In KB "Panorama," the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.2.0 has been developed. The new version includes expanded tools for processing spatial data to prepare cadastral documents.
Considering changes in land management and cadastral legislation, the composition of screen buttons in several panels has been modified. Screen buttons activating modes for creating outdated document forms have been removed: "Layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan", "To insert in WORD the picture of selected fragments of map" and "To generate out-of-frame representation of DCM (duty cadastral map)". The button "Information from the State Real Estate Cadastre" has been moved to the "Cadastral Documents" module. The placement of buttons on the panels "Constructions along the object", "Modification of geometry of objects", "Formation of reports", and "Processing of attributes of objects" has been optimized. The button relocations were done with the refinement of the functional purpose of individual modes in mind.
In the dialog "Editing attributes of a cadastral object", when entering and editing document information, the ability to copy the "Permitted Use" document into the "Category" document (as they often coincide) has been added. Additionally, document sorting and search by the first letters of a word in the list have been implemented. In the "Basic Information" tab for land plots with a single land use type the field "Cadastral Number" has been added to enter the cadastral number for a single land use.
The "Land Survey Plan" mode has been updated, and XML file generation according to schema version 9 has been improved. A variable selection of formula values from semantics or program settings has been added for filling in elements such as "Accuracy of position of characteristic points of land plot boundaries", "Accuracy of position of characteristic points of part boundaries", "Accuracy of area determination of land plots", and "Accuracy of area determination of parts of land plots". Inaccuracies in filling in elements UrbanDistrict, ChangeBorder, Formula, and information about characteristic points of subordinate contours of multi-contour plots have been corrected.
In the "Technical building plan" dialog, insertion of characteristic point attributes containing height mark values for elements N1 and N2 with rounding to 0.1 in the XML file has been added. In the structured address retrieval dialog using the "FIAS Address" button, address retrieval has been corrected for regions with codes 1-9, and the region directory version has been updated.
In the "Correction of registry errors" mode, recording of the RegNumbBorder element in the XML document has been improved. In the mode dialog, when filling in the table "Geodetic Base Information," calling the "Base of cadastral works" dialog with activation of the "Geopoints" tab has been implemented. Reading geopoint information and filling in data on the form have been added. Reading the semantics code "Correction Feature" has been corrected. When generating a text report, filling in new markers #ZONE#, #BUILDS#, #KADNUM_L# has been added. The marker #KADNUM_DOP# has been removed. Recording of deleted points has been corrected, and functions have been added to remove empty lines between report sections. An unnecessary line in the report is removed if there is no original object in EGRN for the object. When inserting images into the report, calculation of image width and height based on graphic file dimensions and allowable image insertion area has been added. The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of South Africa, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
The largest XI International IT conference "Stachka" will take place in Ulyanovsk from April 12 to 13, 2024. The event will be held at the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University.
Specialists from KB "Panorama" will present two reports in the "GIS" section. The first report will focus on import substitution in the field of GIS (speaker - Denis Vitcko). It will be useful for architects, project managers, and customers facing the task of transitioning to GIS that are independent of imports, including in accordance with Federal Law No. 491-FZ of August 4, 2023. The second report on the application of neural networks in digital cartography will be presented by Candidate of Technical Sciences Petr Sotnikov. The report will cover a wide range of topics: from choosing a neural network to programming the server part of the geoservice, utilizing GPU capabilities, and developing the frontend.
"Stachka" includes six directions: development, digital marketing, management, IT in industries, design and content, startups. The conference will feature over 200 reports from specialists with high grades and extensive experience in the IT industry - they will share knowledge and real cases. In addition, the "Stachka" program includes networking zones, master classes, masterminds, round tables, a video game exhibition, and a vibrant afterparty.
Tickets for the event are available for purchase on the organizer's website A 10% discount on tickets is provided for our users and friends using the special promo code "Panorama." We look forward to seeing you at "Stachka"!
KB "Panorama" has developed GIS "Panorama"version 15.2.0. In the new version, tools have been added for creating and applying a linear coordinate system for various categories of linear objects: pipelines, road networks, and others. A linear coordinate system is a system for measuring the linear coordinate along the contour of an object from the first point of the object to a specified point. The linear coordinate is a measurement in meters along an axis that sequentially passes through all the contours of the linear object from the first point of the metric of the first contour. The definition of a linear coordinate system is carried out relative to established calibration points located along the object's contour. The main purpose of calibration points is to facilitate the transition from flat rectangular coordinates to linear coordinates along the object and vice versa. Calibration points are usually created based on real point objects located along the contour of the linear object. For example, compressor stations along a pipeline have passport values of linear coordinates on the pipeline from its beginning. Kilometer posts along a road have passport values of distance from the assumed start of the road. The first point of the object may have a non-zero linear coordinate in the label. The linear coordinates of calibration points must strictly increase along the linear object. The number of calibration points for an extensive linear object can be arbitrary.
