Cartography, photogrammetry

Panorama Photo

The program of processing materials of aerial photography (Panorama Photo) is intended for obtaining the digital information about area by materials of aerial photographing. Primary product of processing is the cloud of points on the basis of which a matrix of heights and an orthophotomap are created.

Panorama Photo

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The processing process is fully automatic, except for the optional step of measuring the support points, and consists of the following steps:

  • creation of the project;
  • orientation;
  • measurement of support points;
  • creation of a dense cloud of points;
  • creation of a matrix of heights;
  • creation of an orthophotomap.

At the first stage, a PPH project file is created and the names of photos from the project folder and all subfolders are entered into it. The file must be created in the folder containing the photos selected for processing.

Dialog Orientation

Dialog Orientation

After creating the project, the orientation dialog is immediately called. The coordinate system in which the target product will be created is defined in the "Coordinate system" group. If there are coordinates in Exif images, the elements of images orientation and points coordinates will be calculated in the specified coordinate system during orientation. If there are no coordinates in the images, then the transition to the selected coordinate system will occur after the measurement of support points.

After pressing the "Execute" button in the orientation dialog, the following main steps are performed:

  • 1. Measurement of points - search of especial points in the image and encoding them with a descriptor - a digital sequence that describes the colors of pixels in the nearest environment.
  • 2. Linking images - search of points on images corresponding to one point of the terrain.
  • 3. Preliminary orientation - sequential joining of images to the first image of the block, selected by the maximum number of links.
  • 4. Creation of a sparse point cloud - calculation of coordinates of points found on at least three images and their rejection by discrepancies in triplets.
  • 5. Equalization - minimization of discrepancies of points on images. During the equalization process, images orientation elements, coordinates of cloud's points and elements of interior orientation are refined.

Displaying images and points in the 3D window

Displaying images and points in the 3D window

After orientation, images and points are displayed in a 3D window for the analysing the quality of orientation.

The calculated elements of the interior orientation of the camera can be saved into a file by selecting the menu item «File» - «Save camera» for creating projects based on images taken by this camera in the future.

Mode of measurement of support points

Orientation by support points is not necessary if the images contain the coordinates of the photographing points. In this case, the orientation accuracy will be of the order of several meters. Support points should be written into a text file line by line in the format Point_number X Y Z. For orientation, 3 points are enough, but for a reliable assessment of accuracy, at least 10 points, evenly spaced in the survey area, are required.

After measuring 3 points on at least two images, the parameters of recalculation to the specified coordinate system are calculated. According to the results of the calculation, the table of discrepancies on the points is filled in and the root-mean-square error of orientation is calculated.

At orientation the rarefied cloud of points is created. The number of points in the rarefied cloud is insufficient for the detailed analysis of the terrain. Therefore after orientation the dense cloud is built.

Displaying a point cloud in the 3D window

Displaying a point cloud in the 3D window

Creating a matrix of heights

The matrix of heights is created on the basis of the cloud of points built at the previous stage of processing, and is necessary for the next stage of creating an orthophotomap. After creation the matrix of heights is written into a project folder. Displaying the created matrix of heights in the program is not provided, it can be viewed and used as an independent product in the GIS Panorama in the Complex of 3D analysis.

Displaying orthophotomap

Displaying orthophotomap

Creating orthophotomap

Orthophotomap - the raster image created in the coordinate system specified during project creation. Unlike the original images, there are no distortions in the orthophotomap for an inclination of the image and terrain. The size of an element of a created orthophotomap the user enters manually in the field «Element size». To make a decision, the user is shown hints with the average pixel size of the image and the size of the element of the selected matrix of heights. After creation the orthophotomap is loaded for viewing into the main window of the program.