Copyright © Panorama Group 1991 - 2025
In KB "Panorama" the
The task of
Support of direct connection of geoportals by the TMS standard has been added. Two types of algorithms are supported: {z}/{x}/{y} and {z}/{y}/{x}. To connect, just enter the connection string and api key. This will allow you to dynamically add and view layers through the dialog Open map on WMS/WMTS service without the need to edit the wmslist_en.xml settings file.
Support of OpenStreetMap geoportal has been improved. New layers of data were added: bicycle map, map of airports, humanitarian map, map of transport.
New type of programmable signs has been added for
Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
There is significantly accelerated the opening of the
The new version of the program is available for download in the
Specialists of KB "Panorama" prepared and placed the maps of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea on the geoportal
The maps were led to the modernised classifier of large-scale plans of scale 1: 5 000 (map5000m) and were saved into a packed project (mptz). Publishing of updates in bank of spatial data is made by using the program of
Free maps on the basis of OpenStreetMap data are available for download on the page "Digital maps".
In KB "Panorama" the
The unified reference book is filled with information from the State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and contains the name of the active substance, the hazard class for humans, and the hazard class for bees in the field conditions. One of the main reasons for the death of bees in many countries of the world, including Russia, is the steady increase in the use of pesticides in agriculture. According to the appraisal of management of the
In new version of GIS WebServer AGRO the possibility of work with projects has been expanded that allows to set automatically project's settings (current organization and crop year). There are added a loading and selection of multipoint objects in the map, the ability to create and edit objects of the "Polygon with a point" type. "Map Editor" and administration module have been updated.
Synchronisation of the cartographical information described in base "Panorama АГРО" and the information published in
For collective work with the data the digital maps of farmland and an enterprise infrastructure are placed on the
The new version of the program is available on the website in the Download section.
Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson of
The training material demonstrates the features of data preparation, a filling the mandatory characteristics and the formation of an XML document the Certificate of inspection confirming the termination of existence of object of real estate according to requirements of Order of Rosreestr № P/456 of September 30, 2014 of year and the printed version in accordance with the requirements of the Order of Rosreestr № P/0217 of May 24,2021. On the basis of these orders in software products of KB "Panorama" the classifiers of conventional symbols
You can get acquainted with the training materials in the "Video lessons" section.
In KB "Panorama" the
Options for working with
New features provide filtering of event notifications from the video camera. The operator can select the types of events that interest him in the dialog
The task of
Conventional symbols have been added into the classifier of aeronautical maps to display the signatures of the minimum absolute flight altitude in the area with the value displayed in meters or feet. The symbols are designed in accordance with the requirements of Doc 8697 ICAO Guidelines for Aeronautical Charts.
The new version of the program is available for download in the