In the "Map Editor" task, a new panel "Linear Coordinate System" has been added. It combines modes that allow for the creation of a linear coordinate system for objects, converting flat rectangular systems to linear coordinates and vice versa. The new panel includes the following modes: - Adding a point event - creating a point or vector object at a specified linear coordinate on a given route. - Adding a linear event - adding a linear object to the map based on the minimum and maximum values of the linear coordinate on a specified route. - Placing milestones - creating a sequence of point or vector objects along the route axis with a specified step from a given point and up to a specified maximum distance. - Creating routes - automatically generating routes of the linear coordinate system based on selected object types. - Creating a route - interactively adding calibration points to routes based on selected or chosen point objects that have corresponding values in their semantics. - Creating calibration points - interactively adding calibration points to routes at specified locations. - Deleting calibration points - removing specified existing calibration points from the route. - Moving calibration points - changing the position of a calibration point on the route within the neighboring points without changing its linear coordinate value. - Displaying linear coordinates - visualizing all existing calibration points on all routes with their linear coordinate values labeled. - Route control - analyzing the correctness of the linear coordinate values of calibration points on the route. The mode button "Calls dialog viewing results of check" has been moved to the group of modes "Measurement and results of check".
In the modes of cutting and slicing objects based on lists, the ability to process objects belonging to complex lists has been added. The lists of reference and editable objects can contain objects from one or several maps opened in a single window. The cutting and slicing modes based on lists are located in the "Group of modes Cut and combine" editor panel and in the "Lists of objects" dialog, which is accessed from the main program panel.
The task "Automated Generalization of Topographic Maps" has been improved to transform a map of the original scale into a map of a finer (derived) scale. The process of map transformation consists of a series of sequential stages initiated by buttons in the automated generalization complex panel. In the new version, the ability to start the entire generalization process with a single button "Execute Generalization" has been added. This mode can be executed with minor adjustments to the generalization parameters for repeated execution of the entire procedure to obtain ready map sheets for a specified area.
The task of connecting geoportals has been enhanced. New layers have been added to the Rosreestr geoportal - Thematic Maps. The following layers have been added: Cadastre Value of Land Plots, Land Categories, Types of Permitted Land Use.
The task "Automatic Label Placement" has been improved to increase processing speed and accuracy of label placement relative to objects. On test examples, the number of created labels has increased by 15% due to more compact placement.
A tool for centralized updating of classifiers on client workstations when updating classifiers on the GIS Server has been added. For this purpose, a "Host" field with classifiers etalons on GIS Server has been added to the "Placement of data" dialog. The host address where the GIS Server version is not lower than 11.0.8 is set in this field. The GIS Server Administrator should specify the placement of the shared classifier folder on the server. Classifiers placed in the shared classifier folder on the server will be automatically updated on the client if the GIS Server host is specified. If classifiers with the same name and extensions RSC and RSCZ are simultaneously recorded on the GIS Server, only RSC will be considered. If an RSC classifier is placed on the server and an RSCZ classifier is on the client, or vice versa, automatic replacement of the classifier type based on the server type will be performed. To reduce network load, updates can be delayed by tens of seconds.
The task of saving a vector map in SHP format has been improved. When processing object attributes on the map, the presence of repeating semantics is taken into account. Values of such semantics are combined into a string with a ";" delimiter and entered into a single field in the DBF table format. This allows for correct display of repeating characteristics for further processing of the resulting files.
The main menu of the application now includes a "View - Selected Objects" option, containing submenus: "Show only selected objects", "Hide only selected objects", and "Reset the set display parameters of map objects". This mode allows you to set the map composition based on selected objects. For example, using the modes on the main panel "Select arbitrarily specified" and "Select by conditional sign", you can choose individual objects or categories of objects and then hide them from view through the menu item "View - Selected Objects - Hide selected objects". To save the set display conditions of map objects in the project, select the menu item "File - Save As - Map Project (MPT)".
