Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and placed the map of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data". The map was formed using OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you can use the GIS Panorama Mini program or other software products of KB "Panorama".
The map was led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and was saved into a packed project (MPTZ). The MPTZ format project includes a digital map of the region's territory (country, subject of the federation, administrative region) and a digital classifier. Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data. Publishing contents of bank of spatial data on the geoportal and data access for downloading are implemented by means of GIS WebServer SE.
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson about the procedure for creating a database of aeronautical information (ANI) from scripts in the installation. The user needs to install the Complex for AI documents preparation and the standard pgAdmin control program. Installation and customization of the complex is possible if the GIS "Panorama" or GIS "Operator" is available on the computer. Complex for AI documents preparation consists of applied tasks, a database, a working aeronautical map and exchange files of ARINC format. The applied task "Preparation of AI documents" is intended for maintaining a database and preparing aeronautical maps for analysis, modeling and publication.
The database creation process includes two stages. The first step is to create an empty database. At the second stage, the procedure for filling out basic information from scripts is considered. Scripts are placed in the Setup.Ani directory, which is part of the software package.
You can view the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.16.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu and MS Windows. In the new version the tools of spatial analysis, search and export of data have been expanded. Components for work with map objects have been updated, the administration module has been improved.
The ability to search for objects located at a specified distance, as well as objects from one list that begin or end in objects of another list has been added to the Object Lists component.
Possibilities of export of search results on a map has been expanded. Besides an output into CSV file, a table with objects can be downloaded in XLSX format, and also copied to the clipboard for subsequent pasting into MS Word.
In the administration module, the ability to specify a filter has been added that limits the display of information by the values of the semantic characteristics of map objects. Also, for maps, a setting for a list of semantics has been added that contains links to images of the object’s gallery.
GIS WebServer SE is used to build closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or trade secret. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE toolkit, which can be used in development tools using JavaScript and TypeScript.
On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other server products of KB "Panorama" the Regional GIS of the Ryazan region (RGIS RО) has been implemented. RGIS RО is a specialized multifunctional geoportal, the interactive capabilities of which provide access to reliable information about objects of various categories. RGIS RO is available to a wide range of users - to the authorities, citizens, organizations, including potential investors and private companies. The regional GIS of the Ryazan region helps in making decisions in various areas of socio-economic development.
The new version of the program is placed on the site in the Download section.
In GIS WebServer SE, tools for analyzing the socio-economic state of territories have been improved2Server applications
Complex for preparing aeronautical information documents ensures the maintenance of a database of boundaries of zones (districts) of the Joint ATM in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 134
In KB "Panorama" the Complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information version 8.2.2 under the control of the GIS "Panorama" is developed. In the new version, in the "Input airports and heliports to database" dialog, it is possible to maintain a database of vertical boundaries of airspace structure elements (zones (regions) of the Unified Air Traffic Organization of the Russian Federation, dangerous and prohibited zones, flight restriction zones) in two measurement systems ( feet and meters). The mode has been modified in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No.134 from 4/13/2022, No.171, №172 and No.173 from 5/11/2022. In the program the additional entry fields of parameters for vertical boundary of an airspace structure element have been added.
In the "Output of prohibited, danger and restriction zones" and "Output of ATS regions" dialogs, modes have been added that allow you to generate an object signature taking into account the values of the upper and lower limits of the heights of airspace elements in feet, in meters, in feet and meters.
The air navigation classifier (dfc.rscz) has been modified in accordance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization, as set out in ICAO Doc 8697 ("Manual of Aeronautical Charts").
The complex of preparing documents of aeronautical information is a set of tools for maintaining an aeronautical data base, a modeling and analyzing the aeronautical situation, generating aeronautical maps and exchanging data with other information systems through export and import in the ARINC 424-19 exchange format and export in the AIXM 5.1 format. The task "Flight procedures design" is used to design the routes of departure, approach and landing and to analyze the safety of flights on them. The task "Assessment of compliance for aerodromes with the requirements FAR" is intended for the analysis of the aerodrome and the aerodrome environs for the suitability for operation and aircraft flights in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
The new version of the program, examples of aeronautical information documents, operational documentation, video lessons and presentations are available for download on the Download page.
Complex for preparing aeronautical information documents ensures the maintenance of a database of boundaries of zones (districts) of the Joint ATM in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 1341GIS "Panorama"
"Workstation of cadastral engineer" supports the maintenance of the engineering communications plan
In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.0 has been developed. In the new version of the program the group of modes "Earth and Underground Communication Plan" has been developed. In work of new modes the classifier urban.v2.rsc is used created according to requirements of the order of the MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING AND UTILITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION No. 433/pr dated August 6, 2020 "On approval of technical requirements for maintaining registers of state information systems for urban planning, methods for assigning registration numbers to information, documents, materials placed in state information systems for ensuring urban planning activities, directories and classifiers necessary for processing the specified information, documents, materials, formats for providing information, documents, materials contained in state information systems for ensuring urban planning activities".
