Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
In KB "Panorama" the
In the "Map contents" component, the ability has been added to publish maps in SXF, TXF, KML, SHP, MIF, GML, GeoJSON formats. The data is placed either in the selected user folder or in temporary storage. If you need to add a set of files (for example, your own classifier), downloading is provided in the form of a ZIP archive. The file/archive size is arbitrary, sending is done in batches.
Hints on the map, in addition to point objects, are now displayed for areal and linear objects. Pop-up information is placed next to the cursor when you hover over an object.
The "Share" component now retains displaying the interface of last active task. In the administration module, the icon for the map contents tree can now be set as a link to an arbitrary resource.
GIS WebServer SE is used to build closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or trade secret. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the
On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other server products of KB "Panorama" the
The new version of the program is placed on the site in the
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 15.0.1 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk"). In the new version, digital classifiers for maps of the operational situation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and aeronautical maps have been improved, the tolls for editing terrain maps have been expanded, and a new type of displaying vector data has been added.
Into the classifier of operational situation a new layer "Migration units" has been added to the classifier, the line of conventional symbols in the layers "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", "Types of outfits (functional groups)", "Migration units" has been expanded. Names of the layer and objects have been changed, the type of objects was changed from vector to linear. The mvd.rsc classifier is formed on the basis of the operator.rsc digital classifier, which implements the requirements of the KEUZ-2012 standard.
Based on the document "Methodology of preparing for publication of a collection of aeronautical information (ANI)", reference values for the characteristic "32858 List of abbreviations" have been added into the aeronautical classifiers dfc.rscz and dfc_en.rscz. For the conventional symbols "Obstacle", "Approach lights", "Planned route", "Group of obstacles", "Direction of entry into the flight information region", "PAPI landing lights", changes have been made to the external view of objects. Aeronautical classifiers contain a description of layers, objects and their characteristics that provide digital representation of information about the structure of airspace - air traffic services (ATS), airspace restrictions, ATS routes, turning points and radio navigation aids, aerodrome networks and obstacles. These classifiers are used to prepare aeronautical documents that are used in planning the structure of the airspace, for laying and studying the flight route, engineering and navigation calculations of the flight, maintaining visual radar orientation, designing routes and determining flight navigation parameters.
Into the "Change object type" mode of the task of editing vector maps for converting areal objects into vector ones, the ability to construct a new metric over a larger segment of the original object has been added. This mode can be used, for example, to generalize area structures that are not expressed on the map scale. The new mode of displaying vector spatial data "Draft with nodes and border" has been added. When it is enabled, the nodal points of objects and their borders are displayed. This allows you to more accurately customize the parameters of conventional object symbols.
GIS "Operator" SE is a universal domestic geoinformation system for law enforcement agencies. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Operator" SE contains means of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of a 3D model, predicting the consequences of emergencies at hazardous facilities, monitoring aircraft movement, conducting geodetic and topographic work, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
New version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the
Possibility of fast viewing the information about a map object has been added. When you select an object on the map, a dialog with information about it is immediately displayed. Filtration of the metadata table does not occur. If there are several objects in the selection point, information about the first one is displayed. For integration with other systems and applications there were added the events - downloading of data sets, loading of the data. Tracing these events, it is possible to carry out additional operations with data. For example, data transmission into other systems or creation of reports. Search and selection of objects on a map through 180 meridian has been improved.
The list of metadata fields for geodetic points has been expanded. Ability has been added to download/export the status of coordinates and heights of geodetic points (main or additional). Formation of a report on presence of materials in PDF format has been optimized, the classifier of maps-schemes has been updated. Uniting of geodetic points into clusters has been implemented, and new types of objects have been added. The list of diagnostic messages and error messages has been expanded.
Safety of the data is provided with differentiation of access rights on the basis of the means of safety which are a part of an operating system. Usual check of authenticity, the digest-authentication, system check of authenticity (web server means) and domain (Kerberos or ActiveDirectory) is supported. Additional safety is provided with use of a through authentication at work with a database. Connection to base occurs to the rights of the user working with system. The complex is adapted for work on a wide spectrum of operating systems (Astra Linux SE, ALT Linux, Elbrus, Ubuntu, CentOS, MS Windows and others) and architecture (Intel, Elbrus, Baikal). The program is registered in the domestic software register under number 1862.
The databank of digital maps and remote sensing data is the basis for building infrastructure of spatial data of federal, regional and municipal levels, in corporate information systems. Within the framework of a single geoinformation space, the Data Bank of digital maps and remote sensing data realises gathering, storage, quality control, search and delivery of the spatial data in exchange formats. The spatial data selected by means of the program can be placed for the multiuser access on the
The current state of spatial data is displayed by means of maps-schemes that are maintained for each type of stored data: vector maps, remote sensing data, elevation matrixes and terrain models. It provides remote placing the sets of spatial data into file warehouse, keeping versions of stored sets, updating maps-schemes of data availability, the automated collection and formation of metadata, and the formation and updating of geocovers. Automated collection and formation of metadata is performed according to the standards of ISO 19115: 2003, Geographic information - Metadata and ISO/TS 19139, Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation. The reduced copies of data images are automatically formed, checksum of files and completeness of data sets are checked. Placement of spatial data into file storage is performed with integrity check, control of data structure and content. The results of the work are recorded and are entered into the metadata base. Automatic backup of metadata and spatial data storage with integrity control and data recovery has been provided. Multilingual interface is supported.
The new version of the program is available for download on the