application of the software product on devices with reduced screen sizes - portable laptops, specialized tablets and other similar devices. The program interface of the dialogs makes the most of the opportunities provided by the layout system of the elements of the visual design environment. This allows you to get the design of dialogs adapted to the display parameters in accordance with the settings of the operating system.
    The interface of the dialog for importing graphic files into RSW format has been modernized at using files of a binding. The user selects the possibility of using data from the binding's file by setting the appropriate checkbox in the dialog. The program carries out search of a binding's file by coincidence of its name with raster file name. If a single file of binding is found in a search result, data from this file is automatically loaded. If there are several binding files of the same name in different formats, then the choice of the file used when loading graphic data is provided to the user. The structure of storing arrays of colors for primitives of 3D-models of the DB3D format has been improved. Import of a cloud of points from MTD format into format DB3D has been changed. Display of DB3D-models with use of new possibilities of a format was improved. In the QDMapPointAcces component there is added a support for converting coordinates in the map coordinate system to geodetic coordinates in the WGS84 coordinate system and vice versa.
    GIS Constructor is a set of geoinformation components for use in the visual programming environment of Qt Designer, which allows you to develop your own GIS applications. The visualization of the contents of digital maps is made in conventional symbols adopted for topographic, geographical and various special maps. Geoinformation system has ample opportunities for performing calculations, for providing display of spatial data on various graphic devices in standard and user systems of conventional symbols. The main functions can be executed in multithreaded mode. It supports automatic optimization of used memory for processing large amounts of data (tens of gigabytes) on limited resources (hundreds of megabytes).
    The toolkit is adapted for work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, QNX) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, PowerPC, SPARC, ARM). The toolkit includes components of visual designing the GIS applications and library of a multiplatform multithreaded GIS core. GIS Constructor provides a cross-platform MAPAPI interface that allows a programmer to implement development in an operating system convenient for it. The developer can release GIS applications for a set of operating systems by simple assembly with minimal changes to the program source code.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 11.04.2022 A set of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 have been supplemented with maps of Romania and the Republic of Bulgaria
    In KB "Panorama" the digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in format SXF onto territory of Romania and the Republic of Bulgaria have been prepared. As a source for preparation of the map the VMap0 data obtained from the information from the site has served. The maps contain information on the number of inhabitants for cities and the name of settlements in Russian. As additional materials the World map of scale 1: 5 000 000 and OpenStreetMap data were used.

    The maps were led to the classifier of geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 (1mogk13g.rsc). It can be used for a general assessment of the area and the study of natural conditions, to ensure the educational process, as a basis for the creation of geographic maps of a smaller scale, thematic and special maps, and solving other tasks. The map is distributed free of charge under a free license.

    Digital geographic maps of scale 1: 1 000 000 in SXF format are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 07.04.2022 Training video material on cutting new areal objects has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of using the "Cut new areas" mode. The mode is available for starting in the "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama", "Panorama-editor" and is designed to create new areal objects located inside the specified one. For example, when designing the position of new sections within the allocated area. The user needs to activate the "Cut new areas" mode, select the polygon to be dissected, then set the line along which the cutting will take place. The line is set by specifying two arbitrary points on the map. After selecting an object, a dialog appears on the screen, in which the area and the number of new objects are specified. There are three options for formation:
    - the number of new objects is specified and the program calculates their area;
    - the area of new objects, stripes or squares is specified and the program calculates their number;
    - the dimensions of the rectangle are specified and the program calculates their number.
    The areas are cut by segments that are perpendicular to the line specified by the user. You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 05.04.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of preparing command-staff documents have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.0 has been developed. In the new version of the program, the operator.rsc classifier has been improved, the list of programmable signs has been expanded, tools for editing the spatial databases, connection of geoportals, a processing of events from remote video cameras have been improved.
    In accordance with the KEUS in the operator.rsc classifier, the display of conventional symbols in the Border bodies layer has been improved: 725021230 Area (zone) of territorial claims of neighboring states, 725021260 Area (region) of a possible frontier armed conflict - on the basis of a new symbol of type the cross polygon with offset.
    New type of programmable signs has been added for displaying pie and bar charts according to the semantics of objects with display in a legend of semantics values (in addition to a sign displaying values in percentage). The description of diagrams includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to sectors of the diagram. For each semantics the own parameters of displaying a sector are set. For all diagram the maximum width and the maximum height of the diagram are set. To the right of the diagram its legend is displayed. Texts of lines for signing of sectors are taken from semantics names, excepting repeating part of names. For example, if the semantics are called Number of inhabitants under 20 years old, Number of inhabitants from 20 to 40 years old, then the legend will contain the following lines: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 40 years old, and so on. The conventional symbol the "Bar chart" is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.
    Possibility has been added for automatic assigning a map at recording objects for the maps opened from spatial databases, working under management of a DBMS. The *.dbm map can now be assigned a filter that determines the list of objects that are allowed to be saved onto this map. Thus, since such a map is physically a table in the database, the possibility of writing of alien objects into this table is limited.
    For example, into a table intended for storing the spatial layer "Routes of passenger transport" it is impossible to write down objects corresponding to the layers "Objects of cultural heritage", "Health institutions". The filter specified for the *.dbm map, which allows recording only areal objects with classification codes corresponding to the "Routes of passenger transport" layer, will not allow recording other objects into this map. When *.dbm maps are opened together (for example, as part of an *.mpt project) that have the filters, described above, they are combined into logical groups, within which objects can be automatically redistributed upon recording. Automatic redistribution of objects works both when saving an object after it has been created/modified using the object editor, and at operations of a streaming insert of objects (Ctrl+C) or recoding (changing conventional a symbol) of one object or group.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. There is added a support for arbitrary user matrixes in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary axes direction. It will allow to connect any data in BIR and GeoPackage format. Support of seamless coverings from Bank of base products of the Russian space systems (RSS) has been added. Access is based on the api-key obtained in the user's personal account. The bank contains data from various spacecraft, such as BKA, KANOPUS-B, KANOPUS-V-IK, METEOR-M, RESURS-P and others. Seamless coverings are presented in the form of a tile substrate for various territories of the Russian Federation in separate regions. Support of OpenStreetMap geoportal has been improved. New layers of data were added: map of airports, humanitarian map, map of transport.

