Copyright Β© Panorama Group 1991 - 2022
Software products for Linux
Product | Date | Size | File |
GIS Panorama for Linux | |||
GIS "Panorama" (version, platform "x64" OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel" version 2.12, in Russian, English) | 28.12.2024 | 462 Mb | |
GIS "Panorama" (version, platform "x64", OS "Alt 8 SP", OS "Alt Workstation", version 10, in Russian and English) | 13.09.2024 | 498 Mb | |
GIS "Panorama" (version, platform "x64", "RED OS", versions 7.3 and 8, in Russian, English) | 13.09.2024 | 499 Mb | |
GIS "Panorama" (version, platform "x64", OS Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, in Russian and English) | 13.09.2024 | 468 Mb | |
GIS "Panorama" (version, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", release "Leningrad", version 8.1, in Russian and English) | 04.04.2023 | 403 Mb | |
GIS "Panorama" (version, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Alt 8 SP", in Russian and English) | 21.10.2022 | 413 Mb | |
GIS for power structure | |||
GIS "Operator" (version, platform "x64", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Eagle", versions 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Eagle", version 2.12, in Russian and English) | 28.12.2024 | 494 Mb | |
Special GIS for Linux | |||
GIS Panorama Mini (version, platform "x64", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel", version 2.12, in Russian and English) | 02.11.2024 | 464 Mb | |
GIS Panorama Mini (version, platform "x64", OS "Alt 8 SP", OS "Alt Workstation", version 10, in Russian and English) | 20.09.2024 | 489 Mb | |
GIS Panorama Mini (version, platform "x64", "RED OS", versions 7.3 and 8, in Russian and English) | 20.09.2024 | 490 Mb | |
GIS Panorama Mini (version, platform "x64", OS Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, in Russian and English) | 20.09.2024 | 459 Mb | |
GIS Panorama Mini (version, platform "x64", OS Ubuntu 18.04, in Russian, English) | 30.08.2022 | 372 Mb | |
Mobile GIS | |||
GIS "Panorama Mobile" (version 1.8, OS Android 7.0 and higher) (Google play) | 27.09.2024 | - | |
GIS "Panorama Mobile" (version 1.8, OS Android 7.0 and above, apk file) | 25.11.2024 | 79,5 Mb | |
GIS "Panorama Mobile" (version 1.11, OS Aurora 4.0) | 17.01.2025 | 98,2 Mb | |
GIS Panorama Mobile (version 1.11, OS Aurora 5.0, platform "aarch64") | 17.01.2025 | 101 Mb | |
GIS Panorama Mobile (version 1.11, OS Aurora 5.0, platform "armv7hl") | 17.01.2025 | 100 Mb | |
VideoGPS (version 1.0.0, Android 7.0 and higher, file apk) | 30.08.2022 | 27,4 Mb | |
GIS WebServer | |||
GIS WebServer SE (version, OS "Astra Linux SE", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, Spanish) | 22.11.2024 | 44,1 Mb | |
GIS WebServer SE (version 5.5.1, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Astra Linux SE", release "Leningrad", in Russian, Vietnamese, English, Spanish) | 25.06.2020 | 77,6 Mb | |
GIS WebServer SE (version 6.2.1, platform "x64", OS "Alt 8 SP - Elbrus", in Russian, Vietnamese, English, Spanish) | 18.01.2022 | 33,3 Mb | |
GIS WebServer SE (version, OS CentOS version 7.2, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, Spanish) | 22.11.2024 | 45,1 Mb | |
GIS WebServer SE (version, OS Ubuntu 18.04, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, Spanish) | 22.11.2024 | 43,9 Mb | |
Services | |||
GIS WebService SE x64 (version, web service for OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS standards, OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel", version 2.12, in Russian, English) | 24.01.2025 | 77,2 Mb | |
GIS WebService SE x64 (version 14.2.4, web service for OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS standards, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Astra Linux SE", Leningrad release, version 8.1, in Russian , English) | 08.12.2021 | 89,8 Mb | |
GIS WebService SE x64 (version 14.2.5, web-service standards for GC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS, OS "Alt 8 SP" platform "Elbrus-8C", in Russian, English) | 18.01.2022 | 108 Mb | |
GIS WebService SE x64 (version 13.11.0, web-service standards for GC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS, OS "Alt 8 SP" platform "Elbrus-8C", in Russian, English) | 11.06.2021 | 109 Mb | |
GIS WebService SE x64 (version, web-service standards for OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS, OS CentOS version 8.1, in Russian, English) | 15.11.2024 | 91 Mb | |
GIS WebService SE x64 (version, web-service standards for OGC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS, OS CentOS version 7.2.1511, in Russian, English) | 15.11.2024 | 90,6 Mb | |
GIS WebService SE x64 (version, web-service standards for GC WMS, WMTS, WFS-T, WCS OS Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04, in Russian, English) | 24.01.2025 | 77,2 Mb | |
Service for creating and updating tile pyramids Imagery Service (version 11.5.0, Imagery Service SE, OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", versions 1.6, 1.7, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel", version 2 | 13.01.2025 | 31,2 Mb | |
Service for creating and updating tile pyramids Imagery Service (version 11.4.0, Imagery Service SE, OS CentOS version 8.1, platform "x64", in Russian, English) | 14.11.2024 | 38,7 Mb | |
