• Digital classifier for displaying cadastral data on cadastral maps and documents has been updated

    The image was created using a neural network

    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have refined a digital classifier for generating an electronic xml document sent to the registration authority, state authorities, local governments in the order of interdepartmental information interaction in terms of presenting a map (plan) of a land management object and information about boundaries, zones, territories, for inclusion in the register of boundaries of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, in the form of an electronic document. In the "Editing attributes of cadastral objects" dialog, the list of supported cadastral objects has been expanded. To enter information on land management objects, support has been added for objects specified in Government Decree No. 1532 of December 31, 2015. For this purpose, the missing semantics and objects have been added into the survey.v6.rscz classifier: "Border of a subject of the Russian Federation", "Border of a territory surveying project", "Land being changed according to the land surveying project". Attributive characteristics "Type of water object" and "Territorial zones and zones with special conditions for the use of territories" were created in accordance with the directories dWaterObjectType_v01.xsd and dZone_v04.xsd. The necessary land management objects are included in the layer "Cadastral plan of the territory" and include all types of administrative boundaries, territorial zones, zones with restrictions, zones with special conditions of use, forestries and forest parks, water objects, etc. Digital classifier is a part of the GIS "Panorama", "Workstation of cadastral engineer", "Panorama-editor".

    The updated classifier is available for download in the "Classifiers" section.

    News Archive

  • Training video material on working with database tables in the GIS "Panorama" has been prepared

    Photo from the archive of KB "Panorama"

    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of work with tables of a database using the "Standard form of the Database Administrator". The user database management system is an integral part of the GIS "Panorama" and is designed to work with data stored in separate database tables on a local or network drive. Work with DBMS dBase, MS SQL, PostgreSQL is supported.

    The standard form for work with tables is intended for displaying and editing data from database tables in tabular form. The form consists of a main window, a main menu, an access panel to the data table, and a link panel between the map and the data table. The access panel and link panel contain a set of buttons that allow you to view, add, edit data, customize the connection between a table record and a map object, and download data from the table to a *.csv file.

    You can view the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.

    News Archive

  • Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information ensures the maintenance of a database of airdromes in accordance with the AIP of the Russian Federation

    Photo from the archive of KB "Panorama"

    In KB "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information version 8.2.5 under management of GIS "Panorama" or GIS "Operator" has been developed. In the new version, for maintaining a database in two measurement systems (feet and meters), in dialogues "Input of airports", "Input of obstacles, MSA sectors and OCA/OCH of the airport" there are added additional input fields for the elevation and height of transition of airdrome, the minimum safe height of flight of obstacles, absolute/relative height of flight of obstacles (OCA/H). The modes allow you to expand the filling of the aeronautical database of the complex with information contained in the AIP of the Russian Federation (Part III Aerodromes (AD)).

    In the program the list of the unloaded information has been expanded at creating marginal design of aeronautical maps using the "Creating frameworks for aeronautical maps" dialog. Possibility has been added to put a sign of the minimum safe height onto a map with display of values in two measurement systems (feet and meters).

    The aeronautical classifier (dfc.rscz) and library of programmable signs (dfc.iml64)have been modified in accordance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization contained in ICAO Doc 8697 ("Manual of Aeronautical Charts"). The new programmable sign "Sectors of minimum safe airport altitudes (MSA)" allows more flexible customization of parameters: size and thickness of the circle line, type and thickness of the course indicator line, parameters of fonts for course and altitude signatures, distance between two-line altitude signatures (spacing). The new sign has an adaptive algorithm of scheme construction that takes into account the sizes of the central element of the scheme, the course indicator and the height of the course font.

    The complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is a set of tools for maintaining an aeronautical data base, a modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical maps and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight procedures design" is used to design the routes of departure, approach and landing and to analyze the safety of flights on them. The task "Assessment of compliance for aerodromes with the requirements FAR" is intended for the analysis of the aerodrome and the aerodrome environs for the suitability for operation and aircraft flights in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.

    The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents, operational documentation, video lessons and presentations are available for download on the Download page.

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  • Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of the Gambia


    Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of the Gambia, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".

    The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.

    Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".

    News Archive

  • Digital classifier has been developed for monitoring environmental processes and emergency situations

    Photo from the archive of KB "Panorama"

    Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a digital classifier for automated maintenance of thematic maps of monitoring environmental processes and emergency situations. The monitoring.rscz classifier is used in the applied tasks "Environmental monitoring and analytics" and "Modeling a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure". It contains two layers: "Terrain flooding" and "Terrain pollution".

    The "Terrain flooding" layer includes the following conventional symbols: "Fairway", "Contour lines", "Reservoirs", "Permanent rivers", "Dam, shaft", "Sentinel point", "Flood zone". Layer objects are both the initial information necessary for modeling the parameters of a breakthrough wave that occurs when a dam of a hydraulic structure is destroyed, and the result of the modeling. Based on the calculated values of the breakthrough wave height and the height matrix, a zone of catastrophic flooding of the area is constructed along the river fairway.

    The "Terrain pollution" layer contains a series of conventional symbols that display the classes of excess of the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants: "No excess of background", "Excess of background by 1 - 2 times", "Excess of background by 2 - 3 times", "Excess of background by 3 - 5 times", "Excess of background by 5 - 10 times", "Excess of background by 10 times or more", "Unknown background value" and "Measurement point". The "Environmental Monitoring and Analytics" task uses the semantics of the "Measurement point" objects for constructing matrixes of quality that characterize the distribution of pollution indicators over the analyzed territory.

    The classifier contains the attributes: "Exceedance of background concentration", "Indicator name", "Indicator value at a point", "Background value", "Maximum permissible concentration", "Approximately permissible concentration of a substance", "Date and time of registration of the indicator value at a point" , "Height at a point", "Depth at a point", "Volume of the reservoir", "Depth of the reservoir at the dam", "Area of the reservoir mirror", "Depth of the river in the lower reach of the hydroscheme", "Width of the river in the lower reach of the hydroscheme", " Degree of destruction of the waterworks" and others.

    Based on matrixes of quality, area zoning maps are constructed according to various indicators, taking into account classes of exceeding the maximum permissible pollution concentration.

    The new classifier is available for download in the "Classifiers" section.

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