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  • 25.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed GIS Constructor version 10.6.0 for PS Constructor 1.8.5 (OS MSVS 3.0)
    GIS Constructor version 10 includes new components: "Graph of roads" and a component for remote data access through the GIS Server 2008. Component "Graph of roads" is designed to build the network, solve the transportation task, which includes finding the best path according to various criteria, the construction of the graph of distance, etc. Component of remote data access is used for collaborative work with vector maps, matrices and rasters with the control of user access through GIS Server 2008, which can be installed on Windows, Linux or Solaris. Diagnostic message components to the user are divided into groups: "Errors", "Warnings", "Information" , "Questions". Added a library to convert the data in S57 format into MAP format. Increased the number of examples demonstrating the work of GIS Constructor. Libraries of GIS-kernel were updated to version 10.6.2. New version of the program is available in the Download section.

  • 24.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed a new version of GIS WebServer 2.7 for x32 and x64 platforms
    GIS WebServer - a universal tool for developing geoportals of different purposes. The application is designed for publication in the Internet/Intranet electronic maps, remote sensing data and information from databases. The new version of GIS WebServer brings support of user's Windows-authentication. When you create objects on the map it provides an automatic link to a database table and runs input of attribute data. Search the map objects in the field has expanded with possibility of simultaneous automatic search of information about objects found in the map in the database table. Print selected fragment of the map can be made to a file or a specified printer. Expanded communication protocol of GIS WebServer with external applications via HTTP-request command. New version is on the site in the Download section.

  • 23.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed Complex of geological tasks
    "Complex of geological tasks" is a set of applications for GIS "Map 2008" processing of engineering and geological surveys, preparation and formation of drawings of engineering-geological columns and sections, calculate volumes and creating plans for earthworks. GIS "Map 2008" provides a set of functions focused on data processing of geodetic and geological engineering survey areas, process measurements, causing them to map and formation on the basis of the metric and semantic descriptions of objects of engineering drawings in an automatic mode. There is a digital classifier geology.rsc, created in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.302-96, for representation on the map of special engineering-geological objects. Standard features on the map display enhanced through the use of the functions of applied tasks "Engineering-geological column". Results of research areas can be inflicted on the map in the form of sampling points and make the semantics of the data object information about the geological structure. The application of "Calculation of the volume of earthworks" on the basis of information about the source (topographic) and project the surface topography provides a calculation of the numerical value of the volume of earthworks and automatic creation of excavation scheme. For a visual presentation of information about the geological structure of the terrain in GIS "Map 2008" applies a matrix of layers which provides building of a cross-section along any line and get the engineering-geological column at any point of the map. Installation of the Complex is available in the Download section.

  • 23.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed Complex of hydrological tasks
    "Complex of hydrological tasks " designed to assess the numerical performance of a given water-filling swimming pools with changing water levels rise, as well as for producing graphic papers of water-filling - matrices of depths, depth profiles, schedules change of numerical characteristics (square-filled area, the volume of water in a filled area, the ratio of to the area and others). The input data are vector maps with data on the topography (isobaths) region corresponding to the bottom of the basin under consideration. Modeling area can be given an area or a closed linear target vector map. In the process of modeling according to the vector map is created the bottom of the reservoir matrix is used to construct a set of matrices depths corresponding to the changing water levels rise. Then on a set of matrices obtained depths are calculated and stored in a database of numerical characteristics of the water-filling. Values of numerical characteristics when changing the level of recovery is used for charting and profiles of the basin, issued to the printer and stored in image formats. Complex of hydrological tasks is established as an applied task for GIS "Map 2008". Installation of the Complex is available at in the Download section.

  • 07.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed a new version of GIS "Panorama" version 9.17.1 for MSVS OS 3.0
    GIS Panorama version 9.17.1 (GIS "Map 2005") for OS MSVS 3.0 - a universal Geographic Information System, which has a means of creating and editing maps and thematic maps, perform measurements and calculations, construction of 3D models, graphic preparation of documents in electronic and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases. Running on a platform OS MSVS 3.0 (FLIR.80001-12, assembled in January 2008). The new version of GIS brings refined task "Graph of roads". Improved controls of graph construction. Improved user interface, added the names of the toolbars, program messages to the user are divided into groups: "Bugs", "Warnings", "Information" , "Questions". The new version of GIS "Map 2005" published on the website in the Download section.

