Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on the formation of an XML document and a paper report of the technical plan version 06 release 4 for putting an areal construction on cadastral registration. Users of "Workstation of cadastral engineer",
The training material demonstrates the features of data preparation, filling in the mandatory characteristics and the formation of an XML file and a paper report of the technical plan version 06 in accordance with the Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of March 15, 2022 No. P / 0082. On the basis of this order, in the software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of conventional symbols survey.v5.rscz and survey.v6.rscz were developed. The classifiers implement a common list of layers, semantic characteristics and objects for displaying cadastral information on cadastral maps and other cadastral documents.
The technical plan can be formed for one or several objects of real estate depending on a variant of a choice of objects on a cadastral map. The procedures "Formation of an XML document" and "Formation of a text report" are performed in the
Elements for input and editing of the data in dialog "Technical plan" are ordered on groups, according to sections and details of the technical plan, and arranged by screen (bookmarks):
You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the
In the
The task
Ability has been added for the directly open graphic files without dialog of conversion to RSW via the File - Open menu, for quick access to various terrain images. When graphic files are opened for the first time, a service RSW file is automatically created without copying the image and a TAF file with a pyramid of reduced images, if they were not in the original file. To work with large images, it is recommended to open files with converting of image to RSW format via the menu File - Import rasters and matrix. This will speed up the display of graphics, allow you to process a large number of files of arbitrary sizes with a limited memory area, and speed up the conversion of image projections on the fly.
In the
In the
The task "Preparation for printing" has been improved. Placement of filling characters on the polygon with control over imposition on other conventional characters or signatures was automated. If at the calculated point of placement of the filling character, another character falls into the dimensions of the sign, then the filling character at this point is not recorded. For those types of signs with which the intersection is allowed, an exclusion filter is set. For example, a filling sign of the meadow can be placed on top of horizontals or polygons with a white background, and so on. To design the corresponding types of objects for publication in the classifier, the display of filling signs on electronic maps is disabled, or filling signs applied over the entire surface are removed, and placement is performed taking into account the intersection with other conventional signs. To automate the process of preparing for publication, the procedure for placing signs with the appropriate settings is included in the general design scenario of the published map sheet.
Procedure of scenario
In the
The module
The module
The new version of the program is available for download on the
In KB "Panorama" is developed the
The new version supports tools of statistical data analysis. A type of programmable signs has been added into the agro10t.rsc classifier for
Support of service semantics influencing the size and color of a conventional sign, taking into account type of objects has been added. For example, for titles, in addition to the color, font type and height are available. By changing the values of the semantics of an object through the "Select Object" dialog, you can give individual features to the conventional signs of various objects, for example, change the color of the line or the background color of the polygon.
GIS "Panorama AGRO" is designed to automate the management of the farming system of enterprises. The system allows you to create and edit the boundaries and attributes of agricultural land, plan agrotechnical activities, prepare tasks for drivers and machine operators, calculate indicators of actual performed works, and generate relevant reports.
In addition to the GIS "Panorama AGRO", the range of programs for agriculture includes "Workstation of agronomist" and
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
In KB "Panorama" the
The mode of group editing of objects has been updated in the Map Editor. For several objects selected on the map, you can perform the operation of moving, rotating or scaling. Group editing is performed in one step, which allows you to quickly make changes into the map and reduces editing time. The user can cancel a group operation on objects. As a result of the undo, all objects that have been changed will be restored. Cancelling and restoring operations of editing is carried out on the basis of the transaction log operated by a request to the server. Into the Map Legend component a fast search of objects has been added, legend contents can be viewed as the list of objects or in a hierarchical view. In the map window there is added a display of the cursor coordinates in various units - meters, degrees, radians of a current projection of a map. The choice of cursor coordinate units (meters, degrees, radians) is performed in the Options component.
GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. The program is certified by the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the
On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other server products of KB "Panorama" the
New version of the program is posted on the website in the
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and posted on the geoportal
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page