    Ability has been added to view real-time events from remote cameras connected to the Internet. Events include: the movement of people, cars and other objects, the determination of the fact of crossing the perimeter of the closed zone, the appearance or disappearance of objects, the determination of the facts of vandalism and sabotage. All these actions can be tracked if they fall within the visibility zone of video cameras, connection to which will be customized on the terrain map. Video cameras must support the appropriate video analytics functions and the ONVIF standard for interaction with IP cameras.
    You can set up receiving events from video cameras available on the map in the "List of photo and video data" mode dialog of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. The location of video cameras on the map, city plan, building, industrial area, three-dimensional model is indicated using various conventional symbols (objects). Objects can be moving if the camera is mounted on a vehicle. Setting up a connection to a video camera is carried out in the "Select object" dialog through adding value of semantics "Link to video image" or in the mode "Setting up and viewing a connection to a video camera" of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. Integration of geodata with video streams and service of receiving the events of video analytics simplifies construction of systems of monitoring the state of the area, traffic control, security systems and others.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 04.04.2022 Maps of the Republic of Komi and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the the Republic of Komi and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (MPTZ). The MPTZ format project includes a digital map of the region's territory (country, subject of the federation, administrative region), a map of the administrative-territorial division of the region and a digital classifier. Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 01.04.2022 Panorama Mini GIS for Astra Linux SE supports display of statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.1.0 has been developed for OS Astra Linux SE (Releases "Smolensk" and "Oryol"). In the new version, a graphic sign "Table" has been developed to display various tabular information on the map. To display the table in the desired position, a point object is created that has a link to the CSV file in semantics and a conventional symbol of the "Table" type. A CSV file is a set of lines containing the values of one or more table fields (columns) separated by symbols - comma, semicolon, tab. The graphical parameters of the table are customized in the semantics of the object. With the help of objects of the "Table" image the various statistical data on financial, environmental, economic, medical, tax, meteorological, demographic topics can be presented, which can be obtained on the websites of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical data can be displayed both for Russia as a whole, and for various indicators for municipalities in the Database of indicators of municipalities. Different layers of the map can contain tables for different themes and years. Tables, like other objects, can have visibility scale ranges. At updating the table the data will change accordingly on a map.
    In the "Map Editor", the mode of creating multipolygons, multiline or multipoint objects based on selected objects is implemented, depending on the character of localization of selected objects - areal, linear or point. The metric of the selected objects is combined into one object with common semantics, and the processed objects are deleted. Metric merging is performed only for objects that have the same classification code as the first selected object.
    The structure of storing arrays of colors for primitives of 3D-models of the DB3D format has been improved. Import of a cloud of points from MTD format into format DB3D has been changed. Display of DB3D-models with use of new possibilities of a format was improved.
    GIS Panorama Mini version 14.1.0 is adapted to work under the operating system Astra Linux SE Release "Smolensk" version 1.7.
    GIS Panorama Mini is the universal geoinformation system intended for a collecting the spatial data, a conducting the spatial database, creation and updating of digital maps and plans, creation of information systems of various purposes. The program implements the following main functions: import and viewing of vector maps, raster data, matrixes of heights, matrixes of qualities, geological matrixes of layers, TIN-models, laser scanning data, user maps and work regions; creation of new maps with automatic filling of parameters using the EPSG code or from the list of parameters in XML format; export of maps to SXF, DXF, OGC GML formats; multi-user work with data with access control through a connection to the GIS Server; combining and editing vector maps of different projections in one document; support for popular geoportals, which allows displaying user maps over images received from sites; printing to various output devices with customization of print parameters.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 30.03.2022 In professional vectorizer "Panorama-Editor" the interface of the editor of topographical and special maps has been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" version 14.3.0 has been developed. In the new version, the map editor interface has been improved, tools for connecting geoportals and exporting maps to territorial planning documents have been refined.
    In "Map Editor" task the interface has been updated. The image of edited and auxiliary objects, edited and copied vertices is reduced to a general view. In the "Map Editor Options" dialog, in the "Service" bookmark, the setting of colors and line widths used in modes of editing a vector map has been added. Flickering of map elements during various editing operations is excluded.
    New type of programmable signs has been added for displaying pie and bar charts according to the semantics of objects with display in a legend of semantics values (in addition to a sign displaying values in percentage). The description of diagrams includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to sectors of the diagram. For each semantics the own parameters of displaying a sector are set. For all diagram the maximum width and the maximum height of the diagram are set. To the right of the diagram its legend is displayed. Texts of lines for signing of sectors are taken from semantics names, excepting repeating part of names. For example, if the semantics are called Number of inhabitants under 20 years old, Number of inhabitants from 20 to 40 years old, then the legend will contain the following lines: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 40 years old, and so on. The conventional symbol the "Bar chart" is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. There is added a support for arbitrary user matrixes in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary axes direction. It will allow to connect any data in BIR and GeoPackage format. Support of seamless coverings from Bank of base products of the Russian space systems (RSS) has been added. Access is based on the api-key obtained in the user's personal account. The bank contains data from various spacecraft, such as BKA, KANOPUS-B, KANOPUS-V-IK, METEOR-M, RESURS-P and others. Seamless coverings are presented in the form of a tile substrate for various territories of the Russian Federation in separate regions. Support of direct connection of geoportals by the TMS standard has been added. Two types of algorithms are supported: {z}/{x}/{y} and {z}/{y}/{x}. To connect, just enter the connection string and api key. This will allow you to dynamically add and view layers through the dialog "Open map on WMS/WMTS service" without the need to edit the wmslist_en.xml settings file. Support of OpenStreetMap geoportal has been improved. New layers of data were added: bicycle map, map of airports, humanitarian map, map of transport.
    In the task "Automated generalization of topographic maps", the mode "Generalization of areal hydrography" has been improved for constructing auxiliary objects of hydrography - the middle lines of areal rivers. When replacing narrow fragments of areal rivers with linear ones, the matching of the end points of new linear rivers with the points of the middle line has been added. When the areal tributaries are replaced, the created linear rivers reach the middle lines. Removal of coastlines along deleted fragments of areal rivers has been improved.
    In the "Export of territorial planning schemes to GML" task, automatic division of a territorial planning scheme into several GMLs (from 1 to 3) is implemented if there are several localizations in one scheme layer (line, polygon, point). Forasmuch as without dividing into different GMLs, the error "the unified approach is violated when describing the type of geometry" is generated. All files will have the same name as the map being saved, with the strings .#1-3, .#2-3, .#3-3 added to the name (if 3 files are created). For example (for 2 files): "Map of planned placement of objects.#1-2.gml", "Map of planned placement of objects.#2-2.gml". If there is only one localization in each schema layer (different layers can have different localizations), then division into several files is not performed. Forasmuch as FSIS TP does not support objects of the multipolygon (MultiSurface) type in GML, then when areal objects with several external contours (multipolygons) are saved in GML, automatic splitting into separate polygons is performed with the update of the new parts of the semantics 800 (GUID) and 1265 (object area) .
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 29.03.2022 Training material on creating of library of 3D symbols in the GIS "Panorama" has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson for execution of loading a texture of three-dimensional image. From the training material the users of GIS "Panorama" also learn about possibilities of addition of objects from an exchange format into composition of the classifier templates.
    The 3D bookmark is used for creation and correcting three-dimensional objects of the classifier. In 3D section the file with extension .P3D is specified in which three-dimensional images and textures are stored. To add a texture, open the "Textures" bookmark and click "Load". After loading the texture file, you can customize the parameters of the selected texture using the "Parameters" bookmark.
    Import of 3D models of objects from exchange formats is performed using the 3D bookmark, which is located in the description of the classifier object. In the "Edit 3D - view" dialog, you need to open the "Templates" bookmark - "List of templates" and "Add new template". Next, select the template parameters - "Add" and go to "Template parametres". In the "Mark editing" dialog, you need to import the mark model created in a third-party editor by pressing the DAE button. In the next dialog, you should set additional parameters of the sign - "Turn mark relative metric" and "Save". The new 3D model created by a method of the 3D model import is ready. The created model can be used to display a conventional symbol of a 3D map.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 28.03.2022 Maps of the Murmansk and Pskov regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" have been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Murmansk and Pskov regions on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The maps were formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). The MPTZ format project includes a digital map of the region's territory (country, subject of the federation, administrative region), a map of the administrative-territorial division of the region and a digital classifier. Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 25.03.2022 GIS "Operator" SE provides drawing of conventional symbols of operational situations in accordance with new requirements of KEUS
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" SE version 14.1.0 has been developed for the operating system "Astra Linux Special Edition" ("Smolensk" release). In the new version the tools of editing of digital terrain maps and plans of cities, calculations on a map, preparations of three-dimensional terrain models, creation of matrixes of heights and others have been updated. In the operator.rsc classifier, the display of the conventional symbols "Area (zone) of territorial claims of neighboring states" and "Area (region) of a possible frontier armed conflict" has been improved in accordance with the KEUS with use of a new type of sign "Cross polygon with offset". The new version of the program is adapted for work in the OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" Release "Smolensk" of version 1.7.
    To display various tabular information on the map, a new graphic sign "Table" has been developed. To display the table in the desired position, a point object is created that has a link to the CSV file in semantics and a conventional symbol of the "Table" type. A CSV file is a set of lines containing the values of one or more table fields (columns) separated by symbols - comma, semicolon, tab. The graphical parameters of the table are customized in the semantics of the object. With the help of objects of the "Table" image the various statistical data on financial, environmental, economic, medical, tax, meteorological, demographic topics can be presented, which can be obtained on the websites of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical data can be displayed both for Russia as a whole, and for various indicators for municipalities in the Database of indicators of municipalities. Different layers of the map can contain tables for different themes and years. Tables, like other objects, can have visibility scale ranges. At updating the table the data will change accordingly on a map.
    In the "Map Editor", the mode of creating multipolygons, multiline or multipoint objects based on selected objects is implemented, depending on the character of localization of selected objects - areal, linear or point. The metric of the selected objects is combined into one object with common semantics, and the processed objects are deleted. Metric merging is performed only for objects that have the same classification code as the first selected object.
    The structure of storing arrays of colors for primitives of 3D-models of the DB3D format has been improved. Import of a cloud of points from MTD format into format DB3D has been changed. Display of DB3D-models with use of new possibilities of a format was improved.
    The user interface of the program has been improved for use in operating systems with a high density of displaying images on the screen. This expands the range of application of the software product on devices with reduced screen sizes - portable laptops, specialized tablets and other similar devices. The program interface of the dialogs makes the most of the opportunities provided by the layout system of the elements of the visual design environment. This allows you to get the design of dialogs adapted to the display parameters in accordance with the settings of the operating system.
    Dialog of creating a matrix of heights according to data of a digital map has been improved. In dialog the possibility has been added for a choice of nomenclature sheets of a map and the user layers by which building a matrix of heights will be carried out. This possibility provides the user with additional flexibility in setting the parameters for creating matrixes of heights for regions of work, consisting of a large number of nomenclature maps sheets. The choice of sheets is performed by selection directly in the list of names of nomenclature sheets which will participate in processing. By means of special control buttons it is possible to select all sheets in the list at once, reset selection of all sheets, or invert the selection of sheets.
    GIS "Operator" SE is a universal domestic geographic information system for power structures. The program is intended for accumulation, the storage, the automated processing and displaying the data, results of calculations and the forecasts having a geospatial binding. GIS "Operator" SE contains tools for displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, a forecasting the consequences of emergencies on hazardous objects, a monitoring the movement of aircraft, a performing the geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, a printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 24.03.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Martinique and Mayotte (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with maps of the regions of Martinique and Mayotte (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the maps, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 23.03.2022 Training material on formation of a drawing of land plots and their parts has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on the formation of a graphic file of a drawing of land plots and their parts. Users of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can draw up drawings of land plots with the subsequent formation of graphic files of drawings using the tools of the complex of geodesy calculations.
    The training material demonstrates the procedure for the formation of a drawing of land plots and their parts, drawn up in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation from December, 8th, 2015 β„– 921. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of conventional symbols survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz have been developed. In the classifiers there are implemented a general list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for display of cadastral data on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents. Preparation of a drawing of land plots and their parts is an obligatory stage in the production of cadastral works on the formation of a land survey plan of the plot.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 22.03.2022 GIS WebServer SE creates and displays thematic maps for the analysis of social and economic indicators and phenomena of the specified territories
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.5.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. The "Cartogram" component has been updated in the new version. The component provides a way of display in the form of a thematic map of socio-economic indicators or phenomena of displayed objects and the features of their distribution over the territory, displays the dynamics of changes of indicators in time and space. Quantitative indicators for spatial objects are loaded from a file of the tabular data of CSV format or from any text file. The constructed thematic maps can be used for analysis of various indicators in healthcare, geology, marketing and other areas. The example of a CSV-file for creating a cartogram is available on our site.
    In "Search by map" a possibility of determining the address of a point by its coordinates has been added. For example, you can specify a point near a house on a map and get its address. The search result is displayed as a list in the "Map Objects" panel. Data acquisition is carried out through HTTP API of reverse geocoding of the address search source.
    Possibility of editing the geometry of object in a tabular kind is added. Change of the metrics of object is visually displayed on a map, the information on object editing is recorded into the map's event log.
    For dynamically updated map layers, the ability to track the state of these layers on the server has been added. Obtaining an image of dynamically updated layers (for example, when monitoring vehicle traffic) is performed if the state of data on the server has changed. It allows to optimise the number of data requests to the server. For work it is necessary to use a service the GIS WebService SE version 14.4.1 and higher.
    In the new version the toolkit for developing Web applications the GIS WebToolKit SE has been improved, which expands the capabilities of GIS WebServer SE and can be integrated into other information systems. Access to data (images, vector maps and information about the terrain) is provided by Web services according to the generally accepted OGC protocols and ISO standards. Various types of elevation data are used as a digital elevation model: matrixes (in SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG, MTW formats), TIN models, point clouds, and others.
    Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data can be as a source of spatial data. It provides collection, storage, search and issuance of spatial data in exchange formats, a displaying the state of the data bank in the form of maps-schemes, automated generation and updating of geo-covers.
    GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. GIS WebServer SE complies with the information security requirements on the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The new version of the program expands the possibilities of the application when solving problems of analysis, management and long-term planning of the development of territories. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 21.03.2022 GIS ToolKit expands the possibilities of export and import of spatial data in GML, GeoJSON, KML formats
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.1.0 has been developed for creating GIS applications in the environment of C++ Builder, Delphi Embarcadero. In the new version the TMapDataConversion component has been improved. It provides conversion of spatial data presented in formats SXF, TXF, DIR, TXT, MAP, SIT, SITX, S57, KML/KMZ, MIF/MID, GML, GeoJSON. The component is based on the use of high-performance functions of the GIS core.
    Into TMapDataConversion component the new functions have been added, allowing to carry out converting of spatial data into formats GML, GeoJSON, KML in a streaming mode or with use of dialogs. Export's settings are available to users: data format, coordinate system, mode for creating styles of conventional symbols, composition of metric, semantics and metadata, processing of a set of maps.
    When processing data, the TMapDataConversion component receives information about the current state of the process: the percentage of execution, the presence of errors, the need to interrupt processing, information about the current map.
    In the new version, the tools for searching for map objects in the TMapFind component have been expanded. The component now has the ability to search for objects based on their visibility in the current map display scale.
    In the "Select object" dialog of the TMapObj component, the ability has been implemented for adding and editing semantics of type the "Link to the file folder". Value of semantics is the name of directory, which contains many files of different formats and folders. When accessing the filled semantics "Link to the file folder", a list of files contained in the root folder and subfolders is automatically generated. By double click by a mouse on the chosen file, the corresponding program of recognizing and processing the file is started. When referring to documents, tables and graphic images, the contents of the file are displayed, when referring to spatial data, the dataset is opened in a separate window. The folder with documents can be compressed into a ZIP file, and the object can be assigned the semantics of the "Link to a file" type. Actions with documents will be the same as when linking to a folder. When packing maps into MAPZ, SITZ, MPTZ formats, documents referenced from the semantics of type the "Link to the file folder" will also be packed into one data set, unlike semantics the "Link to a file".
    In the "Select Object" dialog on the "Metrics" bookmark, the "Display order" item has been added into the context menu intended for selecting the property "Above everyone", "Below all", "Normal", which affects the position of an object relative to other objects. When the "Normal" property is set, the display order of the object is determined in the classifier by its layer, type of conventional symbol and localization. Into the context menu the "Save metric coordinates to EPSG:3857" item has been added, intended for saving the object metric in GeoJson format in the Mercator projection on the WGS-84 sphere.
    To display tables with data on the map, a new graphic symbol "Table" has been developed. This symbol is a point object that has a link to a CSV file in semantics and a conventional symbol of the table type. The graphic parameters of the table are customized in the semantics of the object, in the RSC classifier or in the graphic parameters of the object. The table cell allows to place the text, the numerical data, pictures (in PNG, JPG, BMP format), colored figures and the percentage scales. The table can consist of one or more pages. Table parameters are customized in the "Editing a table" dialog. A layer with tables can be opened on top of any other data - spatial databases, geoportals, remote sensing data. The map, together with CSV files and background data, can be packed into one file of SITZ/MAPZ/MPTZ formats.
    The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is intended for the development of client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data. Spatial data can be located both at the workplace (direct access to data) and in a local network or the Internet (components of access to the GIS Server or data exchange by international protocols are used).
    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 20.03.2022 Map of the Republic of India on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the map of the Republic of India on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The map was formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 16.03.2022 GIS "Panorama" 14 provides tools for integrating means of video analytics and spatial databases
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.3.0 has been developed. The new version has improved tools for processing events from remote video cameras, connecting geoportals, editing spatial databases, solving urban planning tasks, and building TIN-models.
    Ability has been added to view real-time events from remote cameras connected to the Internet. Events include: the movement of people, cars and other objects, the determination of the fact of crossing the perimeter of the closed zone, the appearance or disappearance of objects, the determination of the facts of vandalism and sabotage. All these actions can be tracked if they fall within the visibility zone of video cameras, connection to which will be customized on the terrain map. Video cameras must support the appropriate video analytics functions and the ONVIF standard for interaction with IP cameras.
    You can set up receiving events from video cameras available on the map in the "List of photo and video data" mode dialog of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. On the page of the list of video cameras, to the left of the network address of the camera, there is an icon indicating the current type of operation of the service for receiving events from the camera. Clicking on this icon means a request to enable/disable the service for receiving events from the specified camera. If authorization is required when connecting to a camera and it has not been saved before, its parameters will be requested from the user. After connecting, the icon will change its appearance: green rectangle - the camera is working, there are no events; red rectangle - an event has arrived; black rectangle - the camera is disabled; red cross - receiving events is disabled. You can disable all previously configured connections for receiving events at the same time by pressing the "Disable events" button in the dialog toolbar. In the lower left corner of the dialog there is a field for entering in seconds the period of polling the cameras about the occurrence of events.
    After setting up receiving events, notification of an event that has occurred is made in the "List of photo and video data" window by changing the appearance of the connection icons. In the window for viewing the video image from the camera, a field for viewing the text description of events opens, containing the time of the event and its classification. The ability to view newly appearing events is retained in the open video viewing windows for all customized cameras after closing the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task, and in the next GIS sessions.
    The location of video cameras on the map, city plan, building, industrial area, three-dimensional model is indicated using various conventional symbols (objects). Objects can be moving if the camera is mounted on a vehicle. Setting up a connection to a video camera is carried out in the "Select object" dialog through adding value of semantics "Link to video image" or in the mode "Setting up and viewing a connection to a video camera" of the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task. Integration of geodata with video streams and service of receiving the events of video analytics simplifies construction of systems of monitoring the state of the area, traffic control, security systems and others.
    The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. There is added a support for arbitrary user matrixes in local coordinate systems with user-defined reference points and arbitrary axes direction. It will allow to connect any data in BIR and GeoPackage format. Support of seamless coverings from Bank of base products of the Russian space systems (RSS) has been added. Access is based on the api-key obtained in the user's personal account. The bank contains data from various spacecraft, such as BKA, KANOPUS-B, KANOPUS-V-IK, METEOR-M, RESURS-P and others. Seamless coverings are presented in the form of a tile substrate for various territories of the Russian Federation in separate regions. Support of direct connection of geoportals by the TMS standard has been added. Two types of algorithms are supported: {z}/{x}/{y} and {z}/{y}/{x}. To connect, just enter the connection string and api key. This will allow you to dynamically add and view layers through the dialog Open map on WMS/WMTS service without the need to edit the wmslist_en.xml settings file.
    Support of OpenStreetMap geoportal has been improved. New layers of data were added: bicycle map, map of airports, humanitarian map, map of transport.
    In the mode "Formation of an extract by the semantics of an object" in the Complex of urban planning tasks, the ability to select all semantics (object attributes) in the list, reset the selection of all semantics and save a selection of semantics to simplify the preparation of documents has been added.
    In the "Export of territorial planning schemes to GML" task, automatic division of a territorial planning scheme into several GMLs (from 1 to 3) is implemented if there are several localizations in one scheme layer (line, polygon, point). Forasmuch as without dividing into different GMLs, the error "the unified approach is violated when describing the type of geometry" is generated. All files will have the same name as the map being saved, with the strings .#1-3, .#2-3, .#3-3 added to the name (if 3 files are created). For example (for 2 files): "Map of planned placement of objects.#1-2.gml", "Map of planned placement of objects.#2-2.gml". If there is only one localization in each schema layer (different layers can have different localizations), then division into several files is not performed. Forasmuch as FSIS TP does not support objects of the multipolygon (MultiSurface) type in GML, then when areal objects with several external contours (multipolygons) are saved in GML, automatic splitting into separate polygons is performed with the update of the new parts of the semantics 800 (GUID) and 1265 (object area) .
    New type of programmable signs has been added for displaying pie and column diagrams according to the semantics of objects with display in a legend of semantics values (in addition to a sign displaying values in percentage). The description of diagrams includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to sectors of the diagram. For each semantics the own parameters of displaying a sector are set. For all diagram the maximum width and the maximum height of the diagram are set. To the right of the diagram its legend is displayed. Texts of lines for signing of sectors are taken from semantics names, excepting repeating part of names. For example, if the semantics are called Number of inhabitants under 20 years old, Number of inhabitants from 20 to 40 years old, then the legend will contain the following lines: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 40 years old, and so on. The conventional symbol the Pie diagram is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.
    In the task "Automated generalization of topographic maps", the mode "Generalization of areal hydrography" has been improved for constructing auxiliary objects of hydrography - the middle lines of areal rivers. When replacing narrow fragments of areal rivers with linear ones, the matching of the end points of new linear rivers with the points of the middle line has been added. When the areal tributaries are replaced, the created linear rivers reach the middle lines. Removal of coastlines along deleted fragments of areal rivers has been improved.
    The task "Creating a TIN-model by a vector map" has been improved. There is improved a quality of building a TIN-model in the "By object" mode - matching of edges with the "Triangulation boundary" object has been added. The edges of the model that intersect the contour of the "Triangulation boundary" object are removed. Instead of deleted edges, edges are formed along the segments of the "Triangulation Boundary" object. Similar actions are performed for model's triangles. Deleted triangles are skipped when displaying and requesting heights from the TIN model. Check of a correctness of link to the neighboring triangles has been added. If the neighboring triangle is outside the "Triangulation boundary" object, then there is no link to the neighboring triangle. A triangulated irregular network TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) is a polyhedral surface consisting of triangles, the vertices of which are the initial reference points, as well as the metric points of structural lines and filling areas. TIN-model is built according to vector map data within a given triangulation polygon, including point, line and areal objects, with the "absolute height" characteristic or with a three-dimensional metric.
    The interface of the "Map Editor" task has been updated. The image of edited and auxiliary objects, edited and copied points is reduced to a general view. In the Editor Options dialog, on the Service bookmark, the setting of colors and line widths used in vector map editing modes has been added. Flickering of map elements during various editing operations is excluded.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 16.03.2022 Training video has been prepared about import of coordinates into the GIS "Panorama" from Excel format
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson about using the "Load coordinates from file Microsoft Office Excel (*.XLS)" mode. From the training material, users of GIS "Panorama" will learn about the stages of loading data and drawing objects onto a map from XLS tables.
    On the example of an open map and the test data, the setting in the dialog window "Load coordinates from Excel file" is demonstrated. The name of a map is specified and units of measure are selected in which the coordinates of objects (meters, radians, degrees and others) are set. If the units of measurement are given in degrees, then in this case it is necessary to enter the data in text form with indicating the latitude and longitude.
    In the process of setting up the data, the method of creating map objects is determined (the choice of drawing objects using the "Single-typed objects" or "Type from key" button). Into section "Work file" it is necessary to add a file with data. In dialogs "First row" and "Last data row" with data it is necessary to specify number of the first and last row of the table containing the data.
    Next, you need to enter the names of the columns in the table containing the coordinates of object. If the created object must have a height characteristic, then you must select the name of the column in which the height is specified in meters (H coordinate). The section "H coordinate" is optional. You can also specify "Object number (vestige)" or "Subject number (vestige)". If the column name of the number (vestige) of the object is not specified, then only point objects can be created.
    If the created object has a value of a semantic characteristic, in the "Save semantic parameters" section, click the "Add" button. In section the semantic name, select the name of the required semantic characteristic, in the "Column name" section it is necessary to specify a column from the data table. After execution of all settings it is necessary to press to "Execute". As a result of execution of this operation objects with value of the semantic characteristic will be put onto the map.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 15.03.2022 GIS Panorama Mini provides solution of information and reference tasks using geospatial data from open sources
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.2.1 has been developed. In the new version the list of supported geoportals has been expanded, import of raster data from MrSID files with effective Vejvlet-compression has been added, tasks of import of digital model of a relief, a relief shading and a cloud of points of laser LIDAR-scanning have been improved, modes for printing and saving the map images into graphic files have been improved.