  • 07.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed a new product - GIS "Operator" for military and policing branch of government
    GIS "Operator" is part of a common information space based on a unified format of representation of cartographic basis (SXF), created in Rosreestr and TS Armed Forces of Russia, a unified classification and coding system map information and a certified software. GIS Operator manages terrain maps, photographs and matrices based on the atlas of maps and creation of maps of the operational environment and exchange data with other systems, the construction of 3D models of terrain and operational environment, performance calculations on a map, route planning for road networks, build profiles, zones of visibility, flood zones, buffer zones, the implementation of overlay operations over groups of objects, connection to map databases to work together, building thematic maps, graphs, charts, reference documents, maps tie, mapping tables and text documents; dynamic connection map of Internet resources. The new version of the program will be presented at Interdepartmental scientific-practical conference "Trends and improved geographic information systems for military purposes", which will be held on Dec. 10, 2009 at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia. Program published on the website in Download section.

  • 07.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed and implemented an information-analytical systems fot hydrogeodeformation monitoring
    On the basis of its own data processing technology of environmental monitoring KB "Panorama" developed and implemented an information-analytical systems for hydrogeodeformation monitoring (IAS GGD). IAS GGD designed for the center of state monitoring subsurface (Center GMSN) Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia in accordance with the methods of the Center GMSN and VSEGINGEO. The attribute database is maintained by means of database HyTech (developed by "NIST" company, Russia). Cartographic database is a file storage and is supported by means of GIS Server 2008, which provide authorized access to the vector, matrix and raster data. In general, the monitoring technology involves the following steps: measuring indicators for monitoring, collecting information and consolidation of data processing of measurement results, assessing the current status of monitoring indicators and identification of terrain units, which exceeded the background values, comparing the manifestations of critical processes, phenomena or events with other indicators for monitoring and to identify patterns in the development process or phenomenon; forecast changes in the environment, generate reports and analytical notes.

  • 01.12.2009 KB "Panorama" developed a new product GIS ToolKit Office
    GIS ToolKit Office - a GIS-based tools to allow use of spatial data in office documents. GIS ToolKit Office consists of a set of COM objects and components ActiveX. Allows the use of all types of data produced in GIS "Map 2008", including those imported from other GIS exchange formats. Application of GIS ToolKit Office does not require programming by the fact that its membership includes a facility for interactive configuration of components (the current map display scale, view of the map, current location on the map, etc.). This approach, together with the ability to use the built-in programming allows you to create interactive electronic documents and office applications using the product Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage, Access, Visio, Outlook), Corel Draw, 1C, and any other applications that support COM - technology. Toolkit functions in the operating system Windows (2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7). Supplied with components' source code and examples of use. New version of the program is available at Download section.

  • 24.11.2009 KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Map 2008" version 10.6.1
    In the new version of GIS refined task of constructing thematic maps from database tables. In the Data tab the option to configure a connection to the database Paradox, MS SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC, OLE DB Provider is added. Refined task Atlas of maps. Changed interface of dialogue for work with map tree, raster and matrix, added support for project of maps (mpt) for quick transition between different projects, added information panel on the map in the map tree (Parameters). Refined task import data from DXF. Improved the display of symbols. The new version of GIS "Map 2008" is on the website in the Download section.

  • 20.11.2009 KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Panorama AGRO" version 2.3 - new opportunities in managing an agricultural enterprise
    Client-Server GIS "Panorama AGRO" is a component of integrated control technology in agricultural production, providing records management and analysis of agro-technical processes, accounting and analysis of agricultural equipment, support technology for precision farming and processing of GPS/GLONASS navigation data. The system is implemented and successfully used in the farms of Belgorod and Lipetsk Areas, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol and Ukraine. In the new version you can add an arbitrary number of fields to the task of mechanic. The calculation of work and fuel consumption is like for each field separately, and around the target. The introduction of the nomenclature and calculation of its consumption occurs for each field assignment separately. In connection with this refined Records "The actual work of mechanics", "The treated area", "Custom Report". Improved description of the sensors subsystem and recording them on the object. Can check any number of sensors on the object. Added handling of data from the sensor of the ignition, the sensor of the equipment, load sensor, the sensor of the screw. Added ability to import data from Shape and KML formats. Ability to transition to a satellite image of this point on the map through Google Earth and "". Refined the graphics subsystem. Finalized documentation and help system. New version of the program is available at Download section.

  • 19.11.2009 Monitoring of cancer children and adolescents will be carried out using GIS
    CJSC KB "Panorama" delivered GIS "Map 2008" and GIS ToolKit to Republican Scientific Practical Center of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology of the Republic of Belarus. GIS will be used to develop a set of building and displaying clusters of malignant tumors in children and adolescents.

  • 16.11.2009 KB "Panorama" released a new version of GIS WebServer 2.6 x64
    Application is designed to develop geoportals for different purposes, the publication on the Internet/Intranet of electronic maps, remote sensing data and information from databases. The new version of GIS WebServer x64 supplemented with web map service WMS OGC - GIS WebService. Using the WMS OGC standard GIS WebServer provides a common international protocol for search, exchange and use of geospatial data in various GIS. Service is implemented in accordance with the specification of the interface "OGC Web Map Service Interface" - OGC 03-109r1. Updated library of GIS core. Expanded communication protocol of GIS WebServer with external applications via HTTP-request command. New version is in the Download section of our site.

  • 13.11.2009 Completed delivery of GIS products to educational institutions of Russia, Ukraine and Greece
    In the third quarter of 2009 KB "Panorama" delivered GIS products to educational institutions of Russia, Ukraine and Greece. The following universities of Russia were transferred to "Panorama" software packages: Military Aviation Engineering University, the Defense Ministry (Voronezh), Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy (St. Petersburg), GOU VPO "Ural State Forestry University (Ekaterinburg) , Russia State Agrarian University Timiryazev (Moscow), Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Irkutsk), Combined Military Academy of the Armed Forces of Russia (Moscow). In addition, suites were transferred to Volyn National University by name of Lesia Ukrainka (Lutsk, Ukraine) and National Technical University of Athens (Greece).
    Thus, the number of educational institutions using the software KB "Panorama" in the educational process is 97. The main product, supplied to educational institutions, is GIS "Map 2008".

  • 12.11.2009 KB "Panorama" will perform software development for the GLONASS receivers
    CJSC KB "Panorama" to fulfill the development of special software of the navigation system GLONASS user equipment for displaying the navigation situation, solving the routing and orientation. Development of hardware and system software perform Federal State Unitary Enterprise Production Association "Ural Optical and Mechanical Plan?" and JSC "RIRV".
    Special software is based on the use of digital navigation maps and plans of cities, created during the FTP GLONASS. CJSC KB "Panorama" is the developer of the requirements for digital navigation maps and digital navigation plans of cities and development technologies.

  • 10.11.2009 Between KB "PANORAMA" Military training and scientific center of the Army, Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of Russia, signed a cooperation agreement
    Between KB "PANORAMA" Military training and scientific center of the Army, Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of Russia, signed a cooperation agreement. The Parties have agreed to joint cooperation in areas: implementation of action research, the application of GIS in government troops, the use of GIS in education, exchange of information in the preparation of an associate and competitors, the preparation and publication of joint articles and presentations at scientific and technical conferences.

  • 09.11.2009 Results of the seminar "Modern GIS technology in Kharkov"
    On October 29th, 2009 NPP "Navigation and Geodetic Center" company and JSC "GISINFO" (Ukrainian partner of KB "Panorama") held a seminar on "Modern GIS technology in Kharkov ". Representatives of over 30 organizations and enterprises of Kharkov participated in the seminar: employees of the state administration, managers and specialists of design institutes, geodetic and utilities of the city, private entrepreneurs. During the seminar, participants were presented with presentations "Network of reference GPS-stations of the Kharkov region", dedicated to the creation of a single coordinate support of surveying and "3D Kharkov"- a three-dimensional modeling of urban areas in Kharkov, which the JSC "GISINFO" is working on. Also participants were presented with opportunities of terrestrial laser scanning, Web-mapping, usage of remote sensing of the earth, novelties in KB "Panorama" software. A detailed report on the seminar (in Russian) can be found at the "Panorama-Kharkov" site in the section "Activities".

  • 06.11.2009 Company "GISINFO" conducted a supply of "Panorama" software to create a municipal GIS of Lutsk city
    October 6-7, 2009 in Lutsk hosted the International Investment Forum dedicated to the use of information technology in the management of the city. Company "GISINFO" conducted a supply to Lutsk City Council of "Panorama" software packages needed to create a fully functional municipal GIS (GIS "Map 2008", Municipal GIS "Earth and Realty", GIS Server 2008, GIS WebServer, etc.) and conducted training to work with it.
    In addition, software packages for 10 workplaces of the GIS "Map 2008" with additional modules - "Complex of geodetic calculations" and "Complex of maps preparation to print" - were given to the Volyn National University by name of Lesia Ukrainka for training students on a speciality "Geodesy, cartography and land management". This is the 22-nd university in Ukraine, in which GIS technology "Panorama" introduced in the training of students.

  • 23.07.2009 KB "Panorama" developed a new version of GIS ToolKit 10.4.0 for Code Gear 2009
    Means for development of GIS applications GIS ToolKit - a set of visual components and classes for creating applications in a visual programming environment of Delphi and C++ Builder and a base for GIS ToolKit Active, employed in the Visual Studio. In the new version revised implementation of the components for compatibility with the new application development environment Code Gear 2009, updated libraries of GIS-kernel. New version is available in Download section.

  • 16.06.2009 KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Panorama Mobile" version 3.1
    GIS Panorama Mobile - program for navigation on vector and raster maps and matrixes of heights in the format of GIS Map 2008 (Panorama) under OS Windows Mobile. Provides a record of the road traffic, the search for objects, viewing and editing semantic characteristics, the definition of the coordinates of arbitrary points, the definition of length and azimuth line drawing of the map, changing the composition of the displayed data and other operations. Source code of application available in GIS ToolKit for Pocket PC (in ?# for Windows Mobile). The new version of the program and documentation are available on the website in Download section.

  • 08.05.2009 New GIS Map 2008 ver. 10.4.0 is out now
    The new version of the GIS brings updated set of geodetic measurements to improve the automation of the formation of land records. Improved task Graf roads. Added mode to the formation of the prohibitions of turns and turn in a table crossings at intersections. Find the shortest route is done in view of traffic at intersections. The order of priority roads shown in the graph of a new presentation. Updated classifiers for digital navigation maps and plans of cities, caused by the GLONASS program. Refined task GPS/GNSS monitor, map legend, coordinate construction of the network, the import of format TIFF. Improved support for marine navigation maps S57. Added possibility of opening a Project data from GIS Server 2008, which includes a list of maps, rasters and matrixes. A new task for automated translate of digital maps of classifiers in different languages (localization) is added. New version is available in Download section of our site.

  • 13.03.2009 A program for automatic creation of local coordinate systems is available now
    In GIS Map 2008 version 10.3.1 a new task for the automated creation of local coordinate systems in accordance with the requirements of the Ordinance by Russian Fegeration Government of 3.03.2007 ? 139 and GOST R 51794-2001. Improved task "Import GPS-coordinates in NMEA0183 format". Added processing of messages from GPS-receivers of the GLONASS system and shared system GLONASS+GPS. The new version, available in English and Russian, are in Download section of our site.

  • 24.02.2009 New GIS Map 2008 ver. 10.3.0 is out now
    In the new version of GIS added new tool - Graf of roads. The task adds automated create, edit and search for routes on roads net. Editing tools of road graph are intended to add nodes and arcs of the graph, to refine the graph in multi-junctions and the formation of the prohibitions of turns. Minimum routes are defined between two nodes or between a set of nodes. New tasks - import and export maps in vector format for KML, Prediction of oil spill disaster zone, report Classifier (RSC) into Word format. Added a new property of displaying vector maps - transparency. Refined task Navigator 3D and Construction signatures on the semantics of objects. Updated classifiers for digital navigation maps and plans of cities, caused by the GLONASS program. New version is available in Download section of our site.

  • 23.01.2009 Update on the site: Localized English version of GIS Map 2008, new prezentation in English
    Fully localized English version of GIS Map 2008 version 10.2.2 is available now in Download section.
    Also new presentation in English - Technology of creating digital large-scale topographical maps and plans of cities - is available in a brand new section of our site: Presentations. We plan to expand this section in a near future. Stay tuned!

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