Applications for Android/Linux

GIS "Panorama Mobile" for Android OS

GIS "Panorama Mobile" is the universal geoinformation system designed to work with digital maps in the format of the software product GIS "Panorama" on mobile devices with Android OS.

GIS MapView

Main functions

  • display of digital vector (topographic, operational situation, marine navigation and others), raster (Earth remote sensing data), matrix maps, map projects;
  • display of geoportals from the list;
  • combination of a set of displayed digital maps;
  • obtaining information about objects of digital maps (geometric and semantic characteristics);
  • receiving and displaying the coordinates received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver;
  • recording of data received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver as a trace file.

Main screen

Installing and uninstalling the program

1. Installing a program from the Google Play app store

To install the application, you need to open the Google Play application store, enter the name of the Panorama Mobile application in the search bar and click the "Install" button.

Icon and name of the application in the Google Play app store

Figure 1 - Icon and name of the application in the Google Play app store

Direct removal is carried out using the "Delete" button of the "About application" menu.

2. Installing the program from the website of KB Panorama

To install the application, you need to download the panorama-mobile.apk file (section "Download" - GIS "Panorama Mobile") to your mobile device and select this file in the file manager for its automatic installation. If it is not possible to open the KB Panorama website from your mobile device, you can download the APK file using a PC.
To do this, connect the device to a desktop computer and use the file manager to copy the file to a mobile device.

3. Deleting the program

To delete the GIS "Panorama Mobile", you need to find the corresponding item by name in the "Settings" menu of "Applications". The result of this operation is shown in Figure 2.

GIS Panorama Mobile in the Applications menu

Figure 2 - GIS "Panorama Mobile" in the "Applications" menu

Direct deletion is carried out using the "Delete" button in the "Application Information" menu.

Starting and shutting down the program

To launch the program, select Panorama Mobile from the Applications menu.
To end the program, click "Stop" in the "Settings" menu of the "Applications" (see Figure 2).

Downloading digital maps to the device

For the convenience of working with digital maps, the application has an internal storage of maps.

Zip archive format is used to load digital maps into internal storage. To do this, on the PC, you need to select the map files along with the classifier, select compression to ZIP archive in the context menu. After that, place the created ZIP archive on your device and unpack this file into the internal data storage via GIS "Panorama Mobile".

Opening and displaying digital maps

When you start the program, the main window of the application will open.

The application is controlled through the side menu. To activate the side menu, you must press the "Menu" button in the upper left corner, or by pulling the menu from the left edge of the screen (see Figure 3).

View of the Toolbar dialog

Figure 3 - View of the "Toolbar" dialog

To open another digital map, you must first place it in the application's internal storage and then select the map from the "Map storage" menu on the toolbar.

To close the map, you must click the "Data List" button (see Figure 3) and click the "Close All" button.

Connecting geoportals

To open geoportals, you can use the main menu item of the application "Open geoportal" (see Figure 4). After activating the menu, a dialog will be presented (see Figure 4) from which you can select a geoportal.

Connecting geoportals

Figure 4 - Connecting geoportals

Состав данных

Combining the content of displayed data

To change the content of the displayed data, click the "Data list" button on the toolbar (see Figure 3).

Using the "Data List" dialog, the operator can add an arbitrary set of maps to the base map (opened first), which will be displayed layer by layer. Each of the maps, except for the base one, can be excluded from the displayed data using the "Data list" dialog.

Scaling and moving data

To scale and move data, two-point and one-point touch, standard for touch displays, are used. You can also zoom using the zoom buttons (see Figure 6).

Zoom buttons

Figure 6 - Zoom buttons

Viewing information about map objects

When you touch the map, a dialog of objects search results opens, which displays a list of objects located at a given point, and basic information for each of them.

Просмотр информации об объектах карты

Displaying the location according to the GPS/GLONASS receiver

To enable the display of the location on the map according to the data of the GPS/GLONASS receiver, you must open the "Geolocation" menu by pressing the activation button located to the right on the screen of the map displaying (see Figure 8).

After that, a marker will appear on the map, the position of which is updated when new coordinates are received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver (see Figure 9).

If devices are disabled at the time of activation of the geolocation service, a message about this will be displayed.

If the marker is not displayed, you need to check if receiving coordinates from the GPS/GLONASS receiver is enabled and check the availability of satellites.

Displaying the current position marker

Figure 9 - Displaying the current position marker

In order for the center of the map to automatically move to the point with the coordinates received from the GPS/GLONASS receiver, you must click the "Center the map" button in the "Geolocation" dialog (see Figure 9).

Track recording

To start recording the route, click the "Start recording the route" button of the "Current position" dialog (see Figure 9). The route file will be saved with the name Route_ _