The "Map Composition" dialog has been enhanced. A feature has been added on the "Numbers" tab to set a unique number for an object that will temporarily not be visible on the map. After reopening the map or clicking the "Reset" button in the dialog window, the object's visibility will be restored. The object hiding mode is applied, for example, when preparing various reports for printing.
Vector map control has been improved. When checking map attribute data, control of the number of "Map Frame" objects has been added, as well as checking the closure of the frame contour and the correctness of the number of frame points. For maps with projections other than Gauss-Kruger, frame control is simplified: closure and presence of at least four contour points are checked. For topographic maps with Gauss-Kruger projection, a check for compliance with the nominal meridian has been added.
The "Cadastral Documents" task has been improved. A button for the "Information from the State Real Estate Cadastre" mode has been added to the panel. In the "Boundary Plan version 9" mode, the generation of the XML file has been improved. When forming land plots for the created parts, the recording of the Formula node in the area details of the part has been corrected. When creating the ChangeBorder node for clarified points, the filling of the NumGeopoint attribute has been corrected. When generating the XML file of the boundary plan, a variable selection of formula values from semantics or program settings has been added to fill in the following elements: "Accuracy of the position of characteristic points of land plot boundaries," "Accuracy of the position of characteristic points of land plot parts boundaries," "Accuracy of determining the area of land plots," "Accuracy of determining the area of land plot parts." In the "Registry Error Correction" mode, the recording of the RegNumbBorder element has been corrected when generating the XML document. In the "Registry Error Correction" dialog, when filling in the "Geodetic Base Information" table, a dialog for "Cadastral Survey Database" is called and the "Geopoints" tab is activated. Reading of geopoint information and filling in data on the form have been added. When generating a text report, filling in new markers #ZONE#, #BUILDS#, #KADNUM_L# has been added. The #KADNUM_DOP# marker has been removed. When inserting images into the report, calculation of image width and height based on the graphic file dimensions and allowable image insertion area has been added. In the "Technical Plan" mode, insertion of semantic attribute values 1318 and 1319 into the XML file has been added when filling in elements N1 and N2 with rounding to 0.1. In the "Semantic Editing" dialog, when entering and editing document information, the ability to copy a document on permitted use into a category document and sorting and searching documents in the list by type (first letters of words can be entered) have been added. A check for data changes when closing the dialog without saving has been added. The "Cadastral Number of Object" element is displayed on the "Basic Information" tab for entering the cadastral number value of unified land use if the parcel type is unified land use.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
GIS "Panorama" expands the application of linear coordinate systems1GIS "Panorama"
In the Aeronautical Information Documents Preparation Complex, directories have been updated to maintain the database in accordance with ICAO requirements
At KB "Panorama," a version 8.2.7 of the Aeronautical Information Documents Preparation Complex was developed under the management of GIS "Panorama" or GIS "Operator". In the new version, the directory "Approach Route Type" was updated in accordance with the requirements of ICAO Doc 8168 ("Flight Procedures". Volume II "Visual Flight Procedures and Instrument Procedures") and ICAO Circular 353 on transitioning from RNAV, GNSS, RNP APCH to RNP in approach chart designations. This directory is used when entering information in the landing route database using the "Enter Landing Routes" dialog and when creating frame design of aeronautical charts in the "Create Frame Design of Aeronautical Charts" dialog.
The lists of elements in the directories "Type of Final Approach Segment" and "Overflight Condition at Altitude" have been expanded for maintaining databases of relative and absolute obstacle overflight heights on airport approach courses and for forming a list of route maneuvers.
Aeronautical classifiers (dfc.rscz and dfc_en.rscz) have been improved according to the requirements of ICAO Doc 8697 ("Aeronautical Chart Manual") and the AIP of the Russian Federation. The appearance of objects has been updated: "Approach Path Line" and "Second Circuit Departure Path Line".
The Aeronautical Information Documents Preparation Complex is a set of tools for maintaining aeronautical data, modeling and analyzing aeronautical situations, creating aeronautical charts, and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight Scheme Design" is used for designing departure, approach, and landing routes, as well as for flight safety analysis. The task "Assessment of Aerodrome Compliance with FAP Requirements" is intended for analyzing the aerodrome and its surrounding area for compliance with operational and aircraft flight requirements according to Federal Aviation Regulations.
The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents, operational documentation, video lessons and presentations are available for download on the Download page.
In the Aeronautical Information Documents Preparation Complex, directories have been updated to maintain the database in accordance with ICAO requirements1GIS "Panorama"