    In the task of connecting geoportals a support for layers from the Rosreestr geoportal has been added: Cadastral okrug, Cadastral districts, Cadastral quarters, Land plots, Land plots put up for auction, Red lines, Unified real estate complexes. Geoportal provides data in vector tile form in pbf (Protocolbuffer Binary Format) format. The data contains the coordinates of objects, signatures of plots, semantic characteristics. There is added a support for the geoportal of the Russian Federal Geological Fund - Objects of accounting for the state balance of mineral reserves, demonstrating the presence of minerals. The geoportal includes 3 layers: Hydrocarbon raw materials, Solid fuel minerals, Common minerals.

    The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. Import of rasters of format MrSID (SID, JPEG2000, NTF, ECW) has been added. The MrSID format is used to compress raster graphics. By means of this format, packed huge raster images such as aerial photography and satellite photos can be quickly viewed piecemeal without the need to unpack the entire file.

    Import of the data about a relief from files of ArcInfo Binary Grid format has been added. ArcInfo Binary Grid files can contain a digital elevation model, a slope model, and a relief shading. Data in binary Files ArcInfo Binary Grid is organised in the form of a regular grid. The digital elevation model contains elevation data as a cell value of regular grid. According to digital model of a relief the matrixes of heights MTW are formed. To store a relief shading, the value of the regular grid cell corresponds to the degree of illumination. The files containing a relief shading or model of slopes, are converted into matrixes of qualities MTQ. The task of importing matrixes of elevations also supports loading of the data from the SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG, DEM formats. The import of the pyramid of matrixes of elevations of relief from the KMZ format into a set of MTW files, combined into a single MPT project, has been provided.

    The task "Import of MTD-model from LAS-file" has been improved. The task carries out loading of MTD-models from LAS-files obtained by means of LIDAR laser locators. The data of LAS-files contain results of sounding of the earth or sea surface, atmosphere. The MTD-model contains the dot measurements, sorted block by block, that provides fast access to data for solving computational and analytical problems. The new mode of block filling of MTD-model reduces time of loading LAS-files in volume more than 8 GB by 3-5 times. Loading of control file LAS with 555 million points in volume of 14.4 GB is executed in 16 minutes.

    In the task "Saving a vector map to files of graphic formats", an export of an image of an open document into the KMZ format has been added. The formed KMZ archive contains the KML project file and a set of raster tiles pyramid for the saved territory. The KML file contains a description of the raster data parameters - the names and coordinates of the rasters binding, as well as the priority of their display. In addition to the KMZ format, the task can save images into BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and RSW formats. A fragment of a digital map document of any type and composition can be saved, including vector maps, images and matrixes, as well as geospatial data from external Internet resources (WMS and WFS - services) and databases. In the task, it is possible to save the map image by the selected area, by the page format and by the dimensions of the selected objects, for example, by the dimensions of the frames of the nomenclature sheets.