To maintain an engineering communications plan, modes are used that implement the technology for creating, updating and transferring information about objects and communication networks to the state ISOGD. The mode "Copy to another map" is intended for transferring point, line and areal structures from a cadastral map onto a map created using the urban.v2.rsc classifier. When transferring objects, it is envisaged to change the code of the cadastral object onto the codes of engineering communications objects. The mode "Control communication objects attributes" ensures checking and correcting the semantics of objects-communications after they have been transferred onto the engineering communications plan, removing redundant semantics and changing the codes of the necessary semantics. The mode "Apply communication objects" calls the panel "Layouts" with the customized set of buttons for drawing objects-communications on the plan. The program uses a pre-prepared layout corresponding to the objects of the urban.v2.rsc classifier. The mode "Export to GML" ensures the unloading of the engineering communications plan into GML format with a view to its subsequent transfer for inclusion into the corresponding GISOGD registry. Unloading is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Construction No. 433/pr dated August 6, 2020.
In the mode "Formation of a map-plan of the territory", the formation of a text report using the OpenXML technology has been added with the recording of the results into a DOCX file. The form of the report complies with the requirements of the order of Federal Agency of the state registration and cadastre dated August, 4th, 2021 N P/0337 "On establishing the form of a map-plan of the territory, the form of the act of coordinating the location of the boundaries of land plots when performing complex cadastral works and the requirements for their preparation."
The mode "Sign object turning points" has been improved. The ability to specify a postfix of points has been added, which ensures the formation of signatures of characteristic points of the boundaries of cadastral objects in accordance with the Order of Rosreestr No. P/0337 from 08/04/21. Obsolete elements have been removed in the dialog and a new field "Value SKP (Mt)" has been added. The value entered at this position is automatically inserted into the semantics of point objects. In all modes of formation of cadastral documents, the algorithm for filling in the SCP of characteristic points has been changed. For new characteristic points, in the absence of a value in the MT semantics, a value is inserted from the settings of the "Cadastral documents" module.
The mode "Base of cadastral works" has been improved. Fields "Type of network" and "Coordinate system" have been added into the table of points of the geodetic network, which were not enough to fill in the corresponding tables in the land survey and technical plans. Filling and editing these fields has been added into the dialog of geodetic points editing, a field displaying the coordinate system has been added into the tables with lists of geodetic points. To obtain information about geodetic points, the dialogs "Land Survey plan", "Technical plan", "Map-plan of the territory" have been improved, the selection of a geodetic network point from the catalog (CSV file format) has been replaced with a dialog with a list of geopoints from the database of cadastral works. Multiple selection of several survey points is supported.
In mode "Editing the semantics of object of cadastral works", the algorithm for saving information for a multicontour object into the semantics of the main object of the set has been improved. Geonyms of address elements are maintained in two versions: in the form of a simple text and in the form of value from a directory. Values from a directory are used for support of formation of the XML-document of the land survey plan of version 6.
"Sign the shortest distance to selected objects" mode has been improved, the ability has been added to select not only a linear, but also a point and areal object as a source object. This feature implements the functions of the "Range calculator", with drawing lines of soundings (ranges) and signatures of the line length onto the map.
The dialog "Search by cadastral number or address" has been improved. The element of selecting the search source has been changed, three sources have been made: a map, EGRN information and Yandex. The checkbox next to the "Find" button has been removed, its functions have been moved to the "Search source" element. If search operations do not have access to the necessary external resources (sites), a pop-up message is displayed with recording into the message log. There are added pop-up diagnostic messages: "API key for searching on an external resource is not filled", "Search string is not filled".
To support work with 3D metrics of objects obtained as a result of surveying terrain from unmanned aerial vehicles by point cloud, in the "Calculation of missing heights of points of a line" mode, the height interpolation algorithm has been changed. Height values of intermediate points (whose metrics are not copied from cloud points) are calculated using the spline interpolation method. There are two options for calling the mode: for one selected object or for a group of selected objects.
The task of connecting geoportals has been improved. The speed of loading and displaying tiles has been increased due to the automatic evaluation of computer parameters and the formation of a pool of independent threads for loading, processing and displaying the received data. So for a network with a bandwidth of 100 Mbps on a 4-core processor with a clock frequency of 3.5 GHz, the speed of displaying tiles from the KB Panorama geoportal has increased in 6 times, and the time to receive them has decreased from 500 ms to 70 ms. In order to increase the speed of data access for the WMS protocol, caching of data in the form of tiles has been added. The data is saved as a pyramid of 1024x1024 tiles in the geoportal cache location folder. This change will allow the user to accumulate data locally and, in the absence of the Internet, use the already accumulated data cache. In order to update previously saved data, it is possible to set the lifetime of the geoportal cache in seconds. Support for a proxy server with domain authorization has been added.
In the "Map Editor" task, the functionality for working with the filter of the table of objects during their creation has been expanded. Filtration of the classifier objects is carried out by such parameters as external code, key, object name, class/layer name. In the "Map Legend" task, a new tab "General list of data" has been added, designed to display a list of data in the sequence necessary for the user. The general list includes all types of data: maps, rasters, matrixes, models and geoportals which are included in the open document. In the "Classifier editor" task, the ability to edit the properties of several objects at once has been added. Now you can select the necessary objects and transfer them to another layer or class, write down a common name for them, edit the visibility scales, add, delete, change the status of semantics, edit properties such as the digitization direction, the limits of sign resizing, and others.
The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.