Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and posted on the geoportal
The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and saved to a packaged project (MPTZ). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the program
"Panorama Photo" allows you to solve problems in the field of urban planning and cadastral activities, national defense, mapping, ecology, forestry and municipal services, and others. The data generated in "Panorama Photo" are used as a reliable and visual control tool in the construction and reconstruction of various types of municipal property and transport infrastructure. On the basis of data prepared by the complex, the three-dimensional terrain models are created, construction and analysis of mathematical models of emergency situations in the
Orthophotomaps created in "Panorama Photo" are the basis for identifying and monitoring the places of storage of various types of waste, conducting an inventory of forests to assess damage from fires, air pollution and illegal logging.
"Panorama Photo" is an independent software package and does not require installation of additional components. Ease of learning and a convenient graphical interface will allow the user to quickly start working in the program.
To evaluate the product, you can use the program for free for 30 days. You can get acquainted with the "Panorama Photo" complex on the website in the
In KB "Panorama" the
To solve diverse tasks of processing spatial data, the start of Python scripts has been added into the "Run application" mode. The mode initially contains a basic set of scripts for demonstrating the execution of various procedures for processing the coordinates and attributes of objects of vector maps, solving computational problems, converting data and other tasks. To connect his own tasks, the user can create his own themes and fill them with the necessary set of scripts. For the convenience of the user, the creation of a new script and its editing can be performed directly from the dialog. When writing scripts, several thousand GIS core functions (MAPAPI) are available. Function prototypes are declared as imported Python scripts from the folder /var/Panorama/Panorama14/py_mapapi14. The function called from the script performs some autonomous action or uses the selected objects on the map. To enter additional data processing parameters, both GIS dialogs and dialogs written on the basis of a standard Tkinter component can be called. Scripts indicate the progress of data processing by indicating the name of the processing stage and the percentage of completion in the main application window. By results of the analysis and processing the objects of a vector map can be selected and used for the further processing in a chain of executed scripts or interactive application tools. Scripts can be preliminarily prepared in a text editor, which is part of the operating system, and then be started by means of the task from the GIS "Operator". Because the Python scripting programming language has a large set of connected modules, the user receives an easy-to-use and extensive auxiliary toolkit (mathematical calculations, processing of text and graphic data, work with a network and another).
Saving of digital maps into a file of vector format PDF has been added. Due to the fact that the vector PDF format preserves the display quality at any display scale, the new mode can be used in the process of preparing reporting documents. For example, a user can combine a set of open maps, save them in vector PDF format, and transfer the resulting file for viewing in original quality at any scale using standard operating system tools. The new mode allows you to save the entire map or only the required fragment according to a rectangular fragment, object, or the size of the current window. Printing is performed at an arbitrary scale: for example, the user can select a map fragment at a small scale, and output it to a file at a larger one. Display of rasters with smoothing has been added. At increasing the image of a raster more than in two times from the initial size in pixels the smoothing is carried out. The new algorithm of display allows to get rid of "pixelization" effect when you increase the rasters. Image smoothing is performed by bicubic interpolation method (by 16 nearest raster elements). Smoothing is enabled or disabled via the main menu: "View" - "Raster smoothing".
In the "Classifier editor" task, tools for the description of clusters, formations of XSD-scheme by the classifier and editing of a layer's external view have been added. When grouping more than one object of a given type in a virtual cell of a cluster, their conventional symbols will be automatically replaced by a symbol of the cluster, the center of which will have the average coordinate of the objects included into it. When you change the scale, the configuration of the clusters automatically changes. The conventional sign of the cluster can be programmable, which allows you to select the type of cluster in various ways and change the properties of the sign depending on the number of objects in the cluster (signature of the number, size of the sign, brightness). In this case, the cluster icon can contain only the number of objects or other complementary elements of the conventional symbol. When drawing an object, various semantics can be taken into account, including links to graphic files, which makes the generalized sign more complex and informative. Maps with clusters customized in the RSC classifier are automatically supported in all desktop and web applications, as well as in applications developed in the
Possibility of editing primitives "Table", "Line-colorglass" and "Cross polygon" has been added. The "Table" display type can be assigned to a point object that has a reference to CSV file in its semantics. Each column of the table can contain textual and numerical data, pictures (in PNG, JPG, BMP format), colored shapes and percentage scales. A table can have multiple pages.
The map with the created tables will have one view in desktop, mobile, web-applications on any platforms, with local placement or on the GIS Server and at printing. For the"Line - colored glass" and "Hatched polygon" views, the user can customize in addition to the color and thickness of the displayed lines, additionally the brightness, contrast and transparency.