    The "Map print" task has been improved. Ability has been added to page-by-page save the printed areas to JPG, PNG, TIF and PDF graphic files. When saving in JPG, PNG, TIF formats the number of files corresponding to the number of selected pages is formed. When saving to PDF, it is generated one multi-page document.

    To display various tabular information on the map, a new graphic sign "Table" has been developed. To display the table in the desired position, a point object is created that has a link to the CSV file in semantics and a conventional symbol of the "Table" type. The graphical parameters of the table are customized in the semantics of the object, in the RSC classifier or in the graphical parameters of the object. Support has been added for reading and displaying graphic files and maps from packaged MPTZ, MAPZ, SITZ map projects hosted on the GIS Server.

    The "Add photos" item has been added into the "File" menu, which allows you to load the photos that have a coordinate geotagging to the location into an open map. Typically, photographs taken with digital cameras and mobile phones equipped with a GPS module have such properties. On the map, photos are displayed as icons (thumbnails). Zooming in on the map enlarges the image, allowing you to see the photo in detail.

    The "Cut selected objects" item has been added into the "Edit" menu. This mode allows you to simultaneously copy to the clipboard and delete selected objects on the map.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 14.03.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Corsica region (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Corsica region (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 11.03.2022 A training video on the formation of a multi-contour land plot has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on the formation of an XML document of the land survey plan of version 06 for the formation of a multi-contour land plot from lands that are state or municipal property. Users of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can form XML documents of the land survey plan of version 06 using a complex of geodesy calculations.
    In the video lesson the features of preparation of the data, a filling the mandatory characteristics and formation of XML file of the land survey plan of version 06 according to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation from December, 8th, 2015 β„– 921 have been shown. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifier of conventional symbols survey.v5.rscz has been developed. In the classifier there is implemented a general list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for display of cadastral data on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents.
    Land survey plan can be formed for one or several land plots depending on a variant of a selecting the objects on a cadastral map. Procedures the "Formation of electronic XML document by XML scheme of the land survey plan version 06" and "Formation of land survey plan" provides support of formation of the XML document and the paper report by one of the following options:
    - one land survey plan for the object, selected on the map;
    - one land survey plan for the multi-contour land plot;
    - one land survey plan for group of the selected one-contour land plots;
    - several land survey plans for a group of selected one-contour land plots;
    - one land survey plan for one or several created parts of the selected land plot (one or multi-contour).
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 10.03.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Franche-Comte region (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Franche-Comte region (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 08.03.2022 GIS "Panorama" has been adapted for work in OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" release "Smolensk" version 1.7
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.1 has been developed for the operating system "Astra Linux Special Edition" release "Smolensk" versions 1.7. In the new version the tools have been updated for editing digital terrain maps and plans of cities, calculations on a map, preparations of three-dimensional terrain models, creating matrixes of heights and others.
    To display various tabular information on the map, a new graphic sign "Table" has been developed. To display the table in the desired position, a point object is created that has a link to the CSV file in semantics and a conventional symbol of the "Table" type. A CSV file is a set of lines containing the values of one or more table fields (columns) separated by symbols - comma, semicolon, tab. The graphical parameters of the table are customized in the semantics of the object.
    With the help of objects of the "Table" image the various statistical data on financial, environmental, economic, medical, tax, meteorological, demographic topics can be presented, which can be obtained on the websites of the Federal State Statistics Service. Statistical data can be displayed both for Russia as a whole, and for various indicators for municipalities in the Database of indicators of municipalities.Different layers of the map can contain tables for different themes and years. Tables, like other objects, can have visibility scale ranges. At updating the table the data will change accordingly on a map.
    The ability to work with text and hypertext documents has been enhanced by adding support for PDF documents. The user can add to a map a set of PDF-documents, for example, for their use as an auxiliary material during work. When you change the size of the added document's window, its scale will change depending on the current map scale. You can customize the display on the user document of the desired page of the PDF document. For convenience of customizing there is a preview window for added documents.
    Geographic information system GIS "Panorama" is the universal geographic information system that has tools for creating and editing digital maps and city plans, processing remote sensing data, performing various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data, tools of preparing graphic documents in digital and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases. Geographic information system GIS "Panorama" is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Computer Programs and Databases (β„–4227).
    Certified operating system "Astra Linux Special Edition" release "Smolensk" version 1.7 has built-in verified information security tools. This is a fault-tolerant platform for secure IT infrastructures of any scale and work with data of any degree of confidentiality. This operating system is highly appreciated not only by government agencies and corporations, whose exactingness in the quality of IT solutions is a clear marker of their high level of reliability, but also by ordinary users, because of the convenience and compatibility with most products of domestic and foreign software and hardware manufacturers.
    On the basis of the "Smolensk" release, you can create a full-fledged workstation for solving almost all everyday tasks: working on the Internet, with office or multimedia tools, as well as with applications that require maximum use of the capabilities of graphic video cards, including geographic information systems.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 06.03.2022 GIS WebService SE forms thematic maps for the analysis of natural and social and economic phenomena in the preset territories
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 14.4.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools for creating thematic cartograms for arbitrary user objects have been added. Maps can be created to analyze geological, geographic, geophysical, engineering, and other data models. Types of objects are specified by primitives described in JSON (SLD) or xml (SLD) format. In this case, the type of objects may depend on the parameters passed in the request or be specified by a formula. Data for analysis can be transferred in an arbitrary text file, a CSV file, or located in object semantics. Tools for creating and using cartograms are implemented in GIS WebServer SE.
    The service's capabilities for working with layers have been expanded. A request to get the state of the map has been added. It will allow to reduce the traffic for dynamically updated layers (for example monitoring of movement of motor transport) and not to receive a picture if the state of data has not changed. Possibility to limit scale of data output for a layer has been added. Possibility to set the type of data displayed for the layer is added: screen/printer. Support of transactions with graphic primitives in JSON and SLD formats has been added.
    GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), which are used to transfer and display spatial data. The program implements the ability to issue tiles according to any user or local coordinate system. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with Apache, IIS and nginx web servers.
    The new version of the program and documentation are posted on the website in the Download section.

  • 04.03.2022 "Panorama-editor" provides creation and updating of topographical and special maps in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia β„– 271 dated 06/06/2017
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" version 14.2.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools have been improved for checking the quality of topographical and special maps and processing of matrixes of heights, editing of spatial databases in information systems, automation of constructing and updating the diagrams for the territory analysis.
    Requirements for the accuracy, content and format of the electronic presentation of state topographic maps and the state topographic plans are established by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 06/06/2017 β„– 271 "On approval of requirements for state topographic maps and state topographic plans, including requirements for the composition of information displayed on them , to the conventional symbols of the specified information, requirements for the accuracy of state topographic maps and state topographic plans, for the format of their presentation in electronic form, requirements for the content of topographic maps, including relief maps" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 03, 2017 β„– 47276).
    In accordance with the requirements of Order β„– 271, the task "Check of vector map quality" has been improved, which is designed to check the structural integrity of digital data, the completeness and quality of the metric and semantic description of objects, and to automatically correct detected errors. In the mode of control of self-crossings and location of subobjects, additional processing has been added: search and removal of matching fragments of the contours of linear objects, control and correction of flags for the occurrence of contours of multipolygons. The task is started via the main menu: Tools - Run Applications - Check of vector map quality.
    The task "Control of absolute heights" has been improved. Into the profiling mode "By triangulation" there are added a processing mode "By sheets" and the ability to select individual sheets of the region using the "Filter" button. The "By sheets" mode does not detect erroneous elevations differences between objects of different sheets, but it is performed 5-6 times faster than processing in the region, since triangulation is built for each sheet separately with a smaller number of edges (profiles). For the processing mode in the region, the issuance of unnecessary messages caused by the passage of profiles through the areas of sheets absence in the case of a non-rectangular form of region has been eliminated. Processing time indicator "Time (used/remain)" has been added. For a flat terrain with a large number of elevations and a small number of isolines, the "By triangulation" profiling mode eliminates misses that are possible when searching for heights in horizontal and vertical directions, which reduces the number of uninformative messages and facilitates the analysis of control results.
    The procedure for correcting object metrics has been improved: search and removal of shuttle and spiral self-crossings has been added, statistics output on corrected and uncorrected errors has been added into the message log (Map Editor - View map control log). The procedure for correcting the metric is started through the main menu: Tools - Processing map by scenario - Correction of objects metrics.
    There are added the new types of programmable signs for displaying pie and column diagrams according to the semantics of objects. The description of diagrams includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to sectors of the diagram. Each semantics has its own sector display parameters (color of filling, contour color, filling with shading and others). For a pie diagram, the parameters of the contour line and the size of the diagram radius in mm are set. The conventional symbol the Pie diagram is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.
    The dialog for setting the view of a hatched areal object has been improved: the choice of a translucent line type (Line - color glass) and the setting for shift of hatching have been added. Use of imposing of two or more hatched views with different shifts of hatching allows to receive hatching of double, multicolor or other more complex views. Object type setting is performed in the map Classifier Editor or in the object selection dialog (on the "View" tab). The conventional symbol the Hatching with offset is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.
    Possibility of automatic selection of editable tables of spatial databases has been added when updating multilayer cartographical representations of data. Objects of a digital map that displays the state of a spatial database are stored in various tables with their own sets of attributes. Objects from different tables can be displayed by conventional symbols from one classifier containing the corresponding layers and types of symbols. Database tables do not contain metadata that restricts recording the new objects from "alien" layer. The operator should choose a layer on which the object will be put from a large list, which slows down the work and introduces errors. To automatically determine the table to be updated, the ability to set filters by layers, objects, and a set of characteristics has been added into the settings of connected databases.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 03.03.2022 Map of the Novgorod region on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the map of the Novgorod region on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The map was formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and was saved into a packed project (mptz). The MPTZ format project includes a digital map of the region's territory (country, subject of the federation, administrative region), a map of the administrative-territorial division of the region and a digital classifier. Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 01.03.2022 In the "Complex of 3D analysis" the tools of studying and evaluating the terrain have been updated
    In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of 3D analysis" version 6.3.0 for the GIS "Panorama" has been developed. The complex is designed to create surface models and solve problems of spatial analysis using the constructed models. In the new version of the program, tools for combining matrixes of elevations and tools for profiling the terrain surface have been improved.
    In the "Summ elevation matrixes" task, the "Rejection of matrixes with elevations outside the specified range" mode has been added. The mode is intended for estimating the elevations of a set of united matrixes and determining the composition of data with reliable elevations. Matrixes with elevations outside the specified range are removed from the list of matrixes and moved into a separate directory. The "Summ elevation matrixes" task is intended for creating a file of matrix of elevations according to one or several open matrixes. Task execution in a mode of smoothing of elevations allows to eliminate sharp differences of elevations of the resulting surface.
    The profiling mode "By triangulation" of the task "Control of absolute heights" has been improved. There are added a processing mode "By sheets" and the ability to select individual sheets of the region using the "Filter" button. The "By sheets" mode does not detect erroneous elevations differences between objects of different sheets, but it is performed 5-6 times faster than processing in the region, since triangulation is built for each sheet separately with a smaller number of edges (profiles). For the processing mode in the region, the issuance of unnecessary messages caused by the passage of profiles through the areas of sheets absence in the case of a non-rectangular form of region has been eliminated. Processing time indicator "Time (used/remain)" has been added.
    A new type of profiling of map objects has been developed - by triangulation edges. The triangulation vertices are: a point object (height mark, GGS point, waterline mark), a metric point of an areal object with an absolute height (lake, reservoir), a horizontal metric point.
    For a flat terrain with a large number of elevations and a small number of isolines, the "By triangulation" profiling mode eliminates misses that are possible when searching for heights in horizontal and vertical directions, which reduces the number of uninformative messages and facilitates the analysis of control results. The "Profiling" task is intended for constructing relief surface profiles using the matrix of elevations MTW, TIN-model and MTD-model, as well as for displaying sections of geological layers and thickness graphs at a given point using the layers matrix (MTL).

