Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
In the KB "Panorama", a
Support for reading and writing shared object lists on the server (files *.obx) has been added for searching, performing overlay operations between lists, and preparing reports. The composition of diagnostic messages has been expanded, and the view of monitoring protocols for the GIS Server's operation status has been enhanced. The procedure for loading data into the Database as part of folders has been improved. When loading folders with the same name but different sets of data, a unique name for the set is generated, including the folder name and the main dataset name.
The GIS Server provides remote access to vector maps, remote sensing data, and spatial databases. Hosting data on the server ensures protection against illegal viewing, copying, modification, and printing. The new version of the program is available for download on the
In the KB "Panorama", the software complex "Workstation of agronomist" version 15.2 has been developed. In the new version,
During land management, thematic maps allow for a quick visual assessment of a particular territory. For example, the map of cadastre value of land plots has 5 gradations: up to 3 million rubles, from 3 to 15 million rubles, from 15 to 30 million rubles, from 30 to 100 million rubles, and over 100 million rubles. Land category map - 8: not established, agricultural lands, forest fund, water fund, specially protected areas, settlement lands, industrial lands, reserved lands. The map of types of permitted land use contains over 220 gradations.
An important set of tools for a GIS specialist in creating infrastructure maps for agriculture is processing
To ensure consistency of symbol libraries on client machines,
For more flexible data preparation for printing, in the
The new version of the program is available for download in the
At KB "Panorama,"
In the Routes component, history saving, route export, and the ability to build routes using Yandex.Maps service have been added. An Overview Map component has been added for evaluating the current map window location and quick navigation across the terrain. The administration module now includes the capability to change the application's logo.
GIS WebServer SE is used in building closed corporate systems with data protection classified as secret or commercial secrets. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the
Based on GIS WebServer SE and other server products from KB "Panorama," the Regional
In KB "Panorama," the
Considering changes in land management and cadastral legislation, the composition of screen buttons in several panels has been modified. Screen buttons activating modes for creating outdated document forms have been removed: "Layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan", "To insert in WORD the picture of selected fragments of map" and "To generate out-of-frame representation of DCM (duty cadastral map)". The button "Information from the State Real Estate Cadastre" has been moved to the "Cadastral Documents" module. The placement of buttons on the panels "Constructions along the object", "Modification of geometry of objects", "Formation of reports", and "Processing of attributes of objects" has been optimized. The button relocations were done with the refinement of the functional purpose of individual modes in mind.
In the dialog
In the
In the
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".