Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2024
In the KB "Panorama", a
In the "Subpanel Autoshapes" panel of the "Map Editor" task, new modes have been added: "Create double bergstrich on the closed contours", "Building an expanding zone", and "Fairway creation".
The mode "Create double bergstrich on the closed contours" allows for overlaying two hachures on closed horizontals. Their placement on the horizontal is determined automatically (in places furthest from the geometric center of the selected object). If an unclosed object is selected, one hachure is formed. Its placement is determined by the cursor position at the time of object selection. If there are selected objects on the map when the mode is activated, the program prompts to process all selected objects. In this case, paired hachures will be applied to all selected closed objects. The metric formation of the created object is automatically perpendicular to the selected object to the right of the digitizing direction of the chosen horizontal. The length of the created object is calculated according to the dimensions specified for it in the digital classifier.
The "Building an expanding zone" mode is used to display on transport map schemes the ways of servicing trains on sections where locomotives and locomotive crews operate. The expanding zone is a zone around a linear object, the radius of which increases uniformly from zero to a specified value set in the map editor parameters. The radius value can be changed during the mode operation from the menu that appears with the right mouse button. The type of object to be created is selected from the classifier in the standard "Create Object" dialog box.
The "Fairway creation" mode is used to build a centerline based on the metric of an elongated area object, such as a river, lake, reservoir, and others. When the mode is activated, a dialog box appears to choose the type of object from the classifier, the symbolic representation of which will show the constructed centerline (fairway) on the map. When selecting a map object, the centerline will be built along the length of the entire selected object.
A new mode "To set register for the text of selected labels" has been added. This mode allows you to choose one of the following options for adjusting the label: the first letter of the label is uppercase, the rest are lowercase; all letters in the label are uppercase; or all letters in the label are lowercase. After setting the mode, you need to select a "Label" type object on the map that will be adjusted according to the chosen method. The mode also supports batch processing of selected labels on the map.
In the "Map Editor" task of the "Group of modes Cut and combine" panel, a new mode called "Formation of common external border" has been added. This mode is designed to create a common external boundary for a group of selected objects on the map. For example, this mode can be used to create the boundary of a region in the Russian Federation based on the selected administrative districts within it. A similar result can be achieved by stitching together the selected districts, but stitching is a noticeably longer process. The results of these modes also differ. When stitching, all sub-objects that were part of the original objects are retained. When creating a common external boundary, the metrics of the original objects used to create the boundary remain unchanged, but a new object is created that follows the outer contour of the selected original objects. Certain restrictions are imposed on the original data when creating a common external boundary. Each object used to create the boundary should not overlap with segments of other selected objects. Additionally, the original objects must be topologically consistent, meaning that points on the boundary fragment of the external contour of each boundary object must have corresponding points on neighboring boundary objects. To perform the process, select a group of objects to be combined on the map, activate the mode, and choose the type of object to create the external contour (linear or area).
The "Creation under scenario" mode of the "Map Editor" task has been improved. This mode allows for quickly creating a specific set of objects by selecting a creation scenario from the dialog box "Scenario choice". By choosing the desired scenario and clicking " Backspace," the user can quickly place a group of objects on the predefined map, guided by prompts in the bottom left corner of the window. The data and order of creation are pre-defined and stored in scenario files, which are text files named after the map classifier file. Scenario files can be created or edited using any text editor. The created file can also be edited in the "Editing of the scenario" dialog.
In the new version of the program, a mechanism for autosaving a full copy of the map during editing has been implemented. To automatically save locally stored maps on the user's computer, it is necessary to add the map to the list of maps for autosaving in the "Autosave maps" dialog and set the frequency of creating copies. The user specifies the number of hours after which autosaving is performed in case of any changes, or the number of changes since the previous copy was created, upon reaching which the data saving operation is executed. Copies are created in the local or network folder (storage) specified by the user. For each map, a subdirectory is created with the name of the map and a GUID identifier. If a GUID was not set in the map, it will be filled automatically. Inside this subdirectory, directories are created with the year number, current date, and copy number for the current date. A specified number of copies can be saved per day. If conditions for creating new copies arise when the maximum specified number already exists, intermediate copies closer in time to neighboring instances are deleted. The remaining copies are sequentially renumbered. When copying the map, all data files and service files are saved. The copy creation log includes a record with the copy creation time, path to the original map, and path to the created copy.
The task of importing from DXF format has been improved. Support for various code pages set in the DXF file has been added for correct processing of labels on the map. Algorithms for reading spatial data in DBM format from
GIS "Panorama" includes tools for displaying and processing vector, raster, and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks such as modeling the movement of special objects against a 3D model, predicting consequences of emergencies at hazardous facilities, monitoring aircraft movements, conducting geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed spatial data on various output devices, and many others.
The new version of the program is available for download in the
The new version has expanded capabilities for working with
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
The address database used in the
The structure of the State Address Register provides users with the opportunity to select an address based on municipal and administrative-territorial divisions. For compatibility with outdated address registers (KLADR and FIAS), the address database based on SAR contains unique codes of address objects registered in these systems.
The address database of the GIS "Panorama" is created based on publicly available information posted on the Internet in the form of open data file downloads. The latest versions of GIS "Panorama" and "Cadastral Engineer's Workplace" are available for download in the
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".