    The "Complex of 3D analysis" includes specialized tasks of relief analysis, modelling of derivative surfaces, creations of vector characteristics, tasks of forecasting and an accuracy estimation. The surface's model can display various properties of terrain, such as relief heights, concentration of pollution, amount of precipitation, level of radiation and others. Models of surfaces can be created by vector data of formats SHP, MIF, DXF, SXF, KML and others, according to information from database tables (DBF, XLS), and also can be loaded from formats SRTM, GeoTIFF, XYZ, LAS and others, in total more than 20 formats. Models of surfaces are used for formation of a three-dimensional terrain map, and also at solving the problems of a relief estimation: calculation of distances, calculation of the areas and volumes, profiling, building the visibility zones, determining directions of slopes.
    The "Complex of 3D analysis" uses models of surfaces in the tasks of constructing isolines, formations of H coordinate (height) of map objects, when constructing flood zones and for modeling emergency situations. The "Complex of 3D analysis" also includes the tasks of predicting the area of an emergency oil spill and calculating the volume of earthworks.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 28.02.2022 Training material on sorting data in the GIS "Panorama" 14 has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of using the "Sorting" mode. From the training material, users will learn about the operation of the tool that arranges the placement of object descriptions in metrics and semantics files. Sorting speeds up further processing of data and ensures the correct sequence of displaying objects. In addition, when sorting, you can exclude the metrics and semantics of deleted objects and copies of edited objects from files. Thus, compression of the data is carried out.
    It is recommended to start the data sorting mode after performing any procedures that change the metric or semantic description of vector map objects. Sorting of map objects can change: coordinates precision; kind of stored coordinates; encryption of data. When the "Sorting updated sheets only" mode is enabled, sorting will be performed only for those sheets on which objects were edited. This reduces sorting time. If the "Remove copies of the edited objects" mode is enabled, then after sorting it is impossible to restore the objects removed or edited earlier. This reduces the volume of data on the disk. If the "Generalization of multiscale objects" mode is selected, then for objects of the RSC classifier that have the Multiscale property, additional contours will be built using the generalization method. Sorting allows you to change the format of a vector map.
    Multisheet and user maps can be packed into one file with compression of data. The packaged multisheet map has the MAPZ extension, the packaged user map has the SITZ extension. To increase the degree of compression, the precision of the object metrics is automatically converted to centimeters. The volume of the packed data decreases approximately in 3 times in comparison with volume of the initial data with the maximum precision of the metrics. Unpacking of data is carried out in memory in process of reading corresponding sheets and objects. If the map sheet is located in memory entirely it is unpacked in a multi-threaded mode when opening the data of sheet to speed up access. Packed maps are read-only.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 25.02.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Alsace region (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Alsace region (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 22.02.2022 GIS "Panorama" 14 automates processes of editing cartographical representations of spatial databases
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.1 has been developed. In the new version there are improved the tools for connecting remote video cameras, viewing photo and video data, editing spatial databases in information systems, automating the construction and updating of diagrams for territory analysis, processing matrixes of heights and quality control of digital vector maps.

    In the "Share your photos with the coordinates of the shooting" task, the new modes have been added for work with streaming video and photos with a geolocation. The "Setting up and viewing a connection to a video camera" mode allows you to select an object on the map and establish a connection to the camera by means of dialog the "Setting up and viewing a connection to a video camera". After connecting to the camera, a window for viewing the video stream opens. If the selected object already has an url-link to the video stream, then the viewing window will be displayed immediately. The "List of photo and video data" mode allows you to view all objects on the map that have links to photo- and video data. In the dialog, you can go to these objects on the map, open the windows for viewing with displaying photo- and video data. For objects-cameras a setting connection to the camera is provided. The list of photos can be unloaded into a CSV file, which will contain the name of the photos, the path to the data and information from the EXIF tag.

    Possibility of automatic selection of editable tables of spatial databases has been added when updating multilayer cartographical representations of data. Objects of a digital map that displays the state of a spatial database are stored in various tables with their own sets of attributes. Objects from different tables can be displayed by conventional symbols from one classifier containing the corresponding layers and types of symbols. Database tables do not contain metadata that restricts recording the new objects from "alien" layer. The operator should choose a layer on which the object will be put from a large list, which slows down the work and introduces errors. To automatically determine the table to be updated, the ability to set filters by layers, objects, and a set of characteristics has been added into the settings of connected databases. Thus, since such a map is physically a table in the database, the possibility of writing alien objects into this table is limited. For example, into a table intended for storing the spatial layer "Routes of passenger transport" it is impossible to write down objects corresponding to the layers "Objects of cultural heritage", "Health institutions". The filter specified for the *.dbm map, which allows recording only areal objects with classification codes corresponding to the "Routes of passenger transport" layer, will not allow recording other objects into this map.
    When *.dbm maps are opened together (for example, as part of an *.mpt project) that have the filters, described above, they are combined into logical groups, within which objects can be automatically redistributed upon recording. To combine maps into a group, the determining factor is the opening of data from the same database using the same classifier of conventional symbols. There can be several logical groups in the context of shared maps. Automatic redistribution of objects is performed only within a group. When a new object is saved onto a map with the specified filter, a suitable map will be automatically selected for it from among those that are jointly opened with the current map and included in the same group. If there is no matching map, the object will not be saved. When saving an existing object, if its classification code has been changed and the new code does not fall under the filter conditions of the current map, a suitable map will also be automatically selected for it. In the presence of a suitable map, the object will be saved onto it, and deleted from the source map. If there is no map suitable for the new classification code of the object, the changes will not be saved, and an error will be generated during saving. Automatic redistribution of objects works both when saving an object after it has been created/modified using the object editor, and at operations of a streaming insert of objects (Ctrl+C) or recoding (changing a symbol) of one object or group.

    There are added the new types of programmable signs for displaying pie and column diagrams according to the semantics of objects. The description of diagrams includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to sectors of the diagram. Each semantics has its own sector display parameters (color of filling, contour color, filling with shading and others). For a pie diagram, the parameters of the contour line and the size of the diagram radius in mm are set. The sector size will correspond to the share of the semantic value in the sum of the values of all semantics (for example: the number of residents, the percentage of those who voted for different parties, the area of different types of premises in the building, and so on). For a bar diagram, the maximum width and maximum height of the diagram are set. The real width will be proportional to the number of filled object semantics from the number of semantics in the diagram description. The real height will be proportional to the value of the maximum share of the value of the semantics to the sum of the values of all semantics. Diagram scalability and limits for increasing and decreasing its size are customized in the object parameters in the RSC classifier. To the right of the diagram, its legend is displayed. The texts of the lines for signing the sectors are taken from the names of the semantics, excluding the repeating part of the names. For example, if the semantics are called Number of inhabitants under 20 years old, Number of inhabitants from 20 to 40 years old, then the legend will contain the following lines: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 40 years old, and so on. Parameters of the text font are set in the symbol description. Drawing of a new type of symbols can be automated through the task "Creation of titles" in the "Combined text" mode. Pie diagrams will be created for selected objects with automatic copying of their semantics and establishing a logical connection to track changes in semantics and rebuild the diagram. The conventional symbol the Pie diagram is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.

    The dialog for setting the view of a hatched areal object has been improved: the choice of a translucent line type (Line - color glass) and the setting for shift of hatching have been added. Use of imposing of two or more hatched views with different shifts of hatching allows to receive hatching of double, multicolor or other more complex views. Object type setting is performed in the map Classifier Editor or in the object selection dialog (on the "View" tab). The conventional symbol the Hatching with offset is shown in the data example on the map \Data\shape.

    The task "Summ elevation matrixes" has been improved. The "Rejection of matrixes with elevations outside the specified range" mode has been added. The mode is intended for estimating the elevations of a set of united matrixes and determining the composition of data with reliable elevations. Matrixes with elevations outside the specified range are removed from the list of matrixes and moved into a separate directory. The "Summ elevation matrixes" task is intended for creating a file of matrix of elevations according to one or several open matrixes. Task execution in a mode of smoothing of elevations allows to eliminate sharp differences of elevations of the resulting surface.

    The profiling mode "By triangulation" of the task "Control of absolute heights" has been improved. There are added a processing mode "By sheets" and the ability to select individual sheets of the region using the "Filter" button. The "By sheets" mode does not detect erroneous elevations differences between objects of different sheets, but it is performed 5-6 times faster than processing in the region, since triangulation is built for each sheet separately with a smaller number of edges (profiles). For the processing mode in the region, the issuance of unnecessary messages caused by the passage of profiles through the areas of sheets absence in the case of a non-rectangular form of region has been eliminated. Processing time indicator "Time (used/remain)" has been added. For a flat terrain with a large number of elevations and a small number of isolines, the "By triangulation" profiling mode eliminates misses that are possible when searching for heights in horizontal and vertical directions, which reduces the number of uninformative messages and facilitates the analysis of control results.

    The task of "Check of vector map quality" has been improved. In the mode of control of self-crossings and location of subobjects, additional processing has been added: search and removal of matching fragments of the contours of linear objects, control and correction of flags for the occurrence of contours of multipolygons. The task is started via the main menu: Tools - Run Applications - Check of vector map quality.

    The procedure for correcting object metrics has been improved: search and removal of shuttle and spiral self-crossings has been added, statistics output on corrected and uncorrected errors has been added into the message log (Map Editor - View map control log). The procedure for correcting the metric is started through the main menu: Tools - Processing map by scenario - Correction of objects metrics.

    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 21.02.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Auvergne region (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Auvergne region (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 17.02.2022 A training video on creating and editing floor plans has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on creating and editing floor plans. Users of the "Workstation of cadastral engineer", GIS "Panorama" or "Panorama-editor" can form floor plans by means of the tasks of the "Floor Plan Editor" panel, which is part of the complete set "Geodesy editor".

    The training material demonstrates the creation and editing of floor technical plans in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2015 β„– 953 "On approval of the form of a technical plan and requirements for its preparation, the composition of the information contained therein, as well as the form of a declaration on a real estate object, requirements for its preparation, the composition of the information contained in it. On the basis of this order in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of conventional symbols the survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz have been developed. In classifiers there is implemented a general list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents.

    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 15.02.2022 A training material has been prepared on connecting video streams from remote cameras through the cartographic interface
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of setting up connection to video cameras located on the Internet. The mode "Setting up a viewing of video image" is available for use in the GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator" version 14.2.

    The location of video cameras can be indicated on the map of the area, the plan of the object, the protected area, the three-dimensional model using various conventional symbols (objects). Objects can be moving if the camera is mounted on a vehicle. In the semantics of objects, an url-link to a video stream or an ip-address of a camera is indicated. To view a video image, select a camera object on the map.

