Cadastre and urban building

Complex of urban planning tasks

"Complex of urban planning tasks" - is designed to automate activities for the development and management of territories carried out in the form of territorial planning, urban zoning, territory planning, land management, accounting of objects of the land and property complex, landscaping and other urban planning activities. The complex is paid in addition to the Professional GIS "Panorama" , the Professional vectorizer "Panorama-editor" or is supplied as part of the "Workstation of urban planner".

The product is implemented in languages: Russian, English.

The product is available in two versions:
A set of urban planning tasks (in addition to the Professional GIS "Panorama" version 14.4 and older) for working with the PostgreSQL DBMS
A set of urban planning tasks (in addition to the Professional GIS "Panorama" version 14.3) for working with Microsoft SQL Server DBMS

ATTENTION: Starting with version 14.4, technical support for the variant of the set of urban tasks for working with the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS has been discontinued. Users who have valid licenses for this product can switch to a version of the complex of urban planning tasks for working with the PostgreSQL DBMS for free. When switching to the option with the PostgreSQL DBMS, the licensing and technical support conditions remain unchanged.

Complex of urban planning tasks

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"Complex of urban planning tasks" can be used in the daily work of state bodies, local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities engaged in urban planning for the development of territories and settlements, territorial zoning, monitoring the implementation of rules of land use and development, determining the types of land use, designing, construction and reconstruction of real estate.

The complex of urban planning tasks provides execution of the following functions:

  • Maintaining a database of accounting and technical information and documents on built-up and land plots to be built.
  • Formation and maintenance of registers of objects of capital construction in the context of operational, functional and other characteristics and information about the infrastructure of the territory.
  • Maintenance of a register of territorial zones and a database of urban planning regulations for the use of territories in accordance with the rules of land use and development.
  • Displaying the boundaries of land plots, objects of capital construction, territorial zones and zones of restrictions in the form of an on-duty cadastral map of the territory.
  • Automatic updating of the on-duty cadastral map according to the information from the XML-files of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN).
  • Exchange of information with the Federal State Information System of Territorial Planning (FSIS TP).
  • Automatic establishment of spatial-logical connections between databases and registers and determination of the location of land plots, objects of capital construction, territorial and special zones on the map.
  • Maintenance of data on the subjects of law (right holders) of objects of the land-property complex and obtaining the information "What the subject owns".
  • Maintenance of maps and registers of networks of engineering communications and road facilities.
  • Automated creation of an urban plan of a land plot, construction permits, decisions on commissioning and other urban planning documents.
  • Maintenance of metadata and a database of documents produced or received in the process of urban-planning activity. Classification of documents by type, purpose, regional affiliation and other criteria.
  • Displaying, in accordance with the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation of a systematized set of documented information on the development of territories, their development, land plots and other information necessary to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with reliable information necessary for the implementation of urban planning, investment and other economic activities. Automated maintenance of information in the context of ISOGD includes materials in text form and in the form of maps.
  • Geocoding of electronic documents and establishing the links with objects of the land-property complex by cadastral number, address or name of the object
  • Document management for the purpose of recording applications, control of their processing and preparing certificates and extracts to provide state authorities, local governments, individuals and legal entities with up-to-date information and copies of documents of urban planning activities.
  • Maintenance of the address register and the address plan of the territory, which contains information about the location of real estate objects in space, as well as their addresses in the coordinate system of the city, region, district.
  • Preparation of maps of current activities in area management (placement of outdoor advertising, routes and stops of public transport, weekend fairs, street cleaning, garbage disposal, etc.) for publication on a regional or municipal geoportal.

Creation of new maps with automatic filling of parameters by EPSG code or from a list of parameters in XML, GML format.

Support for popular geoportals is provided, which allows displaying user maps over images received from Google (Satellite), Google (Map), Google (Landscape), Yahoo! (Satellite), Yahoo! (Map), OpenStreetMap (Map), Virtual Earth (Satellite), Virtual Earth (Map), Yandex (Satellite), Yandex (Map). To connect data from a geoportal as a background image, call the Data List dialog from the View\Geoportal list menu, click the Add button and select a geoportal from the list. Or select the button Show geoportal list or Show data list of map on the main panel. Editing vector maps. Entering the titles texts and attribute values in UNICODE.

Combining and editing vector maps of different projections in one document. Simultaneous connection to various data sources through several servers based on GIS Server for multi-user work with data access control. Support for caching on the client for rasters opened on the GIS Server. Data search, management of data contents through the Map Legend. Connection of databases of various formats. Connection to servers the Google Earth, Digital Globe. Import of data from servers using the OGC WMS, WMTS and OGC WFS protocols. Connection to a GPS/GLONASS receiver for solving navigation problems. Printing an electronic map on various output devices and output in PostScript. Preview of a document prepared for printing, setting the parameters for printing small runs of maps.

To create a cadastral plan of the territory, information is loaded from Rosreestr XML files. Obtaining a cadastral extract is carried out upon request on the portal of public services of Rosreestr or in the territorial divisions of Rosreestr. The cadastral map is created according to the survey.v5.rsc classifier, which can be downloaded from our website in the "Classifiers" section.

