Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2024
In KB "Panorama" the
The new version adds support for source data in SITZ, MPTZ format and geoportals according to OGC WMS, WMTS standards. MPT projects containing connections to web services and servers can serve as input data. Tile pyramids can be created based on a combination of digital vector maps, satellite and aerial photography, elevation matrixes, data from geoportals and other data. To read the source data, the program can connect to a
The program allows you to cut tiles by geospatial databases managed by PostgreSQL, MS SQL and Oracle, in accordance with the OGC 06-103r4 standard: "OpenGIS Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture". Communication with the database is carried out on the basis of a pre-customized DBM file (project) created in the service administrator. The DBM file contains a description of the parameters of a digital vector map, in the form of which a set of data from a database (a table, a view, or the result of an SQL query) will be displayed. The parameters include: the conditional name of the map; the RSC classifier file containing the library of conventional symbols; the code of the coordinate system (standard EPSG code or user code from the crslist file.xml); the map scale, in which the conventional symbols are displayed at a single scale (in the sizes that are specified in the classifier). Tile data generated by the Imagery Service is used by
The new version of the program is available on the
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have improved digital classifiers for aeronautical maps, maps of the operational situation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and schemes for the availability of spatial data sets.
Aeronautical classifiers dfc.rscz and
Digital classifiers dfc.rscz, dfc_en.rscz are included in the GIS "Panorama" and the
The digital classifier mvd.rsc is intended for creating electronic maps of the operational situation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A new layer "Migration units" has been added to the classifier, the line of conventional symbols in the layers "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation", "Types of outfits (functional groups)", "Migration units" has been expanded, the names of the layer and objects have been changed, the type of objects was changed from vector to linear. The mvd.rsc classifier is formed on the basis of the operator.rsc digital classifier and is included into
A list of conventional symbols has been added in the maprulem.rsc classifier: "FAGS point-lost", "VGS point-lost", "SGS point-1- not found", "AGS point of II class-active", "GSS point IV class-not found". Objects are united into series and clusters corresponding to the code - "GSS point of IV class - active", "GSS point of IV class - not found", "GSS point of II class - destroyed", "GSS point of II class - lost". For the "Point class" characteristic new reference values have been added. The modernized classifier maprulem.rsc is designed for schemes of availability of spatial data sets. The classifier is used in the program the Complex of conducting a databank of digital maps and remote sensing data.
Updated classifiers are available for download in the
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed the map of the Magadan region on the geoportal
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on working with a project in the GIS "Panorama" system, which contains a PostgreSQL database.
The user database (DB) management system is an integral part of the GIS "Panorama" system and is designed to work with data stored in database tables on a local or network disk. Work with DBMS dBase, MS SQL, PostgreSQL is supported. The database may contain attributive information about map objects in addition to its semantic characteristics. The database allows you to structure, store and process data of various types by creating user projects.
The video lesson demonstrates how to restore a test database using the pgAdmin 4 GUI, create an ODBC data source using the "ODBC Data Source Administrator" and connect the database in the
You can view the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the
The urban planning cadastre database complies with the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2020 No. 433/pr and the rules for maintaining state information systems for supporting urban planning activities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 2020 No. 279 "On information ensuring urban planning activities."
In the new version the digital classifiers used for creation of digital maps used in urban-planning activity have been updated, including: terrplan.rsc, urban.rsc and survey.rsc. The terrplan.rsc classifier was prepared in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 620 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 09/06/2023 and is used to create territorial planning schemes and master plans. The urban.rsc classifier complies with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated 08/06/2020 No. 433/pr and is used for territorial zoning maps, territory planning projects, improvement schemes, plans for ground and underground communications and maintaining spatial data of state information registers systems for supporting urban planning activities in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the order. The survey.rsc classifier for maintaining a duty cadastral map, which displays the boundaries of land plots and real estate objects, complies with the requirements of Federal Laws No. 221-FZ "On Cadastral Activities" and No. 78-FZ "On Land Management". The cadastral map is created according to the XML document of the cadastral extract, which is requested on the public services portal of Rosreestr or in the territorial divisions of Rosreestr.
The methodology for the integrated use of digital maps and a database of urban planning information and documents, information about the structure of registers of state information systems for supporting urban planning activities and the procedure for establishing spatial connections with a multilayer digital map is given in the document "Description of application".
"Workstation of urban planner" includes directories and classifiers necessary for processing information, documents, materials placed in the state information systems of supporting urban planning activities.Modules and modes of the "Workstation of urban planner" provide support for formats of providing information, documents, and materials contained in state information systems for supporting urban planning activities, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.
The new version of the program is available for download in the