    The program allows you to simultaneously view video in real time from different sources of video data. HTTP and RTSP data transfer protocols are supported. Connection to a video camera is customized on the "Semantics" bookmark of the "Select Object" dialog. Integration of geodata with video streams allows you to create systems for monitoring the state of defensive positions, control systems for the movement of columns, security systems, and others.
    You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

  • 14.02.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of Lower Normandy (France)
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" a map of Lower Normandy (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 09.02.2022 In "Workstation of agronomist" the tools of statistical analysis of soil fertility of farmland have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 14.2.0 has been developed. In the new version there are updated the tools of statistical analysis of data, designing of farmland maps, preparation of remote sensing data, the reports printing.
    In the program the new view of programmed symbols for display of diagrams by semantics of objects has been added. The description of the diagram includes a list of codes of semantics corresponding to the sectors of the diagram. The semantics are filled at the areal object - the contour of the agricultural land. For example, yield (t/ha), volume of applied fertilizers (t/ha), amount of applied plant protection products (t/ha), spent fuel and lubricants (l/ha) and others. The diagrams are updated automatically when the semantic values of the arable land's contour change. Diagrams in combination with changing the color of the field contour can be used to monitor the state of agricultural land.
    When setting up diagrams for each semantics its own parametres of displaying sector (color of filling, contour color, filling by hatching, and others) are set. For the entire diagram, the parameters of the contour line and the size of the diagram radius in mm are set. The sector size will correspond to the share of the value of the semantics in the sum of values of all semantics. Diagram parameters, including scalability and limits for zooming in and out, are customized in the map classifier. To prepare a map for the purpose of monitoring information about agricultural lands using diagrams, the task "Creation of titles by objects semantics" has been added. In the "Combined text" mode, the task carries out drawing of titles onto a map in the center of areal objects. Further, the title are recoded into a point object "Diagram". At the same time, logical links are formed for areal (field contour) and point (diagram) objects that provide automatic updating of diagrams when updating the semantics of areal objects.
    The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. Import of rasters of format MrSID (SID, JPEG2000, NTF, ECW) has been added. The MrSID format is used to compress raster graphics. By means of this format, packed huge raster images such as aerial photography and satellite photos can be quickly viewed piecemeal without the need to unpack the entire file.
    The "Map print" task has been improved. Ability has been added to page-by-page save the printed areas to JPG, PNG, TIF and PDF graphic files. When saving in JPG, PNG, TIF formats the number of files corresponding to the number of selected pages is formed. The file name contains file name and page number, for example, noginsk_1.jpg. When saving to PDF, it is generated one multi-page document.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 07.02.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Burgundy region (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Burgundy region (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 04.02.2022 Geoinformation solutions of KB "Panorama" are used for legal education of the population of the Ryazan region
    According to the information portal "Ryazanskiye Vedomosti", the Regional Center of the State Cadastral Assessment (RCSCA) will carry out work to improve the Regional geoinformation system (RGIS RО). It is planned to add a new industry layer to the RGIS RO containing information about social infrastructure facilities. The corresponding agreement was signed by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Ryazan region Natalya Epikhina and the director of the Center for State Cadastral Valuation Andrey Ulyanov. RCSCA starts a fundamentally new stage in the development of legal education of the population in the Ryazan region. The instrument for this development will be a regional geoinformation system, which is operated by the RCSCA.
    As Andrei Ulyanov noted, the new agreement is a new round in the development of partnerships. This time the interaction will concern the Regional Geographic Information System of the Ryazan Region. This is an interactive map where you can find the location of schools, hospitals, ATMs and other objects online. The adopted decision will allow anyone who wishes to quickly find information in the RGIS RO about which department can be contacted with a particular issue.
    The regional geoinformation system is intended for use in order to obtain reliable spatial information about the Ryazan region, the formation and integration of information resources about its territory, necessary for the exercise of powers and decision-making by the state authorities of the Ryazan region. RGIS of the Ryazan region is a set of software and information resources that provide placement, storage, updating of data entering the system from various sources, as well as their visualization and analysis. As part of the RGIS of the Ryazan region, server and client products included in the register of domestic software are used.
    The regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region is constructed completely on serial products of KB "Panorama" and includes GIS Server, GIS WebService SE, GIS WebServer SE. As desktop applications, the "Panorama-editor" is used together with the complexes of geodesy calculations and urban-planning tasks.

    Other news on the development of the Regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region has been published on our website:

    - "Mobile application as part of the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region provides access to dozens of thematic layers on various smartphones";

    - "GIS WebServer AGRO is presented at the webinar "Software and services in agro-industrial complex ";

    - Governor of the Ryazan region has highly appreciated development of Regional geoinformation system;

    - RGIS of the Ryazan region is used in the state cadastral assessment;

    - Portal of open data of regional geoinformation system of the Ryazan region works under control of OS Astra Linux SE;

    - Specialists of KB "Panorama" have held training seminar for representatives of administration of the Ryazan region on use of a modernised regional GIS.

  • 03.02.2022 GIS WebServer SE has been supplemented with the tool of the terrain analysis
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.4.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version the possibility of building a profile of an area relief by a given line has been added. The profile is built according to the terrain model, the mode displays the result in the form of a graph in the map window. The vertical axis of the graph contains marks of absolute height of area relief in meters. Into the mechanism of authorisation of application's users the authentication mode by the form has been added. The new mode performs authentication of registered users, creates new user accounts, allows you to recover a user's password by sending email messages. The choice of authentication type is made in the administration module. The components "Routes" and "Moving the map into a point", "Map Editor" have been improved.
    In the new version the toolkit for developing Web applications the GIS WebToolKit SE has been improved, which expands the capabilities of GIS WebServer SE and can be integrated into other information systems. Access to data (images, vector maps and information about the terrain) is provided by Web services according to the generally accepted OGC protocols and ISO standards. Various types of elevation data are used as a digital elevation model: matrixes (in SRTM, GeoTIFF, IMG, MTW formats), TIN models, point clouds, and others.
    Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data can be as a source of spatial data. It provides collection, storage, search and issuance of spatial data in exchange formats, a displaying the state of the data bank in the form of maps-schemes, automated generation and updating of geo-covers.
    GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. GIS WebServer SE complies with the information security requirements on the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The new version of the program expands the possibilities of the application when solving problems of analysis, management and long-term planning of the development of territories. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript.
    The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.