Service for creating and updating tile pyramids Imagery Service (version 11.5.0, Imagery Service SE, ΠS Ubuntu 18.04, platform "x64", in Russian, English) | 13.01.2025 | 30,5 Mb | |
Panorama SpatialDB Service SE x64 (version, OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel") | 03.12.2024 | 18,1 Mb | |
GIS Server | |||
GIS Server x64 (version, OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel", version 2.12, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, French and Spanish) | 09.01.2025 | 40,7 Mb | |
GIS Server x64 (version, "RED OS" version 7.3 ΠΈ 8, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, French and Spanish) | 09.01.2025 | 42,9 Mb | |
GIS Server x64 (version, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", release "Leningrad", in Russian, Vietnamese, English, French, Spanish) | 17.08.2022 | 45 Mb | |
GIS Server x64 (version 10.2.0, OS "Alt 8 SP - Elbrus", in Russian, English, French, Vietnamese, Spanish, Kazakh) | 18.01.2022 | 60,4 Mb | |
GIS Server x64 (version, OS CentOS version 8.x, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, French and Spanish) | 09.01.2025 | 48,2 Mb | |
GIS Server x64 (version, OS CentOS version 7.x, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, French and Spanish) | 09.01.2025 | 47,5 Mb | |
GIS Server x64 (version, OS Ubuntu 18.04, in Russian, Vietnamese, English, French and Spanish) | 09.01.2025 | 41 Mb | |
Server applications for Linux | |||
Imagery Creator SE (version 11.1.2, program to create pyramids tiles, OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel" version 2.12, in Russian, English) | 20.04.2023 | 29,8 Mb | |
Imagery Creator SE (version 11.0.0, program to create pyramids tiles, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", release release "Leningrad" in Russian, English) | 07.12.2021 | 33,6 Mb | |
Imagery Creator SE (version 11.0.1, program to create pyramids tiles, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Alt 8 SP", in Russian, English) | 18.01.2022 | 39,5 Mb | |
Imagery Creator SE (version 11.1.2, program to create pyramids tiles, OS CentOS version 8.1, platform "x64", in Russian, English) | 20.04.2023 | 36,4 Mb | |
Imagery Creator SE (version 11.1.2, program to create pyramids tiles, OS CentOS version 7.2.1511, platform "x64", in Russian, English) | 20.04.2023 | 36,3 Mb | |
Imagery Creator SE (version 11.1.2, program to create pyramids tiles, ΠS Ubuntu 18.04, platform "x64", in Russian, English) | 20.04.2023 | 29,2 Mb | |
Databank | |||
Data bank of digital maps and remote sensing of the Earth (version, includes GIS WebService SE x64, OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel" vers | 07.11.2024 | 418 Mb | |
Data bank of digital maps and remote sensing of the Earth (version 5.2.1, includes GIS WebService SE x64, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", release "Leningrad") | 26.06.2020 | 277 Mb | |
Bank of digital map data and remote sensing (version, includes GIS WebService SE x64, ΠΠ‘ Ubuntu 18.04) | 30.11.2023 | 388 Mb | |
Development tools of GIS applications for Linux | |||
GIS Constructor for Qt Designer x64 (version, platform "x64", OS "Astra Linux Special Edition", releases "Smolensk", "Voronezh" and "Orel", version 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8, OS "Astra Linux Common Edition", release "Orel", version 2.12 , Qt4, Qt5) | 28.12.2024 | 182 Mb | |
GIS Constructor for Qt Designer x64 (version, platform "x64", OS "Alt 8 SP", OS "Alt Workstation", version 10, Qt 4, Qt 5) | 05.12.2024 | 209 Mb | |
GIS Constructor for Qt Designer x64 (version, platform "Elbrus-8C", OS "Alt 8 SP", Qt 4, Qt 5) | 21.06.2021 | 190 Mb | |
GIS Constructor for Qt Designer x64 (version, platform "x64", OS Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, Qt 4, Qt 5) | 05.12.2024 | 178 Mb | |
GIS Constructor for Qt Designer x64 (version, platform "x64", OS Ubuntu 18.04, Qt 4, Qt 5) | 05.12.2024 | 184 Mb | |
Development tools of GIS applications for Android and Aurora | |||
GIS Designer for Android (version 1.4.0, Android OS version 7.0 and higher, Kotlin) | 02.12.2024 | 181 Mb | |
GIS Constructor for OS Aurora (version 1.3.0, OS Aurora 4.0 and higher) | 20.01.2024 | 109 Mb | |
Data and examples | |||
Examples of application development in GIS "Operator" SE and GIS "Panorama" (version 15) | 18.12.2024 | 2,3 Mb | |
Examples of application development in GIS "Operator" SE (version 14, certified) | 16.12.2022 | 2,3 Mb | |
Dongle drivers | |||
Guardant Net server (version 7, for Panorama 13 and 14, for Linux) | 09.09.2022 | 6 Mb |
All software products on this site are full working versions. The existing limitations in operation are eliminated after the purchase of a license. Without a license (key), it is possible to work with maps of scales 1 : 2000, 1 : 100 000 and 1 : 200 000, consisting of one nomenclature sheet and having no more than 20,000 objects.
Server products have additional restrictions when used for evaluation purposes, which are the limit of simultaneous connections and / or processed requests. More details in the documentation and on the pages with the description of software products.
The software may be used for evaluation in one copy for 30 days. If necessary, you can request a free License for temporary use. For subsequent use, you must pay the cost of the software and obtain a License.
After the end of the technical support period, new versions of the programs become unavailable.