Abilities of displaying titles have been expanded. New properties of design the titles allow to mark the title by a shade, outline, a background and a frame, and also to format the text taking into account a spacing sign (an insert of spaces) and the chosen register (uppercase, lowercase, as in a sentence). There is added the ability to change the thickness of solid and dashed contours of objects by the value of the service semantics "Line thickness in mm" (31005).
Possibilities of applying user semantics have been expanded for recording arbitrary object properties which are not described in the list of semantics of RSC classifier. User semantics are created when importing vector data (SHP, KML, MIF and others), when the field names (keys) of object attributes are not found in the selected RSC classifier. To support such semantics, temporary semantics are created in the RSC classifier in the range of codes 660000 and higher for the duration of a GIS session. Semantics name is filled by name of fields in the source vector data. When simultaneous opening several maps with one classifier, the list of temporary semantics will be supplemented with user semantics from all maps. When opening different combinations of maps, temporary codes in different sessions may have different values. When exporting vector maps to SXF and TXF files, user semantics is written with code 32862 and data record of the form "field_name:value". When imported, such semantics are transfered back into temporary semantics with the addition of new code to RSC. On the map, semantics are written with codes in the range from 60000 and above. The correspondence between the semantics code on the map and the field name is stored in the map metadata. When opening a map by the list of field names of user semantics, temporal semantics are automatically added into RSC.
Support of XML files having the size more than 4 GB has been added. Processing of XML format is used in a wide range of applications (for example, importing data in GML format). The digital classifier of sea maps S57navy.rsc and the procedure for importing digital maps of the S57 standard have been improved to increase the degree of compliance of the displayed maps with the S52 standard.
GIS "Operator" SE - universal domestic geoinformation system for power structures. The program is designed for accumulation, storage, the automated processing and display of data, calculation results and forecasts with geospatial reference. GIS "Operator" contains tools of displaying and processing vector, raster and matrix maps. The application provides users with tools for solving specialized tasks of modeling the movement of special objects against the background of 3D model, forecasting of consequences of emergencies at hazardous objects, monitoring of aircraft movement, conducting of geodetic and topographic work, processing the data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing the displayed spatial data to various output devices and many others.
The new version of the program is available for download in the Download section.
In KB "Panorama" the
A new task
To fill in the table, the analysis of changes by the operator of the work map and the analysis of changes in the corresponding fragment of the base map by other operators from the moment the work map was issued are carried out. Two sets of maps changes are compared against each other on absence of contradictions. If there are no conflicts, the lines of the change table contain green checkmarks and the corresponding changes can be accepted automatically. If there are contradictions, the lines contain question marks that require the intervention of the administrator who accepts the updated work map. The administrator must decide whether to accept or reject the current change. If the change is rejected, a red cross will appear in the selected cell of the table; otherwise, a green checkmark will appear. The status bar contains the number of decisions that were not made. Before accepting changes of the work map, it is recommended to resolve all contradictions. Such approach allows to minimise possible losses or information distortions when updating the map.
A new application
In the classifier editor, in the "Semantics" bookmark on the panel of properties, the
In the classifier editor in the "Objects" bookmark on the properties panel in the "Others" bookmark, the
When selecting objects at a point, design objects are skipped if the "Skip design objects" property is not disabled in the Options menu. This allows the operator to immediately turn to the description of the required terrain object, reducing the number of manual operations. The classifier for maintaining a unified digital cartographic basis (EEKO) for federal, regional, municipal purposes map5000m.rsc has been improved.
The task
Displaying sea maps according to the S52 standard has been improved. The implementation of the procedures has been refined: Depval - formation of depth values based on attribute values for underwater obstacles, taking into account underlying objects, Udwhaz - requesting the code of the displayed symbol and display flag, taking into account the depth of the obstacle, or requesting the code of an isolated underwater hazard with a depth less than the safety contour.
The block of geodesy and cadastral tasks has been improved. The mode
Report templates for the Forest Declaration have been developed that meet the requirements of Order No. 303 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2021. The mode
The new version of the program is available for download in the
In KB "Panorama" the
The Cartogram component supports interactive charts. The chart is created from various sources: according to the data when importing a csv file or according to the semantics of map objects. Interactive statistical chart elements help to analyze information online, view a list of map objects for a chart element, see the dynamics of indicator changes and reduce decision-making time.
Possibility to look through or edit a map has been added, using arbitrary user images of point objects. It allows to create new images of a map with the minimum efforts and time expenses. The required marker images are selected from the collection of application's images or can be uploaded to the server for use in the map.
GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. The program is certified by the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the
On the basis of GIS WebServer SE and other
New version of the program is posted on the website in the