  • 02.02.2022 "Workstation of urban planner" forms extracts about objects of land management with the electronic digital signature
    In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban planner" version 14.2.0 has been developed. To improve work efficiency and increase the speed of business processes, many users are switching to electronic document management using an electronic digital signature (EDS). In the new version of the program, a mode has been developed for formation and viewing the extracts about objects of land management, real estate and infrastructure according to the semantics of map objects signed with an EDS. An extract is created based on a document template. If necessary, you can create your own templates using markers to insert values, such as the extract's number, extract's date, department name, and others.
    The extract is formed in PDF format and can be saved on a local disk or in a folder on the GIS Server. Provides automatic linking of documents to a digital map by files of electronic copies of documents and the address of the object. To view extracts on the server, use the "Register of extracts placed on the server" mode. The mode also allows you to export extracts to a local computer.
    "Workstation of urban planner" is intended for use by local governments, individuals and legal entities for the implementation of cadastral, investment and other economic activities, land management. The program allows you to accumulate information about land plots, objects of real estate, premises and engineering networks. Collection, registration, updating, production and accounting of urban planning documents, materials, digital maps and schemes are provided. At the request of interested parties, urban planning information is provided.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 01.02.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Kingdom of Sweden
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Kingdom of Sweden, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 31.01.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of collecting the information from various sources have been expanded at preparation of command-staff documents
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.2 has been developed. In the new version of the program the import of graphic files of format MrSID (SID, NTF) and ERDAS (ECW, JP2) in the task "Import of the raster data" has been added. Formats are applied to store compressed raster graphics. Packed huge raster images MrSID, such as air and satellite photos, can be quickly viewed in parts without necessity of unpacking the whole file.
    Ability has been added to view in real time video streams from remote cameras connected to the Internet. The location of cameras can be indicated on a map of the area, a plan of a city, a building, an industrial area, a three-dimensional model using various conventional symbols (objects). Objects can be movable if the camera is attached to a vehicle. In the semantics of objects, the url-link to the video stream or the ip-address of the camera is indicated. To view the video image, select the camera-object on the map. The program allows you to simultaneously view video in real time from different video sources. HTTP and RTSP data transfer protocols are supported. Customizing a connection to a video camera is performed on the "Semantics" bookmark, in the "Select Object" dialog. Integration of geodata with video streams allows you to create systems for monitoring the state of defensive positions, control systems for the movement of columns, security systems, and others.
    In the "Map Editor" task on the "Graphic objects" panel, the "Create table" mode has been improved. After selecting the link to the table file (csv, txt), display of data from this file has been added when creating and editing the view and table parameters. When creating each new object, you can select a link to your csv-file. The selected csv-file, if necessary, is copied into the \csv subdirectory of the map directory, on which the object of the "Table" type is created.
    The "Map print" task has been improved. Ability has been added to page-by-page save the printed areas to JPG, PNG, TIF and PDF graphic files. When saving in JPG, PNG, TIF formats the number of files corresponding to the number of selected pages is formed. The file name contains file name and page number, for example, noginsk_1.jpg. When saving to PDF, it is generated one multi-page document.
    The applied task "Forecasting Emergencies" has been improved. In the new version of the task, spatial modeling of predicted emergency zones is performed in the UTM projection on the WSG-84 spheroid with with installation of the axial meridian at the epicenter of the accident, then the already prepared result is transformed to the map projection on which the user performed the calculation. This approach makes it possible to obtain the most realistic data on the ground by minimizing the errors in angular values and distances conditioned by the projection parameters of the original map. Thus into rectilinear segments of contours of objects of emergencies zones the additional points of the metrics are added for qualitative transformation of these segments and their transformation into arcs on a target map. These improvements do not apply to the computational problems of forecasting emergencies associated with a liquid spill, calculated from the matrix of heights. For these models, the calculation is carried out in the same projection that is set for the matrix of heights. The output of information onto the map based on the simulation results is supplemented by filling in the semantics of the affected areas, drawing the epicenters of accidents and signatures of the epicenters. The parameter "cloud transfer rate" has been added into the list of output parameters of the emergency model at a chemically hazardous object.
    Together with specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the names of individual parameters were corrected in the forms for entering the initial data and displaying the modelling results. When displaying coordinates not in the coordinate system of the main document, for example, when adding a geoportal or when setting the Current projection parameters in the options menu, the <~> symbol is displayed next to the coordinates.
    In the task "Map Computer", the mode "Crossing of objects" has been improved. Ability has been added to select units for displaying the area of objects and record the area of intersection of objects into the specified semantics.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 26.01.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the region of Brittany (France)
    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the region of Brittany (France), formed according to OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 24.01.2022 In professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" the tools of the automated generalization of topographical and special maps have been improved
    In KB "Panorama" the professional vectoirizer "Panorama-Editor" version 14.2.0 has been developed. In the new version the task of automated generalization of topographic maps has been improved. The mode "Setting the boundaries of channels visibility" has been developed. It is intended for simplification of a network of channels. Network simplification is achieved by disabling the visibility of channels of the lowered importance in base and smaller scales of a map. Degree of the importance of the channel is defined by channel type, length and character of its location relative to other channels and the rivers. In this task, two categories of objects are considered: priority and excluded objects. Priority objects are objects whose visibility will not change. Rivers are such objects. Excluded objects are objects whose upper visibility limit will be lowered by 1 level relative to the base map scale. Channels are the such objects. Excluded objects can be transferred into a priority category in the following cases: the priority object adjoins the excluded one; the excluded object has length more the than specified minimum length (10 mm on a map), the excluded object adjoins a border.
    Procedures of generalisation of the areal hydrography, setting the visibility of linear rivers and roads have been improved. The algorithm for shifting and sampling buildings in areas with an increased density of buildings per unit area has been refined. There is added a special handling of buildings intersecting with road network objects.
    The profiling mode "By triangulation" of the task "Control of absolute heights" has been improved. To speed up the control process, the processing algorithm has been optimized. Map objects are read once, each object is profiled by all triangulation edges. The execution time of the control according to the new algorithm is reduced by 3-5 times. For a flat terrain with a large number of elevations and a small number of isolines, the "By triangulation" profiling mode eliminates misses that are possible when searching for heights in horizontal and vertical directions, which reduces the number of uninformative messages and facilitates the analysis of control results. The vertices of triangulation are: a point object (elevation, GGS point, mark of water edge), a point of the metric of an areal object with an absolute height (lake, reservoir), a point of the contour line's metric.
    The task "Correction of objects metrics" ("Subobjects" mode) has been improved - the ability to unite linear subobjects with a common point has been added, provided that the subobjects are located at a distance from each other which is not exceeding the Matching tolerance. The tolerance setting is done in the dialog, by default the tolerance is 0.1 mm on the map. As a result of the operation, new subobjects with the metric of the united contours are created, or points of the subobject's metric are added to the main object, provided that the conditions are met. Possibility of interpolation of the metrics of linear and polygon objects with the specified step has been added. Procedure is intended for addition into the metrics of objects of new points with a given step without change of the general geometry of object. It allows to transform correctly, for example, contours of objects of small-scale maps from cylindrical projections to conic and azimuthal projections.
    The task "Check of vector map quality" has been improved. The new type of control the "Control of correspondence of relief objects and height matrixes" has been added. In the presence of a matrix of heights for each point of object with 3D metric a check of correspondence of value of the third coordinate of a point of the metrics and value of height in a matrix is carried out. If the third coordinate in the object metric is absent, then the correspondence of the value "Absolute height" of the object semantics and value of height in a matrix is checked.
    The functionality of the "Map Editor" has been expanded. On the panel "Graphic objects" the mode "Create table" has been added for creating a graphical object of the "Table" type. On panel "Autoshapes" the mode "Fairway creation" for the areal and linear objects has been added. On the panel "Cut and combine" the mode "Dissection of a linear object by a linear" has been added. Processing of both open and closed contours is supported. The processing of the sections of the edited object that are inside the dissecting object is performed in three modes: saving without changing the code, deleting sections, recording with changing the code.
    The mode "Create object" by the metric coordinates entered from the keyboard has been improved. To speed up the work, the ability to copy and paste coordinate values using the clipboard has been expanded (key combination Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V).
    The modes of creating a linear and areal object have been improved using the new parameter "Snap at shortest distance", which is activated when the corresponding item of the context menu is selected or by pressing the "hot" key "W".
    In modes "New Image" and "Copy of object with change in image" there is added the possibility of creation of raster signs by each point of the metrics of the selected object or a group of selected objects. Result of executing the operation of recoding is the set of point objects, the coordinates of the metric of which correspond to the metric of the selected object.
    The "Map print" task has been improved. Ability has been added to page-by-page save the printed areas to JPG, PNG, TIF and PDF graphic files. When saving in JPG, PNG, TIF formats the number of files corresponding to the number of selected pages is formed. The file name contains file name and page number, for example, noginsk_1.jpg. When saving to PDF, it is generated one multi-page document.
    The functionality of task the "Floor Plan Editor", which is a part of the Geodesy editor, has been expanded. There are added the tools for generating design templates, for example, corner legends, with the ability to use them when creating new documents. A copying of the generated document into JPG, PNG, TIF, PDF formats have been added. A new "Move" mode has been added, with help of which it is possible not only to move objects, but also to carry out their deleting, a snap of metric points to grid knots, to operate order of displaying objects and to change a font of text. Manual input of the dimensions of created objects in a special pop-up window has been implemented. There are added the tools for editing object nodes: insert, delete, move. Interface for quick, dialog-free input of dimensions has been implemented when creating and editing objects.
    In the "Select object" dialog, the ability has been implemented for adding and editing semantics of type the "Link to the file folder". Value of semantics is the name of directory, which contains many files of different formats and folders. By double click by a mouse on the chosen file, the corresponding program of recognizing and processing the file is started. When referring to documents, tables and graphic images, the contents of the file are displayed, when referring to spatial data, the dataset is opened in a separate GIS window.
    The task "Connecting data from geoportals" has been improved. There is added a support for the geoportal of the Russian Federal Geological Fund - Objects of accounting for the state balance of mineral reserves, demonstrating the presence of minerals. The geoportal includes 3 layers: Hydrocarbon raw materials, Solid fuel minerals, Common minerals. Support for the Rosreestr geoportal has been improved. The speed of displaying data from geoportals has been increased due to requests for the availability of data for selected territories. Display of vector information has been improved, captions have been added and "outliers" in vector tiles have been corrected.
    The task "Import of raster data" has been improved. Import of rasters of format MrSID (SID, JPEG2000, NTF, ECW) has been added. The MrSID format is used to compress raster graphics. By means of this format, packed huge raster images such as aerial photography and satellite photos can be quickly viewed piecemeal without the need to unpack the entire file.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 20.01.2022 New versions of geoinformation solutions of KB "Panorama" for the OS "Alt 8 SP" on the "Elbrus" platform have been prepared
    In KB "Panorama" new versions of server software products the GIS WebService SE, GIS Server, Imagery Creator, GIS WebServer SE have been developed for the operating system "Alt 8 SP", used on servers with processor architecture "Elbrus". Server applications of KB "Panorama" are used at creation of web portals of various level: Federal, regional, municipal, corporate or sectoral.
    Cartographical service the GIS WebService SE is used as a source of spatial data. Data exchange with GIS WebService SE service is performed according to the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) specification. The program implements the ability to issue tiles for any user or local coordinate system. The service allows you to perform computational operations with objects, search, overlay operations, analytical operations, work with a road graph, work with metadata, a transaction log and 3D objects, and others. The application is compatible with Apache, IIS and nginx web servers.
    Imagery Creator allows you to create tiles in international formats. Tile data generated by Imagery Creator is used by the software products the GIS WebServer SE, GIS WebService SE to ensure high speed of execution of requests for displaying spatial data over vast territories with simultaneous access of a large number of users.
    GIS Server is intended to provide remote access to vector maps, remote sensing data, matrixes, documents and spatial databases of users of programs the GIS "Panorama", GIS "Operator", GIS WebService SE and others. Users of desktop and web applications on different platforms can simultaneously view and edit data in accordance with access rights.
    GIS WebServer SE - GIS for building geoportals for various purposes, implemented on cloud technologies. Automates the publication of changing spatial data based on web services. Creates new layers of data and allows to edit them. Provides access to user data from any computer. Creates thematic maps and cartograms. Displays three-dimensional models based on open vector maps, matrixes of heights and terrain images without model preparation. Carries out search of the shortest routes by the graph of roads.
    On the basis of server software products of KB "Panorama" the demo thematic web-projects were deployed: "World map", "Bank of spatial data", "3D-models of territories", "Agroportal" and others. You can get acquainted with the work of geoportals on the website
    New versions of server software products are available for download on the Download page.

  • 19.01.2022 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Aquitaine region (France)
    The geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Aquitaine region (France) formed using OpenStreetMap data. Source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 17.01.2022 GIS "Panorama" 14 provides connection of video streams from remote video cameras through the cartographical interface
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 14.2.0 has been developed. In the new version the possibility of viewing in real time the video streams from the remote video cameras connected to the Internet has been added. The location of video cameras can be indicated on the map of terrain, plan of city, building, industrial area, three-dimensional model using various conventional symbols (objects). Objects can be moving if the camera is mounted on a vehicle. In the semantics of objects, a link to a video stream or a camera ip-address is indicated. Authorization parameters can be entered on each connection or stored in encrypted form on the client computer. Integration of geodata with video streams simplifies the construction of systems for monitoring the state of the area, traffic control, security systems, and others. To view a video image, select a camera object on the map using the "Ctrl+Shift+left mouse button" key combination. The program allows you to simultaneously view video in real time from different sources of video data. The size of the video viewing window corresponds to the resolution of the video stream. If necessary, the window can be expanded to full screen. Connection to the video camera is customized in the "Select Object" dialog. On the "Semantics" bookmark, you must select the "Link to video image" semantics, double-click to activate the "Settings of video camera connection" dialog, enter the url-link to the video stream or the camera's ip-address and authorization parameters.
    HTTP and RTSP data transfer protocols are supported. Information about the connected camera and its current status will be displayed in the dialog. To save the authorization parameters, select the "Remember password" mode and enter the user code in the "User identification" dialog that opens. The user code must be the same for one user account in the operating system. To visually identify a camera with a map object, you must assign a "Camera Color". In this case, the object-camera on the map will have the color selected by the user and correspond to the frame of dialog of viewing the video image.
    The applied task "Forecasting Emergencies" has been improved. In the new version of the task, spatial modeling of predicted emergency zones is performed in the UTM projection on the WSG-84 spheroid with with installation of the axial meridian at the epicenter of the accident, then the already prepared result is transformed to the map projection on which the user performed the calculation. This approach makes it possible to obtain the most realistic data on the ground by minimizing the errors in angular values and distances conditioned by the projection parameters of the original map. Thus into rectilinear segments of contours of objects of emergencies zones the additional points of the metrics are added for qualitative transformation of these segments and their transformation into arcs on a target map. These improvements do not apply to the computational problems of forecasting emergencies associated with a liquid spill, calculated from the matrix of heights. For these models, the calculation is carried out in the same projection that is set for the matrix of heights. The output of information onto the map based on the simulation results is supplemented by filling in the semantics of the affected areas, drawing the epicenters of accidents and signatures of the epicenters. The parameter "cloud transfer rate" has been added into the list of output parameters of the emergency model at a chemically hazardous object. According to the comments of the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the names of individual parameters were corrected in the forms for entering the initial data and displaying the simulation results.
    The task "Calculation of values of semantics for incoming objects" has been improved. Ability has been added to select the mode of source data processing in the presence of several maps - to process one or all open maps. When setting up the list of objects that are analyzed for belonging to the selected polygons, click on the "Filter" button to enable/disable the property "Set for all maps with the same classifier".
    In the group of applications "Spatially-logical relations", the task "Transfer of the semantics of the incoming objects" has been improved. The settings for the task are divided into two bookmarks: General settings - selection of the input map and output map, setting the list of polygons and processing modes, and "Setting the semantics". "Setting the semantics" bookmark displays a table with a list of attributes with the possibility of multiple selection of characteristics for writing into incoming objects. Execution of process of transferring semantics has been optimized due to specifying of object-area and the list of unique numbers of incoming objects into the search context.
    There is added a support of user semantics (attributes) of objects in format "name: value". When importing digital vector terrain data from SHP and KML formats, for characteristics whose field names do not coincide with the semantics keys from RSC, the user semantics is written with code 32862. User semantics can be used to record arbitrary properties of an object that are not described in the list of semantics of the RSC classifier. Any object can be assigned an arbitrary number of user semantics.
    The "Map print" task has been improved. Ability has been added to page-by-page save the printed areas to JPG, PNG, TIF and PDF graphic files. When saving in JPG, PNG, TIF formats the number of files corresponding to the number of selected pages is formed. The file name contains file name and page number, for example, noginsk_1.jpg. When saving to PDF, it is generated one multi-page document.
    The task "Report designer" has been improved. In the "Legend Formation" mode, the ability has been added of displaying in the legend table of the information about the number of objects of each type presented on the map.
    The task of automated generalization of topographic maps has been improved. The mode "Setting the boundaries of channels visibility" has been developed. The new mode is intended for simplification of a network of channels. Network simplification is achieved by disabling the visibility of channels of the lowered importance in base and smaller scales of a map. Degree of the importance of the channel is defined by channel type, length and character of its location relative to other channels and the rivers. In this task, two categories of objects are considered: priority and excluded objects. Priority objects are objects whose visibility will not change. Rivers are such objects. Excluded objects are objects whose upper visibility limit will be lowered by 1 level relative to the base map scale. Channels are the such objects. Excluded objects can be transferred into a priority category in the following cases: the priority object adjoins the excluded one; the excluded object has length more the than specified minimum length (10 mm on a map), the excluded object adjoins a border.
    Procedures of generalisation of the areal hydrography, setting the visibility of linear rivers and roads have been improved. The algorithm for shifting and sampling buildings in areas with an increased density of buildings per unit area has been refined. There is added a special handling of buildings intersecting with road network objects.
    The profiling mode "By triangulation" of the task "Control of absolute heights" has been improved. To speed up the control process, the processing algorithm has been optimized. Map objects are read once, each object is profiled by all triangulation edges. The execution time of the control according to the new algorithm is reduced by 3-5 times. For a flat terrain with a large number of elevations and a small number of isolines, the "By triangulation" profiling mode eliminates misses that are possible when searching for heights in horizontal and vertical directions, which reduces the number of uninformative messages and facilitates the analysis of control results. The vertices of triangulation are: a point object (elevation, GGS point, mark of water edge), a point of the metric of an areal object with an absolute height (lake, reservoir), a point of the contour line's metric.
    The task "Correction of objects metrics" ("Subobjects" mode) has been improved - the ability to unite linear subobjects with a common point has been added, provided that the subobjects are located at a distance from each other which is not exceeding the Matching tolerance. The tolerance setting is done in the dialog, by default the tolerance is 0.1 mm on the map. As a result of the operation, new subobjects with the metric of the united contours are created, or points of the subobject's metric are added to the main object, provided that the conditions are met.
    Possibility of interpolation of the metrics of linear and polygon objects with the specified step has been added. Procedure is intended for addition into the metrics of objects of new points with a given step without change of the general geometry of object. It allows to transform correctly, for example, contours of objects of small-scale maps from cylindrical projections to conic and azimuthal projections.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