As a result of loading, the following objects will be created:

  • cadastral quarters;
  • land plots;
  • buildings;
  • constructions;
  • objects under construction;
  • points of reference boundary network;
  • borders of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • boundaries of municipalities;
  • boundaries of settlements;
  • territorial zone;
  • special zone;
  • characteristic points of the contours.

The synchronization mode allows you to configure the relationship between the semantics of the cadastral map's objects and the information stored in the database.


Maintaining a register of land plots is aimed at obtaining, storing and updating information about the quantity, economic use and quality of land resources. The systematization of stored data is carried out using reference books and classifiers adopted in the EGRN. The data stored in the database is synchronized with the semantics of the cadastral map's objects. According to the cadastral number, spatial and logical connections with the cadastral map and urban planning objects are automatically established.

The register of accounting objects allows you to classify urban planning objects at the discretion of the user and describe them with any accounting and technical characteristics. Accounting objects can be capital construction facilities, temporary structures, pharmacies, schools and other social infrastructure facilities. The accounting of a single real estate complex is maintained. Within the framework of maintaining the registers of urban development objects, it is possible to take into account premises that are located inside a building, construction or other real estate object. The storage of information about residential and non-residential premises, apartments, rooms and parking spaces is provided. Storage in the database of any accounting and technical characteristics, documentation, diagrams, drawings and images of the objects being considered is provided. As well as obtaining information about copyright holders. Due to spatial and logical connections, integration between urban planning objects, land plots and documents is ensured.

Maintaining a register of documents is designed to store scanned electronic copies of documents, as well as various attributive information about the document. The register contains a customized classification of documents and their attributes. Documents can be grouped by type, purpose, regional affiliation and other user data. Viewing and editing of an electronic copy of the document in a specialized program is provided. One document can be used both for one and for several land plots and real estate objects.

Electronic document management collects, manufactures and stores urban planning materials and electronic maps (schemes) in the database. For carrying out land management and implementation of cadastral and other economic activities for planning and development of the urban environment, up-to-date information and copies of documents are provided to state authorities, local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities.

Book of accounting the applications

The implementation of the following technological stages is monitored:

  • Acceptance of applications from interested parties to provide information from the database of documents;
  • Making a decision on the execution of the application (registration) or preparing a rejection letter;
  • Implementation of the application;
  • Providing information to the applicant.

Control over the deadlines for the implementation of applications is ensured.

In accordance with Rules of Land Use and Development, a section is being maintained with territorial zones and permitted types of use of the territory. Territorial zones are of the following types: residential, public-business, industrial, engineering and transport infrastructure, agricultural, reactionary, specially protected areas, special purpose zones and other zones. For land plots within one territorial zone, a single urban planning regulation is established, which specifies the permitted types of land use, defines the minimum and maximum sizes of plots, the maximum parameters of permitted construction and the restrictions imposed on the use of plots and capital construction facilities.

For automated integration of urban planning regulations with land plots, it uses urban zoning maps.

For more details on urban planning regulations, see the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Application book

To systematize information about the addresses of land plots and capital construction facilities, as well as designate a place on the map, an address plan of the territory is used. The address accounting unit is the individual elements of postal addresses, called address objects: regions, districts, cities, urban-type settlements, rural settlements, streets, houses. All real estate is searched at the specified address.

Full-functional access to the modes of the Complex is received only to the registered user. To ensure the safe storage and protection of information placed in the database tables, the differentiation of access rights to the resources of the Complex is used. Protected resources include a register of land plots, cadastral objects, documents, address classifier, urban planning regulations and other elements of the database of urban planning information and documents. Resource management tools allow you to customize the availability of program interfaces for editing and viewing data in accordance with user rights.

When maintaining records of the Complex, the following directories and classifiers are used:

  • OKTMO directory;
  • OKATO directory;
  • directory "Documents of territorial planning of the Russian Federation";
  • directory of urban planning documents and their types;
  • directory of types of territorial zones and their composition;
  • directory of permitted use of the territory;
  • directory of forms of ownership;
  • directories with user information and attributes.

When installing the program, the reference database is filled with standard values in accordance with the Town Planning Code. Codes of directories are synchronized with the values of the semantic characteristics of the classifiers survey.v5.rsc, terrplan.v4.rsc. Subsequent editing and updating of the contents of directories is possible.

The program automatically generates a urban-planning plan for a land plot based on information about the plot and its parts. The urban-planning plan consists of text and graphic parts. To fill the graphic part, pre-prepared graphic files are used. To fill in the text part of the report, the metrics and semantics of map objects are used that characterize urban conditions: the boundaries of the land plot, existing capital construction facilities, the zone of permitted construction, the boundaries of the zone of acceptable location of the object, zones with special conditions for the use of the territory, red lines, easements. All necessary objects are included in the survey.v5.rsc classifier. The program provides the creation and configuration of reports based on stored registered data in the database and the values selected from the metrics and semantics of objects on the map. In order to automate the process, pre-prepared templates of the Microsoft Word format are used. All generated reports are files of the «*.xls» or «*.doc» format, and their viewing, formatting, saving and printing are performed using the functions of the Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel).

Generates the following reports:

  • Urban-planning plan of the land plot;
  • Building permit;
  • Permission to put the object into operation
  • Reconstruction of the property;
  • Printing the account details;
  • Printing lists of all registers of the Complex.