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The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
KB "Panorama" has developed
The list of supported data types (formats) for loading has been updated. When loading data, operators are shown a description of the selected loading type, which specifies the required structure and composition of input data. Automatic filling of the "Presence of scanned document image" field has been added for analog geodetic materials and documents. Loading and updating of data with an arbitrary number of fields from CSV files has been optimized.
The system now displays a list of files included in datasets for maps, rasters, and matrices. Templates for State Geodetic Network and State Survey Network point statements have been updated.
Data security is ensured through access rights management based on security features integrated into the operating system. Regular authentication, digest authentication, system authentication (via web server), and domain authentication (Kerberos or ActiveDirectory) are supported. Additional security is provided through end-to-end authentication when working with the database. Database connections are established with the privileges of the system user. The complex is adapted to work on a wide range of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, MS Windows, and others) and architectures (Intel, Elbrus, Baikal). The program is registered in the domestic software registry under number 1862.
The Digital Map and Remote Sensing Data Bank serves as the foundation for building spatial data infrastructure at federal, regional, and municipal levels, as well as in corporate information systems. Within a unified geoinformation space, the Digital Map and Remote Sensing Data Bank implements the collection, storage, quality control, search, and delivery of spatial data in exchange formats. Spatial data selected through the program can be deployed for multi-user access on the GIS Server and published according to international OGC standards (WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS) on the
The current state of spatial data is displayed using schematic maps, which are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrices, and terrain models. The system provides remote placement of spatial datasets in file storage, version control of stored datasets, updating of data availability scheme maps, automated collection and formation of metadata, and formation and updating of geo-coverages. Automated collection and formation of metadata is performed according to ISO 19115:2003, Geographic information — Metadata and ISO/TS 19139, Geographic information — Metadata — XML schema implementation standards. The system automatically generates reduced copies of data images, verifies file checksums, and checks the completeness of datasets.
Spatial data placement in file storage is carried out with integrity verification, data structure and content control. Operation results are logged and recorded in the metadata database. Automatic backup of metadata and spatial data storage is provided with integrity control and data recovery. A multilingual interface is supported.
The new version of the program is available for download on the
KB "Panorama" has developed
The new version expands data import and export capabilities. Support has been added for the most common formats such as SVG, TIFF, CSV, DXF, SHP, MIF/MID, GeoJSON, GML, TXT, SIT, SITX, MAP, MPT, SXF, TXF, KML. Data republication from the "National Spatial Data System" geoportal has been implemented.
Linux family operating systems support has been improved. Support for Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 has been added. Qt5 support has been implemented for all supported operating systems, including Astra Linux, both for information display and for writing custom service libraries. New queries have been implemented: calculating the shortest distance from a point to an object, determining point coordinates based on distance from the object's start.
The user interface has been improved. A service layer closing button has been added for manual data replacement without stopping the service.
GIS WebService SE supports all international standards (OGC WFS, WFS-T, WMS, WMTS, WCS, WPS) used for spatial data transfer and display. The program implements the ability to serve tiles for any custom or local coordinate system. The application is developed for Windows and Linux platforms and is compatible with Apache, IIS, and nginx web servers.
The new program version and documentation are available on the website in the
KB "Panorama" specialists have successfully completed testing that confirms compatibility and correct operation of
KB "Panorama" in collaboration with
The video tutorial demonstrates KML data loading types both into a new map and into an existing one. During data import, loading is performed while preserving the graphical appearance of objects and according to the map resource classifier mp2map.rscz. This classifier is based on conventional symbols compiled from open sources. Object keys correspond to Garmin, Navitel, and other object types. To display KML file objects using unique keys used in the classifier, it is necessary to create a settings file. To fill in the settings table, you need to match the classifier object keys with KML file data.
During data loading, information is provided about the total number of objects, successfully and unsuccessfully created objects, and the number of unconfigured codes. You can find the training materials in the "Video Tutorials" section.