  • 13.01.2022 Map of values of magnetic declination onto World territory has been prepared
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and posted on the site a map of values of magnetic declination onto the World territory, formed according to the data of the National Center for Environmental Information (NOAA). The initial data about magnetic declination onto the World territory were obtained from the NOAA website in the form of tables of values of magnetic declination (CSV format) at height 500m with step of 0.1 degrees as of 12/23/2021. Copyright information for the original data of magnetic declination is available here.

    The map was prepared using the GIS "Panorama" in the form of isogons, formed according to a previously prepared matrix of magnetic declination's values with a step of 1 km using the aeronautical classifier. The map can be used for preparing the documents of aeronautical information and solving the navigation problems.

    Free maps are available for download on the "Digital maps" page.

  • 11.01.2022 Map of the Kaliningrad region on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the map of the Kaliningrad region on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The map was formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and was saved into a packed project (MPTZ). The MPTZ format project includes a digital map of the region's territory (country, subject of the federation, administrative region), a map of the administrative-territorial division of the region and a digital classifier. Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 09.01.2022 GIS Server accelerates editing and display of large spatial databases
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server version 10.2 has been developed for the operating systems Astra Linux SE, OS Alt 8 SP, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 8, CentOS 7 and MS Windows. The new version of the program accelerates the synchronization of the state of spatial databases when they are updated on the server and their cartographic representation on clients when processing tens of millions of records with active image updating. The algorithms for caching the database on the server and the client have been improved, the amount of data transferred between the server and the client has been optimized when synchronizing the data state.

    The GIS Server supports working with spatial databases controlled by PostgreSQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, which support the ability to access spatial data in accordance with the OGC 06-103r4 standard: "OpenGIS Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture" for their representation in the form of vector maps in the specified conventional symbols, editing the coordinates and attributes of objects, solving applied problems.
    GIS Server provides multi-level connection of servers among themselves for distributed storage and processing of spatial data with automatic replication, backup and data protection. Such architecture reduces the load on the data transmission network tenfold, accelerates access to data and increases operational reliability.

    The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.

  • 07.01.2022 Map of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been updated
    Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the map of the administrative-territorial division of Russia on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The map was formed using OpenStreetMap data, source data was obtained from Geofabrik website. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and was saved into a packed project (MPTZ). The MPTZ format project includes a digital map of the region's territory (country, subject of the federation, administrative region), a map of the administrative-territorial division of the region and a digital classifier. Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

  • 05.01.2022 GIS WebService SE increases speed of work with large volumes of spatial data in information systems of federal, regional and municipal purposes
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 14.2.5 has been developed. In the new version a search and display of spatial data is accelerated. Information systems of various levels and purposes use large volumes of geodata. For fast display of spatial data and search in them the modern methods of processing are required. GIS WebService SE includes most of the automated technologies for working with Big Data. Using intelligent technologies, the service allows in the shortest possible time to process and provide access to databases, the speed of information change in which reaches hundreds of thousands of transactions per second.

    In the program the list of supported requests for working with spatial data has been expanded. Applications using GIS WebService SE, such as GIS WebServer SE, Databank, GIS WebToolkit SE and others, have received a number of new possibilities for processing Big Data. A new request to clear empty tiles or tiles of a certain size has been added. This request is necessary if third-party geoportals (when republishing data through the service) give empty pictures instead of error messages. The service can automatically understand that the received tile is empty and not save it in the cache or give an error. The request of building a route with a stop at several points has been added. On request it is possible to receive the description of a route with all points of turn and movement time on sections. A request of crossing of a point object with other objects was implemented. The request of loading a file from document repository on the GIS Server has been added. Some of the requests have been moved to the class that are executed in time. New requests have been added to get information about the percentage of completion of the operation. A request for converting point coordinates from one system into another one and a request for converting a set of points by a JSON file have been implemented. Request - an attachment of an arbitrary file to the object was added. Pictures for the gallery, video files, documents and other data can be used as information. They can be loaded both locally and on the GIS Server. Function of building a profile of a relief by object from a map or by an arbitrary object in request has been added.

    The service administrator has been improved. Ability has been added to update the cache of several layers simultaneously. The reliability of work with data located remotely on the GIS Server, in a database or in the Databank is increased.

    Search of objects in a point is improved - the data is returned faster and the answer does not capture objects which are not visible or are close to poll point. There is improved end-to-end search in complex queries when limiting the output of the number of objects. The request of a file from semantics of object automatically determines the location of the data locally or on the GIS Server and returns the data. When searching, the ability to display semantics codes and display the semantics of type the link to a file has been added.

    A new protocol on interacting with the service in JSON format has been added. Almost all requests and data for a service can be sent in JSON or XML-RPC format. Support for transactions in the GeoJSON format has been implemented.

    Output of messages into a file of service's errors is improved. There are added messages describing the error and messages with the output of the request, responsible for this error. Diagnostic messages are expanded at loading data into the Databank. The file of statistics of service's work is created for each start of service, allowing to accumulate the information for the further analysis.

    Possibilities have been expanded when working with the Databank. There are added the requests for exporting geo-covers from the Databank, requests for control of input datasets by a requirements template, requests for summarizing map sheets. Work with databases and processing of their information are accelerated.

    GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS), which are used to transfer and display spatial data. The program implements the ability to issue tiles for any user or local coordinate system. The application is implemented on Windows and Linux platforms, and is compatible with Apache, IIS and nginx web servers.

    The new version of the program and the documentation are posted on the website in the Download section.

  • 02.01.2022 GIS Panorama Mini for Astra Linux SE provides viewing of spatial information on devices with high pixel density
    In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.0.0 for OS Astra Linux SE (Releases "Smolensk" and "Oryol") has been developed. In the new version the user interface of the program used in operating systems with customizing high density of displaying the image on the screen has been improved. It expands a range of application of software product on devices with screens of the reduced size - portable laptops, specialised tablets and other similar devices. In the program interface of dialogs the possibilities provided by the layout system of the elements of the visual design environment are as much as possible used, which allows you to get a dialog design adapted to the display parameters in accordance with the settings of the operating system. The new version of the program is compatible with OS Astra Linux SE (release "Smolensk") versions 1.6 and 1.7.

    The initial opening and display of large sets of vector maps and spatial databases containing several million objects and more, has been accelerated. Construction of the objects tree when opening the datasets has been accelerated.

    Possibilities of work with text and hypertext documents have been expanded due to addition of support of documents in PDF format. The user can add a set of PDF documents to the map, for example, to use them as an auxiliary material during work. When the size of the window of the added document is changed, its scale will change depending on the current scale of the map. You can customize the display of the desired page of the PDF document on a user document. For the convenience of customization, there is a preview window for the added documents.
    Display of clusters used for grouping point conventional symbols on a map has been improved. Into the cluster description the property "Display the first character in the cluster" has been added. When it is set, in the position of the cluster sign the first object in the cluster will be displayed first, and then the cluster sign. In this case, the cluster sign can contain only the number of objects or other complementary elements of the conventional symbol. When drawing an object, various semantics can be taken into account, including links to graphic files, which makes the generalized sign more complex and informative.
    Algorithms of data storage of type "a cloud of points" in data sets of format MTD have been improved. Packing of the data, taking into account the area of processed territory and the specified accuracy of storage, allows to reduce to 4 times the size of created MTD files which can be from several tens of Gigabytes to Terabytes. New algorithms allow to raise accuracy of terrain descriptions over a wider area and accelerate the construction of 3D terrain models.
    Display of raster data limited by a framework has been improved. The image of such rasters is cut out by a contour of a frame of any complexity. The frame can be set by any closed contour, or by a selected object. The frame can contain thousands of points and thousands of contours, as well as many times exceeds the raster by the area. A large number of frame points decreases the speed of displaying the raster. To speed up the display of rasters, an optimization of the raster frame during recording has been added - all frame contours are cut out by the sizes of each raster. When setting a region frame to all rasters of a region's coverage an optimized frame is written to each coverage raster. When opening the rasters and matrixes of heights created earlier, frame optimization is performed automatically (the sign of frame optimization is entered into the file). This approach allows you to speed up the display of both new raster data and previously created ones.
    Displaying sea maps of S57/S52 standards has been improved. In the s57navy.rsc classifier for attributes that have a list of classified values (Attribute type: L - CATAIR, CATACH, ... TECSOU), property the "Repeat allowed" is set. When exporting and importing data, lists of attribute values (1,7,, 30) are written and read. For display of lists of values, into the combined title the new operating symbol ' r ' (#113.r) has been added, which allows to form a line from the list of attribute values, separating them with a space. There is refined a display of depth marks taking into account safety contours and taking into account depths on drying surfaces.
    Dialog of creating a matrix of heights according to data of a digital map has been improved. In dialog the possibility has been added for a choice of nomenclature sheets of a map and the user layers by which building a matrix of heights will be carried out. This possibility provides the user with additional flexibility in setting the parameters for creating matrixes of heights for regions of work, consisting of a large number of nomenclature maps sheets. The choice of sheets is performed by selection directly in the list of names of nomenclature sheets which will participate in processing. By means of special control buttons it is possible to select all sheets in the list at once, reset selection of all sheets, or invert the selection of sheets.
    The interface of the dialog for importing graphic files into RSW format has been modernized at using files of a binding. The user selects the possibility of using data from the binding's file by setting the appropriate checkbox in the dialog. The program carries out search of a binding's file by coincidence of its name with raster file name. If a single file of binding is found in a search result, data from this file is automatically loaded. If there are several binding files of the same name in different formats, then the choice of the file used when loading graphic data is provided to the user.
    GIS Panorama Mini is the universal geoinformation system intended for a collecting the spatial data, a conducting the spatial database, creation and updating of digital maps and plans, creation of information systems of various purposes. The program implements the following main functions: import and viewing of vector maps, raster data, matrixes of heights, matrixes of qualities, geological matrixes of layers, TIN-models, laser scanning data, user maps and work regions; creation of new maps with automatic filling of parameters using the EPSG code or from the list of parameters in XML format; export of maps to SXF, DXF, OGC GML formats; multi-user work with data with access control through a connection to the GIS Server; combining and editing vector maps of different projections in one document; support for popular geoportals, which allows displaying user maps over images received from sites; printing to various output devices with customization of print parameters.
    The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.

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