Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of Podkarpackie and Podlaskie Voivodships (Poland) on the geoportal
The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the
Support for local coordinate systems allows the Map Editor to perform operations in meters. This eliminates the conversion from geodetic coordinates to meters and allows you to create and update cadastral plans and engineering schemes that require increased accuracy in storing coordinates. Work in LCS is supported for map layers published on
In the new version the toolkit for developing Web applications the
GIS WebServer SE is used in the construction of closed corporate systems to ensure the protection of data having a security classification or a trade secret. GIS WebServer SE certified by the 2nd level of control over the absence of undeclared capabilities. The new version of the program expands the possibilities of the application when solving problems of analysis, management and long-term planning of the development of territories. GIS WebServer SE is implemented using the GIS WebToolKit SE, which can be used in development tools that use the JavaScript and TypeScript.
The new version of the program is available on the website in the
In KB "Panorama" the
A new function (RunPyApplication) has been added that calls the
When writing scripts, several thousand API function are available. Function prototypes are declared as imported Python scripts from the folder \\GisTool14\Dll\X64\py_mapapi14. For proper processing of script strings containing national characters (Russian, Chinese, Spanish, and so on), the scripts must be encoded in UTF-8.
The function called from the script can perform some action on the selected object or on selected objects if the user has selected some objects on the map. To enter additional data processing parameters, both GIS dialogs and dialogs written on the basis of the standard tkinter component can be called. Scripts can indicate the progress of data processing by indicating the name of the processing stage, the percentage of execution, the number of processed and selected objects, the elapsed and remaining processing time. Based on the results of the analysis and processing of vector map objects, some objects can be selected that can be marked on the map as a result of working the script and/or for further processing in the chain of executed scripts or by interactive GIS tools.
To execute scripts, you must first download and install the Python interpreter. The basic set of scripts has been developed and tested based on Python version 3.7.9 on MS Windows 7 and higher, and version 3.10.5 on MS Windows 10. The base scripts are located in a shared folder like: \\GisTool14\Dll\X64\py_base14. A demonstration of working the RunPyApplication function is provided in the MapEdit application included into examples of the GIS ToolKit.
The GIS ToolKit consists of a set of visual components (supplied in source code) and API functions of the GIS core for direct access to spatial data. The toolkit is designed to develop client-server and desktop 32-bit and 64-bit applications that require processing and visualization of spatial data. Spatial data can be located both at the workplace (direct access to data), and in a local network or the Internet (access components to the
The new version of the program is available for download on the Download page.
Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of Kursk and Smolensk regions on the geoportal
The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
KB "Panorama" has prepared new versions of desktop GIS-applications for the operating system "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64). The line of software products for OS "Alt 8 SP" includes universal geoinformation systems the
GIS "Panorama" is the universal geographic information system that has tools for creating and editing digital maps and city plans, processing remote sensing data, performing various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data, tools of preparing graphic documents in digital and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases. GIS is used for mapping, land management and cadastre, geodetic surveys, and the creation of geoportals. The GIS is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.4227 dated March 29, 2018).
GIS "Operator" SE - universal domestic geoinformation system for power structures. The application provides users by tools for solving specialized tasks of modelling the movement of special objects on the background of 3D-model, aircraft movement monitoring, processing data from GPS/GLONASS navigation devices, printing displayed data onto various output devices, and many others. The map editor included into the software product, is equipped by the expanded set of modes for drawing of operative situations with use of a view of the objects specified by the user. GIS Operator SE is certified according to the 2nd level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.10628 of 05/27/2021).
GIS "Panorama Mini" is the universal geoinformation system designed to collect spatial data, maintain a database of spatial data, create and update digital maps and plans, and create information systems for various purposes. The GIS is included in the Unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (registry entry No.7226 dated 11/03/2020).
New versions of the program for OS "Alt 8 SP" are available for download in the