GIS "Panorama"

Complex of analysis of multispectral images

Complex of analysis of multispectral images is intended for controlling the displaying the channels of multispectral image and for calculation of statistics by channels.

Complex of analysis of multispectral images

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Multispectral images are processed in GeoTIFF format files without additional conversion to an internal RSW format. GeoTIFF files must contain tags with parameters of the projection and the image coordinate system (EPSG code) and the coordinates of the binding to the terrain. Images can contain any number of channels, the description of one channel may take up to 16 bits per pixel.

Multispectral images can be displayed in two modes:

  • • RGB mode;
  • • Vegetation index.

Complex of analysis of multispectral images

In RGB mode it is necessary to specify numbers of the channels corresponding to the blue, green and red colors. Numbers of channels are indicated by the camera manufacturer. Sometimes it is useful to choose another combination of channels to highlight the desired characteristics in the images. You can disable one of the channels by selecting "No" in the list of available channels. The image with the current settings in the RGB mode can be saved into RSW format file with a color depth of 24 bits (8 bits per 3 channels).

Vegetation Index - is a measure which is calculated by the values of brightness in different spectral ranges characterising a state of vegetation. Usually for a vegetation estimation the red and infra-red channels are used, by reason of singularities of light's reflexion by a chlorophyll in these ranges. The calculated index is displayed by color from the palette. It is possible to use the predefined grey or color palette, or to download it from files of RSW format (terrain images) or MTQ (matrixes of qualities). The image in the mode of a vegetation index with the chosen palette can be saved into a matrix of qualities MTQ.

In addition to an estimation of vegetative activity of vegetation a display of vegetation indexes with precustomized palette allows to improve interpretive properties of multispectral images. For customizing a palette of displaying there is used the fact, that various types of a surface have different values of a vegetation index. The standard color palette of dialog of managing the channels displaying is customized for display of a vegetation index NDVI so that to distinguish objects of four types - vegetation, soil, snow, water. For performing a research of certain materials and types of underlying surface it is possible to change a palette of displaying an index. In this case it is possible to detect on the image the objects invisible in RGB or in the combined mode of displaying.

Complex of analysis of multispectral images Complex of analysis of multispectral images

Dialog "Controlling a displaying of channels by histogram" is intended for improvement of quality of the image of multispectral images. Enhancement of the image's quality is achieved by increasing the contrast and fine-tuning the brightness of visible channels. The increase in contrast is due to the stretching the range of colors actually presented on the raster onto the entire range of colors displayed by the monitor. Changing the brightness is achieved by using at displaying the nonlinear transformation of color's intensity - gamma correction.

To define what part of the colors range can be stretched onto the entire visible range with a minimum loss of information, the histogram of distribution of brightness on visible channels is shown. To increase the contrast, it is necessary to set the extreme sliders on the edges of histogram spikes. The smaller distance between the extreme sliders will be, the greater will be the contrast.

Complex of analysis of multispectral images Complex of analysis of multispectral images

Changing the position of the average slider it is possible to change the brightness of a raster in addition to the contrast.

Complex of analysis of multispectral images Complex of analysis of multispectral images

To avoid color's distortion a changing the sliders position for all visible channels occurs simultaneously. If you disable the checkmark linking the channels, then you can change the contrast and brightness of each channel separately. In this case, you can achieve even greater increase of contrast.

Complex of analysis of multispectral images

To perform a statistical analysis of multispectral image, use the dialogs "Spectral properties of pictures" and "Brightness histogram of channels".

Complex of analysis of multispectral images Complex of